Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    "SW"" '""
Medford Mail Tribune
.Snow nml Marnier Ma v. J10
Mln. 10.
I'nrly-riniil Tor.
Dally Mnvttnlh Ycnf,
NO. 215.
Mercury Falls to Ten Degrees Above
Zero, Coldest In n Score of Years
Water Pipes Durst Throuuhout the
City Skating nt Gold Ray.
No Damage Done to Stored Fruit as
Warnings Enabled Starting of
A rt'KUlnr back en it cold wave tin
sriutiled on Ilia llnguo lllvor vallo)',
along with tlm whole const, ilntiirdny
iilnht. Hiiuday inuruliiK tha tliii'ino
muler registered 13 above ami early
.Monthly morning ull record far n
MHiri' of imrn were broken when tlm
of (trial tliorntoniolor touched 10
above. Water pipe nil over ihe rlt)
ware frozen nml thn plumbers wore
kept ItiK) reaping n hnrvrnt by mend
Iuk unikuii pipes, f tot li Sunday nml
Monday were bright and sunshiny,
I tlra I winter (In)
(itllll itll) I'lllltl I'lllI'M
ltotn- It l r nl the mill ioiiil iunr
tin dam bi (loltl Itny wn frozen over
thick tiUollK.ll f'T skating (or Hut Unit
Hmih in )ir V liter In tin' flumes
nl I In- CallforiilnOrcKon Power com
imiD'n power pin ii t wait fruicn solid
iiml eiiiniml t ho cuiiiMiiy some worn
nml nxlru work In Mcdford tint
main damnse ortnxloiiml It) Hie cold
una hi tint Hpnrtu linllilliiK lnn
pipe hurstcd on the M'coml (lour uml
flooded lint building, staining plnitter
on tho ground (lour In iiiuny neigh
borhoods water from In tint KM
iiikIn uml li nt o(( tlm supply of Kit it.
KxroR(fiCiTiml clnilinol 111 niltl
oirooni llwnr creek w frozen over
ProtwMHir O'llnrn .i)s (tint warmer
weather lit tlnn Moiuluy evening with
snow us ii HtroiiK possibility. Thin
r.tltl simp U the wiintl tut linn on
ircortl. u rocti.'tl of II above III 1010
being the cloned approach.
WlllvlllMIM' Witrmotl
TIih only lo Hint orchnrdUt will
experlHlire throuxh tile foltl it pel I of
Ht urilav. Hiindnr mid Monday Mill
he to fruit hold In open storage. Ah
warning of tho coinlnK P"H worn
sent out liy Professor O'Ouru In plun
ty of limit, (lr4 were started In must
of lint warehouses nml IhU Ion, If
niiy. will Im small. Those who Imwi
allowed stored frttlt to tieronio frozen
uro warned not to itturt flrrtn now, im
tlm (mil should tin brought tnuk to
Hit normal rondltlon an slowly us
possible. The frottin fruit should lm
loft strictly nlono or u!m covered up
with straw or blankets.
HiiiIm on (mil trees are not liiut nt
nil nml there In no need for mulct)
on tho effort of tint cold unrip on tlm
coining fr nit crop. OrohnrdlstM
should not prune In tho early liourH
uhllo tint teniparlurit U low mul tho
pruning of ull stonu fruits should lie
deliiyed for moiiiu (lino. All nursery
Muck hIioiiIiI tin loft ulonit, It IuiIiik
purlltiulnrly important Hint this ho
not touched during thu cold wenthcr.
I'OltTUNI), .Inn. (I. Tho enimi
nry leahuiiiiiiK ortler Hotnuvil by tlm
Ori'Kon Wiitiliinnloii Kilili'ouil uml
N'uvipilioii eomimiiy in August, It'll.
iiovi'iiliii(,' tlio htuto tVom iMi'iytui;
mil tlm pinviNioiiH of. tlm meiiMiv)
luoviiliiie; a 1 1 hour wotl.iiu iluy I'm
iiillioiiil eniployi'iii in tlm Hlnto, w.ih
iniiilo pciiiiiinoiit by Fotloinl JiiiIko
IUiiii tinliiy.
