If r .1 S ' L . Well, Mutt Jc r i: Co.Moit (t wtiv t c M6 '. I'm Wrt4.nrQl'iiiM,. IJUM 4L. .' JAP LOSES LIFE IN : BLAZE AI PORTLAND PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. . II. UnHiHfhlrl. Japan U dead today Mg'w result of a flro within gnttud 21 urn 1 1 Miutrt lii Ike imrtli mul. llama RMrl wm burned to death wltllu try iMUk 'WHpo IroHt npurtiuoiitii over rtw of the Ui, Tlilrl UiouihuiiI dlUnr lUmnnH wo iloim by tho bDtiM, which was of unknown origin. On mwoum of llitt extreme void tho water lit tho Iiimix fro to a soott an It struck the sldovxalh, groutly linmp nrfbn thu tirmiiHii. I CENTnAL POINT ITEMS. Mi. .i'il Mrx. W. I'.. Ilmyloii mul huh tvttirwil Mtfturilhy I'vnnltii; rnim Mflirmwlai' rli.lt l Cnniinj;, Cnl. 'UntMt Mmulli mul Cmitrnl l'ulnt hlh nhmt li.mlii)linl Iihiui luluniml i'riu I Mr iHMiluru trip BHtunliiy iuni:iK. Imitation (tr nut for h iIhiiod nl lh I 'Mitral Imll WimIihhiIhy ivihiiiik nndtr ilic w'igciMtit ui' Ilic (itrnl iNtlitt urdiioilra. lie. Uiw it-, ltt tinUinlay ur Imm Itonnli, Caliri'iiiln, in Mu lij ttohr Miiir ntliiT rqliitlvi tlioni. Thu bnxkrt Im'II xtiini liy lo ri m lNiiik ttf u,ir liimiinvit it lln Y. A I. ('. A. kiuu' iuiii IsHtiirilnv Hinht nmrh diuv.mmI by tU ulio wno )mmhiC ' ltriillm(Hilb Vdru ii-rVcil by tb Iffilliw' mixOlnry. Our Mliwltt umiuiikh) Muuilny with lb u-oal IIwhIhhiiu uf iiil. piulrel I'oliit Iimh nut liml h i'n of miv iHutH(iuua tliwi urn ot tlii wttir. air. and Mr--. I. C. ItuJmHl, Mr. Nd Mr. Viinr w mul Mr. MMmitnii Irft Tor KnnA Tit. Kim a, 8nuluy wurulnn, niuir (lie ulHbrni ruultt. mid will via't miHoi. outtttirru vU( im miulu. Thu nn IIwihhi (' n wilnwKriw fur Ihu UniU'd HiwH in tb liiiimlidii'v mv mul tht lali nriHtiiiimiiy Ilium fur a itffeui lrt)i. 31 r, iuil Mr. I-'ih! II. llopkln, ho. Hi(MNiultNl hjr tliHir tHiiiM, Krmlorit' mttt William, bit Smulnv nftorniMiii fuK Hmi 1-YunriiMH) wliuru (Imy will taw tin -U'ttiiier for llu I'iiiihiiui naV mul will lit Hluimt I rout homo Hitfl Hio hiiiIiIIh nl' IVIinmry. Dr. MoM. Dow mul Dr. Lyd"' S. nay lrt humluy ommiiii lor oAiii nUonl m wool;. ". W. Tiirpm ninl I lurry ilw Wft Sum luy oiiiiijr for Portlmul Itonl of Mdlil'onl Hiiout Siiiiduv horo, Mm. Aimtiii mul two oliildreii lino Hituiiii'O front mmirnl uioiitli' iil ut hi.'ltll. -f I ' EDEN PRECINCT I Mih. Wm. Cnroy of Km Hi Tuhml MiifJ'ori'il a HkM iantllio Mlroki' .ViJr Ytuu'i. oo, lint I miiuli im ii'6i'il. Mf. Kolii'oi'ii Moor wim tinioii).' tliiflo I nun l'liiamix in Mi'iUWil ThliiMlny. Miv. I!. O, I(oiio of Ahlilniiil npuiil inifl of hint wool; with hut tininlt Mi,Ji ninl Mrs. ('. Cutny, Mr. Wouho I 7av ' Q' IU l J,,M I CVV .ItyVT Till, MMU f' 3 ifew- li'ioud VeIup: I huliuvu. in a ciipol'iil Kci'iitiny oC all pro Du.st'd I'l'ancluKt'.s, aitlod by llio bewt lugal laltiiil, aud 'ihu iliougliU'iil coiiHidcntliim ol' any plan op adviuo olTepod by (ho public biiropoui'aulin Ui V; Hasty action uover guarded tho future 1 work for tho Medford ol' today muVHho Medford of tomorrow. ,T. r. UTOIl'lilLL. s Job Was Honest Labor at That lllij.l Is'l.L 1SUI, Rot to GftVOH 'fM JoUNuW. fen " STI liiiMiiit uiii' lo I4im .nnli'f In luuk up it liicnlioit. (nv. Dr. Knllllu of Pluionix wa tiHilinc hi Mmlfurtl Tluirmln.T. Mr. ninl Mm. .1. 1). Ilunry hii iiiiiimik llui Inii'k ritniirm win l ren in riv liniutli fntMlilON Ht the jHililie tmirkitt. . Mr. mul Mr. A. II. PUhtr of l'lx. nix Hern Ui .Mwiltnl 'riiirilii. Tin iHrRv Uv, ujijd mil rtici'O Htr fiinumly nwuttil liy il. L Mnr iliif of Talent Iimk I'hmiKi'il limul. VmiiliirWlilfi A Ihirpii will ho tli now firm nnui. TV Ihiv 'will Im liirkt'il m low mul will uiiiilf ti cl iwrtrtiiunt htorn. Mr, hii M. (,'. Cry uml Mr. V.. 0. Kviiho wain unrntt ut u N'inr VoHr' iliniior ut lint hunii' of Mr. mul Sim. II. (I. Kliiwrvr m Minlfunl. i Noncj;. Nollco lit ho ruby ;hoti that thn iiii'itornlr.iiuil will apply to tho city coifiicll of tho city of .Moilford, Oro non, at IU nuAt rvculnr uu-otltir; ou Januiiry 7, tJ13, (or u llcotisu to null Rplrltiioim, vltiotm and bait llquorn In fjunntitlon Icm titan n ijnllon at I In place of biinliii'ft on lotti C, C, 7. 