rxcm Fotrrc. ai I " j ' ' '" MFrVFOTW ISfATr, TRWum MFT)F0rci). OlMWONT, 'lOTanAY. HKORMnKl? 21, lOt'l V.U '-- -JM : r! I i I I 1 1 I M norOKD mail tiuuune JIScnTt miNnAr nv tiik MKUFOIll) VKINT1NO CO. . Tti DtmiwrMIn Tlram, Tlio MiMlfotd Mull, Tin Me.Uefit Trliium. Th South org orrgonun, Tlio Axtiland Trlbuna, hrrieo Mnli Trunin imihllntt. :ft-:?-:t Nnrtlt Ktr itreet; phone. Main lOZt, Home 76. , , OHortOR IIJTNAM, ftdttornml MAnfiRfr Entered fin coondola matter at WcJfoM. Oregon, nJer the. act of March J, .1879. OttltM rpf of the.Cttr of Mtdfartf. Official lapr of Jacknon Onnntr. sunscniPTinN uatks. Onn yrnr, hr matt....... 15,00 ono mnnth, by mnll , n .(0 I'er month, iMIvfre.l by carrier In Mitforil. Jncltaonvlllo nnd Cen- trnl l'nlnt. , SO Hiturilay onlr. by mall, or year.,- l.w Weekly, per year , .,. t.sn POST LAW ZONES Postmaster Ilalp Woodford has re ceived from a department n map hUowIiik the different tones under wlilrli tho new parcels pout law oper ates. Ho has been advised that maps will bo offered later by tho department for Rale. There nro eight tones. The find Includes atl postofflccs within 50 nillca of Mcdford; tlio second cover nil postolflccs within ISO miles; the third iicnrlyall of Oregon nnd south to San Francisco; the fourth koutti to, Sautn Unrhara, eat.t to tho west lino of Wyoming and north to Cana da; tho fifth cast as far us tho Da- kolas; the sixth cuts through Mlnu- cMita, lown, KmiMts, Oklahoma and Texus: tho seventh runs as far cast 4IM Chicago while tho eighth Includes nil, out side points. Tho rates nnd rules briefed of the new law follew: Parcel 1'oat stairijw required on all packages. Weight limit, 11 peunds: size limit, 72 Inches In length and girth combined. Flat rate of 1 cent per ounce up to A ounces regardless of distance. Present rate on seeds, bulbs, etc., un changed. ,Abovo four ounces, rates aro by tlutT pound, or traction thereof, and varying with distauco as follews: Kach addl- l-'lrst llonal 11 liound pound pounds V ttiral route and 4lly dollvery..J0.03 $0.01 on mile zono 0T .03 lSO'tnllc zone... .00 .01 J0.15 .33 4C ,u" .CS .79 1.00 1.11 1.32 300 mile zone.... GO tulle zone.... 1000 mile zone . HQO mile roue.. 1S0J) mllo zono. Over 1S00 miles .07 .05 .08 .00 .00 .07 .10 .09 .11 .10 .12 .12. MANY ME0F0RDITES LURED BY LOS ANGELES EXCURSION A special train will Icavo lied ford nvr tho Southern Pacific December 3d for Los Angeles, which will carry alio ut tOU people of tho Hokuo Itlvcr valley to tho city or siinshlno. Spe cial rat oh nro being offered. Soino ot thoko who liavo alreaily placed their iiumes on tho Mil nro us fol fel fol eows: Jj0. Smith, Mrs. N. li. imiilap. H. ZitiiB, Kwthor l'liiihey. Mr. nnd Mrs. llk'7F?N)c, Mrs. Knimn HpniRHo. Mrs. S, T. Nye, Mr. tind Mrs. A. K. Sliap lulgh. Mr. nnd Mrs. C V. Wlindoy. Mr, mid MrH. William Cox. Mr. nd Mru. (J. S. llutler. I. A. Mc. MIsh Wood, Mrs. T. J. MaduKroii, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. W. 1'otlur, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Kills, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kulglit, Mrs. Martin McDonouch nnd Mrs. C. Hummer. Huh Taylor, A. Loomls, V. V. Qunyle, Miss ltutr., Mm. .1. P. Halo, Mrs. Bather, Dr. K. O.J'aRc, Mrs. U I). Jones, Mrs. II. 4'ostcr, It. It. lloluhlvlbs, K. K. Morrison, .1. A. (Inrkdiill, Olaruuco Uenmes, Mr and Ms. A. II. Downing, Mrs. Oeorso Ilbhlusoii, Merrill Uolilnsop, A. C. Abriimii, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hiucrsou, .ludKo Crowull and Dr. Darner. S. A. Newell. M. Gill. H. II. Uull ock, Mrs. D. Jones, I. Klui,', I)r, C. It. Ray, Mrb. Prurler, Dr. J. M. Ken no, Arthur Ilazolrigg. Mr. aud Mrs. U. A. Gregory, J, I, HaiUdull, II. II. Hicks, Mrs. A. K. Hull, Geurgu Culllns; Messrs. Dates, Hubbard, HiiiiUihrey, l'ostmuster Woodford, Knyurt, Horace, Dr. Conroy, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs, Oatiuuu, A. II, Downing undJj. 