Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MTJDFOm M"ATti TRTBUNTC, OTDFOttfl. OTCEflON. TTTTftflftAV, DEfRMBFJt 2G, 1012. r
l! .
Two 'kimm! an iimw" motorcycles
fur itnlit, bargains I'ntlflc Motor
Mupply Co
.lolm Duller Im spending tho Christ
iiiiih Imlliliiys In Mndfiird with friends.
W. V, Wilson of Ashland was 11
recent visitor In .Medford.
Dluli Doniilil. mannaer or lliiil An
derunn, left Tuesday evening for
I'orlliuiil lu spend tho holidays.
"I'lnto" ul the hi Mil school I'rl
ilny iiIkIiI, Ore, 'Jtt. 2117
In iiccnrit with hlN mmiiiiI custom
Hill Illrleh upiiiHiri'il on I Im HiriMiM
Christ iiiiim ilny wearing hi high mIIIc
lial. Hill never deviate, from this
custom except whim llryun rniiH for
I'or goodness mUo, tisvo It, A.
lliilmi'H, tin) Insurance mnn wrlto
your Insurance. Ho known how,
Miirlou flkeel of I'ortliiuil unit his
mhi-Iii-Iiih, (Icnrr.o linker of thea
trical tnnii'. uiu In, Medfurd on u
Nliort IiiiiIiicsm trip.
T. H. Alihoit of Jarhnnnvllli wan it
recent Mi'itforil vUllur
(I. A. ('. Ii.iml ronirl at (ho high
school iinilttorliitn I'rlday night, Dec.
27 nl K p. in. deserved sent now on
sale at llnskln's. 'j:t7
W H. Union iitnl .1. T. .tones ol
Kerhy spent Christmas with .Medfurd
ti lends.
iMu't forget lli ). A. band
concert m I Im high schiinl iiililllorllllil
I'rlday iiIkIiI. Iee 2". 2:17
Tin ork of figuring plan fur tho
erection of ihe I'iiki theater Im under
way ntul construction will Mlnrl noon.
Tltu foundation bus linn completed
J. Trusty of Hill, Cut., spent
Christmas day In Medford.
Oak llnr wood for sale, (lold Ilny
Healty Co,
Owing to th frosty morning (ho
work of pouring content on the Hear
rrci'k bridge bus temporarily been
deloyed. Wnrl. of llu .urth fill will
start ul once.
(1t your seal reserved at Has
klu' for the O. A. C. coticurt KM
ilny nlnlit. 237
.Mr. unil Mm. Hubert W. Tclfcr
spent OirlMiiiu In .Medford with
Mm, Trlfcr' parent.
K. I). Weston, commercial photon-
raphcrn, negative nude nny time or
i)nrn hy npiolnlmint. Phono M.
I). II. Croni'iiillli'r of Jacksonville
spent Christmas ilny In .Medford.
, Clean-up naif on pepls unlit Christ
ma nt Ireland's Smoke Houso.
K. L. Lltllefleld of Tali'nl was n
recent vUltor In Mcilfonl
Tickets for tlm Los Angeles excur-
Ion are now on sale nt 8. I. depot.
Those figuring on going should wrlto,
phono or rail ut tho officii to enablo
agent to seruro reservation.
Charles Warren of Hill, C'al . U In
Mwlforil on u Hhort tuulin'Mt trip.
I'liito, tho "NlRhtnmro of Cnrlcn-
turn" with llm 0.. C. tuuil nt tlm
IiIkIi nrhool ntiilliorlum Krhluy nlRlit
Doc. 27. 237
MImi Kiithryn liiRruhnm of Colli
Hill In In Mfilforil on it nliort IiiihI
iii'kh trip
Fruit lahol In nny color printed
hy tho Malt Tribune. tf
V. A Alili'nhoKuii of Han KmiicIn
en Ih In Moilforil on tiiihlm-HU con
ncclcil with tlic OicKon-Cutlforula
I'owcr roinpnuy.
