Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    t'yi 9 . 0
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frejeo Hlitfrftil
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City HaH ,
Medford Mail Tribune
Itiiln or snuvr, warmer- Mln,
2H Max. !l! preclp. .10.
forly-cpconit 7r,
Dully IlKVnnlh Yrr.
NO. 217.
- I f m
Clht Oodles Washed Ashore, In
cliullnii That o( Captain ul Ill
fated Oil Tnnkrr On Comes
Ashoro on Plank.
Most of Men Asleep In Berths When
Crash Came Ll(ht Mistaken (or
AHTOItIA, Ore., Jnn. X.-.t tiny
HkIu loilny It was determined Hint
hut three survivors remain from Iho
Ihlrty-llireo of llin crew of tl-o lit
futml oil stuniunr llonecrmni. Cap
ihIii Patterson, offlrlnl pilot for tho
Associated Oil company. In which
roni'urii llin Htmernuis belonged
slated curly thai idghl bodies hnd
burnt untied ashore. Including that
of Captain Johnson.
Fred I'cters, ipinrtcr master, who
drilled on u iiliink to Tioga Point
Htin miles distant from llin wreck
Mdt'r being thrown from the Hose
oralis' deck hy a comber, was the
rirat mirvlvor ushorn.
Tim I'olnt Adams llfoftnvlng crow
United shortly before da break with
llin three ulmi who clung to tho rlK
KltiX. hut oilt of Hhvnii illml oil tho life
hunt. Owing to nu exceedingly rough bar
tin tUK OiKMiulii l utmhln to oro
In over llm tmr from tho lightship
with tho HurvltOM of Iho Itoseerans
ntiil thi I'olnt Adam IUomiiIiik crow.
Asleep ul l"rnli
THUJA l'OINT,.yViiiih.. Jan. K.
"Mint of thn ini'ii worn In their berth
when I In' iirtiwli oninc," declared Quar
termaster Fred Peters, mirvlvor of
l ho llnnoernus, who drifted to till
Ilium from tho Meno of tho wreck on
n plunk, n itUtnuro of oii nillo.
"Pint wo rnuli) hoar tho man nt tin'
wlii'ol nhout Hint ho mUtook tin'
North Head light for Iho lightship
ninl had prohfthly run tho hont on tho
"Aa soon as tho llosocrnmi (truck
ho llstmt heavily to souwnrd, expos-
Iiik Imr docks to tho full fori'" of Iho
storm ninl mnkliiK It onny for tho
hrrnkom to coinu her vor from oml
to ninl. I Kropril my wny throiiRh
tho iliirkiniNH In nu offort to kiiIii tho
ilm'k, hut no noonor luul I cotton to
tho top of the cnmpnnlonuny thnn n
hrrak plrkoil mo up llko u fvnthor
ninl cnrrloil mo clrnr to thn opponlto
hhlo of tho vi'imtl, which, licruuio of
hor llt. wnn IiIrIi In tho air.
nriihhnl it I'liink
"I rumomlHT holiiK Mruclc by n
plnuk ii moment nfiiT IioIiik wuluil
off tho hont unit I Krnuhcil thin
tlchtly. Thou I lont coiiHcloimnoKii
i' m' illil not conio too ni:lii until I
foil my fi'ot nu tho KnndH nflor ho
lm; wimhi'il mhoru horo,
"I wim awful tho way tho hojs
fouhl ninl Hcrmnhli'il to n't froo of
that Inliy-Miick hunk cnhl;i. I i-o'ihl
hod n fow of thorn trjlus to itrai:
thouiHulvi's up tho compuuloiiwiiy with
it iIdiiui odium liullliiR .luiu liucic
hoforo tho hlK wnvo thut horo mr
n wny chokoil tho vomoI with wntor
from Htom to Vtorn.
