J f?. J OLD UNRELIABLE M OF MiiU'onl him mm ' llio few nine- liable kmm plmila mi III'' cmtsl. Ivvi'iy Mile while llii' mm lull. Hiiiih'IIiih" tlic nil In lilnincil, oumlimo Mm wotiltMU' tml neither nil nor uciiMmr HlTi'i'l service hIvimi iii other rlliea. A "frecuc-up" n( Mm (In coin- IHIiy pllllll Ml I'll) I.V ICSIllleil ill itn (nn I'or llie oiuiiiiiiiy' pillion lli'm niuiiiiiiK, At lcnl MiIn in Mm osituso nffcicil liy Mif iilTiciiilN. Tim ooiupiiiiy staled ut iiihui Mint il Imp imI In hnvc gii in Mm pipe within it Unit Mum. Water fieesliig in gns pipes HiiiiiihIioiiI. Din city Hiimluv eolisetl imirli Itmniivnnlcimo In icnir whose iini)iiK depended r.iuii n iciii stip-tily IimI Mm Wimble wiu mil Hcu eral until Monday. The thermometer ni th gnu tlnnl regUlci.'il H uboe thin iwimlii(f. 'I'lif Mail Tribune tftta IhIh urhIm IxiUiy, linviutr lt mvtra hour wtilt tfK for yn ' enum mi befiiie rein "lulling iIm jn t1iin ilnnt. l()l(TIXI, .Inn. ll. -Ifreeipl. f.-r Mm week have been: Cattle, PJ00, imlnw, 2ft; lmir, JttiJfl; sheep, 'J:i:i7, Imihk, 10. Very liffttt rtwlpl of cut I If fur tin' wwk, with lirili demand mid pnee Cnm Ifta In SIAe higher for Meer. ww, Imlfern ami hulls. There i mm iMiMlly "tinitt demand fur pi mm tsiira, i.H ih! hHfer, Iml nil grades are meeting wilh nwily mIc. N very bev arrival nf Img H'ImIiI hii'I Mm deinmul mi Mining II ml priees jninM4il up Id bit and in Mime few iliiHmi tS. JO fur iii ipinl ft v on Thursday' market. Sheep mnl lambs mIhut Unlit re ceipt. Will llmll.'i! lltf in tfOOll demand ii tit I prirr- a -.liiiili' Mmugcr. WALTER GORE WEDS MRS. MARTHA MILLER Waller (Jure mnl Mr. Mm Mm .1 MUM"!1 won married nt I lit Pteb iMmm imimmnge nt I'IhmwU Smnr ilny evening. Rev. Mr. Hniley per formed Ino eerfimixir in the ptexcnee of h Number f retail r i.' Mm vi Imrlinn Mithii. Mr. Our i n limit nr of .liilm, Will mnl I.M ( tr or tln oily unit Mr. Mitlrr in th mulhtr uf A. II. Milli'i- Mini Mr.. II. II. Mi.rriMin of .Mmlfmil. 'I'Iip nHo nl' llii' h illli nf llirf h n Hrll kiimill ivi Ii'IiIk um in l 111141I 1 iiiiniiiiiii'cil liy fnrinU nt uiw nl Mir ilnil'i'lio Suii ily. FROM POLITICAL RACE liy Hip withdrawal of Kd Aiulrovva fiom tin alili'rmaiili' riirc la tlm flmt ward I hi riiro Iuih narrowi'd down to a llirni'-liaiidi'il iuih hctwi'i'ii lli'rrlaii. I'm lor and llnnm. Mr Audrowa Iiiim 11 itotilrnut to mIiiko Mid Mikado at .Mnrynvlllii, Pal , nml a ho will tin out of Mm idly for tlm next fow wctikx lio Iiiim aiiiiiiiiiici'il IiIh wlllidiMwal from llm nice. REFORM ORDER OF DAY (Continued from Pngo l) ty elorlc lining present through Mm mtmdoint HoiimMiIng that ha not happened In yearn. Minutes havn lii'im written up later, hy tho county clitrk from note fiirnlHlmd hy Judgo Null, ami Mm mlnutex Hiddom Rlgut'd hy tho I'ommlBHloimrH, Tho