Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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pxaiu six
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(Continual from rage it).
nl. Jail n, lilk. J. ItlVrrahln Huu-dHU
alnn bi described In vol, s page
rcciif4R of Jackson county. Oregon, 6JJ0
nq. fit H.lfi.
ArRCRfimenl No. S08.V. II I'JUnnH et
nl. lait 1, hlk. 3, Itlveraldn HuliOmi
iilnn, br ileaerllied In Vol. . Piga --.
irwriht of Jackson county, Oregon. 6000
aq, I l.i t-I.OO
Assessment Ko. no U' 1 Phlnnt rt
DI. lail I, IIIK .1, JUVtrllln illlll-OIVIS
--..j- - . ... ---.. r .
na described in vol, page
records of Jackson county, Oregon
aq, ru. s-i.tiu,
ARsesaninl No. 310 v. li Plitpim ft
nl. l.ol 6, hlk. a. ntvrrntilo Huh-Olvl-wlon,
na dcnorHied In vol t pago
record nf Juckson county, Oregon, 8000
mi. rt, $3.00. t
Assessment No. att v i: Phtpr. ei
nl. JrfU s. bin. s, inventing Jhib-mvi-
Kinn, mh deserllied in vol , rutge.
records of Jackson county, Oregon, 6000
AsscFMiment' No, 314 AV li Phlpp rt
nl- IU ,0. lilk. J. HIverRlilo Sitb-lHvl-
alon, on deacrllietl in vol - -, page- .
reconia of JnckKan county, Oregon. 6000
no. ft., $3.1)0.
Assessment No 313 T. K. Plynn. A
parcel of Innd In mvcralde .suh-lilvlslon.
having ft fntntngo nf ICC 5 fl on tlin
ITarI Mil or Hettlty street And 10C ft.
Oil Inn Couth Hide of walnut street, dr-
acrlhod In vol. 76, pake 33S. reconi of
Jackson county, Oregon. K.5I9 Rq ft-,
,. AHcssment No. 311 rtelln CoeJirnn.
l.ol I. lilk. C. ltlverahln Htib-DlvlNlnn. n
ilcucrllMMl In vol. Ts. imk 295, reconia or
lnrknnn county, Oregon. 630 mi ft .
ACRiimrnt No, 31. Hell Cochran.
Tail 4. lilk 6. lUmrnlitr Hnh-OIv Islon. na
described In vol. ,3, pugo l!i. n-conl of
Jackson county, Orrgon. 8370 Rq. ft ,
AmeMnent No. 317 Hell I'oeliran.
Lot 6. lilk. C. ItHiTRlile Klih-imifrton. an
ilererllM-,1 In til 73. pge 2. reconli. nf
JnrkRon eounly, Oregon. SI70 ti. ft
$3 22.
A.wnment Na SIR llelle Cochran
I,ot . blk. . Hlverhlii SulwDlvlhton. on
ibrorlbM III vol. 73, (!: 2S, recm-ili
of Jarkmiu eounly, OrrRon S370 k.
ft.. t3.22.
Avtientinent No 31 llellA Cochran.
I)t to. blk. 7. ltlveildo Sult-DU lilun.
ni ileprrllieil In vol T3. pnge 25, re
nnlR or JnrkRon county, Oregon 6370
RU fl., $3.22.
AtmrARincnt Na 320 Hell iVnibrRn.
l.ol 7, blk. 7, ItlverRlile 8ub-OIlnlnn. H.1
dcRcrllied In Vol. 73, mso 36, reconln
or JnrkRon county, Oregon. S3.0 q fi
ts 22.
Anwxumcnt N,V 321 Hello rnelirttn
Irf)t 6. blk. 7, Itlvernlile HillfOIVlnlnn, on
ilenerllHil In vol 73. pagM 26. recnnlfi of
.tnckaon county, Oregon. 6370 e. ft..
3 22.
ARemcnt No. Sit Delle Cochrnn.
IMl 3, iiik i, lllverFlue ouD-uivumn, an
deRCrlNM In vol. 73. pag
.Inckmiti county. Oregon.
S, record of
i ft.,
13 ::.
AuirMtnenl No. 323 llelle Coehron.
t.nt 2. blk. 7. lllverxl.l.- Suli-DHI-Hlon,
br ilicrlbel In vol. 73, imrp :SS.
reconlR of JackKon county, Orecon. CS70
H1 ft.. $1.14.
AHHcunment No 324 Hell Cochran.
l.ot 1. blk. 7, Iltverxlile Suli-DHInlon. a
tleRcrllicd In vol. 73, paire 2S, records
of jRckkon county, (h-eKon. 37u mi
fL. $3.22.
AMw-nnnient No. 326 Helle Cochran
Ixil 4. blk. 7, WverMile SulxDIvUlon. or
iledcrlbed In vol. 73. pngo 2S, record
of Jackson county, Oregon. 63,0 a ft.
AKnessment No. 32C Hell CiKhran.
Lot (., blk. 7, lllvcrld SulcDIvlslon, as
descrllHil In vol. 73, page 396, nconls nf
Jackson county, Oregon. 6370 sq ft..
Assessment No. 337 llelb Cnchran.
Iit V. Mk. 7. Illversldn SuU-Olvlslnn. nw
described In vol. 73, page 296, n-oirdH of
Jackson county, Oregon. 3370 q. ft..
Assessment No. 326 Hclle Cochran.
Ixit 9. blk. 7, Itlvccsldo Kuh-Dlvlslun. nil
described In vol, 73. pogo 296. records
of Jackson county, Oregon. 6370 sq, ft.,
Assessment No. 329 J. IV. ltobl.lns et
iix. Ut t. blk. 3. Wcat'a Addition, a
described in vol. 69. page :):. reconia
of JuckKou county, Oregon. 19,467 sq
fU $11.67.
Aeanmpnt Na 330 Sf. O. Tlielss.
Lot 4, blk. 3. WcrI'h Addition, as d
M-rild In VOL 67. page 43n. reconlN nf
Jackson countr, Oregon, 22,000 aq ft-.
AHwssineiit Na 231 Prance II lias
kliiM. A lureel of land In lot 3. blk.
3. of WeHt'H Aildlllon. luivlng a frnntngc
of 6 f I , oil lleatty ulrrrt. uR dt-scrlte-d
In vol. 92, luge 173, records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 20.426 v. re. SI2 2C.
Assessment No. 332 U" I) Weal. Ul
2. blk. 3. West's Addition, as ileflcrllwd
In vol It. page 309. reconls of Jackson
county, Oregon 43 760 sq fL. $2C 26
.Assessment No 333 W 1 West. IM
1, Idk. 3. West's Addition, aa descrlticd
In vol. 6, ixigc 310. reoordi of Jackson
county, Orecon 43.760 sq. ft . : S6
Assessment No 334 Jane Plymale. !
M. Plymiile. J V Hhort Iit 1, blk '
Cottage Addition, as drscrltied In vol
72, pJKe 6u7, rccoriU of Jackson county,
Oregon. 43,,On sq ft . S2C 22
Assessment No. 335 C W Ialm. It
2. blk. I. Cottage Addition, us described
In Vol, GS. page SC. record of Jackson
county. Oregon. 32.910 sq. fl, $19.70.
Afsrspiuvnl No. 33 Cha. Hanscom.
A parcel of land In nt 2. blk. 1, Cot
tage Addition, luivlng a frontage of op
pnixlnultel) 60 ft., 011 Court street. de
scribed In )nl t;, page 641, records of
.liirksim county. Oregon, 10,910 q ft.,
AHKessincnt No. 337 Helen P. Itowc.
A larrl of land in Inl 3, ik- I. Coliuge
Ailtlltlon. having a frontage of approxi
mately 60 ft. on Court sin el, u de
scribed In vol. 89. page 4t, n-corda of
Jackson county. Oregon. 10,910 sq ft..
Assessment Jta 33i) John II. Craln.
A lurccl of uud (n lot 4, blk 1, Cottage
Addlllon. having a frontage of l:or, ft.
on Court Ktn-el, us deecrllml In vol K7.
lingo 428. records of Jackson county.
Oregon. I7.4CO sq ft., tlo IS
Assessment No. 339 P. V McdynsM
II It TlielRH, O XT lUshfnrd A parcel
or uiin m 101 1, idk 1. collage Addition,
liming n frontage of lol 7 ft, 011 Court
ntrcct uh dcscrlbcil In vol. :e. nuire 3KT.
and vol. 2K. jaign 397. records of Jack
son couniy, (irrgon. :e,:v: q ri .
$16 77.'
Assessment No. 3 10 lt. of ISIn- V
Monde. Ixit 6. blk 1, Cottage Addition,
na described In vol. IS, page C1C. nu
firilg of Jackson county, Oregon 42.762
Ni. ft, $26 25.
AMScHsmciit No 341 Oeo K Cham
berlain Lot C, blk I. Cotlago Addition,
as di-scrlbed In ded regUUr. mg k3l.
records of Jackson county, Oregon. 43.
751 sq. ft.. 20 26.
Assefisiiieiit No. 342 fleorgn II Cham
berluln. I.t 7. blk. I. Collugo Addi
tion, uh described In deed register, pugo
83 4. rt-cords of Juekaon county, Oregon.
43,763 sq. fl., S2U.23.
ANKi-Mtincnt No. 313 Oeorge IS Clwim
berlaln I,ot 8, blk I, Cottngb Aildlllon.
11 h ilescrlbed In deed register, juge 634,
records of JuckHon county, Oregon.
43,753 q, ft.. S2a,25
Asbossmcnt No. 344 James Dallcy.
Tlir, fmrlli All fl ulrli, nr l, a 1.11. ,
Cotuge Addition, ns dcscrllied In Vol!
73, imgo 30ti, rccorda of Juckson coun
ty, Oregon, 10.760 no ft., S6.45.
Assessment No. 34511 11 Toft. A
purcul of luud In Lot 9, blk. 1, Cuttuge
Addition, luivlng u frontagn of 61 1 fl .
on Court Mtreet, a described In vol s;
Page 471, records nf Jackson county.
Oregen: rIO,9u mj. ft, SB 59,
Asbi-hniieiU No. 340 Mary Rluncllffc.
A pared or land In lot 9, hlk 1, Cuttugu
Aildlllon. having u fruntuge of 61 l ft
on Court stli'Ot. uh described In vol. 76,
jiagu S9, iicorils of Jackson county, Ore
gon. 16.9&0 sq. ft., JC 59
AKKCHKinent No. 317 James noatd
man. Tho south 61,1 ft., or lot 0, blk
J, Cottage Addition, uh described In vol
92,'jugo 343. records of Jackson county.
Oregon, 10,980 sq. ft., $0 69.
