n ntt tt MirrMifi "'! tf,.4 I ixoic four. !i?.L0l!L.p"',Tyi"un KXU8UT miNOAY IIY TIIH MKOFOIU) I'lllNTIHtl CO, Th nmflerlla Tlmfs, Thi Milforil Mall. The Mejroril Tribune, Thn Houth ra orfitnnlmi, The, Ashlsnit Tribune. Offlen Mall Tribune lliilUtlnr. IttT-I9 Kordi Fir street phone. Main loll) Hum IS. ORenat: PUTNAM, KJItorani) Manager Rntered a eeoonl-elA matter At Mcdfortl. Oroiron, n.ter the act of March S, 1STS. OfflelAl Paper of the City of Medford. Official I'aper of jAckMti County. uncnirTio.v hati:. On yenr, by mail......... ..IS, On One month, tiy mull.... ........... .50 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jackionvlllo anit Cen trAl Point... .60 Pat unlay only, by trail. or year.. J. Weekly, per year,., 1.S0 nwnnx cinrut.ATiov. Dally average, or eleven monthi end tnir November SO, 1911. 1551. Tho Mall Trlbttna t on sale at the Perry New Statu!. Pan Francisco. Portland Hotel New Ftan.l. IHtrtUnd. llnwmnn Newe Co.. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. ReattK Waeh. Poll I.eae1 Wire United rreee Illapatrhr. iMKDKOiit), nitnnov. Metropolis or Southern Oregon and Northern California, nnd the faateit. Browing city In Oregon. Population V. S census 1S10 SMO: estimated, 111 10.000. Klve hundred thotmand dollar Gravity Water Syatem completed, clvlnc finest unply pure mountain water, and 17.3 mllee of meet pAved Pontofflce receipt for year endlnu November 30, 1911. ahovr Increate of 19 per cent. Hanner fruit city In Oregon noRtio Hirer Hpltaenbery npplea won sweep takes prise an.t title of "Apple Ktajr of the 'World" at tho National Annie Show, Spokane. 10, and a car of Newtown won First PrUe In 1410 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, n. C. Tint rrise la 111 at Bpokano National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowna. noxue Illver Prara brought highest firlcea In all market of the world dur nir tha past six yeara Wrlta Commercial Club. Inclosing- I cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever puMUhert. SWIMMING RECORD BROKEN AT PORTLAND CHRISTMAS PORTLAND, Dec 2. Johnny McXfurrny, Multnomah club athlete, is today holder of the world's record for nrnntcure in tho 100 yard swim ns the result of u Christmas race npainst field of five in the chilly waters of the Willamette river. Me Murray' time was .Vi 1-5 seconds. The water was just 12 decrees above zero, hut the intense cold only seem ed to put new life in the swimmers. Then were entries from Ktiscnc and other places. The swim wn held under the direc tion of the Multnomah club. 1 I COMMUNICATION. To the editer: Christmas is near nt hand and the call "Peace on earth nnd Reed will to men" which first pounded on the hills of Judcn, has ngain been sounded by the socialists of the world who met ut the Interna tional Peace congress ut Ituslc, Switzerland, on Nov. 2-1, 25 and 20", 3012. At this congress over 518 delegates from nil principle Kuro peun nations representing about 40, 000,01)0 socialists issued its mani fests jigniust wur. Throughout, tho deliberations of the delegates wns against wnr, nnd that the time was near nt hand when working men of all nations must re fuse to shed their blood for the bene fit of capitalifcin. Tho immediate measures decided on, were to hold on tho 1-tth of Dec. in nil important cities of Europe mass meetings and protest ngninst war, mid procluim the gospel of the Uni versal Brotherhood of Mnu nnd pence- on earth from thousands of rostrums. No Hague tribunal peace congress, no Carnegie and Nobel peaco heroes will be in it, nnd will tho followers of tic "men of pence" bo absent also? Time, will toll, nnd history will judge. If tho frenzied wnr dog will not be chained by that time, then on tho lClh of December, two days later thero will he a. world wide strike and for twenty-four hours tho workers will stand aside from tho wheels of industry and the rulers will get an exhibition of the power of labor, such us tho world never suw before. Of courso this splendid exhibiting of class solidarity of labor chuinud tho war dog. at once. Wo read that nothing could prevent n European war. The chancellories wcro sure of it, and now, oh yes, something happened and brought back this reason. Tho subsidized press is