r w It's a Good I i M"W, oUTT, I've 5?s? '".' ? .n a;' " tjo rn w, APPLES GAINER ' BY ORANGE LOSS What llin I'lfift of the raid snap In Onllfornl.i wilt have iu fruit lrlei ninl innili ile Is lining din nuned by ilioi vltully Interested. The opinion prevail Hint tint dam nut In tin' irnimt rropn will mean betterment In prlco for fancy npplmi nml iAur still hold In Mtorngo nml that much unlit nctlvlly In Din Ilogtin rlvor viUloy will ho lienefliiiM). Tho easterner who vltN ('alitor nln looking for it rnnrli will lint look with inrtli'iil:ir favor on n ell rim pro poeltloii following; thin yunr's devel opment. Attention of (Ik prospec tive buyer will more likely turn tow. anls nppltM or pour whlrli nro not liiunied hy Denting weather In win ltr Hon) wttnln niu ft pert In con sequence nil Increase of lniiilrli'i rttnurilltiK Rogue rlwtr Imul. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE AT EUGENE QURNED IttTlKN'K. Oir., .Inn. H. It in In iIhv MiimmIwI Hint I lii Tint wliirli lt night burned fiiHmlv in Hit Otld I'ullown wiili temple illil iliiiiiiigc HmrHinlWtK In 10.(H)0. The Oil.) 1VI. Ion's IniljH1. nwninr of the liulliliin:, nUHtnilltnl n lixM of ?!.'), 11(111, hihI llin Mltltilt lUnltvatv "tore, on tin Kronnil Hour, I mil iInniuk iIumd to llin txlHil itin,(inn trini-imlly liy wlr. " .tlrrllol W'lillo Mnlinrnt. XhiiiiM In In oven lioino, n IK Imwoillaln HpplliMllon to oiitu, linilwi. tirnltiii nml wiiiiikIk hUim In Unit roller It linn no riiinl ns n IhiIii l;ltltr nml heatur. llnkln' Drug JJlori). POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ion coi;.cii.si.n J. V. IIHItltlAN Hiiliinltn hlii niiino lolio votor ot tlio l'lrit Wnnl im u cimllilntu for councilman. IP KM.CTKl) I WIM HTUIVB TO DO HK1HT. (I'ahl Ailvt.) J, K, (Jnrk) Hlcwnrt 1 hereby nnnaiinco inyaolf ni a cnmlliUto for cnuncllnun from tlio nocmul wnriJ. J. K. rltownrl, 70S Wol 10th. (I'lil Adrt.) CIH)ro XV. rurlcr I Imrowlth nnnonnco niynolf ns cnndldnto for conncllmnn In tlio flrnt ward. (!nld Advt.) I. J. mull I lioruby nntiunnco inysolf os enn dlilnto for couiicllinnn Id tlio second wnrd. (1'ald Advt.) T. I;. DiMiiinor I horowltli nunounco mysolt as cnudhliito for couiicllinnn In tlio third wnrd. J, !. Domtnor, 000 W. .lack Hon, (I'nld Advt.) A. K. llllloii Announces his candidacy for coun cilman from tlio Third Wnrd. I3loc IJIRNDVOTIOIt: 1 boliovo in tho (Muployiuojii, ol'lioino lnliov and in ivlnpf proForonco lo it, in all things donb hy tho oily. I Juiliovo that all toamsters should leavo with tlio OouiHjil a list of toajns thoy could furnish to l)io city whoro required, '.riio ttunns to ho listed in tho ordor thoy aro rocoived. This list to ho usfid as a basis of employment. Each getting his sharo in turn. Medford for Medford Pooplo. .T.W.MLTCIllULli. Thing Jeff Wasn't on the Top Floor of the Woolworth Building TT MONOy UGM'.l, tUNCM, Vh, l OMUV T& tEXOND 0'' OU-fUAW rtMU MJ'A CAN r WM)J a5QOO0 50 fWt, I '! ycMt.AND HC 0C wonwjstv(rN Hon January 14, 1913. (I'nld Advt.) Col. H. II. Pnrtfcnt Announces his candidacy for coun cilman, Hutnnd Ward, Mi.'dford, (1'ald Advt,) l'Olt MAYOIt. TolFIin Volrr. Ah thorn m'cniH to ho n quotitlon In tli iiilinln of noinn pn'oplo on to wh'To I stand with ri'foriuro to rrrtuln mat ters porlsltilnr tn tlio wclfnro of tlif rlty, I wUli to inakn Hut follotvlnK statciuuiit: I wh tlm first meiiihor of tlir conn ell lo ndvornto u pulillc iiinrkut, nnd. nflT wrltliiK ninny llltr to cIIIm In tlm cast nml tuldilli wrn, lo get lit ta. t imhllo tiinrkrt was finally o( tnlilUhnd. I nui n Mroug mippitrli-r of tlm markot, ami will mntiutio to Im no whether 1 mu eluded mayor or not. As lo the saloons, I liitlliivo that so long