Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 14, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    mmonv math towitne, MrcpTronn, on Knox, kathumv, imrmnm vl xm
L.i.l.i.l lja . i.....i -.I- iJ iLf I - ir mmmfmmimmmimmm
irKimrNii bf en.YinznKn.WY m pununi.
W( r Hfc
noott wurmw jiy j vxiox ho nor Kit
When you sco Hip hatna Dr.
Illckort think ofl!jo (Jlii.ei, Wliflfi
Tps Ihlnk of Hyn ! rntupnibor
tho mimd Itirkert. It mean a par
foot flt grncc, ologaMco. nllnllty.
comfort, Riiamiited nntUfnctloii nml
price roasbliahlO. .No droH ucil,
Tim 1'i'iui or tfnvwi 'luiili'i, a
li-ntiflt illiini'r Rlvi-n Wi'ilm Hilny
I'Vi'iiliiK til i:ili)l'H nillNlr Ikiiih- hv
lln Initio (if llin Mi'llinilli'l ilnmli
AM hocIhIv, h M'V Mim-Mnftil,
llloi miliar iinil fm'lhu v.ll rcpilM
fur limit- t(ori , Aiiout fifty ilol
Urn wim retillmnl. 'I.m illtuior wiih
Ncrvi'il iirMriMwIvitly, nnrli tnlilit
IiiivIiik "lily iiiio Imuran, lint color
mliniiiK rorrHiioiulliiK with lint iiiwin.
U'hlto uiir iilirypiniitlii'iiiiiiiiM
UilnMiv'l Hi" tnliln wIkiih miiii wim
mtvi'iI; mi (!i tiruwil Initio, 11 It in I'
ll vn with miliiititi limv itml pin"
ronm wuro llontnii liulioil lii'iiiiK,
lll-l.WII llllHtll lltlll llll'lll llMlf. IIK'
litTiy iOKtnrl anil WMdim vur imrvi'il
(nun tin pol imni In tntilu flint nflnr
iIIiiiht mliiU from a pink litliln with
pink ilirymitliuiiiiiiiu mni dilution iiii
tier pink Mlitule. Tlio otln'r lulilix
11 1 oo hIiiiwciI niniful thoiiKlil l
ilri'oriitloiiit din) vInuiIh. Tin' nproim
iilul iiip (if tlioni Mi'rvliiK n I "to riu
r IimI nut (tin tstlar kcIioiiii'H. A vnl
of IbnukH Im lutniiih'il to Mr. ( W.
I'alni for (lit' imo of llio liullilliiKi
Mr. I'iilintT for tin' imo of nun of IiIn
t'xri'llniii plnwr plmiiiM mill In Hi"
I'niU llrM , for ilmlr liolpfnl imtv
Irt. WmlnnMuy I'Vi'iiliiK of llilx wok
i ho Ifttnl iinliT nf KaMtnru Slnr liolil
IIh mimint fliMtliiii of iilfliwr follow
In whlili n lniiiiiioi mnl ddi'IhI hour
ilurliiK which it iiitirilinr of hIimIoii
Morti plttyiil liy Mr. Curium June.
vlolliiUt nun Ml Orny. plaulnl.
Tlumii ulrrtoil for Hut yonr 10M
nrn- Mr. II I'. Murxnno, worlliy
inntmt; Mr I. I,. Muiiilltuu. iimki
rlnto iiiulnui. Mr John I' l.nwri'iio',
worthy palron; Mm I! W. Wlllo,
Kocrelary: Mm. ClmrliM SlrutiK,
Ir'niiurtr; M ICIwiilinrl. niiilnc
Uvm; Mr J T Muiuiiiorvlllo amm
iliiln riiiitlurtn'W. Tint polntK ot I ho
Klnr uro In li ftfinlniM latiT by
tin' worthy iitfllrou. The roiuiiillloo
frr UVtliiMilnr I'Vonlni? wu fot
luwc Mn. K II I'lrki'l. MIm l-'om
MuliihlMiu. MIni IIpIimi Wait. Mm.
X. Wntnor. Mm Diulil Wood, Mm.
. V. Will. Mr. II. V. I.unitilfii, Dr.
I t' IMrJ. Motor, ntiit Monilutnui.
Vvi,r. Wntl, Domi, (IroKory, (JurlK.
