PAGE SIX JMErarOftD MATE TRmiTXR. MEDFORT). OREGON. SA'ITRnAY. ,TANlTA"KV I. 19M. r;? L I K PRESBYTERIANS E CAN 700 PRICES FOR APPLES IN LONDON MARKET At a "Kcltogcthcr" social held In tho I'rcsbytorlan church Friday night to talk over tho Interests ot tho church, tho congregation got to gether under tho direction ot K. A, Welch nnd raised 700 In tho rcc-ord-brcakliiK tlmo ot (Ittecn minutes to pay tho paving and street assess went on tho church property at Holly nnd Main ttrccts. Tho pastor, Rev. W. T. Shield, reported tho church In flourishing financial condition, and reported as follows on tho general situatien: "Thb church year begins with Ap ril 1. Sluco April this church has grown ihoro rapidly than any other church In tho Presbytery of bouthcru Oregon. At last spring's meeting of ihs rrbytory wo roportcd 287 members. 31nco then some have moved away without taking letters, and others have been dismissed to unlto with tho church where they now live. Two of our members navo been called by tho Master to the mansions above In all wo havo lost twonly-two of our people. Tlcforo our church was enlarged wo received 21 members, and slnco wo havo been In tho new auditorium wo havo received 42 members, making In all 63 slnco April 1. Wo "will rccclvo between ton nnd twenty at our next communion, January 12. Wo havo received larger accessions to tho church this year up to date than ever before In tho same time. Our Sunday school was crippled. by tho vacancy caused by tho building, and now by sickness, but just before tho scare ot scarlet lover It gave promise ot surpassing any previous Sunday school ot this crurch. We never had more efficient superinten dents ot the two departments ot our Sunday school than wo havo now, nor better teachers. "We never had as good singing and music In tho services ot tho church os wo have now, and It Is our purpose to keep this high standard. We never had so nlco a church auditor ium. 'Never have tour pcoplo boen moro general In doing for tho church. Tho Ladies' Aid has done wonders, lilting moro than $100 Indebtedness In three months. The pulpit and church have been mado beautiful by Individual gifts, tho decorations never wero so tine nor so beautiful In ar rangement. Tho young pcoplo havo dono nobly their part. "Tho Sonlor Christian Endeavor society and the Junior havo both dono well. Uoth havo grown In numbers and tho spiritual llfo In both is de veloping. Tho F. I. I develops the social life of our young people. The young peoplo decorated the chapel and put In tho lights. The Woman's Missionary society has been leading the church In thought and work of missions. We had a week of mission study, two weeks of evangelistic meetings and are about to observe the week ot prayer. We rcalito that our work Is here aud In all the world Now, I ask your Increaso ot loyalty to the church and Its services, that rich blessings may bo ours In In creased measure. It Is an Inspira tion to tho pastor and a power for good when each and every member Is present at tho services." Tho social at the Presbyterian church last night was ono ot tho greatest successes ever known In tho history ot tho church. A large crowd of peoplo turned out In splto of the luclemcut weather. An excellent pro gram ot .music was rendored by tho orchestra. Mrs. Florence Ilallday Halght sang two selections. Herbert Alford delighted the pcoplo with a solo, a mandolin solo by Mr. Hamil ton and a piano duet by 5! Us Wort man and Miss Drew. A good spirit prevailed. J. II. Cooloy, E. A. Welch and W. H, Goro kept tbo pcoplo amused and interested. Every ono wont homo pronouncing tho social the best that thuy had over attended. The Pres byterian church looks to tho future with radiant hope. Dcnni & Son isMio Ilia following market rciMirt tinted London, Dee. 13: Arrival in luiilon