t y r r f r t j tr IS 1 1 '$111 ?- t. rn f f-f f r -tt-Y ' fW '''V "" .'i.a. . m MJii ' i ' j i1 MlODFORl) MATh TIHJJUNR MIBDKOIII). 'OKKCIOX. WIODNICSDAV. JANUA'RY 1. 10UI. !'l J.-.-J il'Ui 11U.14.J Something Abottt the Minney Company Who Seek Interurban Trolley Franchise Tim M. T, .Mlimuy i'iiiiiiiiiy wlildi Iiiih iiiriliiiNiil Imiui' ri'iilly holding in .Inidxui ciiiint.v mill Iiiih iiidli'd for m friiiii-lilNii n ruiiHliiicI mi In Icrinliiin iKillc.v llm in jh,. (.Kii(. Illvi-r valley, i u I'lilll'iniilii nihIi I'lltll llllll llllN IdTII nxlii'ini'lv hii MM Till in liiiiiillltiu iicoiiiuiit i-iilor ii-1hcm. Tlmy Imvti Inilll up iniiiiv Iimmik, ImiII) n iniiiilivi' lit' I nil Icy Hiich ninl npcinto upon mi i-xIuiimIvo Hcni. Tim ,ir(1iMnt of llu I'lunpiiiiy mi M. T. .Mining, (invxlili'iitj L ,. I.'wIh, vice pichiilmi! , V. A. f Iii4tilnrf Iren Mirer, C K. .Muim, Hworrlury, Oilier ilin'ctoi'M Include A. A. l)nl of Med I'oul mill '"riuil ), Vitll of Hon'. Iiuijf. Tin' i-npilfil or tln imiiipiiiiv In tUHKI.OIH). uMi,. Ih in (lie Sytu ilii'iiln lnilliliiiK, OnMund, ninl nt SiicriiiiH'iilii. It iiwiim llm InlliiwiiiK inlilllloiN tn Onklmiit, Innoun! uf wllU'll nearly a inllllnll dollar voillli of piiiii'ily Iiiih Ihvii hiiIiI: Dully wood, llollyuooil 'IVmii'i, .Mcltiixo Ht'inlilH, MrlninK llxlfimioii, le. wood, hi.ynin IMiiihIiim, UVI lid IW M.luliN, Hood Purl;, Klloliliurx Addition, l.nrKo CoiiirnitH U1 Tim iiimpiiiiv Iiiih eonlnictN let for f IIMI.IMHI ill city IliipinveinmilN, pnv. injt hjwi, I'M'., to ho mmlc dtiiinjf Hm cumin; eiir in lliem nildilioiiH. ll mills Mili' in llll'J lolnlli'd over . 1,11(111,(11111. npi1u lu mm .if lln )iiniiiKi"M rniiiv I'oiii'iMim on Ih" mini. Ah T. ,Miniic, tli pn"idi'iil of the 'oiiimiii,v, i in'idi'iil of llii' Oakland Id'iil I'.Mulf iiMMiniiiilnii, mid vli'o ili"ldclit mid illU'i'lnr of llic Culi I'Hiim tSlitlo Hi'iillv IViliriilinii. lie wuh fnmiorJv tiuhl-of-witv nci'iit nt OnMiiiid fur llif .SoiilliiTii I'lii'lfiii mid lin lor yi'iiio licen u lending lluuri' in (In1 rent iIhI' world, U I 1.1'WK llif vice iircddcut of llii' 'oirimiy Iiiih Imd mi extended rx pcrii'iion in di'i'lilr Hue building. Id Iniilt lin- lul clvclric line In Oak lund, fnnu OnUiiiid lo Sun I.emidro, mid owned tin iiHginiil friiunliliu mid Imill mid opornli'd nil Ihu nrii'itiui Irolli'v line in Sniimiiii'iilo. Id Iiiih Iih'ii n liiru' oHriHor in r'nl I'Nlulc, Hiii'iiik llm Oak Park addition on lln iiiarkct. Ill Imlldn I'lcotrK liium to '.l'l''!ill' J,riil!H.r''i ('. S, Alow, lin Hi'i'iclury of tlm Alimicy i'lunpiiiiy wiih unlit iccciilly u laruii nee mill opcralor In I lit hoiiIIi i'iii hIiiIck, Mi'llim; out lo llii' triiHt, n ifll.OOD.OOII corpornllon, of which fur .Vt'iirn In vmim vlri'-prcddciilt Jlo wan iiIhh prcNlili'iit of llm Itii'i AIIIIith iim HiM'ialion of l.iiiililiiiiii, lin Iiiih Hindi i'IciihIv(. Iiivi'hIiiiiiiiIh in holli Cnli funilii mid Oii'ifim, W. A. IIitnIiIxit. Hci'rclarv of I lit I'oinpaii.v, in it Inivc ii'iilly operator mid pri'tidi'iit of Miveral liryo tejilty I'oiiipanii'M, A. At Diivi'm, who Iiiih rceenlly j iiHMiclati'd with ilie eoiiiiiiiliy, ii a .Medford i'iipilnllt with lieavj Invent.' ineiilH in Hie valhiy, tlm pioneer miller of Meilfold. and (he flixl nreideiil mid oi)mii"r of the Aledford and (ruler Lake railroad, now tin raid lie and IliiHlerii. He lint Imil'c IkiIiN IH'.'h In nil Ilit' eoiixt nIiiIi'. I iiliik I). Wulle, who Iiiih nUo he eoiim n Hlockholdee in Hie .Miiinev eoinpmiv ii tlm Imp-id laiidlioMer in UmiKlim eonnly mid ali-o heavily in- llltltkllll III .llll'bkllll ! (llllll V. III. Im the orliiinnl owner mid deveoHr of the toon of Snlherlln and il orehard piopert.v. iiwn uik 'iniru lien Tile Atiilliie eolotiiiiiv Iiiih lukeii mer Hie U'nlli Irunl nf Auliliimt !' 