14 n i U ii.i .! i PAOIC STX. MEDFORD MATL TRTDITNR MEDFORD. QKIWQN. MONDAY, DKOKMHWR 10, tni'J, SPANOS BUY Y IN FIRST OUT LESS T DEGREE HAN ONE HOUR Game Fljjltt by Attorneys tor the De tense Made In Vain Owinn to Ovcr whelmlno Evidence Presented by State Which Included Confession of Accused Man. Thcro vnn n tliumpmfr of Impatient kuuckles upon a panel of ttio door opening into the jury room, when forty-rive minutes before twelve sol-cmn-fneed, "Reed men nud truo" lintl retired to consider the fate of Mike Cliritdo Spnnos, charged by the great commonwcnlth of Oregon with the gravest of offenses the murder, with deliberate, malice nml fore thought, of George Dedasknlous in tlio rity of Mcdford near the hour of midnight, September Ui Kor three lay theso jurymen luul hung nwn every word uttered in tho courtroom nl thd county JM'nl, patniully aware of the great, duty nml respoiwibility laid non them. They had witnessed tlio atntc bringing in exhibit after exhibit tending to hhow tho guilt of the defendant. They hnd listened to wrangles between the attorneys. They had heard witnesses who faltered and they hnd heard witnesses voice crisn short answers. They had lis tuned to tho pleas of the attorneys for tho defense and the demands of the prosecutor. They had received their instructions from tho judge, and were told that they were the sole jmlccs of the fuels. Ami slowly and solemnly they had retired from tho courtroom. Then, forty-five minutes later, came tho impatient rapping up on tho door. Few heard tho alarm. Tho court room which had been jammed with iutercbtcd spectators, anxious to wit ness a trial where a man's lifo was at Make, was empty save for a few. The wife of tho defendant, tho judge, at torneys for tho defcuso and a couple of newspaper men only wcto waiting. A jury may bo out fivo minutes or five days. Following tho alarm a bailiff came into tho courtroom. Addressing tho court ho stated briefly: "Tho jury has reached n verdict, your honor." "You will notify tho sheriff to brine tho defendant Into court." Th.cn came a short wait. The news that a verdict had been reached spread through tho court house al most instantly and officials, clerks, deputies, appeared almost as if 03 inngic. Then came the defendant. Not spritcly as bis age would naturally iihsuro, but slowly as if fearful of what he had to learn. First degree? Second degree! Manslaughter? Accpiitlnl? Slowly he took his place whore ho had sat unsmilingly through fivo weary days, hearing words which would snvo and words which would condemn. A gavel fell. "Von way bring tho jury in, Mr. Uailiff." A door opened. Slowly down the nislo filed the twelve men. The de fendant glanced but an instant at their faces us if he would read them. Then his eyes fell to the table before him. The cleclrio lights wero without power. Dusk was rapidly approach ing. Tho courtroom was darkened, gloomy. Tho jury took their pluces in tho box. "Havo yon reached a verdict, gen tlemen," (iiiericd tli,r court. "Wo have," rcsjwnded their fore man. "You may mss it up by the bailiff." A sheet of paper was handed the bailiff and ho in turn hnuded it Jo the judge. Ho opened it Hcanued it. Thou ho began to read. At tho first word tho defendant leaned forward, his eyes intent upon the faeo of tho judge. "Gentlemen heur your verdict," eamo tho words. Then slowly and solemnly, reading from tho paper, ho contiuued, "In tho circuit court of tho state of Oregon, in und for Juck non county. The stalo of Oregon vs. Miko Spanos and Frank Seymour. Sepuruto trial of Mike Spanos. Ver dict. We, your jury, find tho de fendant, Miko Spanos, guilty of mur der in tho first degree." As tho words censed Iho defendant, only a boy in years, sank n littlo for ward in his ehuir, his fuco a little whitor. No chango of expression, no hysterics, no breakdown. Tho poll ing of the jury followed. Then they wero discharged. Azuin tlio 'Judge spoko. This time mOro rapidly. "Tho oustoinary two days in which to enter motions on tho part of the dofenbo ore granted. I will pass sentenco noxl Suturduy morning. The defendant is remanded to tho cus tudv of tho sheriff." Tho gavel dropped again. When tho tap enmo tho wife of tho defendant, more than twico his age, rushed to tho side of her mnto and threw herself in his arms. Then he freed himself and shook each of his attorneys by tho hand, ihunkiug them for their efforts. Then he turned to the sheriff niid wns led away. Miko ClirNto Spanos