Ortfon Hlstwleal ttfh Clly HaH rW 41 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Ituln or anovr, Mntlnnerjr temp.: .Mln, l!H Mar. III. m forty rniiiM Tir. I hilly- HhvpiiIIi Vtr MEDFORD, OrciMON, TlinwiM Y, JANUARY f), KM a. KO. 218. i-' ii , t t. WES LOOT POST OFFICE ROGUE Filth Postal llolihrry In Valley In Past Two Weeks Stores and Dc lint nho Rulthrit Four Wntclir.s Smited Escape Made mi Spf tier More Pennies Secured Suspects Sern Before Robbery Warnltin Isstird to Town Mnrslinll. Tln IHlli pout (ifllm robbery In I ho KiRt two wi'okit occurred Inst UtKlit at Ittimii- Itlvor, wlmu thriven entered tin" post office ! means nt h'4ottin imxH nntl Nceurod h.'vitiiI liiltnm In pnnuliNt. Thuy also hroko Into lliw Moutheru Pacific depot, -Aiirlni four diillnm friuii dm cash till. I!nirltin viurriiy's Jtmolry More llioy liti fnitr H'llil watches, it Hold iilmln hhiI sllek-plu. Forcing mi en irni"(i inui lln I'lty recorder' ofriro, thy upxHiMl the dak, Inil mtihihI milliltm. Tlmy rnusiiekml McOlnlu'H hnrihwiro sloto, hill apparently took iimMm, llroukliiK lulu Ihi' rnllrond nhcMl ilu)' stole it "spender" unit iiiiiiln gel-imsy, iin tkoy Old two night iM'foro at Gold I llll. Penny Klmrtage linM'iul l'nt offices nt .Med ford, I!.ikI' I'olHt. Talent, (lolil I llll mill Hogilo litter have now been robbed of tntiiM mill pennies, ninl those I lion t ens n h(irlK') of pMtinle In the valley. Ilutli Nt Colli Hill itml Kokik' litter .largo quantities of ltiiiiHi worn bundled by tho robber, but left untouched. Tk men or A mcii nt lloituo lllv r nil n good dflicrlptlon secured. Tluro lire two of tlinin, one .'. fro I, ; Inches, Niuoolti shaven, thin, Ioiik fri. Mitlnw complexion, Ilktt n dope (Imiil. walks with n slight limp. Tin other l about 6 (not, r Inches, thick set. wgh litu pounds, pronilnuiit upper Up. , The ntu work with fnlsn keys, chisels nml rIiim cutters They nuke no iioIm nNil tin not blow nufnti. Thy Iihv rnllrnitit stsltrh keys. ,MMrt. Sniidry nml Woodcock loft ItitRiio Itlver onrly thU morning In puriult of tlin tholvwt. HoIiIh-i-m ,h Seen M. Johnson, proprlntur of the cute iti ItoKiiu Itlvnr, vmi oini or tliono who mw ilio rolilmm nlioiit to n'rlnrk WiMliifnilny nlcht unit hnvlnt: rHinI I hn ponlnl wnrnltu;, ri'roKiiln'il thi ilonorlptlon nml rnlloil I lie lowu uuirahnir nltrntlon in Ihont wnrn (iik hint In tin on Iho look ml. Tho wurnliiK Mim apparently ilUroKiinti'il. Tim kurloM or InirKlnrliHi nturti'il whun tlin .Meiltnrtt pontnMli'o wn nil linul lttn. S7, nml nllico llutl tlluo Ihi' IHiit offli'o nt Kngln Point, Tnlont nml (lolil Hill hiivo lii'iui miiIhioiI In uiMllliiii Ilio hnrKlnm "toui'lunt" Hi,. S P Htntlim nt 'I'iili'iil, liuiilliik'H ttloro ul Tuliiut, u Jowdlry uliiro nt tiiiinU Piihm, uinl .IiiiiiIiik'h hiiIooii mnl I.iiiico'h Nloro nt Until Hill. E 110 IKK, lilnlio, Jim. I), it. S. Slior lilnn, C. 0, llro.Miii nml A. It. Curon, tint Imiirituiiicil iicuhiiiiciincu, mo tmluy itoiiMlilui'liit; olTcrrt 1'ioiu it Sun I'lniicUei) lyciuim Inuciui mnuntter lo oeiuiiy iiliiH'ormH in uvnry Iiii-ru city in Ilio Uullcil iSllncs. All thieo men nio now Mirviiig ternm of leu iluyn in Ilio Ailu county jull, unit iiuilcr u lino of .'iill) ciich I'or iniiiliiiK u ntulo incut from Colonel lionscvcit eilli cIk'uij,' ihn Miipieiue eiiuil foe ruling IiiokiohhIvk cuniliiluli'H oil' (lie ofl'iciul linllnt In Novcmlior. Iliuinu