Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Hlimrcrs -Mm.IMi Mln.Sttt
'urljr.aronnd Tear.
Dully Hnvmtli YtAr.
NO. 233.
Town Fights Until Ammunition Is Ex
hausted and Then Surrenders
Hundreds of Innocent Residents
Slain by Blood Frenxled Indians.
First Time Town of This Size Has
Been Beselged by Yaquls Were
Armed by Mexico.
i:i. PABO, Texas, Dec. 21. Dis
patches received hero from Agun
PrleUi nay II U officially announced
thcro tint t Urn cIIIiouh of Kan Mnr
clnl, Huliorn, fought tho Yuijul who
tnaaaacrvd thorn until their amiuunl
tloii win exhausted and then sur
rendered, Tlin luilUnn nro reported
lu htivo uinMncrml hundreds of Inno
rout residents. This In tho first
lliiui tho YiiiU huvi) attacked nti)'
largo (own.
Town U'IihmI Out
DOUOLAH, Arls., Poo. I! t. Tint
town of San Murclal, fifty miles tutith
of llermoilllo, In Konorn, linn bruii
completely wip'd out by YuiUl In
dians, accenting to belated despatches
melted hero todny.
Tho population of tin town wim
tnoro thun 10(10. Ft nro said to
havo racapod,
Liitor message from llormoaillo,
tlin capital of Honor, nald that tho
fall of tlio ton has boon numl-offl---.'cUlly
ton fir hu J, nud that tho-first
rorl of tbu massscro wero not ex
aggerated. According to tlio earlier des-Pali-hen,
tint Indians, (ioo strong, bo
Miged tho vIIIaco Wednesday night.
Tho luhahltnnt resisted until yester
day niorulUK. when thrlr niiimunl
lion was exhausted.
Willi" Flag Ignored
Tlin Yaquls mid no hoed to white
flucit that worn displayed nud rushed
through tho streets butchering and
No inoutlou was uindo In tlio des
pairing of (ho American residents.
Tho Aiui'rlcan ijunrtiT lay In tho
, hllU JiimI outaldo tho town proper
nud hope urn IiIrIi hero that nil
Americans escaped.
Tho attacking ludlnun nro believed
to ho part of a regiment organized
nud mined by tho federal govern
ment during olio of tho recent
revolution. They liuvo looted sov
era I villages lu tho lust year but
never before hud attacked mi Iutko n
town it m Han Mnrclnl.
Suit Marolal wim tho center of tho
roal mining Industry of Hnnorn.
Much American capital la Invested In
that district.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 21.- How
Ainorlunu oltWoiiH will profit by tho
Inauguration of tho iiurcolu pout waa
not forth lu nu Interview with tho
United Prima hero todny by Houulor
Jonathan lloiiruo, junior, of Oregon,
to whoso offor(H tho pubHiigo of tho
law U lnrguly duo. Ho mild:
"Tho parcels pout nddti 1,100,000
mllou of now transportation fucllltlos
to tho United States In Its uppllcn
tloii to rural routes, tho oomfort of
cltlsona will bo Increased und tho
cost or living to 20,000,000 pcoplu
served by rurul rnutoH reduced.
"Tim nblllty of tho fiiriuur to send
11 pounds of farm produotn ovor IiIh
rural route for IS cunts nhould bo
nu lueoiitlvo for Incronuod produc
tion. Tho parcolH puHt nffordu u
mndluiu of truiiHporlatlon botwoou
piHidncor und couuuiuur ut u Iubh
coBt than tho tudlvlduulH thoniHulvoa
t!ould furnUh, und will rouult lu mu
tual bouuflt to nil tho pimple within
tho "scope of Ub activity."
If American Citizens Are Not Now
Protected Uncle Sam Will Take
Necessary Steps Himself News
Purposely Allowed to Leak.
All American Settlements In Northern
Mexico Have Been Wiped Out By
Rebels and Bandits.
inoro wnniiiii; ill ln ivcu I'li-Miilcut
Minium of Mi'sico to protect Aincr
lean lifo nud iroHitv lu hi republic,
unit if lliu fzvw iiiiIhi (K'il Ihu I'uitcil
SIhIoh will ft.