In liU iIoi'IhIoh Heiin oiinU'iiilctl tluit
Hid hill eoiilliiileil willi tlm Mcrul
In us t'uverliiir inilioiiil lubor uml iilno
willi lil.ii iiiliiiKH of tlio iutorstnlu
ciiiinuoi'i'0 couiiuiHnion,
Thn bill uhh puHhOil by tlio loilu
liini of 11111. hut tlio O. It. nml
N. hciiiioil tlm reiilriiiiiiuu; onloc In
i'nio it liooiiiui) opurnlivo. Tlm mil'
iiiuueiit injiinolloii nu'iiiiH tlio 1(1
boiir ilnv imw ill vopo uu nil Oivjmn
iiiiliomls will pi'ei'iil.
New County Court Takes Office and
Enforces Many Changes Officers
Must Turn Over Cash Receipts
Dally Must Observe Office Hours
Only Deputies Approved by Court
Can Handle Funds Court Will Do
All the Duylng lltsclf.
Sweeping refoi m III court house
Hffnlro. tlm Introiltictlon of hiinlneoH
meihoiU In thu conduct of offlcrn, n
coiictmtrutlon of nutlinrliy In thu
huinlN of tin roiinly court, nml nil
iictlMt iiiervlitl(tii not only of nil r-x
pmllturci, but of tho work of both
court lioiiitt and roml HtipnrvUorx U
luillmteil nit Hid order of tint tiny nt
thu flrnt uieetliiK of thu now comity
court held totlny at Jnckionvlllo. Tho
elon Mill lni Hiivernl ilnyi All
nieinhent of tlm court. coiuIMIiik of
JiiiJko Ton Vtdle nml CommUaloui'ri
l.nover mid Hmlth wr ureiieiit Tlm
old court mot with tint now to aid
tho iiii'iiiliern In beromliiK famlllnr
with their work. Ilcittln the ordi
nary routluu biuliiiMit, tho mibdMitlon
of present road tllntrlcln, tho appoint-
inent of upervor. approval of
bond, flxltiK th Inx levy nml tho
drnvtliiK of thu (inuol for tho uaxt Jury
wilt occupy tho time of tho court.
Mull llrforiiii Ortlerttl
lteiolutloiin worn Introduced by
JuiIko Ton Velle for adoption nit or-
t.'ern of 111.- court, to thn following
of foel:
All'coutity fintitoyiit mutt fbcrvi"
tho ntuic taw, workliiK clRht hour u
day. from X n. in. lo f p. in. with an
hour off nl noon, uml court houmt
offices imiKt be kept open according
ly. All tloputlos liHiullliiK county
money iniut be approved by tho court
before appointment..
Thn Mlutrlff, clerk nml other coun
ty offlctitlit mint turn over to tho
counly troamiror nil cnith on hand nt
tho roncliikloii o( each day, mid obey
ntnto lawn rcKitrdliiK publication of
Ileuulate All I'uit ltaet
All tmrohnite of mipplloit nimtt bo
IhroiiKh tlm county court and no bill
will bo paid iiiiloha niithorlx'd by tho
Thn Iroiimirttr In (intruded lo keep
money raUod by nmtl levy In tho roml
fund iih reiiilrod by Inw. lie In nlito
rotiulrod to keep nopnralo fumU for
imch of I ho roml dlHtrlclii, which uro
to bo drawn upon only upon order
from tho court nml not from stipor
Uorn iih heretofore.
Itoad niipovlnora nro required lo
work wholly under direction of the
county court, nml not upon tlmlr
own Inlllntlvo an heretofore. It In
probable that either CoiiimUiilotiortt
l.eover or Hmlth or both will tnko ac
tive oharnoof rond opomtloiiH nml tin
votu moHt of their tlmu to thU work,
('oiiuly C'lt'ik I" Iki l'rvcient
Thu matter of u county auditor, lo
work part of tho tligo encli month
liiHpectliiK uuil exporting tho books of
tho viirloim offlceH, wh iIIhciibhoiI
mul It Ih ptobablu hiicIi uu appoint
incut w III bo m a do.
