MEDFOTTO MaTTi TRTBUNR MrcPFQT?P. OKI WONT, FRIDAY. DKf'KmKn 1D. 1012. 7VOK FTVR IOCAL AND i- PERSONAL llli'linnl Vr-riiiwtr who owns hv tiiI rimldi'til loin iiml cotiitlilfruliln iii'P'iiki', which ho will Inter pint Into city tot h on .liiiliKiiti IioiiIuviikI, In i Ik tit now imltliiK Urn flulMhliiK tiiuiilutt n (Inn two utory iiwldiitirn JllH IIIIHt friMM llllt .lllt'kKtlll IHllllHll Tlm ri'slili'liru In IiiiiikmIiiw In iIimIkii, Hint Ih, llir IhikiiIdw (.fft'i'l U lirmiKht out Imtli on tlm oiiImIiIk iiml liwldn flnUli, wlilln ut tin- rn Hi" tlni" It In n lnrKi I'I'IIIiik, with nlKht liirK" mourn nml to thntiM iiri uililcil till (tin iihmI urn rotivmtlt'iirm which niiiku for liiiintnlow t-oxliifftn. Tlmrit urn two lnrK tirri'i'ii pur'ln liiduw und n I n run ni'iii'Mi'it In dli'i'iliiK porrli on tlm mi'piiiiiI floor Mr. Wriiieiir I liluuudf u i'iirM'iitir mul Ik doing nil Urn wiinihwirli on tin1 liiillillni:. Tin olil Mmliirii Wood Ynril linn upi'iM'il attain for liimlnitwi iimlur nnw iimnnxi'iui'lit All Mud of 10 Imh dry wood ut V r.o to $3 (Mi pur tlir. Cnrnlir llth Mini t'lr. 0iKiltn Moil (nnl Hnih Moor Co. I'lintiw Main 3103. 2'.' II Tin' ilnli' of thi opi'li tiicntltiK f W. O, V. Mhoiilil hi !)('. Hth In Mi'inl of Dm' Zlkt. A tnlilsikn wm iiiiuIm In llm firm iinllei Hncrlflro hiiIk on rlcnrtt until CltrlMiunii nt Iri'luiiil'ii Hmnko IIoiikk (.'li'itn-iip rxili' on pi-pin until Clirlat innN nt Irt'lnnilN HinoliO Hoiim' Tor Ktitmi iiiWo, have It, A. I loliut'H, Hi n liutirnticn mnn wrllo your luturntiru. llo know how. Mm. T A. Marrow nml hr ilntiKh lor. ri'tiliti'iitit or Mi'rrltl. Klnmnth txiiinly, n rn pamliiK n (mw itnjn In Mi'ilfonl Triilt lalicln In any color prlntml hy tlm Mnll Trlbunu. If Mr. mul Mm J T l.oKmi of Waldo. Jomilihlno ooiinly. arrlvm! In Mmlford Tluirmlii) Mr. I.okiiii U i-xtHimlw-ly tuiKUKi'il In nilnlux Vapor baths nml nclmitlflc urns MKii for in imi nml Minium. Dr. It. J. l-ockwonil, rhrloprnotor, S03 Oar-iinlt-Coroy HIiIk. Phono J ift. Mr. Faiwn of tlm Minliir orrhnnl forcii. In KpcuitlliK a fw iln) nea lion In till rlty Collect tho. a ocntlcrod shod of music oti vuluo mul hnvu tlm in lioiiml In hook form at the Mall TrlMmo. tf A. T l.timlKreii. who Ihih lnrn lit tnnli In tin' Hlfklxm topprr hull, cninc down from Jnrkmiuvllli Thurn- il. 12000.00 or fraction thereof lo loan on Improved country rual tatij'nt currunl rati'". Car kin ft Taylor, Jucknou County Hank llldK., Mudford. It. K. Nclll htm f.oiie to gpnknuo to Hpml tint htllitn , laliiK Mr. Hill 1 1 ran In rhnrjii" of tlm ItoKtm Itlvnr Onnul himikii'h offlro llonii'H MrltrHii nml W. (Ii'trln'11 of Jnrkwunliti' wum recent lnltora In Mi'ilfiinl. Mr. WHIIaniH, n Jncktouvlltii incr- dint ut . Miiit n fpt hour In MtMlfonl Tliunolny Itomi Mnlili'U, Dec. 17th lit Nat. TroiHtiinmi notlii' for into at tlm Mnll Trllnino offlco. tf J. IC. Iliiwnril of (lli'iiilnlc. rt'pr Ktiiitntho In tlm luKUIntlvo froui DoiikIah couuuty, U IbUIiii; In Mi'il tflnl. ClirlnttiiiiH pri'douti. I'rwulntorii. chufliiK