Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WRBFonn mrrfj thtbune, mfjttotit. omsnotf. aaturday. ,tt.nttaty .f. 'torn.
! mi i
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A Inrgn number of kuchU wniel
hidden to tlio 11111110 of MIhh tii I
lliiti'liUiin Tni'iiilii)' evening to ' rltiK
out Din old ami ring In III" now" In
(ilili'iitnl In punning mi evening of
"Jollification." Ilililm was played,
mnt itmiclntt enjoyed until t tit tntd
night linur Vklit'ii nil pioiioiit Joined
In announcing thn nrrlvol of I HID
by iiii'iiiin of koiik" mnl other In
NtnuiiDiitH convenient for llm nu r
pimo, llii vocal organs (or In
Hitmen. TIioh" enjoying Ml Hutch
iHnn'N hospitality were: MImoh Until
Andtows, (IIucI)m Carey. IIoih Kent
lift'. Ida I. co Kontner, Alottui I'tiwr
Ink, IU'I Kuyurt, Ji'iui llorton.
lintel Under, Mayinn Deuel, llnxol
DinU. Noll Murphy mnl It lit It Mor
rlok; Messrs. Alex lludr.". Curt
Hvuiih, Leo Hoot, Tri"to Luiuxdou,
Fletcher I'IkIi, Hurry LlniUsy, Karl
Huntley, Jnlio Ware, Dink llmiro,
Tortuti. Merrill, Charles Heed mnl
.MrCiinly. Mr. mnl Mm. tlnrry (troy,
.Mr. unit Mm. tli'ortt" Huberts, Mr
mnl .Mm Wheldnn Middle. Mr mnl
Mm. Itulili liiirdwell.
Twelve jniing ladles wore Invited
lo tlio homo of MIm llertliu U'clrli
tin North Ulvemldo nvonii" Hi" nf
tornnnn of Now' day for Hi"
liurpiiH" of receiving mutual assist
nnro In tlu fornitiiK of resolution
for tlio romliiR year. Tho re-mils
wot" highly witUtnrtory to nay tin
least. An nppctlrltiK luncheon wn
imrM'tl from n snow Inilon table, In
tho renter of which wn u furclno
ltiiilninnx nouti'it In u sludge unit
onrlt plaro rant hai upheld hy n
snowball. Although tho candle
shades were also covered with
glistening flakes of snow, tho at
nioriihoni ronlil not hnvo boon called
"frosty." Mm. Welch usslstril in
solving. Mines l.nnrn Smith, Helen
Wall nmt Margaret Homier won
guests of honor, oihom present be
lug inouihrm of tho K. K. rlnli.
Alter n brief vacation during the
holiday tho Medford Conservatory
oponoil thin week for tho beginning
of tho winter term, mut faculty,
tmloutM, unit orKmilintloim con
noctoil with tho Coimrrvutary hnvo
roiiimoil ttii'lr il lit I on. Upon tho
mlvlro of tho honnt of hoiilth not to
hold any pnhllr Rntliorliim. tho regit
lur uionthly'piipllt' rrcltitl will ho
omitted. ltoheritrl of the rhornl
Konlely hoRln nnxt Wcdnniid.iy lit S
ii'rlnrk nl llto Coimervnlory. Tho
ortilti'Mlrii which did ninth rredltnhlo
work nt "The l(oo Mulilen" will
tiUo lmln rohenmnU lit mi enrly
. Mm. Wllllnm llmtito mid Mm. T.
I. DmiloU rnterliilnt'd tho ineiiihem
of tho Tiiitmluy l.nnchi'nu ItrldRo
rlnli nt tho homo of tho form it
Tiioitduy owning 111" orcftnlou
wan tho roKnliir monthly dinner
when tho Koutlonion uro linlted lo
ho prodonl. ('ItrhitmiiH rolom pro
domlnnted In tho derorntlotiH. Mr
mid Mm. II. I-. Wiilthor played for
Mr. mid Mm. other kuonIm
axoliiMlvo of tho inomh-r ImiIiik Mr.
mid Mm. V. I. Vnwtor mid Dr. V.