"I nm nuro tho mujorlty of tho
mini novor llvott to roach tho deck,
mill tho throo men who woro tnlion
from tho rlBRlB miiHt Imvu ho" o
tho hurrlciino dock when tho urnhh
I'limo. Tho hoyH illil not hIioiiI or
Horonm much. Theio wiih too much
wntor chokliiR thorn nml they woro
flKlHliiK too hunt to net on look."
CHICAGO, Jnn. 8. Frank Chnnco
of (lloiiilorn, Cut,, formorly miuinKor
or tho OhlcaKO Imuolmll dim of tho
Nutloiinl l.ontiuo thlH nftornoon
HlKiioit n thruo-yonr contract to man
iiko tho Now York tonm of tho
American Uniio. Chnnco ronolmil
mi uKiooiuont with Krnnk Knrroll
nwiior of tho UlKlilaiHlom In tho of
flco horo of Han. II. JohiiRon proat
ihint of tho Amorlcnn Loauno, Tho
Hillary Chanco In to rocolvo wnu not
KlitfjlTOtl MO V1CS TO
aatwt a oAicpf or asawA '
h'i'iiiilor IIiikiii, of (ii'orisln. I re
)onllilc for a renolml'iii liittiMltuiil lif
fori' the Stiiulr ut Vitlilui;tiiii HtuKiilx
InjT the lli'imhll' of I'lilim.
Identity of tho burglar who have
robbed four pout office, a railroad
Motion mid four iore In tho vnlley
allien Chrlnltnti U rmmliiK Iho pollen
offlri'm nml pot offlrn Innpeclor no
end of worry. Tho hurKlari who havn
M'ciircd In nil Ikm than r.O, m-cin
bent pu cornurluK tho mipply of pen
let In Iho valley nH tho loot tilniMt
In every oimo linn been nmatl rhntiKo.
Tho ttorloM of buriilarleit ulnrtnl
when tin Medford pontofflro wnu en
tered Dee. 27. mid lnco that time
the piMi otripen nf K'.tkI" Point. Talent
nod (Julil Hill hnvo been oulered. In
nddlllou the liurKlnro "touched" the
H. V. mntlou at Tnlenl, lltirdlrk'H
More nt Tnlenl, a Jewelry nloro at
tlrnutii l'n, mid Jeimliu;n Hnlonu
mid l.mire'11 nlori nt Hold Hill. The
(lold Illil buriclnrliHi were Iho Intent
In thn irnrlen happeuliiK on tho nlKht
of Jnn. C.
At Hold Hill Iho biirclnr turned
down $2000 worth of htninpii evident
ly helloWllK lllllt tliey would ho a
uieitiiH towiird effeetliiK Ihelr rap
turn. They turned over the nlninpH.
mid looked them llirounh hut decided
lo litavo them iilouo. While ttiene
luirKlnrK differ from inot poMofflro
huri'.lnrn In Hint they do not crack
nnfiw or Mtoiil Kinmp, they nro not
enllro novlceri. They mnko a prnc
tire of enterliiK the hulldliiRH by
Hkeleton key mid nro careful to Icavo
each liulldliiK locked nud In order
when they depart
Divixiou of rood tliliicts won fin
ihIii'iI Veiliieilnv morning by tho
eounlv com I nml tho Innk of nuikiii
up the jury lil tor the iie.vt term
lii'Kim. After hOMMiil redivinioiiH, I he
Aiplcf;iitn region woo filially ooiinoI
iilntcil into one district, upon ioiitct
fioiii he icbidcntu of that section,
Tho fixiiiu of Iho lav levy Ik tho
no.vt hit; liifh before tho coin I. It is
e. I ice I eil that ut least u tlirco-mlll
levy will lie iniulo for voails, ami two
millrt inldcil to Iho Kcucrul fuiul levy
for reiU'inpllon pntposcK, which will
rcHloro wiiitiiiiIh to pur. Tho Mute
levy this year will bo about 1,1 mills
nu UKiiiiihl 'J.H mills- lust year.
