Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A. Throckmorton anil .t nines T.
lluckley of Applcgato tarried In
tyetjfonJ Fidny.
yt Josephs U, formorly qt
flqlt Hill, wIlLbn one or Oio depu
ties ot Walter Kvrhs, the How dla-
rll attorney it Multnomah county,
v J. 1I ilecman, Uco. Ij. Tott and,
.1. I. Wlkou ot Gold Hilt woro la
Mcdford Friday,
To close thqm out, at) cook staves
and ranges, at reduced prices, giro
m a rail. F W. Rbaplclgh Hard (Jo., 2S SaulU Ccutral avenue.
Thomni Jackson, who was r resi
dent ot Mcdford for soma time, is
now emplajod at Karon's Cafe jn
. Hay and Wui, Batoman wcro
down from Cnitrnl Point Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M McPonqngU arc
being visiting by Mr. Thompson of
Chehalls, who Is returning from a
lU'ln-New York state.
Oak tier wood tor sale. Gold Ray
Roalty Co.
K. I). Stewarl of Rogue River and
Mr. Lewis of Kanes creek transacted
business In Mcdford Krlday.
Comrades Carson and Edgcly, who
have been, visiting In Mcdford, left,
foe the Oregon Soldier' Home t
Roneburg Krlday.
For goodneM take, have R. A.
Holmes, tho Insurance man wrlto
your Insurance. Ho knows how.
Mrs. D. 11. Millar ot Gold Hill has.
bcon In Mcdford, (siting; relatives
aud friends, ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. n. under aro
being visited by their inn, who Is a
student at tho University ot Oregon.
Bring that old book with torn
bludlng down and have It rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. CoiU
but little. tf
1-cwls Ulrch and F. J. Flck, of
Jacksonville were In Mcdford Fri
day afternoon.
Sheriff Jones was over from tho
county scat Friday, on official bul
K. D. Weston, commercial photog'
raphorn, negatives ruado any tlmo or
place by appointment. Phone M.
S. S. Aiken and T. G. Dradley, of
Prospect aro making Mcdford a bus
iness vsit.
J. N, Pace or Talent, superintend
ent of tho county poor farm, was In
Mcdford Friday, on his way homo
from Jacksonville.
That famous old smoke tho Traveler.-
Mrs. K. D. Dow la Quito in at her
homo in Jacksonville.
Mr. an,d Mrs. Charles Nlckcll have
returned from a trip to Portland.
Col. K. C. Washburn and J. C.
Pendleton wero over from Table
Hock Friday. ,
Vapor baths and. scientific mas
84ga for men and women. Dr. It.
J. Lockwood, chriopractor, 203 Gar-nott-Coroy
Dldg. Phono 115.
Miles Contrail of Applegate was
U M,cdford Friday, accompanying
ha son, Otto this far on his way to
Forest Gqvc, where ho will attcno
schuol. IL D.. lloko was up from his
ranch located northwest ot Central
Polut Friday.
Mrs. HalUday-JIalght. pupil of
David' Pence aud O. Gaines,
Trail precinct arc In Moddfonl
business. . ,
Judge Henry E. McGinn ot. Port
laud, waa on tho southbound tralu
Thursday morning, on his way to
Klamath Falls, to hold court for
Judge Rcnson. Ho was accompanied
by hla wlfo,
t'rult, jabols In any color printed
by the Mall Tribune. tt
Mr and Mrs. James Peltott of
For.t Klamath are tuning Mcdtonl
II. D. Mills of Uuttc Falls, mid V.
W. C. Long or Ashland woro nmong
thoo In Mcdford during tho week.
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Rank
nulldlng Mcdford,
James -Owens and J. F. Drown,
county commissioners, spent Friday
n ii.''' In Mcdford.