as the rltltens of Alodfor.l vote for lltumso nml thn saloon nu"i olnty thn r'itiilat)us (which I think should Im strict) they nru untllhul to fjlr tmiiliiinut. I lii'llitve thnt (ho regular police furco cnn. mid aliould, wifoKitnr.l end pruti-ct thoHu who would ro islrny, no fnr us It Ik poiwlliln lo do mi, and thnt until tlm illy licfoiii" lu-.'r, u police matron U iiuncrcssary I tiolluvo tint city shoulil luo n thoroiiKh liuslness aduilnlttruilou with "Hconomy" Hie "WntslrAord": the snuin methods nhould i) nnpiled and (ho sainn atti'iitlon kIvoii to the lnislmtftM affairs of tlio city thnt my Reed liuslueriK man glvox to his lirl tntn liiiHlnotm. I hellevn In the strlrt enforcement of Inw, mid any pollro offlrer. wto fall or unfileetH to do his duty should he reunited. Very respoetfully suhmtttnd, J. K WATT. W. W. lilfert For tlio Information of the voters of Medford, I tnlto this method of announcing my position on tlio prin cipal questions of Interest to tlio pcoplo of our city. " If elected, my tlmo and services will nhvnyit bo nvnllabln to thn pub lic and miKBcntlons and criticisms will at nil times rerclvo most caro ful consideration. When over It Is apparent that thn majority ot our cltlien are united In opinion oppo site to my Individual views, I will yield to tlio majority, regnrdlesa of my personal opinions. Our public mnrkot should bo on coumited and doveloped along such linos ns will result In tho Rrontest nd vantago to tho community. Our Inwa regarding santnry con ditions should bo actively onforcod, and supplemented hy others It tho existing ordinances nro Inadequate. My experiences linn convinced mo thnt tho suggestions offered from tlmo to ttmo by the woinun of tho community, oven bofortt tho right of Buffrngo wna extoudod to them, havo ahvnys been of vnluo, and should rc cclvo tho utmost consideration. Our present laws rogulntlnn tho saloons and tho Halo ot liquor, and such other roHtrlctlomt na tho council or peonlo may horoafter enact, nhould ho rigidly onforcod, and It found Inadequate or tnsuftlclonti should ho nmoiulod. Our water rates should ho rovlsod J? MTODFOTtT) MATTi TRIBUNE, r--Lj;-:U. rooppt'T5y He; Do ? i : Wqoh.1 so that tlm cost of maintenance, and tho nerossnry contributions to tho sinking fund may ho equitably dis tributed ntnoiiK thn consumers, but no surplus should ho accumulated at thn oxpenso of tho rate payer. Tho work of tho flnunc commit teo and of tho other principal com mittees of tho council should he opou to suggestion and aubjeet to criticism, mid tho criticism, sugges tions, and Co-operation of representa tives of our vnrloifs civic bodies should bo Invited nud encouraged In such work. If elected I pledgo inysolf to uio my utmost ondenvor to carry out tho Idem outlined nbovo, nnd to give Medford an Impartial, progressive, business administration. (I'nld Advt.) J. W. MlUhell In announcing my candidacy tor tho mayoralty, I wish to say that, as wo havo every aisurnnco of n most pro-perous year, let us guard against crrots In public affairs. Now, ns to tho public market, 1 want lo say that 1 am, and always have been, n strong advocate of tho p'lb'l market. I was among tho first of tho council to favor and pro mote It. I feel thnt the success of our mnrkot Is due as much to my etotrta as nuy other member of the council. 