V.iT-7 Wr,7? v'v VJVvTVT? -",... rr'-r? V tvvlt'tVf r' tV n PAGE TWO. TvfEDFORD MATT, TRTBUNE, MTCDFOim CmTCCChN", TTlITTtSnAY, JANUARY 2. 101.1 IMVVnVWPWPVVTITVPrTYlTTTVrVf t P P f f . P. .'1 ,...." Vap'fl.i ' ' Pi n. P....... J.;. TS. Tlw '.TVTiTVl" l.'.t.'T IT x I0CALAND PERSONAL J Cement Kldowftllts at tho Jackson sired croBshiR hnvo boon laid by tho Southern Pacific, aroally Improving that wtrccl. II. K. Sanderson of Union Is via ItlllR friends 111 tltln city. Mr. and Mr. ti. O. Andrew of Persist aro In Mcdford on n short business trip. Hoys broke, Inlo tlio P.IR Tines mill Thursday mid stolo a large nniount ,r copper fixtures for pinto glass. Two "f ,n b0' woro wn tint could not bo overtaken To close them nut, nil cook stoves and ranges, nt reduced prices, rIvo uh a call. V. W. Shnplolch Hard- ware Co., 2S South Contra! nvoinio. Charles K. Sampson of Hugo Is In Mcdford on business. The opeulnc of school has been postponed until January 1C owinK in tho fact that several cases of ncarlltlnn exist In tho city. Mrs. h. D. Johnson loft Thursday for a visit with friends at Salem. Sh cvpecls to bo absent tovcrnl days. Oak tier wood for sale. Gold Hay Realty Co. John W. Arllnpi of Ku&cnc Is In Mcdford vlsltlnj: relatives. For goodness sake, Mvo It, A. Holmes, tho lnsuranco man write your Insurance. Ho knows how. U. D. Travis of Happy Camp Is spending a few days with Mcdford friends. DeVoo wants more boys to sell tho Ladlea' Home Journal. 242 W. A. Marvin of Cold Hill Is In Mcdford vlsltlnj; friends. 13. I). Weston, commercial photog raphcrn, negatives mado any tlmo or placo by appointment. Phono M. 1471. V. C. I.ecver of Central Point was a Mcdford visitor Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. I). K. Carpcntor of Murphy spent Thursdady with friends at Mcdford. William (lerlg has returned from a business trip to Portland. Oak tier wod for salo. Gold Ray Realty Co. t n. K. Kcily spent Thursday nt Jacksonville on a short buslns trip. V. V. Haraura of Phoenix passed through Mcdford Thursday on his way to Jncksonvlllo on business. i'rult labels in any color printed by tho Mall Tribune tt Uohn Aitkin of Ashland Is In Mod ford on a short business trip. Professor P. J. O'Gara has re turned from a business trip to Cali fornia. He reports tho npplo market flooded thero owing to poor market ing methods. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Uulldlng Mcdford. Louis Graves of Steamboat is In Mcdford ou n short business trip. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book Btore. C. G. Coutanl, editor of the Rogue Rlvor Courier, who has bcou 111 for sonio weeks past. Is now confined to his bed and his condition is so ser ious as to cause alarm to his friends. He was down town on Christmas day, but since that time his strength hits failed rapidly. Collect those scattered sheets of music you value and have them bound In book form at the Mall Tribune. tf Tho spirit of (ho times has af fected even the hen population of thu Roguo valley, and a donlzen of thu poultry yard of C. C. Wynant of Now Hopo has laid an egg that measures eight Inches around one way and six Inches the other- Artistically printed lotter heads on fqticy bond paper mako fine Christ mas presents. Lot us show you Chris Natwlck Ik mourning the death of ono of his valuable work horses, valued at 730. The ani mal dlcd'umldetily. samples. Tho Mall Tribune. tf Soft wood 2 a tlor. Gold Ray Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thompson left Thursday for a viblt with friends at Sacramento. Vapor, baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. .1. Iaockwood, chriopractor, 203 Gar-uott-Corcy Uidg. : Phono -145. ,Mr, and Mrs. T. B. Greeno will Icavu Friday for1 n visit with Califor nia friends. W; 8. Crowbll and Ralph Wood ford will Icavu Saturday for tho south on (heir way to Kansas City where- they will tobtlfy in tho case of tho United States va. Wells Loans berry for train robblug. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kcono left Wednesday for ait extended visit In California. They limy proceed to Ntiw Orlcaus-bofoio their return. r Weeks & McGowan Co. "UNDERTAKERS Day tfliona 3271 Mlg-ut riiosesl V. W. Wteka 3071 A. E. OrrT 30a XA.DY ASSIST AWT L; - Mrs. llnllldity-llatRht, pupil of Marches! (Paris), Oscar Snongor (Now York) tcnchcH tho nrt of bIiir Ing, tone placing nnd correct breath ing n Rpeclnlty, Bxpouotit of pure "Hpl Canto'' of the Italian ehool concert, opera, oratorio. Individual Ic&snns or tu class (three In class) Restdeuco studio, 40 :t Oakdalu ave nue, South, phono 72(52. Fred Alton Hnlght (National Con servatory Now York) teacher of plnno nnd harmony, specialist In cor rect principles of touch nnd tech nique. Resldcnco studio, 40.1 Oak dale avenue. South, phone 72C2. 247 1). 11. Hemstreet, of Portland, Is a guost ot his hrothor, R. F. llomstreet. Tho Golden Circle ot tho Ladles' Aid of tho Christian church will meet with Airs. Mngglo Kvans, 404 W, 2nd, Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred II, Hopkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. K, H. Hanley. l)r, nnd Mrs. J. M. Kccno and Mrs. W. H. Stewart expect to pall from San Fran cisco January 12, to inspect tho Panama canal. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Thomas ot Ap plegnto spent Thursday la Mcdford with friends. J. A. Lemcry nnd W. J. Morse, Ashland attorneys, were In Medford Thumlay on a short business trip. Homer Uarron and Joo Zash ot Ashland spent hursday In Mcdford. Mr. Znsh is a candldnto for road supcrvls6r in tho Ashland district. t Dick Donald nnd Rud Anderson wjll arrive Friday from Vancouver leaving Saturday for San Francisco whero Anderson has been offered sonio fights with good boys In that city. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hafer will re turn Saturday from a visit at Sau Francisco. Tho Sunset club cntortnlued the husbands ot members and their nvany friends at tho Hotel Holland New Years Eve. A most enjoyablo tlm was spent In cards and dancing. Ladles' cholco for partners for a buf fet supper which was given Just at twelvo o'clock caused a great deal of merriment and somo hustling among tho ladles." Tho unusually artistic rooms woro tascfutly nnd beautifully decorated with greens and flowers, and uo pains wero spared by tho Hol land hosts to glvo tho guests a most iuo)ahlo evening. Many now nnd quaint features were shown In the buffet lunch, served by Mrs. Andrews of tho Hollaud, adding greatly to tho evening's enjoyment. Tho guests numbered about sixty. J. II. Hendricks ot Eagle Point proclnct la in Mcdford on a short bu)lness trip. flenry Uft of Portland Is In Mcd foiil visiting his sister, Mrs. D. I). Stone. -' t- W. G. Aldenhageu has returned to Sau Francisco after a visit hero on business connected with too Oregon California Power company. B. A. Hicks will leave Sunday for n business trip to Sacramento for a business trip to Sacramento, Cal., for the Oregon Grnnllo company. H. C. Garuett will icavo Sunday by way of Los Angeles for Kansas City