Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 16, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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vm fomi
JtoroitD mail tribune
hd rhmTiNO co.
..The IenHcrtlo TlntM, Thi Mfdford
Malt, Tho Menard Tribune, Ths Bouth
rn Orrg-enlan, Th Ashland Tribune.
, OfflM MaII Trlbuno tlulMInc, !S-S7.:s
ertn fit street; phone, Msln ion
leme 76.
Wnttrsd a eohflcUfi msttsr at
Hertford, Oregon, nJsr the et or
aiarcn 3, isu.
Ortlfllnl Pkamt of the Cllr of Mfor4
, Oflclsl I"'p?r of Jseksati County.
strmcHirTtov rates.
md... ............. n.oo
trinll so
-r month, delivered by carrier In
Mgiiroro. jacKionviiie ana cen
tral I'otnt. ..a............... ... .(0
tiinlar only, by mail, tir year.. '"
exiy. per year i.eo
One year, tor man
one momn, iy
Dally averaicn or eleven month! end
In r November 30, 1911. 1751.
Although It is attracting little at
tention and one hears little o( the
matter nt tho present time eighteen
men nro out In Medford after tlvo
Officers, to he tilled January 1-1.
Anil all of tho candidates aro work
ins all of them using that, highly
offcctlvc jilan of "gumshoeing" for
voted. There la scarcely a ripple on
tho aurfaco so successfully aro they
operating along quiet linos, hut nev
ertheless they nro all busy. The
only difference Ilea In tho fact that
thii friends of the various candidates
aro not yet nut working. When they
begin the surface will bo stirred con
The outcome of tho mandamus suit
to decide whether Recorder Koss
and Councilman Campboil can hold
over or not Is being watched with
much interest.
Tho five candidates for mayor nro
all active and aro cultivating the
"glad hand" method. A llttlo trip
In tho residence district will always
be rewarded by a sight of some can
dldato "gumshoeing." After the
holidays the real battle will open.
.Me.lfurd ramp number 00 W. O. W,
i.s hoiuewliat elatcilnt the miccpsh of
their cii meeting Sninnluy evening
anil (he reception tendered to their
deputy heml eonMil, Peter !'. Oil my
of Snu Krancihco.
II. I Mulkoy presided nt the meet
ing mill made n happy mid telling u
troduclory speech, complimenting the
order on its progress and standing.
He then called UKn W. L. Spieer,
district muungor for tho onlcr for u
nhort (nlk, after which ho introduced
Mr, flilroy ut hpenker of the evening.
The deputy head consul's address
wns very interesting nnd well receiv
ed hy (he audience.
Ho pointed out (lint tho order had
utmost $2,000,000 of its reserves in
vested in the slnlo of Oregon, $03,
000 of which was in the securities of
tho eity of Mcdfoid.
This speaks will for tho state und
During the evening nevcrnl musical
numbers were rendered hy Dr. Mur
ion, Miss Butler nnd Mr. Dyer.
Dr. Parsons preached his last ser
mon Inst night in tho two weeks
ovungeliatiu campaign in this eity.
Inrge congregations greeted him botli
morning and evening. Tho results of
the meetings me grntifyiut:.
Itcception of members nest Sun
day and on Die fiecoud Sunday of
January, lUJU, n meeting of the. men
of f lie Presbyterian church on Wed
nesday evening next nt 7 uVloek.
A mooting of nil who sing in tho
ehureh on Wednesday at 7:110 p. in.
nnd on Friday at 7:30 p. in. to pre
pare Christum mutfie. Nest Sunday
evening n musical nervieo nt tho Pres
byterian church. Tho quartette,
Jliss Hanco and (lie chorus and or
chestra will give nil who come u do
l&htul evoniug.
Frank A. Douglas, aged 47 years,
10 months and 28 days, died at 707
Weft Main street Sunday, Dec. 16,
101$!, of dropsy and Drlglit's disease.
Deceased was a uatlvo of Uurllng
tou, Ont., aud had beon In Medford
only about two weeks, coming here
from MJnot, N, D., where ho was a
traveling salesman and where ho had
liyed for u number of years. Ho was
a member of the Masonic lpdgo In St.