II. ICviulmrd.
Artlvo InloroHt Ih IioIiik mmilfoMt
thoKo ilnya In tho different ilopnrt
inoiitH of tho (Iroiitor Medford eliih.
Ihn Immediate orKmiUiitlou of the
miiflit Htndy depiirimeut In JiihI now
tocolvliiK alteiitltin. It In to ho re
Knitted t tint Medford with Imr nil
iiHiml talent has not had mi orKmilta
Hon of HiIh kind heforo. Innitniiich
mi tho propOROil orRnnlxntlon Intliulon
nil pomoim Intereiili'd In miiHlrnl lit
oriitnro iih well an music, them nlioiild
ho it lurRo momhomhlp.
MIhh Helen Diihl oiitorlalned n
fmv rrlnmltt Inforinnlly for n Now
Yeiir'H Kvo rovol nt tier homo Tiioh
duy nvtinliiK. "r'lvo llnndn'd" nml
ilmirlnu wnro enjoyed. A dollrlouti
Hiippur wiih Horvod from a tuhln
udoi'uiut with feriiH mid eontorplecn
of California poliiHettuH. Covom
worn laid for eight.
MIhh Noll Murphy of Km-ono, ti
1011! Kiudunto of tho tliilvemlty of
OroKon Hpnnt tho linlldnyti iih thti
KMlVt Of ll'jr ClllHHIIIHtO, MUM It II tit
Mot rick. MIhh Murphy returned to
licr homo ThurBdny,
Mr. and Mm. Loo J. Mllmeho loft
Thnrmlny iiioiiiIiik for I.oh AukqIph
whuro thoy wilt ronuilu for n Hhort
time, nftorvvnrd tnurliiK tliroiiKli
Hoiithorn California,
Tho TuoHdny nftornoon mid Thum
dny ufluriinon Hrldtto rluhH mot thU
weok ut tlio hnmoH of MIhh Font
lliitclilHou mid Mm. Wholdnn llldillo
Mm Charles I) tiny wum milium
tint IionD'smcm of the jinx! week on
toriiiluliiK Kntiinliiy nfleruooii ut
her homo on Itimo avenue The
rnoimi woro ndornvd with ChrUtmriK
KreeiiH mnl poliifiuttiiii. Mm. C. J.
Foley u n vn u few reiullnKn which
wero much enjoyed, After u iiiim
her of oiIkIiiiiI kihuoh. refrenliiiientH
of Milmt, coffee uud enko woto
nerved. Tim KlleMtn pieneut Ini'lilded
.MImhi'h Vim Meter unit Merrill mid
Mendnnien C .1 Koley, J. (' Hrhnildt.
M. (' limber, CM. U'allier, William
(iuiiylo, Hurry llrnokn, K. (). I. Id
rhino, llnlnlliie, llohort Kluloynld",
lumen Cmupholl, Duilloy. I' I,. Mr
llrldo, II. , Mnmh. (.'. (. Vuu Hcojoc.
H. II. Crouch, O. N. fornltlnn, J. T.
Hulllvmi, M. (I. Mordofr, IV II. 'Iliay
.Mlhn Mahel Hcantllii entoitalned
uu Friday ufleruoon of hint week ut
hor homo on North Ormiito ntrnei,
with three liihlon of hrldK". Tlio
prlo for hlRliext ncoro wuh won hy
Minn lie Keuluor, who rerelved n
llookwood pottery fern dlnli. A two
cuuiiio luiirlieoit wun nerved from a
tnhto deroriited with n n-literpler"
of feriin nm red rarnntlnni Tho
hand palmed plaro rnriln nhowed
nprlK" of holly. .Ml Hrantlln'n
Kiientn were Mlnien Ky till I'lnli,
I'hoeho 1 1 mi re, Mildred Ware, Until
Merrick, Mnymo Deuel, (llndyn Cn
rey, Fern IllilrliUou, llniel D.ivln,
Helen Dili). Noll Murphy, llonn Kent
nor, Ida l.eo Keiituer
Minn Aletha l.mertck wan hontexn
nt tho regular mcetliiK of tho Fan
Hellenic luincUtlou, which met at
tho Cmerlrk homo lout Haturday uf
trrtioon. A numher of tlm coIIfro
fraternity Rlrln who aro pendlnR
tho hotliU)n nl their homen In Med
ford, wero nlnn entertnliird. A puper
on eiiReiilrn wnn rend hy Mm, V. 0
Davldnon- At the conclunlon of tho
mooting an otuhoruto luncheon of
throe roiirncn wan nerved, (luntn
prenent hvnldcn the inenibcrn of the
a.oclstlon woro Mlnnen Nell Murphy,
Paulino Coo. Mildred (ierlc. Alice
Htrevtn, Uiuru Hmltli, JlilU Hoppcii
and (llrtlii i:ulyi. t'miy.