STOCKTON', rullf., Jan. 8. A
lai'KO perecnliigo of Stooktnu'ri popu
laliuu ore enjoying hiinw for Iho first
time in tfieir lives today. It bcKau
snowing ut noon. An hour mid u
hull' later tho ground was white in
many phivcs. No rinmtiKO is living
Parcels Post Oysters Frozen Solid.
STOCKTON, Col., Jnn. 8. Thut
Undo Sum ought to Blip nu oilstovo
iulo his parcel poHt mail lings is thn
ileohiratiou of K. 0. Dickinson of
Stoiikton. 5tr. Dickinson recoived
two onus of oystors from Haltimnro
today ami on opening Ilium found tho
contents l'lo.cii solid.
President Transmits Report Cnlllnfj
(or Economy and Efficiency In
Uncle Sam's Departments Rcor
Ijnnlzntlon of Paper-work Uroetl.
Canvass of Senate Shows Archhald
of Commerce Court Doomed for
WASHINflTOS. Jnn. 8. How
I'nele Sain can save niillioiih of dol
Inrs auuiially Ihrough admiuitlrutive
refouns by the eeonnmy nml effic
iency cinilMiiMHJiiii wax iHiiiltcd out by
I'rimiilent Tuft lodav in " "pccinl
iiiohniiko lo eonj;tet.K IrmismitliiiK Ihe
minimi icpnl of the commiH'-ioii.
Uuyer mid continued appropriations
for the coiumiMno are nsked for,
KeoiVoiiiraliou of "popcr work"
of Ihe icHirtiuenU in recommended
bv Tnfl. The commiMtioti im-isls it
can Mive tll,nilll,ll(IO ceilniulv each
year nml million proH'ctivcly.
I'dihtous for MiiprniMiiiinti'il gov
ernment employee, riHirgHuirutiou of
aniline uhiu htrjet efficieuey bums
mid adoption of modem labor having
device, and Icmih in all govern
incut offices are reform urged.
A private eauvitsM of the seiinte
thin afleriioon where Judge Itobcrt
W. Arclibalil of Ihe oomnicree court
is on trial for alleged inihehnior
mid misdemeanor, indicated that from
fifly-livo lo (.ily-fie Keunlors fn
vor his iinpenchiiieul while fiom J(I lo
2,'t will vote in his fnvor. A two
Ihird vole h iteces.ary to xeeiite iin
j'eiimenl. Jiolge Arelilmld is relying on regu
lar republican sounlor and hoitllieni
demoeraln lo block his inipoaehiiicul.
The house prosecutor Ibis after
noon tiro arguing against tho defen
dant mid Ihe defense iillorneys will
reply tomorrow. It was announced
tins afternoon lhal each of Ihe seven
house prosecutor would be nllowed
to speak.
TKItlti: HAUTi:, Jan. 8. Four
person, pfUHcuKcrfl, nml a negro por
ter wort; killed hero today when tho
Keystone HxprenH, nu cmitbouml
I'cuiiHylvanln pnKKongor train, collid
ed with a fast mall train in tho union
motion horo, Mnny other paBsengorH
were Injured, several probably fatal
ly, A mUunilenitnmllng of orders
which resulted in Iho mall train hu
lug given the wrong track In alleged
(o hnvo been rcupousllilo for tho
WASHINGTON, Jan. S Franklin
IC. Lane of California was elected to
day chairman of tho lulor-Btnto com
mcrco commission. Ho will assutno
his new dullcx January 1.1 and con
tinue In offlco one year.
After three hours of argument, in
tho council rooms Tuesday ufternoou
tho city is this much ueuror to having
n street mid inloriirlimi railway: tho
Minnoy francliisii has been rciul seo
lion by section unit approved mid the
Hnrnuin franchise has been referred
lo u committed of tho whole. Final
passage of the ordinance which will
allow n franchise to either party has
hceji deferred until Friday evening ut
7:110 o'clock.
