Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 17, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Mnx. 17) Mln, M Precipi
tation .22.
Kiirly.iMiiiml Tmr.
Dully MovmiIIi Voar.
NO. 229.
0 .
i i
Supremo Court Holds
Court Was Mjlit lu
tract as Charter ol
That County
Lcttlnn Con
Medford So
Judijo Calkins Overruled In Opinion
Written hy Justice Dean and Coun
ty's Position Sustained.
HAI.KM, Ore., Hit. 17. In an
oiilnluii written hy Jusllro llran I ho
supreme court today In the roso of
lli'iitoii Mowers nnil H. A. Carlton,
nwpondents against tint county court
of Jackson county tiud others, appel
lants, decided In favor of tlm appel
lants, holding Hint Iho Medford har
tor compnllfil thn county court to
Imllil thu bridge across Hear creek In
lh oily of Medford Involved lu tlm
County Held for llrldgo
The higher court restrains tlm Is
suance of payment of any county war
rants on account of tlm bridge con
tract, In excess of slS.000, tlm
uiiioutil tlm county agreed to pay
until niicli Hum a tlm city of Med
fori! and tlm Pacific A eastern rail
way company shall huvo paid Into tlm
treasury of Jackson county IlC.OuO
nrcordlUR to agreement
Tlm plaintiffs lu tlm milt main
' tntuml,-umi-T.iaiim,'"lirldRn lu
iiiiwtlon being In tlm Incorpaled
nlty, In not upon tlm county road,
anil that thn county has no author
ID to hutld Much a bridge, and, sec
ond That llm carrylnR out of tlm
contract lu question would Increase
tlm voluntary Indebtedness of Jack
son county beyond the constitutional
Concerning tlm first question llm
opinion sny In part:
flintier N SiioIaIui'iI
According lo tlm plnln provisions
of seuMon Kin of llm charter f the
nlty of Mndforil, It I lucumtmut upon
tlm county of Jackson to hulld, main
lain and repair alt bridges and cul
verts upon county road lu the city
mid road district, the cont of which
U lu excess of f 20. Taking this sec
Hun together vlth other sections re
furred to and In view of tlm Kctieral
legislation of tlm mate, wo think It
wiih tlm Intention of tlm legislature
that the county of Jackson should
rutuln JurlHdlctlou over tho county
rninU within tlm limits of the city o(
.Medford lo that extent uuleiiit till
reiiulreinvnt l clearly within moiuo
luhlhltlon or tho constitution tho
jiiundiitit Hhould ho obeyed.
"The highway upon which. Hi"
bridge U supposed to ho erected la
embraced within the provUlon of sec
Hon 1)37. sub-dlvlslon I, Lord's Ore
gon lawn, authorizing tlm county
court to coiiHtruct tlm bridge, and
for mi eh purpose Is to all lutontii and
purpose n county road '
1NDIANAPOLIH, lml., Dee. 17
A inovo Intended hy tho defense to
force tho ftovorninuiit to show It
hand In Iho so-culled dyuumlto con
Hplracy trial fell flat hero thltt af
ternoon when Attornoy Kriiiu, ropre.
iiontlng Dofonduuts I'nul Morrln and
John II. Harry, iiiovod that tho gov
ernment kIvo notice on what coiiutH
It elected tho Jury should ti'y tho two
defendants. Judge AnderHon prompt
ly ovur-rulod tho motion.
Tho government also sprung a Htir
prlso on tho defense hy unexpectedly
closing Kh ciiho without offering any
testimony In roliuttal, Tho jury loft
tho room whlhi the defoiiHo attorneys
niKiiod suvoral molloiiH.
WASlllNaTON, Dee. n.Kvi
donco favorahln to tho dofondant wbh
riiHhcd today at tho Impeachment
trial lu tho nonato of Judge Hohort
W, Archlmld, clinised with mlscon
duel lu office, tho dofomio liopliiH to
cloao Itu cuwe Tliiirmluy.
Heavy Flrlnn Off Dardanelles Indi
cates Renewal of Attempt to Pass
Greek Cordon In Afiean Sea No
News Coiiccrnlnn Outcome Battle.
Grrmany Plans to Seize All Socialist
Leaders In Case Mobilization ol
Troops Is Ordered.
Hcnvy firiiiK lienrd today off the
Dnnlniiclli'H iniliralcM u renewal of
llm Turkish attempt to run Hie
litoekmle eotnliliiheil there hy Hie
(Ircek llect in the Aegean Ken. The
battle bi'tf'in Hliorlly nl't it ialireuk
nml liiftlcit tunny lioiim, the dull boom
of euiiiinn from the wunliiH and llm
foil makiuu it certain (hat the eon
1 lift Ih NcriiuiN.