'I'll In inlmi"ioii wiih luiiilt toiluy I'Y
mi official of tlin hlutn lU'pnrtinrut,
who hiiid tho tenor of tliu iilliiuntuui
to I n hcnl tH iuriHVi'ly ullinvcd to
Iciik, mi that Mailcro mialil rcaliro tlio
filiation iiihI take iuiuii'iliat'' nction.
It wiim I'liiplmtiinlly htatcd nUo Hint
the uimtini: would be tin lnt iliplo
uiatii ilcmaiiil for prulcetioii of
Aiucricmi ciliciiN in Mexico.
Tnft AroiiMil
Iliilli I'l-ffeitlcnl Tii ft ami Hccretarv
of State Knox are. tliiimuulily aroiiK
ed over the iueli;atioii of the Smith
M'linlu coiiuailler, which hIihuciI that
tho itIicIh anil buiiilith had )inictlcal
ly uijM'i) out all American hcltlomtiilH
in northern Mexico. The invchtipi
tioii iiImi hIiowciI that I'iviilciit Ma
ilcro in irtunllv liclkM. Tli pv
oriiuiuut nnny h n'oniited from tho
P'Wj'MAll h liylan,dl Jtnil
will iHit'fiKri if u cnnlw nvoiilcil.
Ilcforo Icaviui; for Pauainu l'rcni-
lent Tuft onlori'il the ultimatum to
lie held up until hi ictuni. If con
ililioiiN am not impniwil llicu the
waruiui; will lie cnt direct to Madcm
other Mexican nflicinU bciii ignored
til the cxcIiiiukc.
Two parolo lolatorH, ono from
California and tho other from Woah
IukIoii wore picked up by Chief llltl
hoii Krldny nud ludKvd lu tho city
Jail. They will both ho returned.
Ono of tho men U HoorKo Tow to
wanted ul Hun Quniitlu. Ho wus
Kent up for burKlnry nml recently
parolod. Tho other lit T. C, McDon
aid wanted ul Will In Wnlln. Ho Iiiih
been muIIIiik flro luaiiruuco lu Med
ford. ltoth inon will walvu oxtrudl
OLYMPIA, Wii., Dee. 'Jl.-Oliver-nor
lluv Iiiih (oilay ivI'uhciI tlio uppli
cation for imnlon of Cliiirlcs V.Yup
peimtein, who i in tlio penitentiary
for iieci'iliiii: u iiriho while chief of
polico of Seultlc. 1 In was Kontcuccil
for fiiiiu lluco to leu yearn. Tho par
ilmi application wiih binned by iiiaiiy
piomiuuul Boattlo rcHiilcnlri.
SAl.KM, Ore., Dec. 121. -A mini
mury of Ktato flaino Warden l,'iuley,n
report hhows tliuro wcro 'JUfi nonvic
llinirf" for Kiiino law violatioiiH liibt
.year, H7 iiciu1IIu1h, 115 ciisuh not fin
JhIiciI nml 'J cases where offenders
were not apprehended, milking u to
tal of :i(ID complninta filed.
In tlio year there woro released hi
tho Ktalo (1,01 1,510 trout, ,H00,0I)0
lnihS, oroppieri and caltihli, QUO Chi pheasuulH, 'J 00 Ileuvew' phoiiH
imtd ami nilvor and pild plicuHauts,
und 15 ulk woro transported from
Wyoming to Wullowu, county.
Bronze Statuette Commercial Club's Agricultural Gift
. t n n n n n . K k k h k .
Ashland Proud Possessor of Handsome and Unique Prize
"Tim I'loHiiliin," mi ArlMlcmiil llciuillfiil Work of llii- Hnilptor Wlilrli Hie I'orHiiuil Coioinrrcliil 'lul Hn
liixl Hcnt In Afthlninl Comiiicnlnl Clnli) Tlio Nlntuetlo Uhx Auiirdnl for I lie ll( Aurli olliinil l)lpliy
Hi the IjiiiiI IVoiIihIk HImmv Itcccntly llclit The KImIiicIIc Ik Hie Work of ShIi-.Ii.
