Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    , mJv t , rHT-itr&i
Oirnofi HiiMkai firfMj.
cfy HN "&
Medford Mail Tribune
Mat. 471 Mln. !M; Inclft.
tullon .U2.
f'lrtjr.arrmul Trr.
Daily Hovrntli Yr.
NO. 230.
HHflHHHK itJUpM&fBSUjjnK2tjUp vHA l
LB M H B7,' i TIT' yr-'i-; .fi'y Tt-T-iitr t- - tu.. -!.
Wcnllli A(jrc(ialln Twenty-five Bit
linns Managed by Coterie of Wall
Street Men-Morgan Is "Heart" of
Greatest Cumlilnallon of Capital.
Great Banks, Insurance Companies,
Railroads and Utility Concerns
Umlrr One Control.
J, Plrrnont Morfjan Admits Havlnn
Deposits of Over Elghty-Ono Mil
lions From Corporations Capitaliz
ed at Nearly Ten Billion Dollars,
WASHINGTON, Dee. 18. Iluw
I In; iwiliouV wealth in dominated liy a
coterie of finiiiicii-rt wiih included in
m Idcnoc presenlsd today to the
house committee invontiKntlng the
iwtiiev Irimt. Tlio grrnl hanking
film itf J. 1'inriMiiit Mnriin mid Com
pHliy WH hold llt IIH ) Illll'gCll
"In-Hit" of tln combination,
Iiieludiiig .Miirguu's Urin, il was
aliened (hat llu (luiiruutco mil Hun
ker' Trnt companies, Hut Kiiliuniil
lly Imiik mid the l"trt National
lunik, till of Now York )iu e i:il dlr
I'olura in 122 oonMimtiiniN, with ag
gregate resources of J'J'.'.U.1 1,000,000.
llcnl Money Trust
of the financier was onl'cpd by
thirt Kiixcnimi'iit investigators, who
luii Iiitii engaged in IhU work fur
Mil.. An immense churl
il in the commit Ice showing the
financial rumiflcntlmm of lending
' Now York, Boston and Chicago firms
It dliownl t lint eighteen finiiH, with
1 fell uieinbeix, Imld directorships in
liU of Iho wealthiest cnriwimtioiirt
in Iho country, controlling $2.ri,:i'JV
illtil.iMHI in rc-muree nml cupitaliza
lion. Thiol' ISO uii'ii, il wo alleged, Imld
JlSfi dirtied pdilps in 11 great banks
nml trust companies with iiKgtegate
riMouri'iM of fll.H'.lll.OnO.OOO; I .'.' dir
i'itnrhiHi in III mllrouiU, cnititlix
id 11I .l'J.lfl:i.000,O0l; fifty dirro
tiinliiii4 in I'li'vcn fnuniiii'o rom-
Miiiii with iihii'Ih uf .f'.'.lt 111,0110,(100;
ilirci'l(Mliiw in (wo oirt'x-. oiini
liiuiioH, mnl lour dirt'olorfluiH in ono
hlnmiiHhii ooinpmi.v. ilh a ooitiliinod
I'lipilnl of $ 'J 16,0(111,00(1, and a Km
niiiiiuil ini'oimi of jMI7,()(0,U()D; IIH
diii'i'loriliiii in -fl itidiiNiiinI mr-
iiiiniiiuni, ciiiiiiiiii'd ai .f :i,rH:i,o(io,
1100, Mitli mi I'ltrninj; cuimoily of
$1,1 10,000,000 mmiiiilly and IS dir
it'liiihiix in 111 pnlilii' nlilily cor
lioraiion-, oaiiiliilirtd at iii.H'Jtl.OHO,
000 wild an oarniiiK capacity of
. rJH,000,000 annually.
lorKun 1 1 cil of TriiM
Tim clinit hliowrd Moikiiii to lie
the head and front of the iiIIckciI
iioinliinu. IIU oonccin, it wiih nllc
id, conlrolK lilt diicctoiM in Ul liiinkH
mid truxt conipanicK, ith roMiinccri
of jfl,lO(l,00O,OIJ0 and di'lxihilH of
if0fill,000,000; four iliict'tom in four
iiiNiiiauco coinpnuicH, with iikmcIh of
I, 'J III.OOO.OOO; twenty dirccloi-H in
II! i-ailroadH, cnplliilicd at .fl.IITO,
000,0(10, willi inilviiKK of 18,000 liiilcH
ami n );iorH income of f7L,,(HU),()(H)
annually; four dircctorx in sewn in
liihtiia coi'imriilinuH, capitalized u(
Financier Pleads lunorance of De
tailsPolicy for Trusts to Deposit
In Private Banks.
