Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    75?vTwTTTTTTTNMnM i i "" Mnni'r
t r-r
nr ArTRiiNooN
rniNTiNO co.
Th Dsmoeratle Tlmri, Tha Medford
MtlL.Tti MJfor7l Tribune. Thn South
ra OrifronUn, Tha Ashland Trlbuna.
Offlca MJI Tribune Uulldln. J5-17-JJ
gorttt Fir strsstj phono. Main 10X1;
omi 71.
ORonaRFUTNAM. Editor and Manager
fcond-clius nutter
Mirtford, Ortg-on, nJer tha aol
Jnrch I. IITf.
OffIell rrr of tha City of Mtdford.
Official Paper of Jackaon County.
On year, by mart. ..11,00
One month, by mall. SO
rr month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville and Cen
tral Point SO
fMturday only, by mall, tr year.. 2.o
Weakly, per year 1.80
SAN FltANCISCO. Dec, IS. "Dick
Donald, ot Medford, Or., arrived
liero, ready to bet on ills Northwest
ern lightweight champion, Hud An
derson. Donald hoped ho would nr
rlvo In tlnio to get his slashing tight
er on with Durnn or Hoppc, but was
disappointed, as Coffroth already had
niado up his December and January
Tho Medford man was not so sore
ly disappointed, after all, and ex
pressed his willingness to wait a cou
ple of months, nnd then send his
champion against the winner.
"Wo arc looking for a 20-round
battle, not a 6 or 10-round one,"
said Donald. "Anderson has cleaned
up all tho boys of his weight In the
Northwest, and ho and I believe that
he will clean them up hero also If
ho gets a chance. All wo want Is a
start. Wo will bet our money, and
If wo are beaten, wo will go homo
good losers."
Had Donald nrrlvcd a few days
sooner he would havo secured a
match with cither Burns or Murphy.
As It Is, tho dates are all filled In, for
nobody has even suggested that Mof
fltt would run an opposition show
over In Oakland with Coffroth operat
ing on this side of the bay.
LONDON, Dec. 18. Kitty Morgan,
n militant 8uffnijctte, nccuscd of
turning in falno fire tilnrms wns nr
reigned today in Haw street court
room and given the alternative of go
ing to jail or paying u fine of $125.
Sho chose juil.
Suffragettes here uud in Edin
burgh resumed their deprcdutioim to
day, pouring ink in u number of let
ter boxes.
By Ad Brown
A B)ug is n member of tho Kociclv
for tho Prevention of Useless Giving.
And yet many Spugs uontiuuu to give
I blood on the bridge nt Hear Creek
While tho clock wits Mrikiug the
And I dropped n I ear in tho waters
For Abhlaud'ri Heutuii Dowers.
I thought of plans frustrated
And wept ull down my vest
Till tho tears iuado the creek a tor
rent Hut tho bridge hlood well the test.
lluw often, nh liotv often,
Have men's pluns gono uwry;
lluw ofttif, nh, how often
An insect in the piol
"They suy thut tho Hear Creek
bridge hasn't needed any underpin
ning or Miipiwrls tu fur."
"How's thutr'
"For n long time Iloiilon Ikiwcru
held it up nnd now tho buprcmo court
is sustain!' it."
Tlio men behind tho new cannery
have already caiiuod n whole lot of
the knocking thut hub been lloutiug
"Dnng, dang, get off tho track,
Med ford's street cur bjslein is head
ed this xvuy."
F. P. Gluts of Alubuum is men
tioned for u place on Wilson's cab
inet, No cabinet is complete without
a glass,
And "F. IV probably stands for
"Front Mato Glass."
John A. Perl
1'liouc M. 471 and -173
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
THE Medford Mcivlumts association is to be eonjjrnht
latcd upon tho initiation of a movoniotit to establish a
cannery. It is tho first constructive effort of tho associa
tion, which has hitherto confined its efforts to a very nar
row field.
It is to be regretted that the merchants both individ
ually and as a body, do not show more co-operation with
the 'Commercial club. Few of them attend club meetings,
not half of them are even members, and as is usually the
case, those that do not contribute to its support are loudest
in criticism.
Medford cannot afford to permit any discord between
its public bodies. It cannot afford to permit petty enmity
aim local neaioiisies 10 erinme me euocuvencss m u mur
lie organizations. The situation calls for unity of effort in
all lines, the fullest co-operation and complete harmony.
The Medford Commercial club is a most important
organization in the life of the
purpose. The growth and progress of the city arc evidence
of its accomplishments. .It is the recognized bureau of
publicity. It typifies the creative energy and initiative of
the people. It is representative, not ot a class, but of all.
