Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TODTYmn rant; TTirnum irmvom). onriov. r irrnm y. nrccFAmfiTi sr, ims. ""
!ranr! ttttzetj. '',
ra nnnirrfV-fEiL.
It tuny Iki of Interest lo render of
din Mall Tilhuim lo linow or dm
innity roller," women rosldliiK In
Medford iiml tint (okiio Ithor Volley
ninl tlin iimiiy iinlvorsltleH repre
sented, Jlclovv U u iinrtlut lint. Any
one liiinwhiK of other In rwiitiiei
lo Inrorin Mr. J. CI. WIImoii, M7
Mouth Newtown street or Mm, Mil
Ion Jane of Capitol Hill iih llio ob
ject of tlm recently orKiuilriM l'nn
lletleiilo iiHonlnllon Ik to Inclinlo nil
who linvn taken rnlli'Ko work. Tint
present membership IiidIiiiIph Hid fnl
IowIiik: MIhs Hnra Norwood, Converse rol
lew: Ml It ii t It M. I'axon, Welles
Ify collect') Mm, Milton It. Jam'",
Viuiinr college; Mm, llnrrl II. Janes,
M (chimin Htatn Normnl school; Minn
Harriot M Cox. University or Mlchl
Kan; Mm IJvn Main Car low, Pnl
vorslty or Michigan; Mm. John C
Schmidt, t'tilvomlty or MlrhlKan;
Mm. IMwnrd N. Warner, Claim col-
ler.e' Ml Prances llutrhl-ou, North
western fon'rtntnry, Minneapolis;
Mm. James Ciiuphe.l, University or
Minnesota; Mm. I), IMwnrd Philips,
Unlverlty or Oregon; Mm Wllllnm
(lerlg, Nnachlta college, Arhansni,
Ml llnrllm II. Welch. Milwaukee.
I low nor college, Wlsco'islni Mm.
John A, oi n")', l.ttKr KoriMt college;
MU Margery HutrhUon, l.nLt Kor
mi college; Mm. P. 0. foavtr, Unl
rlly or Oregon; Mm. V.. C. Klly.
Unlverilty or Indlnnn; Mm. Louis
llomw'tl, Oregon Agricultural col
legi; Mm. Hn nrd M Com, Univer
sity or Ori'Kun; Mis lurn Coffin,
Drake (tithemlty, on, MIm IteM
Kenlnrr", 1'nlverslly or Califernia:
Mm, W. I. Vnler. University or Ore
Kon; Mr. Mary Davldnon, Michigan
Agricultural college, Florence M
Carpenter. University of WUroimln,
Mary V. (trlgihy, College of Kmporla,
Katika; Allen A. Illackford, Unher
nlty or Illinois; llatel H. HerrliiK.
University or MIuiicioik; Mm. J. (I.
Wll.on, t'uhrmlty of IlllneU: MIm
lllnnrhr Young, University of Minn
esota; Miss Julia I). Ilopplu, Unher
lty or MlnnpROtn, 1'Jorence M. Mar
shall, I'nlvemlty or Califernia: Mm
Prnl N. dimming, University of
California; l.ulu i:. William, (leorgc
town collcgn, Kentucky: Nlua Wall
Cohlg, Oregon Atcrlculttiral cellege:
Nellie M. Hantco, University or Mlchl
Kan; Mabel K. Mears, Colutulilii col
leKe, Now York, Until M Merrick.
University or Oregon; Mm. C. II
Poley, Hook ford college, Illinois; Mr.
A. A. Illrd, University of Ctah, 1'urk
i-ollcKP, MlMonrl; Mm. I'. J O'Uara,
Dnhemlty of South Dakota, Mm. II
C. Htoddard. Lincoln Normal Cnlvcr
Mly, NVIiravka, Marian I. Whlto, t'nl
emlly or OrcRon; Julia 0 I'lelder.
I'nlvemlty of California; Mr. IM
wnrd llarwood PriMirh, I'nlvemlty f
C.'hlcaKo; Mr. IrvhiK WorthliiKton,
Miokano rollene; Mr. Wheldon P.
Illddto, Carletou rolleKo, MluueoKta;
.Mm. P. W. Htreet. Unlvomlty or In
diana; Mildred It. Ware, Carleton
rolleKo, Mlnnenota; I.nrlle Mamhall,
Uulvemlty or CalUornla; IMua II.
