PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, ORMCION. TUESDAY, DECrciMKKR 17. 1012. Mr. I 10CALAND l: PERSONAL MrjijiJarljMn li among the Spo kane people who liavo boon in Med ford recently. Don Cameron, CI5M0 Shaw, Oooriro Dommer and another member of (ho forco Which la running preliminary linen between Medford and the const for lh6)UIl Interest, m In Med ford Monday evening, en route to OrantM 1'ass,. whence they will pro V reed toward the ApploRato reftlon. Order your pop com for your fhrlfttihas tree early. Pop eorn ball inndo to order at the Pop Corn Stand 103 West Main. .- William Schdyler Moses, 0, former resident of Yreka, Cal., and well known to tho pioneers of Southern Oregon, died ftt San Franclseo Dec. Ifith, aged '85 years. Mo was prob alily the oldest Free Mason In tho world by'yeara of hiembershlp. Don't' buy those cheap, Portland facle'ry "mailo caridlcs for your Christ man tree when you can get home made, ptiro cream candles for 25 cents per pound at the Pop Corn Store'. 103 West Main. Robert J. Nixon, postmaster of Yrcka, Cat., was among his Med ford friends' the forepart of the week. A dollar's worth of Ited Cross Seals may be the means of curing a con sumptive. For goodness sake, nave R. A. Holmes, tho lusuranco man write your Insurance. Ho knows bow. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin of Seattle are spending a few days In Medford. Remember that tonight Is your only chance for the Rose Maiden at the Nat. 229 Samuel Rosenberg, proprietor of tho Rear creek orchards, arrived from Seattle Monday morning. llasket ball Med ford High vs. Cot tage Crovn Thursday, 19th. 230 Seo the big game Med ford vs. Cottago Grove. 230 George H. Flttglbbon of Portland Is making Medford his usual visit Order your pop corn for your Christmas tree early. Pop corn balls made to order at the Pop Corn Store, 103 West Main. C. O. Saxton of Grants Pass was a business visitor in Medford Monday. William Ulrlch has bees appointed by tho United States district court receiver for tho Art Store formerly operated ,by C. E. Collins. All of the Block Is now being offered for sale at absolute cost. Bring In your pictures and have them framed at cost. C. Hoke of Kugeno is sojourning In Medford for a few days. Oak tier wod for tale. Gold Ray Realty Co. O. C. King, salesman for tho Med ford Grocery company, spent Tues day iu Grants Pass. If. W. Lindsay of Central Point and R. W. Hitchcock of Esglo Point were in Medford Monday. Owen Dunlapof Phoenix trans acted business in Medford Monday. At a bargain. 125 tiers of dry fir wood, at wholesale. Apply at 433 South Fir street, Medford. O. A. Ross of Applcgato, who Is mining In Thompson creek district; arrived Jn Medford Monaay, for a short stay". Rosa Maiden, Dec. 17th at Nat 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Moore of Horn brook',' Cal., have been visiting in Medford. William Ulrlch has bees appointed by tho United States district court receiver for the Art Store formerly operated by C. 15. Collins, AH of the stock Is now being offered for sale at absolute cost. Bring In your pictures and have them framed at cost. Han; Silver of Ashland la maklsg Medford a business visit. Did you know about the basket ball game Thursday? 230 K. .1. I'nrra and Fred Hopkins of Centn.i tlnt were among the niuuy who came to Medford Monday. 12000.00 or fraction thereof to loan oa Improved country real es tate at current rates. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson County Bank Didg., Medford. The sixteenth annual convention of the California Miners association was held la San Francisco last week. C. IJ. Watson and O. L. Young of Ash land asd A. H. Gunnel! or Grants Pass were among the delegates ap pointed by Governor West to repre sent Oregon. Clean-up aIo on pepls until Christ mas at Ireland's Smoke House, Jaraea D. Falrchlld, an attorney of Yreka, Cal., has been making Med ford a professional visit. Tickots for tho Los Angeles excur sion nro now on wlo nt S, P, depot. Those figuring on going should wrlto, phone or cull at (he office to enable agent to secure reservations, Weeks &HcGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Say nwi M71 wtM rooBMi jr, w, wk ten A. JL Orr UU KABX AMH0TAJTX Joseph Ocppert of Dig Uutto was In Medford and Jacksonville during tho week. Fruit labels In any color printed by tho Mall Tribune. tt , J", C. Hall went north on Mondny cVcnlng'a train. William Ulrlch has bees appointed by tho United States district court operated by C. K. Collins. All of receiver for tho Art Store formerly the stock Is now being offert'd for sale nt absolute cost. Ilrlng In your pictures and havo them framed at cost. Over $12,000,000 In dividends will be paid to policy-holders of tho New York l.lfo Insurance Co. thla year. C. Y. Tcngwald, Medford National Rank llldg., with J. A.'Weatcrlnnd. 