MEDFORD MATTJ TRTBUNT3, OTDTORIToiFkoON t'i. U niTOcm? XIII III W 1U UliJUdb db k I . It s4Hbb. Jk-v k JSaaW 13 lti'iiniiiH Clinntiir (). 10. H. Iintil iimiiiiiiiiiiiii or iirrimiM m tlm imino luill WoiliittMilny oviiiiliiK of (IiIh wimiIc. Tlm ontlru inttiiliiir of offlcei wain Imtliilt...! tilth II... I .I-- "'"""" ".' """.1 ,, , ' ""i'"" i -'. UnilllM I'hhm, UlCKOII, Mx n.iin.r wno in oih or iiiwii rur wu.'iil, Kiln S If lrmiiii, tiiii iiiiimi worli of tlm "VuiiImk wiih follow ml liy nn liifornuil mokIiiI hour when iIiiiipIiik iiikI i-nnlN wot (i I'lijoyi'd. A iiiiinlior of i'ii mhihIiIu KiilnctloiiH worn kIvOii liy Mm. DiiililyMiiiuii, Mis inillor, Mr. Ural ny mill Mr. Otioiliilu of llm .MimIioiiI Uoni'iirl orrlitwlw. lCfriliiniitN or fruit hiiIiiiI, mmiiiIwIi'Iiiw, Ico iMciim llllll INlltll WHIM NlirVDll. I'oIIiiwIiik wiih IIik riiiiiinltti'e: Mih. (Dunn IV liihili, I'liiilriiiiuii Mr. mill Mm. II, . (Iiirn, Dr. Mini Mm. Klii-rl, MIhh IIIIii (Ihiiii)iiw, Mr. itinl Mm. Iltir lililgu. Mm. John furl, Mr. mill Mm. l.'ntllii, Mm. Mmnlo ItlililNi. MrH. Miiry II. Orr, MIm I.iiihiik Itowntl mill Mm, MltmliiK. ... Tint nititnliirs of tint MlMtloiiiiry Honluiy of itio l'ri'li)tnrlmi church' unit nt IIih hoHiii of Mm, II. (1. Wort mini on Oitkilulo uvHiiiU) Hoiilh 'I'm iliiy tifliiniiiiiii. About flftni'ii Iml Ins worn (invent. Thu ilotutloiinl lutwlw wnm l liy Mm. K. N. H'lirnitr, thu tnmliiKM sumIoii liy tlm lirmliltmt Mm. Tec. Tim outline I 1'ilrwloiinry ironrtttn win Hum kv"i iimlnr tlm limlnmlili of Mr. lln (tow, tlm HiiliJiTt for tlm iiftvriionn lit liiK "Tint AwHtdinliiK "f linllii." Khv itii I Instructive nml well iiroimrml papers worn nmil followil liy it um onil iIInoiiiwIoii. At the t'ltMii of Dm iiii'tilliiK Mm. Worlinmi Morntl Unlit rHfrMhHiHNtn. .. . A iry iNtortwtlMH InctHrn Mill l hUhii at tho CHriiHKin illirary imt I'rlility n(tnrniMn timlHr l ho ittmpto" of llm WnlilnKUiHltotMnitlt Clrelo of 111 n I'nroHt-Tmrhom lUMHirlatltm by Mm. I. it llnriH of I'ortlMHil who linn nil u run of the Mhnk(vtrtMH iliipntl lriMt of thn MOMHtn' rlilU,of that irfiy. Mm. Loltitrrn U tmirlitK tlm itUittt of Orgon mi rotiiii to C'ullfor iiln. lltr HUbJwil fur KrlilHy Hftnr imoti will tot itMnitiHrl Utr, hor tilth Will, ItOHHVor. ln of holii II Ait lMlrl lo mothers onrlnlly. Tho luillw of thu OrmtHr Mmlforit clult. VttmM4ny Hlutly fluh Mini In furl, nil liitrwtt! ri curtJlJlly Invito) to ho tiritaitHL Imiil IiimIiiIIiiIioii of (I. A. I(, mill II. (' on WVilnoiilii.v i-U'lillitf. Inn. H, HUM. Tin- oITIiti of Urn V. If. ('. u r.' iiiHlnllnl hy Mnry '- Ilililri'tli of IiiIIiiwh; xi'lliiir tli'it iii'lili'iil, Kililli Itriiilliiilyi Jiitiini icii prolili'iid Mnry Ifoni'lii'iry; i'liiiiliiin, llnnli'l I 'mil; hci'ii-litiy, I'lili'lln WiioiU; lnn.iii'i'r. IHixiiliilli Ciilici,i'(Miiliii'ir, Knriili AihIiiin; n-l-lniil I'oiiilni'lor, l.i'im ItoKi'lii'trvi KHHI'll, .MllllIlM I'tlllj