ilUhi'N. imndlroloH, tc, In coppur, lirnioi nml iilumlniitn. K. W. KIioiiIdIkIi llnriUiiro Co., 38 Routh (Antral. llnrry lontrr luft for Ooltl Mill 'hurvilny ouuiIiik. Ho hint J n HiirvtO'lni; tin lininlnrli'i of Hint town ultu. Fur tint hoy'H ChrlHtmnM, wnKons, couMtttra, hkntiii, Jtiiim, volocliuilm, otc. F. V. HhnpIi'lKh Ilnrilwnru Co., 28 Routh Cont rnl. I'rofoHHor Dunn nml .1 K. I'ntrlrk of Hun Frnnrliu'o Imvo li'ft for tlm north nfinr n Hiny of hovitu! iluys In tlm vnlloy. Thi'y will ko iih far nn Hmittlii. Ofvo lmr for Ulirlatmns Coiumiiii lly, nimuoml KiIku or World hrnndii Hllvor pinto, Flat Wnro. F. W. Simp. IwlKh llarilwnra Co., 28 Houth Cnu trnl. Hhurlff Jomm wan In Mmlford ThurHilny, ni'roiupunlod by IiIm wlfu. Koduk flnlHliInt,', tho bimt nt W'w tou'H, oppoHlto hook HtOtl). Mm. K. I.. Farm of Contml Point wnH uiiioiik hnr .Mmlfonl frlonilH Thurdny. Phono tin your oidnra for milk, cumin, huttur nml huttormlllt. Two iIoIIvoiIch, dully, II. It. Crciunory. " MImh Mnrlnii II. Ilmviio of Phoonlx wh In Modfoid ThuiHilny, und iu ruinpiiiilod Mih. M. M. Taylor to Juck- HOIIVlllO. iN. Jiuiy, tho niiKKot lil'iK, rotiirnod ThurHilny from n vlnlt to tho Snnil wlch Ulnudn, llo Hpout iiiohI of tho tlmo ut Honolulu, Weeks &McGowan Co. UNDWRTAICEUS Bay riiont tin Mltit Vnoneii V, W, Wka 1071 A. . Orr ! I.ADT AWWtAMT MkhiIiiiiich W. II. nltil (li'iirio llnr iiiitii of J'.ioIihiiiivIIIi' worn Mi'dfonl hoiiiirn Thurmlny . Cii rid n H. Tnylor (.lohn II, Car klu mul (lliiuii (). Tnylor), attorimyii nt'lnw, over .lunkiujii County llnuk llullilliiK MiMlford. A II Council nml A (' HiiiikIi of (IrmilN Piihn trmiioictxil hinduc In Mi'dford ilurliiK Hi" week. Tho Meno Mn lil ii n In romliiK. MlhioN Potter of HiicrmiM'iilo, (!(!.. who lutft lii'i'ii vMIIiik In tho vulliiy Ihih ri'lunii'il homo. K I) Wimtoit, I'oiiimi'Miliil pholoK ruphoru, in'Ciitlvi-ft uinito miy tlmo or lilit) hy iipiMiluliui'iit. Phono M. 1171. Hoy Ciillwnii of Dorrln. Cnl., nr rlvi'il In Mi'dfonl n fnw dityn nlnco for n vlnlt In llin vii lly. Kent liolili-mnilo hrvnd at DuVon', Coiiiiiy Iticiinli-r CoIvIk und hi wlf. with over from .lurkaunvlIlM TJiurtdny ovciilui;. ArtUtlnilly prluli'd Inttnr IikihU nu fancy bond pnpnr uinkn flint (.'hrlnt iiiiih pri'tuiitM, l.t iim nIiow you mnplim, Tlm Mnll Trlh'iini. tf Mr. mid Mr W IC Knhmr of Cn trnl Point wiri' Mi'dford vlaltom Thunidny. Hofl wood 12 a tier, (lold Itay Iti-nlty Co. , At n ImrKiiln, If. tflrn of dry fit wond, lit whiilimnlo. Aiily lit 433 Houth Fir Htri-et, Mmlford. Honu Mnldi'U, Dor. 17th nt Nat. Mt IC. Tuhnr mid Frmik Jnlinnon or (IrniitH Pnmi trnimncti'd liiulimM In Mmlford Thiirmlny. Unk Her wod for alo. (lold liny Itoally Co. Mrx ICiiiiU mid Ml Uln McCnlly of Jnrknoiivllli uitc rcri'tit vUltom In tlm rtty. I.