'ivyi '"' -' a Jeff Doesn't iTirrr -... ...- i Ut nt:r: v.. . . . - "' kinn.i or mu usri ggt STAMDhG- ww,M rKi r buck AT, NAT ON TUESDAY ' Out' til I In' ii'itHiiiiK w mi much inton! rciili'ik iiImmiI I In ItiiMi Mitt ili'li, U (lint it lui- lii'i'ii inmrril with moio'iuiie limn U uxuully the eim Mum. 'I In elmnm ami nrcheMrii liuvv In mi ichcurMiig, nut fur weeki ImiI On iiiuiilli. Tin" hhIiiIhIh include MHiin nf tliti best nliiKiTrt In Mrrifunl. ThU i milliing nut Hi' Hi" iiriliiuiiy ill .Mrdfonl, which lmn mi iiiiiiiv fine fur tni'ily inifnMiitiiil lutiftifiniifct hut limy till' IhU time hiiimii It'll li.v Hii" hoi.t iinln'clrii lltiil lonil liilrnt hut itnr iiiimIiii'i'iI hi-if. . I tul I hi' iiiui'iiul ri'iiKuii why u much iiitiTi't it iitltirhed In the per S Intinuni'O which In ho gaen Turn iIiin ut I In- Niiliiluriuiii i Ih" fact tlnil iiniii tin' I'm or Unit it receive liy I In' mullcnce. mill liiriili'iitullv up iii I ho hire ol' tlin iiuilu-iiiT. Mill tie iM'iul ilu it turpi' frtixe Itiu fruNihilily to ulvii ut n Inler limn m HpriiiK Fe-tl-ji of AfiiHlc nml iniiLn Hint even! mi uiiuuiil nffiilr. The uni'-lo Imhijr mi. Jllu nf llllit tnWll might til glVO till' Ummi Muiili'ii kiii'Ii niiiliul rvLTillnii I hu I iIiomi giwiur their liui" "'"I '""I c r fill In In lU pioiluelinii tuny con tinue thi'ir inliniH Kith onlhuiIn.m. Tim following U lliu iirguiueul of tlin litii-llii: Tim wv of llm flimrr fniilr, Wi'nr.v if ii lifo "f niibiulfii fiilm, iniy nf ilu newly n'luriu'il iiHnj Hint hu will lu-low Umiii Iiit iiInii till' xltl of lo.' that lu lii'MmvK iimui mull. ll wiini hor nf llm nl iho ititKi, hut flnnllv vli'Wn In Iiit "Mi Uoiitlci. Iiv rlmiiKiiiK Imr li't' n hui into llm form nf n hi'iitiliful tll. I'llih'i" tin Hlillli' nf Hiirlll" Viii. hr WHinliT- tliiniKih tin' unrhl In filial llm lui' llmt kIm' -I'i'ki. nml uii'utn with h xiil wliii. Inning hrrn hilrii.Mil nml ili-ord'il hv Iut luvrr, i;-i Iiit mue nml ilii" liruken-hi-iirtcll. Hut, timU'li'irril fruin Imr muiri'li, ltui'hliMiiu licriuni'M Ilu1 "'tfc nf fiii"lr, itli wliiiin hlm II'iv fur ii linn- hi ihtHtI luiiiiin"". Tin' I'hi'i hcMill llm fnlo uf their ijut'i'ii nml m ri' ho at fiilul to irut'o nml hiiiiini'-H, OREGOfFifiE "SB WAHIIINdTO.V. loc IK. Tim ln liirNlnto I'uiuiiu'iTo CoiiuuIhhIou Ik-M uiirciiHuiiuhlo uxlhlliiR rulpn uu (nilm ami w'Ki'tnhloH from. l.milHlniui nml Tjwin iHilntu; on niilc unit othur ilcclduoiiK' (rullH (ruin Oii'Koii) I'Uili nml liliilm, nml uu cllnu mul iluchl nulla fiultM, cmiimil kuuiIh nml vckci luhU'ii Hum Ciillfonilii iiiIiiIh to Cniufonl, Null., unit iillu'r .. iiililillu M'Hl lIl'NtlUMllullH, ' i r ,Tlm i'oiiiiiiIrhIoii nnlnrfil nn nviir iibii uf iiiii'uxlninlcly 'Hi per emit ru iluutlun In rates, the rmltiml rnttm to enum In t'tfoul iilmut two oum fruuv I'oluimry t m t. . , Nnlltt. Nullrii In licioliy kIvuii tlint Dm nn iIijihIkikmI will iUUl" to tlm rlty rouTi ill at Ilu iimutliiK to hu Imlil Jnu -. IV 13, for u lUciow to'Hi'll iiiiilli..iililt' iioiiii nml vluoiiH.Kqiioi'H In iiiuutltlc4 Iccfl tliuu n ruIIoii nt lUi iluci)'U( IiiihI ii?hh on lot tU, block Ml. city of Moil foul for it porloil of lx uiontliH. HOMiANI) HOTHIiCO. imU'il Don. II, lUl'J. t xiyritK, fNolleu Ih horoby Rlyoii tljnt wo, tlm uijilurMlKiimt, bolnj; tnorotlinn ton IKjr cunt at tbo tuxpayorH of Uouil DMilt-t No. 12, of jRcknon icounty OfHKon, burn by lvo notlco