lllllxicillll, Mlllllll' Uiiiii'iIiiiiiii; I'lilor lirun'if, No. 1, .Meln Milliiili'l No. '.', liln Ki'iiiioilliy; No. It, Itm'lii'l Kin.voiii No. I, Ainmiiln Amli'inoii; iMliinliii in-liiifliir, Snnili Atiiliiiit; iiii'im i'oiiriiiiiili'ii(, I'ilin liilli Knlili'r. A Hit nmliilliilinii tin' limiiiiol loom wit thrown opfii nml li'fiiliim'iiU wi'if nun imI liv lln' wiiii iiillli'i' nn I'iiIIewh: Cliiiiiiiimi. liln K'hiihuiIIiv, Ktlith Itrmlhnrv, Snnili AihIiii. riili'lln W'ihmIh Hint KmcIii'I KhiMHi, Mflcr wliii'h n mm'IhI Imiir wn Mii'iit nml nil ii'Hirli'i to lln'ir Ikhiii'd rIiiiI iIh'v vi'i llii'ii'. Tlm (lii'itter Mi'illonl iluli will xi ll niciilNr iHonlhlv I'linl nml thhiililo IhiiIv .Mmiilwy, .Inn. I. 'I, nt llnti'l .Mill fiinl, Im-jjImiiIiik nt '.' oYlurk. Mm. I''. V. Ilollin II (llllilllimi oT till' l'0. inittri' in rlmrui' ! nii"ilri! hv .Mi'-.!mni- I'.. V. (V.ifiii, If. M. Hvnl. V. M., ('. I. lliiMii-mi. Ilnrl IIhiim'ui. It. A. Il'iliii". IMwhmI lino- lev, l'lulii IUmH, .1. A. Ilimev. IMttnr llHler. tliHH. IMin. V. P. Immiiwi. lvl hIh .Inttni'v hihI Mi lliililmnl. Tlm Imliwi Im re ilinifil m il"Hnt nfter mih.h Mini i'l"inl m winliNl intllHlinii to the Imlimt of Mwlfonl ami tile vl ly to Hllniil. .Mm. Jap Anilrcwn oMtHrtnlnml with four ImWIim nt-Aiifltlnn llrlilne for Imr iilwio. MIm Itntli Aiiilniwu. wIhi li hur KUtwl for n hurt (linn, nt tba AmlrH hunt oh ontli Ornnun Mtrettt 'Mmmduy HflerHiHiii. Tlm flmt (trljti wm wiih by MIm Union Duhl. th niHmnil by MIm Jchii Morton nml own) la tin n by MIm Allctt HtretiU. Mm. Ainlmw' mikwU wem Mlwnw ItNth Mttrrleh. Alothn IC-mrleh, lluwl llnyurt. Idllth nh, Allro Klr.iott.. IrfiNnt Trlrhlr, .lean tlortoii. Union Ihihl, IImh ICcHlHor. IUh In KnntHur. Kuril Hutchison, HiiimI lml; Mint, ilmmw Irn J. I)ihIb, Jt. J. KiuHrlrk. WIihIiIhh lllilillt nml ltal.h Until- till. Tlm milium' u onion of Mmlfonl KKVtt nnollmr of llmtr ilnllitlitful IhiiuIkioiin hi tlm llolnl Mmlfonl thin nltiirnunii ilnrtiiK which mi orKiinUa tit i it tiia of fiK'tmt nml olflrem eleoloit. Thin KOi'lety U u ni'iuiraln orKanlrn lion from tlm I'an llllnnlo umooIii lion width U (S)iniOHml of collnno frnternlty womun only. MiioIIiikh ii ro Imiil nvnry other .S-itnriliiy with n eorliil tiinohtfon imirIi month. A coimlliiK party nnJoeil n nport tthlnli U ilerlildilly novel In Kintthern On'Kiin, WeilnuMilny evtmliiK. Noli Hill wiih ntllUeil In n MiitUfuctory iiiiiiinur. Thimii In the party were: .lomi HiiiIko, 1'iaiiri'H York, Ituth Win nor, Katlmr Wurnvr, Curtur llrmiilon, I.loyil Wlllliimnon, Cliurli'n Itay, Hlnwnrt Torimy, I'mniun Hun uutt nml Minn Klorn (Irny. . . . Tlm UhryHitiithunniiii Circle, Wo limn of Woodcraft will linvn limtalla tlon of offlcnrH, Inltliitlon nml n liun- ipiut nt thu IoiIko hnlt next Timmlay (ivmiliiK. Mm. John ltullhiKor In ohiilrmmi of thu coinnilttuo for that evmilim'. Klllht youiiK IiiiIIuh wiuo (umstn of MIhh (lonnvliivo Woitmiiii Hatunluy