fjsy 1' rtv '-' Yr m i. M Jeff May Need Glasses, but .' ... ' wr, c got -me woiTwoNclirut. ocer thuja. ..... - ......r.... '""I KB "NV3 Dll 1 iu inn uivlwrmT ayQ IIY COURT IIS LAST SESSION Tim (iiuiily court tnol Tliundity fur IU taut Ki'imloit tint newly olcclml iiioiulicrii (AkltiK ofllco next .Montlny .Intiunry 0. Ttiu court will routine llmilf to routliio intttlorx wiieli tin tli nllltiK of )'HI"i M'avIiik On luvyliii: of (tut lutn lux totliu now court. ' M'rnnTi ti. Ton Wllo, county JihIrp iloct, ' nlnl Ooiiuiilitloiiuri'olict I.a vrr nml Bmltli nro In confroiicp with tlio old court. ANXIETY FELT OVER UKUII. Imlla, Jnit 2 - (!n.-t mu li'ly lit foil Ihto today otor tlio con dUlou of ll.iron (.'liurli'H IliirilliiK'. tiroy of I mt In . who nm Houudi'd ri'roittl) Ii) tin i'xiledliii: liomli wlitln ti(ii'(idliiK to ttio roniiiniili' lit litmlliiK tlx rcmovnl of tint vlrcri'snl lnndiUiirl'nt from (.'nlcuttu to Uclhl. I'loHclaiu attolidliie Huron Uur- dliiKo iMkiuil u ittnloiiiuiit Hint prulf nlily niiollii'i o(utIIiii limy ho lioccn eiirj" to rriiiovn wiio fr.niinn'nlii of il (Mil roinuliiliiK In hlit lnu'k mid KllOllllllirM. Tim tloitroy U In Krcnt pain nnd hit . fovor linn rotituirtt. ' Jnmes R. Kccne III ,ST.V VOIJK, .Inn. 'J.- IIc.uiiimi .if ii' tin 11 fur tin' wnrM in III condition, litiuok It. Kcuo, lliiniit'icr nml turf 11 In 11. U 1'iiiilliiril in a iirivntu hoitiliil limn 11 1 tor lii'lui; rriiionl from lii jotiiiiH ut thu Wnlihirf Atorin. Ki-ono IiIim ImHi iiiii'tiiul.v mi in valid hiiico litt. return l'nm bnulon two ciir iiKo. wlii'ro ho iimlcrwciit nu opm Hon. " .MiMllol Wlillo l.liilnii'lil. ! Hhoiitd In In ni(ry homo, u Km Imiiii'dlitlo npUllrAtloi) to cutu, bnilHi, nilt-nliiN rtiul wonndii gcit lii nut ndlor. It hnn no riuul at 11 imln killer und liralor. 1IiiI;Iiih' DrtiK Htord. TO l'.lt.Mi:ilS AXIt OltCIIAIlplSTH. (lultlVAio )our In ml with a Motor Trticlor. It will pay for lUoH In tho iavln(r'of'ho'ra'6 feed and hi rod holp. Valley Motor ft Tractor Co., Valley (liiniK'. Mmlford. " Notice. Nutlru lit lutrtby Rlvon ltiti tWun dnrnlKncd will apply to the city coun cil ii( 'lit uicotliiR to bo huld Jan. 2, 10 13," for n llcouao to toll inalt.'nplrlt iiout Wul vtntlmi liVora In iiautltloa Iota than n Riillon nl lta placo of bual nt'HH on lot 10, block 1 1, city of Mod ford for n pui'lod ot ttlx uioutht. HOLLAND IIOTi:i CO. Dutthl 'l)oo. u, iota, ' l'riiit' (Inmrrn of llio Itouo lllirr A'ttlb')'. Thhro wili bo a nu'otdiK of nil tlio fruit Ki'owora of tlio valley huld ut Iho city luill In Mcdford on noNt Kutiinliiyl..luiiiury -I h, t two u'clock p, in." for tho purpoHo of orKnnUlu 11 Karinura' Ctmpnratlvo Krult iiwo rlutlunJ V mwa Hint tho com cif prodlirtlnn ini ho materially vducml und inucli hotlor prlcea rocolvod tor our trilltH by hn.vliiK Much nu orgnn Uiitlou, thoioforo' vt imk all tUo rruWorii to uttond tho mooting mid lot iih not tOKothfir ami try and ptit thu fruit IiuhIim'hu on lta toot Kln. Como yonroolt and nv(t9 your uulBlf hor. (Steuod) J. A. PKlJttY, CIKO. ANpitEWd, S, A. NYH, t t. ' -M OdiiunlUoo.' (M1 1 1 I.oKnl m (or snip n (lio Ma,U .Trlhijii pfpp, ' It mock qn sflK . nvSJlFLTi - F 'r 4 ( ! ' f,w ' "ow &" m i w . ,.Nfc , , -, ,--- ' i eor,, AyrmiCn. fill 11 ITU ftAIIIVr III I NOTICE, Upal qucntiona of Interest to Ihclprlvllcge of exorcising their rlshtat I'lilt RENT FURNISHED AITS.! WANTED KITCATIOXH IIUSIXIW,S nrnKCTTOUY UUUNIY UUUKI N HARD1NGES HiiI . .