.Vnxt wii'k Mill wliii llio hnuio
rnluliiK of i Inrtto iniuilior of poIIoki'
dtmli'iiln who will fpi'inl I lio ImlliUyH
nt thi-lr ri'n'('llo Iioiium In thin
I'll)'. Tho ii -r n li l i'MTlril noxl
l'rlilit), yjii innjurlty plmiuliiK to ro
t urn on tho en mo triilu. Ainomt
tliBKO onntitil from Iho Jlulvemlty
of OroKon at Uiikuii" nror MIkicn
Mltilroil UrlK, Clnr.i WTiion ami
I laid Itmlcr; Moitum. Juki' Wnro.
Itmommi Morrlrk. Don llmlor ami
Voriiou Vawtor. I'roin tho OroKon
AKrlcultiiral CoIIoko are: MIiwimi
Mllilroil Aullo ami Jean Ainlommi.
Vamo CoIvIk. dporm' ami XihI VIIjih
ami I'anl Marlloualil. Tom Hoiint
lln I oxpoclril from tho Htate Anrl
ctiltiiral CoIIoko nt I'nllmaii, Vanli..
ami MUm Kvolyn nml Mr. Harold
Caroy from tho Unlvornlty of WbhIi-
IiikIoii ut Si'iiltlo.
Mmnliom of the I'lnoohlo rluh worn
proMiiul at tho homo of Mr. J. H.
Htuwart on Tenth troot I'rlday ovon
ItiK. parllclMtliiR In a Htirprlno party
which wiih iinanlnioiiHl) voti-d the
"real thlnn' In tho aurprUo lino. Mr.
Will Klowart wiih tho rorlplout of
houom at tho affair, IiIn auulVomnry
lluvotciulmi. At tho I'omittiHlmi of a
hoc I u I hour, Mr. Hlowart nuih pio
HdiiUMl with a hox of cIkiith In tokou
of Kod followMhlp. A liinchooii In
oluilliiK a Riinuroiiri (iriiporllou of up
pi'tlzliiK "oalH" wiih itorvod by Mm. J.
i:. Hlowart and Mlwi Dalil. (IuohIh
ot Mr. Htuwart liimldctt tho Kiumt of
hcJlior woro MoaiirM. J. ICoyo.1,
I'M'd WVoIih, It. V. Antlo, I). 0. Mc
Alldiio, IMWard Klmhcrk, Kriiuk
f'larU and V. M. Allium. ,
Tho Oliryaiithoiuuin Clrclo hold
mijoynhlo pvoiiIiik Tuosdny ot
thlH wcuk. A Hhort pioKiam Included
u uiimhor of pliino nolon by MIhk
l'lora (lray, a ;roii of ioiuIIiikh by
Mlmt Holm DwIkIiI and noiiui uxcnl
lout miMiphoiio dolon ncrompanK'il
by tho piano by two miiHii'lamt from
(ho IhIh Thoator. A hvo raunm lmn
qitot wiih thi'ii Horvod, tint tabh'H at
trnt'tlvu with conlorploi'Pii of tiny
ClirlMtimih trcoH, haiirliiK iflinloil or
naiiu'iilH ami lion Iiciih. Tho chair
man of llio oulurtaliummt rommlttvo
wiih' Mra. IJttn SlovouBon, nHHUtauU
IioIiik MoHilamoH. Waruor, Wortmau,
Whlpplo, Waruor, TowiihuiiiI and
MIhh WllllaniH,
MIhh (lornldlno Mlkcho wiih luiBt
(HA to a iiuiubm' of filoudH at a tlilm
Ida pnily NVoduonday aftornnon, In
rompllniont to MIhh MnwArut Jlem
doi'v A dolluloim two ouiiiho liiitoh
con wnu Borvml,
1 Tho Cortland Journal rmitnlmi tho
1 fnllowliiK an uni of I Mi' riii'iil Jor-
ilittl-llOMruw vr, ililiuu
Olio' ' f tho iirillliml nffiiltH of (ho
wi'd loiik iilan mi Woiltii'Ail.iy oven
iiii. wJnfi Mttix Civil Dorolhy lllnirow
liiil'iifuo tho brlilo ot AIIImoII V. Jor
iluii, of Mcilfiiril, Ore. Tho nmrflimc
ami roCi'litluu Inrvk ilnro tit I lln lintii.