The recently orRunlrod lowu anno
rliitlou lildn fair In annumc the larR
eat momhornhlp of tlv tttato norletlen
of ttio city. A nodal meet Iiir wuh
hold Monday evening ut St Mark'n
hall. vI'Mi wut very nuccennful. An
Infyrmal program wnn followed hy
the nerving of refrenhmontn and
daurliiR. About elRhly wore preneut.
Another meeting will he held In Jnil
unry, tho date to he nuunuurcd tutor.
Among tho many 'doing" New
Yeat'u eve wan an Informal pnrty ut
tho Cochran home on .South Itlvor
nldo nvoniie. Thono preneut worn
Minion Dorothy WIcKh, I.oIh lte,
lone Flynn, Mildred Antic, Inn mid
l.ticlndu ('ochrmi, Monxm. (toorgo
VllnH, Tom Srnntlln, Herbert Alford,
I'orcy mid Harold Cochran, Alan llu
Mr. I.voroll Trowhrldgo wnH hont
to u few frleiuld nt n ntag party
Tuendny ovoiiIiik nt IiIh homo on
WoHt l.levoiilli at rent. (InentH In
cluded MenHm, II. II. Hanwoll, John
I'hlnger, tleorgo WIIIIiiiiin, Frank
IJudloy uud C I). Campbell.
MIhh Jeiinlo Keeno, n toucher III
tho public nchnoU of Tiiromn, Ih vIh
IIIiir ut tho home of hor brother, Dr.
J. M. Keeno of thin city. Dr. mid
Mm. Keeno unit MIhh Keenn tuft
Wednesday afternoon for a trip to
Mr. Forcy Cochran Ih In tho city
vlHltlug IiIh pmeiitH, Mr. and Mm.
J. II. Cochran. Mr. Cochran hits
miiiiy friends In Medford, being- a
graduate of tho local high hcIiooI..
Ho Ih muklng his homo In Montnun.
Mr. uud Mih. Kurl Illgolow of Da
kota avenue ontortnluod Mr, mid
Mm. !:. W. Wltto mid Mr, uud Mm.
dun Wohher nt Now Yeur'a dlnnor
Wednesday nftornoon.
Mr. mid Mm. Jumon l'lerson of
Portl.tiul, Mr. nml Mm. J, K. Stow
urt mid MUs Dnhl woro among
tlioso dining nt tlio Hotel Holland
Now YeuiH dn'.
Mr. (lorurd Talllnndler of the
Medford CoiiHorvuto'iy Iiiih boon on-
gaged to tuko churge of tho uiiihIc
ut tho Homnii Catholic church of
HiIh city.
Tho Indies of tho (lioater Medford
club will hold tholr next curd uud
tlilmhln pnrty tho uftnruoon of .Inn-1
unry lllth nt tlio Hotel Medford,
Thi) Kuunet club romponed of n
numher or lad leu residing In the
Went Foot Hills nertlou of tlio val
ley, eiileilnliied tho huHhandn or the
uieinliem .uu' Invited guentH with a
dniiclng party ut tho Hotel Holland
Now Yearn Kvo. The Indies' parlor
on tho flml floor wun ntlllied as u
hull room, tho nrtlnllc furnlnhlugn ho
Iiir supplemented with u profuiilon of
f'hrlrtmiiH grcenn and flowers At
midnight, u clipper wan nerved ell
buffet under the supervision or Mm.
