" MKnFOnT) MATT TIzmiTNTW, OTDFOUT); .-OHKHOy, HA'WUVAY, nKf'RMHKn 1-f, 1012. t'AflWaiWfMf. I There's Nothing Like Going Alter Things Right Hill.... I I. I I i I "I'' I II l0K AT 1H lJtOf 5 I I rftrtn-nui aT I f .1 I f rnavMwti(it I -fit IP you iwihk t I i 4AIN i vi. r.M Yo , I HBHBHWHIN .... . -"JV , . '. -v .1 -- i By "Bud" FisKer wlfiit v iflcufl t jy ufj v ST i 1 n ire . ii w " li r F&Vtoik mmmmm WM11WMW11WWH i4 .41 ASHLAND "S CITY ELECTON TUESDAY Ashland it (II) cloitton tin held next i'uomIii Mlth tlin futliiH Iiik can didate In tlio rlntilt 'Mu)iir- U. II. Johnson, Iridcpoiid Mil; It. I. IItIkkk, Independent. Uoetrdrr Jim Hurl, Indcppiitl rut. II. A. .Milrjr, Independent; C. II. Glllcltl'. Illlll)llll"llt. Treusurer-O. 0 ICtibnnks. Inde pendent. I'urk CinuuliMituir tClltnliulli Van Hunt. ludaiirndeiil, lit At ward. Coiiiirllmmi to Herto Ouo Year--l.oiiU Worth, Independent; K. I'. Slllltll. llllM)llpl(. fnuiicltmcii in Herte Two Yenr It I1. Cornelius, independent; It. C. Sherman. Independent. Coinirlliiiiiii, Second Ward-- (1. H, Hullcr, Independent; I', L. Ashoruft. tlldeiendclll Couudliiioii. Third Ward D. 1). Good. Independent; A. W. Thomas, Independent, A. M. Homer. Inde pendent. NEW ORLEANS THANKS MEDFORD B. P. 0. E. L'.JUGE A parchment wllli III;'' follow luff Inscription has boon njiit tlio lorat lodge of Hllr niul It on "view ntthe exhibition roems: "New Orleans Midge, Xw. 30. II. I. (). It . xteud lu liicro thanks to Mcdlurd. Ore. lodge No. 11(18 for the klndum niul ntlmillou shown It delegation on their niemit trip lo the grand Indue convention ml reunion, Portland. Or.. Jul)-. IUIX. II. MICIIKL. i: K. "PHINKAS MOSK8, Sec" ROGUE RIVEn APPLES BRING 2.37 A BOX The Phlpp Orclmnl CMiiiiiaiiy n dulroil won! Hotuntay tlicit tliolr flut oiir of Now low n lind rtKiclicd 1-lvnr-(uinl mid told on (hut murlaa for $3. 87 it lio. Mr. l'lilpim tiH tlio iMr iiollml him ntioitt $S(!I f. o. h. Medford. Thuio worn 5rtB lioxim In th wir mid thoy worn liliod dl p'rt ty tho l'hlipn Oicliunl coin pmiy. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I Mr. Hull or I.oh Aiiki'Iim vIhIIimI Iih hr thcr-lii-litw. A. V. Whllnny, In thlt city thlt wmili. Dltl. Ilixwilo or (iotd lllll npuiit Tliunidiiy linio. Mr. IIchhIo Iiiih JiihI ri'ttirnod from u hIx wcuk'n vlnlt In Iiiwh mid MlHHonrl. (mi 1 111 1 I'olnl oruhodtrii will kIvo 11 dmico mid lliiiiiict In Cimtntl hull linio on ChilKtiniiM iiIkIiI. 'A. I.. AIMim of Itlddloti In vIhIIIiik flll'llllll licin. ' Mm. Kill (llntKOii mid clillilinii left for Kisiltlo TlmrHiluy ovciiIiik. 'Aiiioiik Iho jHMiplii fioin IIiIh IcIic My In Mmlfunl Tlmrmliiy nftdiiiooti went: .Mm. J. W Mnrrltl. Mr. and Mm, W I.'. KhIiIit. Mih. .1. I). IMrltor. MIhh llnd(ir, MIhh Itariintt, Mih. K. I.. Kami, Mr. mid Mi'-m. Kranlt WcHton. Mn. (IcorKo I'miliuy, Mr. Ilclclior, yiuionco I'miKoy and A. V. Whitney. NOTIUK. ' Notliu In liuruhy rIvoii that tlio un iUirlncil will npply to tho ully coun cil of tho tlly of Muilfnril at IIh next WKnliir moiitliiK on Docomhor 17. ItMVfor n Hcoiib0 to noil hpIiHoiih, vIiioiih and limit lhiuorH In itumitl Hurt Iiihh than n Ritllon ut lilu nluco of 1miIiiohu at No. 17, South Front Mtrout, In Maid city, for u porlod of ulx uiouthii. o. m, snr.auY, Dntod Doromlior Cth, 19ia, ATTHXTIO.V AVO(HIHN'. Medford Canii No. 00, W'oodmuu