Unit n iih'oIIiik of tbu tnximyuiK of mild road illHlrlct will bo hold at DubmiKcr t!iu, JiuiliHon county, )i'oit)l. lu8alU dit trct on tbo :i0lh dny of. Diicambar, fl-, nt tbo hour of onn o'clock p. in, Haiti iirhUIiiu will bo hold imr euaiU to vcv'Uou 0331 Loid'tj Oregon ''Z&mZSS ' - FTlWfc I I J V ' ""wwwrWi!l t r - ROE MADEN Care Much About Bike Racing, f uonn i'l.rt.y T6 (TftNO ) lw ' " ' J ' ' I N J J w l - . i i ' -V. i i flif!). I 1 V ... i -" luwn nml tlm object or mill nivntliiR In, by innjurtl)' role of tbo tnx pnyiT of Hiihl dUtrlct nt unlit mri't I ii K, to lovy Htirli Hilitllloiml taxim nit tlmy nmy dorm mlvlHnhlu to lttipruu tbo ronllH of until dUtrlct. Dr. K, KlrrhRfwiiirr, 1 II. Thorn, brim, M- II. (Mnlun, I). H. Uiih.cH. C. II. IViili-m. Mrn. Mury V (Inuc, (3. 0. (InKO, (I. II. Jobimton, Mm. M. 13. Mlilillnbiinlmr, II. 13. AkIi, John II. Miller,' T. II. Luwmm, (1. W. U'oik, T. J JoliiiKon, It. II. Ilnwiion, l. J. Mnrrk, A, K It. AlbrlRbt, Mm. H. K. AlbrlBbt, John V. Wnrncr. John -T, I'ry, J. M, rttorm, W, II. Morrluinii, Oliver (liilniti, Cnrl T Kknunu, OroiRo 1'unk'k, J, T .iinimorlri', NV, T. lluiiDluii. W. I Moritnu, T. C OariKn. J (' llnnuuh, T W. l.ill. I?. II, Hiilli X. K. FnMn Dated tlil Sib day of December. POLITICAL ANNUNCEMENTS. lX)HtXll'.ai.MAN (il7ll. II. tin will Annoiiucca bl candldncy for coun cilman, Uciond Wnrd, Mcjford. (I'ald Adtt.) j. v. iii:iiiu.N HuliiulU Ills tiHiuo to tlm Tnturi of tbu l-'lrnt Ward as a cnudldnto tor roiincllmnu. IP P.I.CCTCD I Wll.l. 8TUIVH TO DO ItlOIIT. (I'nld Advt.) J. 13. (Jnk) Hlcimrt I hereby aunouure onyimlf a a cundldato 'for councilman from tbo second ward. J. 12.- tltownrl, 70S Went 10th. (Paid Adrt.) K, M. Aiulrrs I hereby announce injsvlf an can dldntu for cotiuetliuan lu tbo first ward. (Paid Adrt) George V. l'orler I lmrowltb annouueo ni)olf as candidate for councilman In llm first ward. (l'ald Advt.) i D. J.Ktull I horoby nunounco tnysolt as can dldato fur councilman In tbo second ward. (Paid Advt.) J. Ii. Dcniuirr I herewith nunounco mysolf as ciiuilldatu for roiincllmnu In tlm third wnrd. J. h. Doimnor, CU'J NV. Jack nun. (IMId Adt.) A. K. Illllou Aiiuuuiicoa bin rnndlilucy for conn cllurnu from tbo Third Word. lCluc tluii Jniiaryyl, 11)13. li'ani Aim. i Mill M.VYOIt, j.'w. sfltclH'll In nunoiiucliiK my cnudldncy for (bo mnjnraliy, I wIhIi to tiny tbnt, as wo hnvu oory nsituraucu of n most lirofimroiiM ymr, lot uii-Ktiurd iiKlnt cr nil i lu iiubllii uffulrH. Now, nH to tbu tiubllu murkot, I waul to uny that I nut, and nhvaju havn been, a atroui; advocato of tbo tmblh innrkot. I wan auiniiK tlm flriit of tbo council to (uor ami pro mote It, I reel that tlm miextiRs of our market In duo nu numb to my olofrtn as any other moinbor of tbo council. I uhnll, It ducted, uao uvcry bonornblo ofrorl to maUo It a coullnuodi nuccoKH, ns I nmllsn tbo Kroat bonoflt It, la to both producer nud coueuuior. ' Now, as to tlm saloons. So long an tbo Htalo and tbo city llcouuo ilium to do biiHlucHU, tlmy aru outltlod to do bo;, but 1 am a atrouii advocato of law oufarcuutont, as tha l&wu oxlut, mid wbon tbo luwa nro wroug. wo ha,voN( remedy,- It'arup to tbo tiuJillc. I firmly bollovo lu iloTuiopniont and prourcus, but not to tbo extent of reckless oxtrnvnRiincc. Wo must mmrd nguliiBt this rocklesanosa, but nut to tbo oxtout of retraction. I mu strlctlyi .ounoHod to any special