MF.nronn wav, TrcmiTyrc. MKOTonri f tr.riox, sATrnnAV, nrcrEMBETi u. 1012. PAGE TVtT.. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL I On nrrniiul of llu rrlllnil condl lion of lilt Nln-vxiir-ulil diiiiKhtitr, MniKtirnl. ttho Ih it nitlinl nl tlm Hiirrml iti( ImimiiHiiI, It A Knp- I'M Of 4IHI llltltlly HlM'tll, WIIX MODI- minimi Ihiiiim (rom 1 i In ml on Thursday I'm iil Cotlcrlll lias ii'ltiriii'il from n InmlniDiH (rip lo Itlddln. ilnorKlrit milo on clitnrrt iinlll Olirlsliimii nl InOiiiiil'H Hmoko Housm (miirhH 'I'm rill of l.nkti crexk wits it Mciiroril lllor Prlduy. Pur Kooilnrm sulio, Imvn It. A, Holimm, Hid liinuruiirn mini writ" onr Insiiniiiru. I In known how. Mr. Dully or l.iilm crmdt spent I " r I -ilny In Mmlford. Account I'nrlflr Norlliwi-nl Appl" Mens' iihm'IIih; nl Hpoluinii from He riMiilicr lltli lo I Sih Inclusive, mt of fnro unit n tlilnl Iiiih Ih'ou uratitixt hy (lit- Houlhi'iu I'nelfle Co on the rertlllcntit plnn. ,- Oleuu-up h-iIh on pcpl uiidt Chi 1st nun nt IrdlniiilVxHmalKt IIoiimi, I'rof. I' .1 O'Ourn linn riM'tlil mill nrcopli'tl mi lit vitiation (rom I.. It. Alderuniu Mute Niipciliitiimli'iit of imlilln Instruction i'ui'tln mi ml iln liofnro tlm Country Life Com- mission in Haiein, ,i ii una i y ;i, on "County Hxpi'rin; Mow Can Wo Se cure 'I'lit'in, noil W'lin I Can Tlny Do to lli'tiir Iturnl Conditions." I'niK lithel In any color print") hy tint Mall Trlhumt. tr Mr. mnl Mm Win. Arthurs for merly of It unit, (in', vslio linvn town vInIHiik Ihnlr itmiKtitnr, Mr. J. II llgllldKCr loft toilny for Monlonr. Idaho, to innltn their future home. Tliny will stop off In Homme for n fdW ilnyn tlt with Mr ArthnrN' sinter. Hliuli' mnl tin tit r tint Nut to nlKlK. -S27 Vapor Imtlu nml sclt'iilltlc nuts snito for limit nml women. Dr. It. J. Uickwuotl, olirlopnictor, 203 Unr-nctt-Corey HltlK. I'lionn 115. N Jt'rr). nho liun returned from it !rli to Honolulu, him on dlsplii) nt tliv .Mrdford CiiriiniTclitl rltiti rooms intiipliw of rWf Kruwn In HtAMll Ttlll I U'ii , ot ,V of COCOA- iiil it. wwU Ition'urn coucnm luc tlm Ul.iiid lit- tdi'il to hrlUK hnuk it dlaplny of fruits Imt wits un it Mk to on tirisiiiul of tlu iuiiriiitlii" unforced nc.tliiKt tint ,Mt'dltrrcitu fly. Collect MliOKi scattered sheets of music yon vnluo ami linvo (lirtn lioiitnl In liook form nt ttio Mnll "Trlffirno "IK-t ' ' ' if C. .1. Hi'inoii. of tint Mi'ilforil com nrittn u or kit. U In I'ortlnml thlH week on lniitliif Hkutit nml ilinirn nt tlm Nut to nlKlit. :27 .1. Court Hall urn In finintu I'.tM Ji.iturtlay on IhixIiumm. Don't IV llioiti' 1'lniip, I'ortlnml factory nnnln imiiiIIiti for your Clirlitt man trim whim on ikiii gnt hoiiif tnmlo. pnro cnmiu cnmlliM for X cttnlH por poiim! nt tli I'op Com Stori'. 10.1 Wt'Ht Main. Hainut'l Ari'lutr. of Scot tic. Ih In Mt'tlfortl IliU NSfttU on IiiikIiihi nml vInKIiik lilx olil frlnml, W. W. Cliu i;mv, At n lurKnln. t'JS (Iith of ilry fir wooil, nt uIioIkhiiIk. Apply nt 4.13 Honth Kir nlrwii, Mi'tlford. I'rof. I. II Dally, prlnclpil In lln Wnittilniilon k'IiouIm. wiih In (told Itny Hitttinluy tiiKtiiK t fiw hIioIm lit Hit Kituii' lilnU of Hint Imallly. 