II in tiMirti'il here that the Turkixli
nhim in (heir altempt lo run the
(Ircek I'linloii are eili;iii uloui the
tiliore xhelleieil iiuilcr the Jlre of the
TurU-li titrtr. No iufonuatlmi Iiiih
hceu reeeicil here u lo whether
eitlier flee! Iiiih lout any vcmhcIh in
the f'lKltl.
HKIM.1N', DiV. 17.-"Should inoh
iUxalion of the (l.'iiuiin tinny lie or
dered preparatory to war, it it ipille
probable Hint every promiuwit MiriaU
ilemoemlie leader would iinniiilintely
he nrrenlcif- or at leant plaeed under
Nimcillnuco mid taken in eliaie, Hie
moment he Iickhu any nuliwnr kI
Inlion." So ileelared u prominent (Ionium
tinny officer hire today.
With all llie MteialiMm nnli-wnr
prouiiiK'iiHin'iitox, it is Miitl, that the
niilborilii'M exueet little fmm that
source in event of umhiliratiou or
war. It in uilmilleil, however, that
the rirt hikiih of Kiieh n movement
will he ciuxheit with all iulhteNiieHH
by Hie xnsetiimcut.
WASHINGTON'. Dee. 17. In com
plntnt of the Maker (Orei;ou), com
mercial club, the interxtato commerce
commiHtdnu today ileelured uureabou
able the cIiinh nil en from linker City
to Hiinta on Hie Oregon Short Line
between Old'n l'erry, Idaho, mid
Vale, Oregon.
linker's cuhi was linudleil hy V, II.
MeCune who alio uppeuied in the
complainlH filed hy tlm Medford
Truffle horcnii.
CIUCAUO, I)ee7T7rHecauiio ho
accepted thn hoHpltallty of Jack
JouuBou, ucRro puRlllat nnd attend
ed a dinner given by tlm latter when
ho married l.uclllo Cameron, n
white girl recently, Kdward C, Mnr
imlcri, deputy United States marshal,
waH dUmlHHed from tho aervlco, It
wait learned hero today.
MumalcH wan dUmlHHed Saturday
on telogrnphlo ordera from Attorney
(leneral Wlckomham,
RAN ntANCISCO, Dee. 17. With
llm oeeuii bench ami the bay hhore
patrolled, the police launch noting
about (he bay, ami pohhoh pcouriug
the purl; ami outlying; districts, (he
scinch for Mrn. Uchh'io L. Hunter,
nen Cooper, Iho nix day hrido of Jo
Koph Hunter of Portland who ilinup
peuved yesterday after Hemling1 a
iiu'rtHiih'o hinting miiulde, i slill nu
here today, with hut slight hopo of
finiliiiK Iho iniHsiiiK wife alive.
This is the nolo received by Hun
ter: "Dear Joo;--,0h, I don't know
how to begin this terrible little letter,
When you vooelvo it, or Iioforo you
can do nnylhhij,'i I probably will be
Yellow Publisher Does Not Know
How Archhold's Letters Were
Stolen, But He Secured Photo
fjraphs of Orlfjhtals.
Hearst Denies That He Paid London
Author Anylhlnn for Correspon
dence Printed In Magazine.
WASHINGTON". Dec. 17 How hn
acquired ponnmdon of alleged cor
rcitondence between John I). Arch
bold, problem of tho Standard Oil
company and memhan of coiiKren",
wa told on tlm wltneim stand here
today by William It. I learnt, tlm
newspaper publisher, when tho aeu
ntti committer resumed Its probe Into
campaign contributions. The wit
nc produced photographic copies of
hoiiiii of thu published letters, admit
ting that he never saw the originals.
Hearst said ho secured tho latter
In September, t'JOS. but hesitated
when asked where from. When thu
committee Insisted Hearst said ho got
the letters from John IMdy, ,an au
thor, who now lives In Ixindon,
letter Kt III UhpuhlMu-il
Tlm witness said his magazine still
had copies of letter written by Arch-
bold which had not yet been pub
lished. Iln handed photographic
copies of some of Archhold's alleged
correspondence, to Senator Clapp,
chairman of the committee, who read
sevoral of them to the probers.