Carklu ft Taylor (John H. Car
kin anil (llcnn O. Taylor), Attorney!
ill-law, over Jnckaon County Ilnuk
llullitlnc Mcilford,
Mr. nml Mrn. K. V. Coffin liavc
li'ft for ItoHi'lnin; fur i hhort vlnlt
uliti frlcmlH.
Koilnk flnlHlilnc. tint licit nt Wen
lon't, opjioHlto hook Ktoro.
Mr. anil Mm. I). II. Klurtcvnul of
Central Point Hpcm flirMiunn with
Mfilforil frlcmlH.
Phoiin nit your nnlcm for milk,
nrcatu, liuttcr anil tiuttcriullk, Two
ilitllvcrloH, dully. It. It. Creamery.
Mr, ami Mm. P. M. ('oriel and fain.
Hy of Tabic Hock npint ClirlHtmaH
day with Mm. CiirlcU' pn renin on
North OriiitKc
Heal hnmn.inade bread at DoVos'it.
Mr. ami Mrn. Krt Walker of lliitlo
I'iiIIh are In'.Mcitrord for the holidays
Artistically prlntod lottor heads on
fancy bond paper nmko flno Christ
's in nil presents. I.nt us show you
samples. Tho Mali Tribune. tf
Mrn. A. Joliiiwm of Portland Ih
vlriltliiK her dauKhtor, Mrs. U. II.
I.amport, of Mcilfonl, durlriK tho
Boft wood ?3 a tier. Oolil ny
Hoalty Co.
llnrry W. Tormnco of Hte.unhont,
Is In Mod ford on IiuhIiichh.
Onk tier wod for sale, dold Ray
Hoalty Co.
I.oiiIk J. (lay of Seattle, u brother
of ChurlcH II. (lay, U In Medford for
tho holldayti.
Weeks &McGowan Co.
Sky Vaons un ,
lht Vbonssi . W. Woks ten
A. S. Orr Mil
.1 I). Trllnbln of Tslntit spout
Tliurnitny In .Mcdfonl on bnslricsN.
Vance CiiIvIk will nrrlvn with the
O A C liiiml I'rldity, of which It Is
mi Important member.
J I!. Willi, who Iiiih hf'tiri confined
to his home for mivphI days by n
Nnviire lllncAs, In onlri nhlo to ho
Vapor bntlm and sclnntlflo mas
sni'.n for men nml women. Dr. It.
J, Ixickwood, chrloprnrtnr, 203 Oar
noil. Corey Utile. I'tionn Hfi,
W. V. Ilnriiiim of Phoenix wan a
recent visitor In Medford
Mr and Mrn I.. II. Treat t IJth
Kciic tiro In Medford on u nhnrt IhinI
iichh (rip,
llrltiK (hat old hook with torn
bludlriK down and lis to It rebound
at tho Mull Tribune office. Costs
but little, tf
Cluieiico W. Treehon of Andrews
crweli In Joncphliic county Ih In Med
ford on n short IiiihIiii'Nh trip.
(!i'or!e Ilumlllou spent ChrlstmaH
with relntlvcH nt (InintM Piikn.
Collect thosn scattered slincts of
tnttslc you raluo and have them
bound In book form at the Mall
Trillium. tf
('. IC. Muwyer f Trail Is III Mod
fold on liiihlnewi
Topoi;r.ipher CowrIII of the Hiirvcy
Iiik parly at work on the Medfoid
and Cretxent City r.'illiond, spent
ClirlMimuN In Medfonl The parly In
now In llm lluppy Ciimp dlHtilci.
I.eKul blanks for sulu at the Mall
Trillium offlro. tf
I). C. AudrewH of Ashland spent
Thursday with friends In Medford.
Louis A Crane left Thursilny for
Ills AppteiUte home after ll tlstl
with frlendw In Meilfoiil.
