1 MrcnFonn matt; trtbttne, Mrcmronn, oktcoon", frtday, .tasttay 10, 1013. TTOFi TTTEEIC. . ft fc. ? WOLGAS DEIS T OFFER 10 FIGHT ONE KILBAN E Dunltil lluil ho luiil mini nn ol'IVr to HkM lolinny KilluiiiK Ml ;j. ImmiiiiIh I'm' llii' IVhIIiiiiwi'IkIiI limn !niisili nf llin win til whh iiiHili1 licie IWilitv inoiiilUK liy Ail Wtitjjiinl, (lid ii.xllKlihv'lxlit I'liiiiiinliiii slni In Miip. pliiif I'" i' a hIhmI linn lit I la- Hotel Mi'.lfuiil. Tint nlory tlutl WoIkhnI Imil miuli lli iit'l'iu' to Killiiiin ciiihc uwr Ihc Unlli'il I'ri'M ulin fiiini CIi'i'IhihI, Oliln, uImhc tint Mpnrt I'iiiin inn ct Icnlly niiii'li ccili'i. Klllmiic'n num. iip'f. .Iliiimv I hum, luiil cviilcnlly pill Hll'lll'lll'lt ill (III ll'Hirt UK llC llllllllllll- cin Hint .Inliiiiiv i wiIIiiik to incdt W'nliuikt nt llmt wclnlil. W'otnul iih lit niMr iiiinli' tln nl In r mill coiiliniii'il, "I imihIiI inukc lltft Niiiinlh iiml tnl.c mi Killmiic Imt I mn through with tin riuillurt'i)ht tliiH. Tlit'ii i iinlliiiitr in the htnrv ami I niiiiimi it Mtntti'il Im'i'iiiihi" Hie Unlit fmi (.now that I him ninl ran lllllt.il till I'MV 'i(hl. KilllBllc'w lilllll- MKnr 1m prnlnihly iiin HiU m imlilic Ity inatttT." WoIkhM ariiiit in Mcilfiiul Thum- Im y iiIkIiI, with lux wife, ninl went iliicclly in tin Hold Mcilronl. He WllH fleeted liy it III lit" itelcffillion of luim ninl gave nut kmoukIi fight 1oh to millifv all. Hi' liclii'Mwt that Mini Aaili'ixin hm a pIiniii'I' to ihhIii icoml tint apparently think that a more tiAperieneeil IiihIiUkiT ia net'ilnl I'nr Hid Mi'ilfunl fighter hefnie miieli pin- Km 'Mill lie iniiile. Ail Hiol Mini lioli iHililinl a lillle In I'lim-o mihI are well neipiahiteil. "Tlmrt i iih tfliHiien for llllelue liHil I to meet HKiiill, lint Itllclllc i line to get a trimming. m he mImmiIiI he easy for the firM man he meet I ilo not ft! m koim Mini nm con bhlenthly lighter than I Inline my nKirntiun. I will leave Meilfonl I'liilny evening, pnihahly, ami will then i;i to l'nrllHinl, iimteni Orcein mill Inline." Aecotiliiitf to U'nlcHxt Rummy Trait who in mateheil with Amlcixon. mIiouM he eav pickim; for the Ineul man. "Niiiniii h a hum." n Volgiit. 221MILLSTEVY TURTLE SERUM AMERICAN MILK N KCK IN CREAMERY TRUS I III.,,.. .. .. I n ...I .. al.il ..a...... . a.. . i inviiiii, .inn in i no iimi aiiii.m, ute , .inn. in Awotri; Amnrlriiii In hiiIiiuII lu Ilia licil tiilmr-! Iii tlnil tin' I'mtlauil itciiiiiciIom are i'uIohIh iiirit illiicoviiieil liy Dr I'raiir. IiiiiiihImi; on Hid romitry creamer)'' I'llciliiiiinii wail trnateil here today j men by iiIIckimI maiiliiiilatloii of tho mIicii Mtm Waller I'ouell of Ihmtoii j I'ortlnint market report), mo that win. Iiioeuhiteil nitli the I'rlniliiiiiiiii rrciiiiieiyini'ii from oiiInIiIh ilnlry coil' Irii'Hil. Tim w'iiiiiiii wiih au('iimiif turn are toniiclleil to p;iy mora for tiled hero liy her IiiinIkiihI uinl he ; liutter flit than tlioy can recuho for It In tho I'ortlnnil marliet, a n n tit -her of creiiineryiiKiii from Willamette vnlley point liuvo tlerltlcd to form n l'IohoiI rorporatloii to liiimlli) thulr liroituct lu I'ortluml. A mcctltiK will ho Imltl .liMiiiury 17 at which tho tlnlalht of Incorpora tion will ho comploU'il. Tlio en'amorymeii alleKeil that nmr hot ipiutatlotiH Klven to riowNiiaporx liy tint I'ortlaiul cieamitrymeu are flitUlntiH mitt are plareil nt a IiIrIi flmiro for the expronH pnrpoRo of liecpliiK up the prlro nf hatter fat ho Hint the Portland men ran noil can era butter at a lilch figure PUN TO MPEACH DAHO JUDGES KLAMATH N KLAMATH IAI.I.S. J.in in The eoiiuly court li.tn Ilxml tlto levy fcr Klaiimtlt county for l!M2 at ii Mill, illvliletl im follow. Htate, 1.1 mill xxncriil 3 .' iiiIIUi: wilury, i mill-- eirouli court. I mill; Jnll, .1 of I mill; ron.l, (1 I iiiIIU; county poor, .1 of 1 mill, milinol, 2.R IiiIIU; IiIkIi nrlinol, 1 . 