1L Spessard. SWALLOWS BIG.PEARL ALONG WITH OYSTER BBATTMJ, Wash.. Dec. 24. While eating oystors In a restaurant here, Louis Lajmub, 'H, faiiddcnly Juniped up with a cry of nalu. For several minutes be was speechless, but he finally made It known that he had swallowed A big ultig pearl from mi oyster. An effort will bo inaile lo joniovo It todjy. IPS RECEIVED SHOWING PARCEL MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. Till') Mail 'lYihuuc wishes each ami all of its readei-s a Merry Christmas though Christ uihs cheer ami I he Christinas spirit lit wholly within themselves. Tho world is bright or dull largely as wo uiako it ami as wo regard it. Most of us spc'nd oiir days and nights in pursuits utter ly selfish, becoming more and nioro self-centered as tho 'oars roll on. and it is small wonder life beeomes a very serious business when we reflect how insignificant and unworthy the aims. "Peace on earth, good will to men," the doing for oth-ci-s instead of ourselves, most of us practice one day out of tho three hundred and sixty-five and call it Christinas. 'Hint is. for a few Hooting hours we try to practice the pre cepts of Christianity. The balance of the time, wo nro as selfish and unchristian as the rankest of pagans no mat tor how much niutniuory we indulge in. Wo are a nation of hypocrites, preaching one thing ami practicing the opposite.' There is little of real Christianity m the world just tlio empty form. The spirit is lost in the strenuous struggle for self now and then emerging, as if to show that there is a spark of something besides the animal lingering in us. Let us be thankful that there is even ono brief period ltou bv universal consent we throw off the shell and are decent, though we mar the occasion bv making useless atnd meaningless gifts, which are supposed to typify our love and the less "we love, the more absurdly extravagant the ijifts. Christmas gifts should be confined to children for whom Christinas is or should, be the gladdest event of the year. The laugh of a little child is tlio sweetest sound on earth. As Jugersoll said: ' ' "The laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still. "Strike with hand of fire, O weird musician, thy harp strung with Apollo's golden hair: fill the vast cathedral aisles with symphonies sweet and dim. deft toucher of the organ keys; blow, bugler, blow, until thy silver notes do touch and kiss the moonlit waves, and charm the lovers wandering 'mid the vino-clad hills. lut know, your sweetest strains aro discords all, compared with childhood's happy laugh the laugh that fills the eyes with light and everv heart with joy. O rippling river of laughter, thou are the blessed boundary line between the beasts and men; and every wayward wave ot thine dotli drown some fretful fiend of care. O laughter, rose-lipped daughter of .joy, there are dimples enough in thy cheeks to catch and hold and glorify all the tears of grief." And may Christmas bring to all hearts something of the spirit of childhood's happy laughter. BENTON BOWERS' DO OWKRS' case saves much. Supreuie court upholds Jude Calkins m everv excepting regarding the $13,000 appropriation," says the Ashland Tidings in a pathetic attompt to pull off a little white meat from the Christians crow presented Benton Bowei-s