Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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It. N, Bloano of the Hitter root vnt
Inv. Mont., nrrlved Wednesday to In
sped tho orchards of tho Rogue river
valloy and consult Professor O Gnra
lognrdlng blight, which has mado
considerable headway In that section
the ant few months.
Dr. S. A. I-oMtwood and Dr. Myr
tle 9. rockwotd (regular physicians,
not chiropractor) v hnvo removed
ilioir omeontfrdni'UiQ HusKiha'
. ?- .- Ci. ' ii - ...
iiik.ik xix J'., .now rnrrm. i
Ifr l W K'nl.ov of rtnltl Mill trtin-
flnclcd buslneWln Medford Tuesday
afternoon, i
I'd cIoro thom out, all cool? stoves
and' ranges, at reduced prices, give
us a call. I W. Shnplolgh Hard
waro Co., 2S South Central avenue
Messrs. McKlllop, Strttmp and
SIsLy of Willow Springs district were
Medford visitors Tuesday.
Oak tior wood for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
B. A. HHdwdlt of Rutle Falls spent
Tuesday In Medford and visited Ash
land Wednesday.
For goodness sake, havo It. A.
Holmes, tho Insuranco man write
your Insurance. Ho knows how.
John Grclve. tho veteran road
builder of Prospect, left Wednesday
for a month's visit with relatives In
London, Ontario a family reunion.
This Is tho first trip Mr. Grclve has
made east clnco 1S70. Ho goes via
the Canadian Pacific.
Bring that old book with torn
binding down and havo It rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. Costa
hut little. tt
I W. Walt and S. A. D. Hlgglns
made a trip to Ashland the forepart
of the week.
K. D. Weston, commercial photoe
rapuorn, negatives made any time or
pktco by appointment. Phono M.
Mrs. A. II. Horton arrived from
Urotvnsboro Tuesday where sho has
large real oMnlo Interests.
That famous old smoke the Trav
eler. President Hogsett of the Rogue
River Valley Abstract company, was
In Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon.
II. Klum has moved his sign busi
ness to tho Hoyden alley between S.
Central and S. Bartlctt.
W. C. Ilartlctt of Dunsmulr, Cal.,
has been In Medford again.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. Ry
J. Lock wood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-nott-Corcy'Bldgv
Ph'ono H5.
Fred Powell is back from a visit
with relatives living la Joscpblno
Mrs. Halllday-Halght, pupil of
Marches! (Paris), Oscar Saengor
(New York) teaches tho art of sing
ing,' tono placing and corrcc breath
ing a specialty. Exponent of pure
"Itel Canto" of tho Italian school
concert, opera, oratorio. Individual
lessons or in class (threo in class)
Residence studio, -103 Oakdale ave
ii uo, South, phone 72C2.
Mrs. Hmma Ilolib of Central Point
tarrlod a fow hours In Medford
Monday afternoon.
Fred Alton Halgbt (National Con
servatory New York) teacher of
piano and' harmony, specialist in cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nique Residence studio, 403 Oak
daeo avonue, South, phono 72C2. 247
A. D. Naylpr and Harry Young
wero in Ashland the forepart of the
Ask for tho Traveler cigar.
Oak tlor wod for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Jack Wilson, former court houso
Janitor, was down from Jacksonville
Fruit labols In any color printed
by tho Mall Trlbuno. tf
Mr. and Sirs. L. R. Davidson, who
havo boon In San Francisco for some
tlino past, are in Medford again.
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
ovor Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
W. R. Heecraft of Phoenix was
business visitor In Medford Tuesda'.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton's, opposite book store. "
Rov. J. K. Howard of Gleudulo is
paying his formor homo In Medford
a visit.
Collect those scattered sheets of
music you value and hare them
bound in book form at tho Mall
Tribune. tf
Mr. nnd Mts. Jesso Churchill of
Yreku, Cal., are in Medford. Mr.
Churchill is president of the California-Oregon
Power company.
Soft wood 2 a tier. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Mr, and Mrs, George Harrison
havo gone to Sacramento, Cal., on a
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 3271
Wig-tit SJjomsI r. W. Weeks 3071
A. . Orr, 3693
Wni, Nellls, who has largo real cs
tnte holdings on Rogue river, Is mak
ing Medford a business visit.
