ijgijy11 u m mmmmi Mail tribuni J MAarvm !rUK IMlAT Mf T1IB KD PMlNTINtl CO. N Mall, nieleHrrt Trthtinn. thft aoHth rn Ornlan, Th Aihland Trlbun. HOffle Mall Trlbun KulMlrir. I.J7-! irlh Kir atrettl ftane, Mala toil; em 75. OBOnaiC PUTNAM. Bdttor and Managar Rntrd an arcond-claM matter at MMfonl. OrcRon, nJer th act of March 1, 1119. ornekl raixT of tha City of MeOfenl. Official Paper of Jaekaon County nvnncnirrioiv ratbs. On r lir mall. .......... J,t0 One mantn, tr mall...... ..... CO rrr wnnllv, rirtlvcmi by csrrlar In MUm. Jachxtinvllla and Cen tral Point.... CD (Utntay only, hr Mall, vr year.. S.i Weekly, per yrar.. 1.S0 PROPOSITION UP TO POWER COMPANY MflDTmUT, tXTTi TRTBtTKT), MEnFOKD, .ORKflOfN. FRIDAY, nKOBMTlRn.O, t0t2,' CONSERVATION OF HUMANITY. w: Wcnrled by dilatory tnctlca on the part of tho Oregon-California Power company In regard to Its relations with tho city, the city council Thurs day evening, nl the supRcatlon of the mayor, authorised the appointment of u committed to confer with tho officials of tho company at onco In regard to louor rale, and If a pro poaltlon was not forthcoiutup to pro- cccil with the drafting of an ordin ance' tixliiK llio rates to bo charged in tho City, as they have, power to do under tho public utlltlcft hill re cently pawed by tho pcoplo of tho state. Tho coniiuUtco consists of Mayor Canon, Councllmcu Camphcll and Sumroervllle. According to the city officials tho promnt rates for llRhta In Medfnrd aro higher than in any other city In tho ulate and tho officials with this corrected. MANDAMUS T IS TO BE RUSHED A mandamus suit to decide the (ineatlon wjilch has come up concern ing tho offices of city recorder and councilman In tho ticcond ward, and learn definitely whether E. T. Kosa and W. N. Campbell being appointees can hold office past a general city election will be Instituted wltblu the next day or two and rushed In or der that a decision may bo reached before a call for the coming general election la made. Tho two officials In question state that they welcome an election for they do not desire to nerve It people do not want them. the FIRST STEPS TO IE SEGUF ARMORY Thu first note In a campaign to becure a state armory for Medford was sounded Thursday evening when Captain A. V. Deano of the Seventh Company, Coast Artillery Corps, O. N. 0., appeared before tho city coun cil with a request for an appropria tion by tho city of $1,000. Tho county Is to bo asked for a like amount aud the state for $30,000. The armory it to seat 3000 people. Tho city dads took no action in th matter. A bond fusuo for the purpose will probably bo voted upon. MERCURY DIN IS NEAR RECORD POINT Tho mercury plunged downward Thursday night touehlUK 'i'i degrees uboto Jiiht beforo Mindown, which is within two dugiouH of tho cold wcath or niurl; reglslertd labt winter when on olio night It stood ut 'JO. A fog rolled lit early Friday morn ing, ditiiipiivuH adding to tho uiiploau uutnusa. TliAnrwilMiQ little ehaugo tonight in thu proscut cold suap, according tp tho local weather bureau. ASKS $15,000 FOR NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY Tho proposition of bonding thu city In tho sum of $15,000 at the next city election us Its share for tho construction of a 'National Guard armory in this city was made pos sible ut the meeting ot tho city coun cil Thursday night when Captain Demle of the local military organ ization pretfeuttfd a potlUon. Ho said that if tho count)' would glve $16. 000, the city tho same amount, tho lto would glvo $:tll,D00 nod this foyeriuueut Juatall disappearing OMEN of Oregon are jiuttlfyJiