Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 07, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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"i -,
City MnH T-j
Shower toiilnht nail Sun
dayMa, nit MIh, !M,
Kiirly-nfrntul Tat,
Dlly Hovmith Tr
NO. 221.
1 v
S ., ,
K '
( jr
Grent Excitement at Contlnntlnoptc
Austria Agrees to Participation
of All Powers In Conference and
Danger of European War Passes.
Servla Mounts Batteries on Danube
and Austria Is Mobilizing More
1 f CO.NKTAKTIKOI'liK, Df. 7.
, (I nut t'xrltfinrut wan mimed hero
today liy a rcjsirt tlmt six Greek
! II-Tlllj lillil hern sighted olf the
1 entrance of tlm Dardanelles,
It in feared the war vessels mnv
attempt to mil the straits 11111I attack
VIKNNA, Hoe. 7. Danger or
Uuropcau war mi u result of tlm
' muit'lleting nluliiw of Austria niul
Henln for mi Adriatic iirt ii be
lieved tn Inivc iniMinl w i 1 1 1 tin) tin
rwMiiiri'iiii'iit here today tlmt Austria
hns accepted tlu iroKMil of Sir I'M
ward Grey fur mi iiinbnisadorinl con
ference. Austria's announcement of accept
ancu i'iimiiim tln participation of all
tlm iHitvcrx, niul is belieied alumni
certainly to huvn lessened tin' chilli
el's uf a .upturn with Henin am!
Kiiwsln to tlm vanishing siiut.
III.I.I.IN, Den. 7. Ilia fact
, that all lli powcro havo signified
l, llii-lr intention of putticipnliii; In Sir
IM 011 nl Grey's ambassadorial Con
ference Oil tllC lUi'Nl(), tlm
tjt ,. German prcis in toilay again penal-
r, nh.-if,,. ...uii.t , ti... ....n....i- H.,BowHioaU
""""" iloli-fullv on tlm unconfirmed rciMirlN
that Kprviu haw laoiintcil batteries
mi thp Danube mnl Hint AuMriu Ik
iimliiliciiit; hoops at Krmliu, Hungary to co in those fncH isir
tents uf coming war.
AI.UANY. Ore, Doc. 7. Judge J.
IC, Weathcrford of tlil city has to
il 11 y undertaken to nornr.' u column-
III 1 1(111 Of tllQ lIVBtll Hl'lltl'llCO pilSncd
on John W. Taylor of llnruey coun
ty, nut) of tho tnou scheduled to lio
executed at tho iK'iiltnntlury noxt KrU
iluy. Tlm JuiIku.wIII k-nvo hum llila
iiMMiIni; for l.'uittorii Oiruoii anil hub
iilrcaily wlruil to ultornuya at Valu to
(lln an niical,
An lhirii vwm mi lilll uf vxcttloiin
Inhnii at tho trial, tl htm boon do
ilili'd to act umlur a provlKlou of the
rucuntly limited tnltlattvn hill, which
kImi tho nuironio rourt jnrlNillctlon
to ruvlow thu MiitiJi'Cl nmttnr of a
AccorilliiK to (ho ti'Mluiony now
on f lln In thu trauicrlpt of tho onto It
appoiuti that Taylor nhot Alhrrt II.
1'urry wliua tho lattor waa nhont to
iniiko an auHftiilt on him; that 1'orry
hud a ruputntlon of IioIiik a "hml
mini" nml Hint Taylor Ih qulto old.
Itobort It. Suttlmnoyur wnu futully
Injnrnd by tho untiio bullet that
I.III01I 1'orry, hut Hottlanuyvr oxonor
aid Taylor In a Hlmiud Htatonioiit bu
foro ho died,
LONDON, Dee. 7.-llocaiiHO mill
tuut tniffruKUttuii pciHlbtod In ucruuiu.
Ihk: "Voti'H for womon" and flKht
IliK vkiuimly with all who attempted
to Htop thoiii, John 10. Hodmoud,
luudor of tho Irlbli NutlotiullstH In
piiiilninont, wan forced to kIvo up
tryliiK to niiilui n thirty mlnuto ad
droHH at n homo rulu muotliiR In thu
Aluton dlHtrlot today, Tho auffra
KottuH woro finally ejected by unborn,
ami Hovoral men who protostedat
tho niuu-handlliiH of tho women, woro
HhowlBo ojoctod.
"Wo Do Not Want Life Imprison
ment," Wo Prefer Death Instead"
Is Unanimous Desire of Prisoners
to Hang on Black Friday.