230 Mr. and Mrs. C. Comhostt of Dun corn, this county, took train No. 20 Tuesday mornlsg for PrlnevlUo, Ore., where they havo purchased land ond where they expect to re side. Cottago Grove Is swift. So Is Medford. 230 II. G. Haswoll, traveling represen tative of the Haswell Commission company of Medford, was In Grants Pass Tuesday. Basket ball Med ford High vs. Cot tago Grove Thursday, 19th. 230 Al J. Adams, a pioneer resident of Josephine county, of which he was onco school superintendent, ctlcd u short time slsce. He was burled un der the auspices of Kcrhyvllle lodgo of Masons. Glvo her for Christmas Commun ity, Diamond Edge or World brands silver plate, Flat Ware. F. W. Shap lelgh Hardware Co.f 28 South Cen tral. J. F. Kelly and E. E. Morrison of Griffin creek were recent visitors In Medford. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposlto book storo. W. P. Bailey of Gold Hill was a Medford visitor Sunday .afternoon. Phone us your orders for milk, cream, butter and buttermilk. Two deliveries, dally. R. It, Creamery. Rev. Wm. Parsons, the evangelist, who has been holding services, with much success, at the Presbyterian church in Medford, left for his home at Eugene Mosday evening. Carkln & Taylor (John ft. Car kln and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys- at-Iaw, over Jackson County Bank Building Medford. D. S. Force, who Is engaged In farming In Josephine county Is spending a few days nt Medford and Jacksonville. Tho Rose Maiden Is coming. Frank E. Bybcu of North Jackson ville made Medford a visit Monday evening. E. D. Weston, commercial photos raphorn, negatives mads ssy time or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471. R. E. Doane U over from Siskiyou county, Oa!., where bo Is developing a promising mine. Real home-made bread at DoVoe's. O. N. Nelson, of Jacksonville, In surance agent, went to Ashland. Artistically printed letter beads on fancy bond paper make fine Christ mas presents. Let us show you samples. Tho Mall Tribune. tf Sheriff Jones was in Medford Mon day afternoon, on official business. Soft wood 2 a tier. Oold Ray Realty Co. Mllo P. Ward, well known In Gold Hill and Its vicinity, has brought a suit for an accounting In the circuit court at Portland against I. G. Dav idson, claiming that he hopelessly muddled tho affairs of tho Davidson Ward Co. and tho Gold Hill Lino Ditch Co., while treasurer of both concerns. Ward alleges that $30, 000 has been misappropriated. Rose Maidon, Dec. 17th at at. Don't buy those cheap Portland factory made candles for your Christ mas treo when you can get home made pure cream candles for 25 conts per pound at the Pop Corn Store, 103 West .Main. Havo you tried our peanuts, they are the best Jn town and are roasted fresh every day. Wo also handle a flno lino of shelled and blanched nuts nt tho Pop Corn Store, 103 West Main. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Roessler, who havo been out at Phoenix visiting relatives, will leave Wednesday for their home In Nelllvlllo, Wis. Build up your own locality by buy ing homo-mado goods, always fresh at the Pop Corn Store, 103 West Main, W. J. Hills and son, Ford, are contemplating leasing the Andorson Green garago on North Holly etreot. Should tbey perfect the arrangements they will open the jilace for business about tho first of tho year. Asldo from doing a garago business they ex pect to handle tractor motors for farm use and will also buvo an Auto mobile sales agency. For the boy'u Christmas, wagons, coasters, skates, guns, velocipedes, etc. F. W. ShapleJgh Hardwaro Co., 28 South Central, J. M, Burt, traveling salesman for tho John Deero plow company, with hoadquartors In Medford, loft Tues day for a business trip to tho north, Vapor baths and eeloutlflo