Asst-ssmcnt No, 3471:. N. Illden. The
north 60.8 ft., or lot 10. hlk 1, Cottugo
Addition, ur described in Mil. 75. jugo
B57. records of Jackson county, Oiegoii.
30.760 H(. ft., $0.46.
Assessment No, 349 C. A. Ilumlln, A
parcel of laud In lot 10, blk, 1, Cottuge
Addition, huvlng 11 frontugo of 60.0 ft,
on Court street, uh described In vol 67,
pugo 393, rceuriU of Jackson county,
Oregon. 1091JB sq. ft., $
Asseanment No, 360 C V Under. A
purccl of laud In lot Jo, hlk, l, Cottngu
AdUltlmi. having a fro 11 la git of 60.0
ft, on Court strut. u descrihei) In vol.
Kl!,.liMo '.'14, records ot Juckiiuu county,
OrigOll, 109C5 sq, ft., $6.68.
.Asaoiumulit No, 351 C. W. Slockani.
. . ., ,. .. . ..U..M.,. ri ,.i ta.i a., r. 71
Iil R. blk C. ltlverj(l.ln .Sub-nivMon, a; , A"rV'P,1- 'Vi ii.,ii2-"h,I!..rn? i .
lURCrllJiil III vol 73. iuc 236. !swIm or ImI 1. Arnold Addition. A dijerllu-,1 In
.IncltRon county. Oregon 6370 . fu ? ,K?',ttlnm
i Hihr. orevmii. ,9ftn ru, rt . n...
A parrel nf I a ml In lot 1ft, tdk. 1. Ci.
Mge Addition, having n fronloge Vf
60.9 ft, on Court Mrm. no pKrrti(st In
vol. 0. tAn 3SI, won) nf Jnitknou
county, tirorfon. IOHR.1 pi. ft.. $..
A imp Km cut No S jr. K rtiiiill A
tuirrol of Unit In lot II, blk. I, ettnB:
Ailtlttlnn, bnvlnx rronii of In ft.
on Court mrvrt, n, (Icwrllifil In ol, 7
lui no tnjso mi ft. I. 1.
APritnrnt No 363--W T York. A
nrrpl nf Unit In lot II. blk. t. CoIIrk
Aililltlon, ImvlPK n frnntK of 14 fl.
on Court tni nml H ft on Crntrnl
rv. n- .lrnrrtbeit In vnl ST. pun I.
rwnnln or JRoknon county, urt'xnn,
1.300 oq M. ifi IS
ADiirixiiipnl No. 361 IMIk Mull. A
phrrfl of Inn.l In Inl II. lilk. 1. iVtlnw
Ailtlltinu. having n frnnK', of l ft
on Control nvs, n !rrlbol In vol. is.
tirf 269. rwiMn of Jiioksoii county,
Ctri-iron SHS . ft. $.S.
AssrMmpnt No. & -O . Dow. A
pnr'-l of lnl In lot 11. blk. 1. having i
frontnitc or S0.& ft on Conlrnl nl'is. In
(Mtlnto Aililltlon. br itcrlhpl In vol.
Sfi. p"K 31, rornr.N of JHrknn ruiinly,
OrcKMH 6120 mi rt $3 2
AnsrK.Mni'nt No 35 Muttnn Punllu.
A tvirprl nr Intiil In lot 11. lilk. 1. Cot-
l.iijp Aililltlon linMug a fnmlnno of
iro ft on CrnlrRl iii- ih Opm-rltio,! in
vol. 71. pRlCi 1. rwonU of jArkmtn
county (non 06 a ft. i ss.
Axetiinrnt No. 1ST Mnlilon I'urilln.
A pnrerl of Uunl In lot 12, blk. 1, Cot-Itci-
Ailtlltlon. Imvltiic a frontnire nf
144 ft on tvntrnl nvi , oVroHImsI in vol.
71. pnjrt 70. r"orilJi of Jnokmm county,
nrrmm H6 mi ft . $10 12.
ARUPixmrnt No. S6S Jnarphlnn lx.
A pin'il or land In lot 12. lilk. I. Cot
tRicr Aililltlon. havlnir n rrontnim of
141 fl on Central nve an ilirrllil In
vol 4, )i S3. recoriU of Jiicknon
count v. Oregon. 20000 o ft . $12.00.
Ami'jonicnt N 3S9 Aut, l'euwell.
A par.-rl of la ml In lot 12. lilk. 1.
Cittai(ti Aililltlon. hiivln k frnntiiKi "i
100 fl. on Central nve.. n ileaerlbcJ In
vol. o, vkgc 232. reirxU f .laekn
Anwiwrni'iit No 3tl John Arnold.
t.t 2. Arnold'R Addition. aR derrlbe In 32. pKe 362, record or Jackson
county. Oregon B2o nq. ft.. $3.76.
An,'mrnt No. 3ilJ John Arnold.
lnt 3. Arnnbl'ji Addition, n deciilie,l In
Ml 32. iMiKe 362. reeordR of Jnekmiu
count), (ireiton c3r.11 . ft.. $3.76.
AnNefmnient No. 33 John Arnild
Iit 4, Arnold'ii Addition, n deerltic.I In
vol. 32. ptlin U2. record of Juekuml
county. Oregon, liir.o mi ft., JI.T6.
Aexmpnt No. 201 John Arnold.
Il 6, Arnold' Addition, an denrrlbed
In Vol 32. lRe 362. recinl of .iReknotl
eonnty, Oregon. C2&0 m. fl.. S3 7
Aoii-MUment No 1U1 Joliii Arnold,
txit :. Arnold'ii Ad.llthin. on denrrlbeil
In voL 32. pngo 362. record of Jaek
on county. Oregon. K2ft ii ft . S3 7V
AFeinient No. 3C John Arnold.
Ilt 7. Arnold' Addition. R denrrlbed
In vol. 32. pag" 322. record or Jarkiutn
county. Oregon. C26u 'i rt.. $3.76
ARM'RR-nent No 37 John Arnold
Ixit . ArnolJ'f Aldltlon. n dvicrllnd
In vol 32. rMe 362. record of Jackson
count). Oregon. 3o q. fU $3 74.
Assessment No. 3 John Arnold
l,ol 9. Arnold's Addition, as des. rll-d
In Vol. S.'. poue 363, records of Jn.k
Ron eounly. Olegnn. Hr69 sq fl , 3.7
Asseftsmeiit No. 3i9 Join Arnold
Ixt 11. Arnold's Addition, aa desarlbed
In vol 32. page 362. records Of Jackson
rounty. Oregon. 90o ill. ft. $6 10
Assessment No. 37 John Arnold
Lot 12. Arnold's Addition as described
In vol. 32. page 362. records of Jackson
count) Oregon 6S60 sq ft . S3 62.
Assessment No 271 John Arnold.
!.ol 13, Arnold's Addition as described
In vol. 3t. page 362. rciord of Jackson
lOUIIty, Oregon. 4900 sq. ft.. $2.90.
Assessment No 372 John Arnold.
!,ot 14. Arnold's Addition on described
In vol. 32, page 362. records of Jai kson
county. Oregon. 3900 sq. ft. $2 34.
Assessment No. 373 John Arnold
IaH 16. Arnolds Addltl-vi. na deserllM-iL
In vol. 22. page 362, recnnl of Jnnkson
county. Oregon. ooo sq ft.. $3 o
Assessment No. 374 John Arnold
Lot li. Arnold's Addition. n described
In vol. 32, page 262. records of Jackson
couniy Oregon. 7600 sq. ft.. $1.50.
Assessment No. 376 John Arnold
Lot 17, Arnold's Addition, ns described
l.i vol 22. 352, record of Jaekson
county. Oregon. t9 q ft . $2 34.
Assessment No 2? John Arnold.
Iot 18. Arnold's Addition, as described
In vol 32 TMg 262. record of Jackson
county. Oregon. I900 sq. ft.. $2.94.
Assessment No. 377 John Arnold.
It 19, Arnold' Addlllon. as descrlbid
In "vol 32. page 352. records of Jaekson
rounty. Oregon. 6s50 sq ft. $2 52.
Assessment No H7S John Arnold,
lil 20. Arnold's Addition, u described
in vol 32. Jiuge 363, records nf Juckson
count). Oregon. A25 sq. ft.. $4 10.
.Assessment No. 379 John Arnold.
l.ot 21, Arnold's AJdltlon. us described
In vol. 32. page 352. -records of Jaekson
county. Oregon 77ti7 sq. ft.. $169.
Assessment No. 3so John Arnold.
It 22. Arnold's Addition, a described
III -vol. 32. page 25;. records of Jaekson
county, Oregon. 7340 sq ft. St 3.
Assessment No. S1 John Arnold
Isti 23. Arnold's Ad lltlon. a descrlhed
In vol. 32, page 352. reconls or Juckson
county. Oregon. 10572 sq. ft.. $C 35.
Assessment No. 32 O. 8. Kollis. A
parcel of land In the northeast corner
uf lot 3, blk. 2. Collage Addition, luiv
lng a fmntnge of 111 ft on Court street
as described In ol X3. page 16. reconls
of Jackson county, Oregon. 10270 sq. f 1,
Assessment No 3s3 Adln C. ItlsD. A
parcel of land in lot i. blk 2. beginning
at a point 111 ft. south or the N. R.
corner of lot 3. blk. 2. Cuttuge Addition,
having a frmtag of 94.6 ft on Court
street, aa dscrlld In vol. 71. m 92,
records of Jaekson nullity, Oregon.
27600 sq. ft , 110.50.
Assessment No SSI A. C. Aylor. A
panel of land In lot 3. hlk 2. beginning
at u point 206.6 ft. south uf tbu .','. K.
corner of lot 3, blk. 2. Cottage Addi
tion, having u froutugo of 26 ft. on
Court street, ns described In )ol. .
page, records of Juckson ooimty,
Oiegon. CU00 si. ft. $3.C0
Assessment No 35 J It Andrews.
A parcel of land In lot 2. blk. 2. be
ginning at a 13X5 fl MHitii of
llie .V 17. conn r of lot 3. till; 2 t'otiagi
Addition, luivlng u frontage uf 5u ft
on Court street, described In vol. !o.
page 5;o. r,-iurds of Juekson tounly.
Oreuun. ll.ouu Ml. fl.. it.U
Assessment No. MS IImir. Collins A
parcel of laud In lot 3. blk 2. Cottuge
Addition, beginning ut point JX3 6
ft south of the N. K. corner of lol 3.
hlk. 2. Cut In Re Aildltlon. and having u
fruntuge of 4u ft. on Court slreet, us
desirlbed 111 Mil tin. page 306. records
of Jurksun county. Oregon. 7000 sq
ft. St 68.
Assessment No. 3k7 A ('. Aylor. A
triangular pan el of land In lot 3. hlk
i. Cot tare Addition, ns described In vol
75, page 17, reemds uf Juiksun tounly,
Oregon. 400 sq. ft, SJ.Kfc.