privilege, jxb to Jooatlona, porsona or corporations, but ndboro rigidly to tho boat lntoroBt.e ot tbo public, 1 bul(ovo that tho eamu consldora OTDFOTID MATf; TflTTTONTq. UWILS w vio cor nm I TMOM WOOKA OM60 , tmuwtmw a-tt , tlon 1m duu to tbo Indies ns to tbo tuon, lu nil our public ntfulrs. (Paid Advt.) W. V. i:ifrt for llm Information ot tbo voters ot Med ford, I tnko tbls method of announcing my ponitlon on tbu prlu el put iiKHtloiiH of Interest to tho ptioplu of our illy, If (ilcclcd, my limn nud services will ulwnya bo avulliiblo to tbo pub lic nud silRKestloiiN mid criticisms will nt nil times receive most care ful consideration. When ctcr It Is apparent tlut tlm majority of our t'ltUitus nro united lu opinion oppo site to my Individual views. I will )lcld to tlm majority, icsnrdlcss of my (lersonnl opinion. Our public market nhoiild bo en cnuriiKcd nud ileveloiieiUnloiiR surh lines ns will result In tho greatest ml vaiifnco to tbo community. Our laws rcRnrdlug sanitary con ditions nhonld bo nctlvely enforced, mid nupplemented by others If tbo I'XlstliiR ordlunnccH nro lundeiiiate. My oxperli'ures bun convinced tuu Hint tbo ntiRRestloiiN offered from Hum to llmo by tbo women of tbo community, even befor tbo hrUI of nuffraRo was extended to them, havn nlwn) been of value, and should rc colvo tbo utmost coiihlderatlou. Our premiut laws resulatlnR the salmius nud tho sulo of Ihiuor, and sneb other restrictions as tbu council or peoplo may hereafter enact, should bo rlutdly enforced, and If foilud lndouato. or lusufflcleut. should bo nmeniled, Our wntor rates should bo rovUcd to Hint tho cost of uinlntennnco, nud tho necessary contributions to tho slukliiR fund may bo equitably dis tributed atnonc tho consumers, but no surpliiH should bo accumulated at (bo expense of tbo rata payer. Tho work of tlm flnanco commit tee and of tho other principal com mittees of the council should be open to ttiiKRcstlon and subject to criticism, and tbo criticism, surrcs tlons, and co-operation of representa tives of our various , civic bodies should bo Invited and cncouraRcd In such work. . If elected I ptedgo no belt to uno my utmost endeavor to carry out tho Ideas outlined above, and to Rlvo Medford nu Impartial, proercsslvo, business administration. (Puld Advt.) J. V.. Wntt "At thu Milicilntion of taatty riti xeim I Imvo ileuiileil to beeomo a eun diiliito for tho ot'ficn of mnynr nt tho oouiuii eleelion in January. In thin ioimvelioii I wihh to Htuto that if elected, I will mm my lu'ht efforts to tIvo tlm city u olcim biiiue.srt 4il uiiuUtrntioii. ( l'ald Advt.) J. 13. CiAlra During tbo tast ton days n nuiubc of cltlxeuR uavo canon upon mo, ru iiestlm; mo to becoino u caudldalo for mayor of tbo city of Medford. After duo eonnlderatloii nud consul tntlou with clttzous lu nil linos ot busluesn, 1 havo doiided to nunounco myself us n caudldalo for ttald offlvo, I thorotoro present to tho voters ot Mmlford, tor tholr coualderatlou, my platform, which la an follews: An honest, open and ntiovo-bonrd, NEW TODAY A. party with a Kood hnuao In Medford, worth $a.'i0(i, wmlta to ox uhnnRO for n Kod Hiuall tract near nomo Reed town. Prom It) to -It) acroH' proforred. . ( A party with 10 muoa halt lu thruQ-year-old trees, balance hay, two mlU'n from Central Point, worth 12500,00. Will take u tlvu puaaou or nuto ns part pay, A flno 120 aero Block (ndvtrult