llieie lui'iu'eciulinu tlin Hirco prirtoiuu'H liuvo liccn culcrtulnliiK ho luiiliy vlllurH Unit it Iin m liccn found utu'Ohhiivv lo niuinliiin u "wnilin linn." Tim iiuvMiii)onucii would mil sluto wlmt Hitlnry limy worn In icccivo if llinv neccplcd Ilic offer of I lie lyeunm Iiiii'ciui, hut II Is uiuloi'Moiul (o lie very eiitifini;. LYCEUM OFFER MAO OS A PRISON THREE PERISH AN ABO MI Morn Bodies May Dn In Ruins Thir teen In Hospital From Injuries Two Flimsy Loillii Houses De stroyed 200 Lodners. Corpses Unldeiilltled and So Badly Uiirned That Identification Is Pro hahly luipossllile. KAN I'MANriKCO, (.'ill , .Inn. f -Tliri'o purHiiiiN iirx known to ho ilnil, thlrli'cn un In tin iiiniri;Kui'y Ihir pit ii I mitfurliiH troiu Injnrlon Irnm which ortrnt iniiy ilio nml lin oIIhth urn ri'porli'il hiirloil In tint mlim of Hun Pi'ilm unit .Miirlllniii l.ody.lni; Iioiiim nt ICimt nmt llowunl ntri'Hn, In tlin Hntfidont illstrlct here, which wnro Inlnlly ilimtnomt liy flrn "nrly loilny. 'Ihron iinlilnntlMM IkkIIkk wim Inki'ii to lh inorKiii, mi Icully huriii'il t lint littinltly tuny iicvit Ih wtali IIhIhhI l'h rirxnu'ii witd Injnri'il Tlii two IiiiH'.Iiik horn"' witk rim-H- twoHitory urrulm, nci'iip)liiK mi i-nllro Imir hloek. I'lri'ini'ii lliiniM'n'il 11o work or the flri-incii In InyltiR Iioko llniii Man IminiMtri'il tiy the con dition or Ihn Mrcot, which l torn up for coithtriictlon or tliu licit lino rullroml. Ily tlin tliup tin firm stream xliot Into tlin flnincH, ihi llnwnrd ulrcct idt' or th" IiiiIIiIIiikh wnn n iiium or fire. With but tlirru unrrow tulrvn)n ntul oini of tlii'KO cxltti roinplclcly rut off hy tlin wnll of llnmit, Iho Inumtfo crowded la th oiiUldt' wliulnwR nml creamed In terror In the firemen to Mretch lad- ilem. Itfpentedly Iho flretlRhtnr pl.iced ladder nmtlnut Iho window c.iHlng. only to Intto tho charred frnnioHork cnlliiMn HluikliiK (rf Iho firemen from their ullppory lioliU Into the lr'Pt. Home of tho morn cournK ooim lodKorn took it leap (or lUo Into the Htreot I'lreman HhitUKhnoimy vn knuckHil from hi ladder hy n SOO-pound kUui which cruxhed him to tin. ground, lufllctlni; notitrn In juries. I.enp I'limi Window Mr. Knthcrlno (loldnteln wn un u iik tliDito who leaped from tho window . Hln wnn picked up uncoil .clou only n few feet nwny from the riumi'H which crept, nlowly toward lier. DESERTER SEEKS TO WED HELEN TAFT I.OH a.N(h:i.i:h. Cnl . Jnu. n. -Aililrotwcit to PreHldent Tnft, a nine rliiKu llccnwo application, hearliiK tho untile of Mln Helen Tnft mid .N'lch- iiIiin HouriiiH lit HpeeilliiK toward WiihIi- IiikIoii today. AccnrdliiK tn l.lcouxo Clerk HpurkH, HoufliiH filled nut tho application, nhowod It to tho office altachoM mid darted through the door define ho could he rent ruined. Houf Ian ileclnren he mailed It nt once. The man In allci;cd to have deserted from mi artillery corps nt Port Itosc craiiH, T WASUINOTON', Jnu. II. HlroiiK nppohitinu In the plan of Frank A, Munsoy, the inilliumiirn uowspapee nml tuiiKUieiuo publisher ,vlio was one of the principal liuckciH of Colonel Itoosevclt in the lust presidential cmupui);ii mimmuccil yesterday in an eililoriul in tho New York Pichh to uuiiiIkuiiiuIo Ilio proKt'cssivn iulciehtn in linlli the rcpublicuii nml proj,rre.s nivo purlicH wiik voiecil hero loilny in a Ktutemciil issued hy Anuni I'incliot, brother of Clifford Pinclml, former chief