Asswsment No. 2n llurtli.i ('. Itoh
erts. The must soullnrly juicel of
land In lot 3. blk. 2. Cottage Addition,
having a. fruntuge of !3.', ft. on Court
street, us n vol. 74, page 67o.
rt'uurd of Jackson count), Oregon.
10275 sq. ft., $C IC.
Assessment No. SR9 A W. Wright
A ji.ircel of land, huvlng 11 frontage of
01 ft. 1111 Court street. In the most nor
therly portion uf OU I,ot 6. blk. 2.
Coltugo Addition, us described In vol.
82. Huge 95. rei onla of Jin kson county,
Oreson 1S.00O q. fl., $9.u.
iVsscssment No, 390 A. II. Campbell.
Lot 4, iilssi'll Addition, as described In
vol. 87. page 444. records of Jaekson
couniy. Oiegon. 6 '.'SO sq fl., $3.17.
Assessment ,-m syi ,. 11. c aniiiuc-n.
Lot 3, lllssell Aililltlon as describd In
vol. 87, nuge 411, rt cor lis of Juckson
count). Oregon. 60uu sq. ft., $3uo.
Assessment No. 392 A. II. Campbell
It 2, lllssell Addition, us described In
Mil s7. page 411. rtuird of Jackson
county. Oregon "O 'l. ft., $2.10.
Asstsuinent No. 393 A 11 Campbell.
Lot 1. lllssell Aililltlon. us disurihed In
Vol. 7, puge III, of Jackson
louuty, Oregon 3520 sq. ft., $2 11. ,
Assessment No. 391 ClUu, J. Lewis.
A jiuicel of land In lot 4. lilk 2, Cot
tuj;u Addition, h.ivllig u. froutago of 90
ft. on Central 10 e. us described In
Deed Iteglster 628, iccords uf
Juckson county, Oregon. 18,000 sq. ft..
Assessment No, 395 ChiiB. Comey A
jiaiuel of laud In lot 1 hlk. 2, Cottage
Addlllon, beginning ut u point 9u rt.
south of the southwest corner of lot
2, hlk, 2, Cottage Addlllon, nnd having
u fmntagu of 76 ft. on Centrul live., us
dehcrllxKl In vol. VH, pugu 420, records
of Juckson cuunry, Oieyon. 16,000 sq.
ft., $9.00.
Assesmueiit No. 39S J. V. & M. K,
Lutlmiii. A pmiil In lot 4, block 2, be
ginning at u jiolnt 1115 feet south of
the south wont corner of lot 2. bloc): 2,
In Cutiutjo aUJItlou, us Ucscrllad In
vol. M. pnr 11 ffford nr ,trkon
connti Oregon I6 00oi ft , $ on
AMrMiiirnt No. 3M.t?. Prederlrk
ron twrrel nr lit ml, tirgltining nl a
Hilnt 7. fiet north of lot 6. block 1.
Collage addition, unit luting a front
Bgt of 36 feet on Centrol memlc north
deerlhed In ol. fl, tmgc 0, rccoid
of J n. -k mm eounly, Oregon. 6,000 mi ft .
AiMCinMtl N. S P. Predeilek
on The mot Rontherly portion of bit
4. block 2. hnxlng o frontnge of 76 foet
on Centrol avenue, north, br drprlbed
In vol l, Me S, rHird of Jiekon
county Orejim 16.000 mi ft.. $9.00.
.eMiucnt No. S .1 N. lloeker
mlth. tin, , lilniteira aihlltlun. or ilc
Rcrtbeil In vol S, wgc 110, record of
JaekMu iiiunty. Oregon. 7.0HA R(l. fl
AMMnient No. 400 A. It, Ciimpbell
trfit 7, lllell'R addition, n deerlhel
In vol. t. page 444, record of Jackun
countv. Oregon. 0 Ro o, fl S3 7
AReRlueut No 401 Vm. It. Cninp,
bell l."t . HIrrcII'r aildlllnn. a tie
crlbed la vol v7, vgc 611. icconlR of
Jn, kRon eonnty, Oregon 4,320 mj fl .
AicRment No 408 A. 11 Compliell
lAl 6, llbHiell mldlllOH. tlrfcrlbcil In
vol 7. tiagc 444, reconlR of Jurkmin
county. Oregon. . n ft.. $ V
Amramncitl No 403 It rrult and
Prodiirc Aamielrttion, lit I, lihick I.
Centrol Riib-dlxlRloo, MR deacrlbed In
vol. 21. page 2S, record of JaekROIl
L county oregwn. i.iw n. u , w yv.
nr.cmiincnt No 4I4 It. It l'rult.nnd
Produce ARnoetatlon. IH J. niorK 1.
Central tuh-dlvlRlon. BR de'l Ihed In
vol. 34. lgit 33, iwhl of JnrkRon
count. Oregon. 6,760 ml ft. S3 46.
AMxainent No 406 It. It Prnlt and
Produco ARRoclaUon. Iit 3. block 1.
Central uh-dtvUhn, a described In
vol. 24. po 2. reciinlR of Jackson
county. Oregon. 6.7.10 q. ft . $. 1
AMiRinent Niv ! 11. It Prult and
Produrc .ancltlnn. Iit 4. blink 1.
Central mib-divlMon. a decrlbd In
vol 21. page 31, reconiR or JoeKnon
iMoinO Oregon 6 T-.o i ft S 4
AMRciuiment No 407 - It It rrult and
PriHlui-e iv tailor lit .1, libn k I
Central riiIiIIIrI.mi. aa diilbe.l In
vol. .'4. page JN3. recqrd of Jaekon
county. Oregon. 1.760 mi. fl. $3 16.
Aetmnt N 4 . It. Prnlt ntj
Produce ARwvlnthm. Lot . block I.
Central Riib-dlvlnlon. a dowrlbe,! In
Vil. 4, pago S'Sj record of Jaekmoi
counts. Oregon. 3.76ft ru fU SI C.
ARwmenl Na 0 It. It. Prult and
Produce AaRoclitHon IU 7. Idk. I. Cell-
mi ruii-i ' , i',,i, ,1-i--. -.-. ,., - "
94. page ii. reeonta of Jaoksou eounly.
On-Knn 3760 ft. $3 Ik.
Aaaensmeiit No 110- It It Krillt and
Pinduee iwoekillon. Lot . hlk 7. tvn-
ml Soli.OUIsIolii. UN described In ol
1 ml Siili-li on. a uniH'riimi in
94. Ntge 2S3 recnnl of .IsckRou eounly
Oiegon tow sq. fU $3 HO.
AHHesmeiit N tl S It- II Prult nnd
PnMtuee socltlon. Lot 9. lilk I. Cen
tral Jhib-IMvlston. u dewiribeil In MM
4, page 23. record of Jhckoii roun
ty, OreBn 3oo sq ft.. $S 00
AsseiMinent No. 41311 It Prult and
Produce Association Lot IU. Idk I. Cen
tral Kub-iishin, ns derrlled In vol
14. page 33. record or Jackson count).
Oregon 60O sq ft.. $3 on
Ak- ineni N.v 4t:-n ItPnilt and
IriMlu. Aasni-lalloii Irfil It. hlk. 1.
f'.lllrai Mob t'KMIiin On-gmi 5mm m
ft . $1 o
,sM-sineni No 11411 It Prttlt ami
PnKluce Association Lol 12, hlk. I
ivntml Xub-I)llslon. us descnlied In
Mil 94. page 213 records of Jaekson
eiwintv Oregon. 60 sq. f t . IJM
Assessment No IIS It II Prult an.1
Produce Association. lait 13, blk. I, Cen
tral rlub-I)llslon. as described In vol
91, page 2s, reconls of Jnckon county,
regon. 62e si fi . $3 71
Assessment No 4 1 Henry Iluuiphrey
and L O lorter Iit t. tdft 2. Centra'
Sub-lHlslon. as descrllieil In vol 5'i.
luge 4C0. reconls nf Jackson county
Oregon 5750 sq. ft, $313
Asw No 417 Henry ltumphn.v
ami L tl Porter Iit 2. blk. 2, Central
eii-ln' Klon. an deecrllicd In fd 69.
imge 4CH. records of Jackson county.
Oregon. 5760 sq fl . $3 16.
Asm-eemrtit No. IIS- Itciirv llumphnx
nnd L O Porter.. Ixl 3, blk. 2. Central
Hub-Ill vision, an deserllied In vol 691
puge K0 record of Juckson county.
Oregon 17S0 sq ft. ST 43
Ajtesineiit No 419 L tl IMrter. Lot
I, Idk. 2. Centrul rlub-OUIsion. as de
scribed In vol S6. page 198, record of
Juckson county, Oregon. 550 sq. ft.,
S3 IS.
AsseRsmcbt No 120 L O Porter !.ol
i. blk. 2. IVntral Mub-llvlslon. as de
scrllieil In vol hi, iwge 193. reconia of
Juckson county, Oregon. 57JO sq ft .
J 15.
Assessment No. 42IHenry Humphrey
and L O. Porter. It C. blk 2, Centrul
Hllh-Dlvlslotl. na descrllieil In Vol 69.
tsige 4v, n-cotils of Juckson county.
Oregon 6750 sq ft.. $3.16.
Assessment No. 423 Henry lliiiiiiliry
mid L CI I'ort.r. Lot 7. hlk 2.
Sub-HIVIslnn. as d.'fcorll--d In vol 39.
luge 400, n-conls of Jaekson oiuniy.
(in-Kon 5750 sq ft . $1 16
Assessment No 423 Henry llimiphre)
and I. l Purler Uil S, lilk z, I'enirul
rhib-lilMslnn. aa deserlld In vol 69.
Ige bio. records of Jaekson county.
Oregon. 6760 sq fl., $3 16.
Assessment No. 424 Henry Humphrey
and 1, 1 Purler, l-nt 9. hlk 2. Central
8ilh-llvllon. an descrtlml In vol 69.
Jiage 4UU, r.-cords of Jaekson rounly.
Oregon 7360 sq ft. $4.42.
Assessment No. 426 Henry Humphrey
and U t! Porter Iit 10, blk 2. ivn
iral rtub-Dltlslon. aa descrllieil In l
5e. jxage 4K0. reconls 01 Juckson coun
ty. Oregon. 01 00 s. fl., S3 XI
Assessment No. 42i llenr) llumjilirey
and L. tl Porter l-ol ll. Idk 2, Cen
tral Sub-IitvlHlon, as iliscrllwd in Mil
83, page 4iu, records or Jackson county.
Oregon. 60110 m( n . ft mi.
Assessment No 127 Henry Humphrey
nnd L tl Pori.-r l.ot 12. hlk 2. Cen
trul ihih-DlM'sliiii. nr described in Mil.