F. (I. Andrews, whoso efforts com
bined with thono of Mr, (it-orgo lluu
of tho Hotel mnnugement to do all
possible for the vonvoiilenro mid
pleasure or tho guentH wm highly
Thono receiving nt tho nfftilr worn
Mm. James Herring, president or tho
club, MendmueH Itlcliurd I,. Wilson,
J. W. Hoot mid Florence (Jotfo.
Mr. mid Mm, John W. MucClntchlo
of Mux Vu wero responsible ror nuc
ccKsful maiinguuieut or tho floor,
Theno people haio aciiilred an on
viable reputation nmong their friends
through their "repertoire" of fancy
dailies uud their ability to superin
tend tho dancing floor In unques
tioned. Tho Invited guests to the occasion
were Messrs. mid Mesdamei Jnrnrn
Herring, Henry N. Moo, William
Quaylo, John W. MacClatchlo, Mar
tin C. Harbor, Htono, titration, Tin
dale mid C. M. Kldd; Mendanirn Del
roy (Jetcholl, Floruticn (loffe, It. I..
Wllion, J. W Hoot and Livingston;
Mlnscn Cordelia Ooffo, Josephine
Ulley, Hotel Herring, Julia1 Hoppon.
mid l'hylls Tlidulo; Messrs. Myron
Hoot, Frank Farroll, (Irorge Ilutt,
Itobert Wilson, Randolph Manning
and Dr. 0. I). Deane.
The Woman' Home M Inilon so
cloty of the M. K. church, South, mot
with Mm. C. K. Kirk on Kant Four
teenth ntreei Wednesday afternoon.
After the general routine of busi
ness the election of offlcern for tho
ensuing year took place ns follews:
President, Mm. Kate Leonard;
first vice-president, Mm. William
Miller; nerond vlco-presldont, Mr.
Itobert L. Taylor; third vlc-presl
lent, Mm. Ulley I), llcuson; fourth
vice-president. Mm. K. J. Conrad; re
cording tecretary, Miss (Icrtrude
Smith; corresponding secretary, Mm.
K. C. Kirk; auxiliary treasurer, Mm,
W. T. Collider; local tieasiirer. Mm.
Hobcrt L. Taylor; agent missionary
voire, Mm K. W. Whlpplo; siiHsrlu
londeut pre work, Mm II. F. Flfor;
lorclgu treasurer, Mm, Ulley
I). Hciifono, forxlgu corresponding
tecictnry. Mir. C. K. Kirk. At tho
elite nf tho lesslon Mm Kirk nerved
refreshments assisted by MIsscn
Lntii Kirk mid Alborln Ooulder.
V ...
The second danco of tho Hevolom
club was held New Yearn night. Mr.
II. A. Orny, Jr., wuh chairman of tho
following arrangement cemmittee:
Mm. Orny, Mr. mid Mm. Wlllard
Campbell, Mr. nml Mm. II. W. Iloth-
eruiel, Mr. mid Mm. A. II. Schuster,
Mr. mid Mm. Johnson, Mr, and
Mm. Ira J. Dodge. Mr. Mr-Curdy, Mr.
Hurry Lindsay.
Iloforo tho dancing, Mr, Schuster,
ns Santa Clniu, distributed gift to
(bono present, with uu npproprlute
voro for each.
During tho dancing novel
features woro Introduced, among
those, tho guests matched presents
for ono danco. Mm, Cray led a
cotillion figure using paper capn for
favors. Lemonade was nerved dur
ing the livening uud after tho dance
coffee mid sandwiches wero much
enjoyed. Tho young people homo
from college woro guests of tho club
for tlio owning.
Mr. Will Oannnwiiy entertained a
few filciids for two o'clock dlnnor ut
her homo on South (trnpc utrect New
Your dny, A singular .coincidence
In connection with tho affair wan
that tlm couples present hud been
married thirteen yearn, tho majority
of tho guests celebrated their birth
day annlvorHiirlea on tho thirteenth
duy of the months, guentH present
numbered thirteen and tho dlnnor
was given on tho first day of tho
your, 1013.' Thono enjoying Mm.