Davldnon, Uulvemlty of Michigan;
Jean llnrton, Uulvemlty or Kennan:
Mm. Olenit O. Taylor, Uulvemlty of
California; Muni I.. Trolrhlur, Uul
vemlty or California; Mm. It. W,
Htearnn, Unlvemlty or Iowa; Mm.
Otln Arnl:er, Unlvemlty or Ore-lion,
TIiohii who ntleiidcd the production
or "The Homi Maiden" Tuesday oven
Iuk were very ilellulitfully enter
tiilned and profune In their iiralHeM
of tlm work of director, holoUt, or
oheNtra and rhoru alike The fart
that Allien Ihn roniert, the thought
uppiiriuoNl I "Why didn't wn do It
liefomT" aiirely Indlrale that n very
favorable linproHilun w,m created.
Mr Tnlllandliir may well "real upon
hi laurel," after anvnral iiinntlm of
Htreuuou effort to hrliiK thn niiiiii
her of ihoriiH mid orclieflra lottelher
In a happy ueiiihe. Tlm next work
to he iimlnrfiilfeii U mi oratorio, tin1
rehearnal to lioulu niter tlm. hull-
da, the Initial one to tnho placo
the elKhlh or Jimnnry. Mr. Tallinn
dler wIhIicm to Increime the inemher
Hhlp or the rhoru hut tlione deNlrlnR
to Join inimt apply ImuiPillately a
the numher of limited. There are
no charcc or due, for menihemhlp,
proficiency ninl regular ntleudancn
alone helnit rc(iilHate,
Miulral people may ho InleroKled
In the fart that MIhh Clraro Drown
and Minn Carrie I. (Milne Alton toolc
part In thn lllk' memorial ervlreii
at Astoria recently. Mli llrown
wan the contralto In n vocal iiiar
tette, MIm Alton pliOlnR llmt vio
lin In a (trlnit iiuiirtetln. Minx
Alton ti Wo played a numher of
nolo. Ilolh oun ladle are now
firmly etahllhed In munlral clrcle-i
In Portland, pre comment pcak
Ins hUhly for their artlnttc work.
MIm Alton wa formerly at thn head
or the violin department or the .Med
ford Conervotory of thl city. MU
llrown I the daughter or Mr. and
Mm. J. C llrown or Mcdford.
Itev. and Mm H. I.. (Irlhy, MUe
l.ltla and l.cone and Mr Aruut ClrU
hy will leave the city the flmt of next
week ror Portland, where they will
top ror a vhort Hum on route to their
future homo at Pendleton, Oregon.
MU Mary C1rlKhy, who I a member
of the local high school faculty will
remain until the completion or the
Kaiter enieur or chool. Ml
Inec Coffin entertain Monday after
noon at her homo on Hone avenue,
with a farewell party for MIm Mlla,
wIiokp departure I greatly regretted
!y her many trlend In nodal and circle.
MIm '.e)a White, daughter or Mr.
and Mm. John White or thl city,
took part In a concert ghen under
the direction or (Hullo Mlnettl In
Mm (In Newberry Invited a num
ber or friend to her pleanatit homo
Thiimday afternoon lo enjoy a thim
ble party, for during lheD "Jut be
fore Clirlxliiiiin" daya onn imiHt keep
buy even while being entertained
A couple of hour of Mowing and o
uMI chat preceded thn nerving of a
dellclou two-coiimo luncheon. Mr.
Newberry' guet were Ml White.
nnd Medame, Wold, Qulnenburry,
Hogg, II. N. IViHler, C. M. Heck,
Pelem, Arnplger, Orvll Johnaon,
Oeorgo Carter, J. W. I.awlor, Olemi
0, Taylor, John Carkln and Kehmldt
A noflnl wn held Wedneday even
log by tbo memhnr of the Men'
rlaiiH of the llaptUt church, the
wive and Mend or tho member
iiIho being Invited. A program wa
followed hy the nerving of hot
imnale, crackerH mid coffee. T)m
rouimltteo on nrraugetnenl Included
MIkhoh I'lorence Hanelrlgg and llernn
Itoberli; Mem. H. M. Dennett, Karl
llratuey and Will Mendenhall.