iiftiirnnon when MIhh Woi'tmnti outer tulni'il with mi Informal thlmhlo imrly. A number of Hitmen wurn nUo phiytHl mul rtifrcHlinunitH Hiirvml, ( Minn Kelly anil MIhh DeVoro huvo liitiirniMl from Hmt KrtuicUrn whore they Hpnnt the liolliluyH with MIhb UeVoro'ri mother mul HUtnr. Mm, K, llDiimil of Kl Piiko, Tonus, In Hpeiiillnt; thu winter with her hIh- tiit'i .Mih, Hun (InriK'tt. l'M'hontit Coiiiifil unit lii,lHy evMiinic f"f lbt ri'twliir inonlhly mm-ikI nml m verr ptvuMnt tiw ciimiwI, Aftr llie opttiinir i-xerfliMtn, h pro ttrnm mid kIph. Ahmmir llw limit Imm m vhciU iluet" liy .Mm. I Inertia ami Ml ,Mill; hilm MlwtiiHi 1 Minn AilHn I'erl. MTmuitiii'tl liy Mi StionltM, nml Mr. llNimnonil, plmni mimlmni liv .Mr. Silliotnn, nml rofitntioiiH hy muhi of lh little folk". An elitliiiinte hiniiiiiet hh follow ih! liy ilmiciiiB. 'ilie iHinimitti'i' fur it freMiim'titN iiiclinlwl Mm. (Innlner, Mm. HnorlUi itml. Ilfr! I'wk. The fliililtm I. Ink Smiiliiy school i-lnM of tlm ItHptUl iliiirch w'll meet Ml the ri'Kiilnr Hiimlay mIioiiI hour. M:t6 Hniiilny, January IS. ThU cla I coniHfx! of yotiiiK married women. All who aro not ntlcndliiK Hunilay Hthool oliowlmro nut ronllally Invlloil to atteiiit thin clam. There It h cradle roll iltjimrtineiit for tnkliiK rare of tlm habltM. Mm. C. It. ViiuiiK U tnacimr of the claim and Dr. Kvu Main I'nrlow, pronlilmit. Mm. I.t llarro, liutruetor In the Khnhw.iHiue club of Portland nml klHlt t'orrimiMinilunl of thn Child' Wolfnrt .Manlim will arrhe In the flly from (Sraiitn Paw next I'rlday. Mm. I.o Ihure mII In u kuihiI of Mm I". (I. Amlriiw. vlct"ireddont f the WnihltiKton Circle, nt tlm Hotel Holland ilurliiK lior Ktay lit Med ford. The ladlen mtxlllhiry of TnllNiiimi Tom pie Nn. IU, KulghtM of I'jtlilan, will hold tlmlr monthly aorlal next Wediienday evening I'oIIowIiik Ii thn ceinmlttee: MIm Mary llnnwell, Mr. mul Mm. J. A. I'erry, Mr. anil Mm. W. W. Hlfitrt. Mr. and Mm. (lodlovo. Mr. II. II llaiuwll, Harry l.liiK ami Mm. I'rmik luaaus. MImi loan liynn was IiohIchk to n few frlemU nl hor home Wednesday afternoon. Mimical lniirnmtitH hy MIhh lne Coffin, MIhh Mlkuho mul Minn liynn wero nnjoyed, after which tlm lioHtenH Introduced u iiiinihor of old-time Katun iih a novolty. Croiuuml oyxlorH, pIckuH, coffee mul rako were nerved. Mr. mul Mm. A. I.. Slovur enter tained a few friends nt dinner WeiluoHilay iivoiiIiik at tlmlr homo at an:t North Holly atroet. Thn iIIiiIiik room deciiratlona wero toil carna tloim. (IneHtH iireMiiut wero MrH. Caroline llelllugor, Mm. Mildred llaruaril, Mr. mul Mia. Wilbur Cart wrlKht. Mm. Willnir (Jiirtwrlht was hoBt ohh at u thlmbln party at Imr home WeilueMilay nfturuoou. A two eourue liiiuihoou wiih Herved, .