The now court ImdHU on tho conn-
(I'outluuetl on PaHU U)
I'OHTIiANl), Jan. ((.--"Tlieio it.
iiliHnliitely notliin in tlio nxrl Unit
the Hill lini'K uio boekiu uu eiiti'.uu'C
into Stiu rViuioihoo llnoiuli n Juno
lion of tho Oregon Trunk lino uml tlio
WeHtern I'liiiilii'," iloel.ued J. II.
Vomik't eliuiiiiinii of tlio Hill intotests
in OrtKiii toilfty. Tlio stiitomeut fol
lows reporlH tluit Yoiiiik' went to Sun
Friiiioihuo to el'l'eot, if poshiblo. nn
iiiluiiil loiilo from unvthwext points lo
lint l'licitut eoiiHt metropolis iIii-oiikIi
tlm. plnu mentioiieil.
Yuiiiii; ntiitoH hn went to Ciilifmiiiii
willi Ills fuiuily merely (u ipeiid tlio
lioIitluyH mid did not omleiivoi' to of
loci uiiy fiirtliui' improvement of tho
Hill hvxIciu while nwny.
liiwvEAMftStft.. ia m wK. 4, t m j'JK&sRaR ' '9 JiiHMW&EHWKiBP' tV; P
teJBMttnaPW3BllBBaMBW.WamfaiHrBMaBML ialllalnlV KmtKtK.
Lr v 'iaHaMNBaT JC ' ' t 3jbw BvBJaBti- SBBdaBaEaBBE
HNL tmmm rBWaftillliir liilBaW Tar ITBawnliirTaBaWnBaBal
affM ' affaaBffaaBBfaBBVJaMHHHR'BBKBaVlBHBBaBau
lJjBjl rfMBn
t 1' '' ' ! ii mmmmmmm I li . J l ' II Ml WTT
d K0
i- .i I flinv.,. 4 jftouii it' r-fi-..4i.itmir m twin t.rkr. now on n alrlke n bev appeared
t - m i t. ,tk 'J,ii i mrc .ie nim-mul idea of (he larte teneniaCe of woinen Mrlkem
i i ii, r if men. At i..i MHHNt wjxc" nre out ami It U feared I he number wi.l rapidly be
r ' ii iN -tie urnnird ir n oiiiliromU" t r t'.-l ut n
i i)i .i i he nr- Mr I u in hftra f . f rlfica nml iwenlr r cent In nse. nn clsht
ii .tn . ,..; ;MMr0'mrili;d,',.iIwr.,'t',,","t f ,,,1,,h""- un,, i " ork. ibo abomu-
at i lit t .f-
u i
li i, i nl it
i in nt
1' rt I
Ull I.I I i n f
Ni:V YOltK. Jan 6 Aa a ret. ul I
of more than 1S.UU0 needluworkura,
moKtly of (hum atormltiK thu door
hero lo attend a meetliii: of tho
I ji dle' Wnlitia Mnkora' I'tilon, prior
lo votliiR on n Kuneral ttlrlko. In con
nection with that of thu Garment
Workers' Union many ore toduy ntif
ferliix nevero cilia nnd hnilr. ' So
violent wni tho erimh that women
went trampled under foot, clothe
torn and heavy glamt doora criiKhed.
Pollen roittrviHt wormed u cordon from
tho doom nnd drove back tho mob
with their olutw. ,
Kiikdiiii V. Doha w-tm llntod anionK
tho Kpeakcr nnd Mm. O. II. 1'. Hoi
meiil occupied n box during thu moot
liiK. I
I'niloil SIiiIom Hiipieme eouit toilay
inileil Unit the ameuilmeiit to the
inteitttulo eoiimieii'e law Kovoniin;;
hills of lulling ami fixing the iIuiiiiikoj
n hhipper may recover, completely
MiporcciloH all htuto law. It al
lielil that an cvpro- eoiupmiy is not
liable for the full value of any article
lost in inlorMiito iipmont ulion tin
true valuation it not Muted in the hill
of lulling. The tloi'ifion wits liainbtl
down in uliut is Known ns tlio "Cm
eiiinuti eiie "
TACO.MA, Wii., Jan. li. With the
thermometer at U2 above zero Taeo
ma ami Meiuily w expeiieneine; the
1'iint heaw snowfall of tlio Heasoii.
