,,, v-awr..3n mu.. ... ., .. .., ,, ..-. k, . i jw i.rtM , f r .! -r.f-rt r i O (?!? MTCPTTORD TMTATR TRIBUNE. WEDTORD. ORFIOT, TIJiaSDAY. IWRMBWtt 17, 1012. TXOT3 THREE GOOD GOVERNMENT LEA ND E IS Fl FOR CITY ELECTION IMtti'i'ii 7 iiml KID (illzi'iiH nl Mi'ill'iinl, men mill wunii'ii I'mm lln viulmu vliiiroli iiifiiiiiixiilloiiH mot at Hid Kiint M. K, cIiiiitIi Mtmituy iwn liiK mill (t'i'i'ti'i! a iii'iiiiiiiinit im'iiiiI zitlion to liu known ii m tlin "(luuil (liivcriimont I.imuiii of Mi'iU'onl." II, K. Kllui u'iim cliorfi'ii iiiiwiitunti Mi. ('. W. Coiilriin, vli'o iri'xlili'iil i .X. L TowhM'iiil, M'cn'lnry mnl tii'iiw III cr. Follow ini; llm iilcctiiiii iif iilTlrert tint HiiiinilMi'n iohiMiHi'1 of II, K. Stlno mill AttntiicyH Cmimlny mnl DrAinioinl iiinnl('il llio rollnwhiK plntl'iniii which mih iiilnpli'il hy llm iiiyiinlriitltiiij "V, lilt iiii'iiilicrH of Ihu (luuil (Invi'iiiinriil Icnyiiii of Mi'ilfniil, Or., do mlnpt the follow injf iih our ilul fin in fur Hie j'omlntr it v lurtion In la; Iiclil mi .Imiuiirv M, 111 I. 'I: lllllll'illi'll( ..l'"nirnlx Thnt In till riiiitviiclH, that lln rniilract pi leu of llm iximpMri! wink, Int known mnl ngim! iiwmi Imfori (liu iiinilraut Ik let. That wo rri'iMinm'inl llm liiinmiliiili i'iiIIchIIuii nf nil ililiniiii'iil cily iin hiwMiiii'iitM ami liitcrt'Mt llnirrnii iiml if llm In now in fnri'c nro mil Mil' llcii'iil In winipcl a I'lillci'lion uf hiihI mHiNNiiiriit llinl mi lulwpiulu lnw Imi ilinltril mnl iaeM-il tiy llm nity imiiiii nil. That tint oily ivt;i.riitliiii Iiiwh Ih iiinniilril en int In inxiiro mi Innn-xl I'llMlliuil, That Ihn city iiurn hm noon iih Mi(.ilil(, ii hiiilalili' hilo lor a (iiilihi' ilni;niiiiiil ami park. That tin1 city i'in;iiici'r Iiiim cliiirxi' nf all xlrci'l work ami Ihn ii'fii nl hlici'i i'niiiiiiiiiiii'i' ln almlixhi'il. That tin' nflli'i' nf Mili'i unmix train hi' Inki'ii out nf tin' IiiiihU uf llio 11111x111 mnl In inmti' I'lri'liw. Iti'tukliiK Mipior l,lrmii That ut fiuur a light uiifnnrinriil uf llio Iiiimr luwx, mnl I tin t un m-i. uiiil -on It-lion iimiii iulaliun uf iniv uf llm nrnuxiiinx llii'rcnf, tlm lici'iixc tin rnuki'il. That wo fuMir Kiting llm rounril lln' powrr In grnut or rifui miy up )llrant u liipmr lliine, - Tlml-wu, fuwtr mi intutiuilioii u till iniilrncU III hy tlm city, fur which IxiiuU lumt lii'i'ii 1xiumI, (hat utu HOW Ulltxlllllllill, Thai in lint uriiiiling uf fnnichic, Hint ureal cunt lie cxcrcixril tu pro. tccl llm cilyV inlercxlti. Thai Ihix Iraumt frit or tint up Miinltiii'iil uf a pnhlic iiialiuii. That III ciiipli incut uf huuie In Imr on all piihliu umk ix faturuil li Ihlx Icitui'. That llilx Ii'iikmic in in fnxur of the paxxiii nf a cily nnlliianco cnmpel liui; hiilnuiiN tu clnxe at 10 n'cluvk. Tu I'lnlKc CitmllilnlcN Al'lor Ihu mliiptlnn uf the ahnve plalforin u