Tho Illinium franchise was first
lakcn up mid read. Upon motion it
wns referred to the commit too of tho
whole with no stipulation ns to when
tho oouunitteo would tnko it up. Tho
Minnoy franchise was read section by
section mid with u few minor changes
upptoved.. Thuso changes wilt pro
vide that tho Minnoy people ngrco thut
its one milo in ho city mid uiuo
miles outside bo connected, that nil
mulurinl uRod in the construction i,0
now, mid Hint in place of ouo milo to
bo constructed in the city during tho
. Oil
Willi n foren of WIlilHtll J liiirii Ageii- i '.e
CM) riflh avenue. X'W Vrk illy, and ihe tuo .iiljoinlii of lil mi.ik IiiUm. a urioud force uf jirlvoie dctcetlrei
patrolling Hie routines 'if Mr Ilwkrfeifet's Imtiie. II-m Icho-mI )I.iC. ot 'J'jfr; Iumu, and a iinml of twelve exiicrluuced
inrii untie; iho rctur efui -Jeiry' Hiimli murrjloa here I'irre mil i-i e: . tv bere. Ihe long abipjlgu to force the enp
Itxllfil In Ivlt 1 ho I'ii-i muijiiiiUm nlH'tlirr 'o' .im H II ltaerj lu.n'e Ji!i im ihkj by innnlnii jilng ibe price of copper
rem hrsl n r nu i..l m..i.i Anl m i'n. n I i-iip of l.e ln-ule -t tutuiiri ic.u koew wliere ihe ubjevt of their search
MM i ll llg '
St ruck bv u heavy southwest squidl
shortly after !. o'clock yntrlny
tnoruiug when nbo'tit n hnlf a mile
outward hound fmm ViiihIh on I'e.x
ii da Island, T.'i miles north of Van
couver, the sonsllng siiiimer I'hcs
lakeo of tbu Uuioilemusblp eon
o.'UO'n sen ice, UA'i'orccd -to bviil
her wnv lincl; lo the Hirl she had
just left, to sink to her funnel wiilnn
n few minutes after rowing along
side the wliuf. Tliore wero eighty
uiuo passengers nboard, including
seven women, nud neording lo he
report issued last night by oficiuls
of the company, four were drowned.
Those drowned were .Mrs. Kiln Simp
son and .Mury I'eor, of Vancouver,
both school teachers tvlurning to
their duties after sitcudiiig the holi-
dnys in this city; n logger unmed
Smnuel Courtuev mid u Chinese cook.
That there were not more casual
ties is said to be due lo the disci
pline and dispatch willi which the
officers of Iho boat muter' the direc
tion of Captain John Cockle, managed
Ihe lauding of the four score and
nioro passenger over the narrow
gangplank. According to Chief
Freight Clerk Vau the lauding was
accomplished wilhm three minutes.
Orders for the paving of Hie sheet
and for Iho hi.ving of sidewalks
ni'i'ost the Southern Pacific's cross
ing on .Main street hnvo been tiled
by the company and the money lias
been appropriated for Iho'woik. All
thai remains is a delay until good
weather will make it isissililo for tin
company lo scud emit motors here
to do the work. The S. 1. asked tho
city lo do Ihe work itself hut tho
plant hero, jt was told, is not capable
of doing the work. The plunks are
bciiitr replaced with crushed rock.
first year, (hat two miles ho con
truclcd. These differences, it wns
argued, prevent the Minnoy people
from using tho 1'. cr E. trucks or the
illinium tracks, and also give Med
ford ouo more milo of city railway
limn was first proposed.
NeulKMTy Against Iiitcriirban
The first fly cast into tho oint
ment during the debate was hurled by
Ous Newbury, who admitted not hav
ing read tho nrdinnnoo hut who de
clared that what Medford needs is n
city railway and not mi interiirban
one. "W'hnl do wo euro tiboiit tho
people of tho country," ho declared,
"they will get to town soma way or
other. What wo need is a way for
you and I to hu uhlu to get to tho
business section in u hurry if wo
wish to,"
Mr. Vuwtcr, for tho Minn ey people,
replied that until (ho country is devel
oped there will ho no cjty nud that
tho iiitcnirbnn railroad wns tho best
WASHINGTON, Jan S. A npcclsl
meeting of the houne committee In
vestigating the "money trust" prob
ably will bo held here late today to
oonslder plans to force tho comptrol
ler of thn currency to turn national
bank reports over to the probers.