Flnrrle-iiibegiiii fulling ns euily as 0
oVloek ami tlio giomiil at noon was
covered, with liulf an inch.
Tlio fiisl fivoyjng weather wiih Cult
yesterday ami many lakes in the
vicinity were frozen over. lltiuilrotW
of people enjoyed Ihelr fust ieo skat
ing tliis season.
WASHINGTON", .Inn. it. Coast
wiieless stations wore today notified
to locate tho nuvy repair ships Pan
ther, lust jejioi ted Fritlny off Cape.
HuttoriiH in tho path of a liiirrieunu,
the Panther sailed TIiiii'miiw fum
the llroolJyii navy yard for (limn
taiiiimo with l'JII persmiH nbonvd.
The navy department insists (hero
is no diiliKcr,
LONDON, Jan. O.t-Wttei the i-mi-
. fereiiee of i'oirii-entttti)c.s ,if Turkey
I and the lliilkan slutty adjourned here
this iil'tenitiiiii itjwas uueertuiii whe
ther the ploiiiMiteutinries would incut
fcgirin. N'olliing wrfttMVinpliJtlivtrnl
todayV meuliiiK.
One of the Tuikifli envoys stiid tin
dulcgatiw iniht meet mniiu. hut no
definite diitu vmis asreod iiimiii. This
is believed to mean that a tvMimptmu
of hostilities between Tin key and tho
llalkan hIIios irt eerluiu.
Iteitehitl l'aslin, one of (he Turk
envoys, said thai they IihiI received
no ordei- In lunke further conce.
sions hhiI Prvmier ILinolT nt llul
Kiiria xanl tluit the leniw udmieed
by Turkey wore far from aeeeptahle.
After I he mueliug wih officially
auiioiineed that no date for a re
sumption of iicK)lintiuit was men
tioned at todtty's meeting. Diplo
mats say the llalkmi envoys may
wait a few day, mul give Turkey a
eliiinee to mnke fnitlier eoneessions,
but the outlook is admittedly gloomy.
Piemier Dnneff and lli Servian
envoy emerged mm today's meeting
I. ughing. Daueff mu'iI theie was no
session tomormr, ns it was the
Greek Christinas. Nogotinliniis, he
said, were rot oxaetly ended, the al
liet merely deehuing Ihev winilil not
aeeept (he leniis of the Turks,
SAN lli:C!0, Cal , Jan. C Seven
men nro believed today o hnvo been
lost by the wrecking of tho fibbing
launch Old Nick, tho powerboat
Kllraboth, mid an unknown schooner
Saturday night on tho Mexican const,
a short distance south of tho Inter
national boundary. Tho missing uro
Theo. lllll of Sim Francisco; United
States Immigration Inspectors (tint
T. Jones ami Dan Ktrkeadall of San
Diego; U. fl. Oerolmnl, Anton Uasll,
Tlm Good and a man known as
WASHINGTON, Jan. ll.-In a do
eisiou liunded down today tlio United
States supremo court refused to
sanction tlio proposed plan of distri
bution of Southern Puoifio stock to
tho stockholders of the Union Pacific
railway. The plan was proposed by
tho llurriimiii lines in compliuiioo
with the recent supremo court decis
ion deelatiin,' illegal the merger be
tween tlio two oorpovntiopH, '
Jackson county began business
Monday under a new regime, officers
elected last November taking posses
sion of tint court house. Frank I.
Ton Velle succeeds J. It. Nell as coun
ty Judge, Con Leaver and Joe X.
Smith succeed James Owen nnd
Frank. K.-Urdwn as, commissioners,
August D. Slugler Is sheriff n place
of W, A. Jones, O A. Gardner suc
ceeds W. It. Coleman as clerk and
Tom Osgood Is now county surveyor.
