&' f Vm Oh, Loojc Who's Back from ANTRAL POINT ITEMS Mm. Wm. Kitiuiy of Biiinr Valley, spent tin firm of the week with rela tive hero. Mm. II. M Whiteside, C. H. Bend vrson, Mm. M II, Pnrlter, MU Pnt iImoii mill llorlmll Holme were iiiuong our people In attendance at utrmilt court In t tin Jnrknnnvlllo tin flmt of Dm week. Hon. A. It. Remiu'-s spent ii few hours l'ic Monday iiIrIiI on legal lUlhlh. .Mr McMurray of (Iran In 'aw, II. 1 (Iiovo of liny (lolil and Mr. Ilnln of lolo uir calling on friends hern I'uiMiJ'it afternoon, Mr. uml Mm II. II. Tuttk', Ml"" Itiilli MuiiuliiK, MUn MiiiiiIi' s uml A. J. Duulap wit" Tuesday nfternooii Nullum from horn to Medford. Mr. Drown who linn been visiting II. II. Ellsworth Iff t for Southern Cul I fo ml a Monday morning. Wm Punkey of Klsmath count)' Js spending tin- winter lth hi mother mill daughter here. Mm. J o iNaiirion spent Momlay In (Irantii Pass. C. It. Moure ami futility loft for llu-lr moiiiilnln home. Momlny after uuoii urrominpled hy Mm, Anns llav null noil chllitp'ii. Mr. mnl Mrn. Charier! (Marl;. Mm. NVwninti, Mm. T. I). Komi, Mm. N. K?lirmmi. Mrx. J. C. Hi'rrluK, MO. (Iti'on, MIm litta WllllatiiN, Ml, i: rhlldi-r Mm. I). McKclloDt Ml Kdltli ami (Vll Cmrmon, Mm. rfm ma lli'hli, Mlmt Ainlrey llolinci. MIhk lua Auntln, MU 01ad) HoIiuch, MIm lllla Wlltli. MUD Clma Aiulln mid Cluiiilo White wrri nmotiK Ihn inmiy (.Vuirul I'oluti'rn lu Mod ford Monday. z I PHOENIX I Mm. !' II. MorrN, of llidolt, Win. CUiiMn, lu MoltltiK at I lie Iioiup of Mr. nnd .r. II II JJoycr of North I'ojc nW. ' llov. Mr. Smith of Akhlaml pec'n-IjU-d thn pulpit of Ilia l'r'-ibytorUn olu'irrli lat tiunday. flic '. C T. 0. will nut o( tin' honin of Mrn. Clinrlux !totxrtn Thiim day nflnruoon. MU lorln MnKium hud thn mln forluno to Injuro her wrlnt Friday vYt'tiliiR wlillo hkatliiK. iSr. Ilallllo proachi'd 9undny mom Iiir In tho Mi'Oiodlxt church at Tnl iMit.for Hi" taNtor of that rliurrh who U III. Tho l'rcuhylerlnn Ludlci' Aid will prevent n liumoroiiH (day entitled Tljo Old Mald'H Convention," nt tho W. O. W. hull I'rlday tmuiliiR of til woo It, Mm, Woody who han hcon vIxltlttK Mr. i'l Mr. II, II. Jloycr.'thv paKt fiiyv vrokn.lnft for Ijiii AiikpIpu Mnn day morning. , Mm. !:. Wilder mid lufunt datiKh tur havo been ijulto III for thu punt wcolf, MIm I'iij; Carver cntcrtnlncU four loon youiiK rrleiiiU from Axhliiml Krtday ovenliiK. 1, Wilder ' nddliiK (Ut ndd)tlon )n IiIh homo jni Pnrlflo llttliwoy, now ocr'iiplcil hy Mr, Cortholl nnd family. John Copo returned from BcaiU WiiHhliiRtoi). IiihI Friday wioro hi? wiw' railed novral wctiUa iiko -iy llio IIIiichh of IiIh dnuithtur, Mlu Yura Copo. MUh Cop wim ai'tfflrluuljy rec'ovorod to accompany him homo. Vlllliuii.llnurdloy left hut week for' California whoro ho may rpmnl" thH winter. ' ! M;b. ItoiimcH Sr votitrnod lant woVit from Josophluo ruutily ' whoro Mho Iiuh heun vIhIIIuk her mother the'piiHt weeH, V. UUhop rloMOd out IiIh meat inar hut horn Innt week and anovod IiIh family lo Vaneouvor, Wnuh., whoro ho uceupted n position uh aHHUtaut iunrlor)uoH(or li tlio army iot ut that placo. POLItToAU ANNUMCEMENT3. Vm CiWSCllMMi WTM'rMMt ''" Col. II. II. Rnrueut AnnoiincoH IiIh candidacy for court cllfnun, Socoiul Ward, Medford. (I'ald Ailvt.) J. W, IlKltlUAN flnhmllii hU imino to. tho votora of tho First Ward bh it cnndldato fprj h'.'l't1 councilman. IP KMXTKI) I WII.J, HTItlVIJ TO IK) IlKJIir. (i'ald AdvL) J. V. ntetrnrt t hereby a'niiounr) mynolf ai candidate, for couiirlliiian from thn Mecond wnriH J. Ii. ritowart, 708 Went lOlh. (I'ald Adrt.) II. At. Andnmn I hnreliy annotiiico myelf an can dldato for councilman In tho flmt ward, (I'ald Adrt.) flcorRo W. I'ortcr I herowlth onnoiincn myolf ns cAtidldato for couiictlman In tho flmt ward. (I'ald Advt.) I. J. Stull I hnrehy atinnunro inynelf an con uldato for councilman In tho iccoud ward. (I'ald Adrt.) J, Ik Deiiuner I herowlth announco tuynclf