had been found guilty of one of the coldest blooded murders in the criminal un nnU of southern Oregon, lie had lured a friend ubout tho city in search of mysterious "girls" until he got him into it secluded spot wheiv lie and his partner in crime. Frank Seymour, bent hint to death with iron club, cut his throat and robbed him. The law fixe the penalty, lie must be "hanged by tho neck until dead." Only one man has tho power to save his life now the pivcronr of the state. The attorneys for the defense. Hugh and Harvey OeArtnond, made a jramo fight for their client. In the face of insnrnnonntnble odds they strove to save hi life. He had con fessed that he was guilty and that confession was admitted ns evidence for it wa shown that it had not been obtained in an improper manner ns they tried to prove. Harvey DeAr moud's plea before tho jury was a masterly effort, but he had no fact upon which to hang his plea. District Attorney Mulkey's plea before the jury, is said by court nt Umlauts to hnvc been ouo of tho be -4 ever delivered in the courtroom at Jacksonville. He had the facts and Hie ability to plead his case nud the verdict wns tho result. Spanos is calm in the county jail it is over, nud his mind is at ro.-t. Ills keepers sav ho seems in belter spirits nnd cats heartier than at any timo during his confinement, await iug trial. DECIDUOUS RUIT SEASON N SCHOO TAX AT ASHLAND m ASHLAND. Ore., Dec. 16. A levy of eight mills upon assessed valuation of School District Number Five was authorized at tho meeting of the voters of tho district held on Monday afternoon In tho city hall. Tho es timated resources and expense of tho district for the year arc as fol fel fol eows: Kxpcncs Sinking fund 13.000 Interest .......-...... .. ...... . 5,000 Lights, telephone, repairs, sidewalks, insuranco -1.500 Teachers Salaries 2J.900 Janitors - 2.00 Office supplies .... 200 Supplies for departments 2,230 Apparatus .............. 1.000 $15,030 ItcMiurrcs Countr $10,100 State. - - I.930 High School 3.000 Eight mill tax 30,000 115,350 F AT IN CALIFORNIA The I'aliforuia Fruit Distributors of Sacramento say: The deciduous fruit season of Cal ifornia came to n close on Decem ber "ith. nt which time three cars of grapes were reported as leaving the state. Since then no shipments ho been reported, ami the announcement made Inst week that tho season was closed, is correct. This letter is is sued for the purpose, of bringing the total shipments of the season up to date, which arc as follews: Comparative statement, of ship tnnnts: Dee. 7th 1011 lOl'J Cherries 'JUIU. 'JIHj Apricots J'J'UA Ut 4 IVaehes J0'J7 HViV'i lMums Infill I77f)2 Fears :'.! Vi :u :mw. Grapes (ni7-IH tKWir's Sundry lUVt lli l'J.olSVi 13.11 KM, The season in some respects has been a very trying one, and the mar ket for some varieties has been ex ceedingly poor. This is notably the ene with caohes, and to a certain extent with groos, although the lat ter portion of the season for the last named variety has been far hotter than usual. Pro-iu'eN for the fu ture are ver encouraging us the bud development of our trees nud vines is all that can be desiied. With a reasonable rainfall California will produce in UU3 her usual fine out put of fruits of all kinds. CATTLE RECEIPTS LIGHT; rOHTLAND, Ore. Dec. 1C Tho receipts of cattle havo been light this week, ko the market has been holding steady and stronger than tho week previous. Several loads of steers brought $7.25 per hundred. Choice cows and heifers have found ready sale at strong prices, but the ordl narygrado of she stuff went at barely steady prices. Heavy receipts of hogs In the yards for tho week. Good demand for choice hogs wolgblnR around 300 pounds, and prices about tho sumo as last week or $7.75 for tops. Itccclpts of sheep and lambs not extra heavy but enough to meet kil lers needs. Heat lambs bringing $tj.25 per hundred. Host ewes $1.00 and best wethers $5.00. Itccclpts for tho week were: Cat tle, 990; calves, 9; hogs, 3520; sheep, 5030; horses, -it. Mcdford Printing company carry a full lino of local blanks. Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DRAIN TILE STANDS ALL TESTS Examine our goods and got our prices before buying Elsewhere. NOW IF YOU WANT TO VOTE FEW WOMEN OUT U you waul to vole at tho ap proaching city election, register now. Soon It will bo too lute. Kvery cltUon of the city; male or female, who wishes to voto on Jan uary It, nt the city election, must register. It makes no difference If ou regis tered for tho state election or not. Tho city has Us own registration Inw and to voto nl a city election, nil must register. The board of registration began Its sessions Saturday. They will sit In tho council chambers at the city halt from 1 to i o'clock each day this week, lie sure and register and do It now. Opening day was not a very great success only a few appearing to rogl ter. The number of women was small. Tho members of the registration board aro .Mrs. A. II Schuster. James Stem art nnd J. A. Tevlcr. CAUSE OF THE GRIPPE How to Kvnpo Us Dangerous After Kffocts With so much grippe prevalent this winter a Tew words of nth lea regarding Its cause nnd treatment will not bo out of j.lace. Urlppo Is nu Infectious disease easily taken whon tho system Is In a tired or run-down condition. Tho best means of prevention nro to keep tho blood In good healthy condition, and It tlio system gets Into a weak, run-down condition, take VI uol, our delicious cod liver nud Iron tonic. A lady from Long llranch, N. J., says: "Urlppe left mo In a ner vous, weakened, run-down condition. After tnkliiK thrco bottles of Vlnol I am better and stronger than 1 have been for years, and I cheerfully rec ommend Vlnol to all who have suf fered from tho grippe and need strcugtli." (Name furnished on re quest.) Wo havo nnvcr sold In our storo such a vaiunblo strength (relator and health restorer for the convalescent, tho weak and run-down as Vlnol, and your money will It returoed ir It docs not do all wo claim for1 It. Mcdford Pharmacy. HOUSEFUL OF GOOD STOMACHS No More Htoiimt'li Mltery or ludlges. lion In tlio Home Where Ml-O. NA Stomach Tablet Are Ai wa) s Handy Gnu, heaviness, sourness, belching nnd misery from undigested food vanish In u few minutes when one or two Mt-O-NA Stomach Tablets aro taken, Keep n box In your home. Carry few with you wherever you go. nnd you nro mighty certain to compter Indigestion the minute It begins to start a disturbance In your stomach. Ml-O-NA saves lots of misery and many lives every year bemuse. If taken regularly It will make the stomach so strung and euorgetlu that you can eat anything you want with fear of distress. Druggists everywhere, 50 cents. Clms. Strang will refund our money It dlsnntls (led. Kreo trial treatment of Ml-O-NA from lluoth'H Ml-O-NA, lluffalo, New York. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. Public Lsnd Msttera: Final Proof. Desert Lands. Concept ana Mining Cssm Bcrto 4-fHfK- DOLLS Our last word in Dolls Nothing reserved ALL AT COST We need tlio room This is your chance MEDFORD BOOK STORE 44000 Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE County Bank Jackson Mcdford, Oregon It has succeeded becauso of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $176,000.00 W. I. Vawtcr .President O. R. Lindley, Vico Pros. O. W. McDonald, Cashier MEDFORD CHORAL SOCIETY will render the t t f ? t f f t t r & ROSE MAIDEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 at the N ATATORIUM at 8:30 p. m. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra - 60 Performers T t f t f t ? T T t $M$0 RESERVED SEATS FIFTY CENTS On sale at Haskins, Hotel Nash, Hotol Hol land, Flagg's Music Storo. ? T T t t t t T t f $ t t T t t t t t f Mum's The Wordt VVvUd 'C XMAS GIFT! HHppcm urn tho nunt coiufortnolo and practical gift wo can glvu tho gentleman. . iNow U tho time to utnko your no lection. Drilling' '(lOOn I'lT HIIOIJ HTOItli" fwkgy -rtl 'Btfwl T rPfi w v . h H 04XJ! dL VUtwvX d VIOltY of fort Iuih iMi limdo to iiH- HtMiihlo dlMtinctivo and ust'ful gift things gift h that will please in every detail. iMany tasty bits or personal jewulry, reeent fivations, aro lMiiigsht)Wii for the firxt tinio in Med ford. Our eonipleto stoek of Diamond Jewelry will solve many gift problems. Everything that, is good in the jewelry line. Diamonds, Watchos, Jowolry, Toilot Sots, Silvor Sorvico, Vanity Set, Mosh Bag, Coin Holdor, Cigarotto Oaso, Match Safo, Card Case, Gold or Silvor; Knifo or Pencil, Um brella, Cut Glass, Clock. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER, NEAR P J -r . o. ULJLzSlL Chewing Gum COLGANS CHIPS "The Gum That's Round" Put Up in Clean, Handy, Sanitary Tin Boxes "The Neat Way" Sovon Chips for a Nicklo. ALL DEALERS Register Now at City Hall For Annual City Election to beheld January 14, 1913 Registration Books open from 1 to 7 p. m. up to and including December 26, 1912 Every Voter Must Register