wiWiiimmiiiiii ,)i . I ft www 99nn If inroKD mail tiumjnk tttManataaotmitaamra .TNKWHPAPKH nr aptkiinoom hr nr tiik :IUNTIN(I CO. Mt-iitflorrt.ili&Bitliu , MKDoitii run ii?it,JP''1Hr?"a Tlnir, Tim Mr.lfont Mll, T)i McMtitrtl Trlhiini). Tin? Hnnlli tn Omftetihin, Tb A till ml Tribun. Of fie Mil Trinunr UniMlnr, :t..37.r North Kir ettcct; lion, tuin 301II llOHFKl 76. - MrmroTm matf, vmwum, mwonw, oukqox. wiimyrcanAY, w.ommn u. mis. ' ' i - - i ' ' TlrlTTVl-1 ii inimHim tit I he tihltrcli Mr Ifin i? T" T3S A M0S8BA0K JUDGE. (IHOttOK I'UTtf AM, IMIInr mt Munnuf r . 17nlrci ( rconil-r1(i!(i mntlr at Mrrtforit, rirruon, n.lcr th act of Mnrch 3. U79. Official miwr nf the Cllr of MM ford. OfflclM I'Aptr of jMckwoti County. : Kllni-IIIllkV IIAT1M- On ynr. Iiy mnlw .........U.on Onn month, hy mull ......... ,0 rrr mnntn, nruvercti ny carrier in Medfnnl. Jacknonvlllo ami Cm triil Point! , ..... 4C0 rlurilnr only, ly mull, oir year.. S.f' Weekly, par year. l.SD mvoiix ancm.tTinx. , nutty nvrraRfi or eleven monthi enJ Uk November 30. Mil. 3751. f f- Tim Mall Trllmne It on Mle at the rry New Stand. San rrancltco. nrtlaml Hotel New stand. IvirtUnd. rtowmnn Newa Co., PnMlnm., Ore, W. o. Whitney, Reattl" vh. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown PmtcM They're ninkln coffee spoons, by heck, tit et won't may In the cup. Hut fall rlsht out and clatter to tlir flrnr" . v.w ...... , They n I in to teach ux manners and they think they're awful smnrt. Ami a'lot of us arc getting mighty 'ftt Bore. 'Taint only the coffee spoon that rouses up my Ire, . 'And get tho goat of all the Dine . vlllo boys, Hut they contrived 'another spoon and worked the dern thins up Ho when Its used for soup It makes no noise. Now I can even staud for that but liere's whero I rebel; I'll be dim; cum bobbed, by gosh. If ever I. Will iivn a Knlfo koiiio feller made ami fashioned up In style So It could not bo used fcr catliiK pic.' COUNTY flllTUUK nrsilHV or .Marion coiinlv. is n .ypi' ok official peculiar tt tlic Willaiiictlti valley, lie refuses county eo-otu'ration in huilrihur highways hi lit main pari or the valley liccausc automobile tourists would be benefitted, and be refuses to assist construction in re moter Meet ions because too. few people would be benefitted. The governor recently .secured an allotment of the forestry fund for the construction of a road between Ni agara and Detroit on the north Tori; of the Wantiam river. Home .(5000 or $7000 would he expended by the govern ment and state and the county was asked to co-operate to nit extent ol tfrJlH). The labor was to have been lurnislunl by convicts. The road wo'uld open an undeveloped scel'ou to settlement, and the state contemplated erecting a large trout hatchery itnrt establishing a game preserve. The county court refused co-operation, so the governor has called the deal off and eastern Marion will remain isolated end the county lose tho government money. liovernor esl announces that he is through trving to i i i i . uisist, rouu construction in .wanon county, aim win ttuvoic his energies to sections of the state where he will receive "at least a little co-operation on the part of local officials." Jackson county offers that co-oncration. Let tho uv. ernor direct that $0000 and the fish hatcherv here. Our . J . A .. Il t Mil I 1 lnouurmu sficams are me natural noine oi ine irom. no want all parts of the county opened by highways. We have progressive county courts that are not afraid of ini M'ovinir either lnnin hiirhw.ivs or ivinote sections. Jackson count v has several districts that have called meetings to vote special assessments for highways. Any one of "them could use that government money to advan tage. Such localities that are willing to help themselves, deserve assistance. Governor West should concentrate his