Mrs. Jresle Stoops Palm, a former
resident of Mcdford, died at Port
laud a, fow days, since,
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton's, opposite book store,
A. C Manning ot Wlmcr precinct
Wa In Medford Friday ou his way to
Judgo Calkins and Roy Davis,
court reporter, spent Friday night In
Collect those scattered sheets ot
muslo you valuo and havo them
bound In book form at the Mall
Tribune. tf
G. F. Rllllugs and K. D. Urlggs
were dovfn from Ashland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myois of Cen
tral Point woro among their Mcd
ford friends Friday.
Mrs. Kmma Wulf Ivcrson of Horn-
brook, Cat., has been visiting rcla
Uvea living near Jacksonville.
Mayor Von dcr Hcllcn ot Eagle
Point transacted business In Mcd
ford Friday.
Soft wood $! a tier. Oold Ray
Realty Co.
W. II. Kinney ot Sam's Valley was
In Mcdford Friday, but did not re
main long.
Jay Terrlll and James Garvin of
Talent spent Friday night In Mcd
ford. O. A. Gllstrap ot Eugene Is vis
iting In the valley.
The cigar that put O. K. In awoke
tho Traveler.
Frank Clute. a former resident of
the valley was a receut lsltor lu
W. W. Barbara and E. C. Gamble
of Yrcka. Cat., are making Mcdford
a business vfilt."
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Grant and
Mrs. P. B. Crowell ot Siskiyou
county, Cal., are In Mcdford.
J. D. Cook of Josephlno county,
mado a trip to Mcdford ono day this
Dr. E. H. Porter spent Saturday
at Jacksonville on a short busluoss
Parole Officer Madden ot Califor
nia, arrived lu Mcdford Friday to
tako George Towlo, a parole viola
tor back with him. Towlo was re
cently cleverly caught by Chief Hltt
son In this city. He was sent up
for burglary.
About two Inches ot snow fell In
the valley Friday night, tho land
scape taking on a wlntery aspect.
The clouds were driven away with
the advent of the day and the day
turned off warm and beautiful.
W. C. Chapman of Sams valley
immu uADCuino
ATHENS, Jan, 1 Despatches
here today say that threo Turkish
cruisers and three destroyers
xtenmed down tho Dardanulls this af
ternoon mid engaged tho Clieok
squadron, the fighting lifting for
several hour. No reports regard
ing tho damage done hns been re
ceived. ( . i ,
NEW YORK. Jttiu 4. President
Taft arrived hero today to attend the
funeral ot tho laid Whltolaw Rrtd,
ambassador to Great Urltaln, going
at onco to his brother's homo. Af
ter the Held ceremonies, tho. presi
dent will be the guest of honor nt a
lunclion to be given by tho Interna
tional foruuu
Late this afternoon President Taft
will attend ttereral political confer
ences, and (oulght ho will make, the
principal adrets at tho "rehabilita
tion dinner" to bo given by Now
York republicans.
Marches! (Paris), Of car Saenger
(New York) teaches tho art of sing
ing, tono placing and correct breath- spent Saturday at Mcdford
lug a specialty. Kxpanout of pure L. N. Sweet ot Antioch
"Del Canto" of tho liillsu school Mwlford visitor Saturday
concert,' opera, oratorio. Individual
lessons or In class (threo in clasa)
Rosldoncq studio, 403 Oakdale ure
mic, South, phono 72C2.
y. L. Halloy, tho flro ItiHurauce
agent, mude Atihjnud a loudness visit.
Captain and Mrs. W. Raw lings of
Wyoming urn visiting in tho valley,
which wna their homo for many
Fred Altcm Unlght (National Con
norvatory N'ovv Yorki teacher of
piano and iiannony. woclallst in cor
rect prlnciploa of touch and tech
nique, Renldenco studio, 103 Oak
dale a.vonue,, South, phono 7202. 217
Wra, Gcrlg, manager pf the Pa
cific, &. Enutcru rnjlroad, is In Med-
Noel E. Graves of Yroka, Cal.,
wan a recent visitor In tho valloy.
He was formerly a resident or
Qk tier wod for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Wni, J. Scott of Deaglo is maklni;
Madford a business visit.
V. H. McGrath. an Ashland capi
talist, spent Friday In Medtord.
