PAQEHHJR. tmmmmmm Mkdford mail tribune an mi)isti:Nm:NT Ni:VHiArr:it l'UllMHIIICt) JOVKUV AKTHUNOON JtiAUIIIT nUNI'Al JIV T1II3 MKDKOHO 1'ltlNTINO CO. ,Tlio JJpiBiiflrilUe Time, Tlio Mmlfonl .linn, tun .iifiiinrn xrininio, tiio fouWi. cm nrrsnnlnn, Tim Astiliunt TiIImiiip. ' Hi inure mnii irimmo nuiimne, z5.27.33 ohh Kir street; phone, Mnln 3021, OnOnaK PUTNAM. IMltor and MannRer B1 h Kntrrril n .(coihI-cIum mnttrr nt Matron).. nrpRon, under llio net of Msrcli , ip. Offlrlnl IMiht of tlm OHV of Med rent. Official I'niwr of Jnckunn Cminty. BUBBCRirriOK KATES. Onj yrnrr by mall.. Ono nlonlli. liv mnl nil -s.oa nmll.. lvr nifiiitn, .60 uciiverou ny rafrlrr In iiirmorii. Jacksonville nnil I'm- flAl t.,l FnluiMsy only. liv'tVinil. Wf$My. r yenr. SO i.00 1.J0 per wir SWORN CUtCU&ATXOH. Dslly nvenipp fnr rleten months oml Init Novrmlxr 20. mil, s;ji. i ii I -i . IVrrS? Mnll Trillium In nn knlu nt ll.o VT NVlVM Utfltwt K.,t. IVan.l.Mi INirllniiil llotrt News Slum!. lortlaml. I'orllliml NVvn Co. l'ortlnmt. Ore. W, O. Whllner. Hwilc Wash mil X.aird Wlr Unlttd Press DttPAtChtl. MEDrORD. OREdOtf. Metropolis of Southcrit oroRtm nml Northern Cnllfnpila. nml tlio fastest Kinwliiii city In OrvRnn. IMuilntloi it. S. rt-nmii 1910 SStO: estlmntoil. 191: ln.000. FIVo liundrnt tlioitwiml tlollnr Gravity Wnlrr Hynlfin cinplitrf1. kIiiiir rinrnt nupply mire mountain water, nnd 17.5 uillc. of Ktntli" pnwil. Poniofflt itxjeliitu for yenr ending NovoinNr 30. 1911. show litcrrano of 19 inr cent. ilMiiiuT fruit ctty In Orvsen ItlVPr HiilizMilieri: iipplts won -liPKUP MWl-Cll- fllHKl'ff eilX. llllll lllil 1l "Auplt Xlnjr or tli -Woria" nt lln National AlUilf Show. ttwkaue, 1909, ulul il Var .f Nrwltiania v,in rirnt rrlca In 1910 nt Ctinnitlnit ' Inttmiitlonnl Apple liow, ViimsmuT. n. t, rint rrlza in 1311 At Kmknno Ntitlonnl Apple Miow won tiy rurlcml of Nrwlonii. llopti.. Itlver ix-.ira lmmslit Iilln Kt lrrr In Ml market i uf tlio orlil Uur IliC 111" pant xU ycurx J THEN KILLS SELF A LOS AX(-:MS. OiiI . Jan. S. Af ter a quarrel that had its origin In tlio temporary separation of himself mid his wife, Oeorgo Unitnflcld, 35. today cut the throat of his son, Sher man Urttmflcld, 22, and then killed himself by cutting his throat. The younger Ilrnmtlcld was taken to a hospltnt where It was stated ho had a chance to recover. According to the police George nrtiinflcld and Ills wife quarreled several days ago and tho woman left her homo. The son Is alleged to have called his father to task for the separation and the men are re ported to have quarrelled throughout the night Jn their apartments In the south end. At daylight today sounds of scuff ling .and falling furniture In tho Urumflold apartment aroused neigh horn and police wcro called. When the doors were broken down, younj Ilrumflcld lay gasping for breath, his throat gaplni; from a four-Inch slit. The father lay on the opposite side of the room, his own head almost bevered and a dripping razor In his hand. The room was a shambles. Walls and furniture were blood-spattcrcd. The bodies of both men wero bathed in bood and tho rugs wcro soaked. It was evident that tho younger man had mado a terrlblo struggle for his life before he was overpqwerotl, Kffortu by tho poliro today to find Mra. Urumfleld fruitless. liHKLIN, .Inn. K About lKc tliou hiuiil eliililrijii iii llei'liii ure known lo go to school mnl linn P'y uml it i- believed here today Hint live tlioiihunil mine hungry eliililion try to kiiim ledge ttitli their hlmiiuulii, glliiwcjl wiili linnxpr, liul iliuy ure (mi iiouil to iiiuke il known. Tlii i-i liu piu'leiii which the mu nicipal niilhoiiliiw of Oivnlur lluiliu itru trying to holve. Tiitotigli the elforU of the municipality, 0,.'l.5( I'lnjdreii lnt nioulli were iioiileil willi bieakfiiht hul'oie Ntiirliu fur heliool mnl yyro herveil u wnnii luncheon u.s well, COLLIN'S ART STORE CHANGES HANDS The Collins Art store, consisting of u 2300 stock, was recently pur chased by I). S. Wood nnd sou. Mr. Woqd was formerly of the. eaat, but ha beon