mas saga for men and women. Dr, It. J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-nott-Corey Uldg. Phono 145, n Mrs W K Norrls who has boon seriously III nt her home on North Hartlett street was removed to the Sacred Heart hospital Sunday and wa operated upon Monday. While her condition U very serious hr physicians hold hopes of her ultimate recovery. Christmas, presents. Perculators, chafing dishes, easslroles, etc., In copper, brass and aluminum. F. W. Shaplelgh Hardwaro Co., 2S South Central. General Passcnaor Agent John M. Scott of tho Southern Pacific, passed through Medford Sunday en route to San Francisco. Collect thoso scattered sheets of music you vnluo and havo them bound In book form at tho Mall Tribune. tf General Superintendent Campbell of tho Southern Pacific spout uu hour In Medford Monday evening. Legal btanks tor sale at tho Mall Tribune office. ' tf F. D. Walte of Southerlln. Is In Medford concluding details for the sale of his property near Ashland to tho Oakland syndicate that recently purrhnsed the A. A. Davis property Oak tier wod tor sale. Gold Ray Realty Co. Shirley Raker, of San Frainl-co. N In Medford for a few days' busi ness stay. Bring that old book with torn binding down and havo It rebound at tho Mall Trlbuno office Costa but lirtlo. tt Dr. R. J. Conroy has moved his office to tho Hutchison & Lumsdon building. Theso offices were for merly occupied by tho commercial club. Drs. Conroy and Clancy havo dissolved partnership. Did you know that the pop corn that we will use for Christmas was raised near Medford and Is tho best In tho world. Try our Crlspettes and hot buttered pop corn, 103 West Main. MUSEAL PROGRAM wtsitHUUHD 10 RUN - - "lfltl ,.--. I i . itml ' FORPilOEN11! Tlio following u the mimical pro gram for the Rose Maiden, given to night by the Medford Choral socie ty at tho Nut at Ss 30. Introduction ... tuntrumoutul O'rehentru ClioYus "Green Vale nud Vine-clad Mountains" Uucltntlvo and Duo!. Mr M. V. Mad dux, tenor; Mra. Kd Andrews, so prano; Mr. lMvAudrenft, Imrltnue. Recitative, Churns and Solo. Mr. K. V. Maddox, tenor; Mrs, J.llllan McKlllbp, soprano. Chorus, "'.Midst the Waving Rose Trees" Intermission Recitative, Scenn nud Chorus, Miss lues Coffin, soprano; Miss Fran cone McNassar, alio; Mr. i. V. Muddov, tenor. Recitative nud Duet, Mr. Kd An drews, baritone; .Ml Iva Coffin, sopraun. Mr. Fletcher Fish, tenor. Chorus ' TI Thy Wedding Morning" Finale, Solo nud Chorus, Mr. (I. T Wilson, tenor. BEEF WINS GAME FROM CHOSEN F By football tactics, much beef, and ability to use it, the Medford Athletic basket ball team won by a narrow margin, a hard fought game from tho Chosen Friends club team at the Natatorlum last night. It was by far tho fastest and roughest game yet seen on tho local floor. That tho Athletic team was deter mined to win by hook or crook was evidenced by their playing. Tho plucky C. F. C. team could not cope with tho superior beef. The Ilne-up was as follews: Chosen Friends Center, Walden; guards, Llndley and Kerzur; for wards, Dldday and Coffccn. Athletics Center, Hodgman; guards, Drako and Burnett; for wards, Fields and Cochran. Referee, Jewell. The first half was played fairly clean but at the sound of tho whistle on tho second half the rough work commenced. Fouling by holding, tackling and tripping was tho order. The final score stood 1C to 13 In favor of tho Athletics but was hard ly a credit to them. Tho C. F. C. team express confi dence that thoy can win In a return gnmo and a fair referee. The gamo was witnessed by a small but enthusiastic audience. A number of good games aro sched uled for tho near future. NOTICE. I tako pleasure In wishing all my customers a merry Christmas and happy New Year and also Inform you that I am now prepared and nm do ing tho best horse shoeing and gen eral blacksmlthlng you can get In Oregon. I guarantee all work. Wo cure corns unci nay special attention to all crippled horse. (An old say ing) "Horhcs shod by Elliott never get old. HUGH ELLIOTT. Medford, Oro. WAR BRINGS GAIN TO AUSTRIAN MILLS J. A. WYsteiliiiul niul C. V. Tenir whlil will I. illicit upply lit lliu city council for ppnuWrnoti t operate u truckle.. volley lem. The third party is not Ainu Urueklint't'il of (hi oily, lint AmM lljerkuiulov, nit ciinlcm man who in !iitorentetl