by the supreme court. "Calkins sustained at every point except the point tit issue, is excellent. It reminds one of those surgical cases wherein the operation is a complete success, but the pa tient dies. "Instead of being a reversal of Judge Calkins, it sus tains him in all but one point aud modifies the injunction in one point," triumphantly exclaims the Tidings. All of whidh is entertaining as satire. "T,'he decision decides that the acts of tho county court in past years in paying for road work out of the general fund have been illegal," says the Tidings. This was a contention of the appellant, not of Judge Calkins. "Another point in which the stiit means a great deal to the taxpayers is in compelling Mcdford and the I & 10. to pay ijvlb'.OOQ toward tho Medford bridge. At tho time of tho signing of the. contract there was no talk of Medford or the railway donating toward the bridge. It was apparent ly the plan to pay the entire M,000 tint of the coiint itiuds," states tlieTidings. This assertion is false, for the people of Medford "had voted bridge bonds, the city council had authorized the expenditure, and both city and railroad appeared before the court aud agreed to pay the .?" 10,000 before the county let the contract, and had it not been for this agreementunder the supreme court's ruling, the county Mould have had to pay the entire amount. "Thus the Uowers case has saved the treasury $10,000, even if tho county does have to pay $IH,000 toward the bridge" concludes the Tidings. The Bowel's case has not saved the county a cent. All the county was ever asked lo nay was the $Jb,000, which Judge Calkins held it did not have to pay. The decision speaks for itself. Kvery contention made by Bowei-iTand sustained by Calkins, was overruled. That is, all there is to it. Even a cross-eyed man can see it as he runs. No wonder Mr. Uowers asks, the county to donate a little gravy for his crow in the shape of costs. SMUDGE POTSINIsE "PREACHERS TO PROTEST IN ORANGE ORCHARDS NEW YEARS EVE ORGf LOS ANOKLKS, Cal., Dec. 'Jl. Smudge- pots lighted at the warning or tho weather bureau and u system or telephone, communication In one or two localities' aro declared today to have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to citrus growers In South ern California. In many orange sections the temp erature during tho early mornings of recent days has dropped below 30 degrees and heavy frosts have been tho rule, 71 ut 111 almost every case the smudge pots, lighted upon wurn Ings have held the damage to an in significant figure. Slight loss how ever, bus been roused by heavy winds o( thy last few days, CHRISTMAS CROW. point m Aleiltord bruli'e ease, CHICAGO, Dec. Si.-To protest ugalnst tlm usuul .Vow Yeur's orgy, 5U0 ministers are planning horo to day to march down to the mayor's offlco next Moinlay. If tho protest Is unheeded they propose to Insti tute legal proceedings to close the saloons. Chief of I'ollce McWeeny extended tho closing hours on that night from 1 a. in. to .1 n. in. John A. Perl Undertaker 28 S. IlAItTIiKTT IMinuis M. 171 nud 17.1 Ainliiiliiiico Service Deputy (Vyoner O. A. C. Band Concert in Corvallis a" Splendid Success The O. A. O. CVtU'l hand which w to u)pciir-ln .MUtllVnl u Kinlny e eninu jfv H otmei'ri in CorviilliH liid Filtluy evoiitmr. Kwiv netil in the uKm house vn- la ken mid iiuiiiy jH'i"iiw werti Mtuiihiitf All 'thin, lit invito of the ifnt til- 1 Uieie wtl tui uthrr his? nttmclton in tlm town llie some eveniujr. n ltw tlm Imiul it rejHnk'd ly tin? HMpli ol' iWvnl li nml il eollufrv Sine tlio eon eert heie hn licwi "..