roiiiinitti'c wax initiicil to proxmit a copy uf tint lixiluliimx In all' llm itmuliilalcH fur niayur mnl cunncihni'ii fur llicir nppniMil ur ie ji'iitinn. Thn cunnnillec chuxcii wax Ur. lleilfcen fruai lln' 11it wanlj .1, V. Ilnrr, I'tnin the hicuml waul, ami T. A. Ilnitt'll fiuin Ilic lliinl waul. Tim Irapm mljnitimtil In incel at tlm Hiiimt place I'nilny evening. At Ihlx iiicclini; tlm nlitie iimneil ciitn iiilllcn i expccleil tu ivpurt ami at thix ini'ctini; hinnc iietiuii will hu Ink en tuiiehini; iihhi mi cmliirciiicii! uf lliuse cmnliilatnx uhu liae xIkiiciI Ihe iiMuliitiunx, A rnimnitlco uiih nUu nppuinleil, I'Ulllpoxcil uf 1), 1'. Wllxull, S. i. I leu iietl ami ('. II, I'iei'cc in tlm lirM wind; V. I', DiiiIkc in the xceuml, ami hn In H'lccl axxixlaiiU; 'A Stinxnn in tlm third wnul mnl I), I', Wilxun mnl S. I. Iti'iincll In nxxlxt, Tlnx cuimnilleit'rt unik will ho that uf xc em 111); iiii'iiiheohip In the li'iiync. REVENUE CUnER 10 SAN FltANriKCI), Dee. 17. Or tiers tu hciiil a icM'iine cnltor mil at mien In aid in llm M'lireh fur thu lu.sl luiiitiiiH, Kvaruy and laiwrcjici', went rueelvcil hy Ihu officii nf the nivenuo mitlur Hirvlcu heie Indiiy frmn See iclary of tlio Trcaxury ManVcauli. Thn cutter McCiillnch ii. off Maru liHlainl ready fur hervico ami will he ileHpalehi'd In hen ax huun iih nl'l'ie iairi u)' tlm Hervico can kuI in loneli with her cnnnnamlcr. ' Funeral Notlco Thu fnnoriil of l'liink A, DmiyliiH, who died in IIiIm nlty Siindiiy, will Im held at thn l-utddonec, 707 Went Main nl it'ii t on Wmlimmlny, Doeuinhur IB, al 'JiIlO p. in, Tlm HurviuoH will ho eondimled hy iiiuiiiburif of llio MiiKonio ordur of tliin idly, diHiuiihud liuln n nmiuliur of that ordur in tit. TIiouiuh, N. I). TEN FREIGHT VESSELS NKW VOIIK, Dec 17. (Juts,, uii eitxilit'XH in felt hnrn Imlnv in xhip pliifT clrelen fur Ihe xal'elv uf Icn iarifo ficlht vcxmcU imw ncriliin un Aliunde pnxxiiKox, and in citcli cimc lillili iiiIch me heine axked fur lein Kiiraiice, It in know llinl the iiiIkkImk xhip. cncoiinleied heavy uealher nllei leaving pml. cli vcomI chi-Hwi he Iwci'ii !il) ami III tiermitm mid Ilia tot ul cnxli leprexenleil in uliipn mul en run ix exliiiinlcil ehmu to f KMMIO,. mm. Tint uM'tiliie llxt ix Ihe largcxt xlnce IHDD. E OUT OF SAN DIEGO H.U'ltAMKNIO. ("nl , Due. I". -Tlm tlnlit hlKhwny riiiiiialwlun up proveil linlii) tint xiirvit) tor ISO inlliHi of ruiiil ImiIwhi'ii Hun DIkro ami Id Cenlru via Im Mima, t Cajoii, Dett (.'nil mi mid Ciinipo. Kn urKi'iit Iiiim llm need for an Im prove! Inler-coniily hlKhwny In thin illHtilct hccoimi Unit rlilium ml or KHiilnitluna of Hiii I)Iiki nru re ported In haxt Himiii iHiiwecii (in miu ami fiO.ono to Improve, tlm pnldlc roniln ilnrliiK the pinit (ttw cnn 5 OF 37 LEFT NI'JW YOltK, Dec 17, Thieifiiioic xiill'iiiynlleB uf the original thirty