Thmas, N. 1). Ho has u mother
ami brother living In Vuncoivcr,
Vw4i. Funeral arrangements have
liot us yet been made,
IrP. ought to 1)0 as nmoh tho business of tho state to build
railroads to open up and develop territory as it is to
huild wagon wads; Under tho Orotron constitution, the
state lias hoou able to do neither. After fitty years of effort
the constitution lias finally been amended so that limited
highway construction wilfbe possible when tho legislature
passes an enabling act. As a consequence the develop
ment of Oregon has been woefully retarded.
Had the constitution permitted, all the present rail
roads of Oregon could have been built by the state yeai's
before they were constructed, and tho immense hind tr'rants
and subsidies given speculators and promoters retained hy
the state. Instead of having empires withheld from settle
ment for the benefit of future generations, resulting in a
soarsoly settled eotmnonwealth, and millions of unearned
increment for non-residents, we would have had an era of
rapid development and a density of population we shall
not attain for yeai's in the future.
Not only the state, but counties and districts made up
of counties, should be permitted to construct railroads and
wagon roads. Tf Jackson, Josephine and Curry counties
were grouped in a district, and bonds voted for a railroad,
it would solve the problem of transportation to the coast,
open up and develop our territory rich in mineral, timber
and agricultural resources. It would mean more for the
development of southern Oregon than the coming of the
tirst railroad meant.
With a view of helping secure such a railroad, the city
of Grants Pass is to vote upon an issue of $200,000 bonds,
and m this connection, attention is called to the letter pub
lished elsewhere, advocating the bond issue from Robert
O. Smith, mayor of Grants Pass.
Grants Pass' efforts mean almost as much to Bedford
as they do to Grants Pass, for Bedford will undoubtedly
co-operate in securing its extension here. Med ford needs
the railroad nearly as much as Grants Pass in fact tho
entire valley needs it, and for these reasens:
Our development has been phenomenal but it has
been lop-sided, only in one line. We have developed cur
horticultural resources, and neglected our other
Jn the Medford district are some 8.",0Q0 acre of com
moreial orchard, of which probahlv 5,000 acres are in hear
mg tlie imlk oi tliese iieing young orenarus just reaeiung
the bcariuir stage. Shipments of fruit this vear totalled
775 eai-s may reach 800. In three years, shipments wilj
total 2.000 ears and in 5 years probably 5,000 curs. Jineh
year sees many acres additional come into bearing.
During the interval until these orchards aro in full
bearing, imports will exceed exports, and the balance of
trade be against us an unhealthy situation and one which
we must remedy. To do it we must develop our resources.
lYe must Hnereaso our productiveness, not ony 'in
horticulture, but in agriculture. We must supply outside
markets with staples besides fruit that wo can raise at a
profit. To do this the entire valley must be placed under
irrigation. The money spent in construction of tin irriga
tion system and the iiVcreased yield front water will turn
the balance of trade in our favor.
We shipped into Med ford in the past three years, by
railroad records, 1500 carloads of lumber, all of which
could be and should he manufactured in the county. We
must see that lumber mills are established to supply home
consumption, provide conntv payrolls and stop this drain.
Over a hundred dollars an hour, ten hours a day, every day
in the year, is tho price we are paying to keep lumber mills
in distant counties in operation and swell profits for the
Southern Pacific.
We must see that mining operations are begun and a
railroad built to tljo Pine Ledge district. Copper i.s higher
than for j'cars, and a large copper camp means more to a
citv than even the horticultural resources. We made a
spasmodic and feeble effort in this direction the past sum-
,nm 1-ki 1 4- flirt ni'mnrtf linl nMiiviini'
We must encourage and foster the establishment of the
poultrv business on a large scale. Conditions are more
favorable than in any section in the world, and poultry can
be made a bigger asset than orchards.
Our efforts should be directed toward establishing in
dustries to furnish employment for the people already
here rather than bringing in more. Changing owneiship
of land does not materially benefit the community, neither
does the laying out ot new additions and otlier land specu
lation. We have had too much of it in the past.
The realization of these projects lies with us. If we
wake up and show the old Medford spirit, we can have
all of these essential things. Fato will not dump them in
our laps, but we can get them by systematic effort, untir
ing energy find the use of our brains. As Mayor Smith says:
The question Is, shall the community sit supinely down and wait until
somebody comes along and out of charity helps us, or shall we help our
selves? Shall we spend our time in praying for prosperity or try to get it?
I feel about tbo matter much like tho old darkey who said when, ho
prayed for tho Lord to send him a turkey bo "generally never got it," but
when ho prayed for the Lord to send him after a turkey that be "always
fotched ouo."
