PAGE KIOITT MRDFOI?) MAT I", Till HUNK, MKDKOHI), UKMOK, HATIHHUV. niK'KMIU'.U II, 1012, II Rt 18' ft' Rt F SHIPMENTS m MEDFORD TOTAL 775 CARS Frull htilpincnlM from Med ford for lliu yrnr 1012 will pruhnhly reach h lolnl of 775 cars, ns nsniusl 534 in 1010, the prcvIoiiH high record yrnr, nn Increase of !. jcr cent. Kneli ycnr henceforth will tec tlio number of enrs increase at much faster rnlio, as tlio young orchnrds reach benring ngc. The record in tlctntl is ns follews: Cars. iMixcd ' ,.., 10 l'cnrs . . : 211 .Apples ., 4;tU Apples, u waiting shipment 85 A REFUGEE AND HIS FAMILY CROSSING IDE PLAINS IN SEARCH OF A NEW HOME Total PUBLIC TRY OUT NEW CURE (Continued tram par,o 1.) mil his treatment to tlio scientific world next Monday. Dr. Fricdmunn nnuounccs that be ginning Monday ho will treat every certified case of tuberculosis sent to him by physicians or scientists, lie hus opened specinl quarters for this purposo and many physicians have agreed to send tuberculosis cases to him. To Convince Sceptic During tho five weeks that have clapped since Dr. rYicdmnnn's start ling announcement to the Merlin Med ical Society, the doctor has been de luged willi letters and telegrams from all parts of tho world as tho result of tho publication of his claims in the medical and lay press. That (hero is much skepticism on tho part of many of tho leading tcieutifts of Ucrlin a,s to Dr. Fried mann'M claims hus followed ns n mat ter of course. There have, been so many false claims as to tuberculosis euros emanating from Germany and elsewhere that the scientist is in the mental attitude of discounting in ad vance any new claims. It is really true, however, that Dr. Pricdmnitu hits .convinced mnny Berlin phyxio ians that in his addrcos to tho Med ical society Jic did not over-stale his discovery, Tho most hkcplical of the Ilerliu scientists hnvo demanded that Dr. Fricdmnmi give Ihem his bnceilli, ?o that they could submit his discovery to the acid text of treating certified cases of tuberculosis under the most rigid observation conditions they could imKse. r Treat All Coiucrs Dr. Fricdmnnu ha unyieldingly refused to give Iiis buccilli to anyone on tho ground that anyone from i riiiull drop of the culture could de velop enough to supply the world and deprive him of nil credit and recom pense. While Dr. Friedmaun's partisan defend his ositioii, the skeptics con tend that his rcfu&nl to meet tlurr conditions is strong evidence ugainsi tho reliability of his claims. Dr. JYicdmnnn't final answer is tlio offer to Ircat with his new serum every cerlilicd case of tuberculosis sent to him. Tho test cases which ho mil treat will ho certified nt tho llnyjl nud other clinics. Dr. Friedmauti refuses In sen nil isiting doctors from unmix part of tho world on the ground that tho duuger of losing a smull iiuuutitv of Jibs haccilli is too gteut. llcrlln to Confirm Dr. Ilumel, ussistuut dire-dor of (ho imperial board of health of Mer lin, says that this board will be tin lasl body to pass on the ottiency of the Fricdmiiun lrcatmcur, and that no ol'ficiul coiifirmnt'oi! can bo x pected from the hoard until nil tho greatest doctors in Herl'm hnvo con lirmed Fiii'diuannV diiiiue. Talks with many Hcrliu phveiuhns nhoiit Dr. Fiiediiiiinu und his claims ji'vral much skepticism among scicii tisls who huvo i.ot )cisou.illv ob served and examined tho tuberculur pulicuts Dr. Fricdmuiiu ulaims to liuvo cured. On tho other liuud. tour physicians of standing whom r'rioJuiuim bus trusted nud permitted t- m;o his Irealiiiuut have expressed themselves ns convinced that Friednraun hus dis cocn'd tho long sought germ which will kill tlio tubercular germ in tho human body, nud that his treatment will euro bono tuberculosis and lung tuberculosis, the latter in xA too ad vanced stages. Thcso four doctors mo Profcbbor KchleioU. Prof. Kiss ter, Dr. Mullcr and Dr. JCai I'unltel. HARRIMAN DAUGHTER BREAKS TOE DANCING KKW YORK, Dec. 11. Attempt, iug o demonstrate her ability us a fancy Ouneor, Miss Curol Ilurriinuu, duughtcr of tho later E. IT. Ilurri inuu, is confined to her homo hero toduy suffering from a broken too. Miss Hurriman was to appear iu I ho society vaudeville given at Sherry's for cburity. ..! "-itimrnm ii ii in ii m' " 1 1 1 ii 1 1 " " i nun W& 'V1; ?""" mv " .j- ' m f ij'"f( m ,'? & .t .ViVSa' M2fe3SSK j jrr9 vm. -iMBm4mur mtnvrm.' imfr,?mmx&xmf kJW AST SII I Y :iPfti XI -F- ttto i Jfc-Tni' i .... dPtVWriUVrV.F Wd9f3h' ' ' VV -rwF , ii .' . i.krtWM j- Im. - - -' -" - Ml-: 'T ' ,st?, )(. . I .p..?; w , - S f, (("HmW KNU - , . v .. . ir U -i T ' . ' 'Af 'Wlfc'. t . " W St. . -V . - ViiPfi4Wf .'Vrr i . j.1- --T- rs?s .:t$fe M1'f 7,'r " ; - ." " .,' '( . !iv JSfftWQ: rv f .. -."Sk-.! K TV&" -Trynfmrnwr ilv "Sf ww&' M 4 . - , 'f ; , . ,.i,i ,- .