Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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In order to lake the depositions of
3. K. 8tnrr of Ashland In regard to
n water right In tho state of Wash
ington, tho following cltlxcns wore
recently In Asl'nnd: J. S. Calhoun
of Medford! Judipi Itocltford and At
torney J. Waldo Murphy of Colvllle.
Wash.; Cory Taylur, of Seattle, and
coro A. Momo, of Talent,
Tliero will ben luncheon of nil tho
college women of the valley at tho
llotol Medford nt ono o'clock Satur
day, 35 rents per plate.
The ladles of the M. K. church
South, will serve ono of tho excellent
chicken plo suppers In the basement
of tho church", corner of Oakdale and
Main Saturday evening, Jan. 11,
1913. Prlco 50 cents. Everybody
Invited. 250,
N Dr. K, It. Pickle has been called to
Orants Pass to hold n consultation
In tho caso of 11. C. Kinney, who Is
seriously 111,
John .Martin and I. Mercer of
Phoonlx precinct tarried a short
time In Med ford this wek.
Dr. S. A. tackwood and Dr. Myr
tle S. Lockwood (regular physicians,
hot chiropractors) havo removed
their offices from the Haskins' build
ing to 232 E. Main street. 271
Hov. J. K. Howard, who has been
lulling In Medford, returned to Glen
dalo Thursday night.
rV. C. Dorcmus and Calvin Owens
tnrrled In Medford Thursday night.
To closo them, out, all cook stoves
and ranges, at reduced prices, glvo
us a call. F. W. Shaplelgh Hard
ware Co., 2S South Central avenue
Dr. II. C Conroy has gonfe to Ill
inois to visit his mother, who Is ser
iously 111.
Elmer Hicks has been at Sacra
mento, Cal., some time, In the Inter
est of tho Oregon .Oranlto company.
Oak tier wood for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herring of
Valley View orchard arc visiting In
O. Englo and Charles Gates of
Klamath Falls aro making Medford
a business visit.
For goodness sake, havo It. A.
Holmes, the Insurance man writo
your Insurance. He knows how.
Frank Kowalsky has returned to
My d ford after a stay of several
months In California.
Rev. J. L. Mattlngly has been
called to his old homo In Ohio by a
message Informing him of tho doa;n
of his father.
Bring that old bclc with torn
binding down and havo It rebound
at the Mall Tribune office. Costa
but little. tf
Col. George P. Mlms of Seven
Oaks was among his Medford friends
C. L. Springer and Ed Day of Jack
sonville, spint a few hours In Med
ford Thursday.
E. D. 'Weston, commercial photog-
raphern, negatives made any time or
plneo by. appointment. Phone Mv
H71 -j" j." '
rOoGarreU an4 It. Soholtflmvo gone
tb 'Marlon county to resume their-
studies aU.MU Angel college.
Mrs. J. Q. Martin, who has been
seriously HI, underwent a successful
operation at tho Sacred Heart hos
pital recently.
That famous old amoko tho Trav
eler. Gcorgo Barrows and Mr. Baer of
Josephlno county had business in
Medford Thursday.
E, A. Hlldreth .of Butte Falls was
In 'Medford Wednesday, en. route to
B. Klum has moved his sign busi
ness to tho Boyden alloy between S.
Central and S. Bartlctt.
Earl Croft was down from Trail
creek Thursday morning.
R. W. Hitchcock of Eaglo Point
made a trip to Medford during tho
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-
nptt-Coroy Bldg. H5.
Thu Big Pines Lumber company
has added another to its chain of
lumbor yards that at Gold Hill,
Miss Laura Ncuber of Jackson
ville visited In Medford Thursday.
Mrs. HallldaV-Halght, pupil of
Marches! (Paris), Oscar Saengor
(New York) teaches the art of sing
ing, tone plaqlng and correct breath
ing a specialty, Exponent of puro
"llol Canto" of the Italian school
contort, opera, oratorio. Individual
lessons or In class (thrco In class)
Kosldeuco studio, 403 Oakdale avo
nuo, South, 'phono 7202.
F. M. McKinnoss, who' Is develop
ing a fine farm In Autioch district,
made a trip to Medford this week.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 3371
Klgbt r&outsl r. W. Weeks 3071
. . A. E. Orr, 3033
Mrs. Dr. Helms was among her
Ashland friends Thursday afternoon.
W. J. Smith of Sardlno crock, nn
expert lumberman, has bought the
mill and logging road formerly oper
ated by Moore & Applegate of Gold
Hill as well as their timber land, and
will manufacture timber on a large
Aik for tho Traveler cigar.