Its management is just what its membership makes it
and those who never attend forfeit right of criticism.
Tho Commercial club means more to Medford than
nuv other organization. It is entitled to the fullest sup
port, financially and otherwise. Everyone should help
sustain it so that its activities may be increased.
A dormant Commercial club means a dormant city. A
large, vigorous, amply supported club means a Creator
Why Capital Punishment Should Be
(L?y Froncis 1. Go-, Member ofltnliring effect of Mich executions on
Legislature of nhmgton).
While I most emphatically oppose
capital punishment, I most positively
favor n punishment that shall not
only punish adequately, but nt the
same time shall not brutalize our civ
ilization nnd violate one of the funda
mental laws of mnnkiud.
Tho opirancnts of capital punish
ment do not sympathize with crime
nnd criminals, nnd arc not inicrvious
to the necessity for the protection of
society nnd the public welfare. They
nrc not swayed wholly by the emo
tions, as those who favor capital pun
ishment charge.
Hut I do raise my voice in behalf
of that submerged tenth of human
ity so little understood by most peo
ple, nnd so out of tune with the world
of indifferent thought. It is u terri
ble thing to kill, uut Huhvcr reminds
us in forcible language that "bociety
has erected the gallows at the end of
tho lane, instead of guide nnd direc
tion posts at the beginning."
Privilege to Plead for IJfc
With this thought uppermost in my
mind. I realize that, grave us it is
the tragedy of ussastinntiun, it is n
great privilege to plead for the liven
of those huuiuii beings who, for want
of the guide and direction posts, took
the leisurely luuc that leads to the
gnllows; to plead for the misshapen
souls of the guilty. 1 know that when
we turn the last pages of the human
document um which arc recorded
tho cardinal crimes that bring men
to their ruin, we mint needs pause to
!ouder the problems nnd see if there
is not a more effective remedy for
tho ills of the world than the IckiiI
murder of men with blood upon their
hands and the blackness of despair
und abandon in their hearts.
When wo remember that it has
been proved by the most abundant
and trustworthy evidence thut "the
greatest proportion of crime is tho
result of poverty and early privation
that one-half, perhaps two-thirds
of those who take life flagrant in
stances of society's gross neglect in
educating the souls God committed to
its keeping, inherent and iingovcru
uble to minds, juot hovering on tho
borders of insanity, if not wholly in
sane nnd irroouhiblo this malig
nant feeling of revengo toward mot
criminals become ferocious mid bru
tal. Prucllcal Side as Well as lUliIinl
There can bo no compromise be
tween a law for tho abolishment of
capital punishment uud uuy law
which lias for its ultimate the legal
murder of- man, whether discretion
ary wilh the judge or jury.
The abolishment of capital pun
ishment has its practical as well ns
its ethical side. On its ethical mJo
thcro nro arguments- of tho moralists
who opMJS0 tho capital penally on
the ground thut it is uii-Christiuii,
unauthorized, unjust.
And there is tho practical side. No
man ever benefited by seeing tho
stato break another man's neck or
drop his head into a basket. Cere
mony and tho dry husks of Ihe lnw
cannot take tho horrot out of such
an event. On the contrary, it tends
to dull and deaden the lino feeling of
sensitiveness which lies at tho basis
of gcutlo human nature, and out of
which has grown the magnificent
culture of our civilization.
At the moment, it is nut so much
a iicstioii of hardening men so that
they may do the world's rougher
work, as it is tho question of soften
ing tliem to the gentle demands of
society. Human nature should bo
tender uud responsive, not tough und
,Ueci)H60 of tlio degrading mid bill-
todfotid matt, trtkunKj arEDFOKp, qixTOOn, wianNMiispAY.jjiinRRjs.yn;.
connnunitv. It tills a usetul
the public mind, the law has grndunl
ly changed frm muking execution"
uii occasion of public rejoicing to
surrounding them with the eloiM
privacy nnd vesting them wtih the
least ceremony possible.
Writer Against Itetnllnlinii
If capital crim" has ever been com
mitted with full premeditation of
consequences, tho very fact of its
commission is proof that the threat
ened denth K"iialty is not u deterrent.
How foolih, then, to suppose that
even the extreme pennlty can les
sen or prevent such offenses.
The ablest writers on social sei
ienee nnd jH'nal legislation, among
them Heearria, Lafayette, Wake
field, John Quiney Adams Ileuja
miu Franklin, Mautnigue, living
ston, Hroughnm. Cohdeu, Heuthnm,
Ulackstoue, Victor Hugo, and in
our more recent day the beloved
Tolstoi, have held to tho principle
that society has no right to take
human life.