ofitho World will hold an opnn moot liiK In tho Odd KoIIowh hall, Satin dny nlRht, Docomhor I ttli. to which ovoryoim Ih cordlnlly Invited. All ojiomlMB of tlio WoodiuQii ot tlio World art) unrucntly rviiuuttud to bn prcHonl, Di'imty llimil Conmil, I'. !. (Illroy of Kim franc-lnco, will ho prcuctil mid d liter 11 lucturo In tho intercut ot Woodcraft, (lood iiiiikIc linn linen provided for thn occnnloii, mid it plciu nut ovciiIiik In mmiircd nil who nttiiud. NclRhlior (lllroy In n very nlilo upciiK or, anil )iu can not afford to iiiIhh licarlni? I1I111. Conio ami hrlni; )oiir fmiilly mid friend. AdiuUiloii frco to all. 27 W. II. JACKHON, Cleric. POLITICAL ANNUNCEMENTS. VOU CO UNCI MIAN Oil. II. II. Hnrxrnt Amiouiitcs lit candidacy for coun clluiau, Hotond Ward, .Medford. (I'nld Adt.) .1. W. IICIIIUAN HiiliiultH hla nil nio to tho totem of tho I'lm Ward a a caudlduto for rotindlmi.il. IP KI.KCTKD I WIM HTUIVU TO IM) KUIIIT. (I'nld Adtt.) .1. Iv. (Jntk) Strttmt x I lirhy announce iiiynclf ait a catidldatu for councilman from tho nccotid ward. J. K. dtowart, 708 Went 10th. (I'nld Adrt.) K. M. AndrcttM I licrctiy nu no 11 11 co ui)ivlf at can dtda'to for councilman In tho flrtt ward. (Paid Advt.) (ciiritn W. I'orlcr I herewith autioiincu iii)vlf hi candidate for councilman In thu flmt ward. (l'ald Adrt.) I. J. Hlnll I horuby niiuounco uiytolf at can didate for councilman In thu iccond ward. (Paid Adrt.) ' J. I,. nruitiKT 1 herewith announce iiiytulf an CJiudldatu for councilman In tho third ward. J. I.. Doinuior, (iOD W. Jack aon. (Paid Adtt.) A. H. IIIII011 Anmiiinc'oM Ida rtiiutldacy for coiiic rlliuan frolu thn Third W.ird. lllva' Hon January II, IIMU. (I'nld Advt.) . i)lTfll AVOIU J. W. Mitchell lit niiuouticliiK my cniiilldiicy for tho mayoralty, 1 wUh to nay that, n wo hiivo every mmiirauco of 11 inottt pnrperoun year, lot 1111 Kiiarit at;alnBt crrom In pulillc tiff aim. Now, iih tn Ihn pulillo niarKnt, I tvuut lo tmy thai 1 11111, mid nlwiot lutte licoii, 11 atroiiK mltocntu of tho puliMi imiikut. I wan aiuoiii; tlio fSrul of tho council lo fin or mid pro mote It. I feel Hull. Iho huitohs of our market Ih dun an much to my olofrtu iih any other member ot tho council. I hIiiiII, If elected, uao otory honorable offoit to niaUo It a continued iilicctiiot, an I nallo thn Kreat benefit It Ih to both producer mid coiiaumor. Now, iih to thn KiilooiiH. Bo loin; nu thu HtatQ ami tho city llccuao M10111 to do buslncuH, they a 10 entitled tn do su; hut I am a stroiiK udvocato ot law enforcement, iih thu lawa oxlat, and tvhoit thu lawa aru wrotiK, wo have a ruiuedy. It 'a up to tlio public, 1 firmly believe In auToiopiuoiit ami process, but not to tlio extent ot recklouu extruvaiince. Wo mutt sun id URalimt thU rockleautiuaH, but not to tho extent of retraction, I uin Htilclly opposed to any special prlvllogoa ns to locations, porsoiiB or corporatlona, but iidhoro rlKldly to tho heat Intoi'osU ot tho public. I belloro that tho hiiiiio uoiialdora Hon la duo to the Indlea na to tho jiicn, In nil our publlo affairs. (Paid Advt.) W. W. Klfoit Kor tho Information of tltovotora of Medferd, I take UiU tuotliod ptj niiiiotiueliiK my puitllloii 011 tho prin cipal iiicatloua ot Siituruat to tho people of our city, If elected, my time ami kervlcca will alwajH lio nvallablo lo tlio pub