13000.00 or Iracllon ttiurcof to lonn on Improved country ronl -tatu nt curri'iu rntcH. Curkln & Taylor, Jnckion County llnuk IlldK., Mmlfnril. (Mm. M. II. Itolfe litft Hntiirdny niornlm; for Tlirun IMiiimi, Jintoplilm1 county. Itonu Maiden. Due. l?tli nt Nnt. ' Mm, Clara Van Duyn Irft Huttir day mornliiK for Portland wlu'ro hIh Will Im) ('lllplO)l'd for HtlMTIll IIIOIltllH iih trlinint'i' In out' of tln InrKO wlioli' milii inlllliifry fslalillnliuit'iitH In Hint city. Mm. Vim Diiyn will itnrn to Mi'dfortl In (lit) mirltiK. Ilnvo yon tried our peanuts, (hey nre tlio lieitt In town nml are roimted froHli every day. We alno liundln a, fine line of Hlielleil mid lilunclitid nutH ut tlm I'op Com Hloro, ton Went Mulil. C. V. Itetcl'rttiln wnn In I.elnnd nml (llendaltt Sntnrdny iieKotlatliiK for Hio puri'liitHtt of Hiiventl cnrlondH of wood. DurliiK tlm piiHt twelve moiitliH Mr. ItelcliHlelii Iiiih Hlilpped to Mt'dford 'iVi cnrlondH of wood. ClirlHtmmt prenuutH, I'erciilutorH, nliiifliiK iIIhIioh, cnmilroluri, etc., In copper, In mm nml aliiinliiuin. I W. HhnplulHli lliirdwmo Co., 28 South Contriil. .1, (. Miller of AhIiIiuhI Hpont l-'rl-day In Medford. Weeks AMcGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Bay Vhont 171 Mlffht V0Bll T, W, Wttki 1071 A. a. Ort MM LADY ilMTillX C 12 .lour, of Hum Valloy, wnn In Mi'ilforil I'rldfiy on lnmltn'itH Tliumilny iilxlit ii Hilef nnti'ii'tl tlic lint'lt Kcrcen iiorrli .f T. W Mllcn on Oiiliilnle in en lie nml Htole n iiinnlliy of liiirou. veuitlnlileH. nml nine crum. II Ttiiirit U'uril itti itvitii iliiiti.ii nifuii In tint nih'Ii lint the thief very Keimroiiie ly left three or llii'tii for Mr. Mill' lirenkfimt l"o r the lioy'M ClirlMtinnti, wacnnit, I'OIIHlem, hllllleit, I'.UIIH, Velnclpt'tleit, ele. K. W Hluiplelttli llarilwnrn Co., it Koiilli Centrnl. .Mm W T. HIioiiIIm will lenvo Hun dny for it xliort vInIi In t'lillfomln. Her intitlinr, Mm N It. .IoIiiimIoii. will retuin lo Mcttford with her. Iliilld up our own locality hy huy III); hoine-limile kooiIm. iiIwuVh frenh lit (lift I'op Corn fllore, l'KI Wm( Mnln T. W. IJtiniHoiiil mid family of Ot tawa, III., united In Medford Htilur day mornliiK nml will remain In thu city for n week or (mi day. (live her for ClirlittimtH Commun ity, Diamond reditu or World hramlit ullver idnlo, Klnl Wiim, !'. W. Hdnp IuIkIi Hardware Co., I'H Houtlt Ceil (rnl. M. (. Wnrner of I'tiKeiie. Ih milk Ini: IliU (tei'ilon lilt uhiiiiI h( Kodak flnlHliltiK, tint heHl nt Wen (oii'h, otipoHlte Imolc xtorn, Mm A Wulf of I'orcMt creek haw K"ii" to California to vMt relative. I'linue iih your onlem for milk, i-niiiu, hatter nml hiilturuillk. Two dullvcrleH, dally. It. It. Crcniuory. II M. Col I Imt. cashier of the J tank of .lackMiutllle. wnn In Metlfonl Krl dny itveitluK Cnrklu h Tnylor (John II. Cnr klu nml (Jleiiii li, Tnylor), nltorueyie at-law, over Jnckioa County Hank llulldlnic Medford. I. I. CrMidll wim In I'olnt. where he Iiiih oxtetmlve linal iiihm lnteretn, I'rldft) nlKht. Tho Itoxn Mltldrn In coinlmt. Mm J. M Crom'iiilllcr of Jnclmon vllle wnn nimiliK her Medfortl frlemlN I'rldfiy. It. D Wentitn, cnmuierclnl photoK rnphern, nenatlveH iiinde mi)' time or place hy nppoltitmenl I'liomt M. 1171. 