Bonding a City for a Railroad
In tho year. The last year perhaps
not ISO were so employed. Nothing
has arisen to take tho placo ot tho
lumberman's payroll. During this
tlmo efforts were made to develop
tho country around the city by irri
gation to tho grevloiis disappoint
ment of all concerned. First ono
and then another promoter has tried
and failed. I do not mean to criti
cise uny ono for his failure. Next
wo had an attempt to build a rail
road to tho financial loss of some
well meaning and enterprising citi
zens, In the mcantlmo there has
been developed tho Idea of using our
energies and muns to bring in pco
p)o from other sections to buy land
aud mines and we havo stood hat In
hand almost like supplicating men-
dccnts beseeching purchasers to
coiiio and buy, seemingly proceed
ing upon tho theory that cbunglug of
ownership of a few tracts of land
ber Industry for about oyc.u months) would bring tho community pros-
(Hy Robert 0. Smith, Mayor of
Grants Pass.)
I havo been asked to give my
views upon the proposed bond issuo
of tho city that Is to bo voted upon
tho 18th, and I take pleasuro in do
ing so, not only because of my offi
cial position, but for tho reason that
it is a plan I havo favored aud ad
vocated for tho past year, as about
tho only means of developing
enough legitimate industry to sup
port tils cl(y. It l not a theory
tlia confronts us, but a condition, a
condition brought about by tho pol
icy pf building up a country upon an
Industry that hud nut been fully
trcd out. As a result of that pol
icy many jicoplo havo coma to this
country in tho past fivo years and
during (hat time the exports of tho
country have been decreasing. A
few years ago 1000 men found em
ploymont in this county Jn tho lum
iwlty nnd wraith, It pcrrhsnri In
tho oxebango hqidd one madtt a profit
nr commlMlon,
Kmployment ta-enrl
lint even this Industry has do
ellned. Colored pictures In public
ity literature has become too com
monIt no longer attracts. Ah a
net result .of our efforts ho popula
tion haa Increased and employment
has decreased.
Tho question with mo Is, "SJmlJ
tho community nit supinely down
nnd wait until somebody comes
along and out of charity helps us,
nr shall wo help oursolvos. Shall
wo upend our tliyo in praying for
prosperity or try to go.t It? I feel
about tho matter much llko thn old
darkey who said when he prayed for
tho Lord to send hlni u turkey ho
"glncrally nnver got It." but when
ho prayed for thu Lord l send him
after a turkey that ho "always
fotched ouo."
I believe when a community gets
In tho condition this one Is In now,
tho sensible thing for It to do Is to
uso thn credit of the community to
promote ho welfare of Its Inhabitants.
If it has good .opportunity to do so.
It is tbo sensible method that has
placed millions of acres of land under
Irrigation In tho western states nud
made homes for tho thousands. Tho
Irrigation district which permits the
use of tho credit of a community to
build up that community has added
millions to tho wealth of tho people
of California, Colorado, Idaho .and
Tut ont llond Mm.
Ono largo Irrigation system Is
morn hazardous than i railroad and
more difficult to. maaage. Hut there
aro thoso who halt at ono, but will
grab nt tho other. Tbe only reason
Is that most people aro afraid to try
anything first. Of course In every
community there U a rlas who o
posA everything that Is nhovu thn
rummouest kind of ti.irtrr nnd trade;
anything, they believe, other than
tho exchange of peanuts for nickels
Is a dangerous heresy. People with
such Ideas aro generally so selfish
that they prefer to te a town decay
than risk the spouding of a dollar
even when there Is a certainty of re
turn. I have been and am Jn favor
of tho bond issue In spitn of tho fact
that such people will be helped by
It. I am not favoring It because It
will help any person to get rid of his
speculative holdings and I dlsllko to
sec tho settlement of this county
kept back by more boosting ot land
I am favoring it because I want to
eu something don, If It can bo
done safely, that tflll mako employ
ment for the men '"with families who
has been brought here and who now
find It difficult to get labor to earn
enough to support their families.
I favor It because I want to see
something started that will mako
something like regular employment
for the people now hero, before wo
bring In any more. Thn only means
by which that can bo done is by Ir
rigation or a railroad to thn coast,
and tho railroad is, Jn my opinion,
the most coaly obtained. I know all
that Is behind tbo railroad move and
I feel suro that, If tbo lumbor Inter
ests of Del Norte couuty will give the
suppor they promise the road will
be built.