L Mm wmmrA wm.;mmm i
F LF aaaaaaaaaaaaP aaalaTaB VBhM KEL- vfl
TnTBFTi .T Mr&k ' BHMrw
jMflMKSMBBMMMSg Or X ;iKv rob
Nu many allvrr rupa Iirvk brrn awanl
l vliirn rniMl1llvr, Unit nn I ullirr
liow first Mtre lirlit Hint In K'l y
from Ihu titatta pa Hi (lit PomIamI ('mn
mrrclal club Inatrail of a rip or mnlal ,
rnt l"mrlflc Norlhwml Land I'tiHlurM
liow lirld on llit taut alilp, a alaturtt.
Thla alatutlr, "TIik I'lowman,"
titaiillfiil rrrallon of Hik arnlpturr'a afL
In liroiue from Urn famoua work nf
Halralo, haa lirrn flilppnl In Kir Aatilaml
Cummrrrlal rluli In rrCKiilllon of I he
lat arilriilturnl itlaplay at tlir alio.
Anolhrr, 'Thi I'orKf," alao In bruma,
from Iho Mjnally famoua work nf An
ar, liaa tin furwarOnl to Hie 1m
.KAN , KJtANUItiCO, -cr. til. All
I'ucifio noiLut eitit'M nnifited todnv liv
the fitrht lieimr wnucil on the hidi
pneo of ejrpi by clubwoini'ii nf New
York. Chicapi, Pliihulelphia nud Hal
timorc. l)it.patelicH ivccivcil here hhow that
ChieiiKii women Mild more than 700,
000 enr yesterday at 'J I renin a
iloreii as a wuniinc to Kncer ami
t'omtuiKbiou men. An a rcMill of tint
IIkIiIi t'hieapi Ki't'oix wcro forced
to lower their prices from 3."i and -10
cciiIn u donu to Iho level offered by
the women representinj; Chicago
clubs. I'.veii at that Hi;iiro tho wom
en cleared ti 1-2 cents or dozen on
their investment, ami will tiso their
profits for further cntnpuiKUH for
clean food ami fair prices.
Med ford is licxiuuiue; to lake on t.
very I'cMiu t'hrihtmas iipeurauce,
a laie iimutily of mistletoe, holly,
Oiepm crape ami fir boughs bciuj;
liiiiimlil into tho city. There is no
MioitiiKC in any line, Miullicrn Ore
koii hills pnuluciim bountiful crop-, of
t'hiistinas aniens.
I'onueily ono had to ku after their
Christmas kivciis but now ninehevs
briii)' them in epecially linmenlead
ern, ii(i,i,,.Mit7 liuvs nick tin con
sidcrablo pocket moiuvv by belling
lives. Onlciii have been taken dur
ing tlio past two weeks.
PORTLAND, Ore., Hoc. 21. It Is
o Ideal today that u now lino of tho
Mltwaukeo bystom will not bo built
Into thlu city as toll result of rccont
negotiations with tho O. It, and
N, company, but tho former will bIru
u leubo with tho latter for tho uuo
of Its trucks between Portland and
tho tiunlto rlvor. Tho Mllwuukoo
road will build tholr Uuo to Hint
lly tho now voutlnn tho Mllwaukoo
road would bo active competitors of
tho lllll uystom and would uharo
wih thut uyutoni tho business that
tho Southern Pacific cannot com
pote tor horo becauso ot luck of trat
fo arraugomontiJ.
(Iraixlp Cominrrrlal rluli na a Iroph
from tliv ortlanl ororitallon liti-a
of tlif rriiiarkably prCKirolv aplrlt
Hi yuiiiiKi-r club, T1- l, (Iranilc c
linn Jutl cnmplrlr.1 a ImlldlnK for
lininr nml laal rk itr a Inn)
warinlne. at whlrtl Manacrr ( (' Clia
man if llir tirvinvllun -nmmlltro of
I'orllaiiil ronunerclal lub, waa one
Hi. pralra.