now rourt Htntos that whllo Mmy do not Intend to ho ulgnrdly or maho Mm county suffer In any way, neither do Mmy Intend to open wide tlm p 11 rim anil no dnputlt'H will ho Kiuictloued unliiBH actually needed. Sheriff Hinglcr filed Imnd of $10,000 im Hheriff, Imt the enurt beiveil nonce Mint it mil"! ho in meiiHcil to .fl. "i.ODO. A hinely homl of .'10,0(111 Mill ulrio Im rciiuiied fiom Mm tdmi'lff. im lux eollccloi'. 1 IiiiiiIh for $20,0(10 filed by Mm lii'iisiiior worn upprovcil mnl notleo riirveil (hat u Hiuety bond for 11 hirjiu nmouiit will ho rcuulrcil, the i-onulv pi'.ving ,11m premium. Clink Ounlimr iiipoinlcil Miss Thompson iih ehlcf deputy nml Piuiik Ciilemnii im deputy. Kcconlei' Colvig iipimliilcd IiIh wile iih deputy nl .000 nml Kcncil imlii'e Hint Im vjlnl to uppoiut .Mins lliiinplui'ys us deputy. GAS AN BUSNESS PRICES ESOCK OF SEEK COUNIY JOBS Klfly-Hovi'ii vurli'tlt'M of I'linl Hiipr vlnum wlllhiK to Imllil r(ty-Niiv(in vnt'illin of (niinty niiiilM urn nt JncH Hiiiivlllii tmlny, iirini'il wlih pHHIoiiH ami cri'ilciitliilH miiIiIiik iipiioliitiiiniit 1111 roiul MiipnivlNiim, iinilm' Urn ni'w rniuily wiiil. Cniiiinlmtlnncr l.vurvr Hiin Mint Imlf Out iiii'ii u Dm couniy urn ni'i'liii tlm job nml Mint ho Iiiih liuiiilrciU nf iippllnilloiiB. In view nf thu iilnioMt unllil voln (if Dim iIIh trlntH rcpriHHMili'it nmilntt kooiI romlx IdKlilnlloii, It In HiirprlxliiR to find linsv inaiiy favor roiuU wlimi tlioy llllllll Mli'lll tllfIIUIllVH, Many of (In liirurr roml illhlrlrU aru Im'Iiik Niilnllvliti'il and ri'tirruiiKud, mi Unit It mny I mi n day or two Imforn lint Hiipirvlnorn K't Milr appoint iih'iiIm. HowKVitr, tin Jolt will not In Mm HliiiTiirn It iimmI to li- -nor will II ln a fainll) Kntft It Iuih Iiii'ii In ri-rliiln illntrlrlx. Tint tnipDrvlmirM Mill no lonip'r linvii rlxlit of way to do iim tlu-y jiIi'iinc, Imt inimt work only iitidf'r dlriMiilon of Mm ronrl. Nor van limy run up IiIIIh for tin' I'oiinly to pay an of old thin mint tin doirn only tliroiip.li llm iiiiirt. In Mhort tlm mipKrvlnor tittuply aitn at foti'iiiiti for tin rout I on road work III I1I1 dlMrlrt E A Mortify (l t' JIokk rupri'in'iit I11K tin' llaritiint IntiTotN. f licit with tlm pity riM-onliT Katurday n urdl iianri. nukliiK for a franehlm. to op- urutu nn tdi'rtrlc llm In tliU city. Tint principal fcnturi'n of Mid ardlnnnro I that V. II. Ilurmim ink for tlm (rnncliUo Hmtvad of J. C. Ilnriiiiin, tlic di.ponlt of Dtfi.OOO to lio iioi'd for no othnr purpoti. oxeitpt In tlu coimtrtittlcin of the railroad, Mm uppclflrntlon of the kind of cam they will run, tri''l limy will oporato upon, mid promUfl to rIvo an hour and u half mirilui from C a. 111. (o 1 p 111. AT Tho Ki'ituorth) Stork roiupuiiy at tho Pro Thoattir Sunday nlKht noort'd nu Inntaut mirriMH, tho playhouse tip liiK crowdoil. Tho mtutmny will ro main In Mod ford at thin theater the rout of tlie week with a rhnngi) lit play ImKlnnlitK Tuwilny. Tho Htnp,i Ktrurk lluok will Im tho nttrnctlan for Timadny, Wetlnesdny and Thurxilny. It Ik a rural comedy dinma that Ih niiio lo pli'imn. Tlm door of the Pro will open at 7:lfi and tho nirtalu will rlo nt S.'JO. Sentd may ln rt norvi'd liy tolpphnno, Main 3 IS'.'