8, block SO, In ald city, for n period Of llx JllOlltllll. norm, nauii Dated Dacvmbur 17, ItlK. CO. Niillro. No I loo I lioroby gloii that tho un ilrrnlKiied will apjily to tho city coun cil 'nl Hit inuutlnr; to ho hold J:in. S, 1 1 1 3 , for n IIcoiinq to mil malt, vplrlt uoiin mid iliioim IIiiioih In iiinutltlc4 Iomi than it Ktlton ut II pliiuo of UiihI uvifii on lot IP, block -I I, city of Mud ford for a period of nix month. HOLLAND MOTML CO. Dated Doc. !(. VJVi. Rovornor llorhurt H. Iludlcy of Mlftnoiirl I oxtiMtod to Imiwitu n oniidldnto for L'nlttnJ Slutix wuntor luut yoar. to Mtgcnml William J. Blotto. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS VOIt COUNCILMAN Col. II, U. Hrrot Annouuccn IiIh candidacy for coun- cllninu, Buroud Ward, Mudford. (Paid Adt.) J. W. llimitlAN Submlto his nauto to tho vol or of tho first Ward n n candldato for councilman. IP KLKCTKD 1 WILL STUIVi: TO DO ItlOIIT. (Paid Advt.) J. K. (Jack) Stewart I huroby annntiuce myself as cnndldnto for councilman from second ward. J. 13. atuwart, West 10th. (Paid AdvU tho 703 CJcirgo INirter 1 horuwlth uiiuounco mysolt as rnudldato for couucllumii lu 'thu first ward. (Paid Advt.) 1). J. Hlull I horohy miiinuuco myiiolf as enn dldutb far coutailmau In tho hccouU ward, (Paid Advt.) J. li. Dciuiucr horowlth anuounco mysolt as MTCDFOTtT) TUTL TiTmTJNfl, TUTfiDFORD, TUltiC WHO IT V3l.tU SOMCTHINO. OH, Mow like ycoLN YOU'AWAT cnudldiito for councilman In tho third ! ward. J. L. Danimcr, COU V. Jack von. (Paid Advt.) A. N. Hilton AniiotincOR his candidacy for coun- cllmnn from tho Third Ward. Klcp- llon January H, Hlfl. .- (I'ald.AdtL) mix .MA VOIt. ".IV'W. iliuliidf , In nnnotincIiiK my candidacy for tho mayoralty, I wish to Bay that, an wo luivo uwry niinnico of a most pro'iu-roits uar, ICit it it guard ugalust orroi In public nifulrs. .Now, as to tho public marliot, I want to say that 1 am, and always have boon, a ntrons advocatu of tho pub1) iimrkot. I wan among tho first of Ilia council o favor aud pro nioto It. I fl that tho succoss of our murkot Is duo hh much to my elofrts aa any othur mombor of thu council. I shall. If olwctud.- mo oyory houorabla effort to mako it a continued succits, an I rvallzu tho Croat bouoflt II U to both producor aud consumer. Now, as to tho saloons. Ho long an thu statu and. tint city llct'liso them to do business, thoy aru oulltlod to do o; but I ntn a strong advocato of law enforcement, as tho laws exist, aud wben tho laws nro wroqg. wo bavu a remedy, it's, up to tho pu'dlc. I firmly bulluvo In Oovulopmenl und progross, but not to tho extent of reckless oxtrnvaEauco. Wo must Ktianl ngalust this rooklusuoso, but not to tho uxtunt of rctraulloii. I nin sti lolly opposed to auy special prh Degas an to loeotloua, pursuits or corporations, but ndhoro rigidly to tl(o best lnlurts of tho public. I bollevo thai tho same considera tion Is duo to thu Indies as to the man, In nil one pulillc affairs. I Paid Advt.) W. W. Klfcrt l'or tho luformntton of tho voters of, Medford, I take this method of aunoiiuoliiK my position, gn, tho prin cipal iiuostlons ut Interest to tho people of our city. It elected, my 1 1 til o and services will nlwnyii bo uvnllablo to the pub lic and suggestions and criticisms will at all times receive most caro fill consideration. When ever It la apparent that tho mnjorlty of our