on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Loach of Trail are spending a few days with Medford frlonds. R. R. Phlnncy, a contractor of Redding. Cal.. is In Medford visiting his mother, who rosldcs Just south of the city. Alfred Ivey, formerly a resident of this city, now located at Vancouver, R. C, Is In Mcdford on a short busi ness trip. SENATE HEARS BAILEY (Continued fmm pay.a 1.) deJnoernoy. Tho Toxnu bitterly tie nouueed nowspn)ors for referring to the Semite as the "iiiillioniiire'H," say in: "If miy o them think I am n mil lionaire, lot them not up a sjiulleitto nnd Itnv nil Miavo. I will jjivo them a oliHiieo t.o speculate. I will m-H nil I have for less tlian 1)0,(100. Thee writer ask how t-cnator juade mil lioiiK which they never hnvo hnd." During the jirogren nt Ilailoy't Hiieeeli tho corridors of Iho senate wero crowded with hundred of por hoiir who hoped to huar Mtmu purl of tho (ithlrofi. Every hcnt ou tho floor wuk ocmipicil, the walls of the senate chamber lieiii' lined witli ineinlicrh of the Iioukc, iueliulin' the entire ileleation from Tcxuh, nnd "I'nelo Jop" Cniuion, Nieholnh Ijii, worth nnd Hereuo Ji 1'nyue, SABER DUEL RESULTS FROM AUSTRIAN QUARREL UUJ)A J'KBT. Jan. 2. -As the out coino of n hitter pcrisoiinl ipiarrel which n'Milled in a deadlock in pur liuiiient, Htephen Tiswi, president of the niiiigariiiu lower house, mid Count Cnmlyi, opxiiliim leiuleri fouylit a Hither duel lodny. Kurolyi was ilnnxcrpusly wouiiileil. Tho duel m-iih fought in a thicket on thu oulbklitb of the city. DELNING OF ENGLAND WINS POWDER HILL RACE EDWnUItQir. Jnn.2. Dilniim' of England won the apuiial fifteen mile Powder Hill marathon hero tpday. Quenl.of" flew York was beucnitl mill Kitchener of England lliinl. m COUNCIL TO CONSIDER TROLLEY T The city council will tncet in spe cial Mvsion tonight ih n conuuitlce of the whole to couculer the npplica lioiw of the M. P. MinuPN compnn.v and W. S. Hnrmmi ftr tnilley line fmueliines in the city. Tho meeting will lie open to Ihe puhlie. The npplienlioim were recehed TcmI,v ufteruuon hut tuition vu potivueil uutti Thutvdnv night that Uiinmm iniitht have u chnnoe to pre sent hfc .propositjim.v t , GW WORKED SACHAMESTO, Cal , Jan. 2 That Louis U. CUavts, who has re signed as Becretnry of the State Con servation nnd Water Commission, close on the heals ot nn investigation ot tho Kingsbury charges by Hover nor Johnson, admitted that ho had been In tho employ ot the Weed Lum ber company, for which ho secured preferential lieu land listings at Washington, D. C, while there ou stntc business, Is the stntcmcutiuado here today by Surveyor General W. S. Kingsbury. Kingsbury, who was present at tho hearing In tho governor's private of fice, whore Qlnvls was given a chance to present his defense, was loath to discuss matters taken up In that con nection, but finally declared that the public, had a right to know more than has heretofore been divulged. Cilavls freely stated that while he was secretary ot tho conservation commission ho had been employed by tho Weed Lumber company, a California concern, to secure the list lugs they wanted nt Washington. FOR T1D TERM Ku&auB ir. rose RQSTON, Jan '2 -Eugene N Foss was inaugurated governor ot Mass achusetts for n third term here at noon today Governor Foss. a demo crat, was mentioned as a presidential possibility at tho Raltlmore conven tion. PRETTY VIVIAN LYONS SAN' FRANCISCO, Jan. 'J.