lic nud biiKKoatloua mid criticisms will nt all I linen recelt'u moat care ful roimlilcrntlon. When over It Ih uppnruiit that thn majority of our cUUrim aru united In opinion oppo rite lo my Individual vletta, I will leld to tho iiiajorlt). icK'irdlcan of my pernomil opinion. Our public market aliuuld bo en courtir.eil niul detoloped nlotiR mich llui'H na will reatitt In the Rrcalcat ad untuRe lo the community. Our latva rcpardliiK nauitary con dltlona ahould bo actively enforced, nml Hiippleinciiled by otbern If tho cxIhIIiik ordinance nro limdniiate. My oxperlencea lua convinced mo Hint tho miKKONlluiiK offered from tlimi to tluiu by thn women of tho community, vtcu befom tlio riKtit of miffrnRo wiim extended lo them, have nlwn)a been of value, ami uliould re ceive the iilmnxt cotialdoratloii. Our iirrHiit lima reKulatliiK the lutlooua nml the wile of llijuor, and nuch other icntrlotlons an the council nr peodo hiay hereafter enact, fhould bo rieldly enforced, and If found InadcituaW), or Insufficient. Uliould bo niilulaled Our ator ratea ahould bu revUcd mi that the coat ot maliitennui-c, and the iiecoary contribution to the nluklng fund inaybo uiiiltably ill trlbutoil nmuuR.tho coiuiuncra, but no aiirplua hould bo accumulated at the cxpcnio of tho rate payor. Thu work ot tho fluanco commit tee nud ot thu other principal com mittee of the council ahoiild bo Upon to aiiKKeallon nnd nubject to erltlclHin, and thu crltlclim, busjroi tloni. nud co-oporatloii of rcpruncnta the of our various civic bodlen ahould bo Invited and encouraged In tuchvvork. If olectod I pledRO noBolt to use my titiuoit endeavor to carry out tbo Idoai outlined above, and to glvo Medford an Impartial, prouresulvc, bimlneiia nduilnUtratlon. (Paid Advt.) J. i:. Wntt "At tlio Miliciliition of ninny eiti reus I hiivo deeiileil to become 11 enu dldatu Tor tlio office ut mayor at the noiuint; election in January. In this connection I vwhIi to slalo tlml if eleeled, 1 will use my boht efforts tn civu tlio uity a clean biishiesH ml uiliiifttriiliou. (I'uitl Advt.) V. I!, (.'a ten DurltiR tho Inst teTTdays a, number of' cltUons hiivo called upon me, ru ilucbttiiR 1110 to bccoiuo n candldntu tor mayor of tho city of Medford. After duo coiiNlderallou and consul tation with cltltuiiH In all Hues ot bualncKft, I have decided to announce luyuclf am cnudldato for wild office. 1 thereforu preacut to tho voters ot Medford, for tholr coiialiloratlon, my platform, which In an follow : An lament, open nud above-board, clean cut bUBlutTsH itdiillnlatrntlou, A (air and kuiiiuo deat ut nit Union. Kiiual rlRhta to all. Kpcelnl prlv ItoRca to uoiuf. A Keuiilnu peoples publlo market. UegnrdliiR tho lluunr iiueatlou. Peraounlly I do not drink, never havo, NEW TODAY A party with a Reed houso In Medford, woith $2."00, wuutn to ck' chiiiiRo foV n Reed Hinall tract near porno Riled town. Kroju 1U to 10 acrea preferred. A party with 10 acres half In throo-year-old trees, balaneo hay, two mllea from Central Point, worth 12500.00, Will tnko 11 flvo pnuBuu Rer auto iib part pay. A flno 120 aero stock nud fruit ranch 3 mlloa from Hold lllll, OS neroH In cultivation, new biilldlnRs, flno equipment, and bqiuo stock, f 175 an acre, easy tonus 011 luilf. G.D.HOON Itouiu IS, Jacksou County. Hank Uldg. but as lone at tho government, atuto