Among the Oregon Agricultural
atudeulM who returned from Corval
llw HiIh nioruliig are Mliow Cordelia
(loffe, Opal Dally, Mildred Antle,
Jean Audemon and Menur. Ned
Vila, Paul McDonald and Vance Col
vlg. A friend of Mr. Vila came to
Med ford nlno to upend the holiday
nt the Vila ranch.
The young ladle componlng thn
TueHilay afternoon mid Thumday
afternoon llrldgo club of thl city
will unite In giving a formal danc
ing parly to their friend next
Weduenday evening at the mnall
hall of the Natatorluin. Invitation
will hn iMiied to about thirty-five
Thl evening at the I. O. O. P
hall will occur the cIum Introduction
which ha been anticipated tor no urn
time by the local order. Among
thn camp to bo repreented are
tboM? or (Irani Pan, Phoenix, Ath
land nnd Yrekn. Thl evening'
work will be followed hy a nplendld
Mr. and Mr. AllUon Jordan en
tertained friend at dinner Sunday
evening at their new home on
eleventh xtrcet. Cover were laid
for lx gucKt being MIxhc I.oralno
Hilton, I.ol Pute and Metim. Prank
parrell and Rutherford Kerr.
Tho Pan-Hellenic anxoclatlon will
meet next Saturday nt the homo of
Mix Alethn nmerlck. The arrange
ment ror the public rent room arc
In the hand or a committee who will
report at that time,
Mr. I.eou Speck returned thl
morning from Kugeuo to upend the
ChrUtman vacation with hi parent,
Mr. nnd Mm C. M, Speck of the Ilur
rell orchard.
Mm. J. II. Duller and children left
Talented Artist, Mrs. Iialliday-Haight
Newcomer to Med ford's Musical Circles
(Wi' HH
Mm, Ploreure lla'.ida Halghf wa ngaged to Flng as contralto solo
whoe xlnglng in opera and tho con it at the St (icorgo KpUcopal
cert field ha won In r euthiiilattli thurth New Yo k Ince then ahe hn
comment by the prm of New York, been aoloUt In neveral or tho large
llrooklyn, IMttaburgh S.m Joe, Port- ehurche. notabl) the Wnrburton
laud and other cltle from the eaxt- avenue llaptlit ot Yonkera and tho
ern to wextern count, ha won n high 'St Ignatius KpUcopal. In San Jose
place In local inimical circle In the , her recital were pomonnl triumph,
ahort time that ahc ha been here. Tho New York Herald. a paper that
Mr. Halght I making her home In ' never praito where praise I not due,
Han PrnnclHco recently. MIm Whlto. t"l morning for HnrrimiurB, Oregon,
plnyed with tho Mlnettl orcheira, where they will upend tho holiday
A inont delightful evening wn
pent at Max-Vu, tho home of Mle
lllnncho nnd Uva MncClatchlo Prl-
day evening, when the ctudeuta or
the two (leriunu rlae or the high
achool wero their guetH, Tho gen
tlemen or tho claxHo furnlnhed au
tomobile for thn conveyance or tho
gueits who numhured about forty
five, nnd worn quaint Dutch coh
tume. Tho decoration wero In
keeping with the occasion, nnd an
atmosphere of "Doutchlund" wu ac
. eentunlod hy the Hiippor menu. Sou
veiilem wero gift dUtrlhuted from an
nrnnmoutud ChrUtma tree. Mm.
'MacClutchlo uhnInIviI tho hotewicH,
with her uhuuI hoHpltabln mid charm
lug maiinur.
Ono of thn IntereHtlng partle of
the holiday nenHou I to ho tho third
dance In tho verlo that tho Kovulom
uro giving. Tho ditto Iiiih been set
for tho evening of January 1, at the
mnall hall In the Natatorliim. Thn
committee In charge hn planned ti
program that will offer thrill and
HurprlMea enough to milt everyone.
Tho rqnunltloo Ih rompoHod of tho
follewing: MomliinicH. II. A. Oruy,
Jr., Kothermel, SchiiHter, Orval John
non, W. 8. Campbell nnd Meters.
Caiupholl, JohiiHou, Hothormol,
SchiiHter, LlniUey, Dodge and Mc
On Now Ynr'H lOvo, tho Hovolor
will again hold forth, with a "wutch
imrly'i nnd Informal dancing. Mr.