One fo tho letters," purporting to
bo from Senator Penrose of Pennsyl
vania to Archbohl, was written In
1903, It referred to a conference
between Penrose and Senator Aid
rich, "to discuss the matter referred
to" In on earlier letter, alleged to
hnvu been written by Archbohl to
Penrose. Another letter, purporting
to be from Archbold to Senator Tor
aker, said: "We are willing to loan
you I'iO.OOO. Another letter from
Archbold lo Karaker urged that a
rertnlu clause "lu house bill fiOO bo
stricken out."
Whom Did Ho (Set Them?
Tlm committee demanded that
Hearst produce tho correspondence
not yet published. He at first de
clined, but Inter agreed to submit tho
letters if tho committee would con
sider them lu executive session.
Hearst wna cross examined by Son
ntor Oliver of Pennsylvania, He do
nled lio paid for tho photographs but
wns unable to say how thoy wero ob
tained from the (Hen of tho Standard
Oil Company.
The committee adjourned at noon,
to re-aRBomblu at the call of Chair
man Clapu.
Hearst said Kddy submitted tho
letters to him wlion the Independence
league was started, believing publi
cation of the correspondence would
holp the movement. Ho denied re
warding Kddy In nnywny. Hearst
admitted ho had letters showing Sen
ator Koraker had repaid tho money
ho Is alleged to havo borrowed from
Ari'liltold to Sibley
Tho lotters produced by Hearst In-
(Continued on Pngo 3)
dead. Yon will never know how mis
erable I am. I could never make you
u happy wife because I eanuot sliuul
married life. God pity you if you
love me very much I 1 do pity you
but it would ho impoHihlu for you to
ho movo miserable or unhappy than 1
am. Am leaving you this way bo
eauso 1 think It belter. You will per
haps go to Salt Lnko nnd our friends
in Portland never need know thin, as
(hoy would if I wnlled till wo went
baek. It is nil u terrible mistake,
nnd it would bo impossible to con
tinue, l'leaso forgive mo and forgol.
Your heartbroken llessio,
"l S. Send my effects fo mother."
LONDON, Die. 17. -To aid
the pi-nee cntovs hero, in
doling iiegOlIali'iuM nml ii
mi evidence of Iot faith in
the jtiHlieu of I lie N)verw,
Servia i willing lo evacuate
Huritrro, on eH(lilioii that
(treat llrilnln oceupv the fort
until thn fate of Albaniu in
definitely nettled, nci'iinliug
(o a llelgrade dirfiteh loday
to the London Mail.
llKItl.l.V, Dee. 17 - rulfllllng his
promise to display lo the world tho
efforts of the turtle serum which he
declares a suro'cure for tuberculosis,
Dr. I'rederlck Frans Krlcdmann
opened today n public Institute here
for the treatment; of certified cases
of phtlsls under the supervision of
fatuous physicians!
Scientists and plo.lclans from
Paris and Londonand other cities of
Kuropo besides a large number from
America were present at the opening
of thu clinic, whlcji It Is hoped may
deal the greatest , blow at the "white
gau. -J
sconrco" nlnce mimical history bo
Dr. KreldiaannfiH'rsonally Inocu
lated severel jWu". with js secret
serum. All wero vldentlyvictTius
of consumption. The action of tho
serum In their eaten will bo watched
with close attention by a large com
mittee of prominent Ilcrlln specialists
and on their dictum probably will
hang the verdict of the wholn med
ical world as lo whether tuberculo
sis can or cannot bo cured by Dr.
Frledmann's discovery.
NKW YOUK, Dec. 17 Despite
tlm rapid rise of Heading yesterday,
tho stock fell back at tho opening of
tho stock market today, dropping two
points on the first few transactions.
Tho goueral list waa'lrrcgular, with
the principal Issues tending down
ward. I.ohlgh Valley dropped 1 1-4
and smelting and Tcnnesseo Coal 1.
Canadian Pacific roso 1.
Tho market declined sharply after
tho first few minutes, bullish senti
ment being weakened by tho fall of
Tho market cloned heavy.
lionds wore easy.
POIlThAXI), Ore., Dee. 17. Dr.
Hurry Start, the first member of the
alleged Portland ico rinj? lo bo tried
was this afternoon found guilty of
technical assault on the person of
Krnest Taylor, a Portland youth. He
will bo sentenced Friday. No notice
of appeal has yet been filed. Con
viction curiico a sentence of from
ouo (o five yours imprisonment. The
jury reached its decision on the sec
ond ballot,
Tho rainfall thus far this season
'while S.I7 Inches below normal Is
2.G4 Inches In excess of that of last
Benson at this tme.
Tho total rainfall to dato this sea
son, from September 1st, has been
O.tiK; for the name porlod last year
It was only 3,0-1. Tho normal rain
fall for this same porlod for tho past
twenty odd years has been !).05.