not making any effort to explain the cause. If tho Mail Tribune wishes to give this news to its readers, it is ho ciuiso tho working men refused to he targets for other working men, nnd wu know that tho fat gentlemen who sit in their offices nnd listen to tho ticker of the llourso nnd stock ex change, uro not to he found stopping bullets, I oldo sco by tho Mail Tri bune that intervention in Mexico is contemplated by President Tuft. Well, lot him call on those capitalist whp have investments in (lint country and let that class of peoplo do their own fighting. Wo working people will stay nt homo and rniso provisions to feed tho capitalist nrmy, nnd it will not ho "embalmed beef" either. VM. II. BHEESE. Tllen.t, Oregon. r" WAR A FUEDAL SURVIVAL. Kl'iKUHK to kill your father. I refuse lo slay your mother's son. I refuse to nluniie it Imvoue! into the a i hrenst of your sister's hrother. I refuse to slaughter your sweetheart's lover. I ivfuse to murder your wife's hus band. I refti.se to butcher your little child's father. 1 refuse to wet the earth with blood and blind kind eyes with tears. I refuse to assassinate you and then hide my stained fists in the folds of anv flag." 1'Yont Cleorge i. KirkpiitriekV'Wnr What h'orf" This is the literature that the Herman Kaiser, the Aus trian emperor, the Italian king and the hYencli republic are destroying. Authors of these sentiments tire being imprisoned. .eYeedont of the press is being suspended. To question the divine right of those in authority to ruth lessly order the murder of millions of human beings is not onlv ' treason" but "sacrilege" in the eves of these relics of fuedal ages now sitting in the seats of the mighty. Verv few wars have been justifiable .just as very few murders can be justified. ,iust as wrong tor the nation to go into the murdering business, as it is for the individual. Those wars that are justifiable are blood-atonements for misgovernment and tyranny. The nation as we understand the word today, the homogeneous blending of allied tribes or peoples into a composite whole, speaking a common language, is really n modern creation a development, save in a few excep tions like Great Britain, of the nineteenth century. Out of the chaos and anarchy of the dark ages following the collapse of the Roman empire came the feudal system and the reign of the barons, from which evolved the dynasties which dominated continental Europe for centuries and still dominate a large portion of it. The wars were strug gles between dynasties, not between nations, for the na tion as we understand it did not exist. It took the French revolution to create the French nation. To the Napoleonic war, to Napoleon's ruthless con quests ami destruction of principalities, kingdoms and small states, are due the creation of the Herman, Spanish, Italian and other nations, forced to merge and unite, either to gratify Ins dynastic ambition or m sell protection, in a homogeneous whole. Austro-Ilungary, an artificial political union of dis similar races, with little in common, in which two of the dominant races unite to suppress the third, is not a nation in the modern sense, merely a survival of feudal dynastic control, and only opportunity prevents the revolt of the Slavs to unite with the Balkans in the formation of a great Balkan nation and the long awaited opportunity is likely to come with the war threatened to prevent another nation from scouring a uceded seaport. "With the irrisistible growth of democracy, as the peo plc 'understand more and more the criminal folly of war with its enormous burden upon the people, it is not unlike ly that the twentieth century will see as its dominant po litical idea, the growth of a homogeniety among nations as the past century witnessed it among states, a federa tion of the 'nntions'oE tho world to deal with international problems, and the complete obliteration of the dynastic principle, which has served its purpose and is fast becom ing an anachronism. It is a travesty on Christianity to call nations that plunge into bloodshed for lust of power, that attack weak er nations for the "glory of the flag" Christian, for war is contrary to all that Christianity teaches. It is a poor pa triotism that