J. S. Barnett, R. Hay and V. Benll
wore among the many residents of
Central Point district In Medford
B. O. and Cs O. Huth, who nro on
gaged In farming on Rogue river,
spent Thursday night In Medford.
Oak tier wod tor salo. Oold Ray
Realty Co.
Dillon Hill and Wm. McCredle, tho
wot! known horticulturists, were in
Medford ono evening this week.
X. W. Kuno and Win. Schebcls of
Griffin creek were recent visitors In
fruit labels tn any color printed
by tho Mall Tribune. tf
The merry twinkle of sleigh bells
was heard In Medford Thursday for
tho first tlmo tn many years. Oscar
Myers drove tho outfit, which at
tracted considerable attention.
Fran Whetstone and A. A. Boyce,
who lives near Rogue river, made a
trip to Medford the forepart of tho
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
Walter Bostwlck and Wm. Smith
of Applegate traded with our mer
chants Wednesday.
D. "W. Sturgess was over from Mea
dows district ono day this week.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton's, opposlto book storo.
M. M. Root and J. C. Pendleton
of able Rock transacted business In
Medford Thursday.
Asbury and Tyson Beall of Cen
tral Point district spent a few hours
In Medford hnrsday afternoon.
Collect those scattered sheets of
music you value and have them
bound In book form at tho Mall
Tribune. tf
Joo A. Thomas has returned from a
prospecting trip In the district south
west of G ld Hill.
B. L. Dodge, Jr., Is in from the
Rlvcrdalo orchards.
Soft wood 13 a tier. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Percy Cochran and his wife have
been visiting relatives living in
Medford after a protracted absence
from this city.
Tho cigar that put O. K. In smoke
the Traveler.
Mrs. Wlnslow of Oregon City, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W
R. Garrett of Applegate. left for
home Thursday.
Watch Mitchell's dally talks to
voters beginning January 3rd. '
W. W, Parker of Butte Falls was
In Medford and Jacksonville Thurs
day. S. C. Whlttlngton of Jacksonville
has sold out his Interest In the Rogue
River Abstract Co., to W. C. Alloway
of Trout Lake, Wash. Mr. Alloway
Is a former Oregonlan, having mado
his homo In Portland, for some tlmo.
Ho will move his family to Jlodfanl
nnd will .mako .thJsxhis home. '-'Eho
change In this .company makes -all of
tho owners .Medford inen'wilh homes
laAIedford. . ., ... .- .
M. L. Mlnney, of Oakland Is la
Medford looking after business in
connection with tho proposed railway
H. C. Russell, mining man of Mar
quetto, Mich., is In Medford. lie re
turned Thursday night from an In
spection trip to tho Blue Ledgo but
will not discuss Ms purpose or the re
sults. George Cuslck and Miss Alice Nash,
both of Trail, were married Thursday
at tho parsonage of tho First Metho
dist church, Rev. E. O. Eldrldgo of
ficiating. Tho bride is a school
teacher at Trail at which placo tho
pouplo will live.
Tho ladlos of the Creator Medford
club will glvo a party at tho Hotel
Medford Monday afternoon. Brldgo
COO and needlo work will occupy tho
time. Light refreshments will be
served. All tho ladles of Medford
whether members of tho club or not
aro Invited to come and help make
tho afternoon a 'pleasant oue.
On what la very opt to turn out a
murder ehargo Harry Wilson was
sont from this city to Portland
Thursday evening by tho local police.
Wilson waa arrested In Medford ft
week ago on Information received
from Portland where he and a com
panion named Sherlock wore wanted
for assault on n young Swedish work
man. The two nro said to have lured
tho workman on a Joy ride and to
have slugged him with a beer bottle,
after which they rifled his pockuts of
a small sum of money. As It was
thought that tho man was not badly
hurt Wilson and Sherlock woro al
lowed to go on their own recogni
sance. The workman Is now said to
be dying and Wilson's return Is de
manded. Sherlock a whereabouts aro
not known.
By A. C. Ilowlett
Hev. Mark C. Davis of Wolf Creek,
the Surtax school mNionary for the
Coiijre;-Atio:iil church, called on
your correfcM!iicnt lnt Saturday
mil we went together over to riiaH.r
nl oliool hoiiRO n Sunday afternoon
when he proiichcrt to u fnir-iert an
diefiee nml tlien wo drove to Table
Hock nud lie prcaeert ng.iiu. While
we were in the ncMjrliborhood we stop
pod with W. P. DeFord. one of Hie
prosperous farm re, and wl.ilo there
I spoke ti good word for the .Mull
Tribune, nn usual, nnd he remarked
that he wnntnd to take that paper
nnd 1 told him that that was a part
of my business, taking subscriptions
for the Mail Tribune, nnd that I
would be glad to take his subscrip
tion, which 1 did. 1 find that the
.Mail Tribune is gaining in popularity
and that the people in the vnlley nro
dropping off the other papers and
subscribing for it.