The old lnw of retaliation is ob-
Isolde. Men anil women nro be
ginning to realize that revenge has no
bearing on the problem of criminal
The abolition of tfie death pennlty
is not n new nnd untried experiment,
cither nt home or abroad. Us total
abolition is prnwded in the statutes
of Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Jtliodo Island, und Kansas, and in
tho countries of Switzerland, Helgium,
Prussia, Saxony, Holland, Finland,
Italy, Portugal,, Ecuador,
Venezuela, Koumania, Tuscany, Cos
tn Itica, Itussia nnd in three states
of Mexico.
Statistics show that in Ihe states
where denlh penalty litis, been abol
ished, the increase in homicide has
not been greater, or, in some in
stances as great, ns in those states
which have not abolished it.
1 hold, therefore, that the state
cannot find judicious warrant for go
ing beyond the disarming and con
fining of disorderly persons.
NOT! on.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned will apply to tho city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, at Its next regular meeting on
January 7, 191.'!, for u license to sell
spirituous, vinous und bait liquors
In quantities less than a gallon at Its
place of business on lots IS, 0, 7, 8,
block 'JO, In said city, for a period
of six months.
Dated December 17, 1 1 I li .
.Vol Ire.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to the city coun
cil at its meeting to bo held Jan. 2,
1913, for a llccnso to sell malt, spirit
uous uud vinous liquors In quantities
loss than a gallon nt Its placo of busi
ness on lot 10, block M, city ot Mod
ford for u period of six months.
Dated Dec. It, 1912.
I tako plcasuro In wishing nil my
customers a merry Christmas und
happy New Year and also Inform you
thut am now prepared and am do
ing tho best horse shoeing and gen
eral blacksmlthlng you can got In
Oregon, I guarantee all work. Wo
cure corns and pay special attention
to ull crippled horse. (An old say
ing) "Horses shod by Klllott never
got old.
Medford, Ore.
Through want advertising you can
talk to prospective tenants of tho
closa who "pay ud stay."
Journeys to Homes
OViittiMi for !)ntl Mail Tribune bv
I il. K. Hofer, Kditnr of the Oicgon
Portland, Ore., Den. 1 1.
Tlio Maiinfiieturer Association of
Oregon has employed n woman xlnle
organiser, who is going over the state
to organize women' home Industrial
leagues to increase the deiutvud for
Oregon nuule product. It is esti
mated that tho women buy 05 por
cent of lite supplier that go into the
home"", and Iheir lo-opeintion will
he very xntuiiblo in the campaign for
the development of the home Indus
trie. As next Monday is wash dav.
it might be inleiet:ng to consider
vltnt can be done to promote the
nuiuufucture of soap nnd wahing
eoiiiffluiuN by such nil organisation.
At a low estimate there nre '200,01)11
homes in the stnte where these n
eles nro ued ftr cleansing purposes.
Estimating Unit each homo em
ploys only f0 pound in u year '
thee articles it would mean ifiat
'J00.000 .0-poiilid esses would be
called for from our manufacturers.
Thety nre in Portland three large
soap factories and one factory man
ufueturiug what is known as Ihe t"ie-
miuuto washing compound. Their
total product probably does not ag
gregate 100,000 res. If it could
be generally iutrodtieed, this brunch
of manufacture would be increased
100 per cent. The effect of extend
ing this industry i best illustrated
bv the story of a little occurrence
that actually hnpKued last summer.
A housewife wont to the gioeory
store in thi: city and asked for nu
extension of credit. The family were
owing quite n bill mid "lie wanted tho
prhilego of paying $" A mouth on
the old bill, uud wanted an extension
of credit for more family supplies.
She explained to Ike grocer that her
husband w-us omHoyed in the soap
factory which was temporarily shut
down. Her sou was employed in n
box factory nnd w-as nlso out of
work. I'ntil they could get more em
ployment the family must have sup
plies, and after bearing her tale of
distress the grocer consented to car
ry the account. The housewife pro
ceeded to order supplies', nnd first
Medford's Hall of Fame
(Holng extracts from nn nddrcss
delivered by Mrs. ,11. C. Stoddard nt
a banquet given by the Uastorn Star
When Mr. Gnrnott asked mo to
say something humorous on this oc
casion I explained how utterly Im
possible It would bo for mo to say
anything funny short of a week's
notice, my handicap being an Kngllsh
extraction with l!u proverbial Ideas
which travel by freight. Howover,
1 have always liolluvcd In the efficacy
of "taffy" rather than "epltaphy,"
and wish to mako a few remarks In
eulogy of somo of our prominent
In looking ovr tho record of those
who havo distinguished thomsulvcs
In public service, our thoughts nat
urally turn to the record of Dr. K. II.