wtlli .M W ii'iiiiiui in outer tutuier. The plans for lite tvnoklnrw Irnllny vsloin, wliioli hiive howt under quiet euiHiiionuion lor Nome time, mow out of the proportion to oMuMIhIi n motor IiUh line Mirvii-o in Medfonl, which ut tho time t nnnounccincut Mime tiimitlm ngo met Willi very f vorulile mitit'o in the oily. CHINESE CLANSMEN KILLED IN FIGHTING AT AM0Y AMOY, Cliiun, Doc, 17. A Inrge number of olnnnien wore killed hen todny in upon fiithting n the nlrwl. tloverntiienl lump so far have boon tumble to relore order. VIENNA, Dee. 17. Willi hills for goods to tho amount l $'Jll,0l)O,OI)ir miIiI to the Htilkmi Mutes uncollect, iihle, nwiti to the legal Misprision of payments ordered by tin HHlkuti gov ernments, the AtiMrian textile iiih! leather industries are Turing ruin. The lexlilo workers arc Austria' greatest industry. The Ihtlkim states liiivo lioeti mining tho principal customers. Tito situation is made till wuie by the present tense Alls-tro-Serunn situation. fHltHIIHIItlMIIHII I I I THOSE cousin out went or back e.nt- -you don't hear from them as often now. You each have new friends, new Interests, Hut after all,, blood Is thicker than water and your pjettiro and pic tures of tho other members of your family would be welcomed by them cspectilly for Christmas. t' 7 TlicrcV n rimtoKruplicr In Your Ton ii jj H. C. Mackey ; I Main .V C'ciilral Mcdfonl, Oro. t JUST ARRIVED A fresh SfocA-,or '(!& Chocolates & Confections THE MERRIVOLD SHOP SFOR 3l LLliL WEDNESDAY For Sale flood Horses, Mules nud Mn us. Will lu or trntlc A. Whorton 1(5 Riverside Ave. I ArounMVforld ( ' jr-rssMS'PP , , ,Ti BOYS' AND GIRLS' Tlenvy liiien cloth hound Monks; reultir OOo iind, (0o qmility; stmidd library bnpk'B, not blood and thunder novels. Choiee 'r;A ALUMINUM TOY DISHES Neat,, atlriu'live, and pmelicnlly i n d e -.struct I bio; every lilt lo 'tfirl will wntiL one, J jjiaos t.o elcct Pi'oin. ir. i!(), 50ft. $ i per Het Open Stock Dinnerware Opon Stock Dinnorwnvo Monna you can buy a .small Dinner Set jiihI. as cheap sh a lare one; our new lino of Dinnerware arc all opon stock patterns. You ean buy an odd Plate, (.'up and Saucer or Full Set. t Watch our Bargain Tablos DaUy, and Don't forgot wo aro allowing tho largest lino of Toyo, Dolls, Games and Holiday Goods In Medford. Christmas Po3t Cards, 5c quality, oach I? HUSSEY'S tHtlH I IH IHII M I SECOND IDEAL CRUISE iir Tim S. S. CLEVELAND (IT 00O TOSS) Leaving San Francisco Feu. 6 VI. II ( cnil aik rctm'rlf. MltiUI tftm.bip ti. b nt... Jt-ir loltL KtTfr Imarj ! Ut lauwnl. 110 DAYS $650 and up lortwllcj all nrtMitrr ti a..t twl bar ItUntj, mtxttn ImUU CttMn, (m , all lillioaj firrt lo ak4 (row )vt 0lr Cntfil fa l fl'lnt, Iful ltjlti, Itxxi r Jl'iy rr, t . irrlla lor Wmllultd awlKI HAHBHRG-AHERICAH LINE 1UO Piincll St., Sun I'mucUco, Cal., or IocmI agi'iilN, When you iwo tho namo Or. Itlrkcrt think ofllyi taiihw-. Wltuti you think of Kyn (JIuxmh rni6inbr thq namo lllckcrl. It moans u per fect fit. Kraco, oloKauoo. duality, comfort, Kunrantcoil satisfaction nud prices rcasounblo. -V lrojrs uel. Nearly a quarter of a century uudoi1 tho saino iiiauagoinent. Jackson THE County Medford, Oregon BanL It has succeeded becauso of Soundness of principle Economy of management j Safety of investment Courteoun and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 "V. I. Vnwlcr .President Q., li. Liudloy, Vice Frcs. 0. W. lrcl)onal(i, Caahior Parties wishing to subscribo renew their subscription to or Tho Saturday Evening Post The Ladies' Home Journal, or Tho Country Gentleman PIcaso notify C. A. DoVoo, 418 W. Main, District agont for the Curtis Publishing Co. Hack numbers al ways on hand. Phono CC11. detect. IfotMe! AT rOUNTAINB. HOTELS, OR ELSEWHERE Get the Original and Genuine HORLICKS MALTED MILK ThcFood Drink for AH Ages RICH MILK. MALT CKA1N OTRACT, iH rOWDtS Not in any Milk Trust MT Insist on "HORLICK'S" Take n package buiuu ? T t ? T T f t t ? T ? t t T J f J t MEDFORD CHORAL will render the SOCIETY ROSE MAIDEN TONIGHT at the NATATORIUM at 8:30 p.m. , Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra -- 60 Performers RESERVED SEATS FIFTY CENTS On salo at Haskins, Hotel Nash, Hotel Hol land, Plagg's Muaic toro. .: ! ZlityiitM r r T. $ f y ? t t ? T ? Y ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9