-Knl bin nk (or ialo at tho Mall rrlliiinc office. tf Mm. II. W. Ilnldwlu wont north on Thiimdiiy vnliiK' train. At n barKulu, 12 tlcra of dry fir wood, nt wlioloimlit. Apply at 133 Houth Fir nlmit, Mmlford. J W. Cn )-. tho kmiikmI trnvolltm nRntit for tho ChlcnKo, MlUnukm- & Ht. I'a ill rnllniml. In down from Port Intnl. Onk tlnr wod ror tain, (I old liny Uoalty Co. Carl F. Smith of HUtIIiik prvclnrt linn com to Alnnkn, wlnrn hi brothiir linn ben miKnitml In iuIiiIuk for iu'Vi'rnl yrnrn. IIU olitrth point l .N'omr. Dr. It. J. Conroy lint moved bin offlco to tho IliitrdiUon & l.umdrn hulldluK. Thmio oHIn's wnro for merly occupied by tlm commercial club. I)n. Conroy and Oluticy have dlmolved pnrtnnnhtp, Mm. O. C Iteokmnu und her dniiKhter. MUn Carrie, were nmouK the many nhoppern In Medford from .Urkmnllh' Thumdny. .SknlliiK nt The Nut. Hnturdny afleruoou und owmlng. 220 Mr. mid Mm. T. It. Hurry of Ituck Iihi. DoiikIum eouuty. nrn vUHIiik In Mmlford. John A. Cook, who ban ben doliiK Jury duty nt Jnrkmmvlllo, wn In Medford 'lliiiixlii), en roulo lo Cold Hill. Illnluo KIiiiii apent Thumdny In Aidilnud on bimlin'Mi. Mr. Ilontwlrk, who linn been vlx ItliiK In Mi'iltnnl, hnn returned lo IiIn lioiiii' In Joophliio county. llliiko Haiti win, after u ntny of sev er;! I month In Medford, linn kio to Cnllforuln. HkutltiK nt The Nnl. Saturday nflernoon mul evenliiK. 220 MUn Itltu Ollmnn, formerly of Medford, wn married nt Portland to Hoy JohiiNon, recently. M. Mnmhull or Central Point linn letummt from n trip to California and olhor nlnten. II. I.. Dodge of Hlvcrdnle hnn koiiii to bin home In Ohio mid will be koiio mimo time. It. II. PumoiiR or lllllrrcut loft for tho north ThurHdiiy mid will nurvey tho fruit Mltuntlou ut Portlnnd he lore returnluK. Mm. Cdmiiud Hurke, mid her dniiKhli'r MUa I.oIm, nre vIhUIui; In Medford. HKulliiK nt Tho Nut. Hnturdny afleruoou mid oVeiiliiK. 22ti Mr. mid Mm, K. U. ToppliiK of Jimuphluo county are uiiiouk tho many from'uhrond In Meilforil HiIh we ok. C. I.. Noel or Yruku, Cnl., U mak ing M ml ford u biiHluenH Ult. CIiiih. 11, (lay tarried ii few houm In Coot i nl Point the torepurt of thu WUttll. J, It, NorrU or Mldvnlo wn In Mmlford ThurHilny ufluruoon, WHITE RAVISHER FREED BY GOVERNOR BLEASE, H C Dec h - Aft er dmlurliiK ul the ri-ieut K"vernom wnferenrn Hint he fnvored tho lyncli lui: of iicc.riii'M who nttnrked white women, Ooveuior Cole HlliH" here todny pnrob'd It A Itlehey, n weiilth) while planter of Ahhyvlllo eouuiy, euleiced lo ten villi for nniilllli'. n youiiK Kirl In IIMU. Tho Hovernor Impoied u coudlllou I hat HIi'Iklv hIiiiII depmlt u hotid of $f.,iMio thut he will pentooutly up penr hwfore the onentitlte N'oeinlmr 23. I HI 3, 'to receive wlint In thutl mid there ordered hy the governor." KANE'S CREEK I CllltlST.MAS SAM!. A ChrlHtmiiH hiiIo will bo hold hy tho 1.. A. Hovloty of tho Lutheran church on Hiturdny, Dec. 1 Ith, ut 217 W, Main stri'ut, 1'aucy aitlclea will ho on walo nud llKht.iefiealnni'iilH will bo Hiirvod ut uoinlnal cohL 227 C. F. Richstein (Sb Company All Kinds Wood For Sale Rich Wood, Block Wood and Tior Wood Strictly Cash on Delivery Me, llij'tfiilli'illliilil iitml lllHilcn flieinU one iIim lerenlly. Mr. I.ewln nml