8 S tftteiiului: arrlvetl from tho north on Krldny atleriictinV train. Ileal lioint-lilltde lireml nl MVo'n 0 It Myem nml rioreiicfl Wnlker were over (rout Autlorh t'rltU) Artlitlrnlly prliKcd Inttitr htiudu on fancy bond paper make fine Christ inn prt'tcnU. Let m ihow you itutple. The Mnll Trlli'ino. tf W I' Menly mid (i A. Tnj lor wore In Jiickiiouvlllo mi irofiitloiinl Ininl lieim, I'rldn) Hofl wood 12 a (lor. Oold Itny Itcnlly Co. I H. M. Cnrprnter, Hie miner, (pent I'rltla) mornliiK In Jnrkttontlllt ()nlT your oi corn f-r your ('lirlntiuni tree earlv. I'op com IhiIIn made to oritur nt Hut I'op Com Store. 10.1 Went Mnln. P. II. Piirriir, who I lit chare r the electric power plant nt Itny Hold wait ii recent vlttltor In Metlfonl. Itimit Mnlilen, Dec 17th nt Nnt. W. P. A nil pole, thu iiiiKtt kliiK. made u hiifliutwi trip to Aahland l'rl dny. Oak Her wod for snlo. Gold liny Itonlty Co. Lew In C. Slvem, (he onion l.lnit of KvniiH creek, wiih In Medford Prltlay on luttttl htiNlmtHH. I.eKitl hlitiiki for into nt tho Mall Trillium office. tf J C. Wnrren, (leo. I. Halt nml C I. Shaver of Hold Hill tarried hi .Medford Prldity. Oak llur wod for tttto. Cold itny Itenlty Co. J. W SlliiKur nml J. I.. ItnKtulnlo nre down front Uike creek Dr. It. J. Conroy Una moved hid office to tho llutchtHou & I.uimttlun hulldliiK. Thi'vu offlcea were for merly occupied hy tho comuierclnl cliih. Dm. Conroy ami Clnncy luivo dlimolved imrtmtmlilp, Clntide i: Jonoa and J W, Joiu' ot SaiilH Valley went IiiihIuchh h Horn In Medford Prldity. IlrliiK Hint old book with torn IiIiuIIhk down nnd hnvo It rebound nt tho Mnll Trlbuuo office. Cotta but little. tf Mr. and Mm. P. I'elouie of KitKle Point cpont Prldny nlKht In Med ford. Mr. WIIhoii nnd Cliurlen W Slinrpo, who live ueiir Point wore ituioui; tho many who Iran Hitcletl IniHlnetiH In Meitfonl durlitK the week, Did you know Hint thu pop com Hint, wo will niu for Clu latimiH wim rnhted near Medford and Ih Hut boat In tho world. Try our Colspetten and not buttered pop com, I oil Went Mnln. C. I., Swan, who went to KuHteru Oregon uoinu time hko, Ih In Medford iiKalu, Skate and dituctt ut Hut Nut to nlltlit. 221 J. W. Myem nnd It. W. NoIkoh of Central Point wore In Medford Prl ilny. A. Iltith, who owiih n fine ranch on I tin; lie. Itlvor, hroimht n loml of Iioku to luurkut Prlduy, Mm. It, A. I.uich of Han PrnuclHCO n former rcHldcut of thla city, Is the KUQHtH of Mm. W. II. JackHou of KitHt Medford. It. II, WIIhoii or (liifflu creek Iiiih Keno to Portland to upoml thu holl-duys. M A Under him returned from Will In Walla, Wlinh whllher lie fit corleil Hie imiinlriH t-f h Inle fniher for Interment It I! HHie who I In ittarne of the hllttllietw of I Iih limmlorg nml lltllltl er Anoclullon of I'ortlnml In Soulli em OreKou. Iiiih koiio lo hi former home in liiilliinii on n vInIi, ami win nreoitipniilml Uy lilt wife The MIwkih l,w of Cuntrnl Point were milium Hmlr .Meilford frlemla Prldny Mm. A. (' Allnu, who Imi Ikhiii vlMltlux In CHllfomki, relumed Prl dny itvenliiK. Mr AIIkm wna In Meilforil lo meet liur. MltM MiuIko M(irmlc(. who pont the Hiiiiuner In ICtiroiwt. Ih In Med font iikmIm (leorxti Anm pnnmil throiiKh Mwlford Prldny. mi roitt to Porl liiml, from t'hlMi, On I. Mr nml Mm. I. T. Otilllher of Itock Point MhopptHl In MiHlfonl Prl dny. Win Moimflelil wit In Medford Prldny iiflernoon. He Ih ntopplm; nt OriinlM Piim. nwnltliiK the recovery of IiIn wife, w1h Iihh hi'nn In it htm pltttl thnre for