. MARRIED. CI.OTIIIKIMIKAnu; At (IrunU Pumm, Deeeinber VIS, liniiimt Clolh ii'i' nml Miw, (Irnee lleugle, both of Pi'oviill, Oregon. MImm Itenglp in n inemher nf n pio neer I'mnily nml well known in Jack Mini enmity whete mIip fotmetly rei.iil cd. IIACICKUD-I.INDSHY At AhIiIiiiuI, Dee. Ml, Alviu It. Ilaekerd of Khim ntli I'ulU anil Minn Ituhy l.indsev of AhIiIiiiiiI, ' THOTTKIM'iny. -Al Aliluml, Dec. Ill, Arthur J, Trotter of Atoriii, Ore., nml Minn Mina May Pel, of Ahhlmiil, ut the resilience of the hriile'H parents, Mr. nml Mrn, J, I, Uel, Rev. William l.ueas officiat ing. IIAiniAM-OASH-At Afhlimil, Dee. '-'8, John A. Ihmiluim of Puislcy, Ore., nml Mih, Annie (limh nl (he home, of the bride hy Key. II. T. CliiHliolin. llOIIKUTSOX-ArelMiAHKN At Atli liiiul, Dec, III, I'liarlow Kobertsou mid MiAH Nellie MeClureu, duugh ler of Mr. mnl Mt. 1. I, .McCliuen. BORN. MOOKi: -At ProNoll, Ore., Wcilms- day, Dee. 'J.l, to Mr. nml Mrs. A. Moore, n dnughtcr. lli:USIllM:iUti:it--ln (li-nnl Piih.-i, iSunduy, Dec. 211, to Mr. nml Mrs. P. W. ilei'shberger, n ilaughler. Norin:. AH memheiH of Mm I. O. 0. V, encampment and degree team nro urged to attend the meeting Wednes day night, January 8th. Iustallu tlnn mid degree) work. Tho Jackson ville lodiso will attend, 57 VREIES RAD BULDERS ANM SEEKS TROLLEY FRANGHS KENWORTHY SCORES GO KTFjyFOTtD MATn TRTTVTTNR A SUPERVISORS E (WANTS PASS, .Inn 11, Ildiid Mipi'iviwni" lor tin' twenty ilimlHi-lH nl' .liixi'iiliinc iiiiiiily IniM! Iici'ii up. Hiuk'il liy Mm coiiuty couil, TIhih. .1, llriimkiirlnifT, ulio Iiiih Iiccii mini iiiiiMit I'nr llii1 hik ji'iir, wan rviip i(iinli'il for lln1 i-oiuiiij? yciir, hi mmI 11 rv lii'iiiic ricil nl tl'JOO per milium with Mpi'i'iiil hIIohhimu) for t ravelin;; HXMIIM'., Tlic apiKiiiilumiilM ol Hitpirvifoi-M in llna viiiiiniN ilinliicls Mpro an I'eIIimvh: I F. V. Wliiidcr, (IrnnlH I'nw. 'i -(li-o. (lidii'i., (JrnnlH 1'imn. ;i T. II. Kllliitt, UmtilH I'iihh, I -M. A, Hli-wiiril, Wolf Cu-ok. ft (Iim. Jlnur, lliiHu. II -lliuliiy ICnyti', Oalicp. 7 Win. Unlit, (Inn... K -Milliui IIi'vuoIiIn, Mi'MIii, II V.. A. KhIIiIi-mic, (IiiiiiIh I'him, h. r. i). 1. 10 O. I'., llm per, Mutpliy. 11 (' T. Ilaviilioii, I'rovoll. l'J .1. I, K'.-rr, Wil.lrrvillr. I.'l -Mihi, S. Diinciiii, ICi'tliy. 11-11. I'.. ChrlMy, Hulmn. I ft-15. P. T.vci-r, llollaml. llj-Siun lvmt'T. W1I1I.1. 