One of Five Might Be Worth Savlnu
Says He Killed Bad Man In Self
HAULM, Orn.. Dfr 7. --"Wo do
not nut llfirltuprlHoninout, Wo iro-fi-r
ilonth luitcnd," ThU Ih tho
unntiliiioUN dimlte of Mlkn Mornau,
I'rnnk (SnrrUoii, Noblo I'mildi-r, John
W, Taylor nml II K. Itohcrtii, tho
flvo 1111111 rondomiii'd to hnui; Krldiiy
nt tho RtHtn pimlti'iitliiry hero, when
lid lined by ntiwnpapTiiieti tlmt nt
In til d m Here bflliR imiile to linvn their
HUiititiit'fd loiiiinulril.
Dm' Worth KnvliiK
"I don't Btit a Nhorlff or deputy
nherlff to uno inn ImtiRrd." stated
ItobcrtM today. "I don't wnnl n ny
of HiAt aiitomoblli' party there wbrn
I hniiK. I wnnt my lawyer, Itoncoo
llumt and Mr. .Mel.nien of thu Tort
land coiutiioiiH there. "
About tho flvo. John N Tuylor
loomed nH the one man who uiIkIiI
bo worth nulla. Taylor hhot an al
leited "hnd umu" In nelf dofemtn In
lUrney loiinty niid bin cnntlctlou
wan a atirprUo even to tho preildltiK
JudRn nmt proHecutor, It U reported.
"I think a cold blooded murderer
ntiotild hnui;," r.ald Talor today "
I do not believe n man wlio kllln In
nelf dofetue nliould die, thoiiKh I mil
not afraid to pay tho extreme penal
ty If the Rorernor ys I nnmt."
. ...Kerjdntf lother Jtfttoriutt
Down In California, Taylor, who
ennin from a prominent family of
pioneer atock, han a mother. III
nolo roqtieat to Governor Went au
that tho neH of hla death be broken
gently to bin mother nml that alio
timer know bow or why ho died. Hho
ban been kept In lKiioranc of bor
tmy'it pllcht, hU two brotliern, who
are with her, oldliiK In thu deception.
P. V. (Inrrlnoii. typical badninu,
file ttmcrt n com let, aeutenced to
hniiR for murdurliiR Hay Terklua nml
throw Iiik bl body In Coos Itlver,
"I want (oiernnr Went to hoo mo
hniiKed. I want him to hear what 1
nay liefoni tho trap nprlui;. I would
rather ho haiiKcd than rviunlu In
irlHiin for life."
(Lirrliton nimerlr. IiIm Innocence.
llrenkliiK I'mter HI mill
Jnek ItohertH, who needlenaly and
wantonly killed two youtha In an an
tomobllu becaimo they did not ntop
nt hU (KimiiiamI to ho robbed, la on
thu verse of Insanity. It hu la nut nc
tually Iiimiio,
lie alnuo of tho flvo Is brcakliiB
under tho atrnln.
Itoborta read Daniel ll:IOo:SC to
tho pally to ahow that If ho ivero
K I ven life Itnprluoumeiit ho would be
on earth to moot tho Lord when ho
enmo fiKtiln.
(lovuruor West plvea no Indica
tion that hu will Interfere with the
execution of any of tho fho men and
preparations for bloody Krlduy nro
being carried on hourly nt tho poul
WASHINGTON, Doc. 7. .'oatmau
tur General Hitchcock received today
tho flrnt lottor of tho annual aval
ancho of mall uddicaaod to Santa
CIiiiib. It camo from a llttlu girl at
Cinuptl, La., who mild the hud Just
broken hur hip and waa budrlddou.
Hitchcock him not decided whether
to Bund all Santa Clans lottors to tho
doiid lottor offlco or to turn thorn
ovor to charltablo organizations.
1'lTTSIiUlia, Iii., Dee. 7. For
tho t'ii'bt tiiuo kIiiuu tliu triiiiiuicn in
tho Citnu'ttto Stocl pluiiU wont on
hliiko Nuvornl days iiko, all dop.ut
moutH of tho JloniiiHtoud MillH woro
oiioratlnjr toiluy, Sovopty-fivu en-
glnuuiti Imvu tvemtuod work.
