Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 27, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    .to it' fr
mirror? r matt, TNTnnm Mrcrwoiir), onwiox. vriday. nrcrrcMmw 27. 1012.
tcvof, 'rrmiw-
Tlit HiiiliillHln of .Mnilruril held a
rmwlnn inrcilnc 11I HiiiIIIi'h hull
Thurmlity knkmIiik 11I which limit their
uamllilateH for iilllcu In January
were. kiiiIuimmI mimI a platform ailupt
t'il. Tin) ramllilntf cmlomctt wiuu
John llcter for inn)or; J. V llarne.i,
Allen llruelilnr I ami (limni" 1 1
.Millar for cotinclliueii. Following In
tint tilalforiu.
NmlnlM I'lalrorm
W, I tin imuuhcrH of (hi) Hoclullnt
naily of Mcilforil, Oregon, wlillu r
afflrinliiK our previous platforms, ntnl
(Iiohv of Hut itlnlii ami nation, ilcwlri',
In IIiIh municipal raiupalKii, to malic,
a special appeal to tho worldiiK litn
voters of IIiIh city, men and women,
ti tut to all other mIio Hymimtlil"
earnestly' nmt deeply with their lives
of itully loll.
W11 declare mir rcadlnc lo mii
pnrt any plan of action In IIiIh city
affairs, koulnl, Industrial or ndinlnU
tratlvo, or any extension of uiiiiilcl
pal activities, thai shall kIvo any
ri'iiaonalilit pruiuWo of innliitaliiluK
or hnttirlnit llvlim ioiiiIIIIoiih In thin
city for ltn luhnliltanU; wo nru ready
to further any plan thnt will nlarttt
employment, slim ten tint hours of
lattor, Inrrcnmi sites, or ralin tin
standard of llvlm? for tho tmuuhcrs
of tho worklnK class This In our
platform In ami for thin municipal
(nmpHlKU. Our candidates nn
ptmlKml to support IIiIh piirpumi In
every w) In thi'lr power, ami to
Klvn nil clean, faithful ami I'ftlolmit
snrtlri) n office un men can kIvc.
Want MI11I1110111 W'iiri
Wa parlli'iilarly cudorso tln pro
ponal which him been uisdn In tin'
rlly council, kIvIiik preform to
resident laborers on all work done
for or hy tlu ell), ami specif) Iiik the
n it 111 of $3. SO iin tho iiittilmum wniw
for a ilay a work of hIrIiI hours on
all city work, uml thai all work for
tin city bo done 011 the olitlit-hour-tiny
bssls, strictly In confuriully with
tho Mate law.
W'i firmly hclliivo that the muni
clpallty can rIvi n bolter service, and
at ultimately lower rates than any
prlvato rorpornllou run for profit. In
thn operation of public utilities; ami
wo cite, tho Ashland lit till let pal Huhl
I UK plant, ami our own city water
plant ami public market, as example
of municipal efficiency ami economy.
Wo nilliero strictly to our funda
mental prluclplim In political action
no (union, no compromise, no poll
Ileal traillnj;
Party of WoiUuu t'lass
Tho socialist alma ami principles,
anil tho noclallnt proKrntu of liuiucd
lato ilomamU for tho lollef of the
workers while still IIvIiik umler the
waKn a)steiu. arc all not forth In our
national platform; wo Invito tho at
toullou of voters tci this platform,
ami their support of It at tbu poll.
Tho soolallil party, local. Mate,
national. International. In tho party
of the worklDK class tho) own It,
control It, finance It, inaunKo unit
itomlmilo It. It la their putty, ami
110 other class, ami no part of mi)
other class, has any oleo In the no
elallst p,irl)'H ill fa Irs. IIh fuiida
lueutal aim la a complete revolution
In tho ImliiNtrlal affairs of human
kind a peaceful revolution at Hie
ballot box that tt tin 11 ilo away with
tho ilronon In tho hiimait hlvo. ami
lease no room for nuy hut useful
worker a revolution that shall
sweep away tho ontlro (ostein of rent.
Interest ami profit, ami hrliiK In tho
ilay of complete co-operation, on
thoiiiuKhly ilemoerallc linen, hi oor)
part of our Imttiktrlal affalm.
O. A. C. Band to Give Concert at Natatorium Tonight
i .
The U A (' i.nlct biiuil arrlveil
In .Medfuril at h l IIiIh morning
ami their prhnte ear U p.irkoil at
tho ptiiweiiKcr niatiou 'I In- haml
remlereil a cmicerl at (Irautn I'am
Innt ulKlit ami will play llila hvoiiIiik
at the hlch fchool nuilltorlum un
iler tho atlitplrc of the M ml font IiIkIi
Tho biiml ploaiieil Kreutl) at (Irantn
I'am Initt iiIkIu, oory tiumlivr of thn
mKram wuh eucoretl nm, tho auill
elico wan InnUteut on n third milo li
Mr II. I. Itoo.
Two muuiliura of the Wnml. Prml I..
HlraiiK ami "I'lulo" Vane I). Col
vis are oatliiK tholr Chrtntmari din
nem at homo today, thoy havluK Imon
with tho hand at ColtaKo (!roo on
Chrlntma dny. KlraiiK In tho bari
tone player In tho hand and lakw
part In a iiiarlott "Ton-nt Itvlioiw"
In which the rchoen of tho hand are
heard from n (l)t.ince. "I'luto" with
bin "ulKhtmnro" carliMture ntunt In
inakltiK u hit at all coiicerix. and
much will liu opected nf him here
ASIII.AM). lie.- ; The I'll.! (1V
v in AIiIiiiiI Iiiih been flteil n II
iiiiIIk. TIii i a nun Led leiliielioii.
m er it iiik '!.
The m-IhhiI y lnt jnr wh K'
inilU uml wiih itxlumiil lliia yWr loS
inilU. It in eAKH'lt llmt iiiduetioun
In DtHlo hiiiI ml) bnrio will lirinic
ttio IoImI to about .10 milU hi lh
eilv lliit. .vi'nr iimtoMil ir .().ft nt, wn
Iho IhI r. Tlifcro wn iuito
h eonm.leinblp leiliielioii in thn n.
niimmiiI MlHNtiou of ilit oity ttiU your
MiiHMrMl with IhM, sin thm the
liunluii of tantion hhiii U city
"liuiilil ho eioifJilemblv 1,,1 in unil
tliun in lUI'J. The folloHinx U tho
eily lory In ilutull
Ktrael fiiuil J.n
llouil unit inlerrM .'"i
l.ilirniv D.8
hro ilciHituieiu o,7,i
I'nrk i'oiuiiiiiiMiH o.7"
(loucrol fund . , . ,,j
Kmx M('lo who m.i lioi ii milling
on the lieml wnlerx of Apl'legatc, re
eeiitlv deuxercil (lie truck or a bear,
which wn on bi wu to winter ipinr
li't-n, nml utter two work ran
him down ami hugged linn.
Ah it wu very I at in tlm heHon
for lieni to lie ul Innt nml tlutro n
u.vjtmd trnckuiK anow. Knox Mteeced
i'il in liiti'kinir him for two iln.
tliiiiuh the iluep Hnow. The bear
wn fuiNlly overlnkwi. pi-t u- lie hh
jiroimiiiitj to omul int.. a larxe hol
low Irro ulilell lllld evidently beoil
tho heiir'a lionio for renil winlet.
Ilniin ilikoot hi oil Knox when about
.'III )hiIn distant ami utaited to make
hin getawuy lint win. piomptly !
iHteheil hy u 112 fxwtH bullet. The
bear ilrHeit ;tOO Miund nml the hide
which in black ia ok fine n hH'ciincn
mi one would euro to look at. Knox
tell ii modest ftory mid nyi lie
enjoM'd the iidventmr, Imt uiidonlit
edl a tenderfoot would have louud
the w outlier
It miller Mlviuioiut a-
ji oilier (hi.
The IV(fllbl llll-a't III- I llr (llr.lll'l
Meilloill fluli oreiilH ml .MuiublS,
Deeember UII, tit 1' :IUI i. m , in the
biiM'iiumt of Hit librar Iniiidin. Tho
leKiiliic huiiifii, nioftmg will fol
fowed hy ii talk hy Mr. It. P. Mulkey
on "How to Vote mid What It, Menu"
uml hy tho iieentaliiiu of their plat
fi I Huh 1 1 ho lclilulliilir eniiilldHle
for niuor, Mr. Klleil nml Mr. (Tl.
All women of Meitl'iild ure invited,
whether ineinlicix of Hie club or not.
0. A.
I.OS ANfJKLIlS, Dee. '7. (loer.
nor llirnnt JoIuimiii urnvcil in l.os
Anxvlvn toiluy lo ulleml u iroxii"
hlvo lmuiUet IouIkIiI. lie wiih met
lit Ilia depot hy u committco of eiti-
loluihon (lcclurcil cinpliiitieiill, lliut
lie will work for i'oniilto hunuoiiy
uml i'o.oenillon lietween iliuiioorn
Ilo uml piiicHhlve lcj,'ihlntui'rt ilur
inir lliu next luwiimkliij,' Minhion, Miy
ill" that ho will iej,'iinl llie loj;Mutoi.
iih nw iniikoiH uml not iih puitibiiiih.