(Mini but pitiW fur tor nicnilior tin rnniui. Mere in vhtlt n sinumer In I'or. villi! vttitl lo Mr. Ilonrd the next nitirniiu;: "Well mi-. mii emi tnke Hint Imiul iiuywlmiv. I mn Iroui t.on lnu ulii-ii' wo have mnnv fine liiiiuN. I heiird the let there rfutrntr the mr (nation two tNire. t;. but I It'll kii risitit miA tliut iVIie't von rl thntuuh plii.Mni; llint eleetini tout II Trovo toiv luM nitctit. I w.i- n"i ;" Cull ii- Stops Itching Scalp1 Ove might (uitnttilced liy rii.l Mntiitf lo Stii I'idliug Itulr nml liiiudrtirr Itt'hlug soulp. litt'iiK miM hi mull ing and reeling iiihmthIiU' all the the time. W.iHh.your luilr tonight with snap nud wntcr, rub on n good I) iunntlt of I'AIIM.W Sago nud the dlstrestduit Itchlnew will In- gene lu the morning. I'AUISIAX Sago Is a pure, refresh ing nnd Invfgonitlw hntr dressing Ilrsldos putting mi fud to scalp itch diiudriifr nud fulllnc hair It mmr IdIim tin hulr rootHttnil primmes the ' rolor of the hnlr. nml unts n sptc ndld i HtillniiH.i Ittlt, fo.lik.t (tint tlllitflHrlMlfllt . . U should bo nwd b ever .neni-1 I.... f.i, ,....ii. i.. !,-.. il,.. il., "-I 1.1 inv ,iiiiiiij .-a I' iiv .i,., fret from dandruff kitiiih nud pri- enl baldness. Itife I'liile 50 t-i'iiU j at Cinirlos Strang iind druggists i'vtr where Typewriters FOR XMAS GIFTS $5 DOW AND $5 A MONTH The Merrivoid Shop BHjr fiere H iBPOnly One Best.H vVHHF the Best Is F 3 IER0LENE 1 pHMHH For Motor I'VSalo J0i'i')whoi'o STANDARD OIL COMPANY IOKTX.AIfI (Inrorporalcill h -rauntrsanwu rfjcrjtnam V L&i2& tr: id. . '' fltflf 5 1 VII i , H."'-- 0A .4. -'?,' nrT- !ii.ffi3-T 1..V JB1 1 1 H i i I 1 a all to keep them fresh and dry with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. A Perfection Heater is a great comfort, too, on chilly mormnRo and cold evenings. It is tho handiest and most reliable heater made. No Boot ; no smoke ; no smell. Carry it where you please. All the heat you want just when and where you want it. Descriptive circular ant on requ(t or, bolter (till, a,k your dealer to ihov you a Perfection Sinokolai Oil Heater, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtbforaU) jut V.wL.1 Slr.ot 3.n Fr.ncUco mmi-jjzm&ius&iw TTWaWswiii tl I llllll II f,1(lllkl( 111 lllllul.i. Ill 1I..I .. . 1I...I .. .."ll ... .I.l-ll-l III III I The t'orvnllis uewnimperH mitonki erv liiulilv of the whole iinijjriim Tim lienvv oliumto iiuinlnns nro lioin neli writers! in Wuiier, lilnt, Vei'ili, lllret nnd iilior. Thee iiniitos me nil household wmiN iitiiniH- mil mln Inveix the world oxer. Wuuuor will ho toproonlcil on tho pinuraini by it xeleelinn from In muinl opoia "iituuiiniioer. mm kiohi chiiihi-i-er i the HHt uninlerfitl mu-ieiil Keiilii tho world lut ever known. The M'leol "Pile M'leetioit liiKhi w'llh the well known iKfiin'1 t'liune. with iN homiti Till oivmi like iutroiltiotiun, fnllowod liv u uriuiil mid xtoruiv clunnx. Oilier luirts of tho el('('tiiiii ooiilniu -tlir "Keuii' Star" mid the (Iniinl Mureli. If Wiiitiier hud uexrr in- trihuted miothor tlii'ic Ik the inii-iriil ' world, hit lini'ie would he nniuorlul or TiinoliMti-or A VOID IMPURE MILK fur Infants nJ Invalids Out HORLICK'S It mciint the Original mid Gcnulno I MALTED MILK "atteii JmUatUnf ! The Food-Drink for all Age Hicli milk, mailed craln, tn (wwilcr form. l'orInriili.:nvii1iNivlCroini;chiMirn. IViienuliltio.uitbuildinKilMMlioIelxxly. Invigvrnlcs nursing mot iKraund ikaattrd. more iicaiwuui man ic or roller. ' Irr"Vit-.,", ' HucK't IWltUCh S Contains Pure Milk Tho hlchest point of woman's hap- pln'" U 'cd onl thro"h molh """' "C iiiiiiiivr-nM.ii in mm. . i. , feifrful of imturo's