69, page 460, records of Jaekson coun
ty. Oregon 6ono sq fl . SSvu.
AwMssment No. 42k Henry llumjilirey
and L. O. I'orUr. Lot 13. blk. 2. Centrul
Muli-OlvlNlon, as desrrllil In vol. u'J,
page IC11, record of Juckson couniy,
Oregon. 5000 en rt . S3 00
Assessment No. Uk lUinry Humphrey
and 1.. O I'orter. Lot II. big :. tvulial
huli-DHIslon. as desorllicl In Mil 39,
ge ICO. 1 Tunis ut Jackson couniy,
Oiegon S00O sq fl.. JJ OU.
AsHesMinunt No. 430 Henry Humnhrev
audi, (1 I'orlir ll IS.blk 3. Centra 1
.Sub-H! vision, us described In Mil 69
page 400, leconla uf Jackson 101111I).
Oremin 5001) so ft . $3 mi
AsMHfiiieul No 431 Henry llillillilircy
and L. 11 Purler Lot IC blk 2. Cen
tral Mub-III vision, um discrllicl In vol
69. !g 40, records nr Juckson lounty.
Or.L-.lll f.OOU mi ru 43. ou.
Assessment No. 433 Henry Humphrey
ami 1. 0 rorier it i. nm. z. I'eninti
rlllh-Hlvlslon, us desoribed In vol. 69,
luge tno. records of Juckson county.
Oregon. 6000 sq fl , $3 00
Assessment No 433 Henry Humphrey
und L O Porter Lot 18. lilk :, Central
rflili-Iiii Islon, as described In vol. 19.
page 400, ri cords uf Jackson county,
Oregon. 6000 sq fl . $3.00.
Assessment No. 134 .Marie K. Hen
itett. lad I, blk. 3, Central Huh-l)lvl-alon,
uu described In vol. 89, page 621,
records of Jiictkson county, Oregon
8i)liV sq fl. $1 S3.
AHseasmenl No. 421 Marie 11 ll,-u-nalt
laa i, blk. 3, Central H11I1-I1IM-Mlon.
lis ilescrlbed III vol 89, ige 621,
7200 sq. fl, 4.32.
Assessment No. 436 liar In ll Hennett
Lot 2. Mil. 3, Central Hub-lUvlNlou. uh
dwicrlbcd in vol 89, luge 621, records
of Juckson county, Orc'iui. 7200 sq
ft., $1.33.
Axses'unent No. 437 Isaac Williams
1 A, 1 I. II l .,n,..l U..I. ,1 I
v, ,. inn i, ,-1111 u. nil,,-, ,1 viniiiii, u.
described ill Mil. 93, juge Cki, records of
Juckson county, Oregon. 7200 sq ft.,
Assessment No. 43S Wlliuer I? (lomlo.
lil 6, hlk. 3. Central tfulj-HIMslon. us
dercribed In to). 83, Jiagn IGci, reCordH
or Juckson county, Oregon. CC00 mi. fl ,
.AssenHiiicnt No. 439 Wllnier It Ooode
Lqt V, lilk. 3, Central Hilli-lllvlslon. us
ihVicribed III vol 4. i:lgo 106, recmdM
11" JackHuu couniy, Oregon, wiop jiq ft.,
Assessment No. 410 It. II Toft. Lot
7, blk. 3, Central Huh-I'li Jslmi. im ii
wjilicd III vol. 93, page 18, reconia of
Jackson county, Oregon. 0000 q fl ,
AHHcsNnicnt No. Ill James II. Ken
nnly and 1). a Noy,s. Iii H, blk. 3,
Cntnil Hub-Division, uh ih scribed In
vol. 8. jidgo Ml. lecorda of Juckson
county, Oregon 7370 sq ft., $1.12.
Assessment No, 412 lhinlul Hllkey,
The north 201 feet of lot C. block 3,
Cottugu addition, us deseilhed In vol.
91, page 98, records lit Juckson county,
Oregon. 64,270 sq, ft.. $32,60,
Assessment No. 443 A. L. Wnllnm.
Tim smith 50 feet uf lot 0, block 3, Cut.
lage uuuiuon, uh iiescrinen in vol. 70.
puge 20, records of Juckson county.
Oregon 15,1211 sq fl . $9 07
Anecsuiiicilt ,y, 411 N, tf, Uvlinolt.
The liorlh feel of tot : hiork V Col
Inge aililltlon, 11 ileeriited in ol
page 11 re-ord nf Jmk'on nunl
Oreon 1 : 0i n fl tin
" ,-....
AneflRniriit No lift. I llnwnrit
The fool alrlp nf hind beginning at
a point 60 reel ninth of hloek 3,
I'nllnge 11 billion, a de Hb.-d In Mil
12. page 30. record of J,i ken count),
uiegon 11111 Ri 11. iiiih-i
Vement No lliWMirllm II lov
nrd The 73 foot nl rip f mil. begin
ning ot a point 60 feet llin III of Inl 1,
block 3, Collage nililltlnn, a tlem'rlhed
in ol ,t, page 3il7, reisir.l of Jackmni
lotinty. OriMiin. 20Jf,n .. It $12.16.
,Remiiiieiil No. 4tT- Anna lbiine,
A panel of land cnniiirulhg Hie roiiUi
60 feet of lot 7. blk. 3, Cntla,c Aililltlon
ai described In vol. kt. iviho I9R. re,
eonl of Jnrkmiu county Oiegon. 13.600
Ri fl . SS.I0.
AeRnieiil No. 4K-Mfred II
Week. Kdlth A. fri. The luulh 167
rt of lot N. hlk 3. IVtuage Addition,
a di'RCtlbeil In vrtl. 5H mge 310. re.
cord or .Inekmiii ciiiiut) Oiegon. 12,390
m ft, $36 13,'
AReinent No. 44 a K Weeks, A
parcel of hind In lot X, blk 3, Cut tilt e
Aililltlon, ciniirllng iim vet 76 ft.
of the miullt "0 ft. Of Hrtld lot. OR de
scribed In vol. M, iwige 4.'S. rci-onla of
Jaikson county. Oregon oo Nq fl ,
$3 3.
Aaeinent Ni 460 nc T rtalll.
ger A parrel of land ft vl6 fl
couiprllnjr Ihc ot end of the south
M) (t of lot . blk. 3, Citt'lge Addition,
as di, rlbcd In ol, l a4i' Sua, r.
tmls of Jackson viiunl Oregon. IC,
ono sq f 1., $ SO.
Asesment No. 461 H M Itiidcllffe
A panel of land In lot hlk 3. Col
lage. Addition, approximately Iiw ft
x 160 ft. lotting u fro.tUK of tun (1
on Clark Rtreflt, as di v, rtb'il In Vol
97. ivige 341, reccnU of jai-kson rounty,
Oiegon isooo n. Ji, $: .
AsTsment No, I att A parcel of land
In lot !i. blk 3. Cottaae Aililltlon. un
prnxlni.itel)' SOvlnii f 1 , Vixlitg o front
age of Ml tl .111 Ckirk Rlr. et a deacrlb-
eil In Mil Vii. IMgn fit, 1 r-or, Is or J.n k
sen leunl) OrcnuL C'.iui mi ft. S39rt
Asiiiient No. 453W M Smith. of land In fl 9. Mk 3 Cottage
,.i iiiioh. appinxiin iii-i n ri x 1711 rt
ml having it fro n Id g i' "f HO fl nu
Central eue. as dcsirllxd 1,1 vol. 73.
Iiohc 121, record 'of Joksou eonnty,
Oregon, It. Coft sq. flM 19 1
sessnent No. til Ji P Hansen
The MNtth inf rt ttf lm 1 hlk. 3. Col
tttge Aildlllon, a dmerlbed In Mil ti;.
puge 31. reimrilR of Jac-kwiit county.
Oiegon 2vt sq. II. 117 31
Aeement No 46;S J C Ward A
pa.rr.-l of laud, eoniprltliig the west
136 11. of the south m ft or lot in.
blk 3, (Nittage Addition a derrll,e,l
In m'I 77, jvage 237. rends or diieksnn
i.nintv, Oregon slim fi , Jim:
Assessment No IA4- C C ILirkilVlll.
A ihiriet of land iunrlln.r the etisl
136 ri of the south n ft ..f lot 0. blk
3, Ciittugo Aililltlon. us .li erlhe.l In Mil.
76 tuge t, record of J 1 kon couuly.
Oregon MOO sq ft., fl mi
ssemrnt No. 137 ulle llrent.ino
L't I. blk 4. Cillaxe Addition, us de-ai-rlbe.1
In vol 19. page 4 J" record of
Jaekson county. Oiegon 1000 sq ft,
Assessment No 16 Clia M.ilrnskl
Ixit 3 Mk. I. and the I J l .' r.M.i north-
erlv trl, vt lol 3 blk I I'x.Mgo Ad
dlllon as dea.-rlli.d In i n'O. Mge 611
re. onl of Jaekmii ,,,uii Or. gi.n
ll.vna mi ft.. 170.
Aement No 45 J Blm-eaen
K'tale. Tlie sout.lerlv 25 fool slrlii
of lot 3 blk . and nil al lot' I la ml I.
blk 1. collage Aildlllun as ,iecrllcit
In v. 6. page I5t. ic-iird of Juckson
count) orcjon 3l,w0 q rt $10 in
Assessment 110 ISO -Jhn Khwegeu
Katate Lot , hlk I, I'utl.ige Additlun
aa descrthoPMn vol. I. parfe 61. re
tonl nf Jackson i,miii. Oregon.
13111 sq. rt. $ t.
Assessment No. Il-lidin Ithwegen
IJstate Lot 7. hlk I, 1'ultaue Addition,
as described In vol SV pige 363, re.
orda.f Juekson tounly Oregon. 13.-
sq. ft . 3V.1K
Assessment No. 4S2 John Khwegen
Kstate iMt 1. blk. I, Cettag.- Aildlllon.
us deserlbed In Vol. 6. IHige 213. re.
onls of Juekson ,-ouniy OiegoH I.
5IU sq (t . $9 32
Assessment No. I3 Mary A. I'r)ee
tail 2. blk. 13. Ilc.iitr Aildlllon. as
described In vol. IS-W, jslge 173. re
cords of Jaekson eaunt), Oregon. 30.
400 sq fl. $12.24.
Assessment' No. .IClr-ilary A. I'ryce.
lait 1 nil., li. D-ii Addition, ns
Jescrtbed in vol 3'M, page 173. re
cords of Jackson leuuty. Oregon 13.
loo q (t SVHS
Assessment No 4C Mary A. Pryee
lad 2. blk. I.'. llealD'a Addlllon, u
deserllml In vol. 12-61, ge 173. re
e finis of Jurksun y. Oiegon 13.