located In Medford for tho past threo years and has represented uu eastern photo company, which doej very good work In all kinds of enlarging and pillow top work. In connection with tho art utore, Mr. AVpqd will still remain as an agent for tho company and the work can bo had at tho store, whore it will be framed If desired. All work Is guar anteed and Mr. Wood and hoii re quests their patrpua, o call nnd acq tJcim Ju thojr uow' home-, CUTS SON'S THROA AFTER QUARREUBULD BREAKFASTLESS oig I ccc OUR SALUBRIOUS CLIMATE. Ul T was I'oltU'r in the inuch-buonU'd salubrious region or A southorn Orogtin during the frigitl wave just passed titan it was horo in Eugene. The olTieial temperature Jvoord is authority tor this statement." This from the envious lOugene (luard. Yes it is a little colder in Med ford during the winter time than it is in Eugene. That's. why' it's healthier. That's why it is possible to grow the perfect apple and the perfect pear for which frost seems just as essential as sunshine. - n The seasons arc sharper marked in the Rogue River valley than in the 'Willamette. The rainfall, 27 inches as against f2 inches, is about one-half. There are many more sunshiny , bright days. The altitude is higher, the air erisper and more spievr-not only more salubrious, but more delightful. The mountain atmosphere makes the percentage of humidity in the Rogue. Kivor valley lower than in the Wil lamette valley. The thermometer may read a trifle higher m summer and a trifle lower in winter, but the heat is not as stifling and the cold is not as penetrating due to the humidity. During the recent cold wave, Bedford experienced the lowest temperature in 24 years. It actually dropped to 10 degrees above zero. IBut the davs were britrlit and sun shiny, the air bracing and life. At the samo time, the thermometer at luugcne stood a few degrees higher and the greater humiditv made the cold more penetrating. Sunshine, no matter how cold the weather, is prefciv able to clammy fog and dreary drizzle. We'll take the Rogue River valley climate every time, in preference to mar or any otiicr region in the country and we havo tried them all. You feel bully the year around. The following is the official record of the temperature at .Medford for the past 2', veal's. Can you beat it' Jim. loo. Mar. Apr. .May Menu of Maximum Mem of Mlhlmmii VYcracu Itulufiill 50 ro SO ,1'J 4.73 4.K : .18 11 1.20 1.72 Totul average rainfall 27.2 1 Inches. 10 KILL SELF IN ! 1.03 AXOPLKS. Cal., Jan. S Combining humor and a marvelous Ingenuity with his desire to kill him self, O. I). Comber constructed ti box fashioned to fit over his head and closely about his shoulders printed neatly pn the cover "patent applied for" attached the arrange ment by means of a rubber tube a gas jet the cock of which was con trolled by an alarm clock arrange- ment set to go off nt midnight and l.ii i1nun In .lie Tho clock's alarm, which jangled simultaneously with the -turning on of tho gas, aroused other lodgers In the house, many of whom rushed to Comber's room. They found the man dead with the box on his shoul ders. There was no gas In the room, although there was sufficient In the box to Kill soyeral men. T SACItAMKXTO. Cal , Jan. $. De llevlng that Japan has kept its agreement respecting Immigration, democratic legislators today arc dis cussing u proposal that an unofficial appeal be made to the United States w.n to department to bound Japan on the subject of whether that country would ontor a "geiilluiugn'K agree ment" to prevent Japanese subject from purchasing land In California, until nftor the Panama Pacific expo sition, utter which time uu effort would bo mado to draw nu alien land Mil which Would put nil aliens on the same liasls, Tho duiiiouratlo legislators, upon whuui the burden of refraining from Introducing an alien law has been thrown, Iiuvq called auothor meeting for Thursday night, nt which the gentlemen's agreement solution Will be discussed. 