citizens ara united In opinion oppo site to my Individual views, I will yield to tho mnjorlty, regardless of my personal opinions. Our public market should bo en couraged mid developed along such Hues nu will result In tho greatest ad vuutngo to tho community. Our laws regarding sanitary con ditions, should bo actively enforced, mid supplemented by others It tho existing ordinances nro Inadequate. My experiences hits convinced mo that tho suggestions offered from tlmo to tlmo by tho women of tho community, oven boforo tno right of Suffrage wuh extended to thorn, have nlwnyn been of value, "and should re ceive the utmost consideration, Our picscut lnwB regulating tho saloons mul tho sale ot liquor, mid ttuch other rcatrlctlona ua tho council or poopln may hereafter enact, should bo rigidly enforced, and it found Inadequate or lusutficlouL. should bo amended. Our water ratos uhould bo revised so that thu cost ot maintenance, and tho necessary contributions to tho sinking fund may bo equitably dis tributed among tho coumimora, but no Hirpuiu uiiouni uu occuuiuimuu ui tho expense ot tho rate payor, Tho work of tlo tlimco commit toq mid ot tho othor principal com mittens ot tho council should bo ppuu to uuggostlon mid nubjoct to crlilelsm, and tho crltlelHtn, euggos tloiiH, und co-ojioratlon ot roprosouta lives ot our various clvto bodies should bo Invited and oncourqgod in Biieli work. tf olocted I PI01I30 myself to use my utmost ondoavqr to carry out tho Ideas outlined above, and to glvo Medford nn Impartial, progressive,' busluoHH ndmlnlstrntton, U'wlll AiUil ORWION, MONDAY. .TAOTARY (?, 1013, t- W1.U. IHC ir a a rt Jo' LL RIGHT Our IT'i rt GOOD .JOPf DOMT KfoW viti I. HO THINK ,,v COMMIWIWHlP. OH. J. K. Watt "At llio oli(iilniioii of many clti reus L hnvo dociilcil to liou.oino a can didate for thn office of mayor ut the cfiuiine; oleotlnti, Til Jununry. In thin connection f wili to stnle that If elected, I wilt iiko my best of forte to (rive tho city a clean huninoflu ad ministration. (Paid Advt.) j . O. K. Gale During tho last ton dajs a numbor of cltlzeas havo called upon mo, re questing roe to beconio a candldato tor mayor ot thu qlty of Medford. After duo consideration and consul tation with citizens in all linos ot business, I havo deoldud to announco . myself as a candldato for said office. ! I therefore prcsotit to the voters of Medford, for tbolr consldoration, my platform, which is a follews: An honoat, open and abovQ'board, co;tn cut business administration. A fair and square deal at all times. Dqual rights to nil. Special priv ileges to none. A genuine peoples public market. Hcgardlng tho liquor question. L'orsonally I do not drink, never havo, hut as long as tho. government, stato aud city license aaloona, aud under ktrlct regulatlou thoy obey tho law, they aro oulltlod to protection. Should they persist In disobeying tho law, tholr llconso should bo revoked. A careful accounting ot atl nuan ces. All disbursements subject to pub lic Inspection and open for pupbilca tlon by tho city prcus. Duo consideration of nil petitions for mid ngal-ptt public luiprutomonts. A rigid practice of economy, except when such economy has a teudency to retard progress. I will further all progressiva mat ters ot geuorat lmprooment for tho city, but such must como within tho scope ot gooil business, 1 shall endoavar to use my best offort.s for tho keeping of tho city la a sanitary condition at all times. Whereas, nftor years of struggle, tho women havo been given the privilege ot exercising their rights of citizenship, duo conslderatlpn will bo given them on nil matters of pub lic Importance. Should I bo elected, I assure the people that I will bo mayor In fact as well as name. 1 1 will not bo the tool ot nny cllquo, and wilt bo Influenced only by what I bellovo to bo right and equitable, it tho abovo platform meets with your approval and you bellovo I am capable ot filling tho office, I will appreciate your support. 