n A(IK Mi I'WO. MIUDKOKI) MAiriTHIWW!. MIWKOIM), ONIHIOW SATl'WDAV, I )!:' KM UK I? II. Ml 2. r n mwmm TRACT IS PURCHASED X:X ? ? y v y y y A I M'NAMARA'S i H I 1 ' A few tvi't'kH npn (Iro. !!, Hnrl, of Los AiiRnle, puri'liiifccil wlinl N liwl known n llin "Pntlier WHIInjns" trw'tof land, noutli of tlio clly, nml for tho pnHlvook or tru iluya 1ms hint Hiirvcjyiir il work pliittiiij? tlio trui't into resilience lots nth! one mid fic aero IruolH. Tlio Irncl of Inntl Ik si Urn led iu-t ono mlU muiIIi r tlio Hour Orvuk liriilo, on llir- wat siilo of llin orefck, mill tfii'ro ro 102 nenv?. C'ii Kn- niupcr Stoeokmnu who Is in clinw of tlioiplpttiug work, is cnllinj; into ufi soiio. of, lus nrlistic tasto mul lmul Hrnpo liPrtntifyin ilcn, yitnilnr to llioso .mloptcil on Siskiyou Heights IliU, applying in this inolmice to the better resilient parts of tlio. tract. il is c.Hicteil tlmt a boulevard, running noro Ilenr creek, will Ik put in soon, tins running through the trnct of Inuil nliove ineiitioneil. lNOIANAl'OI.IH. ln.l., t)v. 1 1 -Why ilelcRntoji to Iho Milwaukee ronicntlon o( the Ititermitloiml .o elation of IlrhlRO nml Structural Iron worker, with their fnewii turneit tow ant tlio wot, offoreil . Mlent prner nflor tho nrrent hero of John J. McN'niiinrn wnn nskcil of Ooore Nipper Anderson. n tlefciiilnnt, nt to day's ncsMon of tlio ilynumltu con spiracy trial. Anderson was qnltxetl nt great length. It was nt tho Milwaukee ronvi'iulon that MeKamnm wni r eleeteil 8ocrotnrytr.'uurcr of tlin Ironworkora' Afwoolntlon, nml wag oted n gold wnlch. r V ,T,'; - 1,1 i , Wortl plue from Hun I'rnm im, (lint Unit Allderuii. (lie Moillnr.l li))liO eight il piobulih he niHtelu'il to limt "Hed Wiit iu in thai i'! Miim time during .Iiiuhniv. Tin' itntpmientt are pintmlh roniUtt . nml eieet'il to lu ronelmlnl (iln SPAN OS' FATE IN HANDS JURY (Continued from page 1.) "That's all. Tnko the witness," On cronu examination Spanos stood on his rights and refused to answer nay Questions asked by District At torney Mttlkcy. Judge Calkins ex plained that In n caso of thin kind ho was powerless to punish hi in for con tempt, lie was then excused. Two Others (Tailed . Joseph Travis was tho second wit ness called for the defense. -Ho Is an inmate of tho county Jail. Ho was expected to testify to the fact tliat Spanos confession was obtained under duress. He failed, however, stating that ho could not hear what was taking place. Ralph K. Miller another Inmate of tlio county Jail was noxt called by tho defense in Its effort to show how tho confessions from Spanos wcro ob tained. Ho said ho heard Mulkoy explain tho dlffercnco between the various degrees of murdor but that he heard no promises made, ilo could not hear n great deal of what went on when cither statement was iii.i de. Ho knew nothing of tho sur roundings. Thereupon tho defense rested. Sheriff, Jones was called to the stand In rebuttal. Ho simply stated that tho confes sions wcro voluntarily made , Cummlngs forced In ' Dert Cummins had a high regard for his rights in the matter when ho was called by tho prosecution to testify. Ho sent word by tho officer sent to get him from tho county jail, whero ho is hold on an indictment charging whlto slavery, that ho would not appear in court unless subpocn ead. "Go and get that man," command ed tho court curtly, "ho will come subpoena or no subpoena, if (hero is strength enough in the sheriff's of fice to bring him here." Cummlngs came. Ho was wanted to testify as to tho movements of Spanos on Monday, tho day following tho murder of Dedas kalous. Proprietor Mohr of tho Medford Hotel. was