ranch 3 miles tiom Gold Hill, US Heron In cultivation, new bulldluija, flno equlpmont, and somo stocU, $175 uu aero, entry torius on half, G. D. HOON Room lii, Jacksou County, Bauk Uldg. TtnsmromOmWt Anyway clean cut business administration. A fair and square deal at all times. K(iial rlRhts to all. Hpcclal prlr- HcRca to none. A Rcnuluu peoples public market. KeRardluK tbo' ll'inor (inestlon. Porsonnlly I do not drink, never have, but as long as tbo Rovorumont, nlulo and city llcenso saloons, and under strict regulation they obey tbo law, they nro entitled 4o protection. Hbould they persist In dlxobeyliiR tbo law, their llcenso should bo revoked. A careful accounting ot all finan ces. All disbursements subject to pub lic Inspection and open for pupbllca tlon by the city press. Dun consideration of all petitions for and against public Improvements. A rigid practice of economy, except when such economy has a tendency to retard progress. I will further nil progressive mat ters of general impruicmcut for tho city, but such must romo within tbo scope ot good business, I shall endeavor, to uso my best efforts fur tho keeping of tho city lu a sanitary condition at all times. Whereas, after yonrs ot struggle, llm women havo been given the prlvllcgo of exercising their rights of cltlxeiishlp, duo consideration will bo given them on nil matters ot pub lic Importnucc. Should I bo elected, I assuro thojftcoplq, that I will bo mnor lu f sir ns well an name. 1 will not bo the tool of any clique. and will bo Influenced only by what f bcllevo to lu right and equitable. It tbo nbovo platform meets with your approval and you believe I am capable ot filling tbo offlco, I will appreclato your support. a H. GATES. (Paid Advt.) Foit iti:.vr iiousi:ki:i:pi.no ROOMS FOR ItBNT Suite of three rooms complete!) furnished lor light housekeeping. 103 Bast 11th street. 230 I 7 . : ' - - l'OII HKNT FIRNLSIIKD AITS. FOR HUNT Smith Auta. 217 8. Hlv, FOR RENT Furnished apartment new, prlvato bath, hot water heat. Tho Ilerbeu Apartment, 10 Quluco 8t., corner West Main. 1HU RENT HOUSES FOIt RENT- Modem five room bun galow, pined htrcet, close lu, $12 Apply nit) S. Holly street. 2.'U FOIt RENT Furnished house at IS North liartlett St. 232 FOIt RENT fi room modern fur nished house nt 003 P.uk Ave In quiroOao S. Ivy St. 3S FOIt RENT 0 room modem bun galow, ll'.'.uo, water paid. En qulro. Sll North Rlvcrsldo ave nue, ' 23! FOR RENT Modem ft room fur ulslied bunco. Call ut GO North Orange. FOR RENT five room, modem ho u so with barn mid 3 lota. Call nt 43 North Front St. FJJR RENT- 0 room modern bun galow, practically now. Medford Really & Improvement Co, FOR RENT I room houso! I ft. 00 per mouth. Cold Itay Realty Co. FOIt RENT Two room bachelor homo, 211 W, Mil Hi. Heo White & Trowbridge. FOR RENT 10 room hoima rear of Farmor.1 & Frultgrowera batik, Hiiliublo for business, real eutntu, boarding or roomlug liouso. Cold Ray Ronlty t'o., Cth and Fir StM, FOR HKNT FLR.VlSHi:i, ROOMS FOIt UKNT Silting room, and sleep lug porch, llalb. electric lights, nud gas cheap, Phono 71. 231 FOR" RENT Modern furnished rooum at (bo Cottage, GO I West 10th ut., two blocks south Medford Ilotol. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs, 11 M, Coss," 274 FOR RENT Largo aleoplug room, $(,50 nud $2 per wook. Modern housekeeping apartments, $15 and $l(li Home phone, 2GG-K. 222 South Holly. FOIt RENT Strictly modern, tom honied furnished room with board for two peoplo. 