-, '-W 1 .J t . " t rrr- r- - T ! T : -t ' (If ' I 1 1 am i "nn uu 1 rm " j mmwuKwm iwut mniw WFWra" Skv.trAptn mm . . ... ... it :iii..iiwW mc"m.-. , mmumimtmuiimnm .. j , J -" -JL- I JQ I TIW P, WT JHML v , . WI mni"H..r.N . -, . - . . UVkK IFffeKt f . 1 .1 PLV bfA r 1. 1 'ftm-A 'ivrf . . . . . ,m , ' xcvncM, otlcrt U hcreDy Rlvt-n tht tlio iiudi'riilKiird wilt hpply to tho city council of tho city of Mcdford, Urc l?oii, nl IU next ruritilnr mcctlu's on Jauunry 7, 1013, for n 11611110 to unit ilrliuoin, vluoim hnd bnlt lliinori In qiiniitltlci lorn than n Rnlloti t IU plncn of bunluvmi on loin 5, C, 7, 8, lilocli SO, In iiald city, for a period of six tilontlu, ' iiornii NAB.n co. rjatnd Dfc.imbcr 17, 1012. POLITICAL "ANNOUNCEMENTS " 1X)U tXJllXtll.MAX Col. II. II. Hnrscnt Anuouncci hit cahdlitscy for coun cllnmn, Second Ward, Mcdford. (l'ald Ailt.) J. V. IlKltltlA.V Bubmlln hit nunio to tho votcnt of tho FJrtt Wnnl at a candldato for councilman. IV KUKCTVA) I W'lUU HTItlVi: TO IH II10JIT. (I'aVd Adyt.) ' ' J, 1, (Jack) Htimart I hereby announce myiolf at a candldato for councilman from tho iccond ward. J. K. mowart, 708 Wutt 10th. (I'ald AdTt.) K. M. AnilroT 1 horouy announco myivlf aa dldato for couucllman In tho tlrtt ward, (raid ATt.) Oconto W. l'ortcT I hornwlth announco mytclf at candldato for 'councilman In tho first ward. (Tald AdTt.) I). J. Htull 1 'hereby announce tnybclt aa can dldato for councilman In tho tccond ward, (I'ald" AdTt.) .7, Ii, I (emitter I hero with announco myiolf as caiidldnto for councilman lu tho third ward. J. I.. Domuicr, CO'J V. Jack tou. (Paid AdTt.) A, H. llllton ' 'Aupoifucc'v lilt candidacy for conn cllman from tho Third Ward. Elec tion January H, lpl.1. (l'ald Advt.) l-'OIl MA()It. '9 1l" '! "'I ' " . U J, W. Mltelitll 1 ! I'm." - In announcing my candidacy for the mayoralty, I wish to sny that, as wo havo every aisuranco ot a moat pro'peroua year, lot us guard against c'rruta'ln public affairs. S'ow, aa to tlio public markotT wnut to say that nm, nnd always have been, n strong advocato ot tho P'ib!l- market. I was nmoiig tho first of tho councjt lo favor nnd pro nioto It. I fool that tho success' of our innrkct la dUo aa hmcli to niy ctofrta as nily 6thor member: ot thd rouiicll. I shall, If olectml, uu uvvry honorablu offori 'to mnlto It n continued huccohs, n I roallto tho great benefit It Is to both producer and consumer, Kpw, ns to tho .uatqont. 80 loiitj aa thu atnto nnd tlio city llcomm thorn io do bualncst, they aro outltlod to do no; but 1 urn n strong advocate ot law enforcement, aa O.o tnwu oxlst, and when tlio laws nro wrong, Vo havu a remu(y, lt'n up to tho public. I firmly bollovo In aoToiupmjitt and prosrcBs, but not to tho oxton of rockloHa oxtrnvngnnco. Wo mut( Kuaril ngaluHt this rocklctumcas, but Hot to (ho pxtcn.t of rolrnctlop. I nm Htrictly oppoHod to any apodal prlvlloKOH nil to locatlonu, poraona or corporotloim, hut (tdhoro rigidly to tho best Interests ot tho public, I bollovo that tho qamo considera tion Is duo to tho Indies as to tho (lion, lu all, our public attnlra. pur fl'nta A'tlvt.) W. W. Klfort For tho