Tho cigar that put O. IC. tn smoke
tho Traveler.
Mrs. Fred Law and her sister of
Jacksonvlllo nro In Medford on a
short visit.
Watch Mitchell's dally talks to
voters beginning January 3rd.
R. H. nrndshaw of Rrownsboro Is
stopping in Medford for tho present.
Tho meeting of the Womnn'n For
eign Missions society of tho Metho
dist church, which was to bo held nt
tho church this evening, has been
postponed until n later date.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 'K. Scotfield of
Tneomn, who havo been visiting In
this section, returned to Medford
few dnya,ago.
Two "good ns new" mororcycles
for -sale, bargains. Pacific Motor
Supply Co.
L. D. Harris, former supettntend
ent of tho Hear creek orchards, Is in
Medford. He is located at Chlco.
J. 0. Barnes made a business trip
south Tuesday afternoon.
Arthur Rosa and J. A. Bishop were
up ifrom Phoenix Tuesday-
J. M. Root announces that the
damage done to the Sparta building
by water flowing from a bursted
pipe, contrary to n published report,
was slight, amounting to only a few
J,. C. Williams of Kvans creek was
In Medford nnd Ashland Tuesday.,
Fred Colvlg, county recorder, Is
reported to bo quite HI at his resi
dence In Jacksonville.
Peter Applegate is down from tho
Klk creek mines. In which ho Is In
terested. He says that tho Buxxaru
mine has not been sold.
George Hlttson and George Har
mon of Josephine county were among
tho many from abroad who transact
ed business In Medford during the
J. W. Casey of Portland Is here In
the Interest of the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul railroads
S. P. "Whlto has returned from
Northern California.
. H. O.. Shell of Grants Pass Is mak
ing Medford a business visit.
W. B. Griffith, deputy IT. S. mar
shal! was down from Portland Tucs
day on official business. He went
to Klamath county the next day to
mako tomo arrests.
Miss Helen York of Montana Is vis
iting relatives llvlnc near Medford.
It. B. Dow and Chas. Prim, Jr., of
Jacksonville were In Medford Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Samuels are
ln from the Modocorchirds.
O. N. Nelson of Jacksonville Is
making a trip to Spokane and other
points In Washington.
Judgo Dunn of Barron precinct was
In Medford and Jacksonville Tuesday.
Mr. King, tho Oregon Journal's
representative in Sonthcrn Oregon,
spent Tuesday at Talent.
John Neff nnd Lorls Martin of
Rlk creek wero in Medford and Ash
Innd Wednesday.
Mrs. R. W. Gray was among her
Ashland friends Tuesday.
D. If. Croncmlller was over from
Jacksonvlllo on business Wednesday.
Scott S. Bruce of Eaglo Point was
a Medford visitor Wednesday.
John A. Crabtree of Prospect vis
ited In Medford Wednesday.
H. A. Sch oil of Grants Pass had
business In Medford Wednesday.
I(e. J. V. FrndenljurKli f Grecns
burg, Indiana, Iiiik nccepted n cull to
the paturuto of tho First Nuptial
church of thin city.
Rev. Fradenburli is considered
one of tho strongmen in the Itaptist
denomination in Indiana and comes
witli Uio very best of recommenda
tions. He will bej:in Hie work hero
February 1st.
WASHINGTON', Jan. 8. Sennior
Works' resolution, calling upon the
war nnd navy departments to fur
nish ii xeport of the number of pris
oner; confined or employed in mili
tary prisons, with tho nature of the
offenses charged nnd condition of
tho prisons, is on file in the senate
today ns adopted by that body. Ail
enrly response from the departments
is expected.
C. M. English's niito'niobllo . wn
partially wrecked Tuesday evening
when it skidded to the curb at 10th
nnd Laurel. Ono wheel was demol
ished nnd tiio front uxlo was badly
Cultivate your land with a Motor
Tractor, It will pay for Itself In tho
saving of horso feed and hired help.
Valloy Motor & Tractor Co., Valloy
Garage, Medford. "
$22,500 ALE OF
tt hillcreSt
R 1 Merrick has sold U'i.'i acres
of unimproved laud ndjoluitit; the
Hillervst orchard on the north, to
Frederiok Wolf & Co., of Sonltlo.
for u consideration of 2U,f)00, which
includes some Seattle properly. The
new owners contemplate clearing the
tntet nnd planting it to orchard.
