Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Bedford mxec tribune, medforp. orkcion, Tuesday. Trcoi3Mni3R 21. 1012.
J !
Mr. and Mm. U. C. Urown of Jack
KnTllle'l'w few hour In Med
ford Monday afternoon.
M, O. Warner ot Eugene, who ha
lipfiH at Aahland and other points In
tliOiVfllloy, It In Moil ford again.
,y.U .MMlnr and M. Marshall of
Cwtral Point precinct were- In Med
ford Monday.
William Ulrlch has beea appointed
l f h .United States district court
rect'lter for tho Art Storo formerly
onrnled by C. K. Colling. All of
tho, alock, la now helni; offered for
alo at absolute cost. HrlnK In your
pictures and havo them framed at
Fcrman fcana of Gold Hill waa a
business visitor In MeiUord Monday.
Seo "iMnto" at tho high Bchool Fri
day Flight. Dec. 27. 237
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. R. Neither and
their, daughter of Jacksonville ttpent
Monday In Medford.
Order your pop corn for your
Christmas treo early. Top corn balls
mndo to order at the Pop Corn Stand
103 West Main.
, Mrs. U H. Hapklns and her chil
dren are visiting relatives living at
Ilerkelcy, Cat.
Koaht sucklln;; pig and baked
apple, also roast turkey with chest
nut dressing and cranberry sauce.
Christmas Manhattan Cafe. 235
, Gorge A. Gardner, county clerk
elect was over from Jacksonville
Monday evening.
Turkey dinner, Christmas 50 cents.
Nash Grill.
Mr. and Mrs. Iteuuen Uoblnson ot
Jacksonville were recent visitors In
For goodnos sake, have It, A.
Holmes, the Insurance man wrlto
your Insurance. Ho knows bow.
, Thomas Fulton of the Jacksonville
Post tarried a while In Medford
Monday. So did Warden Ennls, Hies
Chapman and L. Hum ley.
O. A. C. band concert at the high
school auditorium Friday night, Dec
27 at S p. in. Reserved scats now on
salo t Haskln s. 237
George T. Harshberger of Willow
Springs district made a. trip to Med
ford Monday.
Roast suckling pig and baked
apple, also roast turkey with chest
nut dressing and cranberry sauce.
Christmas Manhattan Cafe. 235
Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch and Miss Hum
phrey -were over from Jacksonville
Monday evening.
William Ulrlch has bees appointed
by the United States district court
receiver for the Art Store formerly
operated by C. E. Collins. All of
the atock Is now being offered for
salo at absolute cost. Bring In your
pictures and havo them framed at
Arthur Furry, Mr. Gardner and
Warren King of Phoenix were among
their Medford friends Monday.
' Hotel Holland dining room will
serve a special dinner Christmas day.
Hours from 5 to 8 p. m. Price 75
Horn, In Medford, Dec. H, to Mr.
and Mrs. K. Boyd, a son.
Turkey dinner, Christmas CO cents.
Nash Grill.
Mrs, ,C. Ankeny, of Kugeno Is
spending tho holidays with relatives
living iu Medford.
Don't forget tho 0. A. C. band
concert at the high school auditorium
Friday night, Dec. 27. 237
Joseph Martin of Jacksonville was
ono ot Medford' business visitors
Roast suckling pig and baked
apple, also roast turkey with chest
nut dressing nnd cranberry sauce.
Christmas Manhattan Cafe. 235
Mrs. J. J:. Soils of Kagle Point
precinct .Is In Medford visiting rela
tives and friends.
Oak tier wood for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
V& W. Gregory and K. O. Roberts
of RIb Sticky wero in Medford Mon
day, accompanied by their wives.
Tin Oakdale Cash Oroccry Is sell
ing strictly fresh ranch eggs at 35c
per dozen. 235
T. C. J)ugan of Eagle point was
among tho -many who traded in Med
ford Monday,
,Qet, your seats reserved at Has
klu for the O. A. C. concert Fri
day night. 237
Herman Meyer and Geo. W. Fry
f Lake crock wero here on business
Turkey dinner, Christmas CO cents.
Nash Grill.
Fred H. Mears made a professional
trip to Ashland Monday.
Clean-up ealo on pepls until Christ
mas at Ireland's Smoko House.
Mrs. Irwin Kckelson and Mrs, K. K.
Ktibll of Portland, who are visiting In
Jacksonville, were iu Medford Monday,
A. 8. Klclnhammer and Prank Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Gentry of
Hlbrow, Neb., er, In the city IN
day, Kuests at the Hotel Medford.