C. (J. Henry, n New York broker,
who testified yesterday regarding
the assets of the California petroleum
company, will bo charged with con
tempt for refusing lo answer ques
tions. Tho Culled States district at
torney for the Dlstrlrt of Columbia
will bo asked o lake action against
Tho progressive luncheon held
Wednesday noon at tho Hotel Med
ford was attended by twenty-five bull
mooso enthusiasts who agreed to
form a progressive club and to hold
tho first formal meeting on the even
ing of Jnn. H, at St. Mark's halt.
A feature of tho meeting wns tho
subscribing ot one cent each by all
members present and a fow okttsldo
to tho sum ot 3S cents, to be sent
to pny tho fines of editors Shorldan
anil Ilaxter who are being hold In
jail In Idaho for contempt of court,
on account ot tho publication of a
statement from Theodore Roosevelt
In criticism of tho said court.
A. K. Ware acted us chairman of
tho meeting and F. W. Meara was
tho principal speaker. It was gen
erally agreed that those present con
stltuto themselves tho nucleus ot a
progressive club that will continue
to actively support the principles of
Itoosevolt until the next election.
means of developing Medford mid Iho
valley. Tho Ha in urn taction ap
plauded Newbury, who paid lie rep
resented nobody but himself, and tho
rest of tho crowd wero enthusiastic
ally for Vnwter. Three dogs barked
Itanium Defiant
At one point of the discussion W,
S. Ihirnum intimated strongly that it
is "now or never" witli him so fur ns
railroad building is concerned. "Yon
can't find six men in Medford who
will swear that they think I will build
u railroad if 1 am given tio fran
chise," ho declurcd. "1 don't know us
I will myself, hut my money will, I
will put $'-'5,000 in tho bunks to use
for no other purpose, You may grunt
the Minnoy franchise nud get tho for
feit but I won't build then."
"How ninny miles will $25,000
buildf" interuptcd a spectator.
"Two," was the re&poiiso troin the,
(Continued on Page 3)
tlit; li'Jioc of W.Uatu Ko befell it nt No.
I.OS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. S.
With the cold wave that has en
gulfed Southern California for four
days, receding, estimators nro trying
today to place a figure on the loss
to this section of tho country through
the-uiTusunl "visitation. From forty
to sixty per rent of the citrus crop Is
a total loss." ThlsTFgenorally agreid
by citrus experts, but tho exact per
centage, mid the attending financial
loss, cannot be definitely fixed for
another week. It Is believed, how
ever, that tho damage will exceed
Not only citrus crops suffered.
Small vegetables arc practically
wiped out. Ileans, peas, tomatoes
and other vegetables aro soaring In
price, and tho cost of living In
Southern California threatens to bo
the highest on record for tho noxt
! three months.
Every attempt Is being mndo In
every citrus section to thaw the dam
aged fruit In such a manner that It
will not be an entire loss. If pro
per temperatures, gradually reduced,
can bo maintained In groves, some
of tho frosted fruit can bo saved.
SEATTLE, Jan. S. A geneml
sinico ot mi eleomom workers eui
ployed by the Stone mid Webster in
terests in tho northwest, including
Seattle, Tacoinn, Everett and l!elli'i,'
limn, was called today. All union men
numbering 300 hnvo already walked
out and many non-union mon tiro ex
pected to join in tho strike.
The right of the men to org.i lio
is the chief issue between the tri' ir
nml the company. A nuifonn wage
scale (o apply in all these cities U
another demand.