17 -WmIIit Jiinliui, (imnlH If. P, I), a. I 'a mi, 1H -Aluiiro .Iiiiki, (IninU Pumh, 111 -II. P. Wnlli-r, I.1.I11111I. 'JO - Paul ICfiK'T, (IihiiIh PnN. Dr. .1. ('. Smith, who linn xrrviil n 1'iiiinlv pliynii'iau Minim llu tiina. lion of Dr. Ciira II. Lumoii, whh n iipHiinliil for tin' iiri'ii( yiw l'c Sill win appiiiiitril Ntork in M'piir for tin' ronnly. Tin nalnry iilUi'lii'il to Mn officf. in ,'flOI) jicr )par. Tin Iml nf S. I.. .I.hmII fur tin' pn. .itmu of iiMTinti'imVnt uf lic coiinlv lii'iiip w,i in i i-ptril. AT POUTI..NI). On-, Jan 0 - JantPii l.aldlnw, llrllliih cotiiut nl Portland, tor -12 yi'nm n rcililcnt of MiU city. It lead here today. ll had t'ocn nick m.iH'.j ClirUtliiaK. Hp wan ai.polntnd rlrn ronul In IS" 4 and whm mado round SO yat later, nt which time Im retired from the shipping firm ho tin 1 ontabllitlit'd and dexoli'd lilnnelf wholly to ronu)ar atMIr. J I'rinwt and lliich A. I.aldlnw, San Krnuclitrn lnmliiemmen. worn the IhHim of hit (lmt marrlnmi. Tho flmt Mr Laldlaw illeil In 1SSC and four ypara later Iip rpmarrli'd, flvo chll- dri'ii. all uf whom vurvlve, wore the remit of Mik kpcond union. BRONCHITIS SUFFERER Take lliuggMo' Ail In, Willi Spirit, ill. I Itl-Mllt If any one should Know (he worth of a medicine, II Is the retail drug gist who sells It oer his counter inery day In the week, and Is In a position to know what remedy gives the het satisfaction. Mrs. Prank II. Pllue of West S.ind lnkv, N. Y., says: "Por a number of years I was a great sufferer from bronchitis. l'iht July 1 had an nt liiol; which was more severe than any nml my friends thought l could not terover from It. Then I was ad vised by my druggist lo try Vluol, which I did with wonderful results. My cough has left mo; I have gained In weight and appetite mid I am as strong tin ever I was. I ndvlse all who have hrouchlMs, chronic coiirIis, or who nro run-down to try Vluol." It Is tlm combined action nf Mm medicinal curative elements of Mm cod's liver, without oil, nlded by the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic Iron that makes Vino! so efficient In such cases, Hcinemlmr, wo guaranteo Vlnol to do Just what wo say - we pay back jour money if It does not. Med fonl Pharmacy, Medford, Ore. sjIndies MNAMA Ganal DELIGHTFUL CRUISES TO TUM WmI Inikt, Pinami CinaJ, lermurfa and the Spanish Main Lcavlnc KrT York by the ralstlal S. S. MOLTKE CKE) Jan. -I, Sat Feb. UB March Sit). S. S. CINCINNATI f) February 11 S0 Days) u4 Ut S. S. Victoria Luiae ("JO Jan. 1R Vth. H March 111 Air, to. 16 Days $145 andui 21 " $160 " " 28 .s.... $175 ' OIfr rmlin Anvd t Werli. SniJ (or tlloatrnted booklet. HAMBURG -AMERICAN LINE 41.45 BROADWAY, N. Y.' " " y y y y y y y S JOSEPHIN COUNTY 'i TODTWD. OT7FIONT. MONDAY. .TAXTAT?Y(5. 