ie nere Meilforil Mhniict on Veliiciln,v. Kev. I)nu iiieiiehi'il ii iniwl iuler eliti "eiiiinii nt the DmilnuelU lut Siimlliy to ii k""I ni"'il nuilienee. Mr. iMvit ill Imlil ll erien o' thi"e lucetjui: iMime time In .InuiiHry. Norrti k Daily Keep their two nt ii tn p iiiiut mill lni,v ii the mine priMiil-i'H to lie utuoiiK the bent in thin nccliiiii. Mix, toft nml iIuiiKltter, Mary, left on MomliiyM I ruin lor .luek-nii-ville where Diey will leiive hy xliin' for Iliitieoiu lo tUil her mother mul oilier rein then of the Aile(nie country. Aiiioiik (lie Kmie Creeker in the Hub til mi Tuiday were Mr. nml Mr-. IliKJiihotlmm, Mr. nml Mm. HoiiM'Imlilcr ami MiM I'eurl lliirm hotluiiii mul mother. The imrty Ktimluy ut Mr. Mur iIoii'm uiim h tinwt ileiiMinl nfftiir in every reM'et. All lhoe prenent Iiml h jolly xouil lime. Huniniiu. iiorn from Kmim CmeL to (lelil Hill thi week: Ibwnie Kirek, Tom Kirek, Al 'Bti,. Froil Slruube, Mr. nml Mr. I.ewix, Oln Mnrilnii, Mr. Martin, Mr. mul Mr-. Iloiinclmliler, Al llhoteii, Mm. Tnylor mul iliiiiicliter, Waller Morrin nml Wenlhcr Pliophet Foster. Dick llen-ie Ihih rctunitil from the mint al'lcr nu cxtemleil ixit to his old home in lotvu. I lick hvi that Miiithern Onifoll i kooiI elloUKh for him, cHt-inllv il thin time of er. Tom Kirek and hin mnler, Mi Ibwie, wii VI nit ins; tho DHtiltnutlln M'lllMll Oil 'l'lllll-llll.V. fijrv Durkey nml Huley have taken u Kritbhiuir mint met (or Mr I.euiM nml Iiokiiii work on Tne-ilnv. We nre cujoyi'.j; "iililiKlike weath er her in MiutliiTii OreKou. The pliiuie line ii ncaiu in commi niou on Kmien Creek utter beini; out nil Miimmer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKD Party with Jinuono to Invimt In n biinlnenK Hint will pay nevurul hiiuilrod per cent profit Will hlnud clnneHt Investigation AddnMM C J. H. Central Point Ore. 228 the OlIP ll came in and .selected a pair of Christinas Slippers for Ma, Sister and I toby, total of hill came to ..(10. I'a left smiling saying Ma would he in to get him a pair also. This is only one of many satisfied customers. New stock, all sizes and colors to choose from at right prices. That 's 'Wight it Priuos." v, h' fsSicldtSd Good Shoes"' Opposite Post Offlco Use or mM ir: vbibX. ) VKV Cottolene r Coofciti! or iTi 7 n . When you shorten or frv fonr! with butter it is needless extravagance. Butter is too exoensive for nsp. nnvwh prp. but on your table. If butter were really better, would produce better results in cook ing, you would be justified in using it, but it won't. Cottolene is fully the equal of but- ter xor shortening; it is Detter tor trying. It maices iooa ncn, out not greasy, because it heats to a higher temnerature fhan 1nrr1 nr hnfpr nnrl COOks SO quickly that the fat has nn rhnnrp tn "snah- in Cottolene is more healthful than lard, and you need to use only two-thirds as much as you would of either butter or lard. When you stop to consider that the price of Cottolene is no more than the price of ,lard, you can reaciny ngure