at candidate for rouurlliiiaii In tho third ward. J. j. Demmcr, COS W. Jack- fon. , (I'ald Advt.) A. S. llllloii Announcen hla randldncy for coun cilman fromjhe Tlrd Ward. Klec tlbu January II, IIMH. (I'ald Advt.) FOIIt .M.WOIU J. W. MuTlirir In aunouucliiR my candidacy for tho mayoralty, I with to nay that, aa wo have every axiirauro of a mom nro'pvfoua year, let us Ktiard agalunt orrota In juilillr affnlm. Now, an to tho public market, 1 want to ny that I nm, and alwnya have been, a atroiiR ndvncatn of the p'ibJk market, 1 wan nmon; the fjmt of the council to favor and pro mote t, I feet that the iuicccm of our market la duo aa much to my tjtofrtri aa any other member of tho council. 1 shall, If elected, uso oyery honorable effort to niako It n continued nucreaa, an I reallte tho great benefit It In to both producer and cmiMitner. Now,' at to thn anlonnn. Ho long aa tho atato and tho city license them to do btinliien, they are entitled to do no; hut I am u Htrong ndvocato of law enforcement, na the lawn exUI, and when tho lawa nro wrong, wo have a remedy, It'a up to tho public. I firmly believe lit ftcninpmont and profresi, hut not to tho extent of reckleva oxtravaguuee. Vo mutt guard against tlila recklcianean, but not to tho extent of retraction, I am ntylctly oppoced to any special privileges ns to locations, persons or corporations, hut ndlioro rigidly to tho bust luturcsts of tho public. I bollovo that Uio snmo considera tion 1b due. to tho Indies ns to tho men, In all our public affairs, (I'ald Advt.) W. W. Ktvtt For tho (nfyriiiutlon of tlie voters of Medford, I lulio thin method of announcing my jiosltlon on tho prin cipal questions ofsnteost to tho people of our clty.A , If olected, tuy'tlmo nnd services will nlwnyH be nvulln'blo to tho pub lic and suggestions and crltlclaniH will nt all tlmea recelvo most care fill consideration. When over It is apparent that tho .majority of our citizens ure united In opinion oppo site to my Individual views. I will yield to tho majority, regardless ol my personal opinions. Our puhllo mQ.rk;t Hhould poojp cournged and developed along such lines as will result In the greatest advantage- to tho community. Our'lnwH regarding sanitary .con dltlona Hhould bo actively enforced, and Hilpploinentod b' others It thn ex(stiiR ordinances nro lundocjuntb. My exporlenres has convlncod mo that tho suggestion offorcd from tlmo to tluio b tho votn6it ot tho community, ovon boforo tno right of miffroKo wau extondod to them, havo nlwayri been ot valuo. and sjiohld ro cevo tho utmost conuldoratlon, MEDFOTID AfATH TRIBUNE, 'lit. uw'm'ht".')" ' T!i","w.'" ','!' Vacation! Our present Jaws regulating tho saloons and tho sain of Honor, and such other restrictions ns tho council or people may hereafter enact, should ho rigidly enforced, and If found Inadequate, or Insufficient, should bo amended. Our water raten should be revised so that the cot of maintenance, mid the neroSRury contributions to the sinking fund may bo equitably dis tributed among the consumers, but tin surplus should bo accumulated at tho expeiiHo of tlie rale payor. Tho work of thu finance oommlt ten and of tho other principal com mittee of tho council should be open to suggestion nnd subject to criticism, and the criticism, sugges tions, and ro-operatlon of representa tives of our various rlvlo bodies rhould bo Invited nnd encouraged In such work. If elected I plcdgo myself to use my utmost endeavor lo carry out tho Ideas oulllucd above, and to glvo Medford an Impartial, progressive, business administration. (I'ald Advt.) J. K. Watt "At thn Boliciliitiqn of many cili renn I hnvo decided to licoomo n enn dldnto for the nffieo of mnyor nt the comini eteetinii in January. In thin connection i wish lo Kioto that if elected, I will use my best effottn lo give the city u clonn business ml minlsiriilion.' (I'nid-Advt.) O, K. nes During tho last ten days a number