road building efforts in Jackson county, where the people will meet him half wav. Uv doing this, he can furnish an object lesson to the rest ot the state and make .Jackson count v famous lorus ivujnways REGISTER JUT PROBED CINCINNATI, i)i.... I in-. II. At Ciimt'iilv cimi'oniliij. ili mlini-ilnlih of tottiiiiony of !.. AiiKeU'M m. mhivf. intuiilinvd lt llio Movciumeiit ovi'ii)iitl w of odiiV soion in (he triul of nlllt'iuU n tlu Xiiluiliul Cii'-li Doj-i-lor u,uniiiii., I'lmiKVit wilh inlnlioiiH iif'ilio Slieniuui mili trtixt lv. Tlie ilofoiuliinl.x me juliiliuil uxor the eouitV tilling Hint Hie leMlimonv of Miiili' f uwl eiiiieeniH ie-j;iii-.liii; iiIk of-rioU'iiee hv eniployeh of Ihe Nntioiuil eoHiNiu, injiot ml-inls.nlile. in MimiK iieoplo nf Ihu lilith itohoul. I'npiilnr tiViOiKi'tlsllv iium'Uiih ul 7:110 l in, when lr, r.irnonn will HpeAlt mi "The Vhtuo of Alleiilloi." Itenr MiIh nun ol'thu best ot In Uicho meet Iiiks. , "? GENERA! STRIKE BY 'BRITISH R A' friend writes In to nsk, "who Is this mnii Uanuis, that Is ruunluR for recorder." GARMENT WORKERS The.'.N'oblo peaco' commission has decided that no great work for peace. has been accomplished during tho past jear. llow about tlm grand Jury that Indicted the prlro (Ighters? (II rl on our street says the council Is right to ask for lower light rates "Lights kIioiiIiI always be lower, at least those In the parlor hhould." she saj'w. . T CHOSEN FRIENDS BASKETBALL TEAM WIN FAST GAME The Chosen Friends basketball team or Bedford dercafed tho Ash laud high school basketball team at tho Natatorlum Tuesday 29 to IS, In u one-sided gauio beforo "00 peo ple. The-game was the fastest throughout and tho roughest In spots that has bceu plaed In this city In a long time, and kept tho crowd on edge from start to finish. The surprising thing of the con test was the speed or tho Chosen Friends and tho helplessness of tho visitors before rapid passing. Half tho Hmo they did not know the whereabouts ot tho ball and wcro hnndicapped by uttempts at rough work. A couplo ot players were thrown to tho floor so hard that thoy buniped their heads on tho floor with u resounding whack. At tho end or the first halt the scoro was 10 to 12 In favor of Ash lund, but the Medford team overcame this lead and swept tho visitors off their feet by a series of whirlwind bankets and rapld-flro passing. NHW YOHK. Dee. 11.- TwenH ono miis meeting will he held im ulfMiieoti-ly in New York, Itrooklyu nod Newark tonight to -el it dale for n jinijiOM'il MriKo of the Uititnl Garment Workuri of Amcrieu. The pn))osnl htrike, nrounlins to Mux Pine, general orguitii'.cr Jof the union will he the fiit to uffeel tho eutiie ready made men's clethiiiv: iiulu-lry, ami will iiielude the tnnio- mnket, ve-t innker, coat milker-, nvereoiit mill Miek cuat milker, eliildreuV jneket makers, e.Mimiuei", deiguei-s and oIIkt. STILL UNSETTLED LONDON. Dee. 11. The -tnke of railroad employe- nt Neweutle. I.ccdx and other eitie-, iireeipituted hv rnilroiol olfieialh by reilueiti; Kn giueer Knox in niuk for iille-ed in- toMciitnui upHiiied today n.i fur lnnu -ettlemeut us eer. Ill ireuliliii lii-i cum to Hume Seerelnry McKeiuui today, declined he took two hot nmis before report iu for duty, hut deuird he wax iu eiiineituttit for Work. The major of Neweatle in en- denoriu l end the strike hut hi effort li.ne not met with much -lie . LYONS' CASE i F. H. COWEN'S MASTERPIECE TO BE GIVEN IN MEDF0RD Ihu most successful composition of Co wen, which is nlbo ono of tho most tuneful cantatas ever written, will bo given by tho Medford Chorul society next Tuobduy night at Jho Nutntorluiii. This society whlclr was orguulzod last f.ill, has for Its object tho studying und performing of tho best choral works. It Is limited In membership to fifty. There nro nt present u few vacancies