Dancing nt the , Nat. Christmas
Kve. 23R
Mr. and Mrs. John llesh ot l.os
Angeles, wero Iu Medford Friday vis
iting friends.
I,egal blanks for salo nt the Mall
Tribune offlco. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. l. Conley, or
Rochester, Minn., were registered at
n Medford hotel Friday.
Oak tier wod tor sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
T. C. White returned to Medford
Friday and will spend Christmas
with his tunny friends here. Mr.
Whlto has been In Klamath county
for several month where ht has Iwoii
In the employ oi the government
forestry servlco and has had much
to do In bettering conditions In the
Rrlng that old book 'with torn
binding down and havo It rebound
at tho Mall Trlbuno office. Costs
but little. tt
Dr. R. J. Conroy has moved his
offlco to the Hutchison & Lumsden
building. Theso offices wero for
merly occupied by tho commercial
club. Drs. Conroy and Clancy have
dissolved partnership.
Don't inlos the turkey dance. Dance
and win a turkey Christmas Ke.
The Nat, '
Weeks &McGowan Co.
.y fcoat M71
ifhiiioni! jr. w. wo.u ton
A. S. Orr MM
Crump of Applesato spent Monday
night In Medford.
O. M. Selby has gone to Seattle to
spend the holidays and will also visit
In Portland.
Tickets for the I.oa Anftelrs excur
sion tiro now on snlo at S. P. depot.
Thoso figuring on going should wrlto,
phono or call at tho offlco to enable
hgent to securo reservations.
Mrs. II. K. Hnney was a recent vis
ttor In Ashland.
The Oakdale Cash Grocery Is Fell
ing strictly fresh ranch eggs nt 35c
per dozen. 235
James Ryan ot Klamath Falls
transacted business In Medford the
forepart of the week.
Pinto, tho "Nightmare of Carica
ture" with tho O A. C. hand at the
high school auditorium Friday night.
Dee. 27. 237
Fruit labels In any color printed
by tho Mall Tribune. tt
The library will be open from 2 to
t p. in. on Christmas day for the
benefit of strangers In tho city.
Late magazines are all on file.
William Ulrlch has bees nppnlnled
by the United States district court
operated by C. H. Collins. All of
receiver for tho Art Storo formerly
the stock la now being offered for
salo at absolute cost. Rrlng In your
pictures and have them framed at
Vernon Vawter has returned from
Eugene for the holiday but leaves
Christmas evening for Astoria where
he participates In the concert given
by the University glee. club. Win.
Vawter Is home from San Francisco
for the holidays.
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor J, attorneys-
at-law, over Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
Tho Vilas brothers are home from
Corvallls for the holidays.
Glvo her for Christmas Commun
ity, Diamond Edgo or World brands
silver plate, Flat Ware. F. W. Shap
lclgh Hardware Co., 2S South Cen
tral. M. W. Halo of Rogue River made
his Medford friends a visit Monday.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton's, opposlto book store.
Mrs. C. Keegan and Mrs. Zepha
Rosenwald of Jacksonville were
among those In Medford Monday.
E. D. Weston, commercial photos
raphorn, negatives made any time or
phico by appointment. Phone M.
J. h. Rowo and Mr. Duggan of
Sams Valley traded with our mer
chats Monday.
Skate and win a turkey Christmas
Sy at the Nat. wt 235
M. Purdln was In Jacksonville
Monday afternoon on professional
Phone us your orders for milk,
cream, butter and buttermilk. Two
deliveries, dally. R. R, Creamery.
Mrs. H. Cameron was among her
Jacksonville friends Monday.
Real home-made bread at DeVoe'e.
Miss M. U. Towne ot Phoenix was
a Medford shopper Monday afternoon.
Artistically printed letter beads on
fancy bond paper make flao Christ
mas presents. Let us show you
samples. The Mall Tribune. tt
Dr. and Mrs. Bonner of Big Butte
precinct are stopping In Medford for
the present.
Soft wood 2 a tier. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Mm. Win. II. Barnum of Jackson
ville has returned from a visit at
Portland and other northern points.
Don't buy thoso cheap Portland
factory mado candles for your Christ
mas tree when you can get homo
made puro cream candles for 25
cents per pound at tho Pop Corn
Store, 103 West Main.
James Fltzglbbon of Foots creek
transacted business In Medford Mon
day. Build up your own locality by buy
ing liome-niado goods, always fresh
at the Pop Corn Store, 103 West
D. Perozzl, proprietor of tho Ash
land creamery, was In Medford Mon
day. So. was P. D. Blackden of tho
same place.