of cltltens havo called upon me, re questing mo to beconio a candidate for mayor of tho city of Medford. After duo consideration and consul tation with cltlxous In all linos of business, I havo decided to announco myself as a candidate for said office. I therefore present to the votora of Medford, for their consideration, my platform, which Is on follews: An honest, open and atiove-board, clean cut business administration. A fair and square deal at all times. Kqual rights to all. Special priv ileges lo none. A genuine peoples public market. Hcgardlrig tho liquor question. Personally I do not drink, never have, but as long as tho government, atato and city license saloons, and under strict regulation they obey tho law, they aro entitled to protection. Should they persist In disobeying tho law, their ileenso should bo revoked. A careful accounting ot all finan ces. All dlsburionicnts subject to pub lic Inspection and open for pupbllca tlon by tho city press. Due consideration of all petitions for and against public Improvements. A rigid practice of economy, oxcept when such economy has a toudency to retard progress. I will further all progressiva mat ters of general Improvement for the city, but such must como within the scopo of good business. 1 shall endeavor to uso my best efforts for tho keeping ot tho city In a sanitary condition nt all times, Whereas, after yearn ot struggle, tho women havo been given tho privilege of exorcising their rights of clttxeushlp, duo consideration will ho given thorn on all niattem of pub- NEW TODAY 3Q.Q Qcren JMllesj south of Klamath Falls, 'frodrn hoiiho i! ' stall barn, fenced and Irrigation water on CO acres, (iu acres mora tinder tho ditch, nnd balnnco Is pasture. Tht Is A-1 vhojtt land, mid produces won derful crops. ' Will tui;o part lu Med ford property, and 12000.00 cash will handle It, fOti.OQ per aero. . , 184 acres C iuUch north ot the town o Hoguo Itlver. Uood fair buildings, -in ncroa Irrigated, mora can bo Irrigated. Good family or chard. School on placo, $10,000. I'ny $lu00,00p March 1, 19)?, and put In Bonio Medford property as part, G. D. HOON Uoout 10, Jackson Count pask Uldg, MrcPFORP, OKMOX, WKDNBSDAY. DECBMHBtt ' ",'.. yrjrr lie Importance. Should I ha elected, I assure tho people that I will bo mayor In fact an well as name. I will not bo tho tool ot any clique, and will bo Influenced only by what I bcllove to bo right and equitable. If tho ahovo platform meets with your approval and you bellavo I am cap.iblo of filling the office I will appreclato your support. C Ii. OATHS. (Paid Advt.) IX IIA.VKItriTf.'V. In tho district court of tho United States for tho dUtrlct of Oregon. In the matter of F II. Cain and J. W. Keys, co-partners as the Valley Auto Company. Bankrupts. NOTICi: OF FIUHT MKIiTINO OF CItHDITOItH To thn creditors of V II. Cain and J. W Kes, co-partners us tho Val ley Auto company, bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on tho Jtli day of December, A I). I!M2, the said F II Cain arid J. W. Keys, co partners tin the Valley Auto company, were duly adjudged bankrupt, nnd that the flmt meeting of the credi tors or said bankrupt will be bold at the otflco of tho undersigned lu rooms 20-22 over tho Jackson County Hank annex In thn city of Medford, Oregon, on the 24th day ot Decem ber, A I). 1'J 12, at tho hour of ten o'clock a. m. ut which tlmo tho said creditors may uttend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tho bankrupts, order a sale of the proHrty of the bankrupts, and tran sact such other business an may pro Deri como before said meetltiK. Dated ut Medford, Oregon, this iOtb day of Decipher. A. a 1112. I-'ltAXK J. NKWMAN, Keferee In Bankruptcy. FOIl ItllNT -HOUHKKKKI'INO ltOOMK FOIt ItliNT 2 good housekeeping rooms. 210 North Ilartlett. FOK IlKNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas, wood heat em. linqulro 147 South Central. FOIt lir..XT IIOL'SICS FOK ItliNT Five room furnUhed hoiiMi close lu. Inquire at 103 X. Central. 