caused by mourners leaving or intending to leave town. No now members will bo admitted until nfter tho porformuueo of thu lloso Maiden next Tutsduy, hut upplliuitloii limy ho uindn Id Mr. Tnlllmidlcr now, Thoru aiu no fees or monthly dues, but memborH must plodgo thomselvea to bo regular nt rolionrsuls for u jierlod ot threo iiioiitlm, after whlcii thno they muy reiiow momborshlp or withdraw. Tho coming porfunuauco on thu 17th of this month Is tho first public appear iitleo of tho society und will bo blip- jKirted by an orchestra ot seventeen pieces, v ' SAN KUANCISCO. Cal.. Uec. II. "I have no rogard tor my own posi tion. I hope Mr. Wldney recovers," said Mrs. Lyons to l'ollco Judg Charles Welter today when she ap peared to answer charges ot attempt ing to kill Ilobert J. Wldney. wealthy Los Angeles real estate operator. As no formal complaint had been field, tho caso was set oor "The charge will bo dropped soon enough." predicted Mrs. Lyons. "It Is absurd to think they will prosecute mo for a crime I did not commit." Attorney J. I). Itutlldgo, represent ing Mrs. Lyons, asked that the bond of 5000 be reduced, but t)io court denied .the motion, , ! h $18 COAL LANDS John A. Perl Undertaker U8 8. M.lKX'fiKTT I'hone M, 171 nml 17. J Aiubiilnmo Sen leu Deputy Coroner WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 1 During tho past five years all coal lauds kold by the government to private corpora tions have averaged 118 an acre, whllo tho price received by private Individuals for thu samo lauds has averaged 9180. according to facts presented to itoprescntatlvo Moudoll of Wyoming by Secretary of the In terior KIsher. Moudell Is opposed to government ownership and control of coal Iunds, and has curried on correspondence with thu secretary on tho subject, t SOCIALIST LECTURER SPEAKS HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Tho norlullstH of this city havo ar ranged for a lecture and propaganda meeting, ut which tho speaker will bu W. II. Buow of Idaho, who Is tour ing under tho direction of tho Lyce um department ot tho national so clullut organization. Tho meeting will bo hold at Smith's hall next Fri day night at ii o'clock, and all men and wonten are Invited, Local so cialists eay that tho movement ut large Is receiving much Impetus from thu mimorliial showing made at tho recent election, und that tho lecture to bo glvou hero Is only one of about 0000 to bo delivered by nearly a hundred Hpenkoru and cowm'Iiik tho wliolo United State. i " THE WOOD CHOPPERS THREATENED WILSON NKWAIIK. N. J. Dec. 11 With the arrest of three woodchoppers ac cused of writing a letter to I'resl-deut-Klcct Woodrow Wilson threaten ing him with death unless he paid them l.'OOO, tho authorities here to day expect the trio to confess thu du talls of their plot before being ar raigned Monday. The mou under urrost are Jacob Dunn, .15. known as "Nig"; Warren Dunn, .lit, brother of Jacob, known as "I'cte", and 8fley Datcnport. 28, known as "Snake.-' They were all living In huts at Ford Mine, an Iron ore mining settlement. Reese-Bangcrt At the Lutheran par.-ona'u on Dee. 10. nt 8:J." p. in., .Mr. J. It. I.ce.c ot .Medford, Ore., und Mi-n Ma lluugert of (Jleudiile. Ore., were united in holv wedlock b. Rev. C. Wilker. Mr. and Mix. Itccxe will make their home in .Medford ufter it wedding tour to Idaho I'alU, Idaho. Their many Medford friend mid uriiuuiutuiHc wi-li them much ,jov ami liuppiuoi for tile future. WEATHERNOTTOBLAME It'x Vour Condition "This weather simply takes thu life right, out of me. I can hardly drug ouu foot after tho other," suld a run-down, tlred-out woman, tho other day, Vo wuut to say to evory such per son in this vicinity. Don't bfumo tho dcuthui, It's your condition. You need a strengthening tonic und tho very best wo know Is Vliiol which Is u ..ombltiutiou of tho two most world tnuled tonics, namely, tho uiedlcliuil, eurutlvo elements of tod liver oil and tonic Iron, for tho blood. A caso Iiuh Jubt come to nor at tention from Vfuolund, N., J Mrs Alien t. i.ourrey says: "I novcr fall to ay a good word for Vlnol, for It restored my strength uu dvjgor af ter I had been In a badly run-down condition for sovornl months, Uvery one whos Is broken In health ought to know that Vlnol will build thorn up und mako thorn strong." Try u bottlo of Vlnol with tho un derstanding that your money will bo lotiiruod It It does not help you Medford Pharmacy. PEOPLE FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNS ATTEND REVIVAL Easy to Get Relief From Indigestion Your stomach should illRcst Ihu food ton rut. without the aid of liny artificial dlgestUos If It won't do thnt, then ou nro loullniiiilty subject to dyspepsia. Indigestion, heaithum, headache and constipation Instead ot taking digestive medicines,- take steps to net .vour stom ach ami Intestines ngnln In a healthy, natural condition. Juyun's Tonic Vermifuge wilt do this for ou If oti will take It regularly. It t not n dlnoster of foods, but It will restore our stomach ami Inteslliu's so that thoy will attend to their natural functions, dlncMluu. what ou eat and giving streunth to the body. For more than eight onrn thous uiids nf mou nud women who had TALKING AJJOUT WATOHES At tho evaneolNMc meetluga Inst night there was u largo delegation from other .places Among tho strangers nern ltn Harry T, ltab suffered tho paliu caused by dspep rock of yalcm, (lev Franklin II. sin and Indlgcsllon have been prats Cexelbracht, Ph. 1). of Albany, Itev. , Ing thin Tonic as the only rented) Harry T. Chlsholm of Ashland, and which brought them permanent relief. Itev. J. K. llallle, I) D. of Phoenix. I As tho Tonic nets directly upon the The leading cltUeus ot Medford nre hearing Dr. Parsons cto night. Kv ery man or woman who has heard him admires the me.ano and can nut but pronounce each sermon an I stomach and Intestines. It Is a nat ural appetlxor and strength builder Many forms of supponed Indiges tion are the result ot Intestinal para sites, for which Jn no's Toule Verml Intellectual and spiritual feast. I'or'ftignls unsurpatsed. Insist upon edification and a glowing vision of Javno's, accept no other Hold by eternal life, do not fall to hear these druggists everywhere Dr 1) Jivyne evangelistic mcctlnn At 3.30 p A Son. Philadelphia, Pa. There's a Pointed Difference Between a Bumble Bee and a Horse Fly ALSO A MARKED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A ZEBRA AND A PONY .lust so yoi will find u rcnt (lilTi'i'i'tico lit'twt'i'ii n jfrocci'v jtml a tJOOl) j;rii'0i',v. W'v art' .sptMitlin nioiu'v and offoi't to inilnec nioiv ol yoji to tnlce a ft'W slops .Miiith on (Viitnil Avi'Uiit, off of .Main, lo savo inoiipy ami bt'tti'i youp disposition. Are wv asUinj,' too iniu-li to asl; mui to invcstiaU'f - i j ALLEN GROCERY CO. South Central Avenue Dill' showing ut this season com pilses tho fluent inflection ovor shown In Medford, No matter how Inex pensive the watch that comes front Keller tho Jeweler, wo uunruntoo It to keep nceuruto time. Let im show )ou our Rtock and couvlnuo oii that our prices nro tho very lowest. Keller, the Jeweler Comer of .Main nud Fir Streets THEATRE Vnudevlllii unit I'liiitopUj Ollierx lead and ie am still following with (lie hlggi'M, bilghti'Nt ami Miupdi"t show In tho ill) AroundWbrld See Tlo'iii Fly IIIHMMS ,V MeFAItlANtl With tho blgRost senmitlonnl xpeo- lacilhu novelty over iitawed by u viiiidiivilln art apeclnf Hcomjry -- Uleetrlcnl Kffects AN AlltmilP I'HHontliiK Tho (lallant Slilp of llii'niiii FIJATUItK PHOTOPLAY PIlOtlltAM Till: ri'ltlNINf. Thrilling stury of life In tho west HIIOVI.Nt! HF.VKD.V VI'-SHI.'US Descrlpllvo