Tin ataturttra arc inaaxlt rand lau
fully flnlahH. TJie nnr lliat will n
lo llir altrartlvon'H of Ihr Aahln
lull a lirad4IIMrtm la about two frrt
In IrnRlb out! alxiut to liirlira III
The Knrgn." whlcii will adorn lle
Orandr rlu'a room, atanda about lit
frt In litlifhl.
' Clutfu8, Dits -aii Su' rtf
tho sensational murder of .1. P.
I.OKUC, -the diamond merchant who
was found dead ill liii office in tlio
MoVickciV theatre Iniililiu? in the
heart of tho city yesterday, four men
and two women are in custody todav,
anil the isilico believe that the mot
ficinlihli killing in iho city's annals
is near solution.
Clyde Slratton, ex-convict; Mar
cmvt .IoIiiisoii, his alleged paramour;
Kdwanl IlauiMlcu ami his wife, l'r.iuk
Williams, alleged ox-convict, and
riiuriot, Duffy, a chauffeur, aro the
Mistotlo iieeiiM'd of I,oj;ueV death.
Tito Klico say the diamond merchant
was tortured, burned by uoid, blab
bed, sliihlied, chlorofonued ami shot
liefoiv n blow with it bludgeon crush
ed his skull and blotted out his life.
Description by Clmnco
Strntton'h capturo cmiic tlivt, lly
tlio iuer't chance, F. A. Carnal, for
mer proM'cutin uttorney of 1 1 til
county, Montana, enteivd the Mc
Viekers hitildinsr. bhortly lieforo tliu
crime. In the lobby he saw two men
standim;, ono of whom pulled down
his cup so as to hide his feature
when he saw ho was observed.
Immediately tho news of the mur
der spread, Carnal hurried to xdiee
headquarter, and kuvo Captain Hal
pin u kooiI doM'riplion of hi Mixpoct.
Then other m'ioiir told the police
that two Monde women had been
M'cn near tho oft'ico of tho dead
jeweler, and within a few hours
Strntlon, llumixlen ami the two wom
en, "both blondes wcro pulled in by
tho dragnet. Tho orrer-ls of Wil
liams and Duffy emtio later.
Capturo Mailo
Tho first capture wus made in tho
rooms which the Ilampdeus, Strnlton
nud the Johuon woman occupied
jointly in fnhhioiialdo npnrtmeut
house. Theiv tlio policu found two
suitcase.-., one filled with nilro-j;lyc
eriuo nud dyiiuiuitc, steel saws ami a
full burKlur's out fit, ami tho oilier
containing a black petticoat from
which a lcnifr btrip luul been torn. Tho
petticoat wus of tho smuo material
as tho black sill; gag found in tlio
mouth of tho murdered jeweler.
Dcsidcs tlio burglar's outfit, tho
polico discovered tuoro than $l!,0U0
worth of loon diamonds in the flat.
Those, with a number of bloodstain
ed business eatiH, aro oxpeoted to bo
damning uvidenco when tho se.xtetlu
captured uomo to trial.
KovolU'r1 VHh
In tho apartment tho polico also
found a inagiuiuo revolver identical
in oalibro with that from which was
fired iho bullet which pierced l.oguo's
Hhotildor. It had boon recently dis
charged and reloaded.
from tliv I'ortlatKi (iriuniMlluii brt-auar aPBlBE.
llir rniiarkalil)' i' Bl"
Ihr yuiiiiKi-r club. Ti-c Oranile t'nb aHE r
' Courtesy Oregon Journal.
il NOW
' Mlcnlou Uowern, el al, plaintiffs In
tlio Medford brldRo case decided ad
vertely this week, will ask a rehear,
lug ot tho cabo by tho supremo court
In tho hope of fccurlug a reversal, ac
cording to K. I). Ilrlggs of Axlilanil.
attorney for llowers, who spent Fri
day lu .Medford. The action would
delay tho payment of tho funds to
tho contractor, and while It may
teniorarlly ombarr.isn blm, hU attor
ney. P. J. Neff. Is confident that tho
rehearing will not effect tho decision
as rendered, which decided every
point raised agultiot Uowors.