1 shall, If elected, use every honorable effort to maVo It a continued success, as I rcnllxo tho grcnt benefit It Is to both producer and consumer. Now, ns to tho saloons. So long as tho atnto nnd the city llrenso them to do business, thoy aro entitled to do so; hut I nm a strong advocate of Inw enforcement, ns tr.o laws exist, nnd when tho laws aro wrong, wa have a remody, It's up to tho puhllc. I firmly boliovo in oerclopinent and progress, hut not to tho cxtont of reckless extravagance. Wo must guard against this recklessness, but not to tho extent ot rotractlon. I am strictly apposed to any special privileges as to locations, persons or corporations, but ndhoro rigidly to tho best Interests ot tho public. I boliovo that tho snmo considera tion Is duo to tho Indies ns to tho men, In nil our public affairs. (I'nld Advt.) J. K. Watt "At tlio tjolioitntifln of ninny eiti ipiih I Imvt) ileoiiK'il to become n eun didnto for tho office of mnyor at the coming olecljon in January. In thin connection 1 wirtli to Htntp thnt if dec tod, I will uso mv bent effortx to rIvo Uio city a clean buniuoHH nd iniuiHtrtition. (I'nld Advt,) C. h Tittle Durlqg tlio last ten cays a nurabor of cltliens havo called upon mo, ro qucstlug mo to become a candtdnto for mayor ot tho city of Medford. Aftor duo consideration and consul tation with cltWons In all linos ot business, I have dccded to nnnounce mysolt us n candidate for said ottlco. I therefore prpscnt to tho votors ot Medford, for their consideration, my platform, which Is ns follews: An honest, open and atiovo-board, clean cut buslnoss administration. A fair and aqunro deni at all times, ftqunl rights to all, Special priv ileges to nono. A gonulno peoples public market. Ilogardlug tho liquor question. Personally I do not drink, novor havo, but us long ns thogoverninont, atnto nnd city Hcoiibo enloonH, nnd undor Strict rogulntlon thoy obey tho law, thoy nro ontlttod ta protection. Should thoy porslst In dlsoboylng tho law, their llcenso shbutd bo revoked. A careful accounting ot nil flnnn cos. All dlBbursomenta subject to pub lic (nspoctlon nud opou for pupbllca tlon by tho city prpaa. Duo consideration of all petitions far mid ngaliiBt publjo Improvements. A rigid practlco ot ocouomy, except whou such economy has a tondoncy to rotnrd progress. I will further all progressiva mat ters ot general Improvement for tho city, hut aiich must coma within tho scope o.f good husluoss, I shall omloavor to uso my best r tm . (X MEDFOUg OH1MION. THURSDAY. ,rANITARY fl. 1013. JM"Y i f .XeaMeg ., efforts for the keeping of tba cltTtn n sanitary condition at an tiuis.' Whnreas, aftor years of struggle, tho women havo been given tho privilege ot exorcising their rights of citizenship, duo consideration will Im given them on nil matters of pub lic Importance. Hhoutd I bn elected, I assuro the pcoplo that I will be mayor In fact an well as name. I will not be tho tool of any clique and will bo Influenced only by what 1 bcllovo to bo right and equitable. If tho abovo platform meets with your approval and you boliovo I am capublo of filling tho orflco, I will appreciate your support. C. H. OATK8. (Paid Advt.) ion iti:.NT -Ftm.vi8iii:ii kooms I"b?r"lU:Nt Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, C04 West 10th st two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Coss. 274 FOit KENT Largo sleeping room, $1.60 and S2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, J 16 nnd tic. Home phono 2CC-IC 222 Bon Hi Holly. KOIl IlKXT Sulto of threo rooms for light housekeeping completely furnlKhed. 103 Kat llth. lTo FOit KKNT Strictly modern, atoam heated furnlshedjroom with board tor two pcoplo, '2 49 S. Itlvorsldo. ... 243 ion ui:xt housi:ki:i:pixo ItOO.MS KOltTl KXTVu rn I sh ed hmideelP Inn rooms In now modern house with gas range. Thro blocks from P.0. Phono 3721. i-'oit iiii.vr Miscr:Mj.xi:ous Foil "lKABE l'nily 'cqp'eTpiacor mine. Cold Itay Itcalty Co. FOit IIBNT - Itanehes, largo nnd small, alfalfa and garden lands. Oold Itny Itoalty Co., Cth and Fir. FOit KKNT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Kay Itoalty Co. fok iu:.vr iiousks FOR KENT 4 room house, cloio In. Beo owner, I. W. Thomas, 71S West Main. 250 FOR KKNT Modern, furnished bun galow, closii In, very complete; also eight room modern house, un furnished. Jueiiia Campbell, 320 Garnctt-Corey llldg., phono 3231. 