Ilflll now Ikiiiic of l)r ami Mm. Clif
ford Monro. I'liimliiN of tlm brlilo. At
N oVIork llio lirldo, (iiiwiicil in fllli'l
I niiinilK mnl prlucoiM luro, woarliiK a
Itilln veil Miiii'.IU with pmirl Im ml .
doiirondod tlm (ulonlfil htiilrcns", pro
I'i'doil by two mnall atlomlaiitii, MIm
Mnmnrcl (IihuIIk nml liuld Xowlou,
who lioro whll" mi 1 1 ii Nlroainom.
formliiK a paMMiKowiiy for tho brldo
In tlm bower of forim, mullnx and
ilnk rom'H. vhoro ho Wiih nift by
tho urouin. Dr. K Xolvou Alton por
formod llw roromouy, aflor which
Mr. and Mm. Jordan rofolrd run
lirtilUliitloiiH from nhnut I'm frlmidn
Mm. I. I. HoKioy. imithor Of tho
lirlilo, wan uowiii'd In ImpOrliMl m-t
iimt ducliofiN Radii, Mm. H. M. Jor
dan, mothor of tho union), In n rloiid
of roto iiiliir chiffon. AmtlnlliiK In
llio dtuliiR roam, whlrh wiih bcUiitl
fully docoriilod In pink, wait Mm
Jaim II. Abory. Mm. A. . MoOro.
Hi.. MfiMfK Sybil (lllwoli, Rlolla I.Ku
nor. Ufa WllllauiMoti nml Mtimlo
ltiimll Mm WiiIIit llray ami Mlw
(lnrni'1 Wnlnou pronlilnil ovtr tlm
piinMi bowl. MlM HtfllK IIomhiw n-
hInIoiI tho hOHlOM III lIlNpollllllR lltlH-
pltullty. Tho nuont woro mirprlHcd
to lonru that (ho bnautlful Htr.ilun of
mimic whlrh floated In from tho nun
parlor rnnw from an orrhontrn om
I ii-iil frnm llio yeum: rountiiH of tho
brldo and rnndurtod by nun thoiu.
Merle Monro. Mr. ami Mm. Jordun
lll bo at hnuio aflor Dorouihor IS,
In Modfopl. '
Ono nf II lout d.dlclitful nfffllm
of tho wook wim llio onrd parly of.
Monday nftoriinou kIvoii at tho llotol
Holland by the IiiiIIch of tho (irrnti-r
Mislford rluh.
A fllvo holiday air wa attalnoil
In tho lolol parlorn by tho nrtlMlc
llio of laurol and holly, mlnlnturo
UlirUtmaN' (roiH ndnmlnK the win
dow lodRiiH, whllo tho tunnlol wan
Krnci'd with n Iiiiko hiiurh of (!hrlt-
tiifia vi'jiitiiti Hit. I ullli rmt rlllliflll.
' "" ' i"
Tho iipvonly IbiIIoh prononi on
Jovod hrlilHo, Soo ami nocdlowork.
At tho clone of Iho Kftmr, (oa and
wafom woro orvod, llio ladlo In
charKo byluK mmUlcd by llio MIbhoh
l-'oru lliii):hlnon. Alutha Huiorlok.
Ituth Morrlek. Jean llnrton. Caroline
AmlrowH, JounoMio llullor,' llolon
D.ilil and Mary Doiiol.
Tho rnnturitloo In charRo nf which
Mm. (lolcholl woi chairman, rocolvod
many roniirntiiliilloiiK nil tho miccom
nf tho party.
Mm. (Intclifdl wan ably aiKlnted by
MoMilamni. (1. V. Davldmm, C M.
KmkIImIi, K. II. rroni'h, Walter Mo
(illum. V. T. Umorlrk, llolon Huh
kin. Holmi Hale. Scott DavU, (loo.
II. DaRKVtt. Ira Dodr.'.', K. II. IMI.
K. (I. Andrew.
Aiddo from IioIhk pIcaHaut uncial
affair. Hioho partlo urvo to htluiti
latti an lnlorot In tho (Irontor Mod
ford (dull, thmi mirvliiK u two-fold
ChryKiinthouiiini Olrclo. Woiiion of
Woodcraft mot In loRiilar mumIoii
TuiHiday aviMiIiik nd nftor tho Iiiih
Ino mct'tliiK n nodal tlruo wn en
joyed by tho mombura and friend
pi'oiumt. Bovenil iiuiHlcalKoloctlon
by MIhh Flora (liny woro appreciated
ami a Ird Iho comic recital a by
MIhh Itcli.i DwIrIiI. TliroiiKh
XiilKlibor Whlpplo kludncsH n pica
ant ctirprlm was rUoii by I lib
vaudovlllo miiHlcl.ui8 from (ho IbIh.