'JHOll aeieM and the Diivii property near Afedford of 880 aenH, mid plmi a emnplliKli of licthe di'Velopiaeiit. They Intve n Inrjrc mlitiK oruania- lion, mid me at Hie pieMent time de veloping lowiiMilew mi Hie I Initio Untiil, In the Siiemnmnlo vallev. Thev nl-o an oK'iilut; up h t nut of 'JO, 1100 aerix iieftr Alereed, when they an Iniitdiiii; a I mlli' y line. The eompmiv Iiiih mi iiniiHiial re eord for MiieeeMxeN, lining yet to Heon their fir I failure, though many aim ilar pnijeeU for adjaceiit holdinpi Iiiixp failed. Thev lire duvrloHTH in Hie fnllert Hcime, litiildinu up lotviiw mid eo.iniiiiMillicH an well un elly ml ditioiiH. HciMirliiL' faetorieH. mid In - dueinj; iiniuitjriilioii. Thuy ko at hie piojrelx on n oik' "eal and their ad vent in tin Koliii IHver vallev imiiim it k rent deal for Hm rnnimiiiilty-nll eniiiiniiiiilliw. Thev lirini; in ouUiiln eapilal, Hint If needed, new rllueiiH that a n. noeiled,, piiv.rtdlHthnt are Riverside Shows Progress for 1912 Ithorvliln on Uentitldil ItlvcMldu drKi, locutrd midway between the tlirivlni; vlll(i;-n of (told Mill nnd ItPRiio Itlwr, In one ut tho mod pie- tiiremjiut vpou In noiithern OreKoti, Ideully Incnted for tliu orclianlUt unit uportHiimn. Tho drive lltielr exteitiU tor it dldtiihri of live InlleH iiIoiik tho w Indian Ixmk overlcwklni; tlm tree lioritnil, rloliuiH wnlom of tlm ItuKHVt leeinlUK eury nioiith of tliu year with the Knment tUli known to llm MKirlmiinn of tho I'nclllc idupe. On either Hlilo rlim tho dnrkly wooded til lin or tho ItoRtiit Itlver ruiiRo uliotindliiK In deer with now mid then n iniiiiiitnln Hon or Iteur for i:ood uifiimiri' Valley it ml moun tain iiiall alioiiud on Hu lower leveU white Knxtt euvvyn of Rroinm Inhnhll tlm higher rldRH munirliiK " variety mid full luiK to ihu nlmrod. HlrulchliiK hiiek from tho river hiiiiio half a lulln Ih a Keiitly HloplUK valley floor compound of hIU do IkimIIh mid SviihIiIiikh from tlm hill kIiIi'h, Ideal truck mid (rult land. I'li'iitKul tiprlimii are found on tho hllUlitiiM m liliilt readily lend tlmin KelveM lo pIpliiK, unxiirlnK H Hm eon venlenceN of n rliy'n modern water n)ntoin. And HiIh ton, at no expoUHO nave (ho flrnt outlay for pIpliiK. Kloctrle HkIiHiik may lie hud ut u mliiliiHim eliarKo tOKolliur with pow er, Iho OreKOn (lallfornlii I'oer mid ICIeetrlu i'ouiiiiny ftirnitdilui; It upon iippllealioii. Many c'lmiices Twtdvo montliH wUiimh wonderful rlmuKex, NalloiiH iIhu mid fall. A now party tnkcH tko relKUH of r.overn inont. Tho Hiiprenm court reverxeH n iolular declriloti or lukeii upon Itnulf tho powitru of tho Iuw-ijIvIiik hody. Ait earthiimko hoie, a volcano thuro plays havoc. A (hoiimind HiIiikh trnnnplre to man'H benefit or Iohh, a nort of HiientaMU of khiI mid evil In nerved tliriiiiKlunit tho ywir Hio evil (ift ritHtliiK n cloud before Hint ovitmhmlnwH mid hIiiiih out tlm Knil miil In Hh wiiko leuveti licartncliu anil dlHinitor, "Tho imsl yenr Itnn lioon u very pleitHiiut, very Iniuullful year to tho oiclmrdUtH and ranehiimu of ItlverHldo, tlm HOttlument Itnolf hIiow I iik