Picket. Tho doctor has tho record
of being tho handsomest mayor to
date, ami will probably rontlniio to
mijoy tho distinction until wo elect
a suffragette.
Dr. Plckol was mayor In tlio days
when wo drank Hear creek "liquid."
It was gcnorallv liquid. In those
days of we wished to leave our
homes at night wo equipped our
selves with rubber boots, procured u
lantorn, nnd with foar and trembling
sallied forth Into utter hlackucHS. If
we reached our destination without
stopping on the end of n board whoso
other end was not nailed down we
folt that wo waro under the protec
tion of a special providence
Dr. l'lckel was largely Instrument
al In selecting tho present alto of
Medford's pure water supply, and for
this service alone wo think ho Is cu
tltlod to n plaia In "Medford's Hall
of Fame." Another noted citizen
whom wo all dmtgnt to honor Is tho
Hon. William Colvlg. Judge Colvlg
Is tho original and only booster all
othors are Imitations. Ho was horn
In Missouri, and lived In Jacksonville
for a tlmo, both for which wo for
gavo him, as ho now spends all his
tlmo convincing people that tho best
placo on earth Is Medford In Houth
om Oregon.
At n recent mooting ot tho Cham
ber of Commerce In Los Angelon,
during which nil tlio local members
Hpoko In glowing terms of their own
city, Judgo Colvlg, being present,
was Invited to speak, Tho Judgo
aroB0 and suld ho did not feel that ho
could add anything to tlio beautiful
tributes that had boon paid to Los
Angeles, but that what ho had heard
reminded him of tha following otery:
' 'A party of ,os Angolos people
who had departed this valo of tears
were being shorn n through tho Celes
tial Uoglons. As Ht. Peter pointed
out tho pearly gutes and golden
strcots their admiration was un
bounded, and they expressed them
selves with such oxclamatloiiB as
'Heautlful;' 'This reminds ua of Los
Angeles;' 'This Is Just llko homo.'
As thoy proceeded thoy cumo to a
beautiful palace wherein ft group of
of Oregon Industries
called for n brand of soap made in
Philadelphia. The grocer expressed
no mirprlso nnd furnished It- The
point to the story is quickly seen
The housewife uud the grocer were
both uneducated to the Importance
of supporting home Indus) tie.
It Is the 'JOO.OOO hmisewhra In
Oiegon, each calling for JW cents
worth of soup manufactured in some
eastern oily, that is enriching men
like Millionaire Kels. who wn able
to spend $:i),000 on a political e
pcrimcut in Oregon, the money for
which is furnished by the Oregon
hotisewixea. Mom bnsinea for the
munnfnclurcrs of soup uud washing
compounds mean more bulnes lot
the box ttiHiiiifiietiirera. I his ineiiwa
more hiiaiiicftt for the printing oatulf
lishmeiits supplying the labels, more
business for Uie printing establish
ments supplying the labels, inoie
business for the sow mills and log
ging camps. When we consider that
lumbering is probably the gronlo!
industry in Oregon uud realise that
nil industries are inoie or Iwh de
pendent upon each other, the impor
tance of the campaign of education
must become apparent to the dullest
mind. There is more in the uuiiiufne
hirers' campaign for tlio home in
dustiies than in uuy other campaign
that is being curried on in our state,
not ex on excepting the woik of the
churches. In n recent nddress l'.l
belt Hubbard made the statement
that the man who gives an oppottuu-
itv for u better lixelihood to another
is the real missionary.
It is estimated that the people ot
Oregon are sending east about $-.-000,000
tiniiually for articles which
are now manufactured in the stale.
The support of the home Industrie
is not n bo.xeott ngniust the pro
ducts of any neighbor tnte. but i
the scientific promotion of the wel
fare of the entire Pacific coast. The
greater prosperity or Oregon people
mans that they will be able to llt
the wonderful places of interest in
California nnd Washington, and by
leaning to spend their money nt
homo become more dexoted mid more
loyal to ex cry xvesteru common
wealth. people were chained to the floor
with heavy chains. Upon asking St.
Petor who those pcopln were, and
why they chained, ho replied:' Those
people came from the llogiio Itlvcr
Valley, nnd wo have to chain them
to keep them here.' "
Another of Medford's dauntless
sous Is (icorge Putnam. Mr. Pill-
nam has established a metropolitan
paper that Is a credit to the town.
When (icorge was young he wont to
Ireland, where ho kissed the Illarney
Stone, first Indulging freely In To
banco Knuro. Imnco the pungent ipial
Ity of bis editorials.