24S FOK KKNT Hy owner, 7 room lipust) on pave street. Hath, steel rnugo nnd gas connection. In quire 100C South Oakdale. 250 FOK KKNT One six room house closo In. Also housekeeping rooms, electric Unlit gas, bath, etc. No. 310 X. llarilott. FOK KKNT Seven room house, $15.00.. Phono Co. II. II. Snr gtmt. - 2 CO FOK KENT Modern 5 room fur nished houso. Call at CO North Orange, FOK KKNT 5 room mooern bun gnlow, practically now, Medford Kcalty & Improvement Co. IF YOU havo n house to rent list It with Mr. Paul Humphrey, bl. K. Main street. 2f3 FOK KKNT 4 room houso, $5.00 por month. Oold Kay Itoalty Co. FOK nK.NT Furnished house, closo In, M. A. Knder, M. F. & II. Co. NEW TODAY Hero's a good quo. 230 aero 'much fip" Koguo river. Tho OrntOr J.nko highway crosses It. 100 acres Irrigated tram tho river, apd lu film nlfalfn nnd grain, This Is u fliiQ sightly homo, and has tho conveniences of olectrla lights, tele phone mut frco mnll delivery, Stage pnss.es tho door, Good sevon room houso, good bnrn and other buildings. Soma s(oqk goes with tho place. The owner will tnko some Medford property, some cash, nud lot tho lml nni'.p r'lH ' oil tbo phico. Price, $15,000, G. D. HOON Kooiii 12, Jucksou County Uuuk llldf . M -" li?' - fe,T - -- iLJ fS 7- J -- . a w. . . - . . . J - ll I - ? I'Olt ItKXT HOFHF-S FOK KENT 10 room houso rear of Fanners fc Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, boarding or rooming house. Gold Itny Itoalty Co.. Cth and Fir Kin I'OK KKNT I-TIISIHIIKII AITS. FOK KENT Smith Apts. 217 S. Klv. FOK KENT Furnished apartment new, prlvato bath, hot water heat. Tho Herben Apartment, 10 Qulnco St., corner West Main. FOK KKNT OFFICES FOK IlKXT targe, comfortablo of flco rooms with elevator service, stenm bent, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture &I Id w.Co FOK SAI.R lini'SIS FOK SALE 4 room furnished mod ern houso In Medford on largo lot, well flnlsncd In sldo. 75 acres timber on splendid land, partly creek bottom 33 miles ftom Med ford. All tor $3200 cash. Inqulro P. O. Hox CCS. 254 FOK SALE 4 room houso and lot $700, $100 cash and $15.00 per mouth. Gold Kay Itcalty Co. FOK S.U.i; LOTS FOR SALE It cheap, on paved street, water nnd sewer paid, ono payment on pavement paid. Home 73-L. or 221 Knight street, F. K. Hammond. 251 FOK .S.LK.CIIKAGK FOK SALE Handles, aero tracts, town proporty, from $5 per aero, upwnrda on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Itny itoalty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOK SALK MISCKl.iaXKOUS FOK SALK Horses, wagon and har iiom. horse 0 nnd 7 yuarsold. Per fection No. 2 oil luirner. six hole t-l range. Free sewing machine beds, springs nnd mattresses. Ex tension table. Ocoan Wave washing machine, fruit jars, runabout bug gy and Sood set ot single harness, it. W. Thompson, 71C Fourteenth street. 249 FOK SALK Dry wood 1C Inch chunk wood, dry balsm, cut green, thor oughly dried, never had n drop of rain, nicest wood on tho market. $2.00 a tier at tho shed or $2.50 delivered In not Iom than two tlor loads. Phono 403-K-3. U. F. Van Dyke. 251 FOK SALE Old TriiBty Incubators and brooders tho most rollablo made. Order now and bo ready for early hatching. For catalogue and prices call on or address C. A. Myers, SOS Dakota. 252 FOK SALE Petaluma Incubator, 1912 model, cheap. F. S. Carpen ter. Medford, Ore., 11. F. D. No. 2. Phono 201-11-4. 