Information of tho votora of MoiUoi'H, I tnko tlila molhoil of inquucls y position ot-tho prl"'' lUTjypxmmrA'n, trtbtjne, Anumronn. ortcoon, TTtunanAY. .taxuatiy 2, 1111a. He Doesn't Need tlpftl (Uctttlon of Interest to tho pcoplo of our city. If oloctotl, my tlino and service will ntways bo nvallahlo to tlio pub lic and HtiBKCtllont hh'd crltlclima will at all time recelvo most care fill consideration. When over It lu apparent that Iho majority of our cltUent aro unltod In opinion oppo alto to my Individual views, I will ylold to tho majority, rcxardlcu ot my personal opinions. Our public market should bo en rouraged and dovelopod along atich lines at will rosult In (ho greatest ad vautago to thu cqmniunlty. Our laws regardlni: sanitary con ditions should bo actively enforced, and supplemented by others If tho existing ordinances aro Inadequate. My experiences hat con.vlncp4 mo that tiio BiiRttnatluna offered from tlmo to tluio by tlio women of. tho community, own botom ttio riglit of Biiffrago was extended to thorn, hqvo nlwaya been of value, arid should ro cclvo iho utmost consideration. Our present laws regulating the saloons and tho nnlo of ll'iuor, and such oilier rettrlctlona aa tho council or pcoplo may hcroaflor enact, should bo rigidly enforced, and it found Inadequate, or Insufficient, should bo amended. Our Svntor rater, should bo revised to that tho cost ot nialiitouanco, and tho necomary contrldutlont lb tho aluklnc fund may bo equitably dis tributed nmoiiR tho consumers, but no tnrpluH should bo accumulated at tho expohio Of the rto la)or. '' 1 Tho work ot tho flnanco cdmmlt len and ot tho mthcr principal coin mlttoea of tho council altould bo open to vuggcstlon anil aubjecl to Criticism, and tho criticism, tuggei tlonn, nn'd cooperation of rcprcscnta Uvea ot our various civic bodies shdtild'bo Invited' anil encouraged lu audi work. If elected I plcdgo myself to uto my utmost endeavor to carry Out tho Ideas outlined above, and to glvo Mcdford an Impartial, progressive, business administration. (I'ald AdVt.) J. 1.. Watt "At tlio Hoticitntion of mnny clti zeiiH I huvo decided to becoma a ouli tliduto 1'or tlio bffico of mnyor nt the coming election In JAiivmry. In this connection I wish to atnte Hint if elected, I will u so my bcU effortx to glvo tho city a clean liusincnn ml tuinUtratlou. (l'uid Advt.) C. K. Ontr During tho last tan days a number ot citizens havo called upon mo, re questing mo to becomo n candidate fbr mayor of tho city ot Mcdford, Aftor duo consideration and. consul tation with ctUona In nil lines 6 biiHlness, ( havo docde"d to dq'n'ounco myself nt n candidate for said office, I thoroforo present to tho Votora ot Medford, for their consideration, my platform, which Is as follow! An honest, open nnd above-board, clean cut bushiest administration. A fair and aqunro deal at all times, ttqunt rights to all. Special pj-lr logo8 to nono. A geitulno peoples public market. Itegardlug tho liquor question. Personally 1 do not, drink, uovor havo, bit na long ris tbo government, stato and city llc6nso salpona, ami nn'dor strict rogutritton Mioy plipy (ho'law, the are entitled to protection. Should thoy persist iHdlnoboyliig'Oio law, their ilcotisq uhould bo revoked. A careful accounting o'f all tlnau cps. " 'c All