(C'niitlniiod 011 Pi;o Five.)
SAN UUJOO, Cnl.. no. 18. An
uoiiucoinuut that lliu Kan Ulco mid
Arizona lallroad, Htartod by John l.
KprockclH of thlH oily, lo run from
Kan DIi'kii, to Yuma, will bo rusliod
to (iniiipluttoii, wiih mado today by
iMuuatlii(; Dli color Clayton of thu
KprcckclH (tompaulcK, It Iiiin been
reported that thu mud, work on which
him been hold up to n liugo extent
becaiiba of litlKutiou with tba Koulh
oru I'ncific,' had been taken over by
the Hock Iohiud, which In HuppnBCil
to lie soukiiic an outlet to thu Pacific
count, but IIiIh wiih denied by Clay
ton. Tlui road Inm huo(i ennstruoted in
firnt cIiihh Hlmpo from Ban UIck" t
u iinlul thirty iiiIIvh ouftt, and work
luiH iiIho been douo from Imperial
.Valley woel.
WASIIINUTOS', co. I8.--J. I'ny
Ntnt Morgan, Iho Now York banker,
appealed in Iho I'liiiiiiillli'i'romii at 'J
o'clock thi' aftoriioou, ready to testi
fy bjjforo tho moiiry Inint prohom
lie wiih aooompaiiied by oonxul.
.The coiiimlttccroom doorn were
locked when Murpui arrived, Iho
proliem lmiiiic loft the lniildini; for
luiichooii. Tho financier nud his at
lorneyn watted oulhide, n polici'innn
finally okmiiiii; the doom.
Tho Hpoctalont ludny wore limitod
to ueWKpapermeii, coiixreKKiiifii ami
luloroxliit In (.linrU
Mo run 11 hhnwod Kienl intcrc-nt lit
ScuddorV ohnrU and fiKiiroi, wludy
iiiR Uirin oloHidy. Whoa tho financier
look Dm Miami, Attorney I.tmlnlmry,
of roiuiiifl flfr tho Htocl oororatlon,
wan nearby.
Tim hanker firnt stilled hi" plneo
of n'f-idenco mid then recited the
parluor in hU Imnkinj; houc, lie
asKortcd hi firm tried lo do a koii-
ernl banking; liUHiiicH-4, hut declared
Iheir I'heekx were no pod at the New
York clearing Iiouho ami that their
concern wan not a member of Iho n
Mocialion. lie xnid Iho firm cannot
While huuV.nolof. hut it acted Koneral
ly iih a bank.
MorKim prcHculed a Ntalemeut
HlmwiiiK that on November 1, 18 cor
IMiraiou" bad 81,1)77,000 on do
xiit with Morgan and comimuy.
liHt.u't Know HcIuIIn
Tint tola) n uril iih nml (uiuleil dolili
of (Iicho rorporntlonn were, ho nlil,
fit, "liU, 000. 000. AhI;ci1, If, im mut
ter of public (mllcy, ho favored per
mitting i:rent corporntlniiN to ilepoHlt
with private liiuikom, tho wltiu-Ht an-
dworod "Yoa."
MorKini until ho tlld not protend to
lie ncounlnteil with tho tlclalld of hln
UopreHuutntlvo I'ujo hero an
noiiucoil uiljoarumeiit on account of
Movornl of tho commltteumeu ImvliiK
private oiiKnRcmcntri,
MorKnu ami hlx party hold a recep
tion on tho rntttrum of tho committee
room, nhnkliig liniids with a numhor
of tho irotiera.
Couldn't Catch Itoikcfcller
Tho ftrHt wltuoHH today wiih Chun.