Oilier officers arc their own succes
sors, D. Grieve, assessor; Pred
Colvlg, recorder; Jniuos Croneuilllcr,
troasurer. Percy D. Wells, school
superintendent, and A K. Kellogg,
K. i:. Kelly succoees 1). P. Mulkcy
as prosecuting attorney for tho first
Jurdlclal district. He has appointed
Attorney Johnson of Grants Pass as
deputy prosecutor for Josephine coun
ty. Judge Nell will return to tho prac
tlco of law at Jacksonville, having
finished his twelfth year as county
judge, though there whs nn interval
of 12 years between his second and
third term. James Owen will devoto
all of his time to his farm near Wei
ten tind Prank Ilrown to his store at
Knglo Point.
W. A. Jones will farm his fine
ranch on Itosa Lane. Coleman will
ukblst his successor for a while to
loam tho ropes of his offices, and
may bo chief deputy for Slngler,
though the latter contradicts himself
repentedly upon tho appointment,
having assorted Saturday noon that
Coleman would not bo appointed, mid
Inter that he would be. Judge Ton
Velio states that ho will not approve
Coleman's appointment as ho Is ad
verse to tho retention of aioone who
as a public officer, plead guilty to
the misappropriation of leu thousand
dollars of public funds.
11. P. Mulkey will practice law at
He has received a flattering offer
from an eastern lyceum bureau for a
series of lectures mid may devoto n
portion of his time to this work.
DKNVKK, Colo., ,)aii. (5. -At l a.
m. hero today the street thermome
ters m some sections of the city
registered III degrees below zero ami
lilt above nt 7 o'eloek. Outside of
Denver the coldest spot in the titale
wuu Gillette, whovo the thermometer
remained nraotieully stationary at 'JO
degrees below zoro.
All eities and towns in both Colo
rado and Wyoming averaged 10 de
grees below zero, wbilo at Cheyenne
it was l.'i below. The cold weather
which was accompanied liy a record
breaking blizzard, litis played huvoo
with all telegraph and telephone
Coldest Weather and Heaviest Freeze
In Twenty Years In Southern Calf
Fornia Smudge Fires Maintained
In Hopes of Saving Citrus Fruit.
Reservoirs Frozen Over and Skating
Parties Organized Worse Cold
The coldest M-.Uher and heaviest
frost of the coldest and frostiest wek,
known to Sunny California In two
decades Is the prediction for tonight
by Weather Forecaster Carpenter of
the government bureau here.
Frost warnings were sent today
throughout the citrus belts. Carpen
ter fears the frost of tonight will be
more destructive than any that has
ever visited this section.
OXNAItl). Cal., Jan. 6 Smudge
fires are being maintained today by
citrus growers, who fear entire de
struction of their crops tonlxht- Last
night's damage was severe. Irriga
tion reservoirs were frozen over dur
ing the night and the first skating
parties in Oxnard'a history were or
ganized today.
Damage at I throttle
HIVKRSIDB. Cat., Jan. C Ser
ious daniago was dona here by the
heavy frost of last night and tho cold
est weather and heaviest frost of the
winter Is predicted for tonight.'' Ex
pert fruit men today refused to es
timate, tJjnjL percentage of low without
care nil investigation uui u is Known
to be very heavy.
COltONA, Cal.. Jan. 6. Heavy
damage to citrus crops In the Corona
district Is reported today. Night
temperature ranging fom 21 to 25
was reported.
Tho coldest weather In half century
Is gripping Dnkersflcld today. Dur
ing the night the mercury dropped to
18 degrees.
Lemon Crop Is Lot
SAN DIKGO, Cal.. Jan. C Reports
today from Chula Vista, tho great
lemon producing section of this coun
ty, say that the cuttro lemon and
orange crops have been destroyed by
tho bitter cold of last night The
temperature got as low as 1 1 above
zero last night and today lemons
and oranges were frozen stiff. It is
feared that many of the young treeB
have been so damaged that they will
have to be cut down.
POMONA. Cal., Jan. 6. Contrary
to usual conditions, tho lower levels
In Pomona valley escaped with prac
tically no damage to the citrus fruits
last night, but In the foothill sections.