tho lieallhy outward ifrowth or a proHpuriiuH community. UiiukuIowh, ranch-liouHcH and ichUIoiicoh how dot Hip 'tfrutmy nlnpo of rlverhauk and lilllnlde. (Jim can count ol;lt r tlmuu liitw, icalilniU'DU atl within out milo'H Htretch iiIoiik tliu rlvor'n hunk. Now InriiH and outbullillliKH point to it ywir JiihI noun that vVtm muulflceiit In 'Hh harvest, Wlillo tlm well cared orcjmrdH, intiliy Htttl In thhlr Infiuniy, liulht (ho Cliiltup f contliiuod ihob porlty 111(0 tlin future. , Country Club Tho Boolul wolfnro of tho com muiilty htm iidvuucud huml lu hand with tho flimnclnl. Not that tliu need of iwicliil uplift wim rell, but tho kin drt'il npirlt, Hovlablllly nnd frlcndll ue or tlio.o r-uJoyliiK the dillt;htn or I Itlvemlde, prompted tho IndleH lo form what was railed tho Ittvcmlilu Itecreallon rlub, devoted lo tho pan Iiik or u few plennaiit bourn lor.ethnr. After )enr of uherulnemi an a im motor or relaxation and good Hum, thin orKitultutlon In about to nlvo way lu n more protontloiiH plan. Prompt ed by tho MiireeiiH of the mini Her rlub, (hut hold Hh mcetlriK twice each moutli ut tho hoiueit of tnunitiorf. plaim wero formulated for tho en largement ot It wope and tho erec tion or ti club bonne. Am iho Itlver nidi Country rlub It Ih IiiivIiu; pI.iuh drafted for lu new home, the nllt liavlm: been Hcterted overlookliiR lllitrk Water Itapldn, on tho llm no Hhoe, JuM abovo White feather I'ikiI. New Year Greetings Thai llu ntw year may lio genot'ous with good foi'tuiio for iho Uojjfito ltivcr Vallev is iho wish or HASKINS for Health llrus, coniVclionory, supplies, iirosorip i i o n work, soda, hot drinks. HASKINS R "Mttin lodford Hotel Hblland Barber Shop IVK BOOTH, Prop. Gloanr Light, Sanitary N, Fir Moclford needed, Thev nupply what llm valley hn hitherto lael(i, Hytemalie ex ploiliitloii in lara cenierH of opiiln Hon. Iluy liitrnl l'roH'rly I'nlth In tho future of Medford and Iho ItoRim river valloy wnn never more forclldy dotnoiiMrntt'il tlinu durliiK tho lain Hiiiiiiniir imoiiHih or tho year UHt cloned when tlm Minney company purchaM'd the 810 nrro tract owned by A. A. Davl adJolnltiK MeiUord'H elly HmltH on Hm north, and then In addition piirchnried n i'800 acre IrJct owned by Krank H. Wallo or Huthcrllii, Oronou, which Hen Mouth nf Medford near AMiliiud 'riii'sn InveHtineutM total nearly a liulf million itollnm and i;lve to tliln rinu puny uwiiiirnhlp or nearly 4000 ucri'H or Hm ItoRtio river vnlloy'H eliolcont InndH, Theim traolH wern developi'd by Mr. DuvU and Mr. Wnlto rcHiiectlvoly tor eutlliiK up mid nelllnj; In nmnlt tract h find It n tlm Intention or the new ownurH to carry out Oil Idea. Tho properlli'H nro Ideally nltuated tor orclmrdM with i;etlo nlopcn nnd perfect draliinKc. Tliu l)avln trad In under wuter, To lecloM TntclH or tlm two projiertleH (tin Davln tt-nct Ii the more fully developed. It In on tho linn or tho Pacific & l.'nutern railroad, 430 acren belnn In youm? apple mid pear orchard from two to fle )eam or ae. Tlm new owiiern will plant tin lialnrtce to nrclmrd, HUb-dlvldi and hell In -mall tracts. The Wnlto tract nwnllH further development, tu toll t with ureal poH hlhllllle. The tract Hen well and einbrari'H vi'ry fine orcnurd land. HouiIh have been laid out mid ron Rlderahlit development done. HhowliiR ttlll k renter fnlth In tho city nnd valley the company has ap plied for nn electric Interiirhau trol ley line fraiiclilne, putting