Illddoll, horKoaiit-at-nruig of tho
hoimo. 1 lo recited htn uiiHueremiful
otfortH to nerve a HUhpooua upon Wil
liam (1, lloekofolior, oil miiKiint and
I.nwreiiro Rcuddor, a Matlttcliii
wiih Iho next wltnonH. lie Intro
duced 8tutltlcn bIiowIhk at tho pros
out IiIkIi rato of luerouso In their
IiiihIiichk tho Mutual, Now York,
Ciiultnbln and Motropolltan I.lfo In
hui'uiu'o rompnnles could hnvo an
ted nKKrettntliiR I,I3K,000,000 by
OXNAllO, Cnl., Dee. lS.Aftor
terrorising tho CaultiiH dUtrlct near
hero for mora than an hour and tloo
lug to tho hllU, whoro ho oxclinugod
mon than a ucoro of Hhotu with a
sliorlff'a poBao, n man who gavo tho
uiuiio of Ham Smythq was capturod
shortly after noon today,
Ono of tho purmilng deputies wan
roportod to liavo boon orlouuly
wouudod, hut this was not confirmed.
Tho man la bollovod to bo limaac.
Ho carried two rlflea mid two rovol
vniD iiul declared that ho waa
Heurohlng for Kdward l'ayaon Yoatan,
tho potest rlnii.
LONDON, Iltv. 1H. NowpnHr
K'ein difcpalchc received heio to
day from Athena declare that Iho
Oreck army nttackuiK I'ort Haxani,
the solo remaining foi trout, protect
ing Janiiia, n nliuoKt ccilniu to take
that position within a low hourn.
The liutteiiiM of Port Hahiini, tho
dixpatchoti nay, 'have licen siloiiced
and itn mnga.ineK doHtrnyed by thu
flreek fin1, which i doiected asuinat
tho position from tho Mopes of a
mountaiii ctowueil hy Port Drom,
which ulo is certain soon to fall.
POHTI.ANI). Ore, Dec. IS. "I
till love my hunlMiid dearly, and I
did not lene him becauio of any
limrrul. I am anxious to eo him
but II will lu lmHMtlbli for us to re
main togother loucor for roasons 1
cannot explain. I know I made an
Impossible mn r rlii go tho moment af
ter tho ceremony wa performed, and
I resolved right then to lcavo my hus
band with na little funa as possible
"I never oonalderod aulcldo for nu
This la tho htatomont mado today
by Mrs. J. (1. Hunter, ilea llosslo Cot-
tor, who myntorlotisly disappeared In
San Kranelaco wlillo on hor honoy
moon, mid then Miihlonly apponrtMl
In Portland while tho officials of
several California cliloa woro search
ing for hor.
It la believed that Hunter la today
on his way to Portland to again
claim IiIh bride.
OF $50,000 Li
NUYV YOltK. Dec. IS. Tho weal;
feature at thu opening of tho stock
market today was Hooding, It falling
off a point 011 Iho first fow trauauc
tlona. With California Petroleum
Und Mexican I'otrnlouin loaiug 3-1 of
a point, oil shnros also showed weak
ness. Although change woro fow
aipl small tho market waa Irregular,
tho early ndvauooH being confirmed
to Stool nml United States Rubber,
ouch of which gained a point,
Sovuro declined lu obscure Btooua
caused further weakuoaa lu tho oil
market, Mexican Petroleum breaking
Uli and California l'otroleum i4'.
Later In tho day American Tobuceo
nddod flvo points to ttn recent gains
nml Lorlllard ndvnurod four points,
Kxcept for apasmodlo Belling of
Union Pacific, Rpooulatlou waa fea
tureless. Attompta to market stocks
In which there la but little public In
terest caused (tonoral Chemical to
drop 30 points on ono transaction.
Tho mnrkot closed reactionary.
Honda woro oaalor.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 38. Pros!-
dent Tuft sent to tho senate today
tho nominations of William Distin of
Illinois to bo surveyor Lonoral of
Alaska, and of Joseph Collins lo bo
postmaster at JUosoow, Idaho,
llOISK, Idaho, D.-o. 18. -Social
circles in the cil .110 stirred to their
foundations today liecmo of tho ar
rest of Dr. I'M ward T. Hiwor, a prom
inent physician, ami Sadie Doherly,
whom it is claimed he married illegal
ly. Tho nrroM comes ns tho result
of a nationwide neareh by Hiwer's
first wife, who claims ho left hor to
run away with the Doherty woman
whilo in Chicago, tho earlier pint of
tho year. k
It is claimed that lliwor was di
vorced from lus first Vyifo in Jan
nary and man led Misk Doherty in
Aniil. tints failuiL (0 wait Iho Iol'uI
six mouths before beinYo-wed,
orotic senator today docldod to hold
up all nominations pxcopt routine
army and navy appointments from
now until March 4. when President
12luct WPaon assumoa otfico,
nation of tho circumstances In which
ho borrowed $50,000 from John I).