Ni'vcn uhu i' mil fiuin lii'io un foul to jniinii'V In Alhniiy to piexunt n peliliun In Olivet nnr-elrel. William Knlrer when he Inki ofl'lee, dropped mil loday, leiuiiiK hut live in all to I'onlimitt llm inarch. Tlmxe five nru cxpecled In reach OwlniiiK luniuhl. They arc reported In he in a very liedraKlcd condilion. LETTCnS GIVEN BY EDDY (Continued from paica 1.) clmlt'it mil) from Arrlilmlil to former t'miKroMimiii Hlldey of I'Diiimylvniiln. It wnt (luted I'elirnury 1ft, 11 Hi, ami xiiitl In -inrl: "Dear Mr Slldey: 1 Intj; to on cloxit mi herewith a curtlfteatu uf d''poll In your favor for f.iouo, xciit at I Iih reipiNit of Mr. (Irlxcnin, (In )iiirpoe for which yon no donht iimlerataml. Tomtit um to oxtirimx my IiIkIi iipinecliitldii of your court" cotm iiml tifflelitnt iiullon In rimpomie to our riiiief roKnrdlmt comililoni (Ion of Dm Hiilixldlnry hill imtlior." Olliur litiicni referred Bemitor I'uraker lo a "vnry olijectlnnulile lilll" la Ihu Ohio IngUlatiira, and nrRrd It I nt "to lake crnru of It with tlm iitlmnt." The renmlnliiK liilter milnnltted lo I he coinniltlec have buun published Imfnrc THinD DEGnEE IS ALLEGED ,,0" lh"y w'""' "ni kn"w"' (Continued fiom imyy 1.) proimr frntin.' of mind when hn nut do hU Nlatmiieiit lo tlm olfkcrir, admit Uiik hln Kiillt. .Seymour al Hnxu Keymotir In far more roaiioitil In Ihu uoiirlrnoiii than w HptuioH l.'fl took Kru.it latorext la nil that wont' on alio nt Iif in and ocrmlunally turned with moiiio ntinark to j A. Norrlu nmtlHinnt jailor who hn him In enx tody while In court. At Uiurk imi in w reply hy a vcnlruiunn wntilil cnime him ( Millie. Confinement In thn comity Jnll hH nlromly iiNachwl him nut kIvIhk hlrn"n pnlf romitiiiiaiitn. Hn at no limn appfiuNl imrvoiiH ami diirliiK hort rerxMi tinron i'jrnedly rolled and nmoked clttnr etliiH. Thn crowd which follow oil Hie BpanoH rneu (.'lonely throiiKhont wax iruont to liutir thu cmw aKalmit Hoy moiir. It Knthurcd curly thn room Ih'Iiik crowded by ! o'clork. Illnlx nt Tlilnl llini' Aro yon familiar wllli thn third doRreu? Do yon hiillcvo In If Do )on know Sheriff June, .Jail or Kntoii, or Marry II. Illtkn, a iiowm tiaiiorman TIioho three (iiestloini naked nil pronpectlvu Jury nmn hy Attorney H. II. McC.ihu for tho lff-ino in (hu .Seymour ciixc khvo Indlratlnn it what thn defeiiwj of Spnnox' partnur In crlmo uiih to ho when tlm work of RcciirliiK a Jury In the rum. wax con tinued In thu circuit court 1'iiomlny. Khurlff Joiiok wns widely huowji but thu other two aro evidently unknown to funic for with one or two uxecp- Attorney McCain mode n dotor nilncil flKht lo cciiro n Jury, favor- nblo to hln vlewii, promptly ejenm Iiik thoiio who i!Xirciii'.'