out wnat a saving its use in your Kitcnen means Don't be extravagant; use butter for cooking; it's expensive and no better. Do use lard; it's too uncertain and greasy. Do use Cottolaie, and you will have better, more healthful food, ana more money m your pocketbook. Try this recipe: -CRIDDLE CAKES- 1 cup ilftttl flour Vl tmpoon nit 1 egC 1 Ublctpoon me lied Cttttltxt V tmpoon todi 1 toiipoon baking ponder Sift together, ths flour, tilt, toda, baking ponder, add leattnef;i;andCriir. Heat well, cook on enddlt cieawd llichtly tilth Cttltlent. Made only by THE N.IK. FAIRBNK COMPANY J , VHkT I A I f rm' ' ''I don't BSfffi -7) J i too TyV 2& I llllllllllZ t 'i r r r t y ? ? f ? ? f v ? ? r v T t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y B & C CASH STORE 33J Per Cent Reduction on Novelties, Glassware and China for your Christmas Presents Make your selections early and we will hold thorn until Christinas if so desired. RKC.UI.AU PIUCK. HOLIDAY I'ltlCK. J1.75 to J2.7G Hand-PulntPil I'lntca' tjt.jn to tjt.s.1 ,40 " 1.B0 Fancy Dcoratod Plates "3 " 1.00 1.50 " COO Chocolnto Sots t.00 " J.00 2.25 " 8.00 Horry Sota '3W " 5,!W U.00 " 4.00 Cako Sots -' " -"3 .26 " 1.50 Fancy Cups and Saucor " 1 .40 " 3,50 Individual Supara and Creamers J.l " a.M 1.75 " 0.00 Tea Sets (3-nIece) I.W " 't' ,35 " 4.00 Jardinieres ' - " -05 2.00 (loniilno Cut Star Tumblers (sot or C), per set . lw .00 " ;75 Heavy Tumblors, nor set to " .30 .45 " .75 Thin Tumblors, por sot ao " 3.00 (loblots, por sot a.oo .50 Clubs Pltcbors ." ' .25 " 1.25 Vases " .75 .10 " .20 Medford Souvenirs on " .10 ,40 " 2,60 Colory Traya .' 'M " .s 1IEQULAR PniCK. HOLIDAY PIHCK. .35 " S 75 Salad nowls and Fruit DUhos .. .. 3 " 1.H3 .50 " .75 Shaving Mugs a.t " .BO .15 " .75 Powder Hoxes and Hair Receivers .10 " .30 1.50 " 4.50 Foru Dlsbes t.00 " a.00 1.35 " 3.50 Ucdroom Sota 7S " 2.15 .40 " 1.00 llutter Dishes -3 " .03 2 50 Poppy Sets (7 pieces), sot 1.50 .25 " .GO "Huddy Tucker" Sugars and Croamors 15 " AO .25 " .CO "Ruslor Drown" Sugars and Creamers ia " .0 .35 Tea Pot Stands , .15 3.00 " 3.7 Wino Sets 2.00 " U.50 5.00 " 12.50 Punch Rowls .50 " H.00 .10 " .20 Salt and Popper Shakers... 05 ' .10 1.50 " 4.50 Parlor Lamps 1.00 " a.oo .155 " 2.00 Japanoso Ilasketa ,10 " l.:i5 "1.00 " 4.00 Tobacco Jars 05 " 13.73 Also ALSO 33 1-3 PER CENT REDUCTION on Decorated TTaviland, Old Ivory China, ftoyal Doulton Wnro, Ultin Willow filiiiin. T)np.hnsa of Moslvn China. 151uo Ellsmero China. Pokin China. AVhito and Gold Soml- t. .1... i 1.. .1 1 ..II W! 1 .! .. ! .1 !.-i:... Al... rorcpiain, uuernsey ana oimiuuieti ware .uiu tin uuvuiiii's jiu guisswuru ul uvurv ui.'sui'iiiiou. Clothes Baskets and Wash Tubs. Just received complete line of White and Gold Haviland and Whito and Gold Austrian China. B & C CASH STORE 225 West Main Street, Medford. GEO. T. FOYES, Prop. Both Phones . ., . . -. ' in ! 1 y y y y y X y y y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y . t y y y y y y y y y y i 7 it,H.,I.H.t'. x HA,rH.ti.ivik