Archbold, president of tho Standard
Oil company, disclosed by Standard
Oil correspondence published by
William It. Hearst, wns given tho
senate campaign contributions Inves
tigating committee hero this after
noon by former Senator Joseph H.
Forokor of Ohio. A feature of For-
uker's testimony waa tho allegation
that Hearst paid S3 1,000 for posses
sion of tho photographic copies of
tho Archbold letters. Tho publisher
testified yesterday that he secured
tho correspondence from John Kddy,
now n rssldont of London, but ho de
nied they represented any outlay of
money. Thoy wore given to him, he
said, when tho Independence Leaguo
was organized, Kddy hoping tho pub
lication of tho correspondence would
aid tho new movotnont.
Forakor admitted ho did not know
personally that Hearst paid for tho
letters, but that this Information was
secured hy one of his prlvato agents
ard ho believed It true. He charac
terized Hearst's statement that
Hearst did not know how tho Arch
bold letters woro obtained ns "pre
posterous." Fornkor denied that ho had acted
as a lobbyist for tho Standard Oil
Company defending his request tor
money from Archbold by tho fact
that ho ouco acted as couusol for tho
Standard Oil magnate. Ho explained
several of Archbold's letters, rending
numerous documonts regarding tho
leglslatlvo situations they Involvod.
Tho $50,000 borrowod from Arch
bold, Forakor said, was secured to
assist n friend In purchasing a news
paper. Tho pnper was nut purchased,
ho said, "and tho money returned."
Ho chnrgod Hearst with purposely
suppressing the letter which showed
tho loan had boon returned,
State Rests Case Before Noon and
Defense Begins Presentation of
Evidence Lengthy Cross-Examln
ntion to Discredit Confession.
Prosecution's Case Similar to That in
Spanos Case Arguments Begin
This' Afternoon.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Senu-
tor lhistow today introduced a bill
in the senate proposing popular elec
tion of postmasters witli salaries
over $:)00 annually. Tho nieasuro
provides fivo year terms and pre
vents ro-electiQU.
The one of the 'tnte vn. Sovmnur
nliaw Parker for murder will reach
the jury thin afternoon. Tho tntc
rcMed it rao nt 1 1 iMO n. m. and tho
defence hegnn it presentation of
otideiiee. Arguments will begin by
iliM) 11 clock mid Iho case should
reach the jury by t o'clock.
Lengthy enws examination of
Sheriff .Ionc., Jailor l.miU Katoii and
Harry II. Hick- of Hip Mnil Tribune
by IL H. MeCnho, attorney for tho
defense, occupied most of the mor
ning session of the Seymour cae.
Attorney McCnbe wai particularly
bitter in hit cros examination hop
ing to break the testimony of the
McCnbe has endeavored since the
outset of the trial to discredit the
niolliods used in securing the con
fession of Seymour.
-.Sheriff JrtiiiWJlnn'HWia'rcfatcil in
detail the confession of Sevmour nud
told of taking him over the ycenc of
the crime nfier ho had been properly
The state called J. C. Woods of
the Dig Pines Lumber company who
told of finding Dcdasknlou' purse
where Seymour and Spanos had
thrown it.
Officer Cndy of the Medford po
liee force told of seeing Seymour re
turn to his room at the Seattle
rooming house on the night of the
murder about 12 o'clock.
After testimony had been Intro
duced for and against Tuesday af
ternoon, Judge Calkins In tho circuit
court ruled that the confession of
Seymour was admlssable as evidence
It being shown that it had not been
secured In an Improper manner. Fol
lowing the admission of the confes
sion tho state continued offering
other testimony and exhibits. The
finding of tho club and the watch
were detailed, the belt and watch
Identified and much progress made.
Tho testimony offered In the case
Is almost Identical with that offered
In the Spanos case, although there
will probably bo a more elaborate de
fense. Seymour took the atand while evi
dence for aud against tbe admission
of the confession was being taken
nnd for 33 minutes talked without a
break or hardly pausing to catch his
breath. In a inouatoiie, In which
llttlo Inflection was placed ho reeled
off statements charging abuse, star
vation, and solitary confinement.