51 FOK SALK Fruit box labels In ono two or three colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Tribune, FOK SALK Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed nt tho Mall Tribune offtco. FOK SALK Looso loaf ledgor sys tems, any stylo or made to order by tho Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOK SALE 1012 G passenger au tomobllo almost now. Bargain for cash. Hox SO, Trlbuno. FOK SALE Legal hlauks, tresspass notlceB, for salo or rout sings at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOK SALE A Faultless No, 3 stump pallor with full equipment. In quire Hagley Knnch, Talent, Ore gon. 251 FOK SALK Monarch range nnd heating Htovo nearly now, two mat tresses, two rugs, two porch chairs, kitchen chairs, carpet sweeper nnd garden hose. 4 IS South Oakdnlo. Phono 5071. 24S FOK SALK Lottor heads ana fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOK SALK Six thoroughbred Whlto Orpington cockerel, $3.00 each or $5.00 n pair, W. II. Howon, Jacksonville. 249 FOK SALK Hood tonm ot work horsos, coming G nnd 0, weight about 2200 lbs. Call G19 South Itlvorsldo or phono 3392, 250 FOK SALK Com by Dr. Clancy. FOK SALK Dry ouk wood. Phono . 319-K. 248 . By "Bud11 Fisher cfrimS-HtAa, lUu JfA' V- ' l-'OK K.U: MIHOKLJNIi:gicP' FOK SALK -A stump -frflHpr nml tabid at a bargain. Can bo seen at 717 North Klvcrslde. 250 FOK SALE Household furniture. In all or by tho niece. 19 Koss Court. Phono "S.'.l. FOK HALE Hark. In good condi tion, cheap. Phone 805-F-2. 248 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy, smudge pots, oil dope wagon. Hox D. II., earn Mall TrUfiino. t 2C0 WANTED Gentle, good butter cow, for her feed winter months. Mm. p. N. MoNassar, Centra! Point, or Phone. 253 WANTED 100 shoatn and some pigs and chickens. A. J. Spring. Nosh Hotel. 251 IIKLP WANTED MALE WAXTED A first " clas Japanoso cook desires position In a good famly. can. do cpoklng every conn trie's stylo and waiting table. Ad dress 135 X. Grape St. 248 WANTED SITUATIONS WAXTED Jnpaneso couplo want position as general housework. Phono Main 33C1. Harry Wato nabo. 251 MIST LOST Last Friday, a non-skid auto mobile chain. In Medford or on Jacksonville road. Finder please notify Ira J. Dodge, Main 201-11-3. 24S FOK i:CILNGK FOR SALK OK EXCHANGE We can sell or exchange your second hand automobiles. No chnrgo for storago If you let us sell for you. Valley Garage, Villey Motor &; iracior uo MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city or ranch property. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 36S1. IIUSINIS DIRECTORY Attorneys C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Hank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Kooms 1 and 2, Postoftlco bldg. A. B, REAMES, LAWVBR Garnott Corcy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney nud Cuuu scllor at law, Koom 2, Rlalto building, Mqdford, Ore. Accountants D. 11. WOOD Gonoral Accountant Your books audited ami Kept for a rcasonnblo figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono CCU; resi dence phono C302. Auto Supplies LAHKK AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs la tho tomperlng. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarfnteo. 2G North Fit toonth St., Portland, Oro. Chiropractors nil. A. II. HEDGES. Dr. Louisa H Hodges, Mcchauo - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spandylotheraplsts. Thcso systems, Including dietetics, curatlva gymnastics, hydro-ther-nphy, otc, produco results In both acuta nnd chronto diseases. Con sultation tree, 230 North Dnrtlott St., no:t door tq M. K. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5. m. Other hours by nppolutmeut. Dell phono Malu 4171. DR. It. J. LOCICWOOO, Chiropractor, uervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Ga,rnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor hatha and sclontltla massngo given; ndylco In dletptcsl piedlcal gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. 1'houo Home 14C-L, Main 5712. Notary Public HKLKN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Drlut; your work to mo at the slgu ot Tho Mail Trlbuno. I'ACITC FIM. i ,1 IWHlifKBH WHKCTOIIY Itrlckr MEDFOKD BKICIC CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, aco. T. O'Hrlen Contrnctors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and time. Ottlco at their brick yard, West Jackson su Phono No. 34 CI. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil engineer and survoyor. Water tilings nnd Irrigation work n. specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grndos, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concreto work, pump and . canal systems. Koom 2, Palm blk., Medford. Or Dentist DK. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DK. C, C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corey bldg., sulto 3 JO. Medford, Ore. Both phones. DR. AKTKMUS W. DEANE Dontlst Offlco In Klalto bid., 123 East Main St. Gas admlnlstorod for ex traction ot teeth. Phono Main C81. Night phone 4432. Garbage GAKHAaE Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phono Main S251. F. Y. Allen. Nurhcrlcs QUAKER NURSEIIIRS Onr troen aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. H. II. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In sldo entrance, noxt to barber shop. Printers nnd Publishers MBbFORfiPKINTINO CO. has tho best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir at. l'lij-klclaus nnd SurKcnns DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Coror bldg.. phono 27S-K. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Dank bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phono f.r.01; rcsldcnco 307 South Onkdalo st., phono 7171. Home phono, rest denco 109, ottlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phones, office, 2S; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physlclnn nnd surgeon, Practlco limited to oyo, eur, uoso aud throat. Byes scien tifically testod and glasses supplied Offlco 223 Bast Main St. Hours S:30 a. tn. to 8 p. ra. Doth phones. E. H. PICKBL, M. D. Offlco Jack 8on County Hank bids. Office phono Main 432; Res. phone, Main CS2. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon. Stownrt bldg., corner Main nnd nartlett sts,, offlco phone, 271; residence phone, 273. E. KIRCHGBSSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to chronlo diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland. Wednetdaya 10-3. lloth phones. Residence phones: Farmer lCxxS Ealo Point and Rogue River lino. CLARK B. SAUNDERS, M. D, Prac tice limited to oyo. oar, nose and throat, Byea scientifically testod and glasses furnished when needed. Garnott-Coroy bldg., second floor. Uoth phoue8, Medford, Oro. DR. MARTIN O, DARI1BR PhysU clan and surgeon, Office Palm block, opposlto Nash llotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone Pacific 1101. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and aurgeon. Phones, offlco, B01; rcbl douco, 7241. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W, HOWARD Osteopathia Phyalclun, 303 Garnett-Corey Building. Phono 91-R. Stenographers ELLA M. QAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly, mid well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER STORAOIQ CO. Offlco 1C South Fir st. Phone Bell 3152; Home 360-K. Frlsea right Service guarantee , Qa. i h Vt c t