1UTTSUUKU, Jan. 8. As a result of last night' heavy rnlus, one of tho most daiuagliig floods ever suffered In this section Is predicted for tomor row. All points along tho Ohio river have been warned o prepare for lush water. It is experted that tho river at Wheeling, W. Va., will reach n btnge of forty feet. FRANK MILLER CHAIRMAN PF 'CpMMjSSlON' IN I93 SAMttf. Ore., Jim. 8. The hlnto railway eommir.xiou organized for the new liieuiiinl pcrioil yetenliiy li.v elect ing I'l'iiiiU .1. .Miller e)iitiiiini, xiie- tliii' C'litiirwiiu Clve U. Ailvliiaon, BOX AGREMEN MTCPEORI) MATTi TRTnUNTU, exhilarating a real elixer of .itino July Auk. Son. Oct. N'ov l)oo. ir. S7 r.i S7 5:i .40 157 G3 4S 41 1.70 'J.. 81 1.3d !iS 1.21 ( rr -i.-. KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., Jan. S. Replying to the findings of the county grand Jury. Judge W. S. Wbr den has Issued a public statement, In which he announces that ho will give the court's vlow of every ono of the charges. He admits that the methods cm ployed by tho county In keeping books are obso!ct ami should he re placed by more modern ones. He .states that this was attempted when t. n... ....... a... -. S. .,... ..... .a... I... be first went Into office, but that ho was pilvUnl by ho district attornoy that the old method was according to Uv nut could u:t be sidetracked without an act of the legislature. Judge Wordeu does not make a definite reply to any of the specific charges mnde by the grand Jury, but promise to explain everything In future communication. In tho mean time he ask the taxpayers of the county to hold tholr Judgment In abeyance. If, however, after the facts have been presented by both shies, the people of tho county express a dc lre that he shall retlro from the bench, he will tender his resignation so that souio other man may be de lected to carry out the work under taken. The county court has decided lo sell tho old courthouse site, plan for this will bo devised at once and the ground will be cut Into lots and sold. This Is in accorduiit'O with the wish of n majority of those who answered tho letter sent out by the qotirt to ascertnlti the seiitlmuiit of the tuxpayera of ho county. Tho uow- courthouse Is to ho rushed to completion just as soon au weather will permit. Material Is be ing placed on tho ground and till of the steel work Is now practically completed. WOMEN HELP IN SAVING ORCHARDS POMONA, (u!., Jim. 8. Women of the I'omoiiu alley have gone lulu (he on-liiirltt with the men lo lire uml retill the meiiHy Muuguota ltn - iii' lliyjmht few night", tint pnrtiei pat in;,' in the heroic light to hiivo the orange crop which will he continued ijiitil iiiiruiul condition me rentorctl. Kiieoiiriigiiiir report mo eoiniu in today from the growein indicating that more thnu wiih Mippoxctl t-uved their fruit by Miiiulgitig, Il will he u week or more, however, before uu accurate cMimuto can he made of the damage. John A. Perl Undertaker 2 s. iiAii'riiirrr Phone M. 171 mid '17.1 Ambulance Servlco Deputy Coroner WOMEN REPLIES TO HIS ACCUSER MEDFORD, OKTCGOff. WEDNESDAY, .TANtT.VliY 8. 101.'), Our Correspondents AGLE POINT EAGLETS. (Hy A. O, llowlntt.) W, J, Cuff ecu and wife nml Mltw Kuln lliiMtln of Iahik Hrntieh, who went to Modtord to spend the holi days with friend ami relative, came out on the I'. A K. Inst Ktlday ami took tho K. l and PersUt hIuko for their homes. Mr. and Mr, t'offoen have taken a humesteail In that ee tlou nml Minn llimtln I a daughter of William IIiiHtln vhoie father wet tied In an early day lit upper Sam valley and I now living on Long Uranch with his bdii Jark lluetln. a hale and hearty man of nearly nine ty years of nge. lie think that Jackson county I a sood place t" live. M. Ilornbuckle who has been liv ing on the II. U. Trunson place, has moved to Medford. MIks Alma Gould who Is teaching in tho Lake creek district was a pleasant caller nt the Sunny Side on her way from Medford, where he had been spending the holidays, to l.ako creek to resume her work last Mon day, the Oth. W. 11. Craudntl and hi two sis ters. Mr. X. M. Thomn and MIh