wmmmmmmmmmmm Vtroflim Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mm. IHJ Mln. 07J Pre. .04), I(4tln tonight nnil Hnttmlay MEDFORD, OHKCION, If 111 DAY, DWRMBKR 13, 1012. NO. 220. Dally HaVpiiOi Ymr. U " r QUARTETTE OF MURDERERS PERISH ON THE SCAFFOLD AT PENITENTIARY M i i m en SILENT. ONE SELF-DEFENSE, AND HE CONFESSES Doomed Men Arc Manned In Pairs Garrison Makes Speech Clalmlnu Ho Did Not Commit Crime Faultier Says Hanging Will Not Cure Crime Priest Pleads (or Moruan Roberts Proves Bravest of Them All, Says Mo Did Not Mean to Kill and Partly Innocent. Governor West Says Every Good Movement Must Have Yellow Don (or Foes to Kick and He's the Dog Hanging All Wronu, a Barbarous, Medieval Custom Refuses to Witness Proceeding SAI.KM, Or., !). i:i, -Knur men Hriti MrMiifttod I" death nt the pmil liiiliarv tirn today with nil tho ooto htoiiy prfaorllHid It)' law. They went In thttir dmtlw two liv two. I'limo on Kin invited Ki(t wit jinr tan esrmoony, though lliolr I"), (inventor Ocwnlil Woat, whm not trHMiil. Tfi worktmuwhip or IIih i tm-uliiHi whh much HpprwiiitiNl hv iIim gtHMs, nud tkr inMiilttiuitml ihwi t'lMtlvft UM III IHtttilMK tllH fllUl'- liirtta h Nfa liy I'HlliilK to iwiks a Hwiw,M NoliU FtutluVr mill Frank (Ihiijimim wwit find. Thy luoimttn! th lnii t.i (Iih iwaffold unaided liv lln guard lm marehrd with them ami timk lln'ir idaem i hi (Itp trniHi, .lit rloott PlcittU luiiim-mo (larnaoit, ii wild, uncultured wnnda ii au, Iwd 4huhi lo ir.uko a ten min ute MHecli which Iih IihiI prepared villi gioat euro. Tim guoU woro wimhIi rollotnd whett lif uIiiihkviI hi muni. "I wmhL to my," ho shouted, nd- vituHiw to tho, roll Mini looking down tivoti liU nudleuco, "llmt I iliilu't com ft.it I lm itrimo of whleh I wna nun- V iCtOl!. I Wit t'Oltvieletl Oil porjlllcil iKklutMiny. TIih fuUu witiiuiN won ." Hit Blurted lo inline llii'io, lint liin tnH'n droll, nidi lor a mniuoiit ho cIiniiI chunking. "(lontlsmen," lm aiiid, thou, "I lutvo plNUtfll m tHtoowiit which will lilt gill'll to lllnJIIUM." "Hanging No t.'iiii'" ThII, wiry, iuimciitwly strong, Paul ilrr I hen aleppud to tint rail iitnl in n voice, olimr ninl Minng mi id: "HiiiiKiiiK will never mire I'limi). Voii'mi gut to Kt at llui root of tint owl." Tlio Muck oh hi were fitted on. Tim iioiHitM wore adjusted. "My (lotl, Dot Kt tight I" gmiiiiod (Int rikuiu Faultier aiiid not a woiil. Tim I nil hi wont kpning at thu anine iiiMlnnt Ui3l. A twist or two. A imuwilalvu inoM'inoiil u llio iIiiiikHiik litlio aw nut; uciilly ami wliiih'tl to oao tin' kink In tlio ioik. Ttvt'lvu aloud in a row, I hoi r fiu'cn lumifiinl ami ilniwn, pciioiiiiiiii; mi ol'tliiiiil duly. Tlniy wtnn tin) jiirv. Tlio ilonlorrt liHtniiud at lln hiunata of Hut nun who wuio all hut ilt'inl, ami oaiiht Hid fni'hlo, llnlli'iiiiK iiiiImo "f linaiU llmt wt'ro rHuclunt lo ttiit In'iiliiiK- Al J !:.'(! mil' of tlio ill lie iIocIoih miiili "Tlmy urn ilunil." ICmhi iih hu Htoki there cniiic I lie honml of Iniinpiiitf IVi'l, ai KiinriN lnnimlit up lint Htuiui two woodi'ii TO OF Allorni'.v R W. Mciii-h tudiiy hi'Kim niiimhnuUH piocuoiliiiKX to uKiuirlaiu wluithor or not t'ily lliu-oriler KoHh ami Coiiiioiliuiin Caiupholl uppoiutcd to ot'l'oo, hold until tlio turuiH of tho inou thuy wuru appoiiilod for iw j tiro, a yenr hoiu'o, or wliolliur limy imist no hul'oro I ho pcoplii i'or ru I'h'itliou IhiH doiuiuK liiuuary. It W'llH ONpuulud thll hdcilllihlH WOUllI