Irfr-wrt -- r i VACm TWO. MRDFOTin MATTi TRTIHTNIO, MRDFOIU), OHKOOtf, TIIPUSDAV. DKCKMHIW ill!, 11)113. BRYAN. PROTESTS IS FRIDAY CROSSES ATLANTIC TO " PAINT DOGS' PORTRAITS 0R0ZC018 -FATHER q- WIFE GETS BULLET a DEN OLCOTT WEDS k . ... IN READY FOR TRIP TAXICAB RIDE 0 REGON MM ROGERS AWAI - - ' PRSON SENIORITY L GALLOWS OR far) t! H i i i it ! in A 4 a V I. LINCOLN, Nob.. Doc 3C "Tlio democratic, party Ik roIiik lo Iiiwo another struggle. Jn the Bniintu nnd hojijo over committee assignments uiiitlls egnlu threatened with tlio blight of seniority," iaya Wllllnm J. Ilryan, editorially In llio Co in in oner here, today. "Thai J," tlio nrtlclo continues. "It vll bo nkcd o int the ambitions and htorealR or Individuals above? tho welfare of tlio, parly. "l'roRrrralvo democrats will bo In thn majority In tho caucus ot tlio senate., Will they ellow tho reac tionary minority to man tho shin and allow length pr service to outweigh ymiathy wlh tho progressive cause? If It womn personal matter the new nHi.itorfl might prefer to yield to tlio old, but a man nctlng In a reprc- bentattvo capacity Is not nt liberty to bo courteous at the expense of his constituents." FAMILY OF FOUR KILLED IN CHAMPAIGN. 111.. Dec. 27. Hit by an Illinois Central limited train, four miles south of here as they were returning frotn Christmas celobra- tlon, Kdward It. Miller. 24; Mrs. Maud Miller, 33; Until Miller. 8. and Wayno Miller, four, aro dead today. Opal Scott. 11, tho child of a neigh bor of tho Millers, was sorlously In jured. Tho train struck a double-seated rig In which the Millers wero riding, smashing It to bits and hurling tho occupants n great distance. MAN AND WIFE TAKE EIGHT SHOTS AT EACH OTHER SEATTLK, Dec. 'JO. In n quarrel between Morton Frecmun and liis wife, negroes, the couple this morn in tr fired eight shots nt each other from behind telegraph poles in the sttcct. All (lie allots vent wild. The Mrccfc wns crowded irlicn tho Minut ing began, hut nn tho echo of the filial shot was heard, the quarreling pair, a policeman hurrying to the heene, were thu only pcoplo in night within Bcvrml blocks. 4h5mJm4h5h$mjJmJm T $2.00 Garments $2.50 Garments $$.00 Garments $10.00 Garments t T t t ? T t T t T f t T T T t t t r r t t t .i $dte$dk&$d$db - W J'OUTI.ANI). Ore, Dec. 3fl Kven thing Is in readiness, even to tho decoration of the special train, for tho Journey of 100 or tnoro Ore gon boosters, going under tho name of tho Koyal Hosarlans. to Califor nia, whoro they will visit several cities In the endeavor to maho the' name Oregon mean as much to tho residents of tho Golden State as San Francisco or Ios Angeles, The Itenerary Includes Sacramento, San Francisco, Panadoua, Los Ange les and San Diego. While engaged In tho "capture of California," tho Hosarlans will dis tribute literature calling attention to Portland's Itoso Carnival In 1013. At Sacramento, tho first stop, the Oregonlans will bo welcomed by Gov ernor Hiram Johnson. Tho Flying Legion, Chamber of Commerce and World's Fair management will enter tain the Hosarlans In San Francisco, the program there Including the planting of Hoses ou Oregon fair site. Tho star will bo made at night Saturday from here. HOOD RIVER TO HAVE LARGE POWER PLANT HOOD K1VKH, Ore., Dee. 'JO The 1'neifie Power and Light company today announces that this city is to have n large eleetrie Mvcr plant. It i climated that the cost will ho .?7.0,000, nnd 1200 men will work day and night shifts in onler to hnve it completed nt the earliest iws&iblo date. The new plant will develop between 7,000 nnd S.000 horsepower and will be built on the site of the present plant. Operation will com mence July 1. The building of tlio plant ealU nlo for the erection of a largo concrete dnm. No Clue (o Murder CHICAGO. Dec. 26. I'ollco and detectives, who since tho gagged and tortured body of John Logue, dia mond dealer, was found In his office In McVlckers' Theater building have been working on tho case, admitted today that they aro completely baffled. AH theories which seemed to lead toward tho slayer have been disproved, aud not, a single cluq re mains to tho fiendish slayer. $1.00 $1.25 $2.50 $5.00 v; JmJm Hen W. Olcott, Secretary of State OLCOTT