DoIIcIuiIh rofrOHhmciiIrt cIiiihIhUur of
clilckon Hiindwlchc. plcklca and cof
fee, ru ku and loo cream woro then
HOrved In tho liann,uot hall 'Iho rj
inaliidor of tho ovciiIiik wan Hpont In
tliiiirliilt. Alt prcaenl voted tho com
tuition, XelRhhora Stophuimon, Wok
nor, Whipple, Wnrnor, Wortmau ttntl
William, itH royal ontertnlnur.
Tho Uoyal Aucllon llrldRo club
met with Mr. 0. 1. llutchtsoii thU
w'ook. Mr. Kon'lnor will bo tho
next liofltoHt?. Tho tluin ot mcotlnri
hi promptly at two o'clock In tho
Mlsa llcul.ih Warjiur In oxpectod
homo noNt wooft (o romalti for tho
holiday, Mlna Wariler I a teachor
In tho IiIkIi uclfonl at Stockton.
Ml. II. A. Moi'Kan and little eon
havo ruturiiod to l.on AukoIch aftur
u visit or thrco mnntlia with Mr.
(U'oi'KO Osgood.
Mlfl.1 Molllo Hay of AppU'Riito Ih a
Hiioat of Mih. Voluey Dixon.
One of tho Social orout of laid
woik wa Hut Inf-rmal tea itlvon
Hiiltiriltt aftornooti by lh' local lan
llollMilc atMoclatloii of lllf- rolli'K"
wmii'ii nf Moilfri'il at tho hnniitlful
now Merrlrk hnino on cam Main
About fifty women roproooulliiK n
larRo iiumhnr of coIIorch npent tlm
lifti'rnooii In rnrnllliiK coIIoro talon,
nitiRliiR cnlloRit nniiR mid maklim
rolli'Ro fmlRo," Tho llvlnn room
and library worn decorated wllli pn
imntH ami pillow arratiRod In fIVn
illffcrciit RioiipH around a many
chafliiR dlnlio. Tlm dlnliiit room,
pronldod over by Mr. P. W. HlreoU
and Mm. ". (1. Thayer, wa decorated
In red t'iiriintliui rtml ri'il-nhadcd
UurliiK til'1 latter part of tlm af
ternoon, plan woro mado (o hold a
monthly kiIIoro Ititichcon at one of
lht hotel, December fourteenth bo
ItiR the dnto net for tho flmt ouo.
AmotiR tlionn prcnent wore: Men
iliiiium Carkln, DnvliHon, Hlreet.
Merrick, Can, Thayo, Hchmldt, Den
nett, HleaniH, Warner, kldon, Her
combo, ArnnplRer, Wllnon, Ciiin
mltiR, Jnuen, Carlow, O'finrn, Tor
roy, llrown, nml MImo Cox. Carpen
ter, Hinllh. llorrltiR, Yoiiiik, Mamhall,
I'lorenc Mamhall, Keiituer, Hmorlck,
Runlet, Colfln. Merrick, DhvIiIhoii,
JiickHfln, Ware, I'nxou, llnrton, Mini
nn, I'rolchlor, Moum, (irliby,
fluichlHoii, Wi'lcli. Carkln.
Tho Hidden l,lnk Humlny mcIuioI
ela of tho llaptlut church ery
ploaiautly nuriirUed Mr. and Mm.
DcArinond. 2d South Laurel trcct,
Monday etonliiR, when tho member
of tho clan and their hunhaud
walked In upon them.
A "IM Social" fnrillHlied tho oven
Iiir'h anii'cmnnt. HiiihIuk con
otf RuineH, ami favor went closely
routed lo "IM or IMn." The rofrenh
iiiphi woro pie of all kind.
Thoko luenoni were Mendntiieg:
Voiiiir. Carlow, poArmoml, Wllnon,
Dexter, lloml. Kvan, lloiich, Conwcll,
l.i'Ali MnnUomery, CiinuliiRham,
H.iM'Ott. St"i."ii Howell, Stltie,
fTi'iinott, HtltiRon, Heauchamp, Mar
lon, and Mem. Voiiiir Carlow, De
Arinon.l. Wl'non, Dexter, Hond,
KvniiH, lluoli, Conwcll, l.ewl. Hor
iftt, Uiatney, ynrlon, Ht'm-ou, Stluo,
Howell nml SHiihoii.
