tr i ii fi Ii It PM) TWO. OCAL AND L PERSONAL li ' rv H. W. BchllchtliiR of lown Falls. Iowa, and daughter Ornco nrc visiting In Mcdfonl. Tho city council will hold a post- )oncd meeting nt tho city hnll Mon- I, day nftornoon. It Is prolmblo that J nddltlonnl clcrka will bo appointed ' tii caro for tho Bxvcnrlng In of voters i' on election day. Carl GrlsRon. violinist, of Now York and Mnu. Cnptolln nvlync, so prano, will nrrlvo next week to fur nish music In tho dining room of the Hotel Medford. Tho Indies of tho M. E. church South, will ficrvo ono of tho excellent chicken pie suppers In tho basement of tho church, corner of Oakdale and Main Saturday ovcnlng, Jan. 11, 1313. Trlco CO cents. Everybody Invited. 550 Dr. P. C. Page Is confined to his hotel by a sovcro caso of the grip. Dr. 1 toddy returned rrom a lengthy stny at brants l'nss Saturday. Ho reports that tho Grants Pass-Crescent City rallrond la a certainty. A largo party of former college women dined at tho Hotel Medford Saturday noon. Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myr tle S. Lockwood (regular physicians, not chiropractors) havo removed their offices from the Hasklns' build Ins to 232 E. Main street. 571 Dr. H. Heckman and wife of nod ford. Ind., arrived In Medford Sat urday morning with a view of mak ing this city their homo. Dr. Clancy was called to Dutto Tails Friday. To close them out, all cook stcvr and ranges, nt redi'wd prices. rH us n call. F. W. Sbaplelgh Hard ware Co., 23 South Central avenue. Professor Engelhardt was In from tho Modoc orchard Friday. H. H. Corliss of Talent had busi ness In Medford Snturdny. Oak tier wood for salo. Gold R&y neaify Co. A. E. Ueaiites. tho lawyer, who was threatened with pii-mmonln, has gone to San Diego. Cal., to Tccuperate. Prof. P. II. Dally was a recent vis itor In Eaglo Point. For goodness sako, have R. A. Holmes, tho Insurance man write your Insurance Ho knows how. Mr. and Mrs. P.. D. Hoko of Wil low Springs district mado a trip to Bedford Friday. , A. J. Clarno died near Eagle Point Ma few days slnco. Ho was a suffen .from cancer for several years. j Bring that old book with torn "binding down and hare it rebound at tho Mall Tribune office. Costa but little. tf Miss Graco Henry, stenographer In tho offlco of A. E. Iteames, Is vls Htlng friends living In tho country. j T. D. Standloy camo down from Ashland Friday afternoon. E. D. Weston, commercial photog ,'raphern, negatve8 mado any tlmo or ap!aco by appointment. Phono M. fl471. E. I). Hanley was among tho many (-who transacted business In Medford during tho week. Mayor Canon, who attended tho Jackson Day celebration at Portland, returned Friday evening. That 'famous old smoke the Trav eler. Medford's public schools will re "Buino studies Jan. 20th, when It Is expected thoro will bo no further danger of Infection by scarlltlna. The high uchool will begin on tho 13th. E. T. Staples and Dr. A. C. Cald well of Ashland tarried in Medford Tuesday afternoon. P. Klum has moved his slsn busi ness to the Hoyden alley between S. Central and S. Ttartlett. Mrs. Harry Young who has been visiting In Medford, returned to the homestead, near Urownsboro during tho week. ' II. It. Mlnter of Eaglo Point was In Medford Friday. Ho is l- ling 1C00 head of sheep. Vapor baths and scientific mas sago for mon and women. Dr. R. J. lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corey Dldg. Phono 145. Mrs. J, G. Prlscoo, who now reside in California, lavishing in this Hon of which she wji formely t i i dent for many years. Robert G. Jeffrey went a fow hours in Medford Friday. Ho is en gaged In prospecting In Applegate district. . Ask for tho Travelor clgnr. F. II. Furrar, In chargo of tho pear plant at Tol, transacted business in Medford Friday. E. L. Jonos, who has been at the Siskiyou coppor belt, where ho has extenslvo interests, rcturnod Friday. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Bay Vboa 3371 , Sllgnt PJionei! r, W. We-ki 3071 A. . Orr, 3093 t LAD AMUTAXT Cdpt. Gordan Voorhcln has been visiting his son, who Is In school nt Middlesex, Mors;, null also his sister, Mrs. Arthur Draper of Charlotte, N. C. Evangelist I.o'vo of Santa Rosa, Cal., who has been conducting treet 'njrs nt Gold I. ill Midor tho answers of the church of Christ, recently bap tised eight youthful converts in tho Icy waters of Rogue river. Mrs. Halllday-Halght, pupil of Marches! (Paris), Oscar Saengcr (Now York) teaches tho art of sing ing, tono plactng and correct breath ing a specialty. Exponont of pure "Uel Canto" of tho Italian school concert, opera, oratorio. Individual lessons or tn class (three In class) Resldenco studio, 