HHreml iiiontha. MImd l.oultte llurke Iiiih rtttunieil from mi I'xlMided vInIi In New York. ClHrciiti' I ' ii key and .liwvph Mann traiiMicted biiHlneoa In Med ton! Prl dny. .Mm. A How of .liiekiou vllle nml Mm. Itnlph .lennliiKH of Apnlocnto were a mo n thiHie wh: Npeiit Prldny In Metlfonl. Thomn Krott, rifidinntir of thin illntrlct, tvna down from (HcHdale Prltlny afternodii, Mliw O'.SVII of ColtHjtln wnn u Med ford vUltor thin wwk. MIh JihU DnnlMir hM none to Portland to pay rttlmlve m vlilt. It. H. IIiiIIUi ur OIwih. N. V.. who Ih In charge of Hie fftorlluK ntlit. lt iiiuklMK Medfortl h hitalmtM vlnlt. Kent limit of' Hiiro l nuioiiK his MeiUt-rd rrtoinU. I lurry I.. Yimnii In belnic vUlted b) liU falhHr. Wm. Yimiiik or I'iiw lervllle. Mich ' I.. K Hunk nnd family of KiirIo Point wure mcrnt .Mmlfonl viollorH. IteKiilnr ntfi'tlnx Mvrchnuu Anno cln Monthly eveiilnir. Decern Iter tilth. () ahHrp. Hotel MiHlfonl. Any one lNtenttl luvlttxl. Supper 7u centit. A llleellllK (Or iintn only ut tho PritHbyterlnn church on Sunday nt 3 p. m Dr. I'AmoM will hptrnk on, What Doth It Prodi h Man?'' All mull art Invited. Kxcltmlte dHlgmi In leothur h.tml bnHMiit Hie llamllcntft Shop. !27 l.ei;nl bliiukH at Tribune. Dleil. Mm- CuroMiiK ICIImIhMIi Damon. tiled In Metlfonl uu Prlduy, Decem ber 13. 1 u 12. agtttl 70 yourn ami four mnntliN Puneral forvlsiM will he held ut the ItapHut ekurch nt p m. December 16. II. II. Tullle. offlclatlnic. , . DmconmsI wn i no of thu pioneer riwIdtiMlit of Mi'ilforil huvlujc ooine hern with her hnahoml. M. S. Damon, over twenty yem a no. Thrao aoim are IhliiK. I buy heliiK l.orlu 1.., of Metlfenl: PI)hm. or Orotllle. Cnl . nndCharUH () , who nlwi llten In Cutlfi rnl.i. At the Churches .Mi'tliodltt Medford .Mulhodlitt Kphtropnl I'hiiroh. corner of Kmirlli nml Hurt lett Htrentri, K. plln PldrltlK'i prntlor 8crvlco Hiimlny im follew: Pruiicfi INK, 1 1 it. "i. I ltv Clnrence True WIIhoii of Piirtlitnd. 70 prom IiIiik hy the t(or, Hiibject. "The PmtelmitlnK Mr-niiKo." Hnudiiy itcliodl nml Mmi'a llllitu i'Ihhh, OHfi n. in. Upworth l.enittie r, i r. p. m. Iloyn' Mllltiiry Drill. WiidiiOMdny ovouliiK. 7:. '10 i. m Pruyer mesiliiK TlitiriwlNy evenlm;, 7:30. Hplumlld iiiiihIc by dinlr mid con Kremitlon under the dlreclloii of P. C. KdmendK. A heurty wolcoine awnltM nil. Imnl. .Iiiniom .1:00 p. in. Yotiujt ' IVoii''h O'IO p. m. F.vciiiiitf Herviec ' 7 :: p. in M. P. MnlUi'v will -penk "HH'elii tiiUMic bold nervleex. Nolli-e. Notice Is hereby glvitn Hint tho tin ilerHlKiitvtl will apply to tho alty coun ell ut Itn meetliiK to bit heltl Jan. 2. l'.t3, for a tlreiue to null malt. HplrK iioiim and vIiiouh lltiuom In tiiaiitltle letH than n mil lou nt ItH ilaco or IhibI iiohm on lot 10, block 41, city or Metl fonl for flerlml of alv months. HOLLAND HOTIJI. CO. Dntod Dee II. HU'J. V00DMAN OFFICIAL HERE llapllit .Meli't. ttlbfe Climt Whnt nro you mkliiKT Whoii Ih Hid life worth while' You tuny lenrn th aimwem to (hone iiucHtlorm nt Hie Mdii'h elnM. The teacher Ih a lite wire. w-Iioho cur rent grip you. He inlkH utrnlchl from the nhoiildcr Come out ami meet the fellown nnd you will profit by iiiotliiK (hem. Iteuicmbur (hut the man with a di'Mnllo piirpom Ih the man worth while. He wIioho thotij:titn are hlsh ur nml wIihii nctlomt are nobler, each dny, Ih iiufolillriK n more nbundunt life. A friend who practices what lot tnlk. whoite fnlih In Krowlnc and coiiIiikIoiih Ih n Kood friend lo know. livery one In kIwii time nlnl op porlunlty lo uxpretw hU thoiiKhtH on any aubject dlmumted StraiiKfra Invited, old members urged to rotun. South room of UnptUt church, corner Central nvt HHe nml Fifth Htreet Iteular meet litK ():! every Sunday inornltiK. 