Ilo ueeompunieil hlh nliilemeut hy an
iiiTulKiimeut of petty political liiekh.
KAMJM, Or., Dee. J7.- AeeoidiiiK
lo mlvicea icct'lveil hero Ihero nro
Jour ultlcrt in the statu, Kiikciic, Oio
Bon City, Arudfoiil uml Itoaoliiiri,' tlmt
will iiKk for iiiiroiiiiitiomi for ur
inoi-iuN. Umlur thu s.Vhtcm followed
in thn uouHtriKitlou of tliesu luiildiii
I he Hlatu u)miviulcH half tliu cot
nml tlio eitlon or iouiitluH in which
they n io built upproiriutu Die olhur
I'ho eadot baud of tlio Oregon A
rleullural coIIoko niv u umicrt In
tho IiIkIi aelmol amlltorliim thin ee
nlUK at h o'clock. Tho coIIoko Iioh
have a Hptondld orKaiilsallou and
their program U full of Jolly mimic
ami flue harmony. "I'luto' t'ohln
a local culohrliy, ban a tlftueii-iuln-uto
nkll hrlmmlui; with wit
A nucond ooucoit will ho kIvoii ul
tho a.inio amlltorliim on Kumlio art-
eriioou at Ui.'lO o'nlock. Tho MH-uiid
concert will ho niuueil In nature.
Tho proKrama for tho two concert
uro an follow :
TonlKht March. "O. A. f. Iloont-
or ; ovoriuro, ' Homiriiinnio, "tor
cht KoIiooh"; duet for cornet n ml
tromhono, 'Hear Mo, Norma"; fcoloe
IIuuh, "Tunnhnuwor"; "I'luto Col
Ik; "D.iiico of tho Herpenla"; burl
tone nolo, "Toriiador'a Souk" from
"Carmen," II, I.. Uuoh; "Anvil
t'horua"; lniiiioroHiiin, "WIiuI'h tho
Mnttor With Father?"; miuuli, "Hum
pro Kldulln."
Humlay--"(llorla I'rom Hucoml
Miihm"; mutut from "l.ucla"; trom
bono nolo, "Hliubeit'H Koruiiadu";
Uiiiirtet from "ItlKolette"; roadliiK,
"Not UndoiHtood," J. V. Hcuddor;
"I'raUo Yo tho Kalhm"; ChrlHtinuu
hoiik, "A (llorloiiH Morn," W. I..
Itoeaj "Tho HoavoiiH Ar Telllni?,"
from "Creation"! "MonuNtery Holla";
"I'rnUo Hod, Krom Whom All lllena
luttti Flow," .
loe XluMiii.ikrr of (iold Hill in
uiirnttiK a tiadt) damaged luce and
NKW VUK. 1i. 27 )t. iiuniiM
tu orc .i ubHM'ii.i on Willi. mi 0.
Rockefeller to ainn-ar hefoio I lie
Marniiall NWl. or the vaiuo Wt) In fuc- . ,OINO mnltv inwX jMvoslipilii.ii, Sor
lux dlkobargt an thn remilt of a , jteant-at-Armji Itiddell of the house
uml two th-nlipft Mrrivtl hare today, I
iiilxup hotwewn t a em' at Oold IIIII bo
lwti thttiu at Cold IIIII ChrfetiHiia
night, during which vnil ikota
wt-ro flrwl.
Tbu troublo hlarlwl when Noo put
iihiHHiakor uiiiler urroitt Ilo rimtntod
nml wautml to flKtit, It In wild. Noo
thou drew hla kuii liud with lu butt
nil uck Slioeiiiaker In thu fact). Shoo
maker ran ami Noo fired nuoral
hhotn Into the nlr to cheek tho mutt
SliLi-makcr'n rrltimU aro ImllKiiattt
ntalliiK that Noe nhot. not Jnlo th"
air, hut illreetlv at Sluieumker Intend-
ItiK to hit, him
to ivinMiii until they roueh lli mil-
Imnalre. IteoiHitK Itlddell Miiuly
fiin-tieil th- SIhiiiIiiiiI' Oil oftlcon
here, ItorkrfellcrV lnvl liouf, ami
I lit enisle of .lulin I). ItonkoiVllor ut
TurrytotMi m an cinlenvor lo Miri
tho hiihpoeiiu
It io helieel hero that William
Rockefeller i hiding in llie miow
liiiiind fuivl of In- private ii-mtu
in the Adiiiiudaok moiiutHiuK.