BENEDICT L SALUM, Ore.. Dec. 2(5. Hen W Olcott, secretary of slate, today claims tho relationship of brother-in-law to. Governor Went through his secret Christmas wedding to Miss Lena Hutton, a beautiful Salem girl, and sister of Mrs. West. Hew 1 S. Knight, who had mar ried the parents of tho bride nnd also Mr. and Mrs. West, offlotuted. The affair took placo at noon. West attending tho groom. Tho. Olcotts do not plan a wedding trip nt present on account ot tho great volume ot business In tho sec retary's office. M'CORMICK DENIES TALK OF LEAVING SOUTHERN PACIFIC SAN FHANCISCO, Cal . Dec. 2C K. O. McCormlck. vice-president ot the Southern Pacific railway com pany Is back from the oast with flat denial of tho reports that ho might becomo chief traffic chief for tho Guggcnhelms. "I nm In San Fran cisco for good. I wilt live and dlo here. Talk of my leaving Is nonsense." BECOMES WEST'S 11 One -Half Price Sale To close out the year with the biggest sale in the history of Medford we will ' For the Next Four Days . make exactly one-half price on' the following lines: Tailored Suits, Coats, Skirts, Furs, Shirt Waists, Millinery, House Dresses,,Kimonas, Children's Coats, Evening Dresses, Street Dresses, Hand Bags, Sweaters, Children's Dresses. i- Not a garment reserved, but you get your choice of the above named lines at EXACTLY ONE-HAI Come wait on yourself and deduct just One-half .J SN UfKNTIN. Cal Dte Ull Condemned to die for tin murder of llotijauiln ttoedmnn, a jewelry nnlciu man. whom he lured to a basement In the commlMiInn dMMct of San Froiirlsro a eur ago for Hie purpose f rubbery, John S. Kokcis todnv awaits the hangman, lie will be ex edited hero at lOSIo n. m tomorrow Holers was allowed to et his Cnn-dinn. dinner with another mur direr and wns then taken to a cell in the condemned row. He viewed his new quartern with Interest but ! displayed no emotion. Despite his denial of guilt lingers Is not hoping for a reprieve or a par don. "Tho statu isn't going to punish mo for the murder of which It thinks 1 am KUlll)." he said. "For me, It will be all over In five minutes. Hut the state Is killing m mother aud lucidcutall. putting to death an In nocent man IE POMONA Cal. Dvi 3k Lel Khrcsmnti was bound over today to tho superior court ou a chnrgo of murdsr In the first degree for the killing of J. 11. Nicholson as a result of tho preliminary bearing before Justice of the l'eaco Dames here. W. I Hamlin, tho defendant's counsel, argued strongly that there wns nothing to show malice or fore thought In tho killing of Nicholson. A crowd Jammed the court room and all thu officers and deputies In this locality were present to prevent a demonstration or attempts to se cure the prisoner, which wero feared. After the hearing. Constable Slanl.iT took Hhresuuu to Io An geles. JASON BROWN. SON OF LIBERATOR, DEAD IN OHIO AKUON. Ohio. JVc 3C--Jusoti Urown, second sou of John Hrnwn. tho liberator," lit dad hero today, aged ao. Salmon 'ijrjwu, n ouuger brother, lives In Portland, Oregon. Yf U ' ' ' ' ' "''Lf j1"1 1 B Tin i f jBH PLUCIVAUIROWFAU Mr I'lnoal 1 Uoijii'uii, nu Aiurr iHUi iMi.uet, wh.i hpends of Inn lime in France and Is world f.uimiH u imlutrr of dogs, tins nunc to .iiierln lo paint a number vt the seller. m.mi crs niul oibvr bliil dos owned lv Mr CliirviHu II .Mm kay and now en 111 cstau In Norlh Ciiroilm. t'm. :'w--r SEVERE SAND STORM SWEEPS LOS ANGELES LOS ANULLHS, lal., lie,., ail.--Illiiidreds of ChnHtuiiiH uutnibU nre eix-eping into ,oh Angles today, along with dolsvcd train und other Iral'de, follomnir the fuvcriMt tuttid and wind hlonu that Ims vit,iled lhi eetion in a year. Southern I'neifie tmins were inn rouiieil at Uuunti, forty miles east fit Loh Aiigokvri, and many wen ciil in to the city over I lie Sail lkc tnieks. Tlio Salt take wn- kept open only by u delermiiieil fight HguiwH ilrittiug sand. . AeeoiditiK to nutoiiHibtle n-nucic, mom than 100 motor partlim weie iiimblo to ri-tuni In m Ai)kIom lnt night. All, houexer, an helied to be safe. Germany to Increase Pensions MKKLIN. Dec. -( -It wiih mi- uouiieed here todn I hat a bill in toon to be Milnuittnl lo tin- 'riMc-tnir in- ereaKiuj: the peu-niii nf :M0,0lM) vet eriins of tho war of iKIiti with .ll triu und of 1N70 n till Franco from 'f!l to .! a mouth. The iniuiMrv of war lies ordereil JO.000 tiniivt of (.ii for wilder prae- ucv unu iiiiiueiiverH or iniop on nie Ituvian frouliur. rrrrr.