dlstiUrSoihents'stibjcct to pub lloMnspcctlon nnd open tor pupbllc'a lion by tho city press. Duo consideration ot all pQt(t6na for and against )iuhllo Improvements, A rigid 'pr!ctlcQ qt economy, except when' alien, econom'y has a' Vojtdoney to rotard prpgrow. I will further' nil progressive mat tery ot gonoral Imnrovomont for thq cty, but such nust conri'llnin tho scope, of gqqi business,. Bhall oudeayor to use tuy' host efforts for the' kooplng 'of the' city In a sanitary condition lit nil tluW Whoroaa, after yearn ot struggle, tho wonipn havo boon given .the an Ear Horn privilege ot exorcising their rights of citizenship, duo consideration will bo given them on nil matters of pub lie Importance. Should I be elected, I' nsturo the people that I will be mayor In fact at well as name. I will not bo tho tool of any clique, nnd will bo Influenced only by what I bcllovo to bo light and equitable. If tho above platform meets with your approval and you bollovo I am capable ot filling tho offlco, I will appieclato your support. C. K. OATE3. , (Paid Advt) Classified Advertising PAYABLE JN ADVANCE RATES: One cent per word por insertion; 50c tho line by tho month. I'Olt 11KNT VVl IX IHIIt:i ItOOMM FOIt HUNT -Modern furnished rooms at tho Cotlnpo, C0I West 10th t., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Cost. 274 Von UKNT UrKO slipping room, ll.r.0 and 1! per woolc Modern houitQkxieping apartments, sis and 1C. Home phono 2CC-IC ' 222 1C. Home phon au(h Holly. '" 8 .1 . l'Olt KENT -Strictly modern, steam heated furnished room with board for two pooptQ. ),2I9 S. Illvorstde. 2iS Ti T ' FOIt ItENTrHOUHUS FOR RENT-One nix TOitn house cIomt lu. Alto housekeeping rooms, vleetrlc llghta, gits. bath, etc. No. 310 N. Uanlctt. FOR RENT Modern .1 room nicely fiirnltbcd cottage, clos In. Phono 4002. 211 FOR RENT-Houses. 8eo Harnett over Daniels for Duds. 244 FOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmers & Frultgrowovn bank, tiultablo for business, real estato. boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Cth and Fir Sts. FOR RENT Seven room house. $15.00. . Phonu Co. . II. Sar gent. 2 CO FOR RENT Modern 5 room fur nished house, CaJI at CO North Orange. FOR RENT 5 room mooern bun- f;alow practically now. Mcdford tealty &. Improvement Co. FQR RENT 4 room houso, $5.00 por month. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR IlKNT- -Furnished honse, closo lu, M. A. Under, M. V. & II, Co. FOIt RENT MISCKLIANEOL'S FoTmTknT- -St'orVroonf and" office rooms. Sco Harnett, ovor Daniels for Duds. 211 FQH .LEASH Fully equlppod placor mliin. flnM Unv ltntilfv C!n. r.,. , f . FOR RENT Ranches, largo and email, uiiaun nuu ganicu iuikir. G,6ld Rqy Realty Co., Oth nnd Fir, l'Olt JtWNT 30 room - furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Hay RuUy Co., x t , NEW TODAY A fflio much of 23Qn?rQs, soma stock, und 110 acres, of Irrlgtitud fields on tho Rogue river, Una alfal fa, und fruit, good bulldlnH, no In eumbViUivi'. $lt,00Q one-thlr' cnttt, balanca mny run. , 120 acres, threq nil If? from i gopd town, fluo equipment, vull tucked, 95 acres' In" cultivation, Irrigation plaiR. elpclrlo llglta, nim)prn hiuso. AlfqUii, i;rnli und fruit nro tho oh(o( products, $2 1,000, ltlf cash, ' NYho hut( n $2000 ,'ipuso" in Med ford to nxchtngo ovpi for n 100 n.fre Piece of tlmbvr on the Dead didlu rOnd 2Q miles cast pt Avlutd ' t his l-eou erulucd ut ovor four million foot of saw timber, Small Improve ments und Home sjualKtrnctB at hay on thoiinco, laoooVoo. 