Mike Spanos was also placed on the
stand but mado an Ineffective wit
ness ns he would not admit knowing
anything of the crlmo of which ho
was found guilty last week.
Main Obstacle to Peaceful Settlement
of Balkan War Removed as Result
of Threat Made When Turkey Re
fuses to Confer With Greeks.
Turkey Said to Be Playing for Time,
Hoping Discord May Appear in
Ranks of Foe.
LONDON, Dee. 18. Premier Dan
eff of Bulgaria, that country'rf rep
resentative In tho jwncc eoiifercnoo
between Turkey nnd tho Ilnlknn al
lies announced officially tonight that
tho peace envoys havo been ordered
to negotiato with the Greeks.
This isliclioved to remove the prin
cipal obstacle so far apparent to n
!ciieofu! settlement of the Balkan
LONDON, Dec. 18. Escorted by a
guard of honor, tho body of White
law Iteid, late United States ambas
sador to tho court of St. James, will
ho taken from Dorchester House, his
luto residence here, at 10 o'clock
Saturday morning, and put aboard
a British warship which will convey
it buck to New York.
One hour Inter Mrs. Heid will
board tho steamer train and will go
aboard tho linor Campania. None of
tho Koid family will necompany tho
body on tho warship, but represen
tatives of tho American embassy
here will be in ntteudaueo 011 tho ro
muins until they arrive in New York.
Queen Mary today sent an elab
orate floral wreath to add to the
thniiKaiuls uf trihntiva lr llin .Innil
illnloniiit uhii'li luivn lnr.
cheater Ilou&o. .
LONDON. Dec. 18. "The Ilatkan
states will end all negotiations with
Turkey unless the Greek envoys are
permitted to participate la the con
ferences." Thla waa the declaration here to
day of Premier Daneff of Bulgaria In
answer to tho demand of thu Turkish
representatives that the Greek en
voys be not allowed to participate In
the prae nexotlatlAife beaaow- Oreeea
flatly refused to sign tho armistice.
Tho Sultan's envoys, at the request
or the Balkan representatives Immed
iately wired the Porte for now In
structions, and an answer Is expected
today. If the Porto sustains the
position of the Sultan's peace en
voys, then the negotiations will como
to an abrupt end.
Adjourn to Battlefield
"If Turkey." continued Dr. Daneff,
"persists In not recognizing the
Greek envoys at tomorrow's meeting,
then the next session between tho
allies and Turkey will be on tho
battlellnes at Tchatalja. It would
mean the end of the Sultan's reign
so far as K 11 rope la concerned."
Turkey's protest against Greek
participation In the conferences la
believed to havo merely Increased tho
solidarity of tho allies.
Outlook Discouraging
The outlook today was distinctly
discouraging, but despite surface In
dications, the optimists aro hopeful
aud Insist that Turkey Is merely play-
lng for time, hoping that discord may
enter the ranks of her foes.
Foreign mediation between tho bel
ligerents Ik ngaln being discussed
today. If Constantinople Instructs
Iteschld Pasha and his colleagues not
to negotlato with the Greeks the am
bassadorial conference, summoned by
Sir KM ward Grey, may make sugges
tions to smooth out the tangle.
That Austria Is still a disturbing
factor of the affair Is certain. Asked
whether he brought Instructions for
war or peace, Count Mendsorff, tho
Austrian ambassador, replied:
"Peace. Peace up to a certain
Tho Servian envoys intimated un
officially today that Servia Is will
ing o leave entirely to tho powers
Iho adjustment of u Sorvinn com
mercial outlet to tho Adriatio fieu.
This, coupled with cablegrams from
Vienna that Austria doos not object
to such u program, mado tho peace
outlook much brighter in tho latter
hours of the day than it formerly
had been.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. 18. A
big sensation was sprung at tho dy
namite conspiracy trial hero today
when an unidentified woman tele
phoned a prlvato dotectlvo agency
warning them that a plot had been
formed to blow up tho federal build
ing, Tho defendants derided the report,
but United States Marshal Schmidt
announced that tho guards about tba
building would ba Immediately b U-creasod;
V "
. .. .. -t. .. .-. . , . .