Mr. nml Mm. C. I.. Iteuine lire
etliei'ted Id reiiiru I'rlduy from a
visit with Mr Hcames' mother nt
Oakland, Cat.
HntiKer lieorKe West of tho Pros
pect district spent the Chrlslmas
holiday In Medford. He reports
considerable snow In his section of
the Crater National furext.
T i:. Hhort of Willow Spring Is
In Medford on n short lniitlneim trli.
Mr. and Mrs. I). K. Allen of Trail
creek nre In Medford on n short
hiislucpii trip.
Mr and Mrs. J. i:. Tripp huvo left
for a lslt with friends at San I'rnn
rUro. John Lewis of Prospect Is In Mcil
fonl on u short luiHluess.
AlSert Hlchmoud, of Cottage Ornvn
OrcKOn, Is In Medford vIsltltiR It. li.
Orlswold and family, at I' 17 North
Central avenue.
It. W. Waters returned Thursday
inornliiK from a visit to Portland and
Cottane Orote Mrs. Waters, who
accompanied him. Is still at CotlaRe
drove vIsllluK relatives.
Itev. i:. O. KldrldKe, pastor of tho
M i:. church, will speak to Hie Adult
llllile classes of Hint church next
Sunday morulni;, ut the usual Sunday
school hour. All members of all the
classes are urccd to attend ami are
asked to bring their friends with
It. ll (Irlswold, one of the pro
prietors of the llullder Specialty
company, left 'Ihursday for a week's
business stay In Portland. The busl
nes has to do with timber Intvrestu
In Jackson county. '
We have nl Iuni oblulued the fam
ous Traveler cigar. One of the old
standard five cent makes, sold for
the past .10 years In the middle west
and Washington. The rlgar that put
O. K In smoke. Medford Cigar
House. 237
. Cameron spent Thursday after
noon at Jacksonville on a short busi
ness trip.
1.08 ANOKLKS, Cal., Dec. 2.
Two Austrian are In Jail and doxou
more suffering from wounds varying
from kulfo cuts to broken heads
following a riot that resulted when
one of their number attempted to
carry an American flag with mi Aus
trian In a ClirlHtmaH Day procession.
Within two iiiIiiuIch utter the stars
and strlpcH had beon Introduced Into
the parade, a score of men were
fighting and screaming, mid tramp
ling tho emblem. Patrol Driver
Frank Schrelner, fought his way
through til.) sweating, bleeding for
eigners who were fighting over Ihe
flag, Two of thoni fell before Ills
fists and tho otherri fled,
Hchrolnor hnndcuffed his prlso
nors together mid haled thorn a police
station, where they gave the iiuiuch
of (luorge Setemlch mid Mlko Mott.
They wore lemiiiidod to Jail In do
fault of ball,
Accidental Shot Kills
WAHM SIMtlNOIC, Oro., Dec. 20.
Ah the remili of n strange accidental
shooting Miss Voun Leo McLean, em
ploye of the government Indian
school here, Is dead today, MIhh
McLean wiih greeting Jim llrown, mi
Indian lately to tho school from u
vacation when In soma niaunor u pis
tol he wiih carrying wrapped lit u
buudlo of clothing under Ills arm,
Tho bullott ontorod Miss .McLonn'H
mouth, klllliib' Dor liistmitly.
lunr. I. i . ti t.i.t hill Ml I I N ! ll r-. I
i BBBBE8m'''"PilaaaB '
LaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaBak, aflLlaaaaVtaaaaaaaaH
Tbu abut li the Intent pbol,rapb of .Mr I mley J. Sbeunl, of St. Louis,
nho la to uiu try Ml Helen Mnur .iuu'd, Ln.iwn the tvoild o.r fur bi-r many
Mr Sbciaril comei f ruin Amerlenu ireun. tvlm were of Kngllsb and
Scotch orlKlu. Ills fslber. the i- Peter I. SlicHinl. a reilml i:ilM.upj clergy
mull, of roniiei'tli'ui. dlnl irniili) in Ui elxhi) eiichth esr Mr. Hbeturd's
liliilher Is u patient In the Neu I Intel) Honpltul, whete she hjs l.i-vu fur Utr
, car.