SOU sq. ft. $1 10
Assresmrnt No ("it Mary A. I'ryce
tail 3. blk. I.' lb allt a Addition, us de
scribed In o 13-M page 173 records
of Juekson count). Oregon. Il.ilno sq
ft. $S IC.
Assessment No 147 Wnlter M. Ken.
nedy The west JIS ft. Of tot 1. blk.
II. Ilentt) s Addltlnn ns dei 1 Ihetl In
vol. i!6, jiage 63 retard of Juekson
rounty, Or. gou tm sq. f.. SV7A.
Assessment No un Walter M. Ken
nedy. The west .'in ft, of lot 2, blk.
11. ItcHtty'R Aildlllun. n described In
vol. 6. Jiage 53 leeorda or lueksou
couniy. On gun ' so, f I . $6.70.
Assessment No 4 Waller M Ken
nedy. The wrcsl 3IU ft. of lot 3. hlk
II Ilentt) s Addition, a desi rthed III
Mil. 05. Wi 51 reeorMs of Juekson
1 mint). Orewn. ) sq, ft. $6.70.
Assessment No K11 -A. A. ItaiU The
east 100 ft of lot I hlk. II. Ifefltl)'
Aiiiiiimn, na ues. niHii in mil si, isigr
6uf, records 01 J.uksnti collul), Ore
gon 4000 so. fl . I.- 10.
Assessment No 171 A A. P.lvls. Tin
east 100 ft of hi I blk. II. I (catty's
Aililltlon. us ilea, ritM.l In vol. :. i.igi
602, records of J 1, i,n muuiy On-go
40o fi. ft, iMn
Assessinenl No 1:: W. I! Philips.
The caul I mi ft or tot 3, blk II, lleut-
tys Addition. .' b.i-rlbeil In vl N7.
page 4I, reiiinU of .Inrkson couniy.
wragoii. Iftfi s.1 M 83.40. No in W. Al Hinllh
11 3. blk I. Nam gun's Addition, as
described In vol T 1. (jugo iuv. i cords
of Jaekson eouno, Oregon. llK R
fl. $2 II
Aem-Hominl No i;( W M. Hmtth
Ia)t 4. hlk 4. Nurn-gunV Aildlllon. us
described In Mil 7, pa go 3C0. r. colds
of Jackson coimii Oregon, in Ifi sq
fi. $2 41
Assessment No 476-W M Mm I til
lail 6, hlk. 4, NarrrgUli'H AiUllllill, us
ileacrllHsl In vol tl. juige 3Co, reconls
uf Jackson couui, Oregon. lolC hi
f I . $2 1 1
AasefMuucnt No ITrt W. Al. Hrnilll
I ,., ,T t.lL. 1 W ... ..,-. 4.. .11,1.... ,.,
.. w, i,,n, ,, ,,,, Kllll Q ,t",, ifH. MJ
nescriam in vol ,1, juign
uf JiukiHiu ruuiit), iiregon,
$2 II
Assessment No 477 W
Lot 7. hlk I. N.,riiLfon'H
descrllieil In M 71. puge
of Juekson count) iih-koii
360, it-cordR
0C ruj rt
', M. Hiilllli
Addlllon, uh
360, records
1016 sq. I
.- 11.
Assessment N11. (7 !co. f). Wolgn
mott lq s. hlk I Niirregiiu'a Aildl
llon, as described in vol, 75, Jiagc I'll,
ri'iorda of Juekson county, Oregon,
lull, sq. ft . 17.41
Assessment No 179 .ilufy Winter,
hqlder Iit V, lilk I Narregun'a Add),
lion, mr ilescrllu.l ,n inl ilrt. page 3ils,
teinids uf Jiii'kxon eounly, Oregon
(OK, Hq. ft,. 13.11
Assessment No l0--p.'J.'ltyun. fait
10, hlk I, Niirn-g.ns Addition, iu de.
scribed In vol. 6s jiriiii 694. records of
Jackson county. Orison. 4010 sq, ft..
Ississmini nl No 4n I P. J. Ilynn. Lot
11, blk. 4, Nuircgiiii 1 Aildilloil, US de
seilhud In Vol .A imgo 691, records of
Juiksoii count). Oiegon. -1016 sq ft..
Assessment No P. I', J. lixm. Iit
13. bll( I. Niirreviii's' Addition, uh de-
scrlbul In vol 5b pige 691, records of
Juckson count), Or goti. 1010 sq, f I ,
.. 11.
Assessment No 131'. J, Ilyan, lait
13. blk. 4. Nurieir.ii. Aililltlon. .is de-
si rlliril 111 vol 6h i.ige 691. rei'onlH of
.liicUr.011 loiuily. On umi, 4016 sq, fl.
'Assessment No III Isaac Hiitisehnl
dor. Lol 14. hlk I Ninrc-'iin's AUdl
Hon, as ilescrlbed m l, I). 88. page 181
iccords of Jut kson rounty. Oregon.
1016 sq. ft.. $5 II
Assessed No, 18". -Isaac Householder
Lot 15, blk. 4, Nuiregan'. Aildlllon, 11
described In II, I) 88" jingo 481 iccuids
or J.itltsuu county Uicguil, Hnu ! ft
"Ansessment No (KC O. C! Hogg, A
panel of land marked ''A. ll." on the
mop of tho elly of Medford, being u
pin 01 101 i, nig .', of tiitiMiiigus nun
dlvUlun, UH ii m I Had Vil 92, pagu
315, reconls of Jaikson county, Oregon
176.C30 till, ft., XlbUiK 1
Assessment No, iu .1. Mr Hharpu, A
panel of land marked "A. II." on llio
limy of Hie clt) or Alctlfoiil. bcjng "
pat t of lot I, blk. i, Mln'autf Hub-divl'
din 11 ,left.,ll..t In ,...! ill ... t
'HWiL '" likon eouno. Oregon
lv I 101,730 Rl fl SH6 :i
, rnaiii'-tii-,, ,1 . nnrv intfi.
irRmetit ,, h .anry l ngi
I A tin reel of hind marked "A P" on Hi
1 limp of the cll of Mrilfonl, helng u
imrt uf lol 4.
7. .Mill
MIiiimk Huli-dll
on. n dacrlhcil in mi!
ol Ki. iiiiuh S13
.- us n, aneason tuuil), oreguii
Sill.tmil sq fl., $167,11
Assetsinrni Kit IH- P Kuuii Lot I,
ilk. I, Wood'a Aildlllon. ns described
In vol, .19. pn so 8, rrcitrilR of Juekson
couniy. Dreamt tann so ft . $130
Assessment No. 190 -P Zun.i Lol S.
hlk. 1 Wuod'R Aildlllnn, a Hem 1 Ihed In
vol 89. pagi .1, record of Jm kson
county, Oregon. 77uil su, fl., $l.3,
Asessinnt No, 491- P. Xnuu. lait .1.
dk I. Wnod'R Aililltlon. na descrllieil
In vol, si, lingo 8, rerujd nf Jneksuu
county. Ore-tun. 6IM1 sq tl.. $3.3.
ARsessmsnt No. 49111 Hi hitler Lot
4, hlk. I. WihviI'r Addition, aa deiorlbed
In Vol. 69, ivage 34, leeonls of Juekson
county, Oregon, ,10 nil sq, ft , 3 no
Assessment No. 4931) . Wood
Lot J. hlk, 5, Wood's Addition, 11 dr
RcrlhVil Hi vol 87, puge tnj, ierord of
Juckson county, iirenon 5300 sq, ft .
Aaiteatinenl No. 4UI I), M. Wood
tell 3, lilk. 2, Wood Addition, as de
sirlbed in vui. K7, vi jni. reei.ida of
.Ineltson vnutity, Oregon. 4300 sq fi .
Asemeut No. I')5 1 H. Wooils lait
3. blk. 3, Woods Addition, as desrrlhed
In vol 7. ivige 40. tii-onls of Jaekson
-iMiniy, iirt-Kon iwnu sii, 11, jy ai
Aasessment No. 486 It He toiler, l.ot
4. blk. I. Wnnda Addition. 11s decrlbed
III vol. 19. page II, rcrtjrd of .In. kson
count). Oregon 4900 q ft, L'ui,
, sesmeni Nrv 497 1 H Wood
tail A. hlk. 2, Wood Addlllon. n de
scribed. In voh 7. mge 10. le.onls uf
Juekou eounly. Oregon. 4900 sq II .
Assessment No. 491 O H Wood
tall C, hlk 2. Addlllon us de
srrlhed in vol. 17 pa jo lot. record of
Jaekson tounly, Oiegon 1900 sq fl..
$2 91.
seient No. IM--Humid Atklu
A mrvel or land desltfiisied ns 'I " 00
the limp or tie- city r Atedford and
having k fronliigc or nm fi. on Niirre
g.ill street, us dem-rlhed III VOL 9U. page
4US, remirils llf Juekson CillllllV. Oregon
20.iiS sq. rt., $12 39.
Assessment No. 600 ChA M Will
gHliott. A ju'tirel uf land design ileO a
1" nil I he map uf the ell) of Mistroid
and having it frontage of iio ft on
Narregun street, as described In vol
71. ,',70, records or Jurkson 101111
t), regon. JU.il5H sq, fi.. fir.lH
Asessinenl No,.5ii --H.-nr P Html
ellffe ' A jwi.-il of land designated il
"lit ort Hie map of III. rile of Aledfunl
Und hnvlug 0 frontage t 60 (I oil Nor
regno xttrut, as ilrs.illH.1 In Vol. 72.
page 39, reconls or Ja. kson omul),
Oregon. I3:'J. ft.. $8 .
Assessment No Mt- It II Toll A
tKireel or land delgnncil ua "cj on
the map of I'n- rlt) of Medfonl, having
a fmiitaiH of iio ft on Narregan strn-t
.1 desrrlhed III '-l 10 Jlle 611 r. -cutis
or Jm kmni ii.only, ort Kim 12 19)
q ft. $7.44.
Asseiiineiit No 6o3 Henry P t4tan
ellffe A (street of land .leslgualeii as
"!" on the mail of the illy of Aledfonl
and huvlng a fnuilage of mi. 7 fl mi
Nalregun slriel a de ,lld lit ml 72,
iiage 3. re.-t.nls "( Ja. kson tount).
Or, gn. 12.19. sq. ft. $7 1 1
Aaesmmt No. 5Hltert Mlniirllffe
A pan-el of land deslgimtetl a "O on
the map of the rlt) of Med ford and
huAlug it froNtMg.i of ." ft on Nnrreguii
street na designated In vol 7l, Mje 90.
records nf Jaekson eo it), Oregon
10.339 sq ft.. :.