If a good nti miKraphor In aihortln
I UK fr a poKiuoii today. Isn't that In-
i toretitltiK to mhi''
KLAMATH PA 1.1.8. Ore,, Dee. '11.
The Klnumlh iKuinty yitiiid jury
li;i (,'iven thu eoiiHly court it Krillln
in a partiul tcHirt lo .llldpe II, I,,
lie -in The reMrl Mtatc-i tlmt nor
i tirecediinr grnml jurio liaro rco
oinuietiilcil that tin! books of the
l i.mtl ffilll'l filifl i, III. it iil'fi.
ju.ih be cvporlml, hut nilieo the le(.'
iiiiiiiitiidatloiiH wore not curried out
ll,c ;frnml jury hits eoncllldcd .to
make its own iiMeotixatioii. Tin
li idi- are that llie lnnuiiot- of the
riimtv ha been j;ni-tly iiiifiiuitwiK
cd uml that the county trunxury Iiiih
Ik tu delilierntely plumlcred. It
i.ot rhut'eil Hint the court ii eriiniii
nM liable, btil nil of thu wild extra v
iiKiiiioo ih iiltribiited to iiicoiupt'tcnrc
mul to thu rcckloH uinuner in which
the county liitxiiiCH j liamlled. A
partial xiiiiiinary of the jlmlinM of
the Kraml jury nic:
The comity court him been in of.
lice Iii thuu two yonr uml in tlutl
time Iiiih placed the count v about
f:0(l,0(io in debt. Umlur t'hc old
court the county was in debt !
than $11)0,000 nml wan not Kcttin
in fnrtlier; ut the rate thu present
court in truiiiff, in two years inoro the
imlcbleilnefrt of tho county will Ih1
ocr !M, 0110,011(1. That it in cotins
tho county nt tins lime in c.vcxh of
1000 a dnv to conduct the busine.t.
nffaicH. Thin Iocm not include school
tnxo-.. That Hit county vor fur witu
cxtiihlihlied ut nit exorbitant price
mid is maiiiliioiuil nt n cont beyond
nil rcntou; (hat cont for the nt
yenr lias been o-t minted ut $l..'il.0.'l n
month for every inmate, nml it ix rcc
ouuncmlcd that Ihi-, bo reduced to
I eis than $'A u month nml if thin
cannot ho done that (lie county farm
uli closed mid rented to tho highest
Komi work comes in for it- hnrc
f the Krillinir. The force employed
by the court, in the main, it chained
with bcinu' w iiicniiiK.'tciit m. the
court itself. It in said that the eoun
,tv lui'-'i-ut le. thuu U0 cents of road
for every dollur extended. It i- rec
ommended that road work be shut
down mid that when it is resumed on
ii moderate scale nil entirely new
crew he employed.
Numerous iiit-niiccs of extrava
gance, wa-te uml iucoiuK(cucc arc
cited by the Tninl jury. It is recom
mended that the court bo riven n
chance to j-ct on a buMiuvx busts, and
if this is not done that u recall elec
tion be broiiL'lit. It is also recom
mended that the county stop payment
on u number of warrants that were
issued illeptllv. anion them warrants
to the muouitt of about .f'J.'i.OOO,
which were sold liv tho court for cash
at u discount of trout o to to iht
cent. The fee paid local uttonicys
for serviei' in the courthouse lititja
tiou mv iirouoitucetl cvotbitant.
The Kruud jury wants the books
of the county court c.crtcl and
makon the stulument that it wants the
truth uml uol u whitewiihh. Thu ile
liberations of tho iiiiuiitoriul body
nro not ul completed uml it is said
the coin t will come in for further m
iitii;atiou. You'll find tho worker bent iunll-
' fled to borve you not by hiring
route, one to oblige u frlaml, but by
personally deciding bctweott the ap
plicants whu answer your "help
wanted" ad.
Whon "tho uiioxpiictml huppum),"
In tho offlco or In tho homo, it daunt
floil ud lu prutty Httvo to appuitr au
u trotihlo-iiolver. Ami, unite often,
ouo of Uichii uuexpucteil hnppouliiKa
will afford yon au opportunity a
ohunco to htiy or well, or to Hocuro
oniiloyimnt or help.