Senator Clapp, as Result of Probe
Made by Committee, Introduces
Measure Forbidding. Sending of
Money to Other States In Elections
Raising Money In Cities and Sending
It to Distant States Put Under
WASHINGTON, Dec, 7. An a ro
atilt uf tho w (i tin to campaign con
tribution commltten'a Investigation,
Keuator Mooh H. Clapp of Mltinexota,
chalrimiu of thu committee, Intro
duced In the m-uate today n draatlc
bill llmltliiK the n o of rnmpalftu
luiuli in tireniuentlnl nnu ronRreia-
lounl electlonn. It forblda any
ponton, firm, coriwrntlun. a-oula-lion,
commllten or nay officer there
of to iiend inutie)M from one ntatt to
another for tho ptirpoe of tufluenr
fluencliiR clectlona. Much general
prohibition, however, It noa provided
agAlmit polllcal committee!, the bill
npeciriyliiR: "The national commit
teen u r political pnrlle may make
paymenta for oxieniie of CMinpalKti
apeakera, trmiaportntlon, hotel bllla,
extirnHcH fur thu dlmiemJtiatlon of
campalKii literature nml ndvertlalni:."
Vlolntlotia of tho proMiiiod meas
ure nro made puiilahabln by Iniprla
onmeut of from alx months to one
Senator Clapp explained that hla
bill wan Intended to prevent larse
aiima from belnK raUed In financial
centem and tent to dlatant atatea for
tho iimi of atato coiiiniltteea. It
would compel ho people of each
atato to fluaneo snd Independently
conduct their own cainpalfina ex
cept that thu national committee
may apcakerH and literature.
l'AHIS, Dec. 7. Jnek Johnson,
American nem prir.efij;liter, today
wired 1'nrw iit;lit primiotcfrt asking
fur n imitult hem witli ilumburilicr
WVIIh, licav,Mei;lit ehuiiipion of
Kulaml. Officials of thu Hoxin;
Federation heru immciliately opposed
tlm plan, iixMcrtitii; they wotilil lo
iiinml thu policu htop the battle If it
U nrraiiKcil.
NeurocH urn uuiopulnr hero miico
the tUctioiiublo chihhes in I'nri.-i be
tween Sum MoVoy niul bam;
WASHINGTON, Doc. 7. Noxt
Tuusday Is tho datu not by Chairman
Clapp for resumption of tho ucuato
proho of campaign contributions.
Tho meeting of tho commlttuo will
bo merely preliminary to map out a
future courso of action.
No wltnctucs havo been summoned
for tho Initial mooting. It la not
certain that testimony will bo takon
for Komotlmo as a quorum of tho
committee la lacking. Senator Oli
ver of rcnnaylvauta la Kick In Haiti
more, Senator Jones of Washington
Ih detained on thu coaitt and Senator
l'ayutor of Kentucky la olbo abBont.
NEW YOHK, Dee. 7. Tho htoek
uiarkot oponod uiiuortain today. Tho
tone waa irrogular. Aiming tho
btroiitfost liiHiies worn Northern Pa
eifiu, Givut No'rthurn iirofmred nml
tho Hill issues, which gained l'rau
tioually, l'riecd woro inqlitu'd to ad
vance, but IhiH teiidouoy with ohooktil
by a break in somo of thu industtiiils
whiuh Bluniped Hharply. Atnoricun
Hoot Sugar fell 'J l-'J. Tho market
ulohcd woak.
Doiula woro sternly.
I " i mfiiW? Wri- '"
4 trr H- KtAiL. , y .jm i "
XB - H Hl Jr CI "vE? I
r I TB tW f H '4v3rT'
I ilM -i if V k ' ' ? rt
Lulu tSbcer. Him .i. ir,-. Ii n-nUiuu irepjrmioni In 1'lttnliun:. I'.i. In de
feinl u Milt for ttym tlli-d by lri Iterilm HlchnriU, the wife or THomai
ItlchnnN for the nii-viil iiljiiiiilmi of hi-r hu-lund--. urTei.-il.iiH. JJUh
and Itlchiinlx luire licrn iiiipiMilns tli.'ru losether lu a rnudcvllte nkctcb
"I'll- afire l-J Ih-Iiis In-ill In n for ttium to lnure tu-r iip-cJrn la
rourt tu niiNWcr llie li.irvv nlien tbe ww l enllt-il.
lr i:iehnrd, nlm u once n well kuuwn elmlr oliiKrr. mid toured IN
eoiimrr wltli ilu-'TliitHliiri1 Tliuniii ticln--mt. eb.irKe licit her biixtriud ba
dencrle-t lier mid frtilul in otiirilniir to tier ii'iMiri nlme Oetolier. I'JIO. when
Hie Hcile- Miy liv w : nml i-oliieile-, did in Uiiliy nml (null, loimly contrive
tu Injure the plaintiff In tier liii.luml hue and ntTe Hon"
NEGRO ill.
WASIIINOTON, Dec. 7.- "I don't
care n dnnui wlmt n few oveniors
may nay about my net ions nt Itu-h-tnoml.