Sinking of Rev. Davis trip here,
he intended to have preached hero
tonight, Tuesday, but was called by
phone to return home to attend the
funeral of nu elderly member by the
name of Perkins, n neighbor of his,
who used to live in this county, I
think in Sams Valley, but the ar
rangements nre made for Hro. Sim
mons to perach nnd he expects to
continue tho meeting all the week.
I. C. Moore, who lives in Ashland,
but has a farm on Ktk Creek, ennic
out from his farm Saturday evening
and retorts that they had about
thrco or four inches of snow up there.
W. E. llnmmcl, one of our prosper
ous fanners, orchardist nnd stock
man, wns out Inst Saturday evening
to attend the r00 Club dance nnd 1
understand that they had a good lime
as usual. He tells rac that lie has
had trouble with his goats nnd has
lost several of the best ones, but that
they seem to be nil right now.
F. J. Ayrcs, vho Ims a fann nIoif
the IV & 1'. railroad track about four
miles ropirlmre. twajltMi (g'ffy.p-SiiUirj
day nnrtj. rolled, oil miwi'toj'giiilfnju
end. poiuVft YwirWplKoriptp ,ty .tju
JajlylnjLTriliHnc. w : .,. .. ,6
tjfhitjnep ,wlu Ijnythln KRfcl
putting' up tho olectric wires in our
town have finished their job nnd ns
soon n we hnvo the wires attached to
the wires in the house will be ready
for the "juice." I understand that
they have not Ipaced the innin trans
mitter in position yet. When the
work is completed it will be n great
help to our town nnd he an attraction
to our visitor.
Presbyterian Church
At the prayer meeting tonight tho
subject is "How Can the Clirneli Aid
in Itcinoving thu Abnormal Conditions
of Life." Must tho church bo the
great inspiring institution in all right
Must the church lift its voice
against nil wrong in religious, social,
educational, economic, politieul, com
mercial, national nild intornntidnnl
Must it stand for righteousness
and seek the solution of nil problems
into righteousness for tho milviitioh
of tho people in tirno nnd eternity?
If at times in the wrong, the
wrong tho church must leavo the
xvrone and clcuvo to thu liirht. Tho
good of all justice to nil in the
world's wealth, mid ever, body n fair
clmnco in life to be his best, this is
tho mission of tho church.
Legal blanks for sale at the Mall
WANTED Cull potatoes or root
vegetables of any kind. Advls6
prices nnd quantities. B. L. Dodge,
Hotel Medford or 217 Farmors &
Frultgrowors Dank Bldg. 253
i i '
NKW YOIIK, Jan. 10-Julioe Sea
bury today sentenced do". Jtnuln,
New York financier, to oue yenr in
tho penitentiary at Hlnokwoll'i Island
for slenllng $27,000 from thu Well
ington SaviugM Rank hero, in which
he was president.
Robin nided in the conviction of
officials vesiMiisible for the wrecking
of the Curiiegio Trust company nnd
for this reason, Judge benbmy im
posed n light sentence.
The -report that itobiii has nuulo
$1,000,000 since his arret about u
yenr ngo, is generally credited here.
flus Newbury, who was minted its
the Mail Tribune, as "axing in sub
stance, "what do we euro about the
people iu the country, thev can get
lo town some wn or oilier," nt the
Inst council session which ooii-ddorvd
the railway fmiicliie, has requested
this paper to stnte that he nowr
made the wttttcmctit that the reporter
who -aid he was either innocently
mistaken or cKc n lmr.
In justice to the reporter, who also
is jealous of his renututiou-for vol'
ncity, tho first six men interviewed
on tho point, by him today, miv that
Newbury did make the abortion.
Those who wen? usked to verify the
resirler8 statement were Mr. Vow
ter, who replied to the statement at
the council meeting, mid Messrs.
Nuff, Tengwald, Hell, nud Campbell.
NASSAU, Hnhamn Island, Jan.
10. Wm. Rockefeller, the Standard
Oil ningnnto who is wanted as a wit
ness before the honse committee in
vestigating tho money trust has de
cided to leavo hero late today on
board the steamer Miami for Miami,
Not Ire to Fruit Growers.