(iHtttn In cluiled MIhh KlUnbeth lllackford mul .MendamoH Hiiinmervllle, HuIwIk. Hlovor, Carollno llollliiKer, Clay, Mull Iiir, Smith, KImk mul McDrUlu, . Mr. mul Mrs. J. K, Wutt have had nH their K'umt, Mr, I'otor Haley of DttvllH Lake, N. 1). Mr. Hiiloy nr tivoil Hatttrdny morning leavhtK Wuiliumilay for ,oa AiikoIuu whurn I,.. ..Ill u. ,.,,., I 11... I. .,.,.. II' .1111 P.llll III' tllllll'l, CoIIowIiik In (Im milijevl mul prn Krniil for Hut next ineutliiK of tlm Wmliioxiliiy Htuily club wlillh on urn tlm afternoon of the I nth: Mmirlm Mnolo) Dixie, Moulin Vmilia HloKraphy of AutliurOulllim of Play, Mm, Vnwtor. Ih II pohkIIiIo to JiiHtlfy thn iikoiI Murco'a Influence ovor Molina Vaiina? Mm. Mundy, Wan Vmiiin nuiriily thu iilaythliiK of Iri'ciiUtlblii fniTi'K, or If not, what wiih her iilteriintlvo? Mm, Tiittle, la vlrture nuint noblo thnn llm prhuipln upon which Viiniia nclod? Mm. Itoot. DlhcuMlou, (,'luli, MIhm lioreiico HiikuIiIkk enter mined tho iiu'iubem of the Annum cIiihh of thn Klmt Itaptlut rhttrvh of C Ii Ih city at her homo on' North Pencil hlti'i't i'liemlny evcnlim. About thir ty wero preMiiit luiiitillui; thn teach er, Mm. Alki'iiM, A number of ordinal coiiteMtn mul i-aiiien worn niiliiyed, iiIho n few mimical nelertloiiH. Dainty refrenb iimiilH wero nerved. DurliiK tlm ovenliiK iilaiiH of tho claim for thn coiiiIiik jiMir wero OlKcuiweil hy MIm Cutlmiliio Meam, pntilili'iil. Timtiiliiy i'veiiliiK Mr. mul Mm. K, II. (Irahniii Invited a few frlenilH to meet MIhh Harriett Allen, formerly of IIIIiioIm, now of ItokohurK, Ore. "I'lvn huuilri'd" waH thu K.'iine until mldnlKht, then refreMimentH wero milmtltulitil. ThoKu Invited wuro Mr. mul Mm. M. A. Under, MrH. Tun mil, Mr. and Mm. W. 0. Davldcon, Prof, anil Mrn. Ilowmuu, Mr. Tiimmll, MM Lucille Itader and MIhh Mary David- Mill. Mrn. M. K. Hmltli Invited n num ber of frlenilH to bur home on Went Ton Hi Htrcrt Tucnilay evrnliu: for n few rubtiom of Itoyal Auction llrldKo. After the hmt Kiime oHter pnttliHt, HUUilwlchoH, pickle, ollvi'H, of fen and inliitH worn nerved. TIioho en jo)liiK Mm. Hmlth'H hoiltallty were MIm Laura Trelcbler, MrH. J. L. Itoot, Mr. (Jeoruo Trelchler. Mwm. mul MomlmiuHi. C. M. KiirIUIi. K. (I. Itlddoll, Jack Htewnrt. II. N. Moo. Tho thret? IohIiik coupleti of tho Fri day KvenliiK Itrldc.e club paid off all woroit to the vIctorloiiH ouen lait eveiilni: with n novi'ii o'clock tur key illnner Klven at tho homo of Mr. and Mm. (Sua Newberry on Kouth Mlntletoe ntret by Mr and Mm. Now. berry, Mr. mul Mm. Antlo, Mr. and Mm. McCowau. Thulr KUiMita were Mr. mul Mm. Jack Htowart, Mr. ami Mm. John llnriiohuri;. Dr. mul Mm. II. P. lUrKravc. Tho C. W. II. M. of tlm limt ChrUtlati church met at tho homo of Mm. Prank IlurKitmi W'cdtuMiday af ternoon with nit nltondunco of fiftwjit. Mrn. I'llen Hunter of Portland met with thn IndleH for tho purpono of orKHiiUliiR a club for Klrlit of twelve ywim and over. ItefrrnhmentH wero nerved after thu bimluem hewnlou. ItoKular meotluKH of thn different oIicIoh of tho Paront-Toachem' aiwo clatlon of thU city have boon Itulc (Inltoly postponed owing to tho iion- roasKomhlauoc