foiester of the Uniteil Stutes, who himself supported Hoosevelt, in which ho refeiH to .Mtinsey'H proposj Hon uh u "vole hunting combinutiou," Piiiehot s-ulil in purl: "I feel Hiiro Hint Munsoy'fl propo hiiI hIiows a tliurnui;h-Koiiitr inicon cepliuu of what the party represents. Wo heliovo Ilio puity Iiuh it ilefinlto, rent ami neeossury work to tin. Its (ask is tn destroy economic, and spe NHO E THIRTY-EIGHT CONVICTED DYNAMITEHS ON jP. hh tjtHHta m ' 1at m m iiiji . h wmvm .. -J ' wmBl kit- i w 'Ai SX. ?A.k(&X3ri : iWiTJX . - "r ik. ' v. a . m Titr s- - ARCHBOLD LEUERS 10 EXPLAIN THEFT ( IIR'ACiO, Jan. !. Willinm Wink fielil, a ni'Krii mp'ticnjtiT, who in nl li'Kt'il to have stolen the eelilinileil Aiehliolil lullerH 1'nuu the N'ew York tllex of the Sliiuilunl Oil comimin nml soi lliem to agents of Willinm It. Ilcntxl, U ttmler Hiilimi'iui here to- iluy to n)Hiur in Wnhinnton .lanuary It. liefore the neiutte ennipaiu eon iriliullnuH invenliinitiui; eommittee. Winkfield will he required to tell exactly how lie cot the letter which clouted miicIi H iMililienl Hcnutioii, in volving kcorcM of eoiirewhinou, tcnn loi, (,iiertioi nml judges u liming profited through the lilicnilily of the oil trut. The retirement of Senator Koniker of Oliiu nml ('onxreMnnn Sihley of Penm-ylvuniu nttrihutcil ilircctlv lo the pulilieuliuii of thee letters nml fnnnur (tovcnior ('. N". Haskell of Oklahoma re-untied n trenxurer uf the ilemocrutie tuitiouul committee four yenm uo foowiii(j the pnliliealinii of Mime of the letter While Ht'iut of lluniK ilctcctiveh nml M'uulo sert;ennlf.-nt -anus searched He country, Winkfield wits InctitiM here IIii-dukIi n rme hy n deputy I'uit ci! Slate-i mmhiil. PAIR OF SHOES CAUSE OF DUrtGLAtTS DEATH TACOMA, Wn.. .Inn. . Attempt iui; lo hIciiI, lor the hccoiiiI time ye lenlay, u pair of xlmes, nn iiiikuown mnn plunged to Iiin ileutli from t It--window of a kccoiiiI slmy room in Die Fuwcelt hotel. I. S. Silvii, nuiier of Iho tdioc, told the coi-ouer thai he had taken the hlmco nway from the dead innu ufter they luul liccn Inken the fiit lime. The thief wn trying to ernul from Hie window of one room into that of Silvii, ucceiilinj: to eye wit- Heches, when he fell. U cial privilege. We know tho party wm, founded to help tho people of the Fnitcil .Stales to lircal; this time worn anil oNpeiieiieo-ilnnineil system of injustice nml oppression. If it does not stand for this it hits no ri;;hl to continue in any form. "Toilny, more than ever, tlin re publican party is dominated by a wcll-oiKunineil, diversified system of IcKiilixcil pillage. If the progressives should, abaudoii their principles nml (,'o into a vntc-hmitiiu; combine with Ilio discredited republican party, wo would certainly deserve what would ho cnuiiin; to us, "Personally, I believe Munsoy'n proposal, if followed, would not nt nil prove a 'quick, sure way of over oominj,' democrat io supi-eiiiney,' but a quick, Hiiro way of jumping off tho precipice, iissiMod by a quick, sure ami woll-deserveil impetus from tho bout too of Iho American public," '1 i WHO MMSEVS LAN ?SB&S3& rill. 5 i h r f.I7T3Ki. J?Yli7?iv.ylt jmkr j fUMfiii j3 nyHAMiTCRS n,rina led hahccuffed FKXDMTHE TEDERAU COURT TO THE OOUMTY JAIL 'ml IV Ihtrt) Hunt m u-d tm;i. fouin) tiuiltr In tin? famoun tl) tinuilte tliitl - n' . I ,cr I .Hit Itili .!!w ti the rolllllv Jan. huildi ilITi-d to I