Harold Otay Ih captain of tho "loam"
fur that ovutiltiK,
al giving two holo Souvenir,
Drdla, nnd Itlgnudon, Itameau. Tho
concert wn given In tho Kohler &
Chao hall. Mr. nnd Mm. Whlto
nnd their daughter are nt prencnt
reildlug In llerketey but will return
to Mcdford for tho Kummer montliH.
Mr. Harold Carey arrived In Med
ford Wedneaday morning to ho with
hi mother, Mm. A. M. Carey for a
ahort time. Mr, Carey, who Ih n
student nt the Unlvemlty of Washing
ton nt Seattle, wa elected to attend
tho national convention of state mil
vomit Irs nt Atlanta, (la., and wlllJ
leave for the east within a few day,
vUltlng nil the larger cHIch beroro re
turning to college. Mr. Carey la a
member or the Slgmn Nu fraternity.
A chnriiH for the Chrlntma music
at the Proibyterlnn church wa or
ganized Wedneday evening, about
thirty being admitted. Tho Christ
ina service will bo given next Sun
day mid a special noiig service In the
near future. Among tho (election
for Sunday nre tho ImflamatuH from
Stahat Mater of Honshu nnd nu an
thorn "Hall Kmmnnucl" hy Hurley.
Tho ladles ot tho Juvenllo club
are making preparations ror a I.eup
Year pnrly to he given the ovenlng ot
tho thirtieth at the Natatorluin. Thu
ladles will have charge or the entire
arrangement, tho gentlemen to bo
their guesta A box luncheon will
be nerved.
Mm. Jap AndrowH returned to
Medford Tueaday evening; uflcr n
visit or several lnonUm lu thu east.
Mr. Andrew wan accompanied homo
by her niece, MIhh Hutu Andrews
or Kenton, Ohio, who will remain In
tho city tor omo tlmo.
MIhs Ktholwyn Drown Ih at homo
nttor nn ulmenco or Hovorul months.
She will spend tho holiday with her
parent, Mr. and Mm, W. 1. llrown
or South Newtown Htreot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. lUchardson
woro giiosts or Dr. anil Mm. Hart nt
Phoenix Sunday.
MIhh Olndya Kvolyn Carey arrived
In Medford thin afternoon to spend
tho holidays,
with Mm.
lliitler'H mother, Mm-
Mr. and Mm. Clarence Heame
will pend the Christinas season at
llcrkoley, tho guests of Mr. Iteames'
mother, Mm, Kucluda Iteamcs.
Miss Minnie Crottor of Iowa, who
ha been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T,
W, Mile for some tlmo left far IO
Angeles Wednesday.
Mrs. Homer Itothermel was host
ess to the members or tho Thumday
Ilrldgu club at her home on Clcnova
avenue this week,
Miss Dorothy Wicks was hostess
to n numher or high school students
Tuesday evening nt her homo on
Dennett street.
Mr. and Mm. Oeorgo King are
home again, after an extended tour
of tho south, Mr. King having vis
ited Panama,
Tho Misses Mary und llorthn Pen
Ingor nro expected homo this even
ing from Coryallls to spend tho hoi
ldayn. Among tho holiday activities will
bo u reception given by tho Wedncs
day Study club January tho first.
Mm. Marie Kieninu Moore Iiiik
lieen uniting- her mother in this city.
Mr, Monro resides nt Itflt-vlinrs.
Mrs. 13. J. Creely (neo Knld Ham
ilton) lett Tuesday for San Pruncls
co to remalu Indefinitely,
Dr, nnd Mrs. It. W. Stenms will
spend tho holidays with relatives In
Mr. und Mrs. Kdgar Hafor nro at
Smi Francisco where they will spend
tho hollduyB,
Mrs. 0. W. Mouldeu formerly of
this city, spout a fow days hero this
Mrs. Jack Nofr Ih lu Portland, to
remain until nttor tho holiday,
Mrs, II, Chandler Egan Iiob left
for Chicago to sp6ud tho holidays.
thl city and among the miulral
event ot the season will bo her re
citals. Mm. Halght' musical career I
Interesting mid surcesnful. A a
llttlo girl she sang' ballads In ling
land which wn her home until she
reached womanhood. Sir Andrew
Halllday.'thc composer. Is her uncle.