HM Adft AnniiiAYA !nrini-f rr-i-rr-t
Governor Donaghey Gives Death Blow
to Leaslnfl System by Which Pris
on Inmates Are Peddled Out to
Tells Legislature That Prison While
Not Sunday School is Not a Re
vengeful Hell.
I.ITT1.K HOCK, Ark., Dee. 17.
Wiping out of the convict camp in
Arkansas, coupled with a desire to
deal a deathblow to the leasing sys
tem by which prison iumntes are ped
dled out to eontrnetorx, N the ad
mitted motive of Governor Donaghey
here today for pardoning three hun
dred and sixteen state convicts. Don
nghey nleo promised to liberate forty
four county convicts before night.
"The penitentiary wns not designed
for u Sunday school," was the pro
testing telegram received by the gov
ernor today from members of the
Atato legislature. "No," nnswercd
Governor Donaghey, "thals true. Hut
let me say Ibat Hie penitentiary was
not designed for n revengeful hell,
Three convict camps were wiped
out clean by the governor's uel, nnd
under the order, the former prisoners
merc-lurcd to fulLcitueiihip.r
"The leasing of prison convicts'
said the governor today, "is gTeatly
nbuxcd. Miscarriage of justico has
sent scores of men to the peniten
tiary and convict camp for pelly of
fense. The system is all wrong. All
the men I pardoned were convicted of
petty offenses. .My net is inteded as
u blow to the lease system and oilier
jolts equally ns crushing will be dealt
before I go out of office."
Hobcrt Hodgers, former attorney
general of Arkansas, bitterly de
nounced (lovernor Donaghey.
"The governors act," said Kod
gers, "was tlm act of either a maniac
or of a man allowing splto and re
venge to outweigh the Interests of
tho public. These pardous turn
loose more than one-third of the
state's convicts."
NKW YORK, Dee. 17. To testify
at tho money trust investigation in
Washington, J. P. Morgan and his
sou started for tho capital loday in a
special train.
Morgan and liis son were accom
panied by numerous lawyers, clerks,
secretaries nnd stenographers.
Dl'SSKLDOKK. Germany. Dee. 17.
Tho polilienl police havo confis
cated 20,000 copies of ft socialist
nnti. military pamphlet printed in
Dusscldorf. With tho war cloud still
hovering over tho political horizon,
(he agitations nnd propugnndu ot
tho socialists aro receiving closer at
tention from the police than has been
tho easo in years.
DKS MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 17.
"There won't bo any Danama I'aoifio
exposition. Tlioso poor, ntisu"ulod
persons on Iho Paeifio slopo nro
wasting (heir money. They had bet
ter bo directum their energies in pre
paration for Judgment day. For thu
good Lord J Kemp: to imnj- tins
.world to an end in 1013."
This wns tho declaration hero ol
ttov. William Parkhurst, pastor of
tho First Adventist church, who
backed his assertion with many quo-
tationa from tho lbblo. IIo also
poinled to (ho Balkan war aa partial
proof, of his predicliou,
Blame (or Confession Put Upon Per
secution hy Attorney for Defense
Jury Secured, Majority From
Ashland, to Try Accused Man.
Five Doctors Summoned to Explain
Effect on Mind of Third Degree
Treatment Given Defendant.
After examining 45 veniremen a
Jury was secured to hear the case
of the state vs. Seymour alias Park
er for the murder of George Dedas
katous a Orwk In this city on tho
night of September 22. 1912.
Tho jury Is as follews: J. A. Cook.
blacksmith. Gold Hill; M. M. Shel
don, Ashland; Fred llcrrln. stock
man, Ashlaud; C. H. Hosley, mer
chant, Ashland; F. W. Adams, or
chardlst. Central Point; A. J. Dun
lap, former, Willow Springs; C. M.
Chapman, farmer. Talent; S. S.
Stevens, farmer, Phoenix; P. Provost,
merchant, Ashland; M. C. Edlngton,
Ashland: F. L. Camps, photographer,
Ashland; Peter Flck, farmer, Jack
sonville. Claim lAst Mind
Tho attorneys then made their
opening statements and the taking
of evldtinco-'began. The-case-will
probably go (o tho Jury Wednesday
Attorney McCabc for the defenso
In his opening statement declared
that Seymour had gono to tho pool
room on Fir street with Spanos and
that about 9 o'clock ho went to tho
Seattlo rooming house and went to
Ho stated that his client for threo
weeks remained In the city following
the crime, making no attempt to get
McCabo then charged that follow
ing Seymour's arrest lie. was placed In
close confinement by himself. He
stated that Spanos' confession was
continually drilled lu upon Seymour
until he lost his mind and finally
made an alleged confession, lio
charged that tho officers had threat
ened him continually, when not hold
ing out promises of liberty to him.