Cora Cratulull were business Visitor u town Friday. Mr. CrnmhiU re port tho death of Judge Carpenter of Portland, n particular friend nnd during tho Biitnniiir a uonr neighbor. lie died ery Miiddenly at his homo lit Portland. It. 11. Mlutur. the sheep mint, was In town a few mliiule Saturday ono business. Kd lllglnbolham tho road super visor on Dig Unite returned from JuekHottvllle Saturday evening upent the night at the Smtny Sldu nnd the next morning Mturtcd for home n he said that tho suow mount to "Im ride, father and feed cattle as he had hut a few of hi up. J. S. Quaokuiiliusher, superintend ent of the Corblu orchard wa In town Saturday with n load of flno apples, supplying the local market. Billow springs twiglets? Mr. Doiiiiy. now r Med foul, out la-t Tueilny ti-iting friend- wet inn' iuK.'etiiig his proprrl. At the meeting uf tlie MnrkhoMer of the rijnueis' telephone line Nn. 1 1, the following officer were elected I). W. Stone, president. Juliu llerk Imltx, vice nre-Rleiit. nml tMenr Illnekford, -eerelnry nnd treii-urer. Al-o nu additional jmiuher of -hiire were added, mauins thirty on tlii- line.1' I). W. Slniie and lot. Minis were npjHiinteil n repreenliitive to the miniial telephone meeting in Cen tral Point. Jtnlph Demi Mini family Here Sun day dinner giu-cU of II. J. Taylor mid wife. The ihnnnoiuuler reitereil nine teeii above .iHifiutry .", on Scenie iiMmue. "The flood ItuniW AiMieiuthiu" met Jim. .' for the Mjrpo;o of iiiloptiug the ciit.tituti4it. ltoulti- hnve nl teiuly been .-hown oinve tlii" irgnn inn wa tunned. Omiige No. 177 will hold their regulur imicliiiK Siitiirduy. Jmi. 11, l!U:i. Iiinttilhitiiiu of ollieeiH mnl initialing of ciiudiilutoo. The Tolo, Seven Ouk. uml I'eiitnil Point telephinie Hue met at V.. T. Ni'iiI'n ieiih'iiee uml eleclj'il the fol lowing otfieen. Im the eiihiiiii yeur: K. T. Neul, pro.ideiit ; ll' NiehoU. vice president ; (coi;e Uheiiehiim, hci-rctury, uml Sinn Anderson, licu--nrer. John Siht mnl L. M. !--. I). . Kloue ami II. J, Tnylor iln.w to .Medl'iilil one 1 1 1 hi week to titiun. net Ijiiiiich. New Year' eve .Mr. uml ill-- I). W. Sloije were gticol til the Hun-et Mieiely lit Hie llolluptl Hole). E. D. Weston Official Photographer of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Pout Canls Portraits Interior and exterior views .Flash lights Negatives made anv time and any place by appoint" incut. Th?pg Em Qffiy Onm "Bromo That is Laxative Brqmo Quinine vszp the wpwo oyen to cups A,pqf-a fft mffe opr. Always lemembcr tho full name. Look j( fflf &t for this wlj.jintuid mi every box. lifio. f '.trvrtJ!V Ill CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. It. II, Kllsworth ha returned front a holiday trip to California. Mr, and Mr. Henry Faritum left TuoHilav morning on a trip to San Francisco, !. Angele und other Southern Cnllfornla eltlo. John (Itleve left Tuesday afternoon for London, Canada, hi old homo where the surviving brothers and sis ters will hold a reunion. Ho ex pects to return In March. Mr. Kniuuv llehb, Mis Sarah llolib, Mrs. Waue LecNcr. Itev. Ilruiik and Mr. ami Mr. I). MeKellopp' were af ternoon visitor Tuesday to Medford from this vicinity. City council met Monday lit regu lar January meeting. Hills wero al lowed and council adjourned until February meeting. Mr. and Mr. Loul J, (lay who spent the holiday hero with rolu tlvc have returned to tholr home In Seattle. Meilfonl A Conil Town, Medford Is a mighty good town, worthy of tho best of everything. That's why wo havo Joined tho Amer ican Drug and 1'roM association and offer to oar people the Morltol Hue of goods, guaranteed In oery way, with- preparation, mado by tho nssucla- Hon mid Kold only through Its iiioui- her. Iliero I nothing like thottu goods, guaranteed In every way, with out an equal, made by expert. We waul Medford people to have the best there In, so we offer )ou this line. Ask to see Merltol good at tliittklu' Drug Store, DECIDE YOURSELF The Oppnttmilly Is Here. Haiked by Medfmtl Tesllmiuiy Duu't taku our word for