liltnl Slutu mursiiJU ROAD SUPERVSORS FOR YEAR NAMED BY COUNTY COURT The coiiulv court today fiuii.hcil its work of rcditricfiiit; the county into rmul ilitriot. Mlvcliitujjen have been mmle. Senrvtiy n di-lriut re iiiniiih the Name us latt ieur. Some of the olil ilUtrietx lime heen cut down, .nine enlnri;eil, muiic ciiihnli- dated, hut nil are more neitrlv of a uniform ni.e than previously. The following liuve hewi npi)ititeil Mipervinni for the new ilixtriet" for the ensiiiiiK year: 1. .luck True. At-jtlnml. i. Sum Van Dyke, l'liowiix nml Talent. 1. A. II. Zimmerman, Knglc Point. 1. 0. F. Wrleher,. Wc-t Central Point. f. Ntnk Ivime-.. Orifnn Creek. 0. Tom Stanley, taike Creek. 7. Frank Keil. Dorliv nml Unite Falls. 8. J. K. DavtMin, Oohl Mill. P. IdIiii (iieh e. Prospect, 10. V. It. nnrrell, AppleKute. It. Arthur Karhnrilt, Wnmlville l'J. W. I. Chupnian, Sums Valley. IX F.. C. Hamilton, Fact Control Point. U Dave Pence, F.Ik Creek nml Trail. TTO SAN FltANClSCO. Jan. I). - Con victed a week ro as a result of tho government's ciiimuIo against usinc tho mails for the transfer of illegal meilienl reincdies, Dr. A. F. Peabody was sentenced bore todny by Judge Vmi Fleet of the I'nited States dis trict court to u year in the Alameda jail ami to pay a fine of .fU.OOO. Peabody protested that ho was penniless, hut District Attorney Me Nab declared that tho convicted man had purchased nn expensive limou sine hut a few davs ago nml the judge refused lo ulier sentence. L E NFAV YORK, Jan. P.-Stocks were in small demand nt tho opening of the market today. Tho level of prices was harely changed. Atlantic coast Ipio recorded today fluctuations of more tluiii a fraction advancing one half, A move cheerful sentiment prevailed in the market with a con fident absorption of various special ties, Succoss Boored by manipulated is- suos oncoitrageil moro general buying of stuudunl stocks. The market closed irregular, Honda wore firm, WAT TO POISON. - Mmi'im? sais&j i ; jIIi, I ml, .Hid deputies. TAX LEVY FOR IS TEN MILLS Tho county court Tlinii)ny com pleted the tax lew for tho year. inakiu n total of lit milUit-tigiiuM 11 mills a year n;" The levy is thus- divided: Mills. .. 1.0 .. 1.1 ..- .: .. .1 .. .1 .. Lit .. i. .. .1 .. a. School ami library. State , I lih hchon) Fruit inspection . . . , Ailvertisini; (lenoral oxHihe . . . Warninl redemption Puhliti huildin Komi 30. The road levy U a mill less than a year ago. The general expense the same, the school and library the same. Warrant redemption is a new levy to redeem outstanding indebted ness and bring warrants to par. Pub- lie buildings is to repair court house. Fruit insR'otion was included in gen eral cxenso a year ago, and is paid by an extra assessment upon orchard proHrty. Advertising is to enable the county to do puhlicity work For mcrlv done by the various commer cial clubs. TO MEET SAMMY TROTT I.OS ANni'.I.F.S, Jan. 0. -Sammy Trott of Cleveland and llutl Anderson of Vancouver, lightweights may be matched for a 20 round tussle at Ver non January 28. Promoter MeCnrey will mnke offers to the fighters this week. ASTORIA. Ore., Jan. O.