2 .'. inllU; court Iiouhm, a.r iiiIIU; comity library. .Ill of I mill; hcIiooI library. .U'J of I mill, a total of 22 iiiIIIh. The total cllmali nf cxpcimcH to bit nilmul by tho comity from Im l!)i: levy, InrliiillUK tho ctnlo'n corpora tion fun. I. In IsaiMUO, ilhltleit Into Hie follow Ihk funilti: Htato fuuil, IIK.HUil; Kniieral ftiml. $.'i,(M)U; Hill ary fuuil, :tn,000; circuit court fund. $ Hi, mill; jnll fund, ll.iiOd; road fuinlr f 7K.000; county poor fund. $0,100; nchoo fund. $3h.0ll0; IiIkIi hchool fund. $:o,U0(l; court bonne fuuil, i)l.0(jii, county library fund, $,i:i0; mdiool library fuuil. $U20. Art llii'Hii taxiM tiro pahl In, tho comity court will adopt n new pro I'Dilmo of thulr dltilrlhutlon, ho that tho iiioucyH will no directly to tho fund for which they were levied, ami not to a Koucral fund, anulioU whlnh warraiitH may bo ludlHcrlmliiately drawn. Ko Ioiik aH any fund, tliere forc, hIiowh a balanco a warrant may ho limiiotllatuly cuhIiciI, without de lay, A different colored warrant for each fund will bo UhiiciI when tho now Hyidoni koch Into offuct. nmioiinceil her 'ntintloii to notify tho public llirnuith the pienii iih to whvth or Hit tteatmeiit proven effective. Dr. Krleilmauu In nniiirtln(, under tho crltlrlum voiced by Kuroieaii uiierM bcruuio of bin rufumil to kIvu any of Hm bin till away. He ay tho liioL'iilallou of p.itlontH retiilro tho iiiohI dellcato anil technical work ami that It riKpilrc- IiihI ruttloiiM whlnli bo Iiiih not time now to kIvo to lliu world. Ho offered, however, to per mit Hit American Koveruiiieul to HuhJect liln curt to a thoroiiRh luvci, tlKatloii . , . WESTERNER SAFE BUI LUMBER LOST AKTOIHA, Ore, J mi 10 Willi her mnlu rlKtflnu badly dniiinKed, tMiiiie of her HtaiirhlmiH hiiiuhIiciI, and her deck loud of Hiu.000 fret of lumber nwopt away liy the heavy item, the utiMtit Hehooiier Wcntcrnor, which wan eatiKlit III tho Iiuko nwelhi at the Columbia river bar ycntcrday, ami for Hoinu bourn wait lu dlnlrctw Ih anchored here today awaltliiK the or dor of Iter owner IIOIHt;, Idaho, .Inn. 10 That two Jimtlcoft of thu miprcirte court may find HiemiodvcM Involved lu Impeach ment proceed liiKf In Hie rumor liuro today, following tho vlilt nf proKrim itlvo mitmberii of tho leKlnlnturo to the i'uIIk of It. H. Hliorld-ti, C. O. Ilroxou ami A. It. Criirnu. new-pnper-mcii, MervliiK ten day "ntcuccH on a vharKO of coulompt, Tho primmer! would not deny that they find been vhdtcd hy Icclttlntorii reKardliiK tho Hiibject, but would not explain tlieunielveH further. A ten dollar contribution toward tho IROO flno Impound on each of tho tiion, wan received hon from Circuit JtidKc McCInn, of rortlnml, Ore. Ni:W VOIIK, Jan. 10 After ov urnl atlviupt to utart a ntrlko of waltem und hotel workori which wan to embrace nowral ea-teru cltlcn, tho movement wan taken lu chnrcc today, by tho Indimlrlal Workers of thu World, which conducted tho textile strike In Lawrrnre, Mass., about a year ako. A nta-s meeting will he held to ulKht, after which nddrcHses will he made by Joseph littor and Arturo (llovunulltl, Indiiitrlnllst leaders, who were recently