Ask for the Traveler cigar,
J, S, Darnett nd Chas. Dnntcn ot
Central Point were among tho
uiany who transacted biislutbs in
MeUford Friday,
WASHINGTON', Jan. -J. That nt
lca)t M.x defense witne-ei would
take the htiin.l befunv Judge Itobert
W. Arehlmld tixstified in Inn own lie
linIC wits the statement of ArelibnldV
counsel liere today.
Jude Arehhald will not telify un
til Monday. He will occupy the tnud
two days. 'v f .
ri rr- ?
Do Iiruie, nllegcd nhite hlaver, wlio
fell into federal toiU two week no,
today told the uuthurilit'x here tltnt
he had decided to nlmiidou liU fihl
to remain in the, United Sinter um
w willing to bu deported to France
:ih mi uudcftirable. Do I,onue wu
arretted in Kremio for nlidurtin;."
pixteen-yenr-old Helen Wltit.-im from
her home here mid keeping her in
hiding in a SauU Cruz mountain re-hort.
D. V. Pence, mipervlsor of road
district No. "A makcH thn tolluwliiK
report ot work dona during tho past
) cars'
llullt two new bridges on Elk
creek, both being ot 01 toot nbaus,
and double trtii8. ono with IS Ml
root approaches, with tttty foot till,
ono with ttlxitt) foot approaches, with
.10x30 foot fill, rebuilt one bridge on
Middle- creek with 20 fool ttpnn, ono
new bridge on Dally grade, 10 foot
span, to tiO'lnch lumber t-uhorls.
Helmut the llerry crock grndo, made
one-halt mllo now road, widened nud
shot the rockM and stump out of five
miles at road, rocked and graveled
ouo-halt mlto, graveled t mllo, lev
eled and tdtnt thn stump out of 5
miles of road above Union crock,
also took tho rocks nud roots out
aud tilled tho holes thn full distance,
of about C miles of road In tho dis
trict besides removing several bad
NEW YORK, Jnn I Standard
stocks wero fractionally higher than
Kstcrdny when the stock market
opened hero today. Trading, how
ever, was dull, the market malting
only n tomporary showing ot
strength. Declines continued lu
American licet Sugar nud Western
Oil shares also declined, California
Petroleum falling 1 3-1 aud Mexi
can 3-1 of a point. Prices wont up
easily when supporting orders were
llonds wero steady.
i. .
Piesidcut Tatt, lnembem of h!s eabl
luet, foreign dlpUunalH and bundled
of piomlueut pnrsoun, present, the
funeial of the laio Whtlelnw Kvld,
Autei lean nuthaximodor to llruat llrl
tain, was held today from the Cathe
dral of St. John the Ulvlno. Reforo
tho public hervlco Dean Urosovenor
nud lllshop Uer l0ld irnerH, nt
which onl ineniberM of the fainll
wero presetit. Mr llil wns Huffl
elenlly recovered from the shock of
her husband's death to attend tho
public services.
Tin' snrvlee were conducted by
Uenn Groanveuor lllshop Greer and
lllshop Leonard of Cleveland, as
sisted by IllRhop Hoyd Carpunter, and
tho Ruv. Howard Robhlus.
Tho honorary pallbearers Included
Ambassador Jnmos Rre of Great
Urltaln; Hocretnry or Htato Knox,
Huuator Root or Now York. J. P.
Morgan and I'linuneey ,, Dopew
Tho Pilgrim soolety or England
was reproheutetl by Hip Ernest
Slincklelou, other rlutw wllh which
Rel was eouiiecled uImo sundltiK rep
renentatlves. The aetlvlt imlllusir
era wore tompoiteil ot eleven poll
Officers or the Imlllt'HhIii Florida.
with hleuteiiuiit II. K llowllt titni-
Alter tho "Kervlce, the body m
placed ou n oalssou nud Inkeu to
the Grand Central station with an
escort of marines and tmllors and
a detachment or Infantry
A nujivIiiI train will curvy the body
to Tarn town, where It will bo bur-
lod In tfteopy lldllow' cemetery.