called, ,llo testified that Spanos was continually downstairs in conversation with Seymour. Harry 11 Hicks of tho Mall Tri bune wus an Important stnto witnoss tolling ot Spanos' confessions and tho subsequent finding of tho weap ons uked mid other exhibits offered by thovstatu. Ho stated that his connection with tho caso was duo to efforts cis a newspaper man to gut tho nuwii and Ret It first. Culkliin lU'lnike Croud Vhci tho trial of HpanoH was ro Humcd In tlio clrrurlt court Satur day morning tho court room was again crowded with tho largo throng of curious eoplu who havo attended tho trial faithfully tdneo Its ociiIug. A reply from ouu of tho (Ircek wit nesses on crohs examination was thought to bo funny by tho specta tors, a titter Tuuuing through tbo audience which brought forth u stinging rcbuko by thu Judge. "Tho spectators In this court," obsorvod tho Judso, "will kindly ro ummbor thut this Is n court In which u man lu on trial for his Hfo." Thereafter a pin might havo bcuu heard to drop. 1'rvkun on Stand Tom Krokas, "patron" of tlio local ( 1 reck colony was tho first wltuubs called Saturday morning. Ho told of tho suspicion tho Greeks had In regard to Spanos' intentions and how liu endeavored to got Dedaskalous away and ulono. Ilo proved u splen did witness for tho state and was not shaken ou croks examination. Coiifctthlons Admitted "VYliiJo I will not lit this tiiuo mi plyxu Hm evidt'iii'o introduced for iiittl nguiiibt the uumisMoii of thene coifcib1ot)s utj evidence, owing to tile presence of the jury, yet I will ndmit lu,i'hi, iik Uteri) is no doubt hut tliiit tlifl,Y were obtained in a proper manner." Willi, tlieso words Judge Frank M. Calkins, Friday, in the circuit court mlmittcil both confessions inudo to tlio officer during hit confinement in the county jail and they will liolh lie u-ied ngtiiitst Spuiuw. This in considered w vitot point in the ens, nml tho ruling materially effects Spanos' plinHces lieforo the jury, ltltcr Hght .Miulo A liit'or fight wus mode liy the defense to liar the eoiifoHMniw n inidonoe wus introduced trying to block ttiem. SiHrt on the stand Mvuro Hint lie Imd lieon Bliirvcd for eight days tlmt he. had been threat ened with heatings mid sluniilion until he didn't (dearly romcuiher whether he signed a otntdtijput or not. However in Hie sumo hwitli nl mol lu told of all the eiremustnuee-. before mid nftor the Mgning of the confeaion. Seymour TelN of .lull The dcreiwe enllcd Fmnk Sc.xmour and W. M. piiulnp, ininule. of the county juil to show that Spamx had been mUttreatcd but failed as frm tho defeiMei wittipc it w lcoi-1) eil that Spamxt shnrtMl the food in the juil cinially with tht other. Tlio proMoulioti priM(nttl- wit ne:-es who tlelailwl the seetiriiig f Hi eonfsKhuir. TliiM-e raited in tin connection were Sheriff done, Jailor Inis Katun, and Harry II. Hicks. Wllnesso Grilled Hicks, a nowspaprman, was sub jected to a severe grilling at tho hands of the defense who roUeatedly asked concerning his iuterasnin the cane and why he was nrasoiiUwhen tho evidence was uncovered. Jailor Eaton was alto handled without gloves but he steadfastly stuck to his story, nnd disclosed that at no time, and In no way, had he over abusd Spanos. Article lu Kvidcuco -The club found near the scene of tho crime, the watch taken from tho deceased, the five dollar bill given by Spanos to Clngcade, tho blood staiuod shirt found at tho Hotel Mcdford. tho knifu found nt tho sceno of the crime, and tho dead roan's purse havo all been admitted as evidence. Knlfo liUntlflctl Gits Koatos on Friday afternoon positively identified the