0. K. DATES. (Paid Advt.) l'-". Ui:XT 1't'l's'"-l) AITS. FO?MtKNT SnltVAlt2iT87uU FOR RKNT Furnished npnrtmeut now, ptivato bath, hot water heat. Tho Horben Apartment, 10 Quluco St., corner West Mnln. FOIt ItKNT OFFICKS FOR" ft KNT LargoT coiuTimiUiTo 'at flcu rooms with elevator aorvlco, Eteiim hunt, hot mid cold water, Low; rates, Apply Medford FurnU tur?lV(y.CB.()! - NEW TODAY A film ranch of 230 acres, i("Hu 8(ock, mid 110 acroa ot Irrigated fields oil tho Itoguu rhor, fluo alfal fa, mul fruit, good buildings, 110 In cumbrance, $i5.u00'onu-thlrd cash, buliuico may run. 10 ncre, three mlleu frpm i gof)d town, flttu uqulpmeiit, yell stuukud. 9,rt acres lu cultivation, Irrigation plant, oluctiie lights, modern houso. Alfalfa, grain mid fruit uru tho ehluf products, $24,000. halt cash. Who has 11 $200Q houso lu Mod ford to exchange oven for n 100 aero piece of timber on tho Dead Indian mail 20 miles cast ot Ashland, It has beou cruised at over tour million foot of saw timber. Sinnll Improve mollis mid some small tracts ot hay on tho place, $2000.00, C.D.HOON Hooiu IM, 3ackuu Couuty Uuulc lUdg. S . a7-TT HCLt.0, MWTt! 3TLL RoLtoWINO X-f toil ItHNT IlfiU.HUS FOIl ItKNT I room lions, closti In Bi' owner. I. W. Thomas, 71 Went Slain. v!0o KOIl UUNTIly owner. 7 room lions,- on pave street. Hath, Htuol range and s connection. In quire 100C South Oakdntc. :0 rOIt ItKNT Ono six ro-m house close In. Also housekeeping rooms, electric light gas, batli, etc. No. 310 N. Ilanlett. FOIl ItKNT 10 room houso rear of Farmers & Frultsrowon bank, suitable for busluoBS, real estate, boarding or rooming house. Oold ltay Itealty Co.. Cth aud Fir 8u. FOIt ItKNT Seven room bouse, J. 13.00. Phono Co. IU II. Sar gent. 2 CO FOR ItKNT Modern 5 room fur nished bouse. Call at CO North Orange. JOIt ItKNT 5 room moaern bun galow, practically now, Medford Itealty & Improvement Co. FOIl IlKNT por month. I room house, J5.00 Gold Hay Itealty Co. FOIl ItKNT Furnished houso, closo In. M. A. Under, M. F. & II. Co. r-- -itTij-r ,',, ' FOIl UKXT Fllt.MSHKl) IIOO.MS FOIt ItKNT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottago, CO I West loth st., two blocks notith Medford Hotel. Hoi and cold water in rooms, Mrs. II. M. Coss. 274 FOIt HUNT I.argo sleeping room, J 1.50 and $2 per wook. Modern hoiikokecplug apartments, J 15 and 1C. Home pbouo 2GC-IC 222 South Hotly. FOIt ItKNT Strictly modern, etoam heated furnished room with board for two people. 219 S. ltlvcrstdc. 243 FOK HUNT MISCKI.liANKOUS FOIl J.KASU Fully equipped placer mine. Oold Ilay Itealty Co. FOIl ItKNT Itanches, Inrgo and Finall, alfalfa and garden lauds. Gold Ilay Itealty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR ItKNT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ilay Itealty Co.. FOR S.l.l-IIOlTSKS FOIt SALK 4 room furnished mod ern houso In Medford on large lot, w-ull flnlsnod In side. 75 acres timber on splendid land, partly creol; bottom 33 miles from .Med ford. All for $3200 cash. Inquire P. O. Ilox 6C5. 254 FOR SALK 4 room houso and lot $700, $100 cash and $15.00 per month. Gold Ray Itealty Co. lOIt SALK ACRKAGK FOR SALK Ranches, aero tracts, town property, from $5 per acre, upwards ou 0 aud 10 years tlmo. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SAI.lt MISCKMiANKOl'S FoTrSALK IMirounni Drown and White Leghorn lions. P. O, llox 01 or phono 312-X. FOR SALK l horses mid a bicycle. Stock must bo sold at once. In quire Hoover Nursery, FOR SALK--Hack, lu good tlon, cheap. Phono S05-F-: cotult . 