(Continue! from Page t)
In the downtou district here wns
reported. .
(Continued from Page 1)
dp im iimiwi J M'll
Weeks & McGftwan Co.
Bay VUoa M71
w x-z&
D. W. Stone of Willow Hprlnga
was a visitor lu .Med ford Saturday.
Watch Mitchell' dally talka to
voters begiuulug January 3rd.
Dr. C. R. Ray ban returned from
a huMucos trlt to Sau Francisco.
Col F II. Ray and wife havo gone
to Lou Augulesfpr the wiuter.
F. C ElIIolTaiid Mr. Fuhbolnian
entertained .Cliarle Calwcll aud
llaro' Ward at dinner nt tho Hol
land Friday evening.
N. J. WHcy, contractor and build
er, has a crew pf carpenters at work
completing a new bungalow for Geo.
Walters, out In the Evcrhard addl
tlono, on Klng'u Highway. Mr. Wal
ton a few months ago purchased 18
lots In this addition and it is ex
pected ho will build upon each ot
theMi'loU (luring tho coming spring
and bu miner.
LOd ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 1.
Superior Judge Ilordweil today or
dered a forevclosuro sale of the
huge California, Development com
pany property lu the Imperial valley
and enjoined the Southern Pacirio
railroad from carrying on ponding
proceedings lu tho Mexican courts
against the Mexican branch ot the
company. The decibion wau gven
In the case of the Title Insurance and
Trust company of Los Angeles
against tho development to fore
close tho farmer's trust deed to the
property In question.
Hint the money did not diupcur at
once hut in Mnu( ninoiinU extending
through xcvcrnl yearn. Ho i- ripiin
goiut; over the books nt the reuet
of Jones to ascertain if (here lias not
been a clerical or oilier error, re
onsibln for the apparent bhortnj;c.
h( his report lie
Kxpert'H Opinion
"I will state that in my opinion the
bulk of thcjfa deliiKiueucica occurred
prior to 1012.
On Jim. ltr 1912 I hnd nRqinM the
Sheriff Wl, 01)5.01 nud llicse umoiiutti
Were deHi(ed hctweoii .Iniiuary Kill.
1012, nud April la, llll'J. There were
nnmeroiw lux eollLctioim bhowing
hue of colleulioii a number of mouth
prior to' January IM, 1012.
At the tiinu tho money was dcxiMt
el l.(ts fur 1U1L wcitt coming in
freely, ami the hhcritf had uii littixW
a largp u"i of money from 1011 col
IcelioiH. It became known that llils fliurlaue
was evident Jaiiiiary ltt, 1012, a
boon ns inv icoit w.ih imblulied, and
eojiM-queutly I l-iiiiii tluun to Jek
xoiiville in June, 1012, volunlarily to
iuvcxtigutu lo the lht of July, at
which time the hlterilf au(l tieasurer
both slioiu'd mo htutejiiculs from
(heir bunks hluiwinu tho depohitn to
llieir fuvor Jul Ut, UVi. The hlier
iff hliuwed me bnic bnlnuceH of ili'.l,
0111.10. cuMi and eurreiicy mid cheeks
n--U0.'i.r),") mid two ilcM)hilH dated June
20 aud June 20th, uceoriUiij; lo the
hheril'r Ovjionit hook uKgrt'tfutm;;'
)i:i,l00..10, or a total of 80,000.00,
lis I hud him churned on July 1st,
with but .t7U,2l4,r0t Hie ovtirpjus
bciiitf money on liaud fr wliit'h ru
ccijuri nan nut oceii wvittcn. uiih
tnti&tied tjiat he actually hud the
t'ouuo money batuly lit the, banks
and ticaMiry. I notiee( liowever, tlmt
(he depoiit-i were mude Jul.v 2nd,
nhieli, iu the event tho money de
posited wiu draw n from the hunk
that liy, would diminish hix buluucn
ou hand of actual eabli, nud bunk
balances by (hat UUKutul. Tiut,
however, Iict not. qffcet tiiu repot t
in nny way." ,
Apachu to Itcwctio
WA8HINGTO.V. Jan. l.The
revenue cuttor liApache- has gone to
the assistance ot tho Julia Luckcn
back of tho Ltickcnback steaniMhlp
compan'. Toported In distress In
Chesapeake Day, according to a
wlroles messagu received hero early
today by the navy department. The
Luckcnback Is said to be sinking as
tho result of a collision with another
steamer. No further particulars
wero given, but wireless stations
caught messages that tho Lucken
back hnd fcunk, twenty persons per
ishing, i
; n . i
NEW YOlUv, Jnu. l.-Mnny stnk-ef.-j
in tlie bix c'iniieiit worker'
htriko bvrc, mostly women, uro lodav
mirsip' eit and brui-o following
mi nttacl; made by them iihiii the
five story loft building of the Wash
ington company, where tho premdeut
of the concern wns barricaded m hu
The police rescrven, after a numb
niul tumble liht ejected their iiv-ail-
ants from the lop Hour of I hu build-
lut; to n Hired.