On her first coming to Amerlcn she
Minn Maude Xet-lmrv of Jnokkoj-,-,
lillc nnd Mi (ithe-rine Denel of
Mcilfont, both ctudejttH nl St. MimV
uemleiuy, were suesth sexernl days
lust week ut Ihe lioine of the former's
mint, Mrx. Joe Under of I'heeuix pre-
FrieiuU of Mi Oertrude Kaklo of
Smi Kniueiheo und Porllnnd win
Iiiij visited in Medpnl sevoml time-
inny he iiilentei Mi !en riling of her
iiiurriuge In Mr. Wilbur Pierce l
Wooillnwn, ('nl,
Mr. Krwiu lfloHlnu of Portland
(nee MiH Herlh.i Prim, nt in Mcd
fonl Tliurdny hi roule to .InekMin
ille, wliere .-lie is uitlleil h the
death of her cister, Mrs. Muble Pnm
Mr. nnd Mr-. Harry Tullle were m
Medford n hhort time Ihih week.
Mm. William nerlg left Thursday
morning for ICugeue
Mr nnd Mm Oris Crawford spent
Sunday nt Cold Hill.
has given her unstinted commenda
tion. Sunday morning, Dec. 22, Mrs.
Halght will nlng at the llaptUt
church and It Is likely that n great
many will take this opportunity to
be among the flmt to hear her. At
the evening service, by request, she
will sing, "He wag Despised," from
tho Messiah.
Kncli of the .ehuruhes of thU city
hnve been nrupariHc delightful iniif-i-t'lil
numher. in obcrvnneo of the
Chrixtinn. Mnon, which will he ren
tiered tomorrow ninroim; nnd evening.
Steam and Hot Water
All Work OuaranUe
Price IteasonabU
st Howard Block, Xatrise on tUi m
oma .
W carry a very complete tin of
dnUK-rlra. Ur curtain, nvturr. eta,
mul do all clti' ot unhoUtarlror- A
pwlal man to look arier thl work
exclualvrly anil will kIv aa gooA
rvlce aa la poaalblo to get In even
the larccat cltlea.
Wooka & McGowan Co.
. .V.'
:;3:::;::i ra
zr n - it l l f
tx ymmi
m.rA I If
j2m .wyX
- I. 1.1 V
C i -v,
1 telJk
ri'r liy
"What a
'j Nice,
"Yes, that
Heater keeps
us cosv nnd
Wo don't
lose any business on ac
count of n cold store. J've
always had a Perfection
at home, so I just applied
the idea here."
For store or home, tho
Perfection is the handiest
and cheapest heater you
can find.
Nine houri' waimth for a
Ingle gallon ololl. Can
be c'arrled whtrever
needed. No smoke or
metl. .tellable. Orna
mental. Inexpensive.
Lasts for years.
04aUrt ruAr, or writ to far cr'tfo clnular.
461 Muktt Slt San Frt!c
7 BJmStBr
Christmas is
Slipper Season
Them's nothing In Mens', Women',
Hoys' or Misses "Chrlstmns Slippers"
that our stock will not offor you.
When you sco tho narno Dr.
Illrkcrt think ofKye Obisei. When
you think or Kye (lnnm remember
the name Itlrkert. It means a per
reot fit, grace, elegance, quality,
comfort, guaranteed satisfaction and
prices reasonable. y dnm mtd,
Soft candy, hard candy, colored candy, nut
candy, stick candy, a bewildering array of the
very best, at right prices. Large orders for tho
Christinas parties solicitated
Just Off Main on South Central
Don't leave planting your bulbs until spring as now Is the best
time. Wo have a very large assortment ot tlrst class bulbs no
culls in tho lot.
After 25 years' experience we hare decided what Is best to buy.
Compare these with others before buying.
Greenhouse Home 2D-L Office Home 35
Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same
Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon
It has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and liberal treatment
W. I. Vawter .President G. R. Lindloy, Vico Pres.
0. W. McDonald, Cashier
240 Acres
SE4 and E'i SAVn, Sectiou 18,
Township 3(5, .Range 2 East, Five
miles up JSutto Creek from Browns
boro. $10 an Acre
To sottlo an estate I am making
this price on this land. "Will bo at
Med lord Hotel or Jackson County
Bank until Monday, Doc. 23.
wmmmmmmmmmmKmMmmmmmmmmmm-m i 1 1 Sssa-ta-taafMag's-rattaTasM