Assessment No. 606 Win. I'lrlch lait
9. tdk 2, (Hay's Addition. H descrllieil
In vol 91, pkge 37. records uf Jaekson
county. Oregon leio q. ft . ts.3
Annrnnii HI No 504 Win I trlch. tail
blk 3, llray's Addition, aa described
In vl 91 lutae 37. rn onl of Jnrkmiu
county. On-gnn. 6 too . rt . J.;l.
Aseasme ll No 67 Alvlu Campbell
ten 7. blk 3. fir.,)' Addition, a !.
sirtlud lr vol 9.' 11 ge ll" .nd vol
91 tuiKe 361, recoid of Jackson iOun
t) Oregon 5HMI si ll $3 .'I
Assessment No 606- limit lleas. lail
C. blk 3, llruy'a Addition, aa describe I
III vol 17. Mge 121. reconls of Jaekson
tounly. Oiegon. 6lu so ft.. S3 .'I.
Vssesemeut No 509 Win. llrl, i Lot
6. tdk. 3, Oruy's Addltmo us deserlbed
In vol. 31. jMk. 3.1. retvrd uf Jnrlisnn
count). Ore ton. 6 lull sq ft., $3 24.
Assessment No. 310 Wn. I'll lib. Lol
I. blk 3. Gray's Aililltlon us describe I
III vol 91. .Age 371. records of
count). Oregon. .".ItM q fl $3 31.
Assessment No 411 John llren ter.
lait 3. blk. 3, Ota) s Addition, as dr
scribed Iu vol. 92. isige 331, re ..nil of
Jaikson count), Oregon alOli sq. ft .
Assessment No. 313 ICrnest Itlehter.
lail I. blk I Alary' i'lare Addition
as described III l. 1. tstge mrj. re
iHirds of Jr. kson countr. Oregon &3o
sii fl.. $3 1
AssessiiP nl No. ".13 Krnest III. liter,
lait 1. blk I. li.r)' Place . billion, us
desi rlln d In vol 13. Ihlge lUfi, records
of Jaekson '.onl). On son 13U0 sq ft
AiMicHaiiveut No 6I4--Krwl Itjchler
lait 3. Idk I. ilaryV I'laee Addlllon. tie
srlbe,l In Md 4MW. , nctilds nf
Jaekson county. Oregon 60 sq ft .
Assessuient No JI6 ltnil Itlehter
fl ... 1 I.IL I VIsrv'M laita A.ldlllOO lie-
crlls'd III lid 83. iMge 09. leeonls of
Jackson couiil). Oregon ajou imj ii .
$3 IK
Aaaessmi-nt Nil 616 'rural Itlehter
tail 5. blk I. Mary's I'luoe ihlltlon. dc
ma-ii..I In wol 11 itae All'l. I...rds ol
Jackson count). Olegnn ".3n0 si fU.
A, ssiiieut No 617 --Krinil Itlehter
tan 0, blk I. Mliry'a HOee Addlllon. de
scrlbeil' III vol 83. page 0'i. levonl of
Jiickamti rounl). Ogou 63IHI W ft.
IS 18
AsMvayun nl No 118-IJrnual Itloliler.
lail 7, blk I. Mury'a Place Addition, de
scrllieil In Mil. S3, page 9. luooiihi of
Jucksuii counl), Oiegon 6100 sq fl .
$3 18
Ami MUlli-nt No 519 I'iliesl lllclilej.
lait 8. hlk 1. SlaryR l-fafe Aildlllon
dtscrllM-d In vol 83. imge 609. leioi.U of
Juekson county, Oiegon 5300 mi ri .
AssesRincnl No 5J0 -Himsl lllchler
lait 9. blk I. Mury'a I'lMfe Aildlllnn, us
deserlls-d III vol. i. Ilge 0i. records
of Juckson iiiuni). Orefcroi 75uo sq ft .
$4 60
AnscmniiiciiI No 621 llrviCHt Ulclicler
lail in. blk I, Man's Place Aildlllon.
us itescribeil III vol 83. Klge f.U, retfold
of Jnchs-in t-iHinly. Oiegun ,.'. m f .
t?" -1 .
AHaeHsmnui ,o ;-- isnn si iiicui.t.
Uil II. I
dk I. .Mud's I'luce Aililltlon. us
described In vol. 83, page C09. record nf
. ...1..... .1. ,.,.. Riin m,i ri
rfu,,p.'l. IWUIU9, v,,...,,. ,WVU W'l ,- ,
AHHCHfciueiii no i; urnest jiitiuier
I.m I?, blk I. Mur I'm I'Mcn Aildlllon.
us descrllMil In Md 83. pane CU9, reconia
of Jui kson couuly, Oregon. 73uo sq fl,
II 50
AsMeasmeiil Nn. 61 IvriKHl lllchler
lad 13. hlk I. Mary's I'luce Addllluil, uh
deserilinl In vol 83, page 609. records
of Juckson county, Oiegon 75iio sq
f I , $ 1.5(1.
As'ssmcnt Nu 626 Itrnest lllchler
Lot II, Idk I, .Murv'M I'lac Addlllon.
un ll. srrlhid In vol. 83. mijp 609 leimrds
of .ltickun counl). On gou. if.oo sq
f t , $ I 611
Ansessment No, 620 - Hriienl lllchler.
l.ot 16, blk. I, .Mary's I'luce Aildlllon, uh
ilesotilMil In vol, 83, puge 009. records of
luvkson (ounly
tirejton. i'io sq 11. ,
ll no.
Assusiiwoil No. !.''t Hrnest Illchlrer.
Iat M, hlk I. .Mary's I'luce Addition, uh
ileNCIIbed ill vol. 83, p.llle 1.09, leeonls of
Juckson county, Oregon 75oo sq, ft ,
$1 SO.
, AsHISHIilent No 528 (Iruce II Vcuipr
A pureed of tutu) di signaled uh "A" on
Ihe inup of Ihe clt) of .Meilfurd, hating
11 fionlUge uf 132 It. on llroad nil eel, lis
ilescrlbed In Vol, 84, page 378, n mills of
IhcIivoii counl), Oiegon C8,000 sq, fl ,
$10 80.
Assessment No 329 -L. I Ciinflelil
Lot fi, hlk I, Mury'a I'luce Aildlllon. uh
dCHCllhed III vol, 73, pugn 12. ncnnlH nf
Jueiisoii count), Olegnn, C900 sq. fl .
Aniiissinint No 630 I, I). Cuiifiehl
Lot-5, blk I. Mary's Place Addition, ns
iKscillicd In vol. 73, puge 12, uiordH of
Jufktnu couuly, Oregon. (J9IKI sq f I ,
'AKHd'siiicnt No. 631 L. I). Canflclil.
Lot -I, hlk. I, AIuiv'm I'hico ddllluu, uh
ilcscrlhi'd III vol. 73, puge I VCorilN of
Juckson county, Oiegun. t 0 sq. ft.,
AHKcgHinenl No, 132 L. I), I.AIlflelil,
Lot 3. hlk I, Mury'H i'luce Aildlllun, uh
dericrlhitl III vol, 771, pago 12, it-cordH of
Juckttou counl), Olcguu U900 sq ft.
Aesessmout No, D.13t-L, I. Cuuflvld
Lot 2. hlk, I, Mury'a I'laee Adllllon, as
dcHCilbeil in vol, 73, pago 12, nidrils of
.iiicuevu couniy, yrcijoii, ovou q. 11
Assessinenl No 611 L. li. Citn field
l.ot hlk. I, Miirv's riiii'o Aildlllun, us
deserllied In Mil. 7.1, paga If, reenrds nf
.liieksuil couniy. Oregon. itlOO so fl ,
$1 II
Assessment No 416 W, II. Hlntvnrl
l.ut 8. blk V, Miirv's I'hici' Aililllliili, na
deacrined In Vol 76, page 3.16, recunlN uf
Jneksuu county, On'gon i)on sq fi ,
Assissineiil No 63(1 - W If Mletvnrt
l.ol 1, blk. 3. ,M lily's I'luce. Addlllnu, ua
described III Mil 76, nllii 816, recnnl
or Jiicksnn (Hiunt). Oregun 0900 sq fl ,
$1 It
Assessment Nil 637 W II riewnrl
Lot S, hlk 3, Alan's I'luce Addition,
us described III vol 71, page 336, lictittta
or Jaikson county. Oregon till 00 sq fl ,
$1 II
Assesmenl Nn 618 W II MleHnrl
l.ill 6 blk 3, AlnrV'R I'hico Aildlllon, UH
.l...,bll..t ll. ...I ft ........ tlK ........ .!
i.l.f, , ,1-,, ,11 ,.i, , nin- 4. ,',, ,1"
nf Jscksuii cnitnty. oregun, opilo sq rt..
. Asseasment No 6,19 i H, rllew'nrt
Lot 4, blk t, Mur) a Chun Addlllon. uh
deserlbed In vol 7. imgo 3I, neonl
uf JiickMin ciluul), Oteguh. 0900 sq fl ,
$1 11
Assessment Nil 610 W, II Hlewilll
Lot 3. blk S, Mkivs I'Iiiihi Adillilun. '
dewrllH-d In Mil I. Ihimk 936. leeonls
or Jurksun utimiy. Oregon 11900 sq n ,
Assessment Nu ll W H Mleivan
le-it 3. blk 1, .Mary's I'luce Addition. 11
deseillHd In Vol. 76, Mge Jilo, lecurda of
luiksim ciuintv, Oregon, (ioil sq f ,
$1 II
Assiessm. ut Nn. 613 W II. Nlcwnrt
l.ot I. hlk , Mury'M I'lure Addlllon. ,im
ilemqlbed III vol 76. g 336, leDurds
uf .laiiiHun count), oiegmi fiSoo sq n .
l 14
No 613 -I . llDlntllou
irv'a I'laet Adilllliiii. Us
diMerltiel In vol
I". mge jco rccurds uf
jacksnn rnuulv
ongon Roil" mj ft,
Asscssmeni No III I I. Hnmlllnn
l.ol 3, hlk 3, Alarv'H I'lune Adilllhin, a
deserllied In vol 111. page IAD I. cold Of
Jjicksoii isiiinty. Oregon looo ii ft .
$3 9fl
Assessment No 316 L lis mil I ml
lait 3, blk 3, Mi) riaee Adilluun. 'as
desurlbed In Md in, Mign Ifio, n cords
id Jlicksoii couuly. Oiegon SHOO
Assessment No 5101. L Hamilton
Liu 4. hlk. 3, Mary's I'laee Addition,
as ilecrllwd In vol 40. puge lil records
nr Juekson eonni), Oiriiou 1000 sq
fl . I3.i0.
Asum.llient Nil. 617-I I. IlillUlltou
lad k, Idk S, .Mary's I'lure Aildlllon.
11H diwrlliel In vol III. wge M0. Im--onl
of Jaekson eoiiilly, Orerton 6no
sq M , SI.0D.