- Fur ther indication that there ih to he no prosecution of Mr. Vivien Lyons, niece of tho late .Mayor Tom L. Johu ton of Clou-hind, as the result of bullet wounds received by Robert K. Widney, wealthy Loi. AngeJes really dealer, while vixiliug tho woman in her upiirtmoiitK here, in ccii today in the fourth poMXnciii(int of thu ea-te. When tho cne wiim culled before l'o lico,Jiido Weller, a representative of tho iliHtrict uttoiiiuy declared Widney wiim h till loo ill to appear and (he case wiih net over n week. At the hohpitul it wiim hiiiil Widney win. wtcHdilv improinj; would he able to leave for Lou t,ele tbju,u wei-Jf., FILIPINOS OPPC SELF-GOVE MANILA, Jim. 2. Strong oppoal tlou to tho proposal of Representa tive Jones of Virginia, soon to ho In troduced in congress, that til Phil ippines Khali bo given praptlcul self government, la developing hero among the inoro representative Fill plnocs. More than 10,000 of the leading natlvos of tho Islands are raining a petition to bo forwarded to President-Elect Wilson asking him to throw his Influence agaiunt the Jones bill nnd urging-, the poli tical status of thu Islands be un changed. FRANCHISE TONIGH FOR WEED CONCERN bb3 in IBBHNBT MttBv 1 J IWl thai nnd An ita -r a.si . loBroWL' MARION COUNTY CLERK IS FOUND DROWNED IN POOL T SALKM, Ore., Jan. 2 - 11. l. Al len, county clerk of Marlon county was drowned In the swimming pool at tho tfnlom Y. M. V. A. about S o'clock this tuorilng. Ills term of ufflee as county clerk was to hao expired next Monday when ho o pceted to ictlie to-hht farm near St. Paul. For two j enrs Mr. Allen had been In the habit of going to the Y. M. C. A. for shower baths every morning, hnvlng the privilege of a pass key because ordinarily there nro no other persons were about thu Institution nt that early hour. This morning for the first tlmo he violated a rule of tho association thnt no person Is to go Into the pool alone. Mr. Allen was subject to heart attacks nnd It In believed thnt the shock ot the cold water caused his death. Ills body was found in thu bottom of teh pool by Secretary Compton. TO E SAN" FRANCISCO. Jen. J. -Hum-mercd into MubmlsMon mid hw fmht in;; Kpirit pne, Fmnkie Hums whose mnuiiger threw up the sponge nflcr bevcnteoii rounds of battle conceding victory to Unrlem Tommy Murphy, is toditv determined to tpiit the Jlghtiii;; game for good. Tho finish onmc ns n great sur prise to the adherents of the Oakland hoy, who backed him into J to I fnv-oriti.-m. During the opening rounds it look ed like the odds were justified. Iliirus put .Murphy down in (lie second muiid mill kept tho lead until about the tenth round. From this on Mur phy, with bulldog tenacity, wore down hi- oitnger opponent anil won on Ins merits. SMITHS VETO LOWERS GRANTS PASS LEVY GRANTS PASS. Jan. 2 - Tho nec essary three-fourths vote could not be obtained to pass tin vetoed tax levy ordinance over the head of tho mayor at the special session of tho council Tuesday night, the measure therefore meeting defeat. Tills or dlnanco provided for a levy of twolvo mills upon tho assessed valuation ot the city property, nnd the mayor In his veto messngo said that a smallor levy would produce funds enough for the proper conduct of tho miinclpal Ity nnd to meet all contingent ex pense. He advocated a -levy of not to exceed eight mills, mid thought that "'.4 mills would produce revenuo enough. The levy last year had been ten mills, nnd the finance committee, In making up tho budget, hud Included for this year certain expenses that could not properly come ngalust tho city at this time, and to meet this had made the lory