(Inniuiwuy'ri houpltallty woro Mr, and
Mm. II. II. Iloyor, Mr. nml Mm. C. D.
llnon, Mr, mid Mm. M, M, Sheets
mid family.
Tho miijotlty of tho collego young
people, leave tomorrow for tho dif
ferent scuts of learning, carrying
nwny tho mnmory of n vacation filled
with social activities of nil sorts, as
moat of tlio affairs given during tho
pnBt two weeks woro In compliment
I to tho university stttduuts,
Tim iK't'oti)! novelty dinricr held nl
Hie Hotel llollnml Orillc under (hi
ilireetlon o" Mr. Andrew ofeurr.'d
Ttiemliiy eveuinj; ill ooiiucothu wild n
eliuimiiig (Inuring- puil.v. ilcic'ry Int.
Iilg plnee between eueli eoumo.
Tim Dibit' were nrniiigeil i.i fnrtii
ii elri'le, nml Htrenmefs froiii the eon
tcr Mlioncr light I" ''noli lnll i ru
ed n cnitopy benciitli which th tr.o
Mtep and wall, held mvuv.
I 'nl iiim mid ('lirixlmiii grreiM wero
used in nliuudmine. The entire out
lay of dinner appointment-: wu im
ported mid iIioho present woro pro
fuse in their ndtriirntloii of the
lent Dixie mid ubllity of Mr. An
drew. Tlio-o in ullendmire inoluded the
Mis Mndgo .Mef'onnnek, Mis
Tongue, .Mi Dnj.'xell, Ml-j Itulli
llollown.Vi Mr-:. Ilolloivny, Mrn. I'd
muiid Miukc, Mis Ionise Iliirke, Mix.
Conner, Mis Conner, Mis Hubbard,
.Mis Jen n Morion, .Mr. Iinrtiin:
Messrs. mid .Mesdiimet, Klewnrt i'ul
leisoii, Lincoln MeCoriimek, Fliil
Hmnmill, Hlniilnii (Innis, Couni
Fiuiii, JVed (,'i.wIph, IM llunley, Fred
Lewi,, Kvitii Keiimef-, Fnil Hopkins,
F. II. Madden, (leo, Daggett, Willnrd
Clilliplielt, Ifoliell Klihl, Luwreiieo
ilrowii, Colonel Washburn; MeHKr.
Sinter JoIiiimih, Tronsou, tleekwilh,
Curlton, Ko'il, Alfred nud F.dwnrd
("ntVciiler, Hurj;eH, F.gnu, Kleni
Htrup, Cowgill,
A ijulel homo wedding look place
Wednesday evening at the residence
of Mm. Nellie B. Carpenter on
Oakdale avenue, South, when Mm.
Shirley W. Thomas, sister of Mm.
Carpenter, and Mr. Melvln M.
Ahren woro untied In marring" by
Itov. W F. Shields of thn First
Presbyterian church. Mr. Ahren
I tho proprietor of the ladles fur
nlshlng store on West Main street.
Mrs. Arhenn has made her homo tu
Medford for some. Mr. and Mm.
Ahren hnvo taken up residence on
North Ivy streot. Their many
friend extend congratulation and
best wIshfH for their future success
unit happlnpi.
An Informal dancing party was
given for the younger net at the
small hall of the Natatorluni Thurs
day overling. The party wa a fare
well fur the many young people who
leave shortly for college. About
twenty-five couplet wero present.
Tho young ladles who were hottesies
for the evening Included Mimes Lo
nore Vance, Marjorle Ware, France
Kinney, Ethel Guthrie, Jean Ander
son, Ireno Smith, Vera Olmstcad and
Loulno Williamson.
Mm, Magglo Evans wan hottets to
Ooldcn Circle of the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of tho Christian church Friday
afternoon, at her home on West
Second street. About eighteen lad
les were present. After tho tran
saction of butlnent, luncheon was
Tho Circle Is planning to give a
box social at tho church the I Oth of
this month.