AsaisnieHI Kn, 111 -I. L Hiiinlltoii
led ' blk. 3. AlHrv'a Plueo Additlun,
ak dem-rllied u vol til imae l. 1.
onls f Jael,ri enimiy, ortlgOn 6ihiu
. ft . .1 tit)
Aasetauitnl No. 119 I. U llllttlltoH
Lot 7. hlk 3. Maty' I'laee Addltlnn. ns
ib-sirllird In vol. Iw. luiae lit. lectints
or Jurksun iiKlnly (ireon toon sq, fi
Asse-sim lit No ',60-1 I. Hamilton
lail 1. blk 3. Mar a Pla .- Addition, a
itracrlbed In vol in, pugs l. i. onls
of Jaekmin county oregun 5wn so ft.
Asesnient Nil 661 f . HniMlllosj
UH II. idk. t. Mar)a l'lae Addition
an ib st'illxd In vol li.,lge MO, nstiril
iif l..kui, ok ion '". l fl
13 ms
AMesHiini No, i'.r -I L Hamilton
lait II. hlk 2. .Mary I'laee Addlllon.
aa tlomrlbed In vol l. (stge MA. re
rords of Jurksun tounly Oregon -"o
sq fl, II. on
Assessment Nu. 551- -I, L Hamilton
lait II, blk. 3 .Mary's I'laee Addition, as
ueserlhett In vol IB jHtge MO, reirtls
of Jnrkson Oregon SOno sti ft
It IW.
Assessment No. 6561. L lilnlllut
lail II bile 3 .Mary's tqare Aildlllnn. as
tleertlied In vol h, mge ISO, reconls
of In. kon 1 aunty. Ort ou latin sq f:
II 00
asesment Nn. II -I. I- llamlllon
lait IS. blk i. .Mary's I'laee Aildltlon,
aa descrlbid In vol w. tsge Mo re
eonU of Jm kson count), oi.-aon in
Ml ft. $3 00.
Aemrjit No 167- W. II. Narcrtm
A Mii-ecl fit land. beglnillHg ill a IHl
Ml 07 we 1 from Unhid stte.1 on the
line of Jitrksuii si . und running theme
north 311 f I . Iheiire west 96 t ft .
thflltr south 19 ft, llieiito ea.l .
fl, then,,' soillli ll(l II and t nnee
east 10 f. to tile place nl brutiinlng
us described In vol 9. page 31, itH-olds
uf Jaeksan eounly Oregon JiKOu sq
ft. I2 34
Aasessmrnt No .1 -Pavhl W !)
A parol uf laud IMxICAs fl , sltuatnl
Inimetlhilely Wist of Hie nlle) Meet of
hlk t. Mar) a I'lure Addition, nnd lm
nieillnlelt south of All I) s plaee. as
tlesi-rlhed In vol 73, Mke 111, ret-ortl
of Jaekson eoiiutv. Oregon Itoo sq ft
12 IJ
Assostnent No 619 J J
Kin el of lit III! UA ll. X 7,0 II. 1111
saulli i.r Alarv s I'laee und adlolnlug the
ule.te 1l.serll.e1l trait on lae west a
dea.-rllied III vol k. iage 113, rerotd
Of Jaikson .mil) Oregon 676.1 sq It
of Jail
li 46.
Assessmrnl No 680 Mc.lfurd Mel 100 1
lllstrh I No 19 A jiircel of hind be
ginning at a imiIiiI 369.7 U fl. west from
the nOrtliHest toiner of HiiKtil street
nml JaekaOH street, und rilblillig theme
north 160 7 fl. thence weal 1 1 1.706 fl .
Iheiire souti 16.1.7 fl and then east
1 14. !', fl lo the iMiu-e of hrglnnliig,
mi dfscrlhrd III vol 76. wge 312. re
cords of Juekson tounly. Oregon. 46.
000 si fl $21.00.
Assessment N all Metlfiirtl Heluml
Dlslrb I No. 19 A parcel of land be
ginning ut u point 433 81 fl VM-sl fniin
tllti noiltiMesl corner of llroad stieel
nn I Jiitiksuu street und running limine
ninth 160.7 ft., thence west 111.706 fl ,
then. 0 soalh ..ii 78 fl. nml theme east
1 1 4 7i
70'- ft to tlie da e of hi giniiuu. us
illbed Iu vol 86, page 31.', Hi onl
de. 1
of Juiksoii
(1. 1-7 On
Aaueasinent No. 612 cjeorge W I'rld
dy et ul A panel of land dealgjiaied
iiN "I" on ihe iiiuji of Ihe eltv nf e,l
ford In hit ;. Mliigus Kuli-ill)loii, mid
deairibeil In vol 26, page 3.'7, re. onls
of Jiiekstin tH.nnly, Olenon I i,ll,00o sq
ft.. I10. lo
Assessment No. 6C3 J. I". Walt. A
pa ret 1 of land III blk 3. Mliigus Hub
illtlsloli having It frontage of 759 60 fl
oil Juilisuu stieet ulld deserlbed III Mil
7 1, page .' rotmrds of Jurlsou roiillt).
OiegoA 311,(010 mi ft, 1 1 4(1 III
Assessnnut No. 6l H.-oi'ge W I'rltl
d). O i N igle. 11111I lleorge T llllilen
A pari et of hind ib sUnaied as '11"
oil Ihe In ip of lb. illy of Midfonl und
hating 11 frontage nf 021 00 fl on I'laik
street. js described In Mil 8, Hige 60.
reconia of J.ultioii 1 utility, Oregon,
rno.ouo sq ru tun o.
Assessment No. 6C Hop and Atiiter
sou I'hino V'u A iiartel uf laud, umu
prising ihe west 611 ft of lol 9 and 10.
Iilli. 1. .Mart's nlain Aildlllon. us de-
1 rllnd llj vol 89, page .', 3 1 , record of
.Imksoit ennui), Oregon, looo sq. fl
$3 00.
Assessment No 606- -I. ! Jlainlllon.
Tho ensl 60 fl of Iota 9 und 10, bill 2.
Mul)'s I'liicn Addlllnu. lis di scrthed Hi
vul 10, pa je M'l. reeuidR of linlisilli
count), on-goii. 6111111 sq, rt, iJ.on.
Assessment No. 667 L O Howiird.
A parcel of hiilil, ileslguuled us "I." oil
tin plat or Ihe ill) or Mtilfoid. having
i flonlUKe nf 139 26 fl un ('lurk street
nml In lug . jurl nr hit 2. bill. '-'. .Mlngu
Huli-dlv Islon. ilesiiilied In Vol. 60, i,i(n
114.1, records uf .lueksou iiiupty, Oii-gnn.
5.'..130 sq. fl 133 01). , ,.
Assissineiil No. r.ilX Pninels A. I1IIR.
A parcil of III. id deslRiiali'd as,"M''
on Ihe mop nr Hie city of Medrord und
being 11 pail of hit 2. hlk. 2, Mliigus
lhih-illvlsun huvlng 11 frontage ill
100 68 ft, on Clark slml, us tlcsi-rllied
III vol. 3D, page 233, recoid uf Juckson
county. Oregon. II.7MI mi fl, $.'U8i,
Assessmt'lit Nu. 6(9 -.lolm III al tie A
panel of luud, deslguuliiil uh "T' on
Ihe inap or the elly or Medfonl liuWllg
11 fioiiiuite or loo ft. un Chirk silent und
ili'scrlhcci III vol. 19, Jiuan J98, Iccords
u( JuikMOii fount), OrcKuu- 20,ooo sq
ft , $12.00.
Assessment No 670 li. II, Tuft. A
panel uf land, designated us 'N uu
Ihc map of Ihe ully of Sledfuiil, being
u part of lot 2, hlk. 2, Mliigus sub
division nml huvlng 11 fruiilugo of 60
ri. on 1110 noun inn 01 auht sireei,
ileserlhi'il In vul. bl. page 683, records
of Jackson county, Oiegon. 22,000 iq
fl, $13.20. T
Assi-Msmmt No. 671 Clurenco A,
Mucker. Lot 7, hlk, 3, Nnrregiin's Ad
dition, us described In Vol. 06, page 111,
record or jucksuii cuuniy,
5000 sq. ft.. $3,110.
AkschhiiiciiI N". 672 Clillclicn A.
Mtekcl Lot 8, hlk? 3, Nariegull's Ad
dition, uh ilesurihul III vol, 06, juign 111,
rii'inilK of Juekson couniy, Oregon.
6000 sq ft.. $3.0U,
AjHCMimiliit No. 573U. IMivanlH. lail
9, Idk .'I, Narrcgan'H Additlun, lis de
scrllieil In vol. Hi. nuun 62. nioiils of
l,,l,u..,i ,iniile lli.oroi fillllO so. ft..
lAiliessineut Nn 6)1 lnp llnilehn
iler, l.llt III, hill. .1, Nltiegiiu's AiMU
Hull, R iteRfrllieil In ml. It. lipiiKn
181. teonrds uf JiielOun I'lillhf), Oregon,
6000 sq II . U.ilO
A.. mmelit Nn '"1 - Issue Ilill8e)in)
iter 1,'M II, idk .1, Nnrriignn' Aiidls
Hun us deseilheil In vul 68-11, H, pogn
41, ii'onids 11 r .litelisuii I'uiiiiiy, Orrgiin.
6UIUI sq fl , I J. 110.
Assessinenl No. ,i"il Isiiili' I luiisejiiil .
ii I'. Lol 13, hlk. J, Nitrreitmi's Aildl
Holt, uh deseilhed In Vul 88, II I), page
411, 111 onls or Jiieltsuii enmity, Oregon,
MIOO sq, ft . 13 HO
ARseasmeiii No 677 -Murniiret ,1,
Vuluiiimdl A Piireel uf Inn, I, ua dCslgt
niittii nn hie plot nf the city ol
Midfonl nnd lieluij 11 mi! uf hill, I,
Allngus riiili-illv Utnii as deserlbed In
vol 63, PUg MQI, leeurd Uf Jlluksuil
HIV, OlegOll. 1I7 'HO sq tl , $10.70,
AssissuiiUt NO 6.8 -N Is Nitrri'gith.
A pnn-e of land designated ns "V" on
the map of lliu nil)' or Aleiirord nnd be
lug In blk I Atlimtia Huh dlvUlun, OR
deserlbed In vol 8, pngo 93, records of
Jm kson lounty Oregon 13.366 'b fl
$1 11
ARiesuienl Nn A.'i I'aul Krnlaler.
A pur. tl ttf kind drslgnaled ns ",V Oil
Hoi map nf the illy nf Medfuid Ullil
having a fnuitnge r lH ft, un llln
lioilh side nl 1'lnili street uul drstiilheil
III vol IT, IMUge 168. leenrds nf Ju(knoii
county, OreBun. 84 Tin n ft t53,(iT.