ordeal and shrinks front tho suffering' Incident to Itn con' summation. In Mother's 1'rlend Is to ' bo found n mrdlclito of great value to every expectant mother. It Is Intondcd I to preparo tho system for tho crisis,' and thus relievo, lu great part, tho I suffering through which the mother I usually passes. Tho rcgtilnr uso o( , . Mother's Krlend will repay any mother In the comfort It nlTords before, and i I tho helpful restoration to health and ' strength It brings I shout nflnr tmliv Mart . ;romr, Mnthnr's 1 fsVltll AfV 'Trleiid Is for salo I IIIUIIiNi. ' at drug stores MkH v Write for our i freo book for txpectam molhcrd, I which contains muili vnluablu Infor-. mntlnn I , BttADnStD RECl'lATOR CO.. A'Unt. C. I HAM X'nANUlSCO 1 Drive Out Damp and Mold with A YOU know how dnmp gets In to linen closets and storerooms. It's no troublo at SET r 17a kl4ikAAli nni iiiiiiYi'iiiiiiir i'ui 1IIU1I t WUWIV-5S mm c" xv m 131 i MkMk$ JSaLaPMsei Ami here nro those IJye fllnsses tut want (or Mother or Dud Yuu eoiilil not jtlvo u mure useful iresent, (let a t'orilflcittu mid hnvu them (Itted niter Christmas h' DR. RICKERT Oter iCentlier's TALKING ABOUT WATCHES 7vl nnr mIhiiv no nt llilx Hi.nmm iom prists the flneitt selection over shown Medford. No incttler how Inex- I peuslvo tho Match that rumes from Keller the Jeweler, wo guarantee It to keep accurate lime. i Let us show miii our stock am) convince )ou that our prices aru the very lowest, Keller, the Jeweler Corner of .Mnlii nud I'lr Streets i I! PLUM i PUDDINGS : : Tho kind your : I Mothor used to make THE MERRIVOLD i SHOP t Quality Goods .Mill' lUtHltmUHIHM 4 H I HI I II HIH Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel ! Von Dorn i li!2 Turk Street Kiiicsl popular priced J llulel in San I'Vant'i.sco t t Modern Central 44H For Sale (food IlurscH, Mules nnd iMlllVH, AVill Hiiy or Initio A. Whorton '1(5 Itivurwido Ave. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work CWarant6 Prleea Reasonable COFFEEN k PRICE IB Howard Block, Sntraaea oa ith it Coma . Draperies Wo carry a very complete Una of droiinrlea. laou ciirtulim, flvturen, etc, anil do all olaaaea of unliolaterlng. A iieclul man to look after till fork exclusively ami will alv good ervlce an la noaalbla to got In eveu llie larvoat eillen, "Weeks & McGowan Co. mr5 roat WLW 4-MmM''lm t ISIS THEATRE f vAi'iiiivun.w tin: .mm.innh Huiiuntlniiitl IihikI ImluiieliiK nml I'hiilr UUIuif Act I'liotepliDH: llir. I'OU'KIJ K . IIV.M.V A I'lSIINIIIIOV'H IWITII .nem: hit tiiu ititAVi: in:. SCIIVi: Till! I'Atlt llcxt ut .Miulfl I lliiiir our .ileo orclieatru X Mntliieo tuturtliiy nml rttnulny X M-'"H'4-f--'H rW M-U JAPANESE CURIO AND MERCHANDISE STORE Full lino of Japanese Goods J'neluiliiur, loy.s, curios iiml uiereliitntll.su of nil kinds. Ideal (Mii'istiuas presenlH. 1'riees li fit any purse. Nexl lo lintel Medford 122 W. MAIN 0000000"f0-0i- GAMES A li assorlnieiit ineliidiu Kaiuous Ai'"lirena ljJ.1.50, Jf.5.75, Ij?(.5() Christ mas Stalionery 15 lo $.'L75 box N'ery dioiee Alwavs liamlv I-'lasks .j?J.50 to $7.50 MEDFORD BOOK STORE V000400f00000 Christmas Candy IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES Churches, Societies, Schools and those who are tfoiiu; to give parlies, will find our prices and variety tho host. Largo orders aro our specialty Palace of Sweets FOR. RENT We have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M.F.&ir.Co.Nulg. Clark fc Wright LAWYERS ' j WAHiir.Naro.v, n, o. ; I'ubllo Lend Mattori ; Final Proof. Donort Lanrti, Contoit and Mining v. sis if a' t hkLmmmmmmW m iA- iftwWJ yv T ii -' -w ItKrftCi