A meeting of tho fruit growers of
tho valley will be hold In tho base
ment of tho library building, Med
ford, Saturday, January 11, nt 2 p.
m., for tho purposo of porfectlng tho
organization of the now fruit associa
tion. Director are to bo elected and
other bulncs,jlll como boforo tho
meeting. All Igiorestod aro cordial
ly Invited to attend.
8. A. NYE.
1 '
llrokuw is under direction todo l
(ho llrooklyu supremo court to p.i I
his wKo, Mrs. Mnry lllair llrokuw,
$.),000 so she may prosecute her suit ,
for absolute dUorcc. Mm. Hroknw
who secured two yearn ngo n decrc
of Separation front the millionaire
Sportsman, asked lor $1 Villi counsel
icos. '
lu her suit Mr. Hrokaw ihiiih'- I
three women, and Hrokaw In a crosi
suit alleges tint.utlifulnt , immin'i
three men. I
Got Strung anil Well Again at Kuiall
Miss Alta Abel, of West Baden,
Ind., says. "I was a compluto wreck,
always tired, worn out nud nervous.
I badrto,ppondkn4aut PJ3'H.blrd V JJ"
wocth-Uug. J-'lnol,.your dyljclous
cod liver .andiron tonic .was. recom
menied,tand it hi1?, dqno ni Jnpro
good (ban all the .inedlcno I oyer
took In my life. Tnat nervous una
tlrod feeling l all gone. I havo
gained In health, flesh and strength,
until I fool liko another person."
Vinol Is tho most efficient
strength creator for such women. It
Is the medicinal eloments of tho cod's
livers contained In Vinol ulded by
tho blood making and strengthening
properties of tonic iron which makes
it so far superior to all other tonics
to build up health and strongth for
weak, tired, ailing women. It con
tains no oil and has a delicious tasto.
Wo glvo back your money If Vinol
does not do all that wo claim. Med
ford Pharmacy, Medford, Oro.
When in Nfced of
Anything in the
Jewielry Line that is
Good and Up-to-Date
Martin J. Redtfy
Near Post Office Medford, Oregon
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Qlass, Storllng Silver, Plated
Sliver, 1817 Rogers Bros., Clocks.
Very largo lino of silver novelties, ' '
t KKU.OCld, Idaho, .Inn. JQ. Tho
biggest mining suil in recent veal's in
the Coour d'Aloncs Is under wnv In
the district court before Judge W, W
Woods, in which the S(ewiiit Mining
company, is plaintiff nud tho Ontario
Mining company is defendant.
Tfio Slewnrl in controlled bv Au
gustus Ht'insc, the Ilutte copuor king, ;
while the Ontario is' owned wholly In
Senr.tor Jonathan Houme of Poll.
Imid, Ore. It is under leue lo local
mining men, and thousiiuds of dol
lars, worth of oro lutvo been Hhippml
from the propotly during the Inst nix
The llciiiite fiirces oliiiui the entire
oro body of the Outr-rio, which ad
joins the Stewtut, basing their eon
tention on the claim that the nw of
tho ein is located in the Senator
Stewart vhiiiu. Tho piotion of ox
tralaternl Unlit is nNo included in
tho -iiiit wlneli promise to bo one of
the most toehiionl ever tried in thi-
coimlx. lite oo body of the Onnm.i
Is ooimenotlvelv c-linmled In be
wiith fl.'iOfl.OllO.
Men's Shoes $3.50
Ao n just in I'ccoipl of u Ini'jjo Hliinnioiit, of "Tho
famous WoluM' Shoes lor Moil" ul i?:J.ri0 itnd 1.00
a pair. I'oiisidoriiitf tho nuporior tpiality and low
prico wo tlilnlc tlu Wohor Shoi-s havo all othor
shoos boaton on tho inarkot.
Men's Shoes $1.98
AW aro offorln on bargain ooiintor qtiito an as
sort inonl of $'1.00 to !?f).0() shoos in odd pairs at
$1.!)S a pair, in tirdor to straiffhton up stock and
niako room for now floods.
Alauv nioro bij; cuts iu our shoo doparliuont
hor is whoro wt oan do vou oikI.