of tho city kcIiooI olawioti. Mr. and Mm. John Perl wore hunt and himtnm at an elaborate dinner party given nt tlmlr homo I ant Wednesday. Tlm guoMa which In eluded out-of-town people, numbered twoho. Mm. It. 1". Autlo wan luiHttMH to tint Timtnlay Aflurnoou Ilrldgo club this week. 1'lrnt prlro wna wou by Mm. Jack Stowart who received u haiuUomu gold photo frame. Mr ami Mm. Albert Drown re turned to Med ford Wednesday after Hovoral weekK' Ntay at Tho Dalles, Oregon, where Mr. Ilrowu had bust nen IntorvHtH. .Mm. II. I). MneNuuglitoii i-, n gue-.t of her niter Mm. Fnnl Cuunnings for ii couple of week. I'ltroule to Oakland, t'al., wiiero she will other relnllvo, Tho Medford Concert Orchontra will moot for roheamal next Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock at thu Mud- ford high nchool assembly room. Mm, Myrton J, Kmorlck outer tallied informally with wto tallica of Ilrldgo nt bur homo Wednesday af ternoon. 'Mm. Leon llauktua mul children mo at home after an extended visit at Herkuley, Mm. Ilatikliia' former homo. a MIhh Mayinu Deuel Ioiivch tomorrow for Hurkoloy, Cal., whore alio will en ter thu University of California, Tito Medford choral society will hold Kh next rehearsal on Tuesday owning. MoBtlaiiiOH C. V. Conkltn and J. W. I'eltou Hient Tuesday nt Jacksonville. Mr. ami Mrs. Cleorgo Hoffman hnvo returned from Portland, Mikh Fiuunhurv iif-mlnl by Mihh ICcllcv nml .Mm, Had dwell inlcitmu oil llm "t'ualiii Clooi'limiui club" Fn iliiy evening nt her liomu on I'orlliiinl nvciiue, A large number of tin "(ioncb iiiuiiV cnjoyi'il Mi Liiuimbur.v'M lioHpilullly, The bcmitiful borne wiih wiiimi nml bright wiih large wood firoii In op'ii ginti'M, llccornlioiiH of red ijiinmtioiiM, while niirciMHn mul foniM, One eoubl to'iireely iuing iim the miow nml ice of whiter thnt prevnibil oiituble. A I lent liorl.bui iichh kimmIoii nt nbieb they greeted nix new tnmnbem, the club uiljnurueil to ilevote tin; evening to giuiiex nml HUciul gooil nbeer. While piirtiiking of ibiiuly refrwih niciiln thu fnle of the fiiiuliiliili' fur elly mnyor wna ilijHneil of iim fur hk ii Hlntw vole of thoxe primeut wna eoneoriicil. The live kuiuIuIiiIi'm lined up for the niee, Ku electioueeHtig wiih nl lowi'd nenr the ifratul (anil. Af'ltir two or tluce (nle HtrtH, the gong h'miimIciI mul the grent race wm nn. .Mltebell hliownl gnml nM'fil fnun MtiirL lo fluiah, winning by n good btiglh; with flnii-H h xeenml nml omwilitig .Mltebell m the limt ipmr ler. Kifert xtiirleil well but bmt out in the taut half. Iteler hIihwhiI aHul "leil, but boiiig llm only will, nml in the inffliicy of In- tmuiing enme in Ibilil. Wutt went to piece', mul whh elenrlv ilintmiecil m the beirinnintr of llm nice. Twelve o'nlock fiiiiml tho "(Mooch iiiiiiw" Miyhig go.ul night, mul voting the evening n intt delightful one, long to be rt'iiiMiibercil hv llme that were foltiinute enough lo be prcenl. Tho HutiKet club, composed