219 S. Riverside. 218 lfl. 1012, roit iin.vr rin.Msiii:i) iioo.ms KOIt ItKNT Furnished rooms cheap .131 W, Cth SL 231 roit hi:nt ori-'iciis t'OH HKNT 1-irgc, tomfortnblo of fice rooms with clovntor sorvke, steam bent, hot and (old water. Low rnlm. Apply Medford I'tinil turo & lldw. Co. on iti:,vr Misfi:iiiaxi:ot'K FOIt ItBNT- Ktoragn room, flro and frost proof. Inquire ot Scott Davis, 01 N. Oakdale. 228 KOIt IjKASB Fully equipped placer mine. Cold Hay Realty Co. FOIt IU3NT -Hunches. largo and small, alfalfa and garden lauds. Cold Hay Realty Co , Gth nud Fir. FOIt UKNT- 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Cold Itay Realty Co. FOIt RI3NT 1C room rooming house over KUert's tailor hhop, 207 W. Main. Seo White & Trowbrldgn. FOIt KAMI HOl'Si:S FOR SAI.K 1 room furnished mod ern hoiiM; In Medford on largo lot. well flnlsucd In side. 75 acre. timber on splendid land, parlly creek bottom 23 miles from Med ford. All for I32U0 cash. Inquire P. O. Ilox CCS. 254 FOR BALK 1 room hoiwo and lot $700. 1100 cash nud 110.00 per month. Gold Hay Realty Co. FOIt SAL!: A bargalu. completely furnished three room house, water, electricity, one block from pave ment. 9COO-00. terms. Inquire 120 North Front St. 225 FOR SAL13 ACRKAd'i: FOR SALE Ranches, aero tracts, town property, from $5 per acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Cold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SALI3 MISCiILLANEOl'S FOR SALE -Kugllbh walnuts at Gear' ranch, phone l;-?, 232 FOR SALE A-f blocle! Address Ilox A. 2. caro Mali Tribune. 220 FOIt SALE Scotch Collie puppies. Pedigreed nud from host stock. Stanton Crlffls, Ilurrlll Orchard, phone Cll-J-3. FOR SALE Dry oak wood. 319-R. Phono 24S FOIt SALE 17 fluo White Orping ton cockerels and 3 Huff Orping ton cockerels, very flue stock. Hox 73. Talent. Phono Phoonlx S15- lu, --0 FOR SALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as jou wish at tbo Mall Tribune. FOR SALE U'gal blanks, tresspass notices, for mIo or rout sliib'a at tho Mali Tribune. FOR SALE Fruit box labels lu ono two or threo colora. printed as you ordor at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at tho Mall Trihuuo office. FOR SALE Looso leaf ledgor sys tem, any stylo or Jtiado to ordor by the Mail Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Do ou want to buy bees. Now Is tho tl mo to plaeo them III )uur orchard. Stewart tho bco man breeds thrco and flvo banded Italians. Photo) 0102, P. O. box 631. 233 FOR SALE 1012 ft passenger nu totnobllo almost now. Uarnlu tor cash. Ilox 80, Trlbuuo. FOR SALE -Ono 10 II. P. horizon tal International Harvester Co guBolIno engine with magneto, iiniK- nine. etc.. All In first clasK condition. Practically new. Will sell nt u bargain. Address W. C. ClotuouU, Eaglo Point, Oro. 230 FOR SALE Eldvon standa of first claha beea, 1 secuutl hand llaby No. 1, DoLaval Cream Soparntor. Ada M. Judboii at il North Realty S,t. 22S FOR SALE Dry ITr, Oak or Ash wood, delivered on board cur at Wolf Crook, Oregon. Prices, body Fir, $4.00; second growth Fir, $3.75; Ash and Oak, $4.25. Jordan Hros.. Wolf Creek. Ore. 231 HELP WANTED IT-MALE WANTED Salesgirl for store. Ap ply. 422 W. Main. 230 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- A young Jtuwrj, cow 0. A. Mojoru, !0S Dakota, 229 WANTIID