Mr. Shepnnl Is ceiiildereil nne of the nbli-st rnllroud iuni In tliM country.
He ha lit nl muni of liN life In Clilraico. Si. Paul nml AiicIim. nml ban
bc-ii n resident of St. l.niU a little mitre than a year. It nan there he met
MU Could
(Continued from Page Ono)
shadowed Ortle .Mc.Mnulgfl and J. II.
McNamura, then known guilty of the
Times explosion, In hope of getting
men "higher up," the two dynamiters
"pulled off" other Jobs and destroyed
hundreds of thousands of dollars
worth of private property and endan
gered human life.
Dynamiting ltelni-M'il
Ortle McManlgal tvstltlml that tho
McNamariis were planning to blow
up tho city of Los Angeles mid fire
It, "as a lesson" to open shop ad
vocate there.
The stor'es of the ono hundred dy
nnmltlngs tu various sections of the
Dulled States, told nt Ihe McNamara
trial In Los Angeles, were rclummcd
In the conspiracy trial. J. II. Mc
Nnmnrn's claim on the train that was
bearing him from Detroit to Chicago
that tho American Federation of
Labor was behind lit lit was repented
The government presented noarl)
.Mill wltneiiHCH. mostly hotel and tele
graph employes, evidence covering
the movement of the defendants.
With this testimony. Ortle McMnnl
gul'H confession and the close rela
tion shown between Herbert HorHlu
and J. J. McNamara and the In
dicted Ironworkers, besides a maim
of Incriminating correhpondeiice, the
government built up lis ease In sup
port of charge of conspiracy and
of unlawful transportation of explo
sives . Dcfcusi (icueral Denial
Two wltuoiw for tint defence
William Qulgltw, tt union carpenter
of Detroit ami i'red W. Zeiss, n union
man from Chicago- were nrronted
for alleged perjury. Qulgloy Im
peached an Important government
witness agnltist Defendants Waclit
melster mid Kllm. Zeiss was culled
In mi effort to discredit McMaiilgal's
Dlslilcl Attorney Chits. Miller also
caused four of the Indicted men
Hnckliii llutler, Hay and Smytho
to be taken Into custody by raising
their bonds beyond their resources.
At the very opening of the trial n
bomb was thrown In tho defeuso
ranks by the plea )f guilty made by
Kdward Clark of Cincinnati. lie
gave damaging testimony for the
CvcoilatiMl Defendants
In tho closing a rg omenta tho gov
ernment excoriated every one of tho
forty Ironworkers, particularly Hynn,
Tveltmoe, Clancy, Cooley, Smith and
Anderson, Tho defendants who
testified in their own behalf wore
called "Hiuh" and "perjurers." Dis
trict Attorney Charles Miller mid his
special assistant Junius W. Noel,
could not find words to express their
contempt for Hocklu tho "double
crossor," "Tho defendants were not only
guilty," said Noel, "they wero cal
loused to crime,"
Tint dofenso attacked Ortlo Mc
Mmilgal'H life, citing hlu conviction
for petit larceny In Chicago. Thu
alleged Incriminating letters wero
given lutorprotntloiiH. The trips
taken by thu Intoriuittoiinl officers
i n ; i" m; nnitiii mnn uiu ; uuui.u
were miiIJ io be lawful and necessary
In the performance of their union
duties. What trouble did take
place during strikes were said to
have been unavoidable, and not al
ways to have been started by the
union men. Attention was called to
tho testimony of the defendants that
they bed let ed In peaceful methods.