4,ll C. D. HOON I. ii- Uooin IS, Juekson County puk UIdj(. FOIt IlKNT Smith Apts. 217 B. Hir. KOlt ltKXT- Furnished apartment new, prlvnto bath, hot water heat. Tho Herbcn Apartment, 10 Quince St, corner West Main. FOIt KKXT -HouF'cxce'rtng- rooms close. In, reasonable. .No children, C Vt Jackion street. 211 I'OIl HUNT Ol-I'ICEH FOIt KENT Large, comfortablo of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. 1av rates. Apply Mcdford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. Itl'SIXESH OlM'OltTL'MTIIvK FOIt SALE Surburban store, living rooms attached. Oood location, (Ino proposltton. See Harnett ovor Danlelt for Duds. 24 i FOIt SALE HOUKtiS FOIt SALE--4 room furnished rood itii hoiiKo In Mcdford on largo lot, well finlsnod In sldo. 75 acres timber on ttplcndld land, partly creek bottom 23 miles from Med ford. Alt for $3200 cash. Inquire P. O. Hox 0G5. 254 FOIt SALE 4 room houso and lot $700, $100- cash and $15.00 per month. Cold Hay Realty Co. FPU HALE ACltKAai. FOR SALE Ranches, aero tracts, town property, from $5 per acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Cold Hay Realty Co., Sixth and Fr. ,' FOR SALE FARM KXIS FORlsAt ind stock ranchcH. Sen Harnett over Dan lels for Duds. 214 FOR s.IiI-misci:i.t..xi:ouh Fii'SALEPurc T bred ilro nnd White Leghorn hens. P. O. Uox Gl or phono 342-X. FOR SALE Hotel range, dishes, linen, tdlverwarv, blankets, bed ding, etc. All new, very cheap fqr cash or will trade. Inquire UK South Fir, Mcdford Renewing Company, 215 FOR SALE Ono registered A. J. C. C Jersey bull calf. Johu U. Hair, Rogue River, Oregon. 243 FOR SALE Fruit box labels in ono two or thrco colors, printed at you order at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOH SAM. Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at tho Matt Trlbuuo office. FOR SALE Looso lent ledger sya . tctns, any stylo or made- tq order by tho Mall Trlbuno blnddry. FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger au tqmoblle almost now. Hargaln for j.isri. uox so, Tribune. FOR SALE Young small work team hnruess, wagoni carriage, house hold goods ot all kinds. It you want some bargains here Is your chnuro. Everything must go within n fow days, JC. H. Dynge, 1 mllo Meat ol Daggott ranch. 241 FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for salo or rent tings at (hp MMl Trlbuno, FOIt SALE Dry oak wood.' Phono 31.9-IU 21? FOR SAL1-J Lottor heads and fancy tatlonory, printed, engraved or embossed, aa yoq wsh at the Mad Tribune. FOR SALE Honso nnd buggy to gether or separately, very cheap. 110 King utreot, or phono 314-. 242 FOR SALE English walnuts, alfalfa and wheat hj ut Geary's ranch. Phono l'J-Z. 344 TOR SALE Kunon takvduwn house, :i rooms, less than half price, L. H. 150, Jueksonvillo.34t AVANyi:ii---ySUscKiaMNi:oya SVANTBDAfoVa 2 brood Bows np 15 hushela of seed benrdleta barley, Robert Dutton, R. F, D. No. 1. 