403 Oakdale ave nue, South, phono 72C2. ' Miss Anna Jeffrey and other tench crs in tho Medford schools left for Portland Friday evening, to remain several days. Morton D. Young, ono of tho O. & C. railroad company's conductors In early days, died at Portland on the Sth, aged CO years. Oak tier wod for sale. Gold Ray Realty Co. O. Knlpa and T. J. Hamlin were recent business visitors in Medford. S. J. Swcnning left for Portland on Friday evening's train. F. J. Norton of Suthcrlln is tran sacting business In Medford. Fruit labcli In any color printed by tho Mall Tribune. tf L. Do ran of Antelope was among his Medford friends Friday and en- Joyed a pleasant afternoon. J. Rngsdalo of Lake crock and H. S. Kinney of Glcndnlc spent Friday night in Medford. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Rlstlno of Albany aro stopping In Medford. Thomas Francisco, who was ar rested on telegraphic advices from Portland, has been taken to the me tropolis by Detective Sweeny. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. O. H. Lawlcr mado a professional trip to Jacksonville Frldny. L. Sncll who has been visiting at Vancouver, Wash., is in Medford again. Collect thoso scattered sheets of music you raluo and haTo them bound in book form at the Mail Tribune tf Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tanner of Coos county aro visiting In Medford, which was their formor home. Mr. and Irs. J. A. Ward, who live southeast of Medford, traded with our merchants Thursday. Soft wood 2 a tier. Gold Ray Realty Co. Z. Webster and W. Beeson of Tal ent mado Medford a business visit tho forepart of tho week. Tho cigar that put O. K. In smoke tho Traveler. Joseph Green and Mr. Kennedy of Grants Pass spent Friday night in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Brown, who havo been at The Dalles for somo time, aro in Medford again. Watch Mitchell's daily talks to voters beginning January 3rd. A number of Ashland people spent Friday night in Medford ns tho 11:20 train was so lato that they did not wish to remain up waiting on It. Mr. and Mrs. Rlstlno of Albany aro at tho Hotel Holland. Mr. Rlstlno was taken ill ono tho train and will remain hero until ho recuperates. Colonel Mlms was down from his ranch at Seven Oaks Saturday. C. L. Reames, representative from Jackson nnd Douglas counties leaves Sunday for Portland and Salem. W. M. Smith of tho Rivcrsldo apartments was at Phoenix Friday. AD WOLGAST HUNTS Early this morning before the snow stopped falling Ad Wolgast, formor lightweight champion, started out on a "seeing tho valloy" trip with Moso Barkdull. Tho party headed for Brownsvlllo and is not expected back before ovening. Wolgast was determined to see tho valloy regard less of weather conditions and It wns upon his inslstanco that the trip was made. DUD ANDERSON LEAVES FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 11. Bud Anderson, tho northwestern lightweight, matched to meot Sammy Trott of Columbus, Ohio, at Vernon on Jan. 25 will leave for the south tonight. Anderson will bo accompanied by his brother and Dick Donald, his manager. Before leaving, Donald plans to confer with promoter Jamos Cof froth rolativo to a match with Harlem Tommy Murphy on Fob. 7. Should Anderson decisively dofont Trott, It Is bellevod ho undoubtedly will bo glvon tho Murphy match. BEDFORD MXUJ TRIBUNE, arEDFORI), OttEtlON. SATURDAY. .TANUARY 11, i in i i i ... . i . " ' ', . " ' ' i i.'". . i li'i-i' ' .' i PLAN FACTORY 10 DRYING FRUIT BY There will bo n. mectimr of the memberd of tho Commercial club nnd the Merchants association nt the Li bra ry auditorium, 7:110 p. nt., to meet with representatives of the Kver Fresh rn tn unity who nrc here in the interests of establishing n factory. This company lias perfected n new nroees lor preparing all sorts of vegetable, fruits, berries, etc., in such n way that they retain their flavor and freshness for several years, although nil the water origin ally in them lias been removed. For instance, corn, cauliflower, nspnru gus, etc., are so processed that they may be prepared for the table and have all the freshness and flavor of tho perfectly fresh vegetable taken from the garden. Dried and Restored The proee removes all the water without taking away the. flax or and a demonstration will be made tonight by the owners of the process. Frank J. Morton of Sntherlin and A. (1. Chnloupka of Portland. Samples of the produce nro on exhibition nt the exhibit building of the Commercial club. They show the fruits and xcgctable; dried and nbo show them restored to natural ap pearance nnd taste after being sonk ed for ono night in water. Apples, pears, loganberries, Pota