The goierumcnt'H,clrcumstatittal evl
deiire was bitterly, attacked and the
weak newt nt lhslkln.d of evidence
was pointed out tu the Jury. The de
fcuse taw its picked out the vitriolic
statement of il.n proiecutors from
the evldenco In the record and tried
to show unusual prosecution. As
strongly ns the prosecution played on
the Jury's respect for tho law, the
defense nppcaled to the Jurymen's
sympathies. The support given the
McNamnras after dlielr arrest was
defended on the ground that tho In
dicted men believed J. J. McNamara,
their fellow officer, was Innocent, un
HI he pleaded guilty.
Over five hundred witnesses and
nearly a thousand exhibits were In
trodimod by both sides.
The oast of the trial was conserva
tively placed at 1.' 0,000 to the gov
ernment and $75,000 to the Iron
workers. Since thu Indictments were
returned against men the ten thous
and member of tho International
AuMiclatlon have been assessed $2
per month for ihe defense of their
leaders. Holde tho association
had a large sum In Us treasury nl
the opeutllK of lie- ease.
SAN FHANCLSCO, Cal., Dec. art.
Mm. Vlvlnn Lons, charged with as
sault to murder In connection with
(be shooting of Robert J. Widiiey.
Los Augolo real estate broker, In
the divorcee's sulio at the Sorrento
apartments appeared today befont
Judge Welter.
Wldney's condition still prevents
IiIh -appearance in court and the mat
ter went over for one week. .i
complaint has yet been filed.
It was expected (hat Judge WId
uey, father of the wounded man,
would appear In court and ask that
some arrangement he mndo for plac
lug Mrs. Lynns In the detention hos
pltal, but the elder Widiiey was buiu-
moneil out of town unexpectedly.
SAN DIKC.O, Cal., Dec. 20.
Fanned by n gale seldom equaled in
this part of the country, a brush fire
which started early today already has
burned over 2000 acres near tho Lit
tle Landers colony, at Sail Ysldro,
south of here. So far the flames
have not crosocd tho Mexican line
The wind has died down, and unless
It comes tip again, it is believed tho
government trail will prevent tho
flro from crossing Into Lower Call
fornla. The fire and smnko can bo
seen from tho heights In City Park
hero, -No ranch buildings have
been destroyed, as far as known, but
tho flro lines are t being patvollod
by government ransr8.
A little of (he joV"itiieK "f
CliriMinii ilnv iiMiibil the jxrim cor
ridor of ihe courtly jail Weilnesdnv
Sheriff Jorion onlcrinR Hint every
priulcge itoKftililo lie extended to the
u.rrnle. Utile for tho tiny were
Mf-jiendeil nml stood time allowed
i.ii, The principal fenturc of the day
h un elnb'inile Clirislimt dinner
.Inch wiim um bountiful nml tin well
pi i-pan-d m Ihe one mjoyeil in pri-
etc home. Turkey, ernnliurry
.nice nml plum rMililii)g were tilt
ertcd ti well tin the proper relishe.
.Mike SimnoH und Frank Srvniour.
condemned murderer, were ns hap
py find im cheerful un nny of the
inrnnffM, nml entered honrtil.v into
lue spirit of the iifl'iiir.
These two riieo will he tnken to
Vilfin shortly. The commitment w
te hiive not et been -leneil by
luik'c Cnlkiti
IHIHLIN. Dec. 2C A c.ifo hiiiI
restaurant owner In Niirnberg, find
ing that he was faring bankruptcy
because of Ion of hiislncsti, hit upon
a novel urheine. He Inserted two
udwrtlscmentM. one that a young
man with a large Income wished to
find a wife and another that a young
woman with an Income of $12,000
r.oild like to find a husband.
Scores of replies camo and the
cafe owner answered each an If tho
party in question and each time
suggeHted a meeting In Ills cafe
Iluslm-HS picked up rapidly and be
came so flourishing that he became
too bold, the police got wind of tho
affair and he was arrested.