Tho deal was handled nt this end
bv J. A. 'Forney and J. V. Dressier.
Mr. Merrick still linn other interest
in the valley winch include part in
terests in n hearing orchard near
Talenl, the Stewart Aero suh-dtiMon
the Nnlntorium, nnd other properly.
Judge Tou Velio performed his
first marriage ceremony Tuesday
when he united Karl Shirley, super
intendent of tho wireless station nt
Central Point and Besilo Lee of the
same place. Tho new Judge not be
ing an adept at wedding ceremonies,
had to call for aid from Judge Nell
who supplied -nil the coaching neces
sary. After the arduous work had been
performed by tho Judge and tho tlmo
for kissing tho bride arrived. Con
Lcovcr, member of tho court and
another Central Pointer stepped
In and stole the ono feature of the
ceremony In which tho now Judge
claims proficiency. Tou Velio says
Lcever qualified as a member of the
Soul Kiss company and that hereafter
all ceremonies nro to be performed
from first to last by tho head of the
court. Leaver, howover, insists that
his prompt action Tuesday reserves
him the right to kiss nil brides mar
ried by Judge Tou Velio.
Grave complications nie expected.
SEATTLE. Jan. 8. I'Jniw for the
big statewide progressive conference
to be held hens Friday nnd Snturdiij
hnvo been completed today. There
will be about 350 delegates, nnd be-
Bidetr ft general conference, meeting
of the state central committee, the
stole progressive editorial nscocin
fiou nnd progressive members of the
legislature will he held. Congroft-tnen-clert
J. A. Falconer nnd J. W.
Ilryun will he nmoiig tho spenkon'.
legislature opened here today ntnnon
nnd will elect two United Klntes sen
ntors. It Iiiik more progressive mem
bers than nny other stntc legislature
except California.
II. C. Pholps, who has boon with
Kentnor'a storo for n year and a half,
severed his connection and left Mon
day for Vancouver, II. C. From
tltero ho will tako a trip to tho Ha
waiian Islands and Australia, after
which ho will return to his homo in
Jacksonville, III.
Funeral services over Margaret, 6
year-old daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. It.
A. Koppes, will be held at tho homo
or Mr. and Mre. P. Normlle, 40C Real
ty street, at 2 o'clock Thursday after
noon. Burial at the Medford ceme
tery will be private. Tho child died
at the Saercd Heart hospital Tues
day afternoon following a long ill
ness from whooping cough complica
tions. Mr. and Mrs. Koppes re
moved to Medford a year ago from
Cleveland Ohio, where Mr.. Koppes
was for years engaged In tho news
paper business.
Presbyterian Cliurrli.
Every evening at 7:30 this week
thoro is prayer meeting at the Pres
byterian church. This is tho week
of prayer, and every true Presbyter
Ian is true to his church and to
Jesus Christ the head of tho church.
Last night tho nubjoct was, "How
Can This Church do Most for Christ
This Year7" For each member to
bo true to Christ, and for each mem
ber to Jovo Christ In tbo home, n
tho soclul life, in business and In
every thing ho does, und for each
member to bo a worker until tho
whole city feols the power of our
church for good, that is, In part, tho
way to do for tho glory of Christ.
To this end wo pray and labor.
Tonight tho subject'ls, "Home Mis
sions," or "ThlB Church in This City,
In This Presbytory and In the Na
tion." What should wo do. Mr.
Herman Harrison leads. Come,
of J. II, Wilson, on nvnmlnntton of
officers hooks nnd, accounts, tor Jack
son county, Oregon, from July 1st,
1912, to January 1st, 1013.
Jacksonvlllo, Ore., Jan. 3rd, 1013.
To tho Honorable County Court,
Jackson county, Oregon,
l have made an examination of
tho books, accounts nnd vouchers of
tho so rul county officers handling
county funds, from July 1st, 1013 to
January 1st, 1013, and report ns fol
lows; Tito School 'Suterlntendent--T. V,
r WclN.