toes, carrots, cauliflower, com nnd bananas are a few of the product that may be preserved by the process. In the dried state the samples are greatly reduced in sire nnd nro not of nn appetizing appearance. After one night in xvntcr they completely regain their normal size nnd color, nnd the promoters claim nre ns npoe tizing ns ever. Make Pics nnd Cakes in tlte demonstration this evening pics, short cake and other delieneies will be made from fruits kept for n great timo under the process. Tho men behind the concern nro not of fering stock for snlo but nre under stood to be looking for nu inducement to locate in this city. Just what the inducement will be nnnouueed short ly. A number of orchardlMs nre al ready greatly interested in the plnn. Medford should be interested in a concern of this kind. It means that all of our garden products may bo utilized and converted into cvupornt ed products which will keep indefin itely, nnd which may be shipped at much less expense due to the decreas ed weight. Products On Display The representntix-es of tho Kver Fresh company will have on display many of their products, and nre de sirous of meeting the people who nre interested in establishing n factory in tho valley. No one xvho feels that the valley needs un establishment xvhieh xvill take care of our various form products should be nbsent from this meeting. J. A. Perry, tem porary president of the Commercial club, nnd Kd. Warner, president of the Merchants association, will prcsido nnd urge tho nttendaiieo of every interested person. Hemembcr that tho meeting is ealled for 7:110 p. in. in thu auditorium in (he base ment of tho library. Show your in terest and come. Ladies are nlso in vited to be present ns this matter is aUo of interest to them. MERCURY FALLS 10 15 T Thoso holding fruit in storago were again warned Frldny night to light fires in tho warehouses and tho warn ing was justified whon tho thermo meter touched 15 abovo zero, tho third coldest night or tho year. Tho sleighing Saturday proved ideal for thoso fortunto enough to own runners. Ono man took tho whcols off his carrlago and fitted up a cutter with tho uso of some iron plpo, bent cleverly to bo used as runners. A number of farmers camo to town with their wagon boxes on wooden runners. Several coast ing parties havo been organized for this evening. ENTIRE NORTHWEST IS FEELING DULL TIMES Dr. Kircligessnor hns returned to Medford niter n trip through Wash ington and Idaho, xvhere he visited in many cities largo and small. The doctor says that ho was particularly interested in noting the business out look in cities of the size of Medford nnd (but in every caso tho dull times now visiting tho west xvns moro up purcnt thun it is here. Dr, Kirch gessner returns to Medford moro than ever pleased xvith his homo city and its outlook. Spokane, he states, Is very dull. NEW PROCESS E 10 BOISE, Idaho, Jan. II. Tho sen tences of R. 8. Sheridan, O. O. llroxon and A. It. Criuon, of ten days In tho Ada county jnll for contempt of court, ns the result of the publica tion by tho llolso Capitol News of the message of Colonel Roosevelt to voters of Idaho on tho decision of tho supremo court barring Roosevelt electors from tho ballot In tho re cent election, together with editorial criticism of that decision, otplrcd to day nnd they were released. Penny contributions to pay-fines assessed by tho court against the edi tors and publishers are coming In by tho thousands from every state In tho union nnd nearly half of the amount required for the payment of the IG0Q fines assessed In each case has been collected In that manner. At the Churches .Mcthodlu Medford Methodist Episcopal church corner of llnrtlett and Fourth street, E. Olln Eldrltlge pastor. Services Sunday as follews: Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Subject of morning discourse, "A Jewel From an Unexpected Mine." Evening, Rev. Dunlnp, district super intendent. Sunday school and men's Bible clnss 9:45 a. m. Epworth league 6:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening 8 o'clock. Excellent music under tho direc tion of F. O. Edmeads. Special fea ture solo by C. Hoy. Every ono mndo welcome. .Ion Lutheran At Ion Lutheran 514 West 4th street, there will bo English service at 7:30 p. m. Tho morning service, as well as Bible school service, for this Sunday, will bo omitted. Come and worship. Christ Ian Corner Ninth and Oakdale, Diblo school at 10 a. in.: preaching at 11 a. m. by Bro. C. P. Swandor of Port land; C. E. at 6:30 preaching by the pastor at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting on Thursday cvcnlnp. Choir prac