knife found at tho scene of tho crime ns one owuod by Mlko Spanos. Gut. Pappos sworo that tho blood stained shirt found was his nnd that Mike Spanos had it on tho evening of the murder when ho met Spanos at the pool hall early in the evening. y y y y COLDS GO OVERNIGHT JL It our head I stuffed up and mil hnw a hard cold ou can qulrk1 get rid of the misery. First, look nftr the bowels; an Reed cathartic will do. then breathe llnoth's UYOMlit which promptl.v kills grnt life nnd heals tho mem-lirutiv. Uruntho UYOMUl (pronounce It Hlgh-o-uie) In tho day time through the llttto hard ruhlmr Inhaler, and Just beforo going to bed at night do this, l'oiir a scout timsiuHitiful of MVOMUI Into a kitchen IhiwI of boil ing water, cor luxnl and lwwl with towel nud breuthe for svnil nilii uiea the Koothltig, IkiiIIhic vapor that nrlsos. This trentuieiil Is ulmi fine for sore throat ami rntiirrh. (Vinplnto IIYOMKI outfit Including Inhaler. $t.iU; extni bottle If need ed, oO cent. Chns. Strung is author Ued to refund your money If dissatisfied. Orrine for Drink Habit TitV IT at orit k.'h:ji: Vo are In earnest when wo nk you to give OUKINi: n trial. You havo nothing to risk and ovorythlnK to gain, for your inonoy will bo r turned if aftor a trial you fall to get results from OHIUNi:. This of for gives tho wives mid mothers of those who drink to excosti an opportunity to try Dm OUItlNH trnatiueiit. it Is a vory nlmplo tivutinent, mil lm hen lu the homo without publicity or loss of time from busliioss, nnd a small price. OltKINK is prepared In two ferms: No. 1, kcomt troatmt'iit, it powd"r; OUUINK Ho. 2, In pill form, for th(4 who iloslro to tal.o voluntary treatment. Costs only II 00 n box Couiu In and talk over the mattor with us. Ask for booklet. Leon It. Hasklns. f y y y t f y y y y y f f y y y y y y y y y x WlilI ! y y y 4 i 4 We Can Help You With Your Holiday Shopping And incidentally save you msney or giveon more quality for what you spend. Besides we will put msst all kihds of furnish ings in nsat holiday hsxes without any extra charge. rlsrc are a few lines known for quality: Hirsh, Wickwire Clgthing Knox and Stetsgn Hats Wilson Brs. Shirts E & W Redman Collars M. C. Lillcy & Co's Lsnthsr Bags and Sets Phssnix Silk Knit Hgsicry Wilson Bros. Tiss and Furnishings Dent s and 11 & P Gloves A complete assortment and "always glad to show ygu. Model Clothing Co. Main and Central KS W Christmas Candy IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES Cluuvlu's, Sucii'hV.s JSi-IiooIk and thosu who nro oinij to give parties, will find our pru'os and variety the best. Large orders are our specialty raiuic ui jwucia &tti&&&&&zw ' -------------- T T w f ZHteZZ"l<ZKr ? X it if iti fi.l.f.if. ---- - -f..f.J.J -... t w m 7 rlfrTTTVTTTTTrrrTTVTIllllrrT qpIOli: that urn I I holding tho photo- this gallory Bhould use thorn as thoy aro valu able to you. Home havo inn out ot! dalo but thoy will bo made good. Pie sent them to me. i i f TJioro Is your town. a photographer lu ! t t I X I ! t Y I I I I X I X o X 1 X X y t y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y t t Y I X I y y i ! x l X y Medford Furniture and Hardware Company k. r. for .f Christmas Goods ,',iii jf, r. W t, . Remember iMi we have the largest store and largest stock in So. Oregon i jj H. C. Mackey ; ; M.II.V & Central, Mcilfuril, Ore, wi-HH..4..iw4 i tytvfrltvfrWiWW y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y T y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y z Aj y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y ? y y ? y y y y y y y "4 J' y y y 't V f y y y y y y T y z A I V