For tho boy's Christmas, wagons,
coasters, skates, guns, velocipedes,
etc. F. W. Shaplelgh Hardwaro Co.,
28 South Central.
Vernon and William Vawter are
home from school for the holidays.
Vapor baths and sclentlflo mas
sage for in oil and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, curiopractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corey
Bldg. Phono 145.
William Gerlg has returned from
a business trip to Portland.
Christmas presents. Peculators,
chafing dishes, casslroles, etc., In
copper, brass and aluminum. F. W.
Shaplelgh Hardware Co., 28 South
John W. Wilson of Applcgato spent
Monday In town on a Christmas shop
ping tour.
Collect thoso scattered sheets of
music you value and have them
bound in book form at the Mull
Tribune. tf
Louis Wcgan of Eugene who lias
been visiting friends In Medford loft
Tuesday to spond Christmas at homo.
Did you know that the pop corn
that wo will use for Christmas was
raised near Medford and is tho best
in tho world. Try our CrUpcttes
and hot buttorcd pop corn, 103 West
May You All Have
A Merry Christmas
and a : '
Happy New Year
Mr. T. M. Jones of Corning, Cal.,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. II. 1 long
land and family at Seven Oaks.
George llerschburgcr of Willow
Springs was a Mondny visitor here.
J. F. Hay who ha been nt Com
ing, Cal., for several months Is spend
ing the holidays with his family In
this city.
Rev. Shields of Medford was a
Monday visitor here.
Jay Hathaway formerly of this
vicinity but now of Coming, I spend
ing tho hnlldnys with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hathaway.
Miss Slerlc Knsley who has a po
sition at Portland Is spending the
holidays hero with her parents.
Many of the jxsiple from this vi
cinity spent Monday afternoon In
Medford among whom were Mrs. A.
W. Moon, Mrs. Moon, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Herring. Mrs. J. F. Terry
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dunten,
Miss Myrtle Dunten, Mrs. Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. K. Webb. Miss T. Neale.
Miss Stewart, Mrs. Wm. Hammctt,
MUs M. Hamerlck, John Homerlck,
M. Marshall, Geo. Farnum, A. J.
Dunlap, J. W. Myers, Geo. E. Fos
and Emll Langc. '
4 1
Oregon Gas and
Electric Co.
LOST Will tho lady that picked up
tho gloves In front of the paint
storo please return them to Hub
bard Bros.' store. Ferdle Hub
bard. 23C
This Girl Recovered
From Consumption
Tb mi krri of lkman' Altrnitlvr,
which It doing no mart, kkh1 (or Coo
umiidrn. arv euutlnuilljr to mvlpt of
woiulrrful trvottt of rrcuTcrl brought
about llr Ihrouiili tli um of Itili tunll.
rln- Tlii rrporti or aliri) at lb
roMinaDd vt any one IntrtrMtU. ami many
nf tin, wrllrra Iu tblr KratUuUtharr an
cr-trt) tint lllr nuOnrrn wrllx illmt anil
irarn tthat It did for thru. Ilrrr la one
aprrltn!,. Kl Krcond Ar Aurora, III.
"tfrutlroifii. I'atdun uw for not writing
looncr, but I vrantnl to w If I would atajr
cur-d. I can now truthfully jr am
perfMrtlr wrll. I wlh to iirr my
lA-artr-lt thank!. I ban- no pnln. no
rough, no iiltfht anrat. no liar tntr.
Klnrv a rhlld uf twu 71-ara, I hare ln
alllni; Willi lunir trouMr, which Krrw
wort a I erw oldr At tltr nsv of
fuurtrtn. the doctor uld If 1 rwuld not
I wnt Xoulli I Hiiuld aurrljr die of foil
.auoiritlon. Krfry nlntir I would lw aura
to haT t-ltbrr llroiwhltu, I'iriirUr ur
I'nrumonla, I had Trphnld'1'nnrinonla
one time. I bad catarrh of I lie nlomach
and boivrla and bad Hay IV rr for the
Int few yearn; bat bare not an) thing of
the kind thU year.
"I wilt ninwer all leltrra aent lo me,
nsklnc a liUtorjr of my caae. from any
one KUfTerinfr with luutf trmitde."
(rtworn nlHdarit) im'A I'l.ATII.
(I'Iih year later report ttlll well )
llmau'M Alteratlre la eneetlre tn llnin
rhltla. Aatbma, Hay Kerer: Throat and
I.unie Troublea. and In tiphulldlnx the
ayatvm. Iie not rontalu pulaona. opUtes
or habit formloK druifa Ak for booklet
telllns of rreotvrlea, and write to Kckman
lj..iioli.r. riilladelfihla I'a .fur mora etl
dence. J-'or aal by all leading- druKglita
J ,
B. & C. Cash Store
GEO. T. FOYES, Prop.