101.1. Mail Tribune's New Year1 s Edition (I'iiiMiiiiiI Kp'M-lntor) A fiipilul Kpw Vi'iiiV niiinher, in tlm xlliipe of lln lilllllliil K'Mcw of (lie ri'coril nml proicHH unit ndiieve iiipiiIh iiiiiiIc hy Mm 'Kokiip Kivrr vul liy in 101'-, Iiiih Imcit IkhiumI by Mm Meilfor.l Mail Triliiinc. (Jeoruc Put until, Mm editor, fimlK iiiiicIi lo uhicli tlie cllicim of .liitikhoii comily emi poinl nilh priilo. The year, Im miyn, Iuih lii'itii one of bountiful ImrvcHtH 11111I Htilminiilinl proj;n"in, the fiiliin li bright witll pioinlKc; llie ipnouri'i'h mi' 111 Hip womlcrfiil uilley of Mm Hokup, nml with optiiniNiii, courage mnl hope, Mm Mull 'Inbum KpeedM tint old year out mnl the new one in, Tho Hppplutnr wihlm tin .Mail Trib une, IIh editor nml leaders all Mm liniiiuiM nml iro.p-ritv that their lieiulH can wMi. It in win Mi mentioning Mint in Mm New Vi'iir'n Uhiip of tlm .Mail Trill ium h nn editorial Iiph1pi1 ".Mnnvv in Ppttrw," in wliinli nre ttiii-n muup fij iireH hliowim; ifltiniM that ori'lmnliiitH linvii liiul from (hi'ir Imit 111 10PJ. Tlm Mnll Tribtiim uppnk of mnny nreliarilH, lmt an nn uveraxp of pro ilimlion mnl profit Mm muIi-h made by I 'red II, MupkiiiH, of Snowy Untie Oreliarilw, may be tpmtpdj Fiom 11 jicriH, Mr. HopkiitK hold Wmli-r Ni-Iis, llmilittH. Pall Ilnttcr, Comico ami Mom. penrn Unit upIIpiI 1 l,:)8ft over fl.000 nn acii nml (he Mail Tribune iiiMn that 'MiU U nolliinu' imtmiial for thin orehanl nltnost nn aiinuul ocetirreime." The .Mail Ttibuue lakes ulmoHt an imieli hatiHfmilion out of tlm piodiie tiveni'Hs of Mm Kokup nver orelmnlK iih fmin llie fnuts Mint Medfonl is tlm bwt paved eity in America, ami Mint it Iiiih more nutomoluloK er cap ita than (in v other eity nf lU hie in tlie pounti (Portland Ont;oiiian.) Tlm Meilfonl .Mail Tribune of Jan uary 1 c'MimsU of thirty tuo pnes in DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS Many Med ford pcopta who haro chronic apppndlcltls, which la not very painful, have doctored for ycara for can on the itomach, sour stom ach or comtlpatlon. I., II. Hasklna, dniRglit, BtntPH If thcuo pooplo will try tilniply buckthorn bark, glycerine, 4'tc, nn compounded in Adler-I-ka, tho Oerman appendlcltlc remedy, they will bit lurprlied nt tho QOICK bene fit. A SINGLK POHi: relieve! thctio trouble IN8TANTI Y. AAAAAAAA.AA.A.A..A..A. y y y y On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock the 7th day of the New Year Kentner's will hold a Box Sale at which time Articles valued from 25c to $30 will be Sold for 25c each Here is the plan in detail : We have gathered together from our whole store a lot of articles which we have done up in boxes; none of these boxes contain an article worth less than 25c and from that up to $30. Bear this fact in mind: THERE ARE NO BLANKS -Y01 CAN'T LOSE 1 You may get a sewing maching, a suit of clothes, an over coat, shoes, hats, underwear, hosiery, furs, ladies' tailored