l.tKi: KMOIITS OF OLD A fiiutusy SECOND IDEAL CRUISE nr Tim S. S. CLEVELAND IIT.tKKl TOMSt LcaviiiiJ San Francisco Feb. 6 Vl.it f.mmj. t ln m C UBlrl in Lit. .1 ni'iHi. will li , . ,r jlti li'T turjr il ri.Hif rl i4irril, 110 DAYS $650 and up l. Mlm ill iwiTtrr r,-iir (t .1 .! .bi nll'H inir I.. ' -I .. Irr-, Im lilltwll Itlrt lil ! " vur I'ntir tthtt la lit fiiirmt. II It'fil nif, r'4- !' " itr ' irrll, Itr IIUilnl(4 t- ilti HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE IIUI Powell St, .sun Iraml-io, ( al., or Nical AgeutN AN la.CPHA.VT ON iill'llt HANDS Vhtgniph LntiuliRgraph Sprrlnl .Matinees Saturday and .Sun day. Matinee prices, C and 10 cents. flood Mulo CO.MIMI FI.'ATt'lti: PllOIOI'iaVS TIIIJ LION TAMKIPS IIKVKNIU: Dee. I'll). 1Mb. llllli Featuring 3D roaming lions t! reels. FlltlJ AT SKA Doc 20th ami 21st Sicnlc Hpeetatu'ar RcuHatlomtl STAR THEATRE ,rim vL XJQkYk K S w ( WM 1 ') On ChridnKi mornlur ntly Dnwn.lilr, i ,o(il- crrrp lo srl our Chrlumi, noiUlnn Wlill rrron' lrrp. At All Ami O 111- womlrou, huntllM Ami O III iloll inti toy And O Ihr Golden fiod Osls thu lnrL(H hrlnn To little tlilt lad hoyt. Aiit"l" tlifhik (.. ?TJlAi. MiTII I. Alflllkrllril Irllrr In ,. n.k.r "f '..." r It ," i..i. a Xair ll.rni Oil hi tftll l,..M lt. 4 Siw liprr tinoT 51 LEATHER GOODS BRIDGE SETS POKER SETS ! And many use fill ai'lii'li's. Soli ,'ipiitK in soullit'iii Oi'i'Kou Tor Rookwood Pottery MEDFORD BOOK STORE Wo load, others follow. -tlm Four ila), t'oiiiiitciu hit; liMtny- t Listi Art nf tlir Sea-oil cii.Mtl.ics rtit.uv .v co Novellv Ventrlloiiuiit Act positively tin hlKKOftl hiuKh-producer ct. IlKMI Feel .if Flliu IIMIII nn. wei'i.imii: limit A FI)Iiib "A" wiwteru ftmturo with our fiivtulti'M In the Inadlni; rolint Mill CMPHItOIIN MI1SSAOK PortiayliiK an Iniiilmit In tint life of the realtwt of all iiiIits, NnioliHiu the (,rial TIM! IIMIII COSr OF I.IVINO Powerfully conrlnctiiR Ft'PlD O.V Till: .loll Itlrh nud IniiKhnhto comedy AL SATIIiat, the SliiRer rli'ffli Start JSHraB- the jLfVCr Uay Qti&yri "arm Bjgjw - - - w.tha SLEEPING with tho windows open is a "first aid" to health and beauty. But it makes, getting up in the merning: a chilly ordeal. With a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater you dress in comfort on tho coldest day., A touch of a match, and the Perfection is aglow in a minute. Later, you can carry it to any other room, and breakfast, read or sew in comfort. In fact, n Perfection Heater Is Just as good as a Are, and much cleaner and more convenient. Il I, 0 honhoirt, hta'l$r. loo. Ath your ,'tUr la $'hau you aParftellen, mil for dfeilitllva calateau: STANDARD. .OIL COMPANY , " ' -' tt.llft.mU) a rrocot 4G1 Mrkat tlrl 'mS55SSM1 m SNAP $275.00 Lot on Summit and Fourth Streets Part Casli and Paymonts MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M.K&jr.co.nidK. Eads - Holbrook Fuel Co, WOOD FOR SALE Tior, Rick and Block Wood Mill Blocks Strictly Oash on Dolivory. k ; t FtlltltlT AM) U'OOIAV'OltTIt Tho ItiiKtlmo Wizards Matlnon Daily 2 to C p. nt. ADMISSION. fJc AND 10a 1,001c 1,001c 1,001c C'tiiiiliiK ".MOTH i.n thi: FLAMI." Aii lutumndy drumatlo threo-rcol pictorial vumlou deplctliu: thin fain hum adiiKii. I.ovu, hatred, Joalouiy. AT TIIK UGO AIAVAVH A OOOII HIIOW ii 'i Hpedal I'eilmes Ttiuluhl and Ttiinor ioiv NlKht Only tih: ai)opti;i) ciiiiii) A bit? two-roul fualuiu photoplay, A' Pathu'it inaMturplcco PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work aunrantaH" Frlce Itoaioiiaolt OOFFEEN & PRICE S Howura Vloob, ntriio on ath v,. Vourn mt, PATHII'H vi:i:uiiV K OimilKNl' liVKN'IH A very lulmeallnK topical film HO Nil AH AMI VIvT Ht) KAH A topuotrh HloKiaph coiiody AIIM Woohvorili ut phtuo ChaiiKo of iiruKruiii uvcry Sunday, TiioHduy, Thurmluy and butttrduy. , PiIcch AlwajH Urn Snnic, Ijo Mi 10t, 5