drill),' llii'HO prouiLdhif;rt, or that At loincy I'hipptt mitiiiK I'ol' cititaiii (illixuiiH would Htart tiioiii, hut lie haw ht'oii too liuwy, and to Httttln tho ipicH lion, tho city Iiiik employed Mr. Moan, K COURIS ii QUESTION RECORDERSHIP E, i PARTIAL GUILT roffiiK. The ImmIicn wcro out down and .luffed in tho lioc. Ami that whh tho ctnl of IVmik (iHirikiiu mid N'ohlo I'rtitlilcr. limit Dlo I'citrl'ty Then chiiic Mike Morxuu ami II. K. Ilolmita. Thoy, (imi, nhaorvi'il tho do oonoioa of lltti ocoHkioii, ami lloliorU, who, it wnm fcKicil, wtmlil luni. ciiiv on, oii IimiIc.I nunc KiiHidti, in tho vtuij h ho wHa inimaIiik to tho iIomIIi oliHinltcr, with: "So Imnf. fllowr' Thoy, t.Ht, Mnlkctl lirilly mid without mil up tho nluirw, nml without fn tttnk llo'ir hIhiiiI iiton tho lni. Rithor MiMtro prrowloil tlu'in to I ho nonffolil, wvHtiiiK tho roh,M of liU hnlv nffio mmiI pntiii( iih ho wont. Miirjcou IihiI no Htutiiuioul to make (oraoutilly. hut while liU aniix ami Irifx were In'illK liniiml with tho hlntw l-'nther Moore miid in hix lielnilf: "Mitrjton wauU mo lo nay for him that he killed John York in folf.de. foiiftp. Ho wlahiM urn iiIko to hu llmt ho in mil Kiiilly of killlmr his praud. fnthor of which rharKO ho wan uo ipiltled. Nor did ho have any hand In tho murder at Tho Willown iik homo of liin cnemiiM have Hid." ItotN'i'U (.'ainet of I'niir Kother Mooru foil In hie kucoM ami IioKhii to pray. Kohcrlx, u thviirfih youth, vthiiNO nerve wiih donliteil, turned out to ho porhiittt, the Knmet of tho four. I'orhiiiw it wiik tho ooiiiiiki of tho tlniK kin on him heforo ho loft death row llmt Mifliiiucd him. l'orhMi lot who lived vilely, wiih do teriiilned to ki out hntvoly, ami with dlcnily. "I didn't inoHii lo kill tho two men in tho iiutoiuohilc," lm Miid, ami there wnm iHMirooly a ipiiver in U' luiyi-di voice. " thoiutht llio oflifcr of tho law wrro houudiui; inc. I thought I had lo do nomothim; to hnn tho aiitlioriticH' attontiou to my inKi I icnitfinhcr ahootiu ouec. I mil partly Riulty ami partly inuooont." 'i I-'ioiu I hon on hix voice trailed away, ami tin uunU ho ullorcd woro dixjninled, inenlicrcnt and without moHiiiu. Thuro could ho no douht that lm wiim mail. In I'lomiuitciil Dead Tho Imp woro hpiunjr at l'J::in. Another jury of twelve hlond in a row. AkiiIii tho dootoix lihtoncd with Ihuir nlolho-oupoi for tho heart heats of dying men, who u moment heforo (Continued on I'ago 3) candTtrust next to be prosecuted IMUhADMUi'lUA, J)u. lit. C'hurttliiK thut tho IMilludolpliln Job ItliiK I'ouroetlonura' untuoclntlon, ton Hplrod to roorco candy inunufncturort) troni hcIIIiik direct to retallum, ton HtimorH or Jobliern uxcopt nionibors of tho iiBsoelatlon, Attorney Wlclcor hIiuiii rilod todny n civil milt to iIIh hoIvo tho alU'Bod "ounily triibt." E 100 NAPLES' VESSELS LYAI'MCS, Doc. ta.A tonlflo ox ploalon In tlio harbor hero today do Htroyod inoro than 100 umall voaaola, (IbIiIiik hontH and minor craft. No gnaiiiiltlcH aro roportod. Tho ciuibo or tho oxpIobIou lum not boon lournod. New Year's Issue In mvonlmiro with j'Ik annua tMiHloni IIic Mail Tri hiino will on Now Year's day jhhiic a Hpccial edition dtwriptivo oC tho growth and progress of Icdford and tlio Hoguo river valley during the past year. The issue will 'ho profusely illustrated and he re pleic with etils and maps deseriptivo of the valley's de velopment. This is the only chance to send your friends the slory of the valley brought up-to-date, to let the world know what we are doing in the nmreh of progress. Send in orders early for extra copies. Price 5 cents. MI3DFOKD MAIL d'RI HUJSE. 