tins week lmu been very lljjlil nnd bnrrcl tipples have iiRnin pine out well tit higher prices. A Xovn Scoliuu hunt, ' th "Kiipjmlmiiiiitck." with 2",00 bar rels', linn just nrrhed, hut we onl.v innlMKvd to cvt ti few hundred bar rels out of her in timo fur xulo to day. As will be seen front iitiolntioua below, irice.t woic oemiMnitivelv !at- iifnctor.v and wc mv espectinjr to lime n ery gum! sale on Monday next when the bulk will bo offered. Quantities next week will be larue it is true, but wo arc looking to Hi? ChriMiuim demand for a mind clear ance nt current price. The demand for KeiftVrs lias gone off completely and there has been a further drop in prices this week both for boxes and barrets. Itx Xew towns mini in nbont the swine. There is no alteration in conditions on the LivcriHinl market except that New towns arc higher this week. The following arc the prices that have been rnliinj during the week: l.h crpoot Horiio Ilivcr Newlowne, generally 8.s to lis. One iKtrecl of very choice stuff made from lis M to lis hl. California N'ewlowus, four tiers, fis id to U Od; li tiers. Is 3d to os. ns-hiuj,'ton Newtowns. 7.s IM to 0 Cd; Home Hcaulicx, Os to (Js 3d: Washington Spitz, os Od to (is; Wine sap!", four tiers, Cs to (Is (id; Wash ington Winesiips, 4; tier, Os ltd to 7u Od; Wagners, os; Washington Aristo and ArkuiiMis Macks, us Gd to Ok. Iondon California Xewtowns, four tiers, Cs to Os tkl; IV. tiers, ."is Cd . Hood Itiver Newtown-, Ss Od to H; Itogtic Itiver, 8s to Ss 01. Washington Jonathan, "-, Gd to os Od. Other red nrictics from Cs Cd to 8. Leading Players of Kenworthy Company at Ugo r gantftjajek BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtt'SBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtfBBS) HJBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr HtJK assssp Mi . jyu- aSSSSSSSyr' ririBSSSBBSSSwF' aBSSSSSSEBSSSSSSSSSSSSSV? '' LssssssssssVh oassssssH BSSSSSSSSSSSpS ' F BSSSSSSSSSl BSSSSSSSSSSSjB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM HKLt TLibsssI sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjbla issssssssssssl BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ"! BSSSSSSSSSSSJ BSSSSSSBSSSSSSSX i'iaBBBBl BBSSSSSSSSSBSBMMIiar! ' ,fA' JMmN& Bj BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS&V'V'jBN?i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiBiiKiiiBiiiHI'V' eHHBSBBBBBBBPeesBBBBBBBBBBBBsiBSBBBB&K DO YOUR BEST You rauiiot do your, I'M In UiuMiiiIchh your uyiH iiru at their bent and freo from oyo strnlii. Huttui havo itiuiu oxuintiii'd now ami know that limy nro properly corrected. Lot mo explain tho added ml vatituKo ot Torlo l.enaert. DR. RICKERT K)! Slglil SpcclalNt Out KcMlnei's Helen Duffy, leading wonmii Wllbiirii Kcuwoitliy, loading man The-e HipiiInr favorites will start their engagement tomorrow evening nt the Ugo theatre, in a series .of popular plays, nt pulur prices of '20c and 30c. The opening bill "A Girl of the Sunny South" iMiro to please, ns it contains a beautiful his tory and is balanced by comedy situ ntioiK of the het with clever pecinl- ties between nets. An extract from the llnnford (California) Sentinel, says: "The Oirl of the Sunny South" was produced at the opera house last night and it is a chamiinc play and the Kenworthy company won its wny into the hearts of the IIieatregocrs of llauford. Miss )uff was de lightful and appeared in miih beau tiful gowns which weie much admir ed by nil present. .Mr. Keuwortliy furnUlicd the comedy of tho evening us the old darky nnd Miss I'.iiimeit, as the newsboy scored a hit. Mr. I'itxgerald and Miss liiimnii aljo brought forth many lieartv laughs aud Mr. Smith as the hero, sustained his part well. when you bejrin craving rough, hinh-proof, strong whiskey wlicn flavor, delicacy and age no longer appeal to you cut out