"They continued this," declared
McCabe. "until Seymour's tnlnd
yielded and he repeated word for
word almost tho statements ot
Spanos. Then they took him out of
tho cell and giving him full rations
permitted him to llvo as tho other
prisoners did.
"All this," thundered McCabe,
"took plalo In the twentieth century
lu tho county jail at Jacksonville
with Sheriff Jones, Jailor Kuton and
that sleuth-hound, that pusedo de
tective, Harry Hack, of tho Malt Tri
bune, working upon his mind with
nil ot their Intelligence to beat him
down. Gentlemen we will prove alt
ot this to yen."
Physicians Called
It became known today thai tho
defenso has subpoeaned four physi
cians of Medford who will bo ex
pected to testify as to tho psycology
ot tho human mind us to tho offect
of suggestion, hoping In this manner
to show that Seymour was In an tin-
(Continued on Page 3)
"All (he seas and rivers and foun
tains will turn to blood," said Park
hurst. "Hailstones weighing fif(y
soveu pounds will fall, nnd tho sun
will bo so hot that men will literally
bo burned alive. Next summer will bo
so hot that peoplo will bo cooked on
(heir bones. When you turn the
kitchen faueel next July warm blood
vill flow, and (ho soft skin of women
will break out in lonlhesomo sores,
nnd seven plagues will devastate the
Dr. Parkhurst mlvises the people
lo read (ho 2-UU chapter of Mntlhow,
verso 27, if thoy don't beliova it.
Bulgarian Premier Alleges That Fi
nancial Interests are Arrayed With
Turkey In Diplomatic tattle Over
Financiers Endeavor to Maintain In
tegrity of Sultan's DentAdrian
ople is Threatened.
LONDON, Dee. 17.YnrnTng to
European capitalists not to meddle
into the pence negotiations between
Turkey nnd tho-ltalknn allies unless
they wish to see rt renewal of hos
tilities was sounded here Ihts after
noon by Premier Daneff of Bulgaria,
one of the envoys, to the conference
in progress here, who alleged that fi
nancial interests are arrayed with
Turkey In (he diplomatic batllo over
pence terms.
Despite the pessimistic nttitude of
military observers here, who expect
the negotiations to fail I Premier
Daneff said there was hopo of on
arnicablo adjustment if the envoys
are allowed to fix the terms without
outside interference.
"Wo will concede minor points lo
Turkey," said Daneff, "anil tho
tennB of our indemnity demands may
perhaps bo ultered, but the sultan
wast weet oHrprwiim'dBMHd,in,""
eluding the disposition of Salonika
nnd Albania.
"If Turkey refuses lo accept the
boundary line we havo proposed I ntn
authorized to cable Sofia to fire on
"European financiers nro attempt
ing to make fnvornblo terms for the
sultnn by maintaining tho integrity
of the Turkish debt, which can mean
nothing but that the financiers aro
opposed to the allies. They should
remember that I have (he orders lo
have tho army renew its uttnek on
MONTREAL. Que., Dec. 17.--Implicating
many local Italians, at least
one of whom occupies a prominent
position In the community, Carlo Dl
Uattlsta, who Is lying within tho
shadows of tho gallows In the local
Jail today, In tho presence ot Judge
Leet, his counsel and court steno
graphers, gave a thrilling recital of
the countrywide operations of tho
black hand society and white slave,
traffic throughout Canada and the
United States.
Dealing with the white slave traf
fic. Uattlsta admitted that ho was one
of the moving spirits In tho work,
and claiming that the business was
organized on a systematic basis
throughout tho country, not only lu
Hastern Canada, but across tho con
tinent to the Pacific coast. Many ot
tho girls aro Canadian born, but quite
a per centage are brought from tho
old country for tho solo purpose ot
supplying disreputable houses
throughout the longth and brcudth
of Canada, Ho gave a cluo to the
numerous murders ot Italians which
havo taken place In Montreal and
olsowhero during tho past few years.
LISBON, Dec. 17. Great excite
ment prevailed here toduy over tho
discovery of u plot to establish a
military dictatorship in Portugal, in
which a part of (ho army wns sup
posed to bo implicated.
After an nil night session (ho cab-
tnct today kept nil wurshipa in (ho
harbor cleared for action nnd all
available troops under arms.