Thousands of jtcrsons have ls-eii ivcuwl fro ulln- tortiueHcf ltlicituintlsiu
nnd ctnted to jKtfect health by tlioueof H i i' !in uniform me thu
y,ow rcsultn from Us use that we do not hetltatc t r,av !t. S S. nlwnyncnu-
ipicra Klll'UUiaitsiu llKimnumrinni. iwu i"i nvci mre iom iiiup
NKW YOltls, Jan. 10. -Ills nu i M.iitcit iltmaso with external trtsttuii-tit. tttult nil Hn'mcnl. plaitura. blis-
monev to be u-ed iittinn-.i linn, Win. O tern, etc. These may lurnMi trniMiiiiiy tellef but they do not leach the
blool Avhcte the rcl ciiusc In IikmUM. Rhcuiuntisui is looted dnd p.ionndnl
m the bltssl nnd must lx-tlrlvcii Ironi ltstroui;nolit
tlieto U-foro jKTniniK'tit icllef can Ik bud. H. .'!. i).
coiupiern Rlieitiiintlsui by drlvuiif fium tli clrculn.
tioit tUcfxa-iWBcciiinuUtioiiof mic acid whlob la
respoiiiiblefortbtf dlsiw. S S. S HtrutiKthena
and liiviuonitcitheblXHliwtbatlr.tid of n wool',
ntr fluid, cauiunu p i'n mul ji.ny U'rotijchout tho
Htiui, It Uvoni' i a i" mr liimlshtnir
bcaltlt to every portion of the Isxly mul telicvlujr
every nvmptoni of Kheuiiintisui, U yott d con
iiucr Rheumatism it will conquer you. H H. H. is tho
ono remedy you can dcix:iul tioit for pood cflnts. Hook on Rbciiuintisiu
ni.dnicUlcnl n.lvicc free. Wt' SWlFf SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, (71.
Anyone can make delicious, crisp wheat
cakes by following this recipe-a newone
received from a famous Vermont coek:
11-2 cups flour
4 even teaspoons linking powder
1-2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon iiitfar
1 1-2 cupt milk
1 cjjb
1 teaspoon melted butter or two
of rich cream
Sift Hour, haling powder, salt nud unr into
iiilxlnt; Isiwl; add mill: rr urndnnll), luntlnn
MiiiMith. Add wcll-biatni cjju and melted bolter
or crcjim. "llnko"on n hot Kiiddlc, sllnihtly
bttt evenly t;rcncd. Do not have oahrs tis thick ;
as noon a lluhtly brownrd on both sides, sprend
one sldo with butter, roll them up and son a
Immediately on n warmed plate.
But cakes aren't cakes without plenty of
sg Your grocer lias just received a making youngsters prow anil
s fresh supply, ripfht from Ver- kcci) well children needswects j
s mont, where it "grew." andTowle's is fine for them, m
M Towle's is good all the time, ' if blnTou'lc's.
s k.,1- u 4-iw..'.. n -i: ,,,iw.n Nature s iriude to the nourish- g
uui ii biitv; kjiim mm. riin t ,1 1
it's better than another, it's nt they need.
riffht now when the cool And that llavor always Jilce g
weather gives folks good appe- the "first run of sap" because jE
tites. thcTowleway of making syrup s
Towle's Log Cabin Syrup is keeps the original mellowness
made on the scientilie plan lor 01 uie mapie.
To-morow morning will bu u khm
..,:..J .I.Mj i. ,.
S IJraR Kccipu. Order u can ol' 'J'owle's
Wttl9&WSKMliMi ix rM nt iw l ' " 7K3 1 1 i Kr0('cr to-day and k'ivo the family
i'abWl I WM MWt W& ulrc,lt' We uro Kohiff to print
jPIaV1w tt Lw i& more recipes, too. Cut this one
3 wJs&lftk. 1m out and Dtusto it in your i-oolc-
-- ( i i. irilHMtmVrawJI-tJ.- J.lJa?A jjmk
rrrz an n h iw in 'T""Tr'"rssWsr' mji
stwsAia ixt'ivr v--v sBssssssiisssssEJb hhhskvi ihih T-r shhb'i
m w mlmmml)2
- cw'lssVMiSwKl'CM,IK,''NHjH'n
SB, "From my camp Vw-"Jjfi- - '
B to your table,'' BE-
S Jack Towle tK
book then watch for the other.';
1 ..,. it !.! fl 1 !....
iiiui y,vi iiiu wuuiu iwwiu .-it'iicM.
'-.. - . . -.
the Log Cabin Can is
your guarantee of purity
ana superior quaucy.
"Innlr TmuU" ...Ill -...,.1 .... ..!
M www. i. ,!, PUIII, ,fl, M VIIIOH"
Ai bio iccluti book nud n inlnlitnro enn
.'' ,.f 'l'. .,!.... I .... 1..I.I.. 12 r... I!....
(.'cent stamps, lo cover postatjo send
to-day. Address Jaclc Towlu,cnru of
Towle Maple Products Co.
Dept. 24, St. Paul, Minn.
Trlbuno office. tf