-That the seamen who composed tho crew if the wrecked steamer Koseorans met death in a brave and unflinching manner is the statement made by Fred Peters, the sailor at St. Mary's hospital here who miraeuouly esenped a watery grave by drifting to tho shore netir Tioga Tuesday after noon. "Of course there was a great deal of excitement when sho struck, but later when tho hoys realised that ho wasngoncr, they calmly accepted the inevitable and although some had hopes of being lescucd manv had made up their minds to die," seid Peters, as ho United on his cot to vest his injured shoulder. 'I think it was about 5 o clock when sho bumped, I was on the bridge with Second Officer Palmer, who immediately gave orders to re- iti-f S -m r"-i' rk. iiiiiBLEHJO rnB wf lrJ3j JACKSON NTC SEAMEN WEN llllll) FLOODS ENDANGER UFE: River Nine Feet Above Danrjer Mark at Pittsburo Damage Is Enormous Mills Flooded and Workmen Idle Cellars Filled With Debris. Crest of Flood Expected This After noon No Serious Damage in Ohio cr Kentucky Yet. CIN'CIKNATI, Ohio, .Inn. !). The Ohio river here ronoliPil a lnue of 1.1 feet before noon tmlav iihiI is ris mi; at the rate of nix inchi nn hour. It is predicted that n s of fifty feet will he reaeheil liy toiiHiiniw. No serious diiiuHX'' Iihk vi't heii remrt c.l. PJTTSHl'KO. I'M.. Jan. ".-With eighteen hoars' warning. Pittsburg is lodnv prepared for a Hood. At Iho junction of the Moiiongiihcln and Al leghany rivers the water already is :tl :i-10 feet deep. This is nine "fret above the danger innrk. It is an nounced that the crest of the flood here lias been reached. Many lives are endangered but thus far no futnlilic- have I n re- IMirled. Property damage is enormous. .Mills are flooded and tboii-amls of workers are idle. There is a foot of debris in the cellars of mnnr houses. The crest of the flood is expected to be reached, in tho Ohio river this afternoon. A stnge of -18 feet is pre dicted at Wheeling. If this is reached the damage trill he tremendous. MANCHURIA PLOTS E TOKtO. Jan. 0 - Under tho lead ership of Prince Hilz, a movement for tho Independence of Manchuria, It was learned here today, has grown secretly to such proportions that It Is expected soon to como to a head. The policy or Japan toward Man churiau Independence Is expected to be decided after the return to Toklo of Prince Hlroyukl Kato, the now premier, who succeeds Prince Kut sura, resigned. It was decided today that the coro nation of tho now Mikado of Japan will ho held during November, 1914. In Kioto. HELEN GOULD TO WED T JANUARY 15 NF.W YOHK, Jun. O.-The wedding of Miss Helen Gould ami Fiuley O, Shepard of St, Intis, it was learned, will he quietly solenmucd at Lyad hurst, Miss Gould' country place in Inington near here. The exact date which lias been told Miss Oould's in timute friends is being carefully guarded. The ceremony will tuko place about January 13. verso tho engines. A comber imme diately came over the vessel and Cap tain Johnson at that moment ru-het' on tho bridge, exclaiming: 'Great guns, that t,ca sprung up quick.' Just then the boat bit bottom again and I can bear him yet as ho yelled abott Iho roar of the seas: 'My God, wo'rc on the bar. Tho captain then ordered tho pumps nt work pumping oat Iho oil in order to lighten tho vessel. Captain Johnson did overythiu? he could for tho boat and the men. ll wasn't long before tho seas had flooded the engine room-, and put out tho fires. "Hy this time tho seas wcio break iug over so bad that tho enplain n? i orcd us below. While wo were hud dled together expecting any moment to bo our last, somo of the boy rang and joked each