and city llccuao tiloona, and undor strict rcRulatlon thoy obey tho law, they nro entitled tu protection. Should thoy peralat In disobeying tho law, their llconso vhould be revoked. A careful accoutitliiR ot all finan ces. All disbursements subject to pub lic inspection and open for pupbllcn Hon by tho city prots. Duo coimldornlloii of nil petitions for and against public Improvements. A rlcbl prnctlce.of economy, excopt when such economy has a tendency to retard progress. I wilt further (ill prnKrculvo mat ters of general improtoment fur tho city, but such must coinn within tho scope of good InisltioM. I kIiuII endeavor to uso my best efforts for tho keeping of tho city In a sanitary condition at all times. Whereas, nftcr )cara of struRRlo, tho women havo Ix-ou rIvcu tbo) (irivileRo of exercising their rlghta of citizenship, duo consideration will bu Riven them on nil matters of pub lic. lniiortauce. .Should 1 bo olectod, I assuru tho people that I will be mayor In fact .nsMvcll as name. I will not bo tho topi ot any clbiuo, nud will bo luflneticcd only by what J bollevo to bu rlRht nml ciultablc. If the above platform meets with your approval ar.J you bcllcvo I nut capablo of filling tho offlco, I will appreciate your support. ' ' " C. i:. OATE3. (raMTVdvt.) - - I'OK HUNT MlriUlvMiAXKOUH KOIt IlKNT fltoraga roonuflrc and frost proof. Inaulro of Scott Davis, 51 .V. Onkilatu. 228 FOR I.HAHB Fully equipped placer mine. Oold Itay llcalty Co. FOIl lti:NT Hunches, largo nnd small, alfalfa nud Rarden land. Oold H.-ty Itealty Co.. Cth nnd Fir. FOH HUNT 30 riNim furnished hotel on percentage. Oold Hny Healty Co. IXJIl HUNT Ifi room roomlug house over KlforlV tailor shop, 207 W. Main. Seo White ftTrowbrldgo. FOK H.ll.K IIOl'SKH FOH SAI.K I room furnished mod ern houso In Medford on Inrgo lot, wrll flnlsncd In iddc 75 acres Ilmbor 011 mdcinllil land, partly ciek bottom 33 miles from Med ford All for $3200 cash. Inquire P. O. Hox (Jfi5. 2.H io u itn.vr iiousi:ki:hpin ltHIS FOH HUNT 2 Reed lioimekcepliiR rooms with rh. bath, electric llRhtH and wood heater. 2 in .North IlnrtltXt. . KOIt HUNT Suite of, thre rooms complolcl) 'fiirnlulioil lor light housekeeping I US Kant lltlt street. 2 .to I'Olt HUNT FtllNISHHD AITS. FOIt HB.NT Smith Apts 217 S. HIv FOH ItBNT Furnished npartmont now, pilvato bath, hot water heat. Tho Ilcrbeu Apartment, 10 Quince St., corner West Main. FOIt HUNT HOl'SKS FOH HUNT- Furnished Iioiim' tit 15 North ilartlett St. 2U2 FOH HUNT ; room modern fur nished house ut i!U5 Park Ave. In quire 520 S. IJ St. 22S FOIt HUNT 5 room modern bun galow, J 1 2.U0. wnlor paid. i:n quire Ml North Klvoraldo ate line. 22!) FOH HUNT- Modem 5 room fur nished house. Call nt CO North Orange. FOH HICNT A flto room modern hoiibo with barn nud 2 lota, fall at 4110 North Front St. FOH HI'NT 5 room modern bun galow, practically now. Muilfnril Healty Improvement Co. FOH HUNT I room house! 00 per month. Cold Hay Healty Co. FOH HUNT Two room bachelor homo, 211 W. Sih St. Seo White & Trowbridge. FOIl HUNT- 10 loom houso rear of Furmein & PrultRroworH hunk, unliable for bushiest!, real estate, bom-ding or rooming house. Cold -Hny Healty Co. th nud Fir Stu. FOIt HUNT Fl'HNISIIF.D HOO.MS FOH HUNT -SlttliiR room and slcei Ihr porch- Until, oloctrle llRlitn, unit gun cheap. Phono 71. '-''Il FOR HKNT- Modern furnished rooms at the Cottngo, UOt West 10th at., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water in l'oomti, Mrs. II. M. Cuss, 274 FOH HKNT Urgo Bleeping room, $1.50 and $2 per weok. Modem housokcoplng niartiuunt8, $16 and $1G. Home pliouo 2GG-IC. 222 South Holly. FOH HKNT Strictly modern, atoam heated furnished room with board for two people. 