Tho WnnhliiRtoii and llonnevoll Cir
cle of iho local rarent-rroacher'
amiorlatloii met for a Joint noclal
mcotltiR Friday afternoon at ' St.
Mark' hall from 2:30 to ft. All the
mother of tho city and any Interest
ed were Invited nml tho meeiliiR wan
enjoyed by nil pronent. Tho next
meetltiK will be January 10, Iho
mihjcrt. ' I'mrtlcal Method of Co
operation llctwcmi Home and
School." Following wa tho pro
KiMin for yesterday afternoen:
Selection, IIIrIi School OrchcHtra;
Vocal Solo, Ml llorin Fielder: Head
Iiir, Mm. Wilson; Vocal Duct, Mr.
W. M. Van Scoyoc, Dr. Howard;
Vocal "solo, MIm nindyn Illnmnn; So
lection, HIrIi School Oruhentra.
Tho roRiilar moctltiR of tho lan
llollcnla nnoclatloii took plnco till
afternoon at tho homo of Mist) Lu
cllo MarRhall on Uakdalo avenue
South. Thonu present iIIkcunsciI and
completed plana'' for tho matutaln
auco of u public rent room In the
Med ford, Furniture, and Hardware
bulldliiR, two rooms havliiR been do
nated by tho company for (hat pur
POHO. Tho iiroHldeut ot tho nsocla
tlou. Mm. J. (I, Wilson Ih prcparliiK
a lint of tho college womoii ot Iho val
ley ami Iho Institution represented.
TIiIh will he published 111 next week'
HQcloty I itH no.
An Informal luncheon glvo tit tho
llotol Holland grill thlt afternoon by
tho college women of Hit) valley, It
wa tho Initial ouo of monthly lunch
i'Ouh to bo held henceforth, It pres
ent plana uro realized, Tho commit
too In chargo for today Included MUa
llorton, MIm Carpenter and Mrs.
Fred Cuinmlngs.
Tho dofcatod players ot tho Five,
Hundred club payed off tho scores
to tho victorious onca Frldny ovon
lug, entertaining nt tho homo of Mr.
and Mr. II. U, Luitimlon on South
Holly slreot with an oyator suppor
followed by iv social ovcnlng, (incut
present Included only mombors of
(ho club,
Mr. W. II, Slownrt wa guest of
honor at a dinner given by Mrs.
Stowart In honor of bla birthday an
niversary Friday evening. Covers
woro Inld for sovon,
Mrs. Wllnon and Mrs. Ooffo of tho
West FooIIiIIIh spent u abort time. In
Medford thin wook. '
Ouo of the inOnt liilcrtillng women Hi WaHblnBloii In Mm. Kiln Xewnome
'J'rader, who 1 calli-d "Dixie' Florence Nlftlillnecalv." Mm, TrJilcr garo her
forluiif of $7r,iJW lo the Omfedenilo cauno at thu tlmd of tbu clrll war nml
U now i.'iiiployiHl In Hi" I'cnnloti Olllce.
Mm. Tnnltr lia Mid that iho h navlnic nrery available cent nhe can for
tlm ptiri'of fiublUhlnR n hook wrlllen aliont her by n Union noldlr. 'Diln
Kilillcr wounded on Hmithorii bntll"lli-ld. wn taken prisoner by Hie Cotl
federalen. Tin wan on-i of thune nursed bark to-llfo by Mm. Trader, then
Mm F.lla Neivnome.
The Initial parly of Thu ltevlom"
occurred Tuesday ovenlng with Mr.
Hen Sheldon In chrne of tho ar-
rangomentn, Tho unl'iue form of on-
(ertalfimoiit, Iho Informality pervad
ing and an atmosphero of Ronulnc
nierrlmenl woro liidurlve lo a dollRht
fill evening. Decoration were ap
propriate to the furnishing of a palace
of chanro and carried out tho Illu
sion In a gratifying manner. Mln
lllanrlio Young and Mr. Frnnk Far
roll received haudsoino ouvculr a
a reward for their mieceiwful effort
at tho roulettu wheel. Doughnut
ilml elder woro nerved dnrltiK the
overling. Hie latter part of which wd
given over trt iliitirlliR Alllbllg thoM
protM'nt won1! .Molame llafor,
CampliMll. Oray. llordwell, lllddlo.