218 FOR SALK Hotel range, dlshoa. llueu, bllvcrwuro, blankets, bed ding, etc. All new, very cheap for cash or will trade. Inquire IIS South Fir, Medford Renew lug Company. 2 IG FOR SALK Fruit box labols In ono two or three colors, printed as you ordor ot tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALK Calling cards, printed, ougravod or ombossod at too Mall Tribune otttco, FPU SALK Looso lent lodgor sys tems, any stylo or tmndo to ordor by tho Mull Trlbuno bindery. r-KOU SALK 1912 5 passongor au- tomobllo almost now. Uargala tor cash, Uox SO, Tiibuuo. FpR SALK Logal blanks, tresspass uottces, for sale or rent slnga at the Mall Trtbtiuo. FOR 8ALK-3tfi-R. -Dry oak wood. Phono 248 F.OR SALK Kenyan tuko-dqwn house, 3 rooms, less than halt price, h. II. 1G0, JacksonvHlo,24G FOR SALK (Mil lit U. .1. . . Ono good spring wagon, Stout'u. or call Doll 7811 a7 i i m . . il I I i i I i i i i t MB " Jttw . (?) . . r FOIl SALE Letter htaas and. fancy -stationery, orlnted. engraved or! embossed, as you wish at the Man Trinuno. FOIl SALK Furniture, nearly new. I tan go reasonab!--. II. s South Oak' dalo. Phone 507 J. 2.13 . KOIl SALB Household furnltur", In I : all ir by tho piece. 19 Ross' uutirr. FOR SALK Six thoroughbred White Orpington cockerel, $3.00 aoh or J5.00 n-palr. W. II. Howen, Jacksonville. 249 - "" ' -' WANTKIl MISCKLta.NKOUS WANTED 'to bur or trade, good 5 foot mowing machine. T. Hawk Inson. 822 3. Central. 247 HKLP WANTKD SlALK WANTED Foroinan mid wife, wlfo to rook. Ilox 3f. It , caro Malt Tribune or phono Farmer 233, Central Point exchange WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Japanese couplo want position as general housework. Phono Main 33C1. Harry Wato nabe. 251 WANTED Housework or work aa wultrvna by experienced woman. Address Dox 224. Central Point. 247 WANTKD Wnshlng. Plain sewing $1.50 2S5-IC. 25c per hour. S hours. Phono 243 roii i:cii.NGi: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Wo can sell or oxrhaugu your second hand automobile!. No chargu for storage If you let us sell for you. Valley Garage, Vtl.'ty Motor & Tractor Co. MONKV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city aud closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3GS1. MONEY TO WAN For particulars address Talent, Ore., It. P. D. No. 1, Ilox 110. Acreage preferred. 24 I IIL'.SI.MSS DIltLCIORY Attorney C. L. RKAMKS, LAWYER Of flco Medford National Dank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MEALEY -Attomoys-at-Law. Rooms 1 aud 2, Postoffico bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL 1CEY. GEO. W. CHERRY), Rooms 11 aud 12 Jackson County Dnuk bldg. . . W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun cilor at law. Room 2, llialto building, Medford, Ore, Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited und Kept for a rensQimblo figure; your business solicited. Office, Medtonl Mall Trlbuuo bldg.; phono 6GU; resl deqeo phono G302. Auto Supplies LAIIKR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big bocret lu making springs la tho tempering- Wo aro operating thu largest, oldest and best equipped plant In thu Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when othors fall. Sold under guarantee. 