needlessly stains its flag with brothers' blood at the behest ot a ruling dynasty. It is a sorry satire on liberty when men are imprisoned for preaching the broth erhood of man and protesting the needless slaughter of peace-loving thousands. It the dark ages and must pass the world. THE MAYORALITY SITUATION Two Citizens of .Meilfonl DIsciish it on Christmas morning. (Contributed.) .First Citizen: Good .morning, .Merry Christmas to you! Second Citizen: Samo to you! How are you this morning? Tlrst Citizen; How's yournelf . Second Citizen: Good! What do you think of tho mayoralty situation? Second Citizen: Tho socialist can didate In going to be elected. Second Citizen. What! You cer tainly do not mean it? First Citizen: Moan It! Of course I do; his election is almost a foregone conclusion. The way mat ters stand It is practically a certain ty. Second Citizen. Surely not! Ex plain yourself. How can you poss ibly figure out such a result? First Cltlzen: Well. I will tell you. Thero aro In this town about 350 socialist men voters, and you can count upon at loast 250 socialist wo men voters who will all register, making u total of 000. And thero aro about 1G00 or 1700 hundred other voters of whom probably not more than 1000 will register, and of tho other women voters probably not more than COO will register, making a total of 1000. Indeed, It is very doubtful whether there will bo 1C0O other voters; forji largo proportion of tho other voters, both malo und female, aro not registering; but the socialists, both men and women, as you doubtless know, uro all register lug; and, moreover, they will all stand together and cast almost a solid vote. So you seo there will bo aoout COO socialist voters and 1C00 or less other voters to dccldo tho mayoralty. Now theso 1500 vot es will bo distributed among the four candidates: Watt, Mitchell, Ef fort and Gates. And tho indications point very strongly to tho fact that each of them will poll a considerable vote; probably the lowest of tho four MTCDKOTW MATT, TRIBUNE. MTCnFORT), ORECItW. It is just as unnccessarv and is a condition that belongs m forever with the progress of will poll 300 votes and tho highest not over COO or CC0; which will bo CO to 100 votes less than the social ist will receive. Second Citizen: Well I declare! I had novor thought of tho mutter In this light. Your reasoning Is con vicing. It certainty looks us if tho next mayor of Medford would bo a socialist. First Citizen: it does Indeed; and I am much worried about it; for I believe tho election of a socialist will greatly hurt the town. Second Cltlzen: So do I, not only In reputation, but things will most probably be undertaken In Medford that a great majority of tho voters will bo radically opposed to. First Citizen: Just so! UecaiiHo tho mayor would represent only a small minority of all tho voters. Second Citizen: What Is tho re medy? Can nothing bo done? Sure ly the voters of Medford do not want u socialist at tho head of this town. First Cltlzon. I can sco only one thing to do, Second Citizen: What' that? First Citizen: For tho four can didates, Gates, Klfert, Mitchell and Watt to get together and two of them withdraw for tho good of tho town. Second Citizen: Yes; but they will not do that. Kuch one has am bition, and each probably feols that his own election Is almost certain. First Citizen: I do not think so; they uro all men of sense; surely all can seo tho "handwriting on tho wall" and realize that If they all re main In tho race there Is little or no chance, of any ouo of them, being elected. Second Citizen: Perhaps so; thoy all seem to bo sensible men, but who would withdraw? How would they decide It? First Citizen: Weill Thoy could do It by lot; they could, for Instance, Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Hy A. C. Ilontctt Last Friday nn I wits nit tho car on my uy to Medford In jconversa Hon with it yniintr lady xtu remarked that Mr. Ii. K. ltanU uhn owns n fine farm Just nhovn f.ukIo l'olnt has n skunk farm nnd that ho would not allow ntty ouo to kill them, so I sought an opportunity to Interview hint on tho subject mtd burned his Idea and motive for prototln what Is generally looked ou as a nulsaurc. Ilo said that It was true that ho