249 S. Hlvorslde. 24S FOH It i:.T OFFIOKS FOH HKNT LnrRo, cotnfortahlo o( flro rooms with olovntor sorvlco, steam heut, hot and cold water. Low rules. Apply Medrord Furnt turo & HUw. Co. FOH SAI.K I room houso and" lot $700, $100 rash nnd $15.00 per month. Cold Hay It cutty Co. FOH SAI.K A bargain, completely furnished three room house, water, electricity, 0110 block from pave incut. $050.00, terms. Inquire. 120 North Front St. 223 FOIt S.l,l ACHKAOi: FOIt SAI.K Uancbci, aero tracts, town proporty, trout $5 per aero, upwards on 5 nnd 10 years time. Cold Hny Healty Co., Sixth and Fir. foh ham: Misci:M...r.oirK FOH SAI.K A-l Idejele. Aililrcwt Hox A. 2. cure Matt tribune. 229 FOH SAI.K S00 White Leghorn ln lug bens. Some houechold goods. Privilege renting five acres, house, barn, chicken house In city limits to right part). Phone 370-K. 227 FOIt SAI.K Scotch Colllo pupplw.. l'cdlgrocd and from best stock Stanton Grlftls, Hurrlll Orchard. Vhone CI1-J-3. FOH SAI.K Dry oak wooa. Phone 3111-11. 24S FOH SAI.K 17 flno Whlto Orplng ton coekerels nud 3 Duff Orping ton cockerels, very flue stock. Hox 73. Talent. Phono Phoenix S15-F-15. 22S FOIl SALK I.ottor beads and faucy atatlonery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mail Tribune. FOIt SAIjK Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for salo or rent slugs at tho Mull Tribune. FOH SAI.K llargaln. comrortablo four room bouse. $1000, cash or terms. 7a7 Woat llth St. FOH SALK Fruit box labels In one two or three eulors. printed as you order nt tho Mall Trlbuuo. FOH SALK Calling cards, printed. engraved or embossed ut tlio Mall Trlbuuo office. FOH SAI.K Looso leaf lodgor sys tems, any Htle or mndo to ordor by tho Mull Trlbtiuu bindery. FOH SALK Do you want to buy bees. Now Is tho time tn place them tu your orchard. Stewart tho bee man breeds threo and flvo banded Italians. Phono til 02. P. O. box (i2l. 232 FOH SALK 1013 D passonger nu tomoblln almost now. llargaln for casn. iiox mi, irimijjp, FOH SALK Olio 10 ll.i. horUon tul luternattoiial Harvester Co. Riisolluo engine with magneto, lank, pipe, etc. AIP lu first elnwt condition. Practically now. Will sell nt u bargain. Address V. C. Clotuents, Knglo Point, Oro. 230 FOIt SALK House- tent with fly $10.00. Phono IS7-H. 227 FOH SAI.K Kleven stands of first class bees, 1 second hand Huby No. 1, DuLuval Creuni Separator. Ada M, Jlidson 311) North Hontty St. 228 FOIl SAI.K Oliver Typewriter, $25. Mtlkul, H. F. I). No. 1, Hox 110. 227 FOH SALK Dry Fir, Oak or Ash wood, delivered on board car at Wolf Creek, Oregon. Urlecs. body Fir. $4.00; boeond growth Fir, $3.75; Ash tiud Oak, $1.25. Jordan Hros., Wolf Creek, Oro. 231 UKliP WAXTKO- MALK WANTKD Lady solicitor, Reed ief erenco. experience not necessary. Good salary, llox P. O. 011. 227 WANTKD MISCKMjANKOI'S WANTKD A young Jersery cow. V, A. Moyers, 80S Dakotu. 