tice on Friday evening. You aro cordially- Invited to come and worship with us. D. D. Boylo, minister, residence 14G S. Ivy street. c First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday morning service nt eleven o'clock; subject of lesson-sermon: "Sacrament' Wednesday evening meeting at seven-thirty. All nro wel come. Rcadng-room heurs: two to five p. m. dally, except Sunday. Church edifice, North Oakdale. I'rosbyterlun Communion service nt 11 u. in. Reception of members. The offering for foreign missions xvill be taken. Musio by the iptnrtct, chorus nnd orchestlnu At 7'JIO preaching by the pastor. "Tho Supreme Desirable ness of the Kingdom's Triumph" xvill he the subject. The offering in the ex'cning is also for foreign missions. Sunday school is nt 10 u. in., ('. I'. society nt (i'lfl p. m. St. Mark's Episcopal Joeph Sherrin, priest in charge. Sunday services as follexvs: Service and sermon 11 a. in., evening prayer and sermon 7::il). Services lire held in St. Mark's hall, comer Main and Holly streets. All are 'welcome. Merltol Hair Tonic keeps tho scalp in u healthy condition, prevonts tho hair from falling out, restores It to Its natural color and used regularly keeps the hair soft and fluffy. Has kin's Drug Store. A Sew Discovery. Ono of the sensations of tho twen tieth century Is Morltol Ithoumatlsm Powders. A noon to every sufforor. Tho best J:nown remedy for rhotima tlsni In all Its forms. Ask thoso who have tried It. Hasklns' Drug Store. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOIt KENT Ono to three furnished rooms for light housokdoplng. Also down and upstairs business rooms, ono block north of Medford Na tional Imtik. Owner 109 North Central, upstairs room one. 255 L enses Of Inferior ijuulity never enter this establishment, t Insist upon getting the best. I pay for tho best, and If your glasses come from hero TIIKV AHH THK IIKHT DR. RICKERT Over" Kontnor'H bols EDITORS OAY PRISON TERM I VOTE TO RE-OPEN ROGUE TO F TO The Rogue River Fili Protective Association at n meeting held Friday evening, approved the draft of a bill opening Rogue river to eouuueretitl fishing as far. upstream iih thu mouth of the Illinois river for salmon only. Steel bends are classed as trout, and it is made illegal to catch them other than with hook and line, or to buy or sell them. Nets arc restricted to 8'j inch minimum size and eatt be used only below tho mouth of the Illinois river. A strenuous fight is expected nt Salem, xvhere the (Imnti Pass dele gation xvill strive (o reopen the stream to commercial fishing through Josephine eounty. l L. Reames xvill introduce tho bill xxhieli is expected to meet the ap proval of the mouth of the river see lion. Legal blanks tor isle at tho Mall Trlbuno offlco. tf Children's Storm Boots Here aro storm hoots for th boys nnd girls. A splendid protection for the bad walking snow and sltisli. Every boy and girl should have a pair. They'll stand rough usage and outwear two pair of ordinary shoes. Bohling's "GOOD FIT" ' SHOE STORE Jf r SUING LIS V Electric Heating . Current for '! kilowatt, air heater (will heat, about fiOl) cubic feet) Jj2.()() per mouth Klnl Unto. Current for-'Jj kilowatt air heater (will heat about 7f() cubic feet) $2.50 per month Klal. Wato. Current for 1 kilowatt air heater (will heat, about 1000 cubic feet) $3.00 per month Klnl. Wale. Current for Vfc kilowatt air healer (will heat about 1500 cubic feet) $!.5() per month Kbit U'ate. Current for 2 kilowatt air bent or (will heat about 2000 cubic feet) ' $4.00 per month Flat Unto. Current for 21. kilowatt air heator (will heat about 2f;00 cubic foot) $'1.50 por month Flat Rate. Current for JJ kilowatt air heater (will heat about H000 cubic loot) $5.00 per month Flat Rale. i Above fl kilowatts at the rate of $5.00 per month flat rale for each 'A kilo watts installed. On account of having a certain amount of power that is used in the ,i mer for irrigation wo aro making tho above rate for""olootric' heating to ai from September 1st to California-Oregon Power Co. lOtfl. ' ir-i P Your Own Price for a Home I must raise money to meet my contracts in a business venture. To do it I will sac rifice values for a sale on any one of the three or four houses in Medford. BOX 495, MEDFORD YOU WILL IF YOU BUY THE PRICE OF OTHER BUT THE PRICE REMAINS ytiifMSilkilkiiiliiillila; "Wo can supply you with anything in the fence line, or will contract to fenco your farm complete. Let us figure with you. Gaddis "THE PAGE 134 N. Riversldo Avo. May 1st, only. ,216 WEST MAIN STREET1 ;J SAVE MONEY PAGE FENCE FENOE IS ADVANCING OF PAGE FENOE THE SAME b Dixon FENCE MEN" Medford, Oregon sum- apply