225 W. MAIN
i Try This HomcMade
I Cough Remedy
Coal Little, Ilut I)oe ke Work
tt ,uiri.iy, or jionry iirrunueu.
Mix one pint of granulated sucar with
pint of warm water, and atlr for U
minute. Put Uii of 1'Jnet (fifty
cents' worth) iu a pint bottle; then add
the Hugar byrup. Take a tcanKXnful
vcry out. to or thrco hours.
You will And that this simple rem
fdy takes ltold of a couh woru quickly
than nn tiling tlho you ever uh1. Uii
ally enua a dt-t-p halt-d ciuki Intido
of 21 hours, splendid, too, for whoop-
in"; couh, croup, clirst paina, bronchi-
ti anu inner uironi irouuioa. u stim
ulates thu upK'titn and is aliuhtly lax
ative, ubich liclpa end a coukIi.
llils recif makes moro and better
couch syrup thuu you could buy ready
made for ?!i.C0, It keeps icrfw;tly und
tuatcs pleasantly,
l'incx is tho most valiiabln conccn
tratel compound of Norway white pine
extract, and is rich In umilacol and all
the natural plno elements which are ro
liculliiK to tliu incinliriitipn. Oilier prep
arations will not work iu this formulu.
This plan of inakin coujrh synip with
Plncx and sugar syrup for strained
honey) 1ms proven so popular thniuah
put the Unlti-t fitales and Canada that
U Is pflon imitated. But tho old, sue
coHsfiil formula lias never lnen equaled,
A jpiaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, iroes with
this recipe. Your driurcUt has IMncx or
will tot t for you. If imt. uid to Hie
l'iuex Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind,
Union Feed Stables
Plenty of room and good bedding
and lots of Hay
Ray Gaunyaw, Proprietor
112 South Riverside 109 South Bartlett
Don't leavo planting your bulbs until sprliiB'as now Is tho best
tlmo. Wo havo a very largo assortment ot first class bulbs no
culls In tho lot.
After 2C years' oxporlcnco wo hnvo decided what Is best to buy.
Compare theso with others boforo buyllig.
Qroenhouso Home 20-L Offlco Home 3G
. Tho-moat bondtiful Hotol In Orogon
Until fuvllitT notifV Hie priiT of rotiiiis will ) iim
Wooiiih willioul )rivnli' bulli, HOc pel' ilny ami up
U'oonis willt private bnlii, jp'I.HO ptr tiny and up.
SpriMill ratos by week or inoiilh,
iMt'i'dilinlH 'Hindi 'will be .sciwcdoiii wt'ok' (layH from
llilH) a. in. to I! p. in. for
Conibinalion Hroakfasl will be Mfi'votl ovciw morning
1 for 25, ..5 and '15 CENTS
The Ono Dollar Sunday I )innoix wiU be dinconl iiiiicd,
but wt will serve a bounteous Christ mas and New
Year's Dinner from 0 to !) p. m. lor ONK DOI.IiAK.
Avail yourself of this opportunity, All our rooms
have ouiside windows, are splendidly furnished, well
talcen euro of, steam heated, eleetrie lighted, provid
ed with hot and eold water and the best beds iu the
Toiled Slate.s.
Thanking you for your support in the past and
solieiting your valued patronage iu the tut lire and
extending to you the eontplinients of the season,
We beg to remain, your obedient servants,
HOTEL MEDFORD, Emil Mohr, Managor
Chewing Gum
"The Gum That's Round"
Put Up in
Clean, Handy, Sanitary Tin Boxes
, , "The Neat Wav"
Soven Chips for a Nicklo.
Nearly a quarter of a century Under the pamo
Medford, Orogon
It has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and lihoral treatment
W. I. Vawter .President CI. R. Lindley, Vico Pros.
0. W. McDonald, Cashior
f Christmas Gifts
or vuaary
Will Be
Jacksonville Brick and
Tile Company !
Examine our. goods and get our prices. beforo buying
Our Diamond Showing
is the Largest in the
City. Below wo List a
Fow Suggestions for
Qorliam Sterling Silver
Toilet Ket
Hawlces' and Libby's
Cut CI lass
Mesh llags
Card Cases
"Vanily Set
Silver Service
He.f Etc.
I )K wk at
ft i 'B-iT
Mark nu it U
flo piece with
out till Trade
. J
r f
. .---
i -'rt- . A -. t
P V 0.S 4,4 4M 4 . 4f