- jsaw -. Vl c or riiaHM wv y rlHBHB 7 R.-T irs j- j wmmmammam .1 ;bhvb . , kj- . ' hmz. mmrtmtmt u -"-vw.iiFii .smml m a i ii m imp ii 1 1 ' ii i RBEanifeBraHMkV - Sr . Mk- MMRi?s -i5W 'VflHM w r . BBHki.l Jt xi&mr 'bjl- i?wa& ,eai aJ"r-V OHHIT KBLi Ki4flWHM. JOHKJKl ,C v. fa v maET'W aiCirr .-rxj v ) 'nv-KW. .E . J"BTltJB Ldk -l. 'tlHV T:..H, HhBE HKn t iTbiHHl -ilL' Jt S "..-8l.k Wk ?M3fTEW.J 'VlS, i. , . - 9 tot-Si51J Wwaf i' T AllBiMWlLLVm jwwrs twawaKM T.-4 LOLk3,'j?y.;-ii "k r-. 'lifl sssssssgsa WaHMktiMiKl 'IPMWJ iii afc i iaKairgi! iWwl j;7iVy. J "R1 Mil r-TJ "AiMT VI.IBJ CA.k'L. wtvu,'p Vs r .?. , k hW" "'"' ;ftaaafea vtr i.r.r v--v VVJi M A''jfv' yf?W1SfS .I ' Ti sl w ..IWIIIMHIHIIIIIW' ii WIM ,:c S. . 4yp fc.fcarti i j i 'imi tmi iPrw '1L TipC!Wk-.H f fe. "t- "ClKXm ? ."rNwirJT v P-fiiis.- "mj.vji r y- t-' 'y v-sS-.-rfiVi ?. ..T. Jt(. ' .ii1''- "tfeSSSs? .tij' ...;.?? 10 iCHURCHES 10 PLACE WHITELAW REIDJ CANDIDATES ON RECORD LONDON", Dec. H. Oxygon was ailmlnlittered today to facilitate the breathing of American Ambassador Whltctaw Hold, who Is seriously 111 here with asthma. Karly bulletins say tho patient's condition Is Im proved, but specialists attending him admit, that the crisis has not been reached. Ogdcn neU, tho ambassador's son. Is hurrying from New York to his father's bedside. MEDFORD WOMEN TALK TO THOSE OF ROGUE RIVER A meeting of "all citixwis of Med ford who de-ire better emolument" is scheduled for Monday evening at the Methodist church, corner Fourth and llartlett streets. Commit toe from each of the churches will be prosont and a guneral imitation is extended to every citizen interested. V platform, whtrh will later be sub mitted for approval or rejection, to the ariotis candidates for mayor. j will bo drawn up. A secnud meeting will be called later at which the can didates will be irhen a chance to ex llniii their nows and iMtsitioii on many ma tier-;. Tho streol sweepers of New York City liavo potltloued to havo their Mrs. J. C. Schmidt and Mrs. V. . Tlfiviilhnn ii'ih lnvtlnit mi Priilnv hist by llio Improvement club oV M ,n"caROd fron "S0 ,a 'car l If, if, I.. I.ri thr... S- ,:Xtrtt 1V f0r bU,,l,a WOrk i.: t t. :.....:i;T... ii,.. ..i.-,..i Is also asked for. Willie tL W.U Mr j'i. tl,.fl ttil-J while in l'ortlund at tho state fedeni tiou of Women's clubs. Talks were given in the afternoon, on club or ganization and on civic improve ments. A get-togother meeting was held in tho evening along civic lines It is hoped that this mnv be Hie be- ( ginning ot n southern Uregoii Jeiern tion of women's club. t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOU SALK 30 Jersey Ited pigs, weight 40 to 30 pounds. Also i thoroughbred pigs- 1 H. War ner. 227 KOIt SALK English walnuts at Geary ranch, phono 13-Z. 232 WANTED To borrow MCOO.OO on good security on close In ranch, Addrc9 Uox 40, caro Mall Tri bune. 22 WANTED Young girl to assist with liouso work. Call II, North Orange. 22" KOH HENT Modom flv room bun-1 galow, paved street, close In, $12 , Apply 519 S Holly street. 