did n't allow thrin to1 be killed and that ho also protected the quail ou his place. I emiulrod for his reason for protecting tho tsktilik and he said that they were an excellent trap to catch dlKKor squirrel, that they would get In the squirrel hols nnd as they attempted to pass either go ing In or out they would catch und kill them. Hut I enquired do thoy not kill your chickens? No, he ssld for the chickens 'roiwt In tho upper floor and are atvsn shut up so as to be nut ot their reach at night. And as for tho quails lie said that he was very fond df'blnU generally and csHclalty of tho quail and that they were so gentle' Umt many ot them would coiuo up nnd eat with the chickens. Mrs. Haak Is making a specialty of tho poultry business, es pecially of ducks utul chickens nnd has n place set npnrt especially for them. Mr. Haak at this writing, Monday. Is In Portland on business, expecting to return by Chrlslmas. Frank Dllsuorth of l'eton was In town the last of the week aud told that his sister Ora, I think It was, was taking tho teachers' examination and that It she succeeded In passing that she would bo the seventh of her sisters that were, or had been, follow ing that profession, surely Mr. nits worth has done something toward the betterment of the human family. Miss Frauds Williams, a sister of Mrs. Heath, wife of one of our mer chants, of Indiana came out last Fri day afternoon, she was met In Med ford by her sister and niece, Miss Francis Heath. Mrs Diamond, moth er of the other member of the firm of Heath & Diamond, nlso accom panied them to Kagle Point. Mrs. Hetty and her two daughters. Misses .Marguerite and Ollvo also came out Friday evening. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Strong, Dec. 'J I, a daughter. Among the Kagleiolnters who vis ited Medford the last of thn week, not mentioned In my last, was Miss Clara Young, Mrs. Chnrles llacon nnd James Watklns. Mr. Watklns had been to Jacksonville as one of the jurors and was on his return trip. Last Friday, the 20th. Mrs. Geo. Von der llellen entertained the chil dren In her room, tho primary de partment, by having a Christmas tre. and the little folks report having had one of the most enjoyable times ot their lives. Mrs. Von der llellen knows just how to make an occasion llko that pleasing to the children as well as Interesting to the older one. Miss Mablo Pruett one of our promising young ladles living Just be low town on the I. & K. railroad, was a pleasant caller at the Sunny Side Monday, she reports that her mother has gone to Oakland, Cal., on a visit to be gone several weeks, Vorna Mathews of tho firm of Mathews & Fisher, blacksmiths, had tho misfortune to have his nose broken. He was assisting In dehorn ing cuttle on his father's farm, on the old John lllack place, aud was just finishing trying lo get tho last steer In tho chute when ho turned on Mr. Mathews and ho ran, and In running tame In contact with u beam In the barn that was jimt tho right helghth to strike his none Dr. Holt was summoiidcd aud reduced the fracture and this, Tuesday morning, was around town. Miss Klla Grochony, who Is teach ing school In the llecso creek district, was doing buslne with our mer chants Saturday I'roffessor Suddath, tho principal of our school, was called by (olograph, to his father's bedsldo In Indiana. Ilo Is said to be in a very critical con dition. Mr. Hudtlath started Monday afternoon, J. II. Otter of Medford was a guest at the Sunny Side .Saturday ulgh(. Ho has been up on i:i; crock tho guest of David Pence. Win. Moore of Klk' crook, who has been working In Klamath county for sevoral months, spent tho night with us on his way to visit his father In Ashland, throw dlco, ami tho two lowest drop out; or, what perhaps would bo bet ter, they could request tho county judge recently elected to namo nine (or uny other odd niimbor) of good citizens of Medford; and these nlno good citizens could climlnato two of tho candidates; tho four candidates agroolng, of courso, In advnnco to ntildo by tho decision. Hccond Citizen; Yes, something of this kind ought certainly to be dono; and I bluccroly hopo it will bo dono. Good day. First Citizen: Qood dny, TITURRDAV, nTCPRMTtErt 20, "'UJLL- n WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS! School closed lii Kitdav for Ihe holiday Mieiition uilh n shott pin. gmm nnd ('liiiMimw live til night, which was very successful nnd plen iuif to IhoAe present, Murlt eredll In me our ineunv lor tno nmM sue eessful term in Ihe history of- our school, which Milder the direction id' I'nif. Sweet hip become one of the bent lii the enmity. While Pint". Sweet hits tukeii much pride in the hilt school work he lm not IWjpd ten to (five attention to lower grade directed by Miss Taylor und Miss Ittfylor, lio lme Mieeeeded in itnttis iiiK i interest thnt pervades the "chool mid home. I.el us nil (ke the spirit mid ttti the good wotk ulonif. The hoy nnd jjirN of today nre the men nnd women of tomorrow und citixciw of but a dny mote. The Kunidianship of thine is en trusted to us, nnd their future is our imiuedinte icr.Mtiisihility. I,ct us ntottse ourselves lest we foil. The proKmiu wits n follows; l -Snni:, "ShiK We Now of Chtist- inn Time" School 'J Ueeitallon Wqleomo Speech. . Weldn Hen n :i-lteoitulinn-"When I Ant llig". Roland llcrkhollr. I-".V Little Wmd of Kindness". . . . Pearly llenn f -Houc und Drill "Christmas Slur'' The School tl -ICeeltntlon- "ClnMnms Delein- iu" Violn Cleveland 7 -Kivilnlinn "l.illle Fishes in the Brook" F.lsii llcuit 8 Kecilution "Mow Wo Spoilt Christ mint" Frank Dean H-Soiik "Why Don't Parents Vis- it the School" The School 10 Uecitntinn -"Christmns Time" F.nicst Hnrris ll -Uecitntinn "Thmiigh the Tele phone" lumen Kotnn I'J -Itocitntinn -"Cliiitiiiiiii Cnnd". Herbert llnrri HI Piano Solo Miss F.thel Dean II Kccitntion "Two Utile Stock ings" Itussell llnrris l.'i Iteeitution "Sceiu' Things nt Night" ,,y Kelly lli-.Soiie-Mi.llv Old St. Nicholas" The School 17j-Christmns Cnnd Seven Hny 18 Dialogue .ns on Xmns Night 111 Voenl Solo-"IIis Lullaby .Mis McNnsser 20-Christmns Tree Tho Willow Springs district duly appreciates the .MedfOi'd mn'rjiet. Lust Sutiiriluy u number of our residents were Inmy sellint; their produce ut said place. The Willow Springs (5 range, Xo. 17", is tliu recipient of it fine new cabinet, donated by .Mr. Hamilton, one of our iititivr members. Prof. Unriliior of Ihe O. A. C. nt Corvnllis lectured Saturday, Dee. HI, on "Distribution," to nn appreciative audieiiee. Mr. Gardner uiih enter tained by Mr. Yierger. Those shopping in Medford Satur day were Mr. nnd .Mrs. llonnic, Mrs. Frnnk McKec, Mrs. John Sisty, Mrs. II. J. Taylor und ninny others. It is supposed they were doin their Christmas shopping. Friday nt the school house we will hnvo a locnl good roads meeting. We hope our cutliusiuslie boosters will ho present und Miceced in their efforts. What might hnvo been u serious accident occurred Inst week. How ever none were badly hurt. The mu that held the single tree ou the shuits broke mid let the horse plunge nhend, drugging .Mrs. C. L uw over ihe dash board nnln the ground nod leaving Miss Taylor silling in , hngy. Mr. Tlioinp-on nssistcil t Ik-mi Imiue. Mr. Sweet will spend his ueutimi with his fninily ut his much nenr Hengle, und nt Snlem, where he will visit (he stale department. ASBESTOS ITEMS .Stock Is doing fine and the grass Is better In tho mountains than It has been for years. IM Houston has gone to Medford after his sister Ida, sho will sKind tho holidays with hur purcnts. Mr. Mark Walker Just returned from nn extended visit nt Prospect, Ilo will spend tho holidays with his undo, John Walker, near Houston. Klmer Hlmmons und Davo Walker have just finished getting In their winter supplies. Charles Walker bus Just returned from Medford with a fluo lot ot holi day goods, Among them was a large Jug of beautiful llpguo river water. John 'Walker has routed his place to Houston & Son, Ho nlso sold them his cattle Thero worn threo chicken thieves camu to Jack Houston's tho other night. Jack Houston mid fianford Houston tracked them up tho next morning aud found them In a largo hollow oak tree. Sanford with n John A. Perl Undertaker 2H H. IIAHTLKTT 'hones M. 171 and 478 Aniliuliinco Service Deputy Otroncrl 1012. quick eve and steady hand fired three shuts nnd out tumbled three big conns Aiillu (lieeit tins Just relumed home from u long trip, Ihe people feel glnd to hnvo him