Big Cut Price Sale Continues
h'ticlorN shipments of Ahn's 'mlerweai', both cotton and all wool garments,
Glen's hall' wool and all wool Trousers; also a big shipment of Hoys' "hard
kick" winter shoes the most durable leathers in button and laee; also other
factory -shipments of (.'lolhinj; and Shoes duo to arrive Saturday or Monday
will all be dumped into our Cut Price sale. have gone just a little wrong
and bought too many goods. This is your opportunity to save money.
A Itij; iiKMiilinenl of all kiiuU uml hliupoH, iorii- MILLS TROUSERS
Inr P'..')0 to .W.0II Hale, all pi ul !j1.10 uitolt. c j ,,r. f,i ;io to 50 per cent., which rc-
Cnit you heal it d,u.Ch t10M1 j.a,s , 1,35 for 2M Putits.
All our very IickI faclorv Inlying; in $lM nml "willi sinvlat- reductions in all prices up to
.'1.50 lints must u-o ul our loss mid oiir aiu. $'1.00 for 0.50 Pants,
. ,w.lU. Wo u iv simply arjTorna nn att irTxrre
in Huts of the wry best .pmlities. mrm Stm mro
SHOES FOR ALL ... , u. pU, T, UT, 0TJ -,.
r MeuV Work bliirls, 50o vtiluus cut to....oo?
Only ipiiility and careful buyintTi oourleinin Men's 1.0U grades all cut to 70(?
Iteutmeiit of patrons uml lowest prices possible, Men's $1.'J5 Shirts cut to 95
will build up u shoe business lo thu hili slim- il.'J5 Flannel Shirts out to 95 C
diird tif our shbe ilepuitineiil, but now think $1.50 Flannel Shirts cut to $1.15
every shoe piico is out to tho lowest possible $1.75 Flannel Shirts cut to $1.25
notch. Coiiki in, y oti cannot nffoul to miss this $2,00 Flannel Shitts cut to .., $1.50
sale. Wo cannot list nil here.
The Finest, Gilt
for the Holidays
Not a Seed in "Sunkist" -Luscious
Thin-Skinned Juicy. Buy "SUN
KIST" ORANGES by tho Box of
Your Dealer. No other Christmas Gift
so Appreciated.
"SUNKIST" Wrappers bring Rogers
Famous (hinrntitcuri Table Silverware.
Send your name and full address for
free Premium List and Premium Club
Calif orniaFruit Growers Exchange
139 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111.
ELv mS&fll
For Motor Car Lubrication Use
It leaves practically no carbon
deposit on cylinder and spark
plugs and its lubricating and
cushioning qualities are unsurpassed.
"We have had many veal's experience in the oil
business, ami we believe Zcrolene is the best
automobile oil yet produced.
Tor Sale Kicrjrwltcro
Zcrolene. Is sold In H,l and (Incorporated)
G gallon cans tho small
cans, flat shape easy to Insist on (letting tho Orl
bundle, just fUo iu tool box. filial Zerolenu I'acknKo
Ilo you know why so many Specific Blood Toison Victims arc lso Bttf
fcrcrs of btomach trouble or Rheumatism? It is because they havo filled
their systems with mercury or potash in an effort to cure the blood disor
der. Thc& minerals ennttot cure Specific Dtood Poison; true such treat
mcntwill bomctimes tcmaranly remove the outward syraptoma and hold
the poison in check but as soon ns the minerals nrc left ofl the disease
breaks out again. Any system saturated with mercury or potash Is neces
sarily weakened and loses much of its resistive powers; it is a dangerous
treatment nml should be lclt ofl by any who are using it. There Is a way
a certain way to cure Specific Wood rolson, and that la to cleanse the
uioott witu to. to. to., mauccuurciy oi roots,
herbs and barks. It is a perfectly safe treat
ment for any one and is certain in its good
results. S. S. S. has been recognized for
manv years ns the crcatest of all blood pu
rifiers and the safest of treatments for blood ioison. Home Treatment Hook
nml medical ndo free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0V ATLANTA. CA.
u I.V1M1U y' wj tutu vjj
S 5. S
For Sewing and Reading r5dS
gives a clear, steady light, soft and mellow; the ideal lamp, ac
cording to best authorities, for all work requiring close attention
of tho eyes (far superior to gas and electricity).
The jxJ& Lamp
Lighted withput removing chimney or shade, Esy to clesn and rewlctu
Inexpensive. Economical. Made in various stylet, and for all purposes.
, . (CalifwnU)
rrtlml, San fraattM
nui.i'.ii uiii.
'tlJ Ll'.lJJH'-' v v 'i '
1 ;