224 FOK KF.NT Modern 5 room fur nlshod house. Call at CO North Orange. FOK KKNT Two modern six room cottages, close In. Inquire of A. Duff, :i;i:t i:. Jackson street. 22G FOK KKNT Modern K room bunga low, pau'd street, rloso In $lfi. Ap ply fill) S. Holly St. 22S FOK KKNT A five room modern lions. with bam and 2 lots. Call at 439 North Front St. FOK KKNT fi room modem bun galow, practically now. Medford Kealty & Improvement Co. FOK KKNT New 4 room bungalow, linqulro 337 W. 10th. Furnished or unfurnished. 224 FOK KKNT 4 room house, $5.00 per month. Oold Kay Kealty Co. FOK KKNT Two room bachelor homo. 214 8th St. Boo White & Trowbridge. FOK KKNT 10 room Jjouso rear of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, Btiltnblo for business, real estate, boarding or rooming house. (Ibid Kay Kealty Co., 6th nnd Fir Sts. FOIt IlKNT FIKNIHIIKP ltOOMK FOK RENT Modern furnished rooms nt tho Cottago, G04 West 10th St., two blocks' south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. 11. MCoss. 271 FOlTKBNT Largo 'sleeping' room, si. GO ami 2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, $15 and llii. Home phono 2GG-K. 222 South Holly. FOK KENT Strlctlyjtnodorn, steam honted furnished room with board for two people. 349 S. Klvorsldo. 218 FOK ItliNT MlSCKMiANKOUS FOK RENT Storngo room, ftro and frost proof. UiQHlr ot1 Scott Davis, CI N. Oakdale, 228 FOR LEASE Fully equipped placor mlno. Oold Ray Realty Co. FOR IlKNT Ranches, largo nnd small, alfalfa and garden lands, Oold Ray Realty Co., Ot.b nnd Fir. FOK KENT- 30 room turulshpd hqtol on liorcenlaao. Qold Kny llnnltv f'n ' I r VOJl RENT 10 room rooming liouso over Elfort's tailor shop, 207 W, Malu, Seq Whlto & Tfowbrldgp. All'J,,, VW r?r t junr ftoi W)',rQ PRO" rnr, Jo3. and mc ro' tcr; to wnw.fc JOIt HKNT- FL'HNISIIIill AITH. FOK HUNT Smith Apts. 217 8. Rlv. FOK HUNT Furnished apartment now, private bath, hot water heat. Tho llcrben Apartment, 10 Quince St., corner West Main. KOIt niiXT OKFICKS FOK HUNT lirge. comfortable of flco rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam beat, hot and cold water. Low rnti's. Apply Medford Furni ture k I Idw. Co. FOIt KAI.I IIOL'KliS FOR SAKE 4 room houto and lot $700. $100 cash nnd $15.00 per month. Cold Kay Realty Co. FOR 8Al,li 12XIG hoiiso (on run ners) mtiHt bo moved at oneo. Priced to sell quick $25.00. cont $75.00. II. Kliitn 221 FOR SALE A bargain, romplclely fiiritlfdied tlirei- room house, water, electricity, one block from pave ment. $G50.00, terms. Inquire 120 North Front St. 229 FOIt SALE ACKKAOK FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property, from $5 per aero, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Oold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 300 Whlto Leghorn lay ing hens. Some hoiihehold goods. Privilege renting fho acres, house, barn, chicken house In city limits to right party. Phone 370-K. 227 FOK SALE Scotch Collie puppies. Pedigreed nnd from best stock Stanton Griffin. Uurrill Orchard phono Gll-J-3. ' FOR SALE Rose pears In hair boxes nt the Medford Ice and Storago Co., by A. II. Robbing. 22G FOR SALE 12 Plymouth Rock heiis, laylu, $1.50 each. 12 An cona pullots, some laying. Shop hard strain. $1.00 eael). White Leghorn pullets. Just beginning to lay $1 each. Thoroughbred llol glum Cnrmnux pigeons $5.00 per mated pair. F S. Carpenter. It. F. . No. 2, Medford, Ore. 225 FOR SALE Heavy farm horse. 11 years old. hotbed sash. 4 It. P. gaHolluo engine and centrifugal 2 Inch pump, almost uew. R. It. No. 1, IIox 17. 225 FOR SALE Dry oak wood. Phono 319-R. 24S FOIt SALE One Incubator. 150 egg model, canned fruit mid household goodx. 92G North Central ave nue. 224 FOK SALE 17 fine White Orping ton cockerels and 3 lliUf Orping ton cockerels, very tine stock, llox 73, Talent. Phono Phoenix S15-F-15. 