twelvo mills. An attempt was mado to pass the ordinance over the veto, this requir ing a three-fourths voto of the coun cil, or hIx supporting it. Five only woro recorded for It and it lliere foro failed. LOVE NAMED MARSHAL FOR ALASKA DISTRICT WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. President Taft today sont to tho senate the nomination of Henry K. Ixive, to bo United States marshal of thu fourth division, DlstrlcUot Alaska. FALLING HAIR DANDRUFF' SCALP-n?CH VANISHES PARISIAN Sago will milckl end all hair mid scalp troubles nnd mako our-hnlr ho silky, luxuriant' and lus trous that all will admlro It. llaulfilicH M'alp Itch over night. Cleans up dandruff In short - ordor and kllhi dandruff germs. After tho rirst bottle your hulr'wW bo lus trous utid full of lire. Re sum uud gutPARIHIA.V Kayo. Olrl with Ajiburn huir on ovory car ton. ' '' it iH-not a dye but w clean, 're freshing,' Invigorating tonic, t.hat preserves the color. At d outers PYorywhe.ro. Largo liottjo 50 cents. Hold by ChiiH, Strang on money-buck j Plan. B N QUIT M R GOOD GORDON HILL 1 , ROGUE ELIMINATED L Chrirt Nntwick who hut hern in chnive of the county loud crew op lippcr Rogue liver hits iilmniloucd rump and slopped work hahi com pleted u mile uud it half of new mini iiluinr the river which climiimles the Uordnu hill, one of Ihe worM pilches rruiniutut! ou the mini uftov tho Flounce Rock grade vn coiiRlruclcil. Tim new Vond follows the line of tho llcidcl iurey nud follows u wili er grndV. It places the m lit Ituc lins. Mr. Xulwick is mM In huvo done his wuk hi an excellent nituiticr sus tninitii his vepnlatieu uh ' iv mud hui Jer irqneriVn, ineviunit w oik. CHiNESt DEFEATED . T , i)HAX(UIAIi Jan, 'J. Dispatches from Chengtu protuee of .Sxn Cheini, received hem today, nay thai ;UI0 Chiicse soldiers met death !ut night in an ntluck of Thlhetnus near Uxiinig Chciig1. on Tlilbct bonier. The Thihctnns, who nlo cnplilred .i. mnehiuu bmiis, nuttle their attack in the darkness while n nrnrunitiuy couWUlM ' fheS HiTifcsf, Vnti.i..1' ttWt- 'iMiot r- PRINCE IS SIXTY-FOURTH AMONG (15 SCHOLARS LONDON, Jan. 3 That Price AL bcrt, sou of the king Is a poor schol ar Is evidenced today slucn the prince was rated sixty-fourth, among sixty five naval cadets who took uxitiulifn tlotiH Inst mouth. Xowspapcrs praised tho Instructors for their Im partiality. ' , New Discovery. One ot tho sensation of the twen tieth century Is Meritol Hhoiimntlsm Powders. A boon to every sufferer. The best known remedy for rhoiimn tlsm In all Its forms. Ak those who have tried II. Ilsskliis' Drug Klore. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1'Olt HAIK Hark, In good tion, cheap. Phono 0&-F- cunitl LOST Ladles' gold liuiilltig case watch (plnlh raso) nnd chntclaliio ' pin, latter ciigraed R. M C Find er tylcanji notify Dr. I'nrlow. 2H HBET NOTICE! To ProptTly Owners in Hewer Distriel No. UJ: Tlio city council has liy recent ordiniuire Hproml 11 blitn ket uKsessnient over most of the rettl ju'opei'ly. of North Alcdfonl f(r the nlleed purpose of paying for a trunk sower which runs north iiloiitf (Vntiitl Avenue to near the old distillery site and thence east to connect with the main trunk on Riverside avenue. According to this ordinance, Mtho cost of the construction of said sewer has been and hereby is determined to bo thy sum of $ 1,7-1 1.2f).M Hy thus covering several square miles ot! territory the cost to each lot is rendered comparatively small, but when one considers that probably three-fourths of the assessed