HKHLIN. Dec 2C All anti-trust
commission has been organized at
Frankfort to stir up sentiment In
Germany against American trusts
which. It Is said, are endeavoring to
gel a grip upon the fatherland.
The tobacco trust Is tho first to re
ceive the attention of the new organ
ization. Tobacco and cigar dealers
In all parts of the omptre aro being
organized und pledged not bell the
trust made goods
IMTTSni'RO, Pa., Dec. 2C Plan
nine to put n crimp in New Years joy
in every hotel from New York to
Chicago, n widespread tnke of will
ler is planned for New Years' eve,
necordinj' to Manager Kuras of the
tiishionnhle hotel Sehcnlev here.
Kanis Hiid his employes hail been
urged to join ihejlotel Workers' tis
Mieiiitiou, us the new union is named.
He deflates it is planned that ut 0
o'clock tin New Year' F.vo the wnil
eis in every hitf hotel in the cast will
fold up their napkins nml quit In en
force a ilenmnd for better working
WANTKD -Lady wishes children to
caro for by tho week or month.
Phone 3.190. Hesldence S2! Kast
th street.
Stops Itching Scalp
(iiinrnulccil by ("lias. Strang to Stop
Falling Hale anil Dandruff
Itching scalp, keeps yotis scratch
ing and feeling miserable all the
tho time. Wash your hair tonight
with soap mid water, rub on a good
ly quantity of PAHIS1AN Sago and
the distressing Itchiness will bo gono
In tho morning.
IWltlSIAN Sago Is a pure, refresh
ing mid Invigorating hntr dressing.
Hesldes putting an end to scalp Itch,
dandruff and falling hair It nour
ishes tho hair roots mid preserves the
color of the hair, ami puts a splendid
radlanco Into faded mid unattractive
It should bo used by ovory mem
ber of tho family to keep tho sculp
free from dandruff germs mid pre
vent baldness. Lugo bottlo GO cents
at Charles Strang's mid druggists
VIBNNA Dec 2fi Tho Austrian
postal savings bank, which have two
million depositors, have suffered to
tho extent of about $V 000,000 with
drawn as n result of iho war scare.
.Mcilfonl Ha to I Urn- lo the Inevit
able Score of Cllleim
Prove It
AftT readltiR the public statement
of this representatlvu citizen of Med
ford given below, you must camo to
this conclusien: A remedy which
proved so beneficial years ago with
the kidneys, can naturally bo expected
to perform the sumo work In similar
case. Hid this:
.Mr J II. llatiwttitn, Centra! Ave.,
Medford, Oro., says: "I wart so bad
with kidney trouble that I could not
do my housework. My back was
weak and painful and in ihe morn
ing when I got up, I was lame and
sore. The kidney secretions wero
unnatural and my health steadily ran
down until I was hardly able to get
about. While In that condition, I
read about Doau'x Kidney Pills and
got a box. I felt better from the
time I commenced using them and It
was not long before I was cured. I
am In a position to recommend
Doon's Kidney Pills to anyone af
flicted with kidney complaint."
(Statement given Septembor 11,
Wt.en Mm. llaussnm was Inter
viewed several years later, she said:
"My former endorsement of Doan's
Kidney Pills still holds good. Slnco
this remedy cured me 1 have had no
further attacks of kidney complaint
and I have enjoyed good health."
Ko r sale by all dealers. Price CO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Huffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Hemcmber the name Doan's
and take no other.
No young woman. In the Joy ot
coming motherhood, should neglect
to prcparo her system Tor the physi
cal ordeal she Is to undergo. Tho
health of both herself and the oomlntr
child depends largely upon the coxa
she bestows upon herself during tho
waiting months. Mother's Friend
prepares the expectant mother's sys
tem for tho coming event, and its uso
makes her comfortablo during all tho
term. Tho baby, too, Is moro apt to bo
perfect and strong where the mother
has thus prepared herself for nature's
supreme function. No better advlco
could bo given a young expectant
mother than that
fibo uso Mother's fVfffru nrV
Friend; it Is a UtDJHERS
mcdlclno that has sTZrlCwtmr-al-n
proven Its valuo &&rKlLND
In thousands of
cases. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug
stores. Wrlto for Xreo book for expect
ant mothers.