Tho superintendent has received:
From permits ffio.uO
From examinations 93.00
Which amounts he has forwarded
to the state superintendent of public
He has received from tho treas
urer, J. M. Croneinlller, nil school
superintendent apportionments or
ders and duly receipted for tho same,
ns by law provided, except the or
ders redeemed In December, nt which
tlmo tho superintendent was absent
attending n meeting In Salem.
The County Hcconler I'rvil (illg.
The recorder orrico earned nnu
collected fees from July 1st. 1012 to
January 1st, 1013, ns follows
Month Fees Indemnity
July H 47.0R rt.OO
August ,r.S7.T7
September tr,7.t0 20.00
October .. .. 671.03 15.00
November .... -131.10 C.KO
December . ... 45-I.CR
Totals . ..J2.9fl0.73 M7.G0
These fees have ull been deposited
regularly lu the treasury each month
as earned.
The recorder Is much cramped for
room In his office.
His offtco forco necessarily occu
pies much of tho available office
room, and dosk room for uso of the
public Is very scarce. This works a
decided Inconvenlonco Mi tho public,
nnd is n source of constant embnrass-
ment to tho recorder.
Tho cordent valut Is too small. It
Is tilled with books, many of which
they nro compelled to pile on the
floor, resulting in tho certain de
struction of theso Invaluable public
If the public records of Jackson
county nre to be preserved from
mouldering and decay, some ndequato
nrranjeement will have to be made for
their bettor protection. This is es
peclally tho cns with tho city maps
It would bo possible to re-nrrango
the offices In the court houso at
Jacksonville, with very small expense,
nnd without making nny further ad
ditions to the building, by utilising
still further some court room spaco
und placing tho assessor up stairs
where ho would have a much better
offlco than ho now has, and thus
mako room for tho sheriff on that
sldo of the building down stairs. As
I have had considerable experience
with court honses, I will add a page
suggesting how the spneo In thn court
house could be made to serro all pur
jkcs of Jackson county for many
years, without any appreciable cost.
Tho recordor keeps his work up to
date, or pearly so .
Ho has been fortunate In (he se
lection of assistants, ooth of whom
ho has trained to a high dogreo of
efficiency. I think I am safe in say
ing that the recorder of Jackson
county and his two assistants, do as
much work ns four coplsts nrdlnar
lly perform.
The Comity Clerk' W, It. Coleman.
The rountv clerk has earned and
collected as fees, and deposited each
month In tho treasury from July 1st,
1912. to January'lst. 1013, the fol
lowing ameunts:
Month Amount
July $195.8.1
AUgUSt - -HI. Ml
Soptomber JSO.-tO
October -J3G.C0
November 388.05
December 1 1 8.05
Tho county clerk has been keeping
his work un to date In good shape.
Tho circuit court throws a large
amount of business on tho clerk. The
probato court, the county court, npd
tho public generally keep his atten
tion fully engaged all tlm time.
In addition to theso duties, the
clerk has naturalization business, a
go-betweon the circuit court and tho
department of commerco and labor
He has a considerable volume of
scalp bounty business, a Inrgo vol
ume of election bustnoss and regis
trations tliorcfor consumes much
tlmo nnd labor. Ho has tho compu
tation of the levies on the tax rolls,
which with 15,000 or 10,000 differ
ent computations requires much
labor, and he has tho Issuance of
Game licenses, which lays a burden
on tho county for which there Is no
repayment. This Gamo llconso all
goes to tho state. It Is placed lu
tho hands of tho county clerks for
convenience, but It cosfs Jackson
county sevornl hundred dollars for
tho states' convenience, which Is not
Tho bulk of this labor returns no
money to tho county, but tho law
Imposes it on tho clerk, and, t hero
fore, tho financial returns-of his of
flco uro not criterion to tho amount
of work accomplished In tho offlco.
Tho bunterv and anglers llccnsos
Issued during tho year amount to
16542.00 of which $5110 has boon
forwarded to tho state troatury, am
evidenced by bis receipts Nos. 15302.
18C27 and 23071. The balanru has
been deposited with the treasury and
rccelnt on file.
The county dork's scalp bounty
warrants Issued agree, according to
their stubbs, with the reports ueut to
tho stato treuHuror, and amount to
$342.00. Stato treasurer warrants
for $14.25 hnvo been recolvod and
deposited in tho treasury by the
county clerk, and $120,75 Is still due
from the state treasury.