territory is and must be drained by another trunk sower, tho injustice of this assessment appears very large. Much of tho property assessed is already, either directly or by lateral, connected with Jeatty .Street and Riverside Ave nue sewors, and much of the unimproved property covered by it can never be drained into the Central Avenue sewer, unless the city council can devise a method to run water up, hill. .Furthermore, this trunk sewer was constructed and paid for about eighteen months ago. Jacobson and Made, the contractors, wore not paid for this work, out of the taxpayer' money, but were overpaid' some fourteen thousand dollars, and the error wits not discovered for several months. ' , , , . And since this construction work lias been imid for, it is evident that the proceeds of this assessment an; to be used for some other purpose. Ask yourself the question and then answer, "What forf" , like many of you, have several lots covered by this attempted assessment, not one of which is in any m'amier bqiuU'iMwl Uy the Hewer, , Jf (hero, wore any justice at all in the assessment, I yvonld pay it as I have paid and am to pay .about $7,000.00 other fisspssnieiits for paving, water-main and sewer. lint I draw the line mi this and expect to fight it in the courts, If any ot you wish lo join me in the "scrjip" I -phall be glad-tohavo' company; , " w. rc. phtpps. DO YOUR BEST You cannot do your bust Ju 10 HI unless jour eyes tiro nCtliuIr best and free from eyo strain, I ilpttor huvo thqm uxuinlued now nud know thnt thny aro properly coriucM. rLot;mo explain tho added ml-' ynntagoof Torlo Lenses, DR, RIOKERT yo Sigh specialist over Kcntiier's , ,, vmm SURVEY CbMPlETH) r.ngincor Vol Jcnn, who lias been 111 chlirge of the HiirvcJ- of Iho Coon Uny-Kncje Point luilituul, luis com plclcd the vuiiitiu),' ' of th hue In F.uulo I'oiul, where It connects uitli Ihe rmllic Kuslcni. The engineer hnvo been ougMfetl on I hi" Work since 1111 ly hlsl Mpritig4, iufd liow huve Ihe urov coniplith? from lido wulor nt Huiuloit to Ingl0 Point. Fmm (li'tiuls I'nts up the livi c Nitn'o.vw were nmde on enrll hide of Ihe stream, lllld It ivill depeild whem lh(' leust scitiihs Hiulm'cihig difficiillipH a iv foiiud upon which side the mud will ullinliUel.v he nut, It Is understood thnt it rcumikuhty even grade Is fiiiiud alonj,' tho entice mute, the heavieil being n one nud ruuf. tenths cllnib, which is very 'mild indeed, A great deal of money Iiiin been expended lutlie milking of thU Mir vev nud it ha been roniplelo in ecry particular. As soon iia the data tvflilv lo he turned over h.V llm eiiui. nt'ors, Mr. Lee the Hnn lYnncUcn nl1 lorncy who Is ht ehnrge (if the matter, expects lo go to New York, where definite nniioiiiiceiitciil can pmhuhlv he made of the i)lttis of the pnniiot ciii of the new rend, tiring thnt old book with torn binding down and haro It robouinl at tho" Mall' Trlbuuo office. Costs h)i lUto.v tt, MOTHERS OF PUNY CHILDREN May Find Help In 'Mil Letter. "My little daughter ever since her hlrth hud been frail nnd sickly, nnd was a constant Source of worriment Several mouths ngu I scoured n bot tle of Vltiol nud commenced 16 give tt to her 1 soon noticed au Im provement In her health nud np pcnnincc. I gave; her In nil three bottles and from tlio good It bus done her I ran truly say It will do nil ou claim." J. Hdmiiiid Miller, New Hav en. Conn. The reason Vluol builds up wcuk, ailing children so quickly Is because It contains In u delirious combina tion the two most world famed