Including the famous San Dlmns lem
on district, Lavcrne, Lordsourg ana
Clarcmout there was considerable
damage, tho frost being tho heaviest
In twenty years. Tha average temp
erature was 2C degrees.
S.W.KAr, Ote Jan. 0. Governor
AVcest today sturted an inform at in
vestigation into the rcpmU that
Superintendent Will S. Halo of the
state training school pureluued a
bad lot of fourteen dairy cow 8 ut
$100 each without the tuitliniity of
the commission on state institutions,
and that conditions weie j-puornlly
bad nt the school.
An official investigation tit which
witnesses will bo examined will ba
btarted Friday.
Dr. Frank Smith, siipeiiuteii'lcint of
the feeble-minded home, is also cited
to appear before tho iiiveotigutiii"
board. West will not atinouneo the
charges against Smith, apart front
the admission that tlty ceh'le lo
Smith wns appointed thruuah the
efforts of State Treasurer Kay, who
refused to endorse tho recommenda
tion of thn legislature In have Smith's
official acts investigated.
Brlstow Introduces Bill 'Prepared by
Progressive Party Creates Sr.dus
trial Commission of Seven With
Full Power to Regulate Business.
Squeezes Water Out of Stock and
Abolishes Promoters Fee for Merg
fng Properties.
; ' i , -
WASHINGTON, Jan. C Tho first
and most sweeping of the wjrles of
bills prepared by tho national execu
tive committee, o .the progressive
party as embodying the doctrine of
its faith. Is a trjeasurn introdnccd to
day bjr Senator Brlstow for regula
tion of "big business" by an Indus
trial commission of seven members.
This industrial commission would
be empowered to deal drastically
with large corporations doing any In-tcr-state
busineWb as Is tho inter-stnte
commerce commission with railroads
and other transportation service.
ItcKtilnte All Trunin
It would have authority over all
persons or corporations doing nn Inter-state
or foreign business of S5,
000,000 annually to Investigate their
financial condition, buslncsa opera
tions and management, and requlro
all to bring their capital stock and
indebtedness down to not more than
10 per cent of the "fair and reason
able vahia of property on hand.. im.
Three years are allowed as the
limit In which the water shall be
squeezed out of American Industries.
Promoters looting of Industry
through promotion fees lu merging
small corporations Is to bo abolished,
according to the Ilrlstow bill, by a
schedule of fees for this service, rang
ing from one per cent on capitaliza
tions of over $50,000,000 to five per
cent on capitalizations below 5,000,
000. Other provisions In this bill
were described today by Senator Brls
tow as follews:
Alt Trusts Uiii-ensonulile
Section 15 declares that any con
tract, combination In the form of a
trust or otherwise, or a conspiracy
In restraint of trade shall be pre
sumed to bo unreasonable This U
Intended to remedy as nearly aa pos
sible the ovll which grows out of tho
decisions or tho supreme court In the
tobacco and Standard Oil cases, In
which the word "reasonable" was
legislated by tho court Into tho Sher
man anti-trust law.
New features lu this bill are pro
posals that the government take over
the operation of Industries whero tlm
oecutlve heads are bolng prosecuted
and the plun of having members of
the commission removable by cou
WASHINGTON, Jan. . Declar
ing that "corners" in eouimoditiert
constitute a violation of thu Sherman
anti-trust net, the supreme court of
thu United Stales Unlay he!.1. Jiimes
A. Patten, thu Chicago grain mid
cotton speculator ami his associates
for trial in the United States distriut
court of Now York. It is chained
that the Patten crowd "cornered" tho
cotton market in 1010.
Patten nnd others pleaded Hint
cornering the market cannot bo con
sidered a violation of the Sliernum
net. In its decision today the su
premo couvt denied this, fiaying:
''It bus been shown that there
was a conspiracy to corner the mar
ket, nnd this is n subject of inter
state commerce. If a 'comer is ef
fective there could be no Irudiiij, id
tluit commodity, except iih the con
spirator elected. The Sherman law
does embrace Uio offense charged."
C'liie)? Justice White and Justices
Uuiton and Holmes dissented.