24-HOUR ET I KAN I'ltANCISCO, fnl , Dec, U With tho crowd Increasing nn tlio tiny proBrotMird S.iu I'rnncUco'a twenty-four hour proleitt ni;nlnHt the ImnclnKH todny In Snlotn, OrcKon, appeared to Imvo boon In nlu, but tho dnuionitlratlon will continue until hIx o'clock tlili evemnj?. Tho watch word of tlio crimudoM In "lliou Shall Not Kill," mid tlioiuuiiilM of pomonn with vIown both (or and OKalnst tho ilououuiorii of capital piinllinient nro moppliiR to lUtcu to tho BHnkerri. ThrouRhniil the entire cold, foKO' nlKhl tho donunclatlona continue'' At four o'clock thin mornlni; tho dis comfort of both aponkor and nud lonro waa no sroat that everyone wan forced to move. In a trot about the nutomoblto which nerved mi a. forum, I to offmit tho cold. At that hour tho nudlcuco numbered about 100 men and women, and It was a ntruuRo niMiiro of rrecdti and callings. Up to midnight tho street wna packed with a iiiiihh of icoplo but nf tor that hour tho crowd Logan to thin out, althoiiKh at no time during tho ulKlit did he uuiuber fall bcliiw 100. Anton Do Maim presided as clinlr in an nud remained nil nlcht on tho Job, Introducing tho npcakern. Tho nprcche.i will continue until C o'clock thin ovonliiR. TURKEY TELLS GREECE TO SIGN IKE CONSTANTINOPM:, Dec. 13. It was Honil-of flclnlly learned hero today that the. Turkish onvoyrt to tho Lon don conforcuco have been Instructed not to ucKotluto with tho Oreck plenipotentiaries until Oreoco bIkiis an arinlHtlco. Tho Turks will dumiiud that tho (IreeliH either ratify tho llnKhleho protocol or sIku a ctarato ai;roe inont. Now of tho IVrklsh-Urook flKhtliiK today on laud and sou caused this action. TWENTY-TWO LOST ON LAKE SUPERIOR MANITOWOO, Wis., Dee. 13. Thut tho frolnht ntcuiuer Alnsja, has foundered In Iiko Superior with her crow of twenty-two pornoim was htatod In a wirolebs messago picked up hero today. Tho messiiKO wus luterruptod ho foro tho neudor'a slKuaturo was ro colvod. Tho doBputch was not datod. DANIEL O'REILLY MUST SERVE PRISON SENTENCE NKW YORK", Dee. 111. Tho uitpel Into division of tho Htipromu court nflirined today thu eouviution of Daniul O'Heilly, l'oruioi' utlorney for Harry K. Tlmw, slayer of Stanford While. O'Uoilly was eunvlutod of receiving nlolon k'iuiIs in eoniieullon with tho robbery of Anion Ihmoroft, a broker. - Tlio oonvlotion ourrloH an oieht AGAINS HANGINGS IN SAN FRANCISCO muiilbs jail sentence, HOME RULE BILL E E LONDON, Dec. 13 Ainoni; great i ilemoustriitloiiM and counter-demon- m atrntlou tho home rule bill has m ItasHOil tho committee staRo In the Commons todara I'romlcr Asqulth and his nilnlHtemwere given nn ova tion os thoy lefty lie chniulier. It Is tho Intention or tho govern ment to pnx through the house of commons prior to tho rlaliiK of par liament, thrcoMlinportant bills home rule, thoyfts-ostnbllshment of tho church of Wales, and the reform of tho franchise? The principal aim of the last named measure Is to put mi end to plural Voting whitman Boomed for new york's mayor NBW YUH1C. Dee. Kl-A boom for District Attorney Chnrlrt S. Whit man for mayor of New York today is the outgrowth of u hampict to the proxecutorduht night, whith was at tended liy J, OOl) j:ucts, repriontin nearly nil political creeds. The Mis