2C North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Chiropractors DR. A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E. ticugc3, aiccnauo - TtiorapisiH, Chiropractors, Spoudylothuraplstu. Those systems. Including dletotlcs, curuttvo gymnastics, hydru-thor-nphy, etc., produco results in both ncuto und chronlo diseases. Con sultation freo. 230 North Hartlott St., next door to M. E. church, Houra Q 11. in. to Ik m. Other hours by tippoliitmout. Dull phono Mulu 4171. DR. R, J. LQCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist, Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndvico in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydropthprapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 115-L, Mala G713. Notary Public HELEN N. YOOKEY -Notnry pub lie. Riiug Yoitf w"rk (ft wu-ut Uio ulst Qt Tho Mull Trlbuuo. ZJL PA-dffFrm';, By "Bud" Fisher hcsiNESs DinncTor-Y JJrick MKDffORn nillCIC CO. Geo. W. Prlddf. O. D. Naglo. Geo. T. O'Rrlen Contractors and ' manu facturars of brick; dealors In pressed b,rlck and lima. Office at tholr brick yard, Went Jackson at. Phono No. 351. Clill Fingliiocr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil cnglnnor and survoyof. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur reys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sowor design, concrcto work, pump and canal oy stems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Ore. DchIIsU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310. Medford, Ore Doth, phones. DR. AllTEMUS W, DBANK Dentist. Ottlco lu RIM to bldg... 123 East Main St, Gas administered tor ex traction or teeth. Phoao Main G81. Night phono 4432. ' '" Garbage GARIIAGE Get your prtmlses cleaned up for tho winter, Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 62S1. F. V. Allon. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trocs aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We are not In tho trust. 11. II. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In sldo entrauco, next to barber shop. Printers mul Publishers .B'i,i'ii--ii-iraa-t-a(iais(h MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hau tho best equipped printing of flco in southern Oregen: book binding, loose leat ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prlcca. 27 North Fir st. Physician and Surge-ins DIL F, gV CARLO W.BlC"BVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians. 41C-417 Garnett-Corov bldg.. phono 27S-K. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur goon. Offlco Jackson County Dank bldg, rooms 17-1S-19, phono GG01; resldeuco 307 South Oakdalc, St., phono 7171. Home phono, tost denco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. I.OCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Offlco phono Main 1001; reaidenco phono Main 7')81. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physiclnn and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso aud throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to S p. in. Doth phonos. E. D. PICKED, M. D. Offlco Jack soii County Dank bldg. Offlco phono Main 432; Ilea, phone, Mulu GS2. DR. MARION Physician aud mir gpon, Stownrt bldg., corner Main und Hartlott sts., offlco phono, 271; resldeuco phono, 273. E. KIRC11GESSNER. M. D Prac tice limited to chronlo diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays' 10-3, Hoth phones. Rosldence phenes: Farmer lCxxG Eaglo Polut aud Rogue River lino. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M, D. Prac tice limited to oyo, oar, nose and throat. Eyes M-Jontlflcally tested mid glasses furnished when needed. Gurnott-Coroy bldg., second floor. Doth phonos. Medford, Ore DR. MARTIN O. DARUER Physl clan and surgoon. Ottlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Pbouo Pacitie 1101. DR. It. W. CLANCY'-Physlclan and Biirgeou. Phones, office, G01; ml denco, 72 1. Office hour's IU. to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Phyalclnn, 303 Garnett-Corey Dulldlng. Phone 91-R. Slenograpltcrs ELLA M, OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographlo work Uoue qulekly; mul wol. Transfer lADS 7iANS?EtTXTOIarCt Offlco III fffliith Fir t. 'hoH IJPll W'Al 4W JJW'K. fm right, asrvlcg guHrntMHt. . , A L T