acquitted at Hatcm, Mans., of a miirdor charge Rrowlns out of Hi ci disturbance at Lawrence durlriK tho mill strike. The police today Increased tho number of Kuards about thu hotels here. PARCELS POST CUTS Ni:V VOItIC, Jan 10 dmlssloti of tin Imomls mude upon Its husl liens by the parcels post was made to dlty lu a letter prepared by President Caldwell of tho Wells Farno Uspress compiiny which shortly will bo sent to other off'HulH of tho company "The parcels pont has brought to the txiresH lompauy a competitor worthy of tin metal " the letter said Every Drop Does Its Work 'rolcnc Is an economical motor oil hecaune It lubri cates so thoroufihly. You K't tho full working Tttltio from every drop then It burns up cleanly, and you bavo no trouble with carbon. 1 Sold In Vi. 1 and 5 Gallon Cans Tho Small Cans KLAT SHAPE Easy to Handle For Sale Evcrywhcro Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) ALL LIFE BOATS i LOST AT ASTORIA AfiTOIHA, Ore., .Inn. 10.- -Tho mouth of thu Columbia river In to day without powiir-drlvou fo-suvliiK craft, iih tho result of tho duatrue h Hon of thu two motor boats of the I'ort Canity anil Capo Disappointment Millions, Incident to tho romovliiR or thu mm Ivors from tho auastH of tho Ill-fated Itosucraiis, Should another vessel becouio dls tiiissod, tho llfe-Hiivers would bo com pulled to dopmul on thu ancient oar propullud boatH. Hlilpplni; inuii are much iiortuibod over tho fact, Accordluntito Hfo-savoiH, tho old- stylo boatH would bu practically use less lu Hindi a Htorui as the ouu Just IIIHH(M, r r v y v r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y ! X I I 1 X y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x x X ! x Third Annual White Goods Sale XTRA FOR SATURDAY Laco Curtains in a eonipIHe assort incut or pnttcniK to close out at, practically j.. PRICE CONTINUES AT MANN'S XTRA FOR SATURDAY Warners guaranteed Corsets, in all sizes, new styles, QQa values up to $3.50, spec. vOL CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND WHITE GOODS SALE RESTOCKED FOR TOMORROW WITH COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN GAR MENTS; ALSO LACES, LINENS AND WHITE GOODS. TO THOSE COMING TOMORROW, WE PROMISE JUST AS COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS, JUST AS PRETTY STYLES, JUST AS EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES, AS WERE HERE THE FIRST OF THE WEEK. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES AT FACTORY PRICES fiOOO yards beautiful new Val. Laces, all imported patterns; values to 'JOc, o()c a do., spec., C yard L fiOOU yards Cambric Kmbroiderics and Insertions from 'J inches to Hi inches wide; values to '.Ww. f A Special, yard -l" ,"()() yards new all linen Laces in white and ecru; dainty patterns; bargain at 12.V. 19'p Special, yard M.U2 75c ALL OVER LACE 29tf ."iOO yards all over Laces, white and ecru, everyone an up to date pattern. A limited amount. OQ Special uVKj SWEATERS 1-2 OFF NO RESERVE ASTONISHING WAIST REDUCTIONS SILK WAISTS lu a full assortment of sizes and colors; regular $.J.n0 to 3.00 values. Special, 910 this sale . .