drinking. Cyrui Noble U pure, old nnd p.tlalable bottled nt drinking strength. Cokti no more tluu any other good whUkcv. ' W. J. Vim Sohuyvor & Oo., Qonoral Agont, Portland. TWO WEEKS TO U'REN BAIL MONEY RUSHES TO GLAVIS N E FISH TRUST COAST TO BE PROBED SBATTLK, Jan. 4. Thut there is an organized cudfish trust on the 1'ucifie const of which V, Tillman junior of Sim Francisco, is tho pro moter, in tho charge made today by 1'. J. Wnuge, who owns 11,500 shares out of H.yiUO in the King nnd Wingo codfish comimny here. Wuugo in a suit begun Friday ulleges that when lio refused to disiwso of. his stock, Tillinaii bought up all tho stock ex cept hi own and etime into control of tho King nnd Wingo company in Jupe, 1IU Q. Since then, Wuuge al lege!), tho business has inn at a de liberate loss, Tillman's San Frmictaco ALFRED J. HENSLER WEDS JENNIE FERNS Xew Years at Ugh noon, Alfred J. Ilcuslcr of Sacramento, nnd liss Jennie Ferns, were united in marriage ut the home of the bride's mother, Mr. A. It. Ferns, of North I'howiix. The bride is n young ludy of excep tionally fine character and was prominent in the religious and social circles of this community. Mr.'Mens ler is well and favorably known in this community, where he lived for somo time before going to Sacra mento. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Sacramento where they will reside for tho pres cut. Only tho immediate relatives of the brido were present at the mur riegc. The bride was simply gowned in white and was iiiiatteiid',d. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind . Jan. i -Officials or the International Asso ciation ot Drldgo nnd Structural Iron workers estimated today that It would require two weeks to ratio tho bonds necessary for the relcaso ot tho union men convicted before Judge Andcrsoit here of conspiracy unlawfully to transport dynamite. Relative and friends of tho priso ners will bo asked to assist in the work of raising funds. Mrs. 11. S. Hockln. wlfo of ono ofl tho prisoners, denied today that her husband is satisfied (wlth his sen tence. "I told Herbert," she said, "to stick with the bunch. I am afraid, however, that I will bo unable to raise the ICO, 000 required for his release." TO Ct'KK A COLD IX ONI! DAV. Take LAXATIVK 1IUOMO Qulnlno Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. K. W. GUOVK'S sig nature is on each box. '-! cents. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. C. Public Land Matters: Final Troor. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. FRUIT TREES o nro making a very low prlco on apple, peach and cherry trees for a short tlmo. No finer stock grown. Write us at onto and savo money. Till: STANDAItl) .Nl'IISKItV Itlddle, Ore. TO FAIIMKHS AND OKCHAItDlSTS. Cultivate your land with a Motor Tractor. It will pay for Itself In tho saving of horso feed and hired help. Valley Motor & Tractor Co., Valley Garage, Mcdford. SAN FItANCISCO, Cal , Jan i. "A half truth Is the worst sort ot a lie and this Is the kind of a false hood of which Surveyor-General Kingsbury has boon guilty." i This, In part. Is what Milton T, U'lten, Involved with Louis It. Cllnv- Is former secretary ot the stato con servation commission, who was charged with using his office to fur ther private Interests, has to say concerning 'tho Allegations mado by Kingsbury. "Any statement' that either Mr. Oluvls.or myself have acted against tho Interests of tho state, or thai the stato has any Interest whatever In the land which Is tho subject of the applications before the Interior de PHrtment at Washington Is uu Infam ous falsehood." So far all efforts to obtain a state ment from Ulnvls havo failed. ASK NATON TO RAISE BAIL MONEY CHICAGO. Jan. I A national campaign to raise bonds of 11.070,- 000 for the release on ball of tho 32 union men convicted at