I.eer. Itothermel, Drown, Hale,
Schunlor. HobertN, llodflld. Johtison;
the MImo Morrlckj Knyart. Mtkkchc.
Dohl, Heck, Homier, Hutchison,
Davis, Voting. Deuel, Kcntncr. Hance,
llorton and Ida I.eo Keutner; nnd
McHsm. (lray. Deuel, MeCnrdy. Ilml
field, Johnnon, t,lmlay, Farroll,
l.liiusden. Drown, Schuster, Hard
well, Wilkinson. Uever, lllddlo.
Ilattce, Sheldon, Vim, Hitchcock.
I.oo Knot. Anderson, Kobert. Keed,
I'erkln. Huntley. Malcolm Itoot.
Itothermel ami Tcrfltt.
The ladle who, have been active
the past week In tho sale of tho lied
Cro stamps are more than satisfied
wiih their work, having nold out by
Friday evening. VAuout auvonty
flvo dollar havo been made. Mm.
Harmon ha bold tho greatest num
ber individually, Mr. Vawter the
most lit tho booth. Xext week a
number of young ladle will assist
In the nalos.
The Chrysanthemum Circle- wa
entertained Tuesday night by Mes
damc Waruor, Wortmon, Whipple,
Towntend and Stovcnsott. Those
participating on tho program were
Ml Flora (lray, Mla Dwlght, Her
bert Kawnnpach, also Mr. nnd Mm.
MoFnrlahd, tho iulcal aviator of
Iho Isla Theater.
Mrs. Jones) and Mr. Hull enter
tained tho Mast Side Clrclo ot tho
Christian church I.adlea Aid Tues
day afternoon. Ilofroshiiionfa woro
Mm. A. 11. Roiikup of Hcdloy City.
I). C, Is visiting her daughtur, Mrs.
Hen Hamott. Mm. Iledluy will re
main for tho holiday.
Mlsa Mlnnlo Weaver who haa boon
tho guest of Mm. I. b Whlpplo re
turned to liar homo In Hnzemun,
Mont., Wednesday.
True to their assertion that their mar
iMgo wa. no romance', Mr, and Mis
William Coleman CarueglO iae set
HCd down to lire in thefuurntiiiiiitle
looking home of llio ljrldo.' mother
In Pittsburg, Mrs. Sarah Do War Hell
whoso litisb.(ud was a workliisman.
The brldo of "Hill" Carnegie'; nephew
of Andrew Carueglo nml son of tic
Htccl man's brother. Thmna MutiNon
Oarucgle. wn burn In Turtiuui, Ciuuul.i
She met her husband n i( nurse when
hu was III several years ago.
XUJl-L-11-I.H-i L '
Tho porforrnanco of tho well
known comic opera "Tho .Mikado"
two evening thl week by local tal-
out gae undoubted pleasure to those.
fortunate enough to ho In attendance.
society turning out en masse. Alt
ahlo and Inclusive criticism has al
ready been published m It in iinnec
rcHsary to Hpeak of the Individual ef
fort except that they were worthy
of the many 'compliment given In re
gard to their
a follews:
Pooh Hah . . .
Ptah Tunh
Pankl I'oo ...
Tho Mikado...
Yum Yum ... .
Peep lio .. ..
PKtl Sing .
ICatlshs . .. .
work. The cant wan
A. C. llurgcns
F. O. Hurgenn
W. F. qulsenherry
It. O. nilrgcnn
..llolbrook Wlthlngton
. ..W. T. Ileverldgo
...Mm. K. M. Andrew
... Mm. Kdna Isaac
Mrs. Knld Crccly
Mr. A. C. Ilurges
Japanese School Maids: Misses
I.eta Iltirges,, Olah Chaffee. Anna
Coffin, Inez Coffin. Iva Coffin, Ma
rie Klfort, Hazel Knyart, Lot Ks
t(, lono Flynn, Kathcrlne Murphy.
Orblo Xatwlck, Sfella Qulsenbcrry,
Maude Kagsdalo, Illanche W6o1,
Clara Wood.
JapatiAn Neblemen: Italph II ur
ges, Con II. Cady, (trover Corum, C.
W. HlasRow, Lawrence Oregory, Al
bert liwrence, Wilson Walte.
j . ,
Tho Womcns Kellef Corp and 0.