Min Leuore Itotli entertained n
few of her friends ut ii New Year's
pnrty Tuesday evening nt her home
on Laurel lrvet. Tho 010111110; was
spent ploying panics mid ut n Into
hour refreshment were served. Those
present wen.' Iiniiue S. Cowgill,
Gmee T. I'urkeypile, Huth C. Wodlf,
Lonim l Itulli, Walter Norri-.. Fnuik
Fool, Kouncth Jciome. fluv Ileneom.
. .
A get-acnunluted octal was held
nt tho Presbyterian church last even
ing, which was much enjoyed by all
A program mid refreshments wan
followed hy a general social time.
Tho reception committee for the
evening Included tho trustees of tlm
church nud the officers of tho Lad
let' Aid society.
Tho Juvenile club gave Its "finis"
lo tho year 1013 by holding a I -cap
Year dancing party Monday evening
at tho Natatorluni.
A box supper was served and tho
Loap Year Idea curried out through
out tho evening, causing much merri
ment. .
Mr. nml Mr. Fred Hopkins-, ac
companied hy their two nous, leave
on Sunday afternoon tor San Fran
eiseo, from which port they sail for
tho I'annma ('mini Zono 011 tlio S. S.
ICimsnK City, n'tnniinir February .17.
Mm, llolnllno of Uosoburg, who
spent tho holidays with hor parents,
Itcv. mid Mm, i:. 0. Kldrldgo, of this
city left Thursday for her homo.
Mr. and Mm, F. X. Deck and
family left tho city Friday evening
for Woodhurn, Oregon, where, thoy
expect to make their home.
Mr. and Mm, Oeorgo Monroe are
Bponillng the wool; end with Mr. and
Mm. Harry Stoddard at their homo
on Siskiyou Heights.
Mr, and Mm, Kdgar Hater have
returned from n brief visit to San
Mr. and Mrs, K. V. Coffin roturnod
from Uoaoburg Thursday afternoon.
Mlssen Francrn and Lucllo York
ntertalned with n watch party Tiim
day evening, a Jolly good time ensu
Mr, mid Mm. J. F. (lain and Mr.
and Mm. L'dward Hooter left the
first or tho week ror Han Francisco.
Mm. J, II. flutter and children re
turned from a week's visit nt Hnr
rlnburg, Ore., Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mm, 0. A. Morso have at
giirnta Mlxcc Carrie mid Marjorlo
excel-.Mormt of Oakland. Cal
At the Churches
MclluKllst I'pUcopal, Koiilli
Uev. B. II. Mowro of Portland, tho
Presiding HIder, will preach both
morning and evening.
At tho 1 1 o'clock service Mr.
Hulllday-Halght will sing a solo
with accompaniment by her husband,
Mr. Fred Alton Hulght.
At thn evening service, thn music
will bo furnished by Mm. Daddy
iiiuii'h orchestra.
Do not miss either of these serv
ices. They will be full of Intercut
and Inspiration,
Invito your friend to cotnn with
you. W. T. Ooulder, pastor.
7.1ml Lutheran
At Zlon Lutheran. SH West -4 Lit
street, thero will bo (lonnnn service
at 11 a. in. English service nt 7:30
p. in. Owing to tho prevalence of
Kcarletlna wlthlu thn city tho usual
Hlblo school service will bo omitted
Co mo uud worship.
First Church of CTirlst, Scientist.
Sunday morning service at eleven
o'clock; subject of lesson-sermon:
"Ood," "Wednesday evening meet
lug at seven-thirty. All aro wel
come. Heading-room hours, two to
flvo p, m. dally, except Sunday.
Church edifice. North Oakdato.
On Sunday, January S, the Chris
tian church will have an all-day
meeting, beginning with Sunday
school at 10 a. m., church services at
11 a. ra., followed by a big family
dinner In the basement of the
church. Bndeavor services at C:30
p. m. and regular services at 7:30
p. m. Come and bring a well-filled
basket and enjoy tho day. Election
of church offlcern at the morning
service and the grand good time gen
erally. There will be special muttc by
some of Medford' beat talent. In
cluding quartet, consisting of Mes
dames Uurgesn, llowman, Wold and
QuUenberry, by the regular choir
and others.