ittiionK them onro more. Wo have n prosperous .Inch W He Is very Industrious here of Into building fires nt four lu tho morut tug. Ilo Is sitting n new pneo for his young sou to follow, .luck sold nil of his beef cows last week. Hays ln don't llko so many ehnnges, Kil Morgan and wife aro expected homo for the holldavs. Miss Jennie MM I by u living on her lioiueste.id near Mr Houston's. () (M'MIIKIt TAFT FINISHES L INSPE PANAMA, Dee With Colonel (ioethals and Major General Marry added to his party, President Tuft plnus to stmt from here nt tl o'clock this evening on his return to the Pulled States. It Is probable Marry will bo tho next chief of staff ir the army The president auuonuci'd. today that he was still itudecldeil whether to make Colonel (Ioethals civil governor of the canal zone. It Is understood that (Ioethals hits been offered the posi tion, and that he Is teturulug to Waihluglon with tin. president in as certain w bethel ho will be able to ac cept A decision will not be renchi'd until after tho return to Washington of the presidential party. President Tnft this morning In spreted the Culebrn Cut, and this nf teruoon returned here, where ho will board a simclnl train for Colon, there to take tho Il.xttleshlp Arkansas far tho voyage home. President Tnft' party today at tempted to belittle the d)nniiiltliig last night of a kiosk In Central ave nue shortly after Ihe president bad passed the spot en route to n Christ mas ball given In his honor. They Insist tho cxpUr-lon was In no way connected with the president. KING GEORGE RECOVERS FROM BRIEF ILLNESS LONDON, Dec. '.'II, - KinK Ocorgc is icM,t,', ludnv ns almost enlirelv reeoveicd fiom the illness which pie vented his participating in the Christ. urns fiMliviticn nt Smidringhnm. Sir Frederick Poiisouhv. the rnyiil secretary, said: "The king had a slight chill cstcrduy hut he i well again this moniing." STRANDED STEAMER TO BE FLOATED BY NIGHT NKW YORK, Dec. Jil.- Tug- here today btought hem part of tho erevv of the steamer Turrinlbn, which wen! ashore at Kgt; llaihor, jiMt ninth of Atlantic City, last Saturday. It i expeftod the vcsc will he rcflosled before night. Tell what that apartment Is like -and the description may bring you tho kind of a tenant you'd like. 1 PLUM i PUDDINGS Tho kind your Mother ysed to make. THE MERRIVOLD SHOP Quality Goods i PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work ouirsntM Prices IteionstI COFFEEN k PRICE II Mowsrd Block, antrsno on Itb tH om shs. Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, B. O. Publlo Land Matten: Final Proof, Desort Lands, Conceit una lflnlni tiaiu. Bcrlp. N C 1 WHEBX TO OO TONIGHT -M''W-f'M"M-f t ISIS THEATRE i VM'DIJVILMI It.Mtl'UI.MKM I, inliis mid Vale in Talking and (Irolonipiu Dancing I'lietnplasn: TDK I'OWIIIl OF A IIVMN A FISHHIIIIOV'H FAITH NONI! IU'T tin: mt.wi: mt. SKItVi: TIIH I'Allt Host, of .Muile Hear our lplcro orchestra Matlueo .Saturday ami timidity TTTT TT'T TT TTTTTTTTtTTTT f ' " T " 00-KoCOiO0'K0 Now is the time to get your 1913 Calenders, go at l2 off. All MEDFORD BOOK STORE TOsVOfOsKVKOsVO00-- Luxury Without Extravagnnco Hotel I Von Dorn i 2-12 Turk Street t "Finest popular prieed I I Hotel in h?nu Krunpiaco J J Modem ' Central I hh M-U JAPANESE OURIO AND MERCHANDISE STORE Full lino of Japanese Goods Tncludiiu; toys, curios and iiiercliiuidiHO of all kinds. Ideal CliristnuiH presold Prices to fit, any purso. Next, foliolel Medford 422 W. MAIN Draperies Wn curry very complete lint of drain-rim. tarn curtslm, flvlure. eta. ml iln all clneiei et utitioUterllitf, A per I a I man to look flr this work eicliihlvoly mill will ulve good nrvlce mm la iimntble to uet In even the Urcret ell Ire. Weeks & McGowan Co. Duift locttcd nnd moat f) o n u 1 n r lotcl in the City. Running drilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Guto Cafe, Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms 00 rooms 60 rooms 60 rooms with pilritt Ulh $1,00 each 1.G0 ench 2.00 each 2.00 each ou rooms with pilule litis 2.S0 each 30 tultci, bedroom, par. lor and bath 3.00 each For mora than one guest add $1,00 extra lo the abovo rates for each additional gueit. Reduction by week or month, i Manaftmtnt Chttttr IV. Ktllty 'i 4-" r 6