ton lex . ., Iho strength creating, body building elements of cod liter oil, wilt nil tho oldens grease eliminat ed, nud tonic Iron for the blood add ed. If )ou have n weak, puny, ailing Child. Try Vluol onr offer to re turn jour money If It ((ills to benefit your little one. Mcdford Pharmacy, Mcdford, Ore. New Yearns Greetings I I " H This Mouse of Quality Shoes' exiomlH Ihe Heason's ClreeliiigB lo all. iMay Ihe Now Veftr come to you well Iwlon with all the good thing to be hadand au for disappoint iiienla may thoy bo straujrora to .von. ,, ., Behlings The Quickest, SlmpUst Cough CUre Knultr anil I'tirnplj- ltmtQ mt Miliar. Ksvrai Vtiu S3. TliU reclin) makes it pint of cough nvt enough ! hut a f.tmlly a long Units im outdn't liov a in uc li or ai ImmI (wikIi sjrup (or sXSO. Simple at ft U. It nm nboet lnl.uit relief lllld lUilitlly tnn Oh HkmI iilntL imtn niiifih lu -t hours. IbU l Mlly duo to the hrl that It l linlitly Isxa the, tlluilhites the spM-tltn niwl Ints nn rirvllrnt Inula rlfrvl. It It iisnnt to tskircblldien likn 1 1, Au mrrllcnl irtil fly, l, for MlionpliiK ciijli, cioiip, sure liinj.il, ti.lhmn. thront trtmliles, rta AIU hih pint of Kranulitwl surir with h. pint tit unrtu wntrr. wiul stir for 'i minute. Put u'i iiuirts of Phirt piftr rent' north) In a pit. Uittle, nnd tuhl llm Kupr Sjrrup. It krp prrfrrlly. Take a trjxjnfiil crry one. two or Ihrrvi bnurs. Plnu l tmn of tho oldril ami InmI known rriiu'illsl ugi'iita lor the thrtul liirliihrntK-. l'lnrv U the H't nlnnlilfi concentrated romMind ot Xornsv wldlo pine exirsri, ami 11 rjru in uu.iiaroi niei nil the ether lulurrtl hwllnr rloinrntn. (Nlirr prrpiirstlouti will not rtuik lu this formula. The proiupt results frein this rcelv harn rinlrsti'd It to IliniiwiinU if liouw wires In the Pnlbsl States and CanmU, which rvpUlns why tho plan baa Itii Imltstril oftrn, but nvrr uef,fully. A jrunrnnty of abwiluti. ntlfrllnn, or monny pmmptlr rrfumlfd, px" nllhtliU recipe. Your drtipvlH hsa I'liiev, or will Kt it for vou. If is', send to Tho ucx Co., l't. Wayne, Ins. Don't Weat9 A Truss! After Thirty Years Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women or Cliililicu That Cures Rupturo. I8ndnOoTrUl. llfrxi bv Ul' matt .rfiMiiif flM, crni m m. ivhriitii un u uli'i I b m Mt.'l tucc... txuUttUckml 'i.a luSiyauJ I llu Tim nl"in l C I . llriHilo, Imriilnr of (tin ,iIiiiif, nliiK'lilnl lillll.rlr mill Him lina lii't n rnrliiR nllifru fur ntrr ill! yrnr, ir riiiliirt'il,ttrl(i lihn lixln)" foil (( mr llluartlet took on lluplura ana lu curt, i tin w I ii u my Ai'i'i'im-a ml kiId you rrlceiiDitniiiititif run y im;i wIki lity lilxl It Mwtlej turrit Hllte.linUnHntlrlwI'finllutUir. (til. Iltintiiilitr I um n lrn, no h.riitxi. oullti, Ittn4n HUI 19 rmm bt I r ' I"1"- Yii rt Hit Ju'Uom'Icpi Imlnjt tcia ui lliuatrll ilc nl rrit It o'l will ia i toiliuiUillo ai f liunJicl. ul itftlanlt wln.io Utlirt rou ctu alio ImiI nil out Itcu euuivn lur iiut mall io4r tt wren wortli jour tluia litlig jrbU trr tujr Api. of in nut. FREE INFORMATION COUPON 0. V. nrcv.ki 7 huin Sirfi't. Hur.tnll, tilth. I'lttin nml nit tr mill In plain wtappar your Ill'UtraUl aMiW anil lull lururiiiallnn aUut four Aillatic ivr llui eurutif iuiui, ViQlt.,,. , i,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,',,, ,,,,,, Adrtia.,,,!,!!,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,!, cur. sut. Clark & WrigHt LAWYERS W.VSIII.NO'HI.V, II. O. Puhllu Land Mntteru: Final I'loof. DoHort l-anilii, Coiilciil mid Mlnliij; OiiHfti, Hellp, crJ V