.MctliodlM Kplscowil
Medford Methodist Kpiscopnl
church, corner of Hartlett and
Fourth btreeth, K. Olin Kid ridge, pas
tor. Services Sunday nt follows,
prt'iichini; 11 a. in., 7:30 p. in., sub
jects morning. "A New Bcj:inniiiK",
evening-, "Mountain Top Mew." Sun
day and Men's Ilibln el its a 9:43 a. m.,
Kpworth I.enguo 0:15 p. in. Hoy
military hrigudo WediiCMdny evening
1 :J0 p. m., prayer meeting Thursday
evening 7:30. Splendid music under
the direction of r. C. KdincadK. A
hourly welcome nnd New Year';
jreetinj for ull.
FlrM llaptlst
Sunday. January 5. Dlblo school
9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 u.
in. Subject for sermon, "Leafs from
Abraham's Dairy."
Young peoplo'a meeting fi:30 p. m.
F.vculng worship 7:30 p. 111., subject
for sermon, "Lessons from tho Past."
Dr. U. W. Farauahr formerly of
London, Kugland, will deliver both
Doln't fall to hear blm. There
will he special music at both serv
ices. Tho men's orchestra will as
sist the choir at tho evening serv
ice. St. Mark's KpUcopal
Joseph Sheerln priest In charge.
Services aro hold In St, Mark's hall,
corner of Main and Holly streets.
Sunday services as as follews:
Service and sermon 11 a. m.
Monthly celebration of tho Holy
Communion at this service.
Kventnu prayer nnd sermon 7:30,
All aro welcome.
Home of Truth Center
Sunday services: Sunday school,
10:30 a, in. MornliiR services 11 a.
m. Healing meetings Friday even
ing, 7:30 p. 111. 31 N. Orapo, Col
lege building.
' At 1 1 a. in. tho Uev. Itobert Mc
Lean, D. 1)., of Orants Pass, will
iveach, Dr. McLean has boon ap
pointed by tho board of homo mis
sions to superintend tho Spanish
work In the southwest, and he goes
to this work January IStli. Dr,
Mclioan has been a missionary nil
his life and should liavo u good hear
ing, The quartette will slug In tho
morning, and there will bo a solo by
some member of It also, Tho cho
run nnd orchestra will assist. Tho
theme In tho morning will be,
"00,000 Spanish Speaking Ameri
cans." In the evening a program of
music nt 7: HO a announced In
J wish to call the attention of the public to tho
change in location of my sign and outdoor ndvertis
inj,' establishment. AVc arc now located in tho Boyden
"Warehouse, on paved alley, between South Central
and South liartletf.
Electric Signs and all other kinds.
Bill Posting and Distributing
How About That
New Year s
Th it broken or is it still in working order?
Our resolve to continue selling nothing
hut the best groceries, bakery goods, fruits,
flour, etc., at lowest prices cannot be shaken.
South Central.
Your Own
Price for a
I must raise money to meet
my contracts in a business
venture. To do it I will sac
rifice values for a sale on any
one of the three or four
houses in Medford.
Efficient, Will heat a good sized room
even in the coldest weather.
Economical, Burns nine hours on one
gallon of oil.
Ornamental, Nickel trimmings; plain
steel or enameled tur
quoise-blue drums.
Portable, Easily car
ried from room to
room; weighs only
eleven pounds; han
dle doesn't get hot
Doesn't Smoke
Doesn't Leak
Easily Cleaned
and Re-wicked
Lasts for years
At Dcaltrt
4(1 Muk.l Sw Fr-
another place tho subject" of tho
evening sermon will be, "The King
dom' ceaseless advance."
This wilt bo an evening of spirit
unl Uplift nnd Inspiration. All are
cordially Invited to these, services.
Medford, Ore.
1 1
f U
f iHfe-fl iv II
w j !