of lad Ion, most of whom ri-aldu In the went fiuit IiIIIr aiTtlon of tho valley, tucptH every other Thumday nflcrnoon for llm purpono of mutual Instruction on different HiibJertM. This winter tlm hullo aro taking up the study of the drama. Among tho inoinbom are: MoHilanieH Itobort L. WlVon. .Inl ine r, llraoklnreed, offe, J. C. Her rlug, TiHilalo. Stratum, Itiindolph Manning, J. V. MaeClHtrhlo, John F. Itoot, Traey. MIm Mildred llrown of iIiIh city Iiiih been appointed aitnlMant librarian at the Caniogln library by the members of thu library board. .MIm llrown has boon Htudylng thu work for some time under MIm Itoblnnon, bead li brarian, and Is excellently qualified for thu work. The largo Increase In the library work uccoHoitnted thin ac tion, Mr It. W. Hitchcock ban returned from Portland where Im spent the holidays with Mr Will Anderson, for merly of Medford. Mm. Oeorge Itobort tins left for Cincinnati where she will visit her parent for an Indefinite period. Tho Indlo of the M 13, church Hotith, will aervw a chicken pin hup por thlH evening In the church base ment, corner of Main and Oakdnle Mr. and Mm. Jam oh Herring of Valley View orchard aro In tho city for n few dajH, Mi Laura Nouher of ,fncknorivlllo apoiit Thumday flth Medford frlenda. Mr, and Mm, spent Moudny In II. A. (Jray, tho city. MIhh Kate Ingrnham of Cold (pent Kuiiday In HiU city. Jr., Hill Dr. It. C. Conroy ha loft for IIH iioIh to visit Ills mother. Mm. J, W. Holm Hpunt Thursday at Anhlauil. TO CllltB A COLD IN ONI! D.W. Take LAXATIVH ItltOMO Qulnlno Tableta. DrugglstH refund money If It fall to cure. K. W. OIIOVK'S nig nature Ih on each box. 2". cents. How About That New Year s Resolution? Is If, broken op is il still in working order? Our resolve to eonlimic selling nothing hut the best groceries, bakery goods, fruits, flour, etc., at lowest prices cannot he shaken. ALLEN GROCERY CO. South Central. Medford, Ore. J MU Japanese Store Closing Out Sale 20 Off on All Goods West Main St. Next to Hotol Medford Are Von Affllclei: Willi I'llra? Thl disease, whether acute or chronic, la oaslly and rapidly over come by using Merltot Pile Itemcdy. (Slvoa positive and permanent relief when alla others fall, and wo heartily recommend It to any sufferer. Ilai kins' Drug Store. voice $&J$ Every woman' heart respondi to the charm and sweetness of a baby' rolce, because naturo Intended her for motherhood. Dut ercn the loving nature of a mother shrinks from tho ordeal of suffering and danger. Wom en who use Mother's Krlond aro saved much discomfort and their systems tiro In n healthy condition to meet tho time with tho leant jKjjslblo danger. Mother's Krlend Is recommended only for tho relief and comfort of exixsct nnt mothers, and Its many years of uuccosH, and the thousands of endorse ments received from women who have used It are a guarantee of tho benefit to bo derived from Its use. Mother's Friend allays nnusta, pre vents caking of 4 - 4 tbo breasts, and IHnTlllPii In every way XVi.V contributes to !Tlrtt'Bflil strong, healthy iXm ' motherhood. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our freo book for expectant mothers. BRADFtELD REGULATOR CO., AtluU, C FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH T?ADC MARK Wo want you to try one of themi preparations on mendatlon upon our positive and absoluto guarantee. our rvcom- .MI.'ltlTOL IIAIIt TO.VIC, .Mi:itlT()L PII.K ItKMKDV, .MKHITOL TONIC IIHHMTIVK, MKItnHi KCKMA IthLMKDV, .MHItlTOL IIIOOD PUItlKIKI .MKItlTOL WIIITK MNIIKT, MLIttTOL Itlli:OLTIHM ItH.MKDV. They arc mado for us; wo know vrhat each contains and wo know they havo no superior. They nro mado by tho American Drug & Press Association of which wo are part owners, and wo place tho reputation of our store behind thorn. If they wore not right thu very best to bo had we would not want you to try them. sin: tiii: .MKui-roii toilet mm:. HASKINS' DRUG STORE Kxclnslvo Agents In Medford gniiifnibi ilHfilV- BeSt located and most popular hotel in the City. Running distilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 1Z rooms - - - GO room .... SO rooms . . . 60 rooms poulf kill SO rooms ita pmilt silk $1.00 1.S0 each 2.00 ech 2.00 each 2.S0 each 30 suites, brdroom. Dr- lor and bath - 3.00 each For more thn onoguetdd 51.00 extra to the above rates for ( each additional guest. Reduction by week 01 month, i Manottmtnt CA(r IV. Ktltey 1 l-lliff.if TT.TtJflMiMl SM,K1 Against Against Jr Substitutes Imitations GctthcWclI-Known Round Package AUTION Em 313 I?" . m& :j e; M'tW- aii For the Modern Baby Bunting Daddy doesn't go out to hunt for rabbit skins to keep the baby warm. He is less romanlic. but more practical. He buys a PERFECTION iJV Smokeless l and all during the cold Fall and Winter months his house is kept warm and cozy for his wife and babies. A Perfection Oil Henter is Almost indiipen. b!e when there are children in the home. i'er.y home has uses for it. MJt iWfi ntckiil trimming; plain tttil r tnamtUJ. uro. drum: Ornamtntal. Intiptnitv. Lail$ for yar: Eunly m.nJ fmm room lo room. At dtaUrt ovarywAar. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUotuU) 4St MwLt IIimI S rr.ocIc "I f ...,i ?'svnK-lGWJ. w Wvme HORLICKS MALTED MILK Made In th larcst. bst qulppad and sanitary Mattd o Milk plant In tha world We do notmekc"milkproduct& Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. But ti. Original-Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Made from pure full-cream milk and the extract of select malted grata, reduced to powder form, soluble la water. Best food-drink for all age. MTASK FOR TRUCK'S' Used aM ever tfta Cfefce) 'ftr 5oifaJZutiwn r- Nat Dance Saturday Night Best Music Best Floor Best Attendance Bowling, Billiards, Pocket Bil liards and Skating. Tub Baths with shower connections. :i? ill "t i ; f 1 cr iiMVW ttt fc'Vtsaayi,