,.ssRmi'iH No ami K,in Al, HWeel,
A Mieel f hind, ih slgnutrit al "V" III!
the lliuii of Hie elly of ModfoNI 11 lid
deacrll.etl IH vol ", IMtKO S8, reoorils lit
Juekson eomii), Oiegon 1118,780 sq,
II . 66 37.
ARsessment No Ml -J P. Tucker. A
Wrrl iif Inn.l ileslatuileil u "V. oil tint
mail of I In- elly of Alcdfnnl, hat Inn n
fninhige of Mn 11 nn Clark liee, (HI
deaerlhed In vol. 63-. imge 110, leftliiN
of Jinltson eounly, on gou q,
fl , M 'ts
AiMinil No ",j P. ,M. Amy. A
imlcel of I'tuil. dealiinatad ua "AA" ill!
I lie mail of III' ell,v of Aleilford. huvlng
i frontage or is ri. on ciark siiiei,
aa deaerlhed In tut 98. page IS8, 10.
tifiU of Jh kson ri'int), Oiegon lfo,t
2110 st fi , 1; .' l:
Aamaamriil No MS iliirlrildo It,
Week A paletl of laud ilRHlHlialed As
All" i.o Hi. man of lh- ull of )ln
fold, iitlnu a trnutnge of fl. tin
Chtik sire, t as de. rlhrd III vol, 13,
isige 6?l. recur Is of Ja. kson titiuuty.
Oft'gnn 7 ino aq ft tlfii.
Aseainenl No 111 -llelen C Plltou.
A twtn el Of land designated n "fQr
in in. man r Ote illy nf MeiKnnl and
having 11 frontage of Jn,l ll nn Chirk
street. u lb llieil In Vol 71, page I3,
revortU Of Jackson county, Oieghn.
: lT.tixi so ri Il3n 19
Amo'iii ill No ''. II II Tuft A
isirrel of I mil in l.lh ,, Mlngu (lih.
division In Klnnliu al a point iqi llln
leirlh line iif Claik street C03 9 ft.
flow the ('..rporiiliou lloiindaty line ex
tending Ml II north, IhcHce. w'eil Id
f . then, south 131 It. thi-Hcn Mist V
fl to til Milnl uf beglntllllg it de
sir I lied In vol 93 pake III. record uf
liukaoii eoanif, Oregon, id'io ruk fU
ll IH
AaesHleul Ko, l Mnrluii Linen
et Mv. A panel uf land in hlk I.
Mlngw Koh-iilvialoH. bealnulng at it
polnl "it ihe nurtli line of Clark street
tTIStii 11 iroiu the I'oriM.rallon llllllli
bit) Hue. extending Ml ft. nnrlV
I hio e hi 6a ll ifc.n. e uuth III
f Un oe east ,n rt lo the liOlnl of
beglaiilHg, aa tlew rllo-d III vol. 77 luge
614 records of Jaikson totiniy. Orrgen,
MOD s q ft. 13 90
AstessHtiHl No 517 - KlUabelli I III
den A latreel of land In hlk I. Mlngu
Hiih-dlvllou beginning nl u Mint oil
tlie nollh Una of Clalk street 163 94
fl. from the Corisiiallou Hoiindary line
etlvlullnir 131 rt north, theliee Meal
6B fl., lltente south 131 ft aiul thrnee
cast 10 fi In Ihe polill of beginning, us
ties, ilbed 4u t ..I 18 page , jcMflM
.if Jeksony .-.Hint), Oiegon. tlod sq.
ft. 13 16.
A "Men! No r. I lii I He llldell A
iwnel of lond In blk 6. Mlngni Hub-
dlt Ulan, tllrevll) soul 1 of nodi Ai,
llun. having a fmulage nf 97 6 ft. du
ctal k air vl. us tie, rllied III vol, 7,
IMge ''. r. ord of Jaikson couuly.
Oregon. I2.H Ml ft.. 121 .
,irsmnl Nu. 639 .Marian lamer
el tiv A iKtriel of laud III blk 5. Allll-
gus Huh .lit Islon. beginning al 11 point
n ! not III line of I'lillk
aireei jit l
ft from the Cnrt-initlon lliumlari
olrlullliu- OlrH-t east Ml ft. ll
iry line
uorlh 131 fl . Ihein-e west Iu ft an'd
thelic soulli 131 ft. to Hie jmiIiiL of
beginning, as deacrlbett In vol 77. parfo
'.II le.ortis of Jaikson count). Ofegon,
i.loo mi ll. Ill
AMeMHtml Sa 610 Win Haln A
wr. .1 of land, detlgniittel a "Alt" on
lite map of Ihe ell) iif Medfonl. having
11 fn.nlnge of 36 1 1 ft on Chirk stfsrt
und ilsecrlhetl In vol M. liege 171. re
cords of Jaikson county Oregon, 63.
sq ft. Ill 21. . . . ...
Assetsiio nl No 691 Tommy . Hoot.
lail hlk 3. Narregan' Addition, na
Irs. ilbed in vol. 7.. IMM
Cli, iceord
of Ja. kson ti.utaly, if. goo
t,im aq it,
T Ituivlln
IS 10I
Asm. aHK nl No 19? H
la.t 6, tdk 3. Narregan'a
Addlllon. aa
deseiilMil In vol 71 wge
319, renin ds
or JBvKMto tioilll).
1U00 sq fl.
13 U0 No 193 Ollte M Turiirr.
... I, S VM-a,M..kM A.l.lllltm UM
detHirliHNl In vol 81, IHtg. 81, leenrds Of
JurkMin count), Oiegon lOuy sq fl ,
$3 00 ' ..
Assessment No ll Isaacs . llouss.
holder lait S. blk S. Narregun a AiVII
Hon, aa deeilled In vol 81 II I. page
181, leeonls of Jaekson County, Oregun.
56110 q f . II on
Assessment No 191 Ismi) IIoums.
hnhler. lait 3. hlk 3, Nntregatl.'a Adill
llon. 11 d.i.i Ihi-d in vul 88.11 1 1, page
ill, retiinl or Jaekson eounly. Oregon.
SAiiu ri fl . $3 (in
As4Ulilll No 696 lss.10 House
huldei lail I. Idk 3. Nuiregnn's Aildl
llon a h deio-tllM-il In vol it-11 i,. pago
I8. 1 ttoids nr Jaikson couuly. Oregon.
6O1111 itn fl . 13 ml
arhsm nl No. 197 W A. Mcsslirr.
lad li, blk 1. Nsrregan'H Adtlilluil, tn
ilescrlhtHl In vol 93, we 113. ricoiils of
Juckson tount) oiegon 6260 aq, f 1 ,
$3 16
As. suieiil No, 691 -W. A. Mttssner.
lait II. blk 3, NarreRNii'M AildlHrni, as Iu vol 94, pag.t 113. record of
Jackson couniy. Oregon. 6360 sq. fl,
$3 16
Aaaeasmi 111 .o uj'j laiuiH iieni oil.
a.l 10 till t. NarreUMit'
10 hlk 3. NurrrgMit'R Ailillllon, na
ib-serlb d In vul 81, jiHge 137. leOords
uf Juekson count), Oregon 5250 aq fl.
2 IS
Aastssiueut No. 600--H I.. Heiinrlt,
lad 9 Idk 2. Niirresuii's Aildlllon, itR
drscilheil In vol 2. jsih 191, n-conls of
Jaclisun couuly, Oregon 62S0 sq ft,,
Aaaaoamsnl No C0 lilliel llinftle.
lait 6 blk 3, Nilircgrtli'M Aildltlhll, UN
dl'Mq Ihetl In Mil. 71, page 598. lerorils of
Jm kson counl), Oregun 1260 mi f I ,
$3 IS
Assessment No, COS A. W. HlnrgraiR.
lad 1 hlk. 2. Nam gnu's Aildlllnn, uh
lUscrlbid III vul 81, pugn 173, recoftls of
Jucksun coitiity, Oregon 6260 sq. ft,.
$3 16
AHsi-asiueiil No CU3 - .las llnwtlng.
tail il, hlk 2, Nurregun'H Ailillllon, uh
dCSCIIiil'd III Mil Ml, Jl.lKn -1. tecotihi of
.lill'gsnn Counl), oregun, IiSdO Nil, fl,
13 16.
Assissiiiiiil Nu. not Win .Mllnrs, Lol
7i. blk 2, Nuiregiin'a Aildlllnn, UR de
scribed Iu vul. 8, Cage til. ricnidH of
.llti kson cuuiil). Oregon 6260 sq. fl,
$3 16.
Assessinenl Nil G08 Win. .Mllnra. Lot
I, hill 3, NitrregOll'a Aildlllun, nu tin
sorlbed III Md HI, puge 671, records of
Jackson couniy, Oregun. 6260 Mq. fl,
$3 15
AmicHsmcilt No 604 Win, Mllncil. Ia)t
3, lilk 2, Niirregun'H Addition, uh ilv
scribed In vol 81, pugo 671. lecorda of
.I'iciisoii couuly. Oregon rrjso sq, fi,,
AHKissmeul No, 607 W. A. Frrilon
bliig Lot 2, Nuricgiin'H Addlllon, uh
descrlhed In vol 81. pagu IK I, mcordH of
Juckson couuly, Oiegon 6250 mj, ft,,
AmscsiiiiiciiI No. 008 W. A I'nilfn.
burg. Lot I, blk 2, Nmregun'H Addi
tion, lis descrllieil In Mil Hi, p.lgo 184,
rerurdii or JuckHon ciiiuily, Oicgou, 6260
sq fl , r:i 15.
AHNcsNinenl No. HOD H I. IIimiii,,!,
I lie norlh j of IoIh II nml 12, bK. 1,
Nurtcguii'H Ailtlltlon, uh ileHcrlhul In vol.
KUIl'H AlllllllOII, UH llfHCrJIilll in vol,
go 438. iiuoidH of Jucksuii county,
II. 6260 rill f , $3 16.
I'HKincnt No. flio -LoiiIh II6itnott,
puati las
llln soulli ', or lotH 11 nml IV. bib i
'ui'icgun'M Addition, uh ilcscrlliiil lu vol,
Til. pugo 127, reconia nf Juekson county.
megon p-.-iui sq. ri, f ts in. y
AnrcnniiiciiI No. gil-W. L, CiiHsmly.
l.o( l.i'. blk, I. NurregmrH Addlllon, an
di'hcilbcil I
II Mil. :. pilgo 2R3. leconlH of
JuckHiin county
S3. 16
Orviiuii. oi'Ou u(, fi,
ABRewHinviil Nn, OIU I,, l', itoherlM.
Lot 9. bit 1, Niirregun'H Ailillllon, on
iluHcrllieil III )0l. 76, liilge 033, IccurilH OC
(Continued on imgo 7)