Men Phkrtt L'p
NEWPORT NL'WS, Va., Jan I -r-
Hurvlvora of tho Luiikeubaclc, run
HlHtlng of four offlcerK and four
inpmborH ot tlio crew, were picked
up by (ho Danish liner Pennsylvania
which arrived hero todny.
The officers are: Chief Officer
f tint, Second Officer llriiiiini, First
Assistant Engineer Llltln and Hoc
ond Assistant Eugliicer Doyle.
The location of tho liidrukuala Is
not known here.
The Kpeeuil inil-leiil lunidnu-s nt
the moruiiiir mtvuc will melMda Hik
beuutiful duet "fruieilix" (Fanre)
sliiij; hi Mim. I'lorenee llaelii(K and
William Viiulur. .Mr. Vuwter vmII
uIm sing "The Siiiyinr iu (hid'
Aeiv" by llraekett. At the eveuih.
erviee the orrliiMtni will amiNt tin
elmir. .Mitt, lliunmii will xiug mid the
choir will render Ibe anthem "I Wai'
cd for the Lord" bv Meiidelihn
Everyiniu is nu"t foidiall.v invited t
attend tlie-e herviec-.
Meilfonl A GihuI Town.
Mcdford Is a mighty good town,
worthy or tho bwt ot everything.
That's why wo have joined tho Amer
ican Drug and Pre association and
offer to o.i r eople the Merltol lino of
goods, guaranteed lu every way, wth
preparations, mado by tho usocla
tlou and sold oul through lis uietii
bent. 'ITiere Is nothing like thitio
goods, gttarantecd In every way, with
out an eiiial. mado by experts. V
want Mcdford pooplo to have the
best there Is, so we offer )ou this
llnq. Ak Hi P0 MprltPl goudj at
HnMkliiH' Drug Store.
"M vinll to Medloiil aiitl lln
Kouuc liiver vullev, llinuiili xliml. lui"
given me Ibe grout decile to toiuin
uud nee it UKoin ill Ulj leisure. .l
llpiiujh piSiuinilv lnluVelei In the
liuililiiiir of highway, I mil eiy
miieh 'iiileteMled In iigiieullitra (w
Irtullt'llltliro beetilU'O Of llicH vtfii'.V
ebe rclnllbii lo ohe uflnllior," (wlfl
Dr. Jean ile PtilHitn.v, elili-r eiiineor
of biliil otiil director ol the emu
tnUnioit of Frvueh oimliivcrH lo lb
Fulled Hlntex. who inv utiulyiiiff eon
dilnni" lime. )r. do Pulllituy iloi
pwl over iu Meilfotd Kridn.v iijleis
UOou at Hie ivitiot)t of t'. fl. .IneUon
and Sum 1 lit I. uud left Suluidav
timruiui; for Sun Frnm-en lo selrct j
the "lie for the French louldinir at I
llle epiWt)1io,' floitlnillu'tr. Pi. do
Pitlllguy, aul :
VNIim Local Groves
"Tlnoiigli Iho khuluenH of .luilnn
VaUSs of tho Commereiul elub, JiuUo
Ton Velio, Mr. l'ultmin or the Mail
Tribune, and Proftmnop O'duirt.