Ohtion that Wlatmnn be n fusion candidate for mayor was made by Senator Hnrah of Idaho, who pa-dieted that the district attorney eventu ally would K1'1 'be wupiort of the prOKrcMiUiw. LUOWIG TO RULE OVER BAVARIA MUNICH, Dec. 13. Prince I.ud wlu will replace his father, Prince l.uitpohl, who died Wcdnei-duy, ac cording to anuouuecment today. No arrangetueutK for tho funeral have yet been made, hut it in understood Hint thu kuiser ami other rulers of the German empire will attend. Tho late Prince l.uitpohl ruled over llavaria for tho mad Kim; Otto and it is hiiid that a emi-offieial agita tion is on foot to (lcH)o Otto nud pin eo Prince l.udwii pemumently upon tho throne. STRANDED GERMAN SHIP SUCCESSFULLY FLOATED SKATTIiK. Wash., Dec. 13. Tlio Ourmnn steamship Nauptln, which ran aground on tho bench near Fort Worden yesterday uftornoon was floated agulu this mornliig with tho mbslstauco of tho Tugs Tyco and I'rospur. Thu Nauptla Is bound from Hamburg to this port and will nr rlvo hero tonight. It Is bollevcd sho Is undamaged. AUSTRIA SEEKS EXCUSE TO ATTACK SERVIA PAULS, Dec. 13. A cousorvntlvo opinion In Purls la that tho Austrian cublnot Is making roady to attack Sorvla on ouo protoxt or nnothor or wishes to bo mustor ot negotiations In Loudon, PAU1S, Dee. 13. A soml-offlelal noto issued hero doclarcs unfouudod tho minora that tho Porslau Crown Prluco Alexia has boon stricken with nn Incurnhlo malnd)-, PASS S COMMITTEE TA IN COMMONS GREEK ATTACK PLAN 10 FORCE TURKEY'S HAND General Forward Movement of Entire Greek Army Underway Design Is to Secure Sultan's Consent to Peaco at Any Price. Balkan Allies Demand Session of Scutari and Adrianople to End the War. LONDON, Dec. 13. Preasuro to force the hand of Turkey In tho peaco negotiations to open here Monday Is admitted In despatches from Athens today. In which It Is stated that the fighting at Janlna Is part of a general forward movement of tho whole Oreek army. This, It Is believed here. Is designed to force tho Turks to ac cept peace al any price. Despatches received at Athens from General Sapountzakla, com manding a Oreck detachment, re port that his force has occupied tho Turkish advanced posts near V'liano, nt the point of tho bayonet. The Greeks captured three cannon and a great quantity nf supplies. Allle Want Kurt rows Only tho cession to tho Ualkan al lies by Turkey of Scutari, Janlna, Adrlnunoptc and Durazzo will bring peaco In Kurope, according to tho representatives ot tho nalkan states, who aro hero today to open peaco negotiations on Monday. This statement was mado by rep resentatives of all tho Halkan states who apparently aro determined that Turkey's power In Kuropo shall never again bo a potent factor In tho near eastern Question, which has threatened world peaco for genera tions. Indications that tho allies will stand fast for their territorial conquests wcro given by Promler Venlzclos of Greece, ono of tho en voys, who declared that reports of friction wcro baseless, and that tho allies wcro moro united today than at any tlmo slnco tho confederation was formed. Son In Will Itcvedo Indication that Servla, whllo In sisting ou nn Adriatic port, Is pre pared to muko concessions to nvold traublo with Austrl'u, cama today In tho assertion by Mr. Novakovltch of Servla thai his country, It permitted to retain Durazto would agrco not to attempt to fortify It ami would apreo noi to cedo It to any other na tion. Peace