"Slgnnl for the OnMiker"
Of course a movement of this kind
Is a signal for the croaker, tho cynic
and tho man who never helps any
thing when It would coot uny more
than a fow words of approval. Hap
pily, there aro fow such among us.
Some oppose it because they were
not first consulted about It. Time
Is too short to reaHon wjth suet;, but
to th one who are Interested In this
proposition nnd Sre open-minded
I desire to give my Ideas of how tho
city should proceed In tho matter.
If the bonds aro voted, I proposo to
ask tho council to pass an, ordinance.
providing for a commission to as
sist tho council In its work of build
ing a certuln mileage of railroad
running out of tho city. That com
mission will bo u public body nnd
will meet publicly and keep a rec
ord of its transactions. Tho duty of
tho commission will be to Invcstlgatu
tho proposed plan, cst and probabil
ity of Its being built to tho coast, and
to present the same to tho common
council. Tho council will mako
all ho appropriations or money, if
thoro are contracts of construction,
tho commission will receive tho plan
and get bids to bo approved by tho
council. This commission will get
tho samo salary tho members of tho
council do, which Is (0) dollars per
month. Tho componsutlon of all
employes of tho conunlsslon will be
fixed by tho council.
Will lie Kufegiiurded
Somo people havo beon afraid tho
money from tho bonds will bo turned
over to the Commercial club. Thjs
idlo talk. No ouo In tho Com
mercial club expects that or I do Us for
it, that I know of. Neither will uny
Of tho money bo turned over to tho
Pacific-Interior Co. or any other cor
poration, or Or Itcddr, nr nny'ithor
jwrtou. livery ilo'Ur will bo spent
under tho supervision of tho city
This will bo a public matter In
which every cltlxeu will bo nuked to
take a helpful Interest, ami the com
mercial club will not bo treated with
any more consideration than nuy
other people of tho community.
t believe In publicity nnd nm op
posed in nuy nud all attempts nnd
kinds of secrecy In public, matters.
Public hualuosH should bo transacted
so that uny cltlien may know what
1$ being tlono ami will be blo to
mako any objection ho may desire,
wholhor ho ho big or llttlo, rich or
poor. If these bonds nro voted, I
would sen tho city's part done In
such n way that whon It Is finished
and tho city turns over Its property
tu a private corporation, hat It will
not only receive Its money hark nnd
Interest, hut n reasonable bonus In
addition. This la the end to which
I Intend to work and to that olid I
will oxpeet the help of every lady
and gentleman of this city.
. ' '-r'j
Mnny Medford people, who hnvu
chronic nppondlrllls, which is not
very pnluful, have doctored for yearn
tor gits on tho stomnrh, sour stom
ach or rouitlpatlnp, L. Jl. llnsklns,
.druggist, nt at en if thoso people will
try flinply buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., ns compounded In Adler-l-kn, tho
(Inrmnn appendicitis remedy, they
wilt bo surprised nt thn QUICK bono
fit. A H1MIU-) llOaK rolUve thoso
(roubles INSTANTLY.
Plenty of Them In Mrdfnril, nml
llooil IteiiMiii roe It.
Wouldn't uny woman bo happy,
After years ot backache, suffering
Days of misery, utghtti of unrest.
Tho distress of urinary troubles.
When Mho finds freedom.
Many renders will profit by the
Mrs. Juno Suvey. 1023 Ninth St,
Medford, Oregon, says "I first
usod (loan's Kidney Pills while liv
ing in Idalu. I had suffered u
great deal from kidney trouble, and
nothing seemed to help mo. I had
Intense pains In my back, hips nud
kidneys, when I started using
Dean's Kidney Pills, but was soon
relieved and fliully cured li (his
Thn nhovu statement must carry
com let Ion tu thu mind of every read
er. Don't simply ask for a kidney
remedy ask distinctly for Duan's
Kidney pills, tho came Hint Mrs.
Sovey had the remedy backed by
homo testimony. f0c all stures.
Kostcr-Mllhuru Co.. Props , lluffnlo,
N. Y
"When Your Hack Is Lame He
member the Name."