palhologiHl, I had tin uiMiilnHil.v of
Ivuminie niiteli eoiieetniiut Medfoid.
ami Ibe entile Rogne River valley,
Your lino publlo htiihlluitM Hiid ev
eelleul ntieelw would d eredil lo u
eitv of maiiv liinen lt -itv. Uf eotioxe
I did not have luuo to ee mine lima
on( or two orelinnU, lh if Cmp
lain A. ('. Allmi and Mr. 1 1. It. Hill.
Tlne I ootmidor m. cvcelleMl eHio
diM of prurlleal nud NelmLfie lior
tieultiiie., I hiii nioM' tiinu inteieted
in tlio e.celleiit H.teni of melinid In
speetbui, and Ibe IhoixiunhiieHa with
whieli nil ilelnili me ooirieil out be-
nliiuitiK with Ibe lime tlmt 'lie tree m '
put into tbe xnoiHil until the runt i-
flnellv prvtwrud for loaikeL
"I Imve lcnnied nrnr in lliv fen I
Imiir 1 Hut in Meilfonl tiinu I hinl
known before in my tudv of condi
IIohm on the I'aeifte eonM. 'ITw1
ioot iuitortMiit tkinK. after nil. i Ibv
uHrvilnn which U sivt tbe im-
ixirtaiit innller hi horiieuiliire. II is j
J U - ( IIS lllNlillll 1 1 lit t -flftll fl. .. j
H Iv i-inh lie J.IVCM 'iton I Ism-, line n-
in iinv otliei' tjilsllleM, No one wiillld
think of liuililiiiir u ttroul pillille until
yleui willimil nrrinlotit eirlneiUliiK
and wlllmiil Imviim It ptoiri.v Un
-HHftl. Ono run iv(iihI irTH(M in pi,
unifpibjihliul wlttrti Ulfj"l omIi I
ItnovVWiVjo 'fit every jlfllwl. I hiv
wrrlul nwiiy -witJi.WHii vi
tddih' lufiWiinl1hit tt to wliui tiiir
illxlrlel m (titii'ar nbrnir ever.v lion ot
ilevpbiiuietil. ,
I'lirnuiiiPiit llmidi Needed
"I did Hot hie no(ll ol Vltt Vl
roioN. bill I have bw-n 1ihl tlmt vu
ait1 iutradiuir lo build "W Mm' lilgh
WH.VH ill tlio WW ruttr-. Im ordir lo
devi-lop tin- Hwulrv prirrlT. vor
rtiHrt r... idTvl(tn hIh.oM Im n'
the line ol' buihUiiK ieuiiitoiit rmvii
o n to Itnhc Imeel, whhll iik'io
tbnl"0e h n lnenilel In t ,!
Ins now HitHie will hvo u itein to
renwbi whenevir tiles visit tbe eoun
Irv. Your rmU shnulil Ih sueh that,
ho uiHtUr wlutl tin time uf ywr. liti
vel will be niblr. 'Hit otwoian or
Iht INnuunH miMtt. ilh IW tmI
eiMHilttaV h( Man I'nvietaoo, will ibi
ipiltK us niHeli fr MHilhnni OttHpm
n it will for llot iMNtwr In the
eetiler of utlrnelHMi.
"I inav ny tul I nin elmnuoil with
your valley, aud slmll. imtantL mwae
even- of toil to itIhiii mid It nt ti
IIiho wlir-n etuidlliHMM am HMtro Ih
vorahlr. I wih lo miv tkhl I kiHirtllv
aptireeinle Ibe mnov rnrten'n which
Herr lliwu lue l,v llir eiinonlllm- n(
Jour t't'ioincn' tub (i wr? ililr.
aalid in eileilniu im wbib- in Mid-
r,,r.i '
wiyn '1' """"'J.1 .' I'.L'V I', i '."