"The strike was culled ns u hist
resort," mi id John Morgonthaler, vieo
president of the Pacific district
council of the Hrothcrhooil of Elco.
trical Workers, "rather than submit
to Hie relinquishment of labor's in
nlicnuble right to organise."
With fifty union linemen out on
strike today, tho Stone and Webster
tntoresls in Seattle, Taconin, Evoivtt,
Uclliughniu nnd other towns nro with
out n single union man in any branch
of tabor.
LONDON, Jan. 8. Albert Howes,
a tnxicab driver who shot nud ser
iously wounded Sir E. Henry, chief
of police, was sentenced hero today
to fifteen years in prison.
Hiiwoo Mint Henry, it is alleged, bo
eiiuso tho latter refused to grunt him
u license to opornte his. cub.
Nations Bring Pressure to Dear Upon
Porte to Consent to Abandonment
of Adrlanople Turkey May Re
tain Aegean Islands.
Servia Announces Intention of With
drawing Troops From Durazzo and
Other Adriatic Ports.
LONDON, Jan. H.Iutcrventlon by
Ihe European ower seemed today
Hie most probable mentis of settle
ment of the war between tho Uulknn
stale nnd Turkey. This, wns be
lieved, would be mnde certain if tho
Turks failed to concede by Friday to
Ihe demands of the nllics. There was
no formal conference of Iho pence
envoys today but the plonipolentinr
Ion conferred cnmcitly among them
selves in their hotel".
A dispatch from Constantinople
received today sayn thnt the ambas
sadors of the jxwers there are bring
ing pressure to bear iixn tho 1'orto
lo consent to tho abandonment of
Adrinnoplo. The Untkmi envoy hero
predict that Adrinnoplo will sobu fnll
in any event nud Hint satisfactory
tenns nre certain to be made.
In n dispatch front Home it ii
semi-offioinlly rcorted thnt Iho
triple alliance- favors tho abandon
ment of Adrinnoplo by Turkey, but
Unit the Aegean Islnnds may bo re
tained ns part of the Ottoman em
pire. . A1enblegranufroirfS'ifift'Bnysbnt
rir Ferdinand lw gone lo Tcliailil-
jn, near Constantinople, presumnbly
to meet tho sultan of Turkey. This '
meeting between the two nilen, if it
occur, will tic tho second within a
It wns pemi-officinlly slnted hero
this afternoon thnt Sorvin hud nu
nouueed its intention of. withdrawing
Iroops from Durrnro nnd other Adri
atic ports ns soon ns pence U re
stored. It is understood the powers
had intimated Hint Sorvin wilt lie
forcibly ejected from Adriatio port'
unless she voluntarily willutniws tier
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 8. Declar
ing that tho doctrine of "stnlcs
rights" in regard to undeveloped re
sources of the country was belli;?
usett" ns a cloak by Iho enemies of
conservation, Gifford Pinchot, for
mer chief forester of Hie Uuited
States, in nu address before tho con
vention of the American Foresters
association here today, urged the
adoption of n resolution dcmniidinp;
federal control of nil natural re
sources. He insisted that tho clniunr
for "stnte's rights" hud been rniscd
to a dangerous attack upon the whole
conservation policy.
"One of the greatest battles in tho
fight for real conservation is uheiul
of us," said IMnchot. "A movement
is on foot to wipe out tho dividing
lino between sttito mid national ac
tion in conserving our nntural re
sources nnd turn over the forests of
tho United States to tho control of
tho different states. This' is mi at
tack in which men of high principle
nro fighting bide by sido witli mem
whoso principled liyo only in their
TACOMA, Wn., Jim, 8 -Tho Union
Pacific Hnilway 1ms given nolico to
vncnto property owned by tho com
pany in thirty days ns ticy wish to
begin work on construction of their
city waterway bridge nud iimtiguruto
a great era of tidcland development
for tennimils here,
Tho compnny will spend ijiW.'i.flOO,
Connected with it will ho viaducts to
ho erected by Iho Northern Pnciflo to
cost .i2o0,000.
1 -9