1 urn not uecouutablu to them
but to tho good people of old South
This was the way (lovertmr Cole
Hlrnj-o of South Cnroliiiu defended
hero toiluy his peoch before the nr-
cent pivcruoiV convention at llich-
moml, ill which he advocated lynch-
in;; ns a preventive measure ngttmt
ncp;ro nhhtnills ujion whito women.
"I vrnnt to wiy hem nml now,"
I'outiimed Hlem-e, "that so lout; "s
I am pivenior I never will call out
Hie militia tu protect n blank M'Oim
ilrcl who has insulted a whito wuimiii.
I do not want to hco good men shot
down by boldicw to pmleet the black
"I wiik frvqiii'iilly misquoted in
Icichmoml, but I do buy thia much:
If tho cotistitutuMi of my state
htaiulrt between ino anil the, safely of
our womanhood, then my batllo cry
is; 'To hull with tho coiistautioii. If
n negro dues anything deerinn
swingiiiK, then I'll bo blumed if I
use tho militia to interfere. You
may nltm hay for mo thnt I expeet to
co to tho United State.s somite. I
intend to tiniioimeo my eniulidney at
tho first vacanev. and I beliovo I will
win I know I will."
INDIANAPOLIS, 1ml., Due. 7.
K. Keildiu, fiuanciiil beorotary
mid business ngent of tho Ironwork
ors' local at .Milwaukee, one of thu
defendants in the dyunmitu coipir-
noy trial hero, was orosn oxumluod
todav. Iteddin admitted wiitliiL to
John J. MuNamara urging additional
organizers hut denied that thu organ-
hers wuro intended for dynamiting,
Fred Moonev. finuiieial beuretai-v
of tho Diiluth Iitniu orkuiH local, nml
onu of tho ilefendaiitH, testitiod thai,
ho uovcr met John J, ruNaiiiara, iiud
know- nothing of tho alleged ilynamito
uoiibi)lrauv. Hu also denied collect
ing monoy to ilei'einl tho MuNtumiru
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7."I be
lieve thu democnitb in the senate and
in tliu huiisu should haw to thu Hue
mill prove that they have been sin
cere in nil the accusations uf wrung
duiii that they have made against
the republicans," declared Senator
Hen H. Tillman, of South Carolina,
"I do not intend to mnko any
bjveeches on tho tariff. My views
uro well known. I luivo nut been
mealy mouthed in my ejpresbions on
that question."
Tillman said ho wan undecided
whether his health would permit him
to eifonit tho heavy work of the
chairmanship of the appropriations
committee. Tho next in importance
of tho chairmanships to which ho is
entitled as rnnking democratic mem
ber is that uii naval affairs.
"I have a preililictiou for tho nuvnl
affairs chairmanship," ho confessed,
"as I havo always been a niembor of
that committee. Many of my friends
among tho naval officers want mo to
take it. My choice will bo between
appropriations and naval nffuirx."
PORTLAND, Dee. 7. A. J. Coff
inun, who has been operating four
largo con feet ionery establishments in
Portland for sovoral years, luul to
ilu, Ills htores closed for tliu benefit
of creditors.
Coffmaii has left the city, it is
New Year s Issue
In accordance with its minimi custom tho -Mail Tribune-
will on Now Year's day issuo a special edition
descriitivo of tho growth and progress of Medford and
tho Rogue river valley during tho past year.
Tho issue will bo profusoly illustrated and bo ro
ploto with cuts and maps descriptive of iho valley's de
velopment. This is tho only ehaueo to scud, your friends tho
story of tho valloy brought up-to-date, to lot tho world
know what wo aro doing in tho march of progress,
Send iu orders early for oxtra eopics. Price 5 eonts.
Grand Jury Files Report In Which It
Urges County Officials Remain In
Their Offices From 8 to 5 With
Exception of Hour at Noon.
Rap Taken at Janitor Service -Vaults
Too Small and Old Poor
Farm and Jail In Good Condition.
Taking a rnp at the janitor service
on the court hiitite and urging the
county officials to keen office hours
tu required by law, uud not have
more deputies thou are actually re
quired, the raiid jury tiled its finnl
rcjH-rt Friday afternoon with Judge
Calkin-, and wan ilfcohnrged. The
grand jury returned nine true lulls
nml two not tnie bill-.:
The grand jury irMirlcd that the
county hopitnl uud inrm wns "eco
nomically mid "ell managed uud take
this opiMirtuuity to commend the
innnngement." The ''" patients, two
being women, nil -ccmeil well fed,
clothed, comfortable and happy.