A It. enjoyed a spclal at their lodge
room on Apple street last Wednes
dny evening. There wa a large
attendance of member and Invited
gttt. and all agreed that It wa
one of the most enjoyable and sue-
emwf'il noclals ever given by tho
ladles. There wa a program and
game, nf! which a binquct was
icrved. Kntrtalnment committee,
Mwdanic's. Aiidrn. Kenworthy,
Kent, Schtillz. llefreshment com
mlttuo Mcndamen Taylor, Hradhury,
Cob urn.
A delightful concert and mono
logue with living post cards, followed
by a noclal hop was given at Central
Point Tuesday evening. Dec. 10, by
Willow Spring Orange The enter
tainment wa entirely a new feature
and ono of tho prettiest of the sea
son. Tho solos by Miss McXnsser
and Messrs. Kldeu and MoMurray
woro well rendered. Mr. Cowley's
number Relighted tho nudlonco and
the ladle taking part a living post
cards were beautiful.
Musical folk lire anticipating the
production of the Hose Maiden which
takos placo next Tuesday evening, at
tho Xatalorlinii under iho direction
of Mr. Tallktndlor. Among tho prin
cipal are: Mr. K. M. Audrew.
Miss Franceno McXassar. Miss Mc-
KIJlop. Mr. O. T. Wilson, Mr. K. I
Maddos. Mr. Fletcher, Fish. Miss Inez
Coffin, Mlsa Iva Coffin.
Tho local order ot Woodmen of
fie World will hold tin open nicotine
this evening nt tho Odd Fellow hall
en Sixth streot. A noted speaker
will bo present to give an address,
nnd musical solcctlon ylll bo given
y menibor of tho Medford Concert
on-liestra. Tho public la cordially
Invited to attend.
Members of tho Flvo Hundred
club were entertnlncd Monday even
ing nt tho homo of Mtvnird Mrs, C
A Knight oir Hast Maltr street. The
clttb will bo' the guest ot Mr. and
Mrs, H. t Kentnertlfo ovciilhg of
tho twenty-third. '
Tonight at 7t:i0 a f reo recital will
ho glen by pupils of tho department
of Oratory nnd Dramatic Art at tho
Medford Conservatory, college build
lug. 31 'X. drapo street. Pupils of
tho vocal department will assist.
Tho Tuesday nttornoon. Urldcc
club was ontortalncd by Mrs. J, H.
Stowart this Aveok. Mrs, G. I.
Schormorhorn was tho recipient ot
tho first prize
Mr, Noimtad't and son Horkeloy loft
this morning for their homo In San
- , HKVtW)
Don't favJ planting your hulli until spring as now in the bcsl
time. Wo hn a very largo assortment ot flrdt cla9 litilbs Bo
culls In tho lot
After 25 yearn experience wo havo decided what In bent to buy;
Compare these with other before buying.
Orocnhoiiso Home 20-lt Office Home 35
1 IIII II IHHHt4HHH" ''H"M'H 1 1
; We have tlie finest lot of
;; ford. I'nces arc right.
; : Cut flowers that are fresh. Bulbs, Koac Bushes i
a fine hue.
X Phone 3741.
Soft candy, hard candy, colored candy, ntlt
candy, stick candy, a bewildering array of tiio
very best, at right prices. Large orders for tho
Christmas parties- solicitated
Just Off Main on South Central
Nearly a quarter of a century urider the some
Jackson County
Medford, Oregon,'
It has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and liberal reatment
TV. I. Vawter .President G. R. Lindlcy, Vied Prcs.
JW j IP"'
fmm4F.i rrH
JrJHP ' i lt H -JT
arid all during the cold Fall and Winter
months his house is kept warm and
cozy for his wife and babies.
A Perfection Oil Heater Is almost indkpetu
able when there are children in the home. EtJcry
home has usea for it.
MaJ Willi nlebml ttimmtng; filalri tlttt or tnamtlr J, (ur4Sof.
la Jrunu. Ornamtiital. tntp4rnli. Lniit far yar.
Entity mouJ Item room to room. At ar vruAr.
401 Aiukti Su..t S Fruwltc
ferns ever grown in Mdd-
923 E. Main t
-ii u i ti tmi
C. W. McDonald, Cashier I
For the
Daddy doein't go out
to hunt for rabbit, skins
to kceo the babv warm.
'3l He is less romantic,
-tvrJ u..i ww . ii
v uui inuic pracucnn
He buys a