Mr. A. B. Itosoiibaum, beside be
ing the court of Inst resort for all
those who have claims against tho
Southern Pacific Company Is the
original Minor' In Medford. Ho bo
longs to mora clubs, colonics, lodge
etc., committees and organizations
than any other man In Medford, and
run fill four eiiKngcmotits In one
ex enlng In a most graceful and Lord
Chosterflebl manner, mid take In n
round of tho prize fight und tho third
act of tho theater on thu way home.
Ills patriotism U unquestioned, as bo
Is one of tho few men In Medford who
have never missed a meeting of the
Commercial olub.
V. K. Merrick, as a member nt the
city council for several terms, has al
ways Idoutlfled himself with progres
sive measures, and It Is largely duo
to Influence and ability, together
with his perseveronce against criti
cism and opposition, that wo have
our prosout pure water system. Mr.
Merrick la noted for bis proficiency
In dancing tho Virginia Keel, which
ho does In a most 'realistic' manner.
Wo all know II. C. Ouruett as u
booster and a freight rate adjuster,
and a llvo wire among business men,
but how many of us remember him
as a novelist and short story wrltcr
la tho oarly days of Medford, boforo
wo bad tho "Nut" and tho moving
picture shows, our principal evening
niuiisomoiil was In reading his thrill
ing romance of Jack uud Kdlth,
which ended with the Information
that they had purchased a Toledo
Itange, a 1900 Washer and it Maud S.
pump of Shorty (larnutt und expected
to llvo bupplly ever utter.
Dr. J, F. Koddy und prosperity ar
rived In tho Itnguo river valley about
tho Hftiiio tlmo. His Influence, pre
cept and oxampln havo been behind
many of tho good things which Mod
ford has achieved. Dr. noddy's pub
lic spirit Is shown by the largo
amount ot tlmo nnd money ho hun
devoted to unselfish boosting of
Southern Oregon, He has many
friends whorover ho goes, ns Is Illus
trated by tho story that during his
recent trip to Krlsco, bis wlfo wish
ing to give him thu election nows
from Oregon, und being unable t
locato him at his hotel, telegraphed
four of his friends, asking each If
he had spout tho previous night
there, mid each answered "Yes,"
Under direction Peoplu's Aiihiho
incut Co,
Wo load, others follow.
M.x.VS (UliMNO
A dinum talieii horn life and staged
In the houutloa of California. It's a
I'ljlng "A" feature.
An amusing comedy dm mu by Ihe
Thuiihoiisor Co.
A comedy with a puueli
A MOniKtt'M I'OI.I.V
Intensely DrJimitlo
Heat comedy In mouths
New Song llll by A I Slither
IVm rest
Wntcli for Coining features
Moii3tor Two-Rod Animal Picturo
The Lion Tamer's Revenge
20-LIONS- 20
All-Star Cast
Big Vaiulovillo Act
Foaturo Singing, Dancing, Burlosquo Boxing
Trick Comedy. Scenic
No Advance in Pricos
Horo Friday
Sufi, candy, Imnl candy, colored candy, mil.
candy, .stick candy, a Itewildcrint,' array of llic
very hoal, at right prices. I dirge orders for the
Christmas parlies solicitalcd
Jiwt Off Main on South Control
that makes
Insnected Sash.
'""fii'i'n ?Wmm: $2.50 up
-CrntM ?C.IOHH
CSTTAM FBOMT W1N00W8 CO 7 ft tin
IN1I0I WINDOW TMM-lnMtl,10 flfln
pUtll www
IN1IDK COOS TRIM (Itr Ml life Cn0
MioHr wiNDowt-t4 1 za- C11R
srsucc noun iiNi-d mi imv mi
- ilia, ! I II' ill1 dm Ml CI fill
-7s-iIp.mpii), .... "J
Wrlto lor
W Salt Anybody anil Ship
Promptly Anynl.M
III Wi tin Ijiolih tillmtii clliilfM
(M'fll. WlJflllllUUllluiIiriMMoTn
Hpculnl Pimtlira
Hi cry Tuesday and Wednesday
PATH It'S WKHlfJ.Y Very Interest
lug film, showing thu big news
events of the week.
JI'ST.M.MNH POIiKS-A Llibln rur
al drama,
in i; Hi'ittir op thi: uanei: a
Vitiigiaph wontoru drama.
mi) comedy, with one long laugh.
Music by Prof. Peach, xtollutst, and
. Miss Woolwortli, pianist
Change of program every flunduy,
Tuesday, Thursday mid Haturdsy.
Order DIRECT from a Factory
a Specially of
Doors and Mlllwork