Concerning the county official,
thry were "convinced that nil things
are kept in a neat, orderly and busi
ness like manner." The jail was "ex
tremely well kept, clenu, sanitary,
ami wholesome" nml the jury' wished
to commend (be officers that provid
ed this jail for the county us well
ns those who have it in charge; how
ever the grand jury found that the
janitor service about the court houfc
"is not in. efficient as it should be
utid should bo improved upon."..
The county officials were request
ed to arrive at their offices on time
uud continue lo"thcfr waff; until the
cloe of tho day, ns provided by law.
The hours wen designated at from
S to ii with an intermission of one
hour at noon.
It was recommended (but ! "cler
ical force employed by tho various
offices bo regulated according to the
nctual needs of the various officer-,
based iiKn a requirement that the
work of each individual employed
bhull fulfill the Mwful requirement
as to character of bcrvico uud time
Jvew vaults arc required or old
ones no enlarged to meet require
meiits of business. The present ones
were- found to be entirely inadequate
for tho business in hand."
WASHINGTON, Doc. 7 Through
an executive order Issued today by
President Tuft, mora than 20,000
employes of navy yards throughout
tho United States aro put under tho
protection of civil services.
Tho civil service commission has
approred the order of tho president
which conformed with an opinion
rendered by Attorney General Wick
craham. SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Dec. 7. "The
Wcbtern Union Telegraph company
uiUbt quit persecuting our organiza
tion or there will bo an qpen fight."
This statement was issued hero to
day by President S. J. Koncnkamj)
of tho Commercial Telegraphers un
ion of America, following tho ui
ubiirgu of six operators iu tho local
oflico of thu company. It is alleged
that the men woro let out becuuo of
being union men.
Commercial Club Plans Great pete
bratlon to Symbolize the Reign of
Harmony in the Valley and tho
Death of Discord Also Banquet.
All Cities of the Valley Invited to
Bring Their Hammers as Fuel for
the Flames.
At a meeting of thu special com
mlttco of tho Medford Commercial
club appointed fur tho purpose, It
waa decided to havo n grand celebra
tion to "lynch ttio knocker" and
"burn tho hammer" Friday evening,
December 27 In tho public aqituro
near the library.
Following the ceremonies, there
will bo a light banquet at tho Hotel
Medford, where brief talks will bo
mado upon the valley needs and re
sources. It Is planned to first parado tho
"knocker" a straw flguro with a
gigantic hammer, through the streets
to tho park. Here lnccndlar
spcechea ngalnst tho knocker will bo
mado and when tho Indignation of
tho mob Is sufficiently fired, a Ku
Klux Klan band will seize him, strap
him to tho stake and light the bon
fire. Aa It burns, represcntatlvee of
Ashland, Grants Pans, and other
towns, aro expected after brtet
speeches, to hurl their hammers Into
the blaze.
Then tho club member will alt
down at 0 o'clock to a light banquet
or Dutch supper at the Hotel Med
ford. whem H'l'cxieUd''tbat from
-100 to S00 will participate. Drier
speeches will be made on vital topics
by representative citizens of all
parts of tbe country.
Tho hearty co-oporatlon and as
slsUnco of alt commercial bodies Is
expected and ovuryuuu Iu Medford Is
expected to assist.
LONDON, Dee. 7. TJie potency of
concentrated thought is to be given n
thorough try out by tho new hiiffra
getto organization, tliu Women's
Silent Co-ojicration for Freedom,
formed for those who do nut care to
particirmtu iu publiu demonr! rations.
Instead uf buiualiiug Jlond Street
windows, the setting of firu to cab
inet ministers' homes, or oven at
tending Albert hull meetings, Silent
Co-oeniturs will seek to move thu
British government by merely think
ing. Fifty members havo pledged
themselves to concentrate their
thoughts for ten minutes each day on
"votes for women."
Another organization just formed
is tho Qui Vivo corps, which is mili
tary, but not militant. Its members,
clad iu serviceable uniforms of broad
coat and skirts, brown hat and green
cockade, uro to hold street parades
every Saturday.
PASADENA, Cal Doc. 7. -Tho
roaldonco uf K. II Hewlett, a mil
lionaire, living Iu tho cxcluslvo Oalc
Knoll district horo, was ontcrud early
today by a burglar, and Jewelry
worth SS000 takon. Tho intruder
found $200 lying on a tablo, and
entering tho bathroom adjoining,
found a diamond ring worth S3000,
a pink pearl aud diamond ring worth
S20Q0 and a poarl nepklasa with dia
mond clasp on a uhelf whsro tl'ty
had boon left by Mrs. Hewlett.
A vicious dog was In thu room
lut is believed to havo been drugged,
A wutchnmu is auppocad to guard
tho promised also, but knew Hetklwf
or tho affair until Inforiflwl by th