'lull I.llllientll At .Ion Lutheran fit 4 W. 4th Htreet, then? will he Oerimtn lervire at 11a. m. KiikIIhIi nervlce at 7 30 p. m. Sub Jct "(HoryliiK In The Conpel." Sun dn nchool (Knclliihi ut 10 n. m. Come nml womhlp. ClirNtlnu Kill Purlee will be here rrom Ited llluff, Cnl., to preach ut thu ChrU Hon church Sundny uiornln nml ovehliiK All utumberH ant retneittcd to attend nml vlHttom are Invited. The other ri'Kitlnr services will be hold ut the usunl hour. Si. Murk'Ji:pkriiuil Jomtttti Sheerln.tprieitt In chnrRe. SJtrvlctti nru held In St. Mnrk'n Hall, corner of Mnln nml Holly hlreetH. Suntlny te'rvlrot a followa' Holy Commuulon. ' a. in ; Sunday hcIiooI, 10 h m.; Service and sermon, 11 n. in.; t'veuliiK prayer nml mtiiioii, 7:30. All nre welcome. PlrM Clninli of Clirl-t, Scientist. Sunday mornliiK nervlce ut eleven o'ekek, subject of lemMtu-tiermou, "llotl Tho Prterver of Man." Wmliuxiday evenlni; nieetlni; nt seven thirty. Sunday mIiooI nt ten. nil un der the nKe or twenty are Invited Hooding mom bo nm, two to rive . m. dally, except Sunday, Church edi fice North Oakdale. Pn'tthylerlnii r!vnurelill(' mectlnff nl Hit !' Ii.vlerinn elmteli. Or. Piimom will iluiDli liin work mi HiimliiT, In Dm mortiinjr nl llidtl Mr I'nr sotrn will preiieli on "Wfiv Wi Slmulil Ifnile Willi the Chnn-h." Tlii- will he one of M tmnKit eniiotiH, KiH'cinl iti'itie lr tl'U iinr (ellH, elmrtia mnl orrlnttni will ettpeeiiillv nnmnl both umriMetf nnd (veiling. Ml linnet will iinr in the ftviiiin At 'I . in. metf'hiic Tor men only. At I hi" inflating Dr. I'nmonH wtl xpefik flu "Wlmt iloili It Profit it Mini" At 7MU th s-phI service of Hie dny. Hie nnhieel trill he "(Ivetroinintf the Wnri.1." '"Mp i h Brent nenimn. An offrinic will lie liikeu to eompeiiHiili j)r. l'iroin for Iiis work, l'.ver.vboilv N invitcl, nul Hie hiruim'Tn in our ettv ntr toiilln!- ly weleometl. i . Tho Hamilton club of Chicago Is maklriK efrort to pet progrcsHlYes to return to the republican party and has ml I nd n meeting to that end to be held In Chicago next month. M-U JAPANESE CURIO AND MERCHANDISE STORE Full lino of Japanese Goods jj Including toys, curios find,;; liicroli.'tndisp of all kinds. ' Idcul Christmas presents. 'I Prices tc fit any purse. Bittner's Real Estate Employment Bureau 121 nrrei. at llrnwnsboro. t" seres In grnlu 111 ncres in fruit. Just com ing Into bearing; some building, wator for Irrigation. Will trade for smaller nerongo or city property U0 iirro of the best fruit or grain land In Hie valley, with out Improves inoiil, I'rlr IK per noru or will trade for rliy pYoporty. J 10 sere stock rannh. with plenty of springs. Hie best soil for gonnrnl farming, ft room house nml largo barn, 16 Hi I hi out, prlen 20 per ner or will inula for city propnrty. 00 ncrs of tho best vegetable soil In tho valley. 