I havo examined nnd compared
with tho warrant register tho list of
county warrants ordored cancelled by
tho county court on Bopiomucr m,
1012, and find that tho county clork
has correctly noted tho cancellation
thereof on his warrant register.
I have compared ull bills audited
by tho county court from July 1st,
1912, to January 1st, 1913, with tho
warrant register, and find all war
rants registered lu tho umountH uu
dltod by tho county court.
Tho county clerk on January 2nd,
1013, deposited In tho treasury tho
following ameunts:
Amounts nt fees duo from
him by my report of April,
1912, due Jan. 1st, I1U2 f03,7(
Amount by report of July,
1012 3R.00
Total ' $337.75
This report does not Include tho
money on deposit with tint clerk
which will bo turned over to Mr.
Gardner, his successor.
The Sheriff -Wlthui' ,, Joiiei,
The sheriff has collected from
January 1st, 1012 to January 1st,
1913. ' ; ' '
Mileage fees $303.20, which
amount hits been deposited lu tbu
county treasury, Dee. 31, 1912.
From July 1st, 1012 to Jnuunry
lit, 1013 the ah'rlff bits collected
taxc its follows;
1900 taxct, page 21, collection
register, collected prior to July 1st,
1012, $584.10; deposited July 2.
1011 taxes, page 21, collection
register, collected prior to July 1,
lui:;, $iu,N7ti:iO; deposited July 2
totl taxes, pago 21, collection
register, $24,779.80; deposited July
30, Ichi $121.28 error allow rd.
1911 taxes, pago 03, collection
register. $11, 070.05, less $124. 2S
error ullewed: depotlted July il,
1911 tnxes, pago 07, collection
register, $0,001.00; deposited July
1009 taxes, page 15, collection
register, $19.20; deposited August
1910 tnxes, pago 53, collection
register, $3,529.01; deposited August
1910 taxes, page 50, collection
register, $100.10; deposited August
1911 tnxes, pago St, collection
register, $15,S73,17; deposited Sep
tember 27.
1911 tnxes. page 20, collection
register. $3,357, 13; deposited Octo
ber 10.
1911 taxes page 33, collection
register. $14,000.10: deposited Octo
ber 29.
1911 tnxes, pnea 01. collection
register, $14,382.02; deposited Octo
ber 10.
1011 tnes, pngn 30,
register. $2C,S11.9S;
vember 12.
1911 taxes, page
register, $24,303.25;
deposited No-
49, collection
deposited No
vember 20.
1911 taxes, pago 59, collection
register, $12,788.10; deposited De
cember 7.
1911 tnxes, page 108, collection
register, $10,207.9$; deposited De
cember 21,
Tho abovo amounts duly deposited
In the treasury as Indicated abovo on
tho dates shown.
Tho following amounts wero due
the treasury on January 1st, 1913:
Uocolpt No. 10,744... $ 36.51
Certificate of delinquency
it . ...
IS. to
Delinquency certificates as
shown by page 129
(1908) ntgUtor
Redemption certificate No.
Redemption certificate No.
Redemption certlflcato No.
001 -
Redemption certificate No.
602 . . ..
Redemption rertlflcsto Nos.
525, 520. 627 .
Redemption certificate No.
1905 taxes, p. 148, Col. Ret;.
1900 tavos, p, 123,' Col. Reg
1907 laves, p. 129, Col. Itng.
190S taxus, p. 133, Col. Jtoir.
1909 taxes, p. 4S, Col. Reg.
1910 taxes, p. 10. Col. Reg.
1910 taxes, pp. 54-55, 'Col.
1910 taxes, p. CO, Col. Rog.
1911 taxes, p. 61, Col. Reg.
1911 taxes, p. 62. Col. Reg.
1911 taxes, pp. 08, 09, Col,
17.2 s
76. h0
103. S3
133 00
300 77
lt A 'I
1911 tnxes, plOO, Col. Reg... 11079,24
(Deposited Jan. 2. 1913.)
1911 taxes, p. HI, Col. Reg. 1122,05
1911 taxes, pp. 112, 113,
Col. Reg 2239.31
Total amount due roun
tv 141.11 Jll
... ft.,,........ ,...,M...f .. .