On tho other hand, Mr. Uowors is
liable, under his bond, for damages
Incurred to tho contractor, county
and city by tho Injunction ami will
probably furo n damngo suit by tho
contractor for tho unnecessary delay
mid loss of money caused by tho In
junction. Tho threat of application for re
hearing Is regarded by tho appellants
us n bluff by the respondents to se
cure a rofund of costs In tho ciso
necessitated by tho appeal.
Tho annual Chntmas party of
tho h'oguo Hiver Valley Uimcr&ity
dub will bo held at tliu club rooms
this evening mid a grout lima is ex
pected. Tho boys huvu rehearsed
earefullv a minstrel show which is to
form tho principal purl of tliu even
iugs entertainment and huvu a splen
did show fixed up,
Tho annual Christmas treu has
been loaded with gifts for .member
ranging twin a popgun to a sewing
All members of the club aro re
quested by tho IintiM' coimhitteo to
Frank Hlckoy, solf-confcssed alaycr
ot sovon-yoar-old Joseph Joaepha of
Lackawnnnn, n Duffulo suburb, was
found guilty or second degree murder
by a Jury thla afternoon,
JL S .. .:5Ljli IWfckSa-.. W
jj 5 .mtt f
tfr Hra
Itm "1
. . mr
n.l illHl
bjbmjbmjmbmjbpbjm bTi
Turkish Delegates Demand Immediate
Provisioning of Adrianople Which
Is Refused by Allies Adjourn Un
til Monday to Consult Governments
Premier Polncaire of France Sees
General European War If Peace
Negotiations Fail.
LONDON, Dee. 21. The Ilnlknn
mid TurkUh vleui-otctitinric4 arc
further ii part than ever tonight. This
much wuh learned from an authori
tative hourcc here today.
At today'h seiou Ozmnn Nizhni
l'uflia, the lender of the Sultan's
delegate, demanded the rrproviMon
ing of Adrinuople, asiertiug this to
bo tho only ground ii'mjii which nego
tiations could continue. The allies
refused to comply with the demand,
mid the Turkixh envoys replied that
thev mtint consult with the -Mirtc be
fore proceeding with icace negotia
tions. Adjournment until Monday
wus then taken.
HIiitN at (icncrnl War
1'AKIS. Dee. 21. Hinting thut n
general Kuru-Huu war might result iit
easo of ii nipt urn nt tho Lomluu
K'liec negotiations Premier Pom
cairc discussed tho Ilnlknn situation
in the chamber of deputies. .foduy.
Poinlairc said that in tho rem dt
of nrt-utinttons lR-iuc; interrupted tho
powers could not ufhihl lo rvniaiii
indifferent before a ioHibIe rc--um)-tion
of hostilities, which, more than
ever, might provoke it conflagration
involving nil of KuroH'.
Franco has iK'en assured by Aus
tria, the premier declared, that she
does not doire the aeiiiition of
more terrilury or the destruction of
tlio political or ccouomiu indepen
dence, of Scrviu.
The speech of Pn'iuicr Poincaire
was interjireted to mean that he
thinks tho isiwors should intervene
if tho Italknu peace delegates fail to
agree nu tcnuu for the hcttlcmcnt of
tho war.
StiK'U.s lliioyaut
LONDON. Dee. 21. M'urkcd buoy
ancy of leading r-tocks in (ho market
here today indicated that the outlook
for peace in Iho linlkaus is more
ho)Hi'iil, de-pito n report that the emoyti would abniptly end
tho negotiation unless tho lhtlkan
plenipoteutiario (ranted a demand
for tho ruproviiouiug of Juiiina,
Adrianople mid Scutari.