243 WANTBI) Nurses for training at OrnultQ City HoRpttal. Ashland. Apply In person Immediately. Granite Cty Hqapttnl. WANTED Girl to assist with liqusqyvqrK, 1'iiqqo uiiu-a, qr address Uox 98-A. It. F, "D., 'p. : WANTED Tivix tllnlng room Klrla ut dopot hotel Aaliland, 244 WANTED Lady wlsbea children to 1 cam for by the week or month. Phono 350(5. Itcsldence 825 Kant 8th street. 22 WAXTEII Japanee couple want position as general housework. Phone Main 3361. Harry Wato nabc. 251 I.08T- LOST Dog'a chain. Finder please leave at Mall Tribune office. 241 LOST Uroocb, crescent i.hnpe, sc with pearls and ont dtamot rj. Leave at Mall Trlbun?, reward.21 1 LOST Younff Alrdale doa;. Uft hind foot lame from fox tall. Hat black neck. Call W. A. Cornelius, Oakdate Cash Grocery and receive reward, LOST A smalt, yellow, shaggy dog with collar. Call 597-J-3. 243 FOIt EXCHANGE FOIt SALE OP. TItADE Two good lots and house on West 9th street, Mcdford. Oregon. John I). Hair. Iloguo Klver, Oregon. 243 FOIt BALE OR EXCHANGE We can sell or exchange your second hand automobiles. No charge for Mtorage If you let Us sdl for you. Valley Oarage, Villiy Motor &. Tractor Co. FOR EXCHANUE 1 havo an 800 arro wheat farm located In Cen tral Washington. A good very well Improved jdace. Price $24, U00, tuorticago $0000. Want pro perty In Roruo river valloy. 1 K. Moore. ,517 Hoard of Trade. Portland, Oro. 243 MONEY TO 1,0,. MONEY TO LOAN On city aud closo In ranch property. C. A. McAi'thur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C81. MONEY TO IX)AN For particulars address Talent. Ore., It b D. No. 1, Box 110. Acreage preferred. 24 4 Itl'KlXESS DIHF.CIORY Attorneys a L. REAME8, LAWYER Oftlco Mcilford National Oauk bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-!aw. Rooms I and ,2, Ppatofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. MUI.KEY ft. CHERRY (It K, MU. ' KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank bldg. J W. J. CANTON Attorney nnd Coun- benor ni law, uooin s, utaiio building, Mcdford, Ore. Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited nnd Kept for a reasonable figure; your business oolicltod. Office. Mcdtnnl Mall Trlbuuo bldg.; phone 66 Us real donco phono 6302. Auto Supplies LAin.Il AUTO SPRING CO. Our big eecrct In making, springs Is tho tempering. Wo are qperatlng tho largest, oldest and beat equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Oro. Chiropractor) DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso 11. Hedges, Mcchauo - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylothcraplats. These systems, Including dietetics, curntlvo gymnastics, hydro-ther-nphy, etc., produce results In both acuta nud chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Uartlott st, noxt door to M. E. church. Hours 0 n. m. to 5. m. Other hour by appoiutmout Hell phono Mnln DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norvo specialist, Rooms 203-01 05 Garnett-Coroy bldg, Vnpor baths und oclontttlc mnasago glvon; ndvlcn in dlotetlos, medical gym nastics, hydropthornpy. Lady nt tendnut Phone Home l45L. Main 5712. Cjvil Hnglncer LOUIS W, WHITING Civil engluoer and surveyor, water filings ana Irrigation work n specialty; sur voys, subdividing, building grades, city, engineering, drafting, sower design, concroto work, pump and cnnul Hystema. doom 2, I'alm bile, Moilford, Oro, ., ,,. PXOE PTV7!. By "Bud Fisher 1 A, Xolory Publlo IIELE.V X. VOCKKYNotary pub