228 FOK SALE NIco Spltx and New town culls, 35 cents a box. Sweet elder 20 cents a gallon, delivered every Saturday. Phono Home 344-L. 22G FOR SALE One pair or horses years old, weight 1200 pounds, cheap tr taken nt once, 320 South King. Phono 323-R. 225 FOR SALE Extra good Nowtown culls, lc lb. Phono 1302. FOR SALE Letter heads and tancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Dargnlu, comrortablo four room house, $1000, cash or terms. 737 West 14th St. FOR SALE Fruit box labels lu ono two or threo colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Trlbuno, FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embbssod at tho Mall , Trlbuno otflco. FOR SALE Looso .leaf lodgor sys tems, any style or tmado to order by tho Mall Tribune blndory. FOK SALE Do you want to buy bees. Now Is tho tlmo to placo them In your orchard. Stewart tho beo man breeds throo and flvo banded Italians. Phono GQ2, P. O. box 021. 232 FOK SALE 1913 5 paasongor au tomobile almost now. Bargain for cash. Uox 80, Trlbuno. FOK SALE -Ono 10 H. P. horizon tal International Harvostor Co, gasollno englnu with magnoto, tank, plpo. otc, All lu first class condition. Practically now. Will soil at n bargain. Address C. Clomonts, Eaglo Point, Oro. 830 11, 1012, 1good (,,-.'') '' w, pKSj i " v - -ssff-- ?tUP , i ... .?. FOIt A LK MISCIXLAVKOUH FOK SALE Hous tent, with fir. $10 00. Phone 197-K. 225 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Order your Christmas turkeys. I). II. Kutnsey, box 23, It. F. I). No. 1, Medford. 224 WANTED Old books to roblnd or unbound books to bind. All work guaranteed. Mall Trlbnno office. WANTED Up-to-date peoplo to In stall modern looso leaf systems In their business. Any stylo and "Mado In Medford." Mall Trl buno bindery. WANTED Listings of property which can be oxchnnged for pro portion In the Willamette valley. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. J'b-ase rail at once. I leave for the north Dee. 12th. C. A. MeAr thur, room 3. P. O. block. 222 for i:ciiaxoi: FOR EXCHANGE Thoroughbred It. I. Red hens, laying now, tor dres ser. Phono Main 7952. 228 FOR EXCHANGE $200,000 Cali fornia income property, bank mortgage $50,000. Wants land or Income in Oregon. What have you to offer. C A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono G381, 223 MONEY' TO LOAN- MONEY TO LOAN On city nnd close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono SCSI. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate Call upon or nddrexs mo at Hotel Medford. I am out of the city a part of tho time but a letter ad dressed mo and left at hotel will reach mo and receive attention. U. L. Dodge. 227 lil'SIXIiSS DIRECTORY Attorneys C. I REAME3. LAWY'ER Offlco Medford National Haul: bldg., sec ond floor. PORTKK J. NKFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-l-iw. Rooms 1 und 2. Poslofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Gnrnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. UIIBKIIY) Itooma 11 nud JiZ Jackson County Rank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney und Coun sellor nt law. Room 2, Klalto building. Medford, Ore. Accountant I). II. WOOD Gpucral Accountant Y'our books audited nnd Kept for a reasonable figure; jour huslnc&j solicited. Office, Medford Mull Tribune bldg.: phono GUI I; resi dence phono G302. Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our sprlnits when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. llrlck MEDFORD IIIUCK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. 'f. O'Urlen Contractors uud manu facturers of brick: dealers In pressed brick and lime, Offlco ut their brick yard, West Jacksou st. Phono No. 34G1. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, Mcchuuo Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, lucludlug dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-ther-aphy. otc, prodtico results lu both acute, and chronic diseases. Con sultation tree, 230 North Ilartlett ht., next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 n, m. to C. in. Other hours by appointment. Bell phouo Malu 4171. DR. R, J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo 'specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Qarnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths und sctoutltlu massaga given; advlcp In dlotettes, medical gym nastics, hydropthorupy, Lady at tendant. Phono Home 1 4C-L, Main 5712. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil engineer nnd siirvoyor. Water filings nnd Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades. city engineering, druftlng. sowor tlesigu, concroiQ woric, pump ami canal systems. Room 2, Palm blU., Mcdtord, Oro, pxtno iffm 'ij imfi." By "Bud" Fisher' IJL'HINUSS DIRECTORY' Clilnco Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rhouihallnra, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronlo nnd nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. ' Seo mo at 241 South Front st, Med ford, Ore., to 4, C:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. DeiitlttH DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corcy bldg., suite 310. Medford, Ore. Uotli phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Office In Klalto bldg., 123 East Main SL Uas administered for at traction of teeth. Phono Main G81. Night phone 4432. f'arbngo GARUAGE Get your promises cleaned up for the winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 6261. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Krlng your work to me at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Numeric! QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo are not In the trust. If. It. Patterson. Offlco . removed to offlco Hotel Nash. In side entrance, next to barber shop. Printers nnd Publlihers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgont, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Pliyxlclaiis nud Surgeons DR. F. O. CARI.OW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 278-K. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Office Jackson County Rank bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phono C501; residence 307 South Oakdale St., phone 7171. Home phouo, resi dence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician uud surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offlcts over Iliukins drug store. Office phono Main luOl; residence phono Main 7981 DR. J. J. KMMENS PhyBlelnn and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, 11030 nud throat. Eyoa scien tifically tested nnd glasses supplied Otflco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. 111. to 8 p. in. Doth phones. E. II. PICKEL, M. D. Offlqo Jack soii County Rank bldg. Offlco phono Main 432; Res. phone, Malu 5S2. DR. MA'UON Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Main and Rartlott sts., otflco phone, 271; residence phone, 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to chronic dlsoaxcs. Office Hotel Holland, Wedneidnyd 10-3. Roth phones. Residence phenes: Farmer IGxxS Eaglo Point and Roguo Rtvor lino. HERMANN P. RATTE, M. D. ON flco over Medford National Rank. Offlco phouo 0701. Resldouco Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, HL D. Prac tice limited to cya, car, nose nnd throat. Eyes scientifically tested nud glasses furnished when needed. Garnet t-Coroy bldg., second floor. Doth phones, Medford, Oro, DR. MARTIN O. RARI1KR Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Paclflo 1101. DR. It. W, CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office, 501; rofct deuce, 7241. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Stenographer ELLA M. GAUNYAW Paltw bleek. Stenographic work done quJokly and wall. Transfer BADS TRANSFER STORAJOi &. Office iq South Fir at' fkeB Hell 3153; Home 350-K. IrlM right. Service guarantied. . w I 4 A nf 'II i t