other hut all realized tho seriousness, of our situation." N 0 Affl AV POWERS FAVOR BULGAR'S CLAIM TO AORIANOPLE Turkish Envoys Instructed to Refuse Compromise Until Powers Actually Intervene and Then Yield and Savn Dlfjnlty of Nation. Greece Demand Aetjean Isles as Fail urc to Get Them Means Revolution at Home. LONDON, Jan. 0. "Turkoy nbn lutnly rofHHwi to abandon Adrianople. If peace bingo on this oniitiirgeuoy hn.xtlllli might at well bo resumed nt once." ThU ileelfl ration was made here today by Itewehid Paulm, ono or the Turkish envoy to the ikmicc confer ence here between reproseiilulives of the llnlknn stoles nml Turkey to the United Pre eorroopotiiletit. "So far as I am concerned," said RiHchid Pasha, "the whole matter rests with the power-. ni;i not prepared to ask for a renewal of the peace conference without direct in structions from Constantinople. "We have conceded everything pos. siblo while the nllios have conceded nothing. We have surrendered over 200.000 kilometers or Turkish terri fory. The Halkau envoy, entered the conference with an imcnncilintory spirit and that has been their attitude throughout the conferences.' "Turkey absolutely, refuses to abandon Adrianople. Rven if the al lies enpture the city we will not abandon it even when p.jacc is con cluded." -r.v-r-b.v LONDON, Jan. 9. Tho dlnputo over Arldanoplo seemed today tho only serious obstacle remaining n a bar to the settlement of the Turko Ilalkan war. Tho Turkish envoys hero recclred fresh Instructions from Constantinople during the night, which. It is reported, ordered them to refuso to compromlne until the European powers actually Intervene. Turkey could then abandon Arlanoplo and save her dignity. The ambassadorial "conversations" nro still In progress, and a definite program of Intervention is expected to be agreed upon this afternoon. Premier Venlielos, chief of tho Greek plenipotentiaries here, said todny that the Greek delegates were authorized to Insist upon csslon by Turkey to Greece of the Islands In tho Aegnn sea. "Our failure to get these Islands" suld Vcnlzelos, "would preclpltato a revolution at homo that would over throw the government." Tho powers, It Is understood, have not yet reached n decision regarding tho disposition of the Aegean Islands, but aro unnmlously lit rnvor of tho allies getting Adrianople. NOT PAY DEBTS LINCOLN, Neb., Jun. 0. Thnt President-elect Woodrow Wilson may bo governed by higher motives than gratitude in selecting tho members of his official family is tho hope voiced by William J. I try a it in tho current issue of the Commoner. "Cabinet positions," says the arti cle, "ought not to bo rognrded as currency with which to pay political debts.. In filling them, tho president elect should look to tho future and not tn the past. A public official has no right to discharge political obliga tions at tho expense of tho public, "The men Wilson selects should not bo selected, not becauso of political service rendered him or- even becauso of past .service rendered tho demo cratic party. Tho offices should bo used to strengthen tho party and ad vance those things for which tin party stands, ' "Tho Commoner declines to discuss cabinet position possibilities, hut it ventures to express tho hope that Wilson will bo govorncd by higher motives than grutitudu in selecting the members of his cubiuet." GIN SHOULD A BRYAN