220 ' SNAP $275.00 Lot on Summit and Fourth Streeta Part Cash and Payments MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M. P. & If. Co. Bldff. Merry Christmas Kouieinher oiir fumlly by making them a presont of an "Overland Car" buy them a car tbat guarantees thoiu satis faction "Free repairs for one ear" I iniiko all adjust monts, grind tho vdlvcs, clean carbon and roplaco any dofec tlvo parts, absolutely free Ask any Overland owner how thoy havo been treated. I'laco your order now. Auto supplies. J'rust-O-Llto tanks always. Goodrich tires. C. E. GATES lii'J fioutli ltivcrsldo 'i'hu ()v ci land .Man MONEY TRUST PROBE 10 QUIZ F WASHINGTON, Dec. II ."Inter locking directorates" and their effect upon tho New York stock exchange will be considered next week by the committee- Investigating money trusts. Tho country' biggest finan cial captains probably will lo called to testify. Tho timings will ad journ next Thursday until after the holidays. Prank V. Glass, -well known as a newspaper publisher In Alabama, Is among those receiving mention for placo In the Wllsoh cabinet. From the Sphcre.J 'I WORKS SEEKS PARDON (STUDENTS DENY PUniNG FOR BROTHER-IN-LAW INniANAl'OI.IH. Hid., Dec. 1 1 - In a letter to (he stnte pardon board' hero today United States Senator John I). Works of California makes a strong plea for the rnloaso of Ills brother-in-law, Charles K. Van I'ell, who Is serving an Indeterminate sen tence of from two to twenty years In tho Indiana penitentiary for man slaughter Itelatlves ot Charles II. Tllidall. shot by Vhii Pelt for aliened hound ing of tho latter's wife, aro deter mined, It Is said, thai Van l'nlt shall serve at least his minimum sentence TO WASHINGTON, )ee 1 1. Speaker Chump Clark received today n writ ten "public apology" from 1 A. Harbour of tho state normal schuol at Ypsllautl, Mich., to Harbour's m cent charges that tint students at Ann Arbor two years ago put Clark to bed drunk. Harbour raid ho erred, and admitted basing Ills state ment on reports circulated among tho students. Clark said ho was satisfied with Harbour's retraction and would take no other action nuatnst him. iiii ii.iiiiiii.iiiwimiM ."""i Your Child' Health Your Firnt Thought If you havo rlilldrrn, naturally your first lliiiunhtn for I heir hetiltli. You rrrlnluly want t tin tn In develop strong, htmllliy roustltutlouM. Tho most careful attention must bo Hlvuii when children mIiow the, first symptoms of tho mnny common all incuts, Perhaps limy urn weakly and thin, or urow too fast, tliun sacrific ing strength. These nud other ap parently minor diluents may ho llm forerunner to a weak constitution for life. Such children need Jay no's Tnnlo Vermifuge which Is essentially u children's tonic, first of nil, It will properly cam for tho child's stom ach. It will nlso Improve tho upm tlto, nud will ndd strength to Ilia other organs of tho body. In cases of thin or Impure blood, It Increase tho number of red corpuscles enabling the enriched blood to keep the body healthy and strong. Among tho moat common nil incuts that children develop Is that of a disordered stomach, leading to nu Impaired digestion. In mnny cases this trouble Is duo to parasites In tho Intestinal tract. To correct such trouble, Jnyuo's Tonic Vermifuge- Is unsurpassed. I 'or morn than eighty years mil lions ot children hnvo boon rcxtored to hoalth through tho use of this tonic. Insist upon Jaynn's; accept no other. Sold by druxKlatn every where. Dr. I). Jayno & Hon, Phila delphia, Pa, KyiM Young Mothe No young woman. In the Joy ot coming motherhood, should neglect lo prepare her system for ths physi cal ordoal sho Is to undergo. Thn health of both herself and tho coming rhlld depends largely upon tbs csra sho bestows upon hcrsnlf during tho waiting months. Mother's Frlsnd prepares tho expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and Its usn makes her comfortable durlnc all tho term. Tho baby, too, Is morn apt to bo perfect and strong whern the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supremo function. Nu better advlco could bo given a young expectant mother than that sho use Mother's MnrurnV "lend; It I. a OlDIttERS lucdldno thut has rlTnaKrtJni proven lis vnluo !FKlEnD In thousands of rases. Mother's 1'rlend Is sntd nt drug stores. Write for frco book for expect ant mothers. MADmiD UKUUTOU CO.. AtUsis, c. l-il.'ilH. I. -I '.I i' JI J - ii ! fcr 4 .. :' t ..'.v X .'.: A $ r y y Aware That R Allowing A great opportunity to pass every day that you do not visit our BANK Success and friends always follow a bank ACCOUNT. We can prove this to you if you will give us a chance. U. S. Depositary Resources $850,000 . h-a V 1. 1ft -,K I ut- it 'A Js'Br W " I ' , .?' t- First National Bank Medford, Oregon K m -1 it s' 7S? ft, V I '