Less receipt No, 1687C.
which was dopoBlted
twlco $ 44.36
Balance In hands of cherlff
January 1, 1913 $21379.07
Doposltod Jan. 2, 101? ...$11079.24
Deposited Jan. 4, 1913.,.-. $10299.83
As soon as Sheriff Jones ascer
tained his accounts were short ho
Immediately procured tho utaount
from prlvato resources and deposited
It In tbo treasury on Juuuary 2 and
January 4, 1913.
I will stato that lu my opinion
thn bulk of theso delinquencies oc
curred prior to 1912.
On January 1, 1912, I had against
tbo sheriff $21, 090. pi, and ' theso
amounU wore doposltod between
January Bt 1912, and April 13, 1912.
There wore numerous tax collections
showing date of collection i numbor
pf mouths prior to January 1, 1912.
At tho tlmo tho monoy was do
posltod taxes for 1911 waro coming
In freely, and the sheriff had on
hands a. large sum of money from
1911 collections.
It bbonmu known that this short
age was evident Junuury 1, 1912, ns
soon an my report was puiillslind, nnd
consequently I enmu down to Jack
sonville lu Juno, J 0X2, voluntarily to
Investigate to tho first of July, nt
which tlmo tbu sheriff and trcusuror
both showed mo statements from
their banks showing the doposlt to
their favor July 1, 1912, Tho sheriff
showed mo bunk baluucos of $03,
943.49 cash and currency nnd chocku
of $2096. CC und two deposits dutod
June 28 and Juno 29, according to
the sheriff's doposlt book aggregate
lug $13,400, 49,-or a totul of $80,
099.03, as I had charged him on
July 1 with but $70,214.00 the over
plus being monoy un hand for which
receipts hud-not been written, I was
satisfied that ho actually hud thp
county's piouoy safely lu tbo banks
and trousury, I notice, howuvor, that
tho deposits were mudo July 2, which
In tho event tho money deposited was
drawn from tho banks Hint day
would dlmlnsh his bnlnuro on baud
of actual cash und liunl; balances by
that amount. Thitt, however, dues
lint affect this report In nny way.
Clmngcs Recommended.
I would auulu urge upon thn
sheriff tho Importance of eumplMim
with the letter of the Inw lu tanking
deposits which calls for all tuxes col
lected to bo doposltod every week
It would be better to deposit every
day, and for tho sheriff to keep nit
nccurale dally cash book or a cash
book, In addition to his tu collection
register, which Is a cumbersome vol
ume und Impossible to bo written as
rapidly ns tuxes tiro collected.
In order to deposit dully collec
tions (ho tiensurer will have to open
a special "sheriff's dully deposit" ac
count, which wilt nut he dlsrlhuUid tu
his funds, but tbo distribution there
of will follow his. sheriff's requisi
tions for receipts from thn uiiiuhur
Moino lux collodions register, und the
money will then bo transferred by
the trnnstirnr from thu "sheriff's
dally deposit" account to Dm Mvcrnl
funds indicated upon tlm requisition
1 would also recommend that the
Incoming sheriff Keep his record of
taxes In numerical older on his lax
collection nutlster. All other room
tluTi where I examined In Oregon do
this, nnd It simplifies the record erv
much. This Is, of com so, un u luoxe
leaf tax receipt, which Is not num.
bered until It Is ready In fllo away.
Tro Treasurer.!, M. t'rmiriulltcr.
lliiliuiro on bunds July I,
(1912 ..tlUUlJj.77
Received from July 1st, 1912 to Jan.
1st, 1913. Ono your.
From shuilff's mileage. .$. 2 03. SO
Front Mherlrf'n tnxos. . . . 181.77s :,
Itecorder'n fees 2.900 7't
Recordor--ludomnlty . . , 17 .)
Clerk's fees 2,091 0 i
Coroner front dend per
sons I'.!' ri
Statu treasury srhoolu. I3.72S till
Stuto treusury bounty
warrants 1 1 PI
Flues , .167.35
School district refund. . , t(7 8 4
Liquor llcenso ........ 133.3.1
Interest $140.83, $60.10, 202 91
Rent ruud engines 16C oo
Property nold hay $04,
isiwder $15. plpu 130. 109 uo
$206. Ml I 70
Special school warrants
redeemed $ 46,892 39
Special road warrants re
deemed . . .