Indianapolis for conspiracy lllegully to transport oxploslvcs and who wero granted a writ of supcrsctteas hnrp lato jester day by tho United States circuit court of appeals, was started hero to day. The detouio nttornos expect to ralso this fund from the local unions with which the conlcted men are Ideutlflod. Attorney '.ollno announced that a large part of tho hiiiouoiioI required already had been pledged. Am Von Afflicted Willi Piles? Tills disease, whether acnto or chronic, Is easily and rapidly over come by using Merltol I'llo Itemed) Gives poslllvo and permanent relief when all others fall, and wo heartily recommend It to any sufferer, lias kins' Drug Store. Parties wishing to subscrlbo rcuow their subscription to or Tho Saturday Evening Post The Ladies' Home Journal, or Tho Country Gentleman I'loaso notify C. A. DoVoo, 418 W. Main. District ngont for tho Curtis Publishing Co. Hack numbors al ways on hand. Phuua r.011. MeMI The hlchest point of woman's hap piness Is reached only through moth erhood. Yot tbo mother-to-bo 1b often fearful of nature's ordeal aud shrinks from tbo suffering incident to Its con summation. In Mother's Friend is to bo found a mcdlclno of great value to every expectant mother. It la Intended to preparo tho systom for tho crisis, and thus rcllovo, In great part, tho Buffering through which tho mother usually passes. Tho regular use of Mother'B Friend will repay any mother lu the comfort It affords before, and tho helpful restoration to health and etrongth It brings about after baby comes. Mother'i Friend is for sale ot drug stores. wnto ror our freo book for expectant mothers wnicb contains much valuablo lnfor. etmmmiv liiiviiu lint Inniil nt (real profit. 1'ungo ynrtls u icceiver motion, iijiMiitet uud flOjOOQ damages. IMADFIEU) RECl'LATOn CO., AOmU, C. ELECTRIC HEATING J1.K. V. Air Jluuiur (will limit about iuUO cubic foot of air spneo) ' $3.50 per month flat rale. 2 K. W. Air Heater (will heat about 1500 cubic feet of air spayo) $4.00 per month flat rale. 2V!K. W. Air Heater (will heat about 2500 cubic feet of air Kpace) $4.50 per mouth flat rate. 3 K. AV. Aij' Heater (will heat about 3000 cubic feet of air space) $5.00 per month flat rate. On account of having a certain amount of power that is used in the sum mer months for electric pumping we are able to make the above very fa vorable, rates for electric .healing for the .six minler months only. , . CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY 216 WEST MAIN STREET ft When in Need of Anything in the Jewelry Line that is Good and Up-to-Date cc Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near Post Offico Mcdford, Orogon Diamonds, Watches, Jowelry, Cut (lias, Sterling SlUcr, Plated Sliver, IS 17 Itogers llros., Clocks. Very largo lluu of sllur uo cities. J) 'IJteaWtiSake Get thcWcll-Known Round Puckago do not tnkc Substitutes or Imitations HORLICKS MALTED MILK Made In the largest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world Wc do not mako'niilk products" Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. Hut tho Original- Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Mado from pure, full-cream milk and tho extract of select malted jjrain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. The Food-drink for All Aflca. MT ASK FOR "HORLICK'S" Used all over the Globe The moat economical and nourishing light lunch. msmi . ?"i LAT. jai . UU I 2ZZ w , .. '-. rw'???4? 0 YOU WILL SAVE MONEY IF YOU BUY PAGE FENCE THE PRICE OF OTHER FENCE IS ADVANCING BUT THE PRICE OF PAGE FENCE REMAINS THE SAME m PACE liHl s , Wo can supply you with nnylhiiitf in Ihu fonco line, or will contract to fonco your farm complete. Lot us figure with you. Gaddis b Dixon "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" 134 N, Riverside Avo, Medford, Oregon J f -'