suits, cloaks, shirtwaists, shirts, etc. SEE THESE ARTICLES DISPLAYED IN ONE OF OUR SHOW WINDOWS Articles in this sale for every member of the family useful ones, too, for men, women and children. KENTNER'S t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y t y y &tAX"tti"tw four Mi'i'lioii, The pity 11 ml Jin'kon motility, nml tlie Koirim Kiver valley an well, tire ubly enreil for in text nml illtiHlnttlon, People Hie world over who know not of opior(uiiitiPH lliat fiwaif MiPtii in Mini tmirvplotiH spctioii nf Oregon need but a copy of tlm .Mail Trilnini; for enlightenment to their iidvnntagp. To Mid editor; I waul to tlinnk you for Mending me copy of uiimial iium- Iber of the Midfonl Mail Tribune, which I looked over with great inter ol. It not only due you credit but lo a pounlry which jiitifie hiicIi ti pajK.'r, I hope due nppreeialioii ynH mIiowii in n prnctiuitl way by Miohp ilirpptly ititorpftteil, Winhing you n very Imppy and lroMrotiH Now Ypar, I nm Very winimrplv vourn, JOSKI'IIN. TKAL Portland, Jan. -I. To tlm editer: Let me llinnk you for the copy of nml eongmtitlute you on your film New Vcnr'n edition of Mid .Medfonl Mail Tribune Medfonl in eertninlv noinc city thanks large ly lo the .Mail Tribune. Wishing you n bright nml Imppy New Year, I n in, YourH very truly, DAN .1. MAUIMCY. Port In ml. Jan. ). JUST ARRIVED Another lot of those 15 Button Black Suede Cravanet Top "John Kelly" Shoes at ,ScArctWtZ&, "Better Than Ever" Oj)i)osite Post Office lllllhHl J I v a I - I " V "! "! A 1 - "X sf . .--- Hit" 1 ,nn 11 iHL.i.nx"iijilUII1 LAND PROMOTER FOUND GUILTY OF FRAUD I'OHTLANnrHtt. O.A, J. Dlehl, charged with lining tho United Htntnfl ma I In to defraud In connection with the operation of tho Columbia KlVer Orchard company, wn found guilty by a Jury In Mm United States dis trict court Sat unlay, Ulehl was MOVED J wish to mil tho attention of the public to tho . change in location of my sign and outdoor advertia-'. ing fcstaljliHhinenl, "We are now located in Uie BoydcnJ Warehouse, on paved alley, between South Central and South Bartlett. B. KLUM Electric Signs and all other kinds. Bill Posting and Distributing Your Own Price for a Home I must raise money to meet' my contracts in a business venture. To do it I will sac- rifice values for a sale on any ii one of the three or four houses in Medford. BOX 495, MEDFORD TWJTJ TOftfiE. ? m!"imy!" '! hmh.ii- i niin 1 1 charged with sending four dlitorent letters through Mm mslto. thre Of which wern signed by bSmself and the fourth by It. II. McWhorter, who recently pleaded guilty to similar chargr, The Jurj decided thn dn fondant rcsponslblo for the letters he had signed, but not for tho Mo Whorter letter. .-!-- JJUJi-LH-ilLJ llUUlll'. !H ... '.it H -f f m ir 4l I 't r i VI I. It 1 1