20 acres In fruit, f. room bungalow and Inrge barn; Irrigation water out of the: Itogue. Price J2fi0 per neni or will trade for acreage, north along tho coast. Wo (fin sell you any tdzed tract closo to Medford you want. Come ami sec us. Furnished nnd unfurnished houses to rent. Kiiiptoymriit Girls nnd women for general house wor In nml out of tho city. Iron moulder. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono Home 1 1 OpltOklli; .Vakh Hotel KOOMR ft nnd PII.M nU)CK. I 4Mt4MIHHtlHmWI4. 422 W. MAIN Next to Hotel Medford Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn 2-12 Turk Street Finest popular priVcd Hotel in San Francisco Modern Central z 44lt4IHIH HD4HH4HM Draperies W wirrr vrr eemplst tin of dmprK. Uct curtains, flvttirta, U. sntl tin all oIumi of usholsttrlns. A njwrlnl man to took sfitr this work fxcltislvxly sml will stv ottl service ss In poontblt io gt In svtb tho Isrxast cftls. Weeks & McGowan Co. JUST ARRIVED l Fresh Sfocr or J$m2t Chocolates & Confections THE1 MERRIVOLD SHOP Parties wishing to subicrlbo renow their subscription to or The Saturday Evoning Post The Ladies' Home Journal, or The Country Gentleman Please notify C. A DoVoo, 418 W. Main. District agent for tho Curtis Publishing Co. Hack numbers al ways on hand. Phone CCtl. Typewriters FOR XMAS GIFTS $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH The Merrivold Shop Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DRAIN TILE STANDS ALL TESTS Examine our goods and get our prices before buying Elsewhere. H Mil i H"M t'MittH t Pictures ' Desk Sots II Brass Goods ; Smoker's Sets ;: Xmas Stationery '' Medlord Booklets :; Imported Xovcltics : I Leather Table Mats :: Hand Tooled Leather :: Arts and rralt .Jewelry THE I MERRIVOLD I SHOP Quality Goods 4 I I t i I M I i I M H M I r-4 1101111' of Truth Tlio I Ioum of Truth, Now Thought fit flc, will hold tliuir mi'ctliiK' ut II u. in., hiiiiilny. in. TIiiiixIjiv, Study I'irclu ut ;i p. MJ North ivy htivet. lliiptNt Sllllilliy hcllmil rtf II. III. I'rciicli- uijf M'rtift' 11 ii, in., M'nnon hy If. W. Iiiripiiihr. t'onni'rlv ti l.tiiuliui. r.iK- vK' kV .11 - - AN INVESTMENT IN A DIAMOND Requires careful thought and the proper confi dence in firm, lo warrant absolute satisfaction. To note the proper comparison you must-inspect them from a largo and well selected stock, such as I am able to show. In this "way you become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assured of safe and' economical buying through my binding guarantee. l-Tiiit Witt cli nml Jcvtclry tctalrlii .Mftlforil, Oregon, MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Diamond SotlliiR nu KruviiiK Done lie IsP tl Kit-ru Near l'oit Office I'i'd'r V. Clilrov, iloptilv lictul cmw Mil ol' tlio Woodmen ot tlio Woilil, tlm will lU'liwr Ict'tiiri' nt 1, O. 0. !'. hull on West Sixth street this (tvciiiiijf. to which tho nuhlif, liotli miMi nml woman uro Invited. Tho It'etitio lit t'lou, ? ? ? ? ? ? T r r r t r r T T t t MEDFORD CHORAL will render the SOCIETY x V ROSE MAIDEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 at the NATATORIUM at 8:30 p. m. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra -- 60 Performers RESERVED SEATS FIFTY CENTS On sale at Haskins, Hotel Nash, Hotel Hol land, Flagg's Music Store. m$ iiiiliMliftilliliiillftililttiMiii