23D WANTKD MI.SCi:i,LANKOUS WANTKD Party with $1000.00 to Invest In n business that will pay several hundred per cent profit. Will stand closest Investigation. AiIdreM C. J. S., Central Point. Ore. 22S WANTKD Old book to reblnd or unbound books to bind. AH work guaranteed. Mall Tribune office. WANTKD Up-to-dalo pcoplo to In stall modern looso leaf systems In their business. Any stylo and "Made in Medrord." Mall Tri bimo bindery. WANTKD -Kight or ten load of de ra)'d manure. 0. Putnam, Mall Tribune office. tf. WANTKD Fresh cow and hack. Phono 5D7-J-0. 228 FOH ILCHANCi: FOH KXCIIANCK Thoroughbred It. I Hed hens, la lug now, for dres ser. Phono Main 7952. 228 I.OST LOST Pair of glasses Wednesday on street. Finder ploaso loavn at Carnett-Coroy's and receive re ward. 227 MOXKV TO LOAX MONKY TO LOAN $3000 or more on Improved city or ranch proper ty. It. F. I)., No. 2. Hox 73. MONKY TO LOAN On city and closu In ranch prniicrly. C A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block. phone SCSI. MONKY TO LOAN On real estate. Call upon or address me at Hotel .Medrord. 1 mn out of tlie city u part ot tho time but a letter ml dretwed me nnd loft at hotel with reach mo and receive attention. H. L. Dodge. 227 HUH IN I XS DIKKCTOHY Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese, medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goltiirc, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all-kinds of chronlo and nervous ailment. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo mo nt 211 South Front St., Med ford, Ore., to 4. 0:30 to 7;30. Residence phono Main 42. IK-iiIIkLs DH. W M. VAN SCOYOC DH. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnctt-Corey bids., suite 310. Medford, Ore. Doth phone. DH. ARTKMUS W. DKANB Dcnl'st. Offlco lit Hlalto bldg., 123 Bast Main St. Gas administered for ex traction of tctli. Phono Main C81. Night phono 4432. 1 ' '.a s.- va " xJi. .. ,: (iarbngo GAHIIAGK Get your premises cleaned up for tlio winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main C251. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HKLKN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Itrlng oiir work to mo at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Xunu'rles QUAKKIt NURSBHIBS Our tree aru budded, not grafted. Our stock I not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not la the trust. II. H. Patterson. Offlco removed to office Hotel Nash, In sldo entrance, next to barber shop. HUHINIS DlHKerOHY Attorney C. L. HBAMKS, LAWYKR Office Medford National Hank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTBR J. NBFF. WM. P. MBALBY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Postotflce bldg. A. B. HBAMBS. LAWYKR Corey bldg. -Garnctt- MULKKY & CIIBItllY (H. F. MUL KBY, OKO. W. CIIBItllY) Rooms 11 nud 12 Jackson County Hank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney unU Coun Miltor ut law, Room 2, Hlalto building, Medford, Ore. Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasnmiblu flguro; our buslnetM Kitllelted. Office. Medfonl Mall Tribune bldg.; phono COM; resi dence phono 0302. Auto fcniip'.los I.AIIKR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs is tho tempering. We arc operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2t; North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. llrlck MKDFORD HHICK CO. Geo. W. Piiddy. O. I). Nngle, Geo. V. O'Hrleti Contractors unit manu facturers nf brick; dealers lu pressed brick nud lime. Offlco ut their brick yard, West Jackson tt. Phono No. 34(il. Clili-opmcton DH. A. it. 1IKDGKS, Dr. Loulso K. Hedges. Mechnuo Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotherapists. These systems, Including dlototlcs, curutlvo gymnastics, hydro-ther-nphy, etc., produco results in both acuta und chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Dnrtlott St., next door to M, K. church. Hours 9 a. 111. tu 5. in. Other hours by appointment, Hull phono Main 4171, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, uervo specialist, llaums 203-04-05 aarnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndvlco lu dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 1I5-L, Main 5712. Civil Liiglnccc LOUIS W. WHITING Civil ongtnoer nnd surveyor. Wuter filings und Irrigation work 11 specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer (leslpn, coneroto work, pump nml canal systems. Room 3, Palm ulk., Meargru, oro. , Printer und Publishers MBDFOHD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; hook binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc, Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. I'liyslrlaiiH and K org cans DR. b G. CAHLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnctt-Corey bldg.. phono 27S-K. Rcsideiico 420 South Laurel st. DR. STBARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Hank bldg., rooms 17-18-10, phouo mot; residence 307 South Oakdale St., phono 7171. Home phouo, leal denco yi'J. office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlelau und surgeon. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited tn dlacuoi ot women. Offices over Hiisklus drug storo. Office jihono Mala 1001; resldcnio phono Main 7'JS1 DR. J. J. B.MMKNS PltyHjcinn mid surgeon. Practko limited to eye, ear, noso nml tbruut. Byes scien tifically tested 11111! glusses supplied Offlco 228 Bast Mui.li St. Hours 8:30 a. 111. to 8 p. m. Huth phones. L'. H. PICKKL. M. I). Offlco Jack bon County Hank bldg. Offlco phono Main 432; Res. phono. Main 5S2. DH. MARION -Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Mn'ii niul Ilartlett sts., offlco phone, 271; residence phone, 273. K. KIRCIIOKSSNBR. M. D. Prac ttco limited to chronlo dlaca-'cu. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wcdnejdayj tti-3. llotli phones. Residence phene: Farmer !Kxx5 Kat;Io l'oluc and Hogtio Itlver Hue. HKHMANN F. ItATrK. M. 1). Of flco over Medford National Hunk. Offlco phono G701. ltcsldoucg Hotel Holland. CITRIC K. 8AUNDKHS, M. D. J.rac tlco limited to eyo, ear, noe and throat. Byes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Gnruutt-Corey bldg., second flour, llotli phones, Medford, Ore, DR. MARTIN O, UARUKR Physi cian ami surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hours It) tu 12, 1 tu 4. Phono Puciflg 1101. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician, and surgeon. Phones, offlco, 501; reil deuco, 7241. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Slciiograpiiors ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block:. Steuographla work done qulekly, and well. TrauuJor BADS THANSKEH. & 8TORACIK CO, Offlco 10 South Fir st, Pbansl Jlell 3152; Home 3Q0-K. Vrlttii rigUj. 8ervlce guRraatwd. , .4