by Christmas It ts certain that tho Greeks des plto tho fighting still in progress be tweon them and tho Turks will par ticipate In tho conferences hero. Ow ing to tho non-arrival of tho Turkish envoys, Sir Kdward Grey said today that ho could not rocolvo any of tho Balkan plenipotentiaries formally, hut that ho oxpected several Infor mal calls from them. Prediction that peaco will bo ar ranged beforo Christmas Is reported to have beou mado by Reschld Pasha, chief Turkish ouvoy, lu a telegram from u correspondent who lutor- (Continucd on Page 3) RAILROADS PLAN TO SAN I'ltANCISCO, Cat., Dec. 13. Declaring that tho railroads aro en gineering a campaign to discredit reculatlon. Prcsldont John Eshloman ot tho stuto railroad commission Is on record today as donounclug Presi dent William Sproulo of tho Southorn Pacific for a spooch dollverod by tho lattor boforo tho San Frauclsco cham bor ot commorco. President Kshlemuu's denunciation was dollverod boforo tho Horkeloy chamber ot commerce. "Tho head ot ovory ontorprlso In tho atuto may lndulgo lu volled throats," said rjshlomun, "hut rogu latlon will coutlnuo and will continue to ho effective," IN ON WALL STREET Members of Board of Governors of Stock Exchange Admit Transac tions, and State Exchange Could Stop Short Sales if It So Desired. Attempts Made to Justify Specula tive Practices, Short Sales and Wash Sales. WASHINGT6N, Doc. 13. K. J. Sturgls of the brokerage firm ot Strong, Sturgls nnd company, a for mer president and a member of the board of governors of tho New York stock exchange today resumed his testimony in tho hou&o money trust probe. Sturgls explained "split" commis sions and shortselllng. He said shortselllng was defensible, asserting It depended on circumstances. He admitted If a panic wero raging shortselllng might Increase It. "It Is a question, "ho said, "be tween a man and his conscience. Somo approve of It; others do not. I approve of It In somo circum stances." Sturgls did not deny that tho ex change could stop short sales It It wished, and admitted It was "gam bling pure and simple." Ho denied a largo part ot tho dally transactions In Wall Street constituted gambling, but refused to state tho probable average proportions of real and spec ulatlro trading. Sturgls said bo saw no reason to punish persons who participated In pools. Ho thought it legltlmato for "tho capital of a company like tho Heading railroad, to bo turned over to tho stock exchango forty-eight times a year." Samuel Strict, another governor ot tho stock exchange, defended short selling. Rudolph Koppler. governor ot tho Now York stock exchango wus the next witness. Tho brokers present laughed when ho admitted that "somo part of tho transactions aro some what ot a gambling nature." Kcpplcr tried to justify shortsalcs, "wash selling' nnd "matched sales." STRENGTH DEVELOPS NHW YORK, Dec. 13. Tho stock market oponcd irregular. Union Pacific was up 1, whllo Colorado Fuel American Sugar and Reading- also gained substantially. United States Steel was unchanged. Canadian Pa cific droppod 1. Great strength de veloped later in Union Pacific and Reading, both Jumping two points. HOLE IN CEILING NETS T! NEW YORIC, Doc. 13 Thieves who cut a nolo through tho celling of tho store of tho Vurga jowelory company ou Fifth avenuo stolu $'25, 000 worth ot diamonds, according to a report mado to tho police today by Joseph Varga, head ot tho firm. LONDON. Dee. 