$uLJ CHIFFON WAISTS In light and dark colors, regular $3.00 to $(5.50, in all sizes. On sale Satur- special .. . .vvJ 75c FLOUNCINGS AND EMBROIDERIES 39 1 Oik) yards fine Swiss Corset Cover Embroideries; also flouncings; extra fine cambrics and QQf patterns. Special vu 25c GALLOUS 10 500 yards Swiss Gallons a perfect imitation of the most expensive made. f A Special, a yard SUITS FROM 1-3 TO 1-2 OFF. The Best and Newest Styles of Muslin Underwear at Exactly Makers Prices LOT A Night Consisting of Corset Covers, downs, Drawers and Skirts AA every one well made and full Arfl value for 75c. Special mff LOT B Consisting of Chemise, Corset. Covers, Skirls, Night. Clowns and Drawers, made of a verv fine grade of muslin; A real values $1.25. ijJIC Special wj LOT C Consisting of Night downs. .Drawers, Corset Covei"s, Combinations, princess slips and Skirts, all of which BA must be seen to be appreciated; H $1.50 values, special a VXJ LOT D Consisting of Combination Corset Cov ers, Drawers, Princess Slips, Night Clowns and Skirts, made from the new est models, beautiful trim mings and originality of de sign; $2.00 values, special. .. mi me new- $1.19 LOTE Consisting of Combination Skirts, Night downs, Drawers, Chemise and Princess Slips, each one trimmed beautiful and made of finest muslins; $2.50 values, special, $1.39 15c Long Cloth yard 11 12I.0 I'Yuifof (ho Loom, special 121je Lonsdale Cambric, special 0& 25c. Hath Towels each 1 3o .Darning Cotton spool 1 Clark's O. N. T. 7 for 25 121.C Long Cloth special, 9 -12 inch Pequot Pillow Tubing WHITE GOODS Pique, Figured Lawns, Dimities, Swiss and all cotton Wnistings; regu lar 25c anil 35o values. Sneeal, This sale 19c COTTON BATTS 12I.C Butts ,..Jty IfxfHuttH.... ll 25c Halts 19 30c Halts 24i 85c Datts 69d $2.50 Wool Untts$l.GO WOOL DRESS GOODS $2.50 Suitings. ...$1.89 $2.00 Suitings. ...$1.69 $1.75 Dress tl'ds $1.48 $1.50 Dress CI Ms $1.18 $1.25 Dress floods 98 (15c Dress Cloods. . ..48 LINENS Every one at 20 OFF FLANNELETTES 15c grade. Special for Saturday, "i-i yard m y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y T y t y y y T y y f y T y T y V A, CLOSING OUT PRICES ON ALL LINES OF UNDERWEAR 1 lot Hoys' and .Misses' heavy fleece lined flat and jersey ribbed Vests and Pants, each 25 1 lot Misses' Union Suits; also few Children's; regular 50c and 05e values, 39 each, 2 for 75 1 lot Ladies' heavy fleece lined Pants, a 75c value, sale price 39, 2 for 75 1 lot Ladies' Union Suits, $1.00 to $1.25 valuo, each 75 1 lot Misses' Union Suits, $1 to $1.25 value 75 1 lot Ladies' $1.50 and $1.75 quality fine worsted Union Suits, in all sizes up to 9, sale price, ca. $1 GLOVES Men's ribbed top cotton Gloves, pair 10 3 pair for 25 Men's water proof duck Gloves, pair 20 2 pair for 35 Men's water proof duck and cotton flannel gloves with leather palm, in gauntlctt and wrist length, pair 25(i Men's and Boys' heavy leather Gloves, pair 50$ Men's gauntlctt and regular length work and driving Gloves, $1.25 to $1.75 values, pair $1.00 Boys' and Ladies' leather gauntlctt Gloves, per pair 50, 75 and $1 25c worth of value in every pair of our Boys' and Misses' fast black, heavy ribbed School Hose, at, pair 15 Hand Colored 1913 Calendars, each 5 HUSSEY'S Nat Dance Saturday Night Best Music Best Floor Best Attendance Bowling, Billiards, Pocket Bil liards and Skating. Tub Baths with shower connections. PorlUnJ, (C4Wih) 3u FruciM. For Camps and Cottages jfcayjb Lamps and Lanterns THE RAYO LAMP eIvm a clear, toft light. Eaay en the eyes. Made of solid brass, nickel plated. Lighted without removing chimney or ihade, Eaay to clean and rewlck. a THE RAYO LANTERN U strong and durable. Doein't A smoke. Doesn't leak. Doesn't blow out In the wind. RAYO LAMPS AND LANTERNS Are Sold by Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY HI Ei 1.4 M i h J- V I ' t f ) s Ml ! J T TV c.