It. Don't depend on a stranger's atulu munt. lted Meilford eudumemeiit. Head the statements uf Medford citizen. And decide for yourself. Here I one case of It: A Hot. 130 Front street. Mud ford, Ore.. ta: "I am just us will ing to recommend Dunn's Kidney Pills today as J wa In September, 107, when I publicly told of my ex perience with them- I suffered from kidney trouble for nt least five year and ft time passed. I grew worw. Sharp pains darted through the small of my burl: ami suiuetltue the attack were no ssvere that I could hardly, stoop. At night my bark nohod Intensely and aotiud sleep was out of the question. Doing told to try Doan' Kidney Pills, I got a sup ply and they soon gave me relief." For nale by all dealer. Pllco 50 c-nts. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Huffalo. New York, sole agent for the Fulled State. Ilumejnber Jim nauio--DonuM and take no other. -H IHIIIIIIH KttWW Luxury Without Extrayaganco Hotel I Von Dorn 2V Turk Street Finest popular priced Hotel in Kan .Francisco Modern Contral 1r4r4r1r Ladies Only I have leeched from New York City a choice Hue or high grade swltchcx. Conic In ami malic your h lection curly. I can iimtcli your hair nml fit your purse, . .madami; HOOIH'; . The Beauty Shop ::, .Iiiflisou County Hank llldh'. (Over .Mann's Store) ,'v Quinino" tAlk$ on wjt'Mfif lflfllMillim. AiBfcrvf? nuLhP are of Interest to everybody, hut es pecially to those who are coutcniplat tug some dental work for themselves or one of the family. Whatever It I you want done In tho line of high class Dentistry como hero mid oti will get every satisfaction, Wo nvo experts, employ the best ami most scientific methods in u jnodorn way, and we chargo only reanonnbly, Uuly Attendant. DR. BARBER Till: DUNTIST MOTHERS, BUY FOR YOUR CHILDREN All lt'allu'PS IMncU dp (tin. -Sizes I lo it "Shapo of tlio Foot" Opposite Post Ori'ifu Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WtSHIXt.TON, D. c. Public Uinl Mutters: Filial Pioof. Desert Lauds, Content mid Mining Casd. Scrip. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator ' x Heating All Work (luiwttiiic! l'ni s H.aiK.ii i i-i" COFFEEN & PRICE 33 Kowsrd Block. Entrance on OtU tit. Horn riion 319. m Mm Uo Theatre KENWORTHY STOCK COMPANY TONIGHT "STAOE STRUCK BUCK" A Kiirul Cnineily Dnitiiii Spcciultlca ADMISSION' 'J(K! HKSHIJVKI) Doors Open ul 7:l.'i. ('iiiluii S:20 .Scuta nwrvcil Uy iiltoiie. JMS-' ilniii llox office open I'nmi It Id f) p, hi. Your Own Price for a Home I must raise money to meet ny contracts in a business venture. To do it I will sac rifice values for a sale on any one of the three or four houses in Medford, BOX 495, MEDFORD THEATRE The Only Ileal Motion Picture Theater In the City Today nml Tonioii'nw An Pi'ouimu A "(toy Heo" Pontine In Two IteeN "III.OOD WILD TKLI," A slmv of tlio Civil war In which a Southern boy shtliiliH from tho whittling bullet, hut In a crlst thu hlgod of hi fighting father hi aroused In his vein, and ho goo through a series of thrilling Incident during marvelous srenea of 'warfare. A a dramatic 'offering this film I superb, An a senMilldmil feature It Is iiusiir- painted. A THMPHHAJIHNTAI. Hl'SHAND" A Itattllug Hood Comedy "DLtlA THU ADVIINTltltiyS" Desperate eiinulng versus energy and evidence when tho woman's nn ninskliiK I eiiiinliieut, Very con lneliig. , u: iMMi'o.N's" Scroaiu From Start to Finish ('A iCoy stone) Its II t'oinlng Feature Die liiadei," ail uxeltlug ami frontier life picture, "Kaj-Huo" In 3 reel. Jan. nth ami llth Indian It's u Suruli Heiiiliiiidi In her grealesl suc cess "guceii HIIiiIm Hi" Jan. 2Ulh mid S tHt. All JJ.VI'IIHH, llio Singer "Host Musle add llffcctfi' ADMISSION. Tic AND lOo Million' Daii), - to r. p. m. ISIS THEATRE VAt'DHMLI.i: Three Ladle Threo Ladles THU CAMI'miLLS Present Tho Craekerjack Comedy Act Kntltled JHItl'SHA'S VISIT 'ID THU CITY Photoplay Tuesday ami Wednesday, viri ims or i'Ati: DIA.YAN.V, l-'KANCi: A.N INDIAN'S 1'Hlli.N'DSHIP With (I. M. Andenton , A DDCTOIt I'DIt A DAY Between Acts :iu(J S 9