Up u cer tified check to Rtnrt work within 90 ilnyn and cojnplete 10 mile ot elec tric Interurban road within eight iiioutliH. Thin will bo ot Kreat value to Medford nnd tho vallty, au tho pro jected lino wilt tap HectloiiH of tlm vulley now untruvertcd by rails nnd place tho country lu doner communi cation -with tho city. Tho Minney company n Interest I'd lu tho Hogtifl river valley by Col. J. K. Mundy who has hcvu n rcildent ot Medford durlnc tho pant (Ivo yeart, and who him Ikm'ii intorcmed In many larso builncHs trautactlona U the valley. MRS. ED. M. ANDflEWS, SINGER AND TEACHER .Mrn, 'A M. Andrews, who in ut Hie head of the oieo department of Hie Medford CoiiHervnlorv of Miimic, ha- . . .K KaK "fil 3iW?''r B PvK 3f -!-. 'ffT . - i " .Kf T"T)f ? MRS, Q. T. WILSON, DRAMATIC READER Aim, WIUoiiV reldenee in .Medford linn hcen for the betterment of ho elelv nnd odiieHlion oIoiik certain linen Hint had hitherto been Home what iienleelrd. She In Hm teacher of dramalio art nnd pliynmnl culture in the Medford Connervntory of Mil Hie The nehoo) hoard wiKftfjed Imr to eonduet phynleul eiillure c'InHei jlmlv for the pupil of the high nehool and the koventlt nnd eighth (railc. The iirojrrewtt ihcv ate mnknitf in inont Krutilnir, and in Mnv nn cuterlnin incut in which en cli rlnt will annenr in u Heparale folk-dance, duhmli-hell, done mueli for inudi m Me'dfonl t.nd Hoiitheru OrcKou. She u u ladv of j wiih efprii'ii'o holh oh a -iui r if'd learner. I Hiving iieeu pnum-iloiinii Hopnino with Hm Andrew Opera eompmiv for many yenr, hIii wiif turliled in i htrp' reH-rloire of rniid mid comic opentH under tin- direelion of tlm lnle Wm. ('out Hie v, of New York, one of Hie foremot master of his Hum. The ImM recommenda tion of Mr. AudrewH iih a teaeher it to henr her pupiM -nnr. She Iiiih many oun HtudeuU in Medford mid vmiiiilv Hint mIiow more limn ordi iiurv promiHe. PIONEER NURSERY MAN OF SOUTHERN OREGON There I probably not another firm or ImihIih-hh eiiterpriKo lu Hoiith eru OreKon ho clofi'ly iiIIIimI with, and ii part of, tho horticultural InterextH bh le that ot tho IMcn Valley Nur nery. Tor 23 ycar tho proprietor ot HiIh niiTHcry, N. 8. Ucnuett, iish Klven bin entire and undivided at tention to the KrowlitK ot nursery Rtock peculiarly Bulled to this part ot the coast country. That ho has mnde n crownltiR HUCcesR ot IiIh efforts In HiIh lino Ih proven beyond n question or doubt when It Is told that ho Is Iho otto nunmryinnn whoso treca have Htood tho tent tor nil theim years nnd whofto salcH nro growing greater In number and gpreadlnic over n wider territory each year. Mr. Ilennett'H lonu experlunco In tho nursery business in tho Horuo river valley has given him an oppor tunity to study, not alono trco cul- JJUJ'L'JgifJJ PAGE -SEVHaf sss-itssmssmmmsmmmm rndinu eluh or other drill, will he Uiveit (hat will demonhtrate the Millie of Huh other nnle of tudciit life. Mr?. Wil-on eouu-H fnnn Korthwot eni School of Oratory (nvmiHton, III.) and wn. for five yenrs teuehin; in it college in reutrnl lowu, mid the nailing of her pupil hIhw that eon fideuee nnd eomiumid of the niilijeet in hand that comes only fmm exper ienced tfiifhin;;. tare, but nn welt soil conditions, and bo probably knows hotter than any other one person tho varieties of fruit best adapted to tho varied and as sorted noils ot tho valley, and this In formation Is always given prospective planters when asked