Luxury Without.
i Vori Dorn i
2112 Turk SI root
; Finest popular priced
; Hotel in San hVanoisco t
:: Modorn Central X
"THK niAiuii: oi. ciii: i.hjiit
IUHMIK,,-U(Hmu. Wo taltn
pleasure In offering this plctnio
to our patrons without n doubt
ono of thn best photoplays to be
neon In n long llmtv
Put he
American drama.
i ii ...I
STLNWt'V .MCiri".
comedy, featuring
nud .Visa Turner.
II03K cousins out west
or hack eastyou don't
hear from thorn as often
now. You each hao new
friends, now interests. Hut
after all, blood is thicker than
water and )our picture and pic
tures of the other members, of
your family would be welcomed
by them csiicclally for Christmas.
There' a Photographer In
Voiir Ton ii
H, C. Mackpy
.Main H IVutnil ,, Oris ;
Full lino of
Including toys, curios and
merchandise of all kinds.
Ideal Christmas presents.
Prices to fit any purse.
Next to jrotel Medford
422 W. MAIN
John A Perl
2$ 8. IMirriyETT
I'i.oucs ,M. ijf ana 73
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
C. F. Richstein
(& Company
All Kinds Wood For Salo
Rick Wood, Block Wood and
Tier Wood
Strictly Cash oji Delivery
tfnv,i. riutiu
llfcUfaMch SIv&aiidijA.
ll.-.Qibur(tAturtiu una
JOO I'ovyell St., Hun Jrunclnpo, Cnl
' or Local Agoi,
"IIISMOI'llcfl'S PlHum:" A Ka-
loin production hulH mound 11
railroad story.
Coming, hg feature -"Premie!
I'liiiiiue" In three reels. Palho's big
gest production.
r '
Mlu Wooltuirtli nt piano
Chans of program every Sunday,
Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday.
for thoso who nro looking for pain
less a'.nl effective Dentlstryla thu
sign at thn eiitrunco to our establish
ment. Wa practice painless extract
ing, and every qther branch of tho
profession. Whatever your require
ments In tho Dental lino, you may bo
sure or tho best service at tho least
expemo here. Ask your friends who
havo tried us,
Ijily Attendant
Ovor Daniels fur Duds. Pacific
Phono 2628, Home Pboue 363-K
VouiIcfIIIo nml PljotopUjs
Useful Xmas
Aluminum Ware
Chafing Disjies
Carving Sets
Cutlery, Brass floods
Copper Ooods
Scissor Sets
Shaving Sets
lljizoi-s, Jtujor Strops
Pocket ICiiiyys,
Boiler. Skates
Croquet Sets
Base Ball floods
Hunting Coats and Cajwj
Chiu8,AirJHflefl .
Fishing Taoklo
Biding Putties
Alarm Clocks
Boasters, in steel enamel
and aluminum
Vacuum Cleaners
Carpet Sweepers
At prices tq suit
every purso
Shop early
28 South Geitfn.l Avp.
Medford, Ore.
A Solid Week of I'eniurcs
Here's (bo hlg feature Vaudetlllo Art
of (he seiineu:
6 Peoplo 0
Positively tho hlgKetO comedy hit of
(ho season. Feature sinning, danc
ing, burlesque boxlus contest.
HiimUjr ami Monday
"IUWNV AT MCVlliiiiiiygrnnh,
"i.v Tin; aii.ix oc tiii: wild"
lllograph drama. 1
"TIIK I'dlNllLINt.'S" Drama.
Tueihy, Wciluetiliiy, Tlililxlny
Hlg Two-Heel Animal Picture
Friday nml Nul unlay
"Fllti: AT Sl!."
Sensational Kea Pic turn in 2 Heels.
Pin) lug tho Pictures
Special Matinees Saturday and Bun
day. Mntloco prices, r. and 10 coats.
:; Desk Sols
y Bnvss (loods
; Sinoker's Sets
:: Xmas Stationery
;! Medford Booklets
:: Imported Novelties
:: l.cnthoi'Tiililo Alnfu t K
; Hand Tooled Leather
:; Arts and X'raft .Jewelry
Qualify Goods
-S-XAA-t ajlsi m. m m j A J A aA-.X
Eads - Holbrook
Fuel Co.
Tior, Rick and Block Wood
Mill Blocks
Strictly Cash on Doliyory.
Steam and Hot Water
All Work Ouranta -j( 1
Prices lUasonablt .
atows.r.4 pipe, patrsuM oa lib M,
Mouui at,
! -! 1
-, ,