(l thcmRolvcH iih favoring capital pmilnhmcnt. Register Now at City Hall For Annual City Election to be held January 14, 1913 Registration Books ope n from 1 to 7 p. m. up to and incl uding December 26, 1912 Every Voter Must Register ":"$ t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y T y Only 6 More Days to Buy Xmas Gifts Buy Here as Every Article Is Reduced in Order to GetThi t $29,000.00 We Must M Have by January 1 to Pay Our Bills Buy Your Furs Now and Make 25 We have over $3,000 worth of Furs to select from. All the newestshapes and such furs as Jap Mink, Man churian Mink, Sable Coney, English Mole, Black Fox, Isabella Fox. Just pick them out and take off 25. 50c Knitted Muff lers 15c $3 - $3.50 Umbrellas $1.98 About 10 dozen of these mufflers to be sold at this price. All colors, both light and dark. Xmas 'Kerchiefs Reduced f a & xKr' J9 &FrV ii Wi ; ft-nAMXr ft 7 LJST R &j2 -WTAvW :. " y y y V f y y y I I I I I I z I I I t A y 35c and 40c qualities now 50c and 60c qualities' now 75c and 85c qualities now 25c 35c 49c We've too many umbrellas at this price, A whole table full to choose from. A Hand Bag Makes a Fine Present We Have Over 1000 to Choose From at Reduced Prices Women's $4, $4.50, $5 Coat Sweaters Now $2.98 We have taken about 100 sweaters and grouped them on a table at this price. All first-class goods, some of them in the Blazer style. Buy Your Toys HereLargest Stock at Reduced Prices 1 1 ii i No trouble to buy toys here. Everything is in stock and we give you a dis count on every item. $1.50 - $2 Silk Embroidered Stockings Now 98c This lot is going fast. All are high grade goods and desirable, colors, lisle soles and fine embroidery patterns. Y 4 ill i ! 0 JMjfr All Ladios' Suits now at Roduced Prlcos KENTNER'S Buy Christmas Glovos at Reduced Prices i i t I t y f f y y y y T .y t y y y y t y K-fO0H40400400 DOLLS Our Innt word in Dolls Nothing reserved ALL AT COST We need tho room This is your chnnco MEDFORD BOOK STORE V!-fr Christmas Candy IN LARGE OR SMALL QUALITIES Churches, Societies, Schools and those who are going to give parties, will find our prices and variety the best. Large orders aro our specialty Palace of Sweets I I I I I HI I II I H1HHH " Pictures :; Desk Sets :: Brass Goods Smoker's Sets :; Xmas Stationery :: Bedford Booklets ; Imported Novelties : Leather Table Mats : ; Hand Tooled Leather ; ; Arts and Graft Jewelry J THE MERRIVOLD SHOP Quality Goods iiinuiiiinniiiiiitn M-U JAPANESE CURIO AND MERCHANDISE STORE Full lino of Japanese Goods Including toys, curios and merchandise of all kinds. Ideal Christinas presents. Prices lo fit any purse. Next to Hotel Mcdford 422 W. MAIN -m iiiniiiiiii n--H-, Luxury Without Extravaganco Hotel 1 Von Dorn 1 212 Turk Street Finest popular priced Hotel in San Fraiicisu X Modern 1TTTTT1TTTT" U1C1SCO Central i PLUMBING team and Hot WaUr Heating 'All Work CHixraiit Prtcea IXeaioaabU GOFFEEN ft FRI01 U owx Bloek, BateMM m Mk M. li. i ' i 1 I i. I