Tho roort that tho Austro-Serviun
dioputo is practieully settled as n
result of the nmbaosndorial confer-
euees also had its effect on thuso
tradiiii: in the stock market.
King Gooro received the onvoyn
nt noon today. Thoy were presented
to lus majesty by Sir Kdward Grey,
tho foreign minister.
The peace negotiations woro re
sumed at four o'clock.
Dis-patches received here today
from llelgrwdo say that Servia is
willing to accept tho agreement
reached at tho ambassadorial con.
ferenco regurding its difpute with
Aii'-tria over an Albanian port on
tiie Adriatic ecu.
SALKM, Or., Dee. 21. Ilecause
the settlement of tho purchase of the
Willamette river locks at Oregon City
has long hung fire, at n greut ex
pense to tho state, Governor West
today plans to have the legislature
declare all negotiations for the sale
of tho locks to tho state off mid es
tablish frco tolls becuusu of the in
ability of tho Portland ltailway, Light
and Power eouipuny to provo its title
to the property. The state has al
ready appropriated $200,000 toward
tlio purchuso of the looks, mid
planned to appropriate tho other
$100,000 necessary al tho ouneut
Judge Calkins Breaks Down While
Passlnn Sentence, Overcome by His
Emotions Spanos Says He Hopes
Guilty Parties Will Confess.
Seymour Makes No Statement to
Court Will Be Taken to Salem in
Near Future.
Unless Governor Wct Intervenes
Frank Seymour and Mike Spanos con
victed of murder In tho ftrat degree
for tho killing of Ccorgo Dcdaikalous
In this city In September, will die on
February II, which date waa fixed
by Circuit Judgo Calklni shortly af
ternoon today in tho circuit court.
Tho two murderers heard tho sen
tence of doath unflinchingly, but
Judgo Calkins In passing icntcnco
lroke down and was very much ef
fected, being forced to paute several
Mike Spanos was tho first to bo
sentenced, whem asked whether ho
had anything to aay why sentence
should not bo Imposed ho stated that
he hoped tho men who had committed
tho murder would come forward and
confess as ho was Innocent.
Tho sentencing ot Seymour fol
lowed Immediately afterwards. He
also waa asked l( he had any thing
to say but did not answer other than
to shako his head.
Following tho pawing oLwtunco
tho two went returned to the' coun
ty Jail. They will be taken to the
state penitentiary at once. Alex Nor
rla and Jeff Ilrophy will probably
take them to Salem.
It Is understood that It. 1). Mc
Cabo for Seymour wilt attempt to
appeal tho caso seeking n new trial.
Tlio action of attorneys for Spanos Is
not known.
Today was the second tluio Judgo
Calkins has Imposed tho death sen
tence, line sentenced MIko Morgan
who was executed December 15.
Philip Doylo and Frank Martin
convicted of larceny woro given un
Indeterminate sentenco ot from ono
to soven years.
LONDON, Dec 21. The I!utih
cruiser Natal, carrying the body of
tho Into Whitc.l n w Keid, American
ambassador to Great Hiitain, sailed
from Portsmouth at :::)0 o'clock this
afternoon for New York. As tho
cruiser steamed out to seu ail Uritisli
and American flags were lowered to
half mift, while the guns of the oth
er wnmhips in the harbor boomed a
nnvnl salute.
Tho eiLsket, draped with the slurs
mid stripes, was removed from Dor
chester llouso ut 10 o'clock mul
placed on u caisson drawn by six
horses. Thousands of KiiglUluncu
and Americans, wjtli bared heads,
stood silent as the cortege moved
through the streets of Loudon to tho
Victoria station. A military escort
was provided by Ihu Hritish author
ities. As the procession p;isscd St.
Jamci park n military sululo wua
NEW YOHK, Dee. 2i.- William !'.
McCombs, chairman of the dmnucrn
tio national eommltteo unuoiiiiced to
day Iho appointment of William Co
co run Kustis as chairman of (he
coutmilteo in eliargu of arrangements
for tho inauguration March I of
Piesideiil-eleet Woodrow Wilwii.