MIHCTvMiAXnoUH WANTKD Party with !000.00 to Invest lu a business that will pay several hundred per cent profit Will stand closest Investigation. Address C. J. S., Central Point. Ore. 228 WAXTIJD Old tmoks to roblnd or unbound hooka to bind. All work guaranteed. Mall Trillium offlco. WANTHD Up-to-dato peoplo to In stall modern looio leaf systems In their business. Any stylo and "Made In Medford." Mall Tri buno bindery. ANTIID Klgbt or leu loadu of di- iaed manure. O. Putnam. Mall Tribune office. tf WANTED Fresh row nml hnck. Phono r.07-J-fi. 22S W A N T 13 1) Light, houiokceplng rooms wltb private family, ground floor, close In. Pbonn C0S3. 229 WANTKD P.ialure and reed for 10 herd noting btock. Tlcknor & Doollttle. 230 WANTKD To borrow $ir,ot).0(i on good security on eloso In ranch. Addreits Ilox 10, caro Mail Tri bune. 228 for i:.cii.N(.i: for Exchange Thoroughbred n I. Red liens, laying; now. for dres ser. Phono Main 7952. 22S MONEY TO LOAN . MONEY TO LOAN $3000 or more on Improved city or ranch proper ty. R. F. 11., No. 2. nox 73. MONEY TO LOAN Ou city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, 1 O. block. phono 36S1. IICSINKSS DIRECTORY Attnriie)N C. I REAMES. LAWYER Offlco Medford National bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MKALEY - Attorneyu-ut-Lnw. Rooms 1 and 2, Postoffico bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corcy bldg. MULKBY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Room 11 nud 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at , law- Room 2, Rialto building. Medford, Oro. Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited uud kept tor u reasonable figure; our busiuess hollclted. Offlco, Medford Mail Tribune bldg.: phono CCll; resi dence phono U302. Auto .Supplies LAHEIt AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making sprlugs la tho tempering. Wo aro operating thu largest, oldest, and best equipped plant In. tbo Pacific uorthwebt. Ubo our bprlngn when others fall. Sold under guarantee 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. llrlck MEDFORI) 1IRICIC CO. Ceo. W. I'rlddy. O. D. Nuglo, Ceo. T. O'llrleu Contraclora and muuu faeturorH of brick: dealoru lu liresbcd lulck and lime. Offlco ut their brick yard) Wont Juckbon tt. Phono No. a 4 til. Clilftipinctors DR. A. 11. HEDGES, Dr. Louhso E. Hedges, Mcchuuo - Therapists, Chiropractors, SpoudylotboraplHts. These uystoniH, Including dlotetlcd. curntlvo gyiniiaaticB, hydro-thor-aphy, etc., prpdttco results lu both iir-ii t mul rlinitilii illseiiKim. Hnn. hultatlun treo. 230 North Hnrtlett Ht next uoor to .M. u. cntiren. Hours 9 a. in, to G, in. Othur houru by nppolutmeut. Hell phono Muiu 4171. DR. R. J. LOC1CWOOD. Chiropractor, nurvo Bpuelallbt. Rooma 203.01 00 Gtirnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor bating um(scientltlu massage given; advice lu dietetics, medical gym nastics, bydruptborupy, Lady at tendant. Phouo Home 140-L, Main 5712. CUll lingUiecr LOUIS W. WlfllTNG Civil euglnoer and surveyor, Water, fllluBs und Irrigation work a Bucclalty; aur voys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sowor dcMgn, ronoioio work. iuimi nml canal tOHtouui. Room 2, Palm hlk., Medford, Oro. , packs imrM By "Bud" Fisher "4 nusixnss directory Clilnee Jletllclnes CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso iuedlclne3 will cum rheumatism, catarrh, coldn, golttire, throat and IunK trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato diseases and all kinds ot chronlo nud norvour, altmcuU. Stomach trouble, ronsllpntlon. Indigestion, womb mid bladder troubles. Sco mn at 211 South Front nt., Med ford. Ore., to ! C:30 to 7:30. Residence phono .Main 42. Dentist. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC UR. C C. VAN SCOYOO OcntlstH Garnrtf-Corey bldg;., sulto Medford. Ore. Ilotli phones. 310. DR. ARTRMDS W. DEANB Dentist. Offlco III Rlalti) bldg., 123 East Main St. tins adinlulstorod for ex traction of teetb. Phone Malu C81. Night phono 4432. (inrbage GAItnAGK Got your promise cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phono Main 6201. K. Y. Allen. Notary IltMIc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pHl He. Urine your work to rae at tho sign ot Tbo Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree uro budded, not grafted, pur stock Ih not Irrigated. We goaranteo everything put out. We are not lu the truit. II. 1). Patterson. Offlco removed to office Hotel Nash. In sldo entrance, next to barber shop. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has tbo beat equipped printing office la bouthern Oregen: book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First. Phyidcluni anil Surgeans DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-117 Carnctt-Coroy bldg-.. phone 27S-K. Residence 420 South Laurel at DR. STEARNS Physician nnd eur geon. Office Jnckson County Rank bldg.. room;! 17-18-19, phono C50 1: rcsldcnco 307 South Oakdale at., phono 7171. Home phone, leal dcuco 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Pbyslelau and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LQCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dUiiuoi ot women. Offices over Ilnsklua drug storo. Office phono Main 1001; resldouce phono Main 7181 DR. J. J. BMMBNS Pbjalclau nud Burgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nobo nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tented and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St. Houra S:30 a. in. to 8 p. nt. Roth phones. E. II. PICKEL. M. I). Offlco Jaek Von County Rank bldg. Offlco phono Main 132; Rea. phono. Main GS2. DR. MARION Phvslclan and Hiir geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Hartlott bts., orflce phone, 271; rcsldeuco phone, 273. L KIRCIIGESSNER. M. D. Prac tleo lliultci! to chronlo dl8eacu. ortlcu Hotel Holland, Wcdneadayj 1U-3. HotlL pbouea. llesldnnco phenes: Farmer ltixxft Eaylo 1'olut mid Regno River lino. HERMANN F. HATTK, M. D. Of fice over Medford National Hank. Ofriro phono G701. Residence Hotel Hulland. CLuMtlv K, SAUNDERS. II. D, Prac tlco llhilted to eye, ear, noso und throat. Eyoa sclolitlflcally tosted und glasbOH furnished when neeilwl. Gnruett-Coroy bldg., second floor. lloth piioucR, MQUioru. ure. DR. MARTIN U. BARHER Physi cian und uttrgoon. Offlco Pulrq block, oppoulto Nuah Hotol, llpurs 10 to 12, I to 4, Phono Puclflo 1101. DR. It W. CLANUY Physician nnd Burgeon. Phones, office, D01; iob( deuce, 7241. Offlco houra 10 to 13, 2 to 5. Stenographers ELLA M. CAUNYAW Palm blk. Steuogrnphlo work dona quickly and well, " ""trvmihJcr E.DS TRANSFRR STORAOlB c6. - Office Ii; South Fir st, Phone Hell 31.12.: Home 300-K. frlM right. Service euarBtil. y , , i M 41 y fl s. f n J - !. " , -- , -. - r A M - rm f 9 ip j-tw'-,-x- ' i a