- ,:-!., : . ,-rrrrr .. ..x r. l H.N' ANTONIO, Tcmih, Doc. Ull. Allhinigh releiiHnl liviiii the mililuiv prison ut Poll Sum lloiixloii Imhiv under IioihU of t'J,."l)i), t'oloucl I'un cunt Onireib I'utlier of (loneinl I'n- i mil Oroxen, now IciiiIIiik llio Me.- li an leheN in Ihe uiulh ol Mexiri), w i 'i tnimi'dliitotv reunified on the charge of linreny mid ndiheiy, ml - letted h thu .Me.xleuu oveinmeiil lo have been committed in Chihuahua stale Oroseo Is now held in llm county jnil, Tho Mexican government mut umko a hhowhic of its evidutiee uguiuM him wilhlii folly dav. Colonel Orozcu was put in the null larv m-iHoii last month uuiler indicl. ment by Ihe federal grand jur I or violation of thu itetilrtilily itws. SAN FHANCISCO, Dec. 'Jti V, ie than 10,000 childtcii l'roui all walk- of life nie rejiielng over tli wo derful hpeelneln of u generous imta Clous vlio gaa oneh mid every ! ? tliem ii present in tho tloMr 'Jan ",vk tiidiiui( !.., n HpI pa-. lo the miisio of unlfomie 1 baud-. Cutler a blight sky, Santa Clan . Mirroiinded by xeven liuife Christina -treert and hen of present, tirnuvht e.xrhimulioiH of jov imiu the iitllc nm, white row after row ( mlv decorated unloumhilc lined the -ulc of (he studlitm tilled with uruwu-up-lookiug on, Tlio event wa the ciihiiuiiitioii ol ninny weeks i work bv nu'inber. n the Chliotilias lire n-uiialioii. ELOPERS RECEIVE PARDON FROM RESPECTIVE PARENTS SKA V1KW, Wn., Dee. I'll. -With Ihe declaration to their pn renin tlmt they were going to Portland to pur ehace ('liriMinut prexeuN, CharliK Ktraiihal nnd F.laiue (loolev, hoih !, drparled from hero ill different liie- Ini't in Porllaud, nud mo lothiv wnl. The lirNl intimation (hut the parent -received of the wedding win when llicy rend the marriage' eelie an iKUiueeiiieul in it Purthiiid i wiper. flfrfl $15.00 Garments $20.00 Garments $25.00 Garments $40.00 Garments . $20.00 jjFtL. SI.ATI'l.i:. Wo, Dt VH Ah a icmiII ol a lii'iilinif m o l.ixicab y' lerdny, Mr. I'ml Cm In l In llm ellv lioxpllul today with a bullet Ihioiigh her hli. and hoi' lni-lmittl, n eiiml Hli'iiuiiKi'iipher, im in Ihe euiflily Jnil churned with doing Ihe Mlmoltm. Tho iniie f the iptnrirl heveon hiinhiiitil mid wife Is nnl very iQffni' today. CurrN If ft Tniwilhv fn"r Iwtlt expecting In be gone several ilitj. While he wns nwav In wife utllet' laiui'd women frliuitU and nieii 'nt Ihelr mmrltiieiil, mill II Is elitiiiied Unit the inii'Iv toek fieiptsut (Hxtwb tidex. CliilsimuH mnmiiiir CnrlW ivtunrnd. Al'tei" ti Itniir leedione ininverillioii wllh tv V'lieud he ' nboot In lvnvo, when he met IiIh wife and sUlor-ln-law, MUx .Murgie PnlUrxoii, Imnliui ii laxliali. He scmnl wile, IniL ,MiH l'ntleihoii Hteppeit belwami llieni, Mud witli MCfeal well dituoted blown, dioe CuttiN ueroon tits stlit. The two women then lespud into the cab nud it Ntittled lo move. C'mU jiiiiiped ou belilud und fired flvti IioIm tlniiitiih the rear window. Olio hit hi- wife in (he hlp Hv' lhn "' haM'd down. I Dm wife was drlfHH In Ihe hiH-pitnl uihI Curlis Inter iiriwi deied nt Ihe hmne of his falhm'-in-. law, nltsir t'niti" had oxcditiuutd In Mi I'attvoi.ii "Von nlwnv lintoil lue, and I al. iv baled voti, nml now I've kImmi vmi - i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 n bate me lor " I LISMON. lb e. .'. Wllh Ibe ar il al here of thv ioiwerviitlve eliif lr. Aluieiiln. hit'tiN nummiuied fnon' Swilerliunl n miinlet demontmliNi bv riMfervtle im bel Iim t iIhv vrliteh trultrd in ull the mili tary niul lici rtnwrvwt b4iK elld out. The dinturbnnm was eawed by the dendlnek IhIwimwi the eonservA live and ileinnerola. Dr. Ahtiibkv vi Kteeted wild hiMe mid unmi an he leiid fnmi Ihe Ntomner. A not follovve.) and Anwidii was ei1 eated fmm the nodi with dlllieultv. Trni are beiotr held under ;w4 nnd developiiieiilM urn lMked for u miv iiiuiiieiil. . ! O ! ! V'WWWVTTVW , $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 T ? T ? T T. ?. ? ? ?. T ? T f. f I ? Y t t Y Y f Y 111 !: A. A. -A. h T T T .. i r y Y