Miit t wn t'tiil-l liitr of
ilmiN ti tj,n uuih 1 1 tnr . (,.
nimI il ill it n i f uthinii i ira A
ftpltl itKtit I" t""H xllvi tlit ttrtl
ft i Hint i Iv m f Hlt ! ft!.,
iHitlte n l lNtii1lft tu tt III t)WH
lb lM 4 it U
Wcohs & MoQowan Co.
AH members of the Ollva Re
behah lodge and degree team aro
urged to attend the meeting Tues
day night, Jan. 7th. Installation uud
degree work. Remember the date.
In this case stinda for strength,
where It nhould bo string its hii
perior leavening power purity In
every Ingredient and all Dioho
luallllcH which make PERI'ECl'
UAKINO I'UWDLIt are embr.ud
& rjn7,
OrocerH havo It
nt Uic per pound
nr .-rt- "'" - ,-
T-? - "'
1 V QggSpMy'' SOL 'A
j w m
: V 45fBfln
V J"
Mr 'T
, 'M !
! Mi !
Styles in
I'Iip nvpnigf wuiitaii in vor
piii'tii'iiltii nliunl lnr alioo.
Tlit'y i-diilpibiitc iiM inueii to
Iit'i appoiiiiuicp jw my artlulo
of app;ir(l sht wtNiiv.
We'll lie plenrU'cJ tu
show yon (lip IhhkU
soi nt1 now Mpfiug
Ask them for It
two-cent Mump
tor our Cook
Hook louliilulng
recipes for egg
less cakeH, (ti
HiTYilTf il 2 . w J
Health1. WUiliiugtou.
""";; , !;"
At Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 4,
1913, George Uaxhford, a 'former
resident of this city. Tho body wUI
be brought to Mcdford, Interment in.
Jacksonville cemotory,
A New 'DlHcovery,
Ouo of the ooimatlons of tho twen
tieth century in Merltol Rlipumatlsm
Powdors. A boon to ovory sufferer.
Tho best known remedy for rheuma
tism In all Its forms, Ask thoso who
have tried It. Hasklus' Drug Htoro.
FOR SALEllorso and buggy to
gether or soparutely, very cheap.
H)l K(ug street, or phono .'Ml-'..
WANTED I'oremun aud wife, wUo
to cook. Uox M. It., euro Mallo
Tribune or phone Farmer 213, Cen
tral Point exchange.
FOR 8ALE--8lx thoroughbred
White QrPtllKto.n cpckcrol, 3.00
each or 6.oo, (i pa(r, W. H
Iloweu, JncliHouvllle. 24D
We have several up-to-date,
modern 5 and
6 room Bungalows
M. P. & It Co. Dldg.
(I my and Imhwii, Nu-Hudc,
lUu-k Miicdi- with c'l-nvfiMPttf
(oj)H. All at popului ji)iu(M of
Jiohliug'y . . .
The Hlgu o( tho TolUt ami
MtdUlliiil preparations of the
American Drug & Press Association
'A mutmil organljutlou or the (linguists nud uuvvspiipei'
men or tbu country, tor mod for Hut purposo or provid
ing for the general public mi Alinoluljdy (luuriiutood, Do
puiiiluhlo Hue of
Remedies and Toilet Articles
A preparation for each apoclflc purpoHo. tlio cciiiiposltlim of which
Ih Known to ovory druggist who hoIIh It uud inouuy buck without
ujcktioit to tho cuiitoiiior vvlio bi) it ir ho Ih not mitlaflnd.
We havo Joliiui) this usHoclatlou bocauso wo bellovo lu the
"Mcillol" Iteinedles; bccatiso Wo know there Im unthluw' better.
Wo have tho exclusive ugoucv for Medford. Wo Invito ou to
call and neo (IiIh Dplouilld lino.
iiihcsiii m jaV'iiitaiirTi
Wtf i J,