13. Tho sliinin which started in continental muvkulu ou vague rumors thut Austiui, Oor muny uiul Ilussiiv might withdraw their consent from tho aiuhasudotinl ineotint,', caused a decided dooliuo in thu market heru today, prices drop pinj noticonbly. N EN M SPANOS E TO Jury Secured and Taking of Testi mony Underway In Case of Greek Accused of Murdering Countryman Last September. Finding of Knife and Bludgeon De scribed as Well as Bloody Shirt Worn by Defendant. That Miko Spnuos was kept for eight day in tho county jail with only u crust of broad nud a cup of coffco for food during that tlmo nud hence wus in no mental condition to make a proper confession to tlio of ficer)) was the opening- statement of attorneys for tho defense when tho trial of Miko Christo Hpuuos opened in tho circuit court today. A repudi ation of the confession given tiic of ficer is to ho the first tep taken in Spanos' defense. Jury Is Secure! A jury was finally obtained in tho case this morning after 37 venire men bad been examined occupying nn hour nnd n half. The jury which will decide Spauos fate is composed as follews: II. T. Pnnkey, orchnrdist, Central Point, W. K. Lane, fnmituro ninker, Medford; O. XL Murpby, saloonkeep er, Medford; Jnipea Briscoe, farmer, Central Point; John Dudgeon, hotel keeper, Tnlcnt; It. P. Corncliuu, mer chant, Ashland; Thomas Moss, min er, Steamboat; W. V. Itarnum, orch nrdist, Phoenix; P. L. Ashenift, far mer, Ashland; W. E. Knrnoy, carpen ter, Jacksenville: E. F. Smith, orch nrdist, Ashland; F. T. Clark, fanner, Central Point. Opening Statements In his opening statement to the jury, II. F. Mulkoy, for tho stuto out lined the murder of Oeorgo Dcduska Ions, n Greek, in this city on tho night of September 22, 1012. He declared that to this murder Miko Spunos, tho defendant, bud confessed. II. II. DeAnnoud for tbo defease stated Hint the so-called confession had been improperly obtained, charg ing thut the officers had held out of fers of immunity nnd in addition hud used threats and starvation ns a means of getting Spnnot into that frnmo of mind where lie did not know what ho was doing. Willi the oiienihg stnlcmcntu com plete tho taking of testimony was undertaken. W(tnrie ou Stand Fred Witt of Cold Hill, n section foreman for whom Dodaskalous bad worked four year, wuh tbo first wit ness culled by tho state. Mr. Witt wus simply called at this timo to swear thut the body found under tbo box factory at Medford was that of George Dedasknlous. Dr. It. W. Ciuuoy was tho next witness, testifying to tho wounds up on the man's bead and body. IIo wus subjected to u sovero oross-exnmiuu-Uou nt tho hands of Attorney DeAr- (Conttnued on Page 3) GOOD BYE MESSAGE FOUND IN BOTTLE SUBUOYGAN, Wis., Dec. 13. "Good byo, ovoryono, good bye, I guess wo aro all through." This mossago was picked up lu a bottlo by a fisherman In Lake Michi gan hero today. It was datod Fri day, and contlnued: "Tho sou washed away our deck load Thursday. During tho night a small boat was wasnod off. Our vessel la leaking badly, Engwuld and Stovo foil ovorboard yesterday. C-od help us! Hermann Schuouen munn." Schuouenmann was captalu of tho Stonmor House Simmons. Tho writing of tbo message was -unsteady and tho stoppor or the bottle was whittled from u Christmas tree. ON HINDU STARVATION -til 1 1 I M ' ?4 J 9 I Ml ,'! hi, ,H ii ,lmmtmmtjmmj Ula.-A.VlaU4-- i'J1 i-' . V..r. r.TliTfrr t. . -..sm.i -VA. fc..f,.-i4- Hai