for. Mr. Heiinett employs no agent, neither does ho do nny canvassing hlmseir, depending entirely on tho good words spoken by IiIh patrons tor his future orders. Mr. Iiennett over sees nil tho work done in tho field nnd till bud and scion cutting ho docs himself, lio owns the nursery hlm seir and operates tho whole business nnd holds himself personally respon sible tor any mistakes which may occur. The store that's ahead of the times MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. Occupies floor space equal to more than a city block, and carries a stock not equalled in Southern Oregon DEPARTMENTS: Furniture Department House Furnishings Department Drapery Department Comprising tho fullest lino of tho host furni ture nmnui'ju'tured. Anything that can ho hought in !Now York eanbo purchased here. Carrying a full lino of crockery, stoves, ranges,, kitchen utensils, cutlery, glass ware, cut glass, silverware, etc. I'lverything and anything that may ho de sired in draperies, window shades and dec orations made, to order in our own work rooms. Our pleased patrons arc our host advertisement. Wall Paper Department 'Cnnying a full lino of all the latest pa c r1-) : in paper, borders, and Avail coverings. items Hardware Department Noted as the fullest, most complete line of hardware anywhere in,this'pm,t of the state. Shelf and heavy hardware, .pipe, fittings, builders hardware, building paper, aud everything for carpenters' use in this de- plirtmouf. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE QUALITY OP ANY GOODS PURCHASED HERE. WE STAND BACK OF THEM. With Now Year's 0 reelings to all, we foinain, Sincerely, The Medford Furniture & Hardware Company i ' i-'AXOv oiton'ituw IIAVIMtfl) CHINA HAPPY NEW YEAR B & C CASH STORE (U'X). T. l-'OVKfl, I'rop JKK W. MA IX MKM'OIU), OIlK. I i JSEtSf& ' -V JsV Jtj '3UflMT!2f "jj.-Lf' m Every Business Man OiiRht to start a' clann st or books, hej?In 'n syaternatlc? rilfne; sys tem, HUbarrllio tor tho trado papers and start rlffht. Wo enp fiir nlsli you with every otriro appliance rrom pens by tho pound to an t'nderwood typewriter. Medford Book Store When in Need of f Anything in the Jewelry Line that is Good and Up-to-Date j.rf" See Martin J. JReddy mm THE JEWEUGR Near Post Office Medford, Oregon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Plated Sliver, 184? HoRers Ilroe., Clocks. Very largo line ot silver novelties. rr- Jackson County Abstract Co. t (Incorporated.) THE ONLY COMPLETE ABSTRACT SYSTEM IN JACKSON COUNTY Offices: Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville T. W. MILES, Sec. and Clou. Mgr. Cor Gth and Fir streets Medford, Oregon L HAPPY NEW YEAR r vl SUNSET 11 I iocoinmhastaI I I i ROUTES I I In tliis, niir first messnuo of tho Xow Year, avo wish to cxprchs our upprouititiou to the piililiu, for tlutir imtroniio (lit rin,' the past yenr, mul of what wo vuhio oven more, their confidonuo mul cordinl pjood will. AVo ronllKQ tltot tho puhlio's interests nnd our interests tiro mutual nnd that whatever holps one helps tliu other, In extending our thnnlts to tho public for their patronage during the pnsd yenr wo pledge ourselves that during tho j coming year wo will use our most earnest efforts to inont tho continuation of tho pleasant relations which lmvo ox7 isted in tho prist. Accept our sincoro wishes thnt tho Now Yenr may bring you happiness and prosperity. Southern Pacific Company ' ?! l I k :J J '