lic, firing your work to me at tho sign of Tho .Mall Tribune Jlrlclr MEDFORD nniCK CO. Geo. W. i'riddy, U. U. Nagio, ueo. T. O'Brlcu Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In prewed brick and lime. Offleo at their brick yard, West Jackson tt. Phone No. 34CI. fc -I I i,- . .f .. ,Jt.m,m. . i . .1. Dcntl-tji DU.CmTvAK 8COY0O1" " "" " DR. C. C. VAN BCOYOO Dcntlsta Oaraett-Corey bldg., sulta 310. Mcdford. Ore. Iioth, phenw DR. AnTKMUS W. DBANS-1-Deatltt Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 Bast Mala St. tios admlalatered for -tractlpn of teeth. Phone Main C81. Xljht phono 4 132. Garbage, GARHAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call oa tbo city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree nro budded, not grafted. Our stock l not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We ate not la the trust. II. I). Patterson. Offleo removed to offlco Hotel Naah, In side entrance, next to barber shop. Printer and PabUabcm MEDFORD li'RVNTl'N'bCa'fcMtati bi-st equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf lerfgers, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 37 North Fir tt I'ltysldani and Surgeaas mt "p." 6." " carlo w, on. "jv MAINS OARLOW OateoMthlo physicians, 416-417 Garnet t-Core.t bids., phone 278-K. Realdcae 420 South Laurel at DR. STEARNS Phyatclaa and sur geon. Offlco Jackson Caunty Hank bldg., rooms 17-1819, phone r-501; residence 307 South Oakdale at, phono 7171. llama phono, retl , dence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dhwfiaei ot women. Offices over Hatklnt. drug store, Offlco phono Main 1U01; residence pqono Main 7981. DR, J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car. noso and throat Xyeo scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 23S East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phones. B. H. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Hank bldg. Offlco phono Main 432; Res. phone, Mala 632, DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Mala and nartlett sts., office phone, 271; residence phone, 273. E. KIRCHOBSSNER. M. D. Prao- tlco limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. llotb phones. Rosldnnea phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point aid Rogue River line. HERMANN F. RATTB, M. D. Of flco over Mcdford National Bank. Offlco phono G701. Residence Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Prao tlco limited to oyo, car, noss and throat. Eyes scientifically tested nnd glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Coroy bldg., second floor. Both phonos, Medford, Ore. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Phyal clnn and surgoon. Office Palm block, opposlto Naah Hotel, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Pacltlo H01. DR. R. W, CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office, 50).; resi dence. 7241. Oftlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 0. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey Building, Phone 9111. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm Blosk. Stenographic work done qulftklj; and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFISR & 8TORAOM CO,' orrice 10 South Fir tt Phoaa Roll .1152; Home 350-K. Vt right, Borvlca guuraatesd. n ' M.. t t