& rl
ma I'
Don't leave planting your bulbs until spring as now Is tho best
time. Wo havo a very la?ge assortment ot first class bulbs no
culls In tho lot.
After 25 years' experience we huvo decided what Is best to buy.
Comparo theso with others before buying.
Orconhouso Home 29-L Otflco Home 35
Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same
Jackson County Bank
' Medford, Oregon
It has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management '
Safety of investment
Courteous and liboral treatment
W. I. Vawtor ,Presidont G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pre.
0. W. McDonald, Cashier
Just how lrnorant some of Its de
positor aro may be gathered from
tho fact that many depositors barn
sold their bankbooks and deposits for
lenn than fifty per cent ot tlm
amounts to their credit.
Medford peoplo havo found out
that A 81NOLK DOHK ot slmplo buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc, as com
pounded In Adler-l-ka, tho German
appendicitis remedy, relloves consti
pation, sour stomach or gas on tho
stomach INSTANTLY. This slmplo
mixture antlseptlcUea tho digestive
organs and draws off tho Impurltlcrt
nml It Is surprising how QUICKLY It
helps. L. U. Hasklns, druggist.
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
10 acres, 7 miles from North Ya
kima. Wash , on statn road, A inllo
to school, 1 mile to high school, 1
mile to store and shipping point, In
a good neighborhood, 9 acres In 4-
year-old trees, G room bungalow, full
cement heating basement, hot water
heating system, houso strictly mod
ern, flno new barn, chicken houso
and runs, telephone and mall deliv
ery each day. Will trade for small
tract close to Medford or Ashland.
Price 10,000.
5 acres, with 5 room house, will
make a fine chicken ranch, or gar
den tract, 1 miles out, price f 3S00.
5 room modern houso with extra
large lot, on Cottage street, all kinds
of berries, wood shed, storo house,
cement sldo walk, price $1C00.
Equity ot $1500, In houso and 2
lots In West Medford, will trade for
stock and farm Implements and learn
Ciuie and list your vacant house
with ui.
Girls and women for general home
work In and out of city.
Phone Horse 14
Oppotlte Nah Hotel .
This Will Sfp Your
Cough In m Hurry
ffave 93 t7 MaklBK Tkto Coafc
Bjrmp at Haae.
This rcclpo nukes a pint of better
cough syrup than you could buy ready
made for S2M. A few doses usually
conquer tho mott obstinate oougU
stops even whooping cough quickly, felaj.
pie as it is, no better remedy can be had
at any price.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
? pint of warm water, and stir for 2
minute. Put 2Yj ounces of Plnrx (fifty
cents' worth! In a pint bottle; then add
the Sugar Syrup. It ha a pleasant
taste and lasts a family a long time.
Take a teaspoonful every one, two or
three bours.
You csn feel this take hold of a cough
in a way that means business, lias a
good tonic effect, braces up the appetite,
and Is slightly laxative, too. which Is
helpful. A hnndy remedy for hoars
nens, croup, bronchitis, asthma and alt
throat and lung troubles.
Tbo effect of pine on the membrane
is well known, l'lncx Is the most valu
able concentrated compound of Norwe
gian whtto pine extract, and Is rich In
gualacol and all tho natural boullm?
pine element. Other preparations will
not work In this formula.
This PIner and Sugar Svrup recipe has
attained great popularltr throughout the
United State und Canada. It has often
been Imitated, though never successfully.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or
money promptly refunded, poc with this
recipe. Your driuyht has rinex, or will
cet It for vau. If not. send to ilia
l'iuex Co, 1't. Wayne, InJ,
- '