City warrants redeemed,
School supt. orders, ap
portionment High sellout orders
County warrants purchas
ed with Indemnity fund
Institute orders redeem
20,709 82
38.767. 13 I
4. 176 04 ,
670 20 I
9 Of.1
1.4 slat" tux paid 62.006 60 '
lild for armory. .. .... S,06i 72
Paid for eipcrluieiit sta
tion r.oo on
i'nld for Informers fines. 100 00
Paid from estates 17.40
Paid indigent soldiers
warrants 31.10
Paid on county fair 2.000 01)
I'nld stnti) treasurer,
statu itamn flue 234 50
County warrant redemn-
id 27.807 51
Intercut on county war-
rants 3,46107
Total nmoiinU paid out. 12 1 1. COO i.J
Iliiliiuriimi hand In tho
treasury Jammry 1st,
I.H3 $ 79,000 91
Total 1321 013-3
lU'snedfillh sublillttiil
, Wo nro making n very low price
on apple, pouch and cherry trees fur
a sjinrt tlmo. No finer stock grown.
Wrlto us nt onco und snvo money
Itlddlc, Ore.
Looh at a handful before
you prepare it
It shown you why
Golden Rod Oats
has nourishment
hOTK fnrltiM I ,vnl tUnp
,... iM.-fl l-inlum IH
Inspected Sash.Doors and Millwoik
2aiai.r.T?r! 52.50 u?
i plv ns vixen coons e? yn ,m
t-x rAmpooiB-.
ti tin i, ei i
INJD( 0001
Hir ........
keck r-l , ,
trsuci nous bisj-miui iui
-III. 1CslGsllMllkiut Cl Rfl
Wrlto for CAtALOQ Uo. m
III I kit. Wi tin
An in. Ki it itl
J XL 11 JL
Wo lmvo novonil up-to-dnto
now Fivo nnd Six Room
. rtih 'i M'luj'l t H tin (if
ii t( . t im ii iitttH iiktur . il ,
un. I it ii i i i' 'it i im ti hi,
ii lut it ii in i i i ir i t in uik
fti Ii in Is (ii 1 i ' M" "I
Ht I t . Ii I 1 1 i I i ' 1 III i ul
ll lTtf Hi I Ml it
Wooka & McQownn Co.
I3crfl loot led
and moot
f o n u 1 u r
iDtcl in thu
City. RunniiiK dUtillcd
ice wtitcr in cnclt room.
European Plan, n In Carte
Tariff on Room
12 roomi $1.00 mrh
00 rooms L50 rath
SO roomi 2.00 each
00 room lk pioU UiV 2.00 ch
SO room -Ul ptf.U Ud. 2.C0 each
30 iult, bulrooin, par
lor Aiul bttli 3,00 cli
For mora lltnone runt nd.l $1.00
eitrn to lli sbutq rU for
( each additional cucil.
Reduction by week or month, t
nt Tint
Leaving San Francisco Fen. G
VI. t It i -u (ill iM (airli a
Ctiii'iii ..oi.i' e miii d wr or
cl Ki.'y I ivtf ml . f , luMtinl.
110 DAYS $650 and up
lnilto ifrtT ri.iMt (Salt !
'. f- rir . . i". u rwm-.
f'T. (Im iIiim4 (.'" I ifcl fr if
ninr rwn It M Oiiml. (I Wl
liulu; rmK c ' !!' J fitftl, !,
trrt l"t io-.'.I.W t'lf.f.
toil 1'imcll hi,, Hon I rmulxco, Cal.,
or local agents.
with nr .ro. u4 MM ul tout
M .un(rllH.,
I .stfft JJ.
BJiWlicTiim '
driBVrHWirTiTlV. JLrJWvn T . i MS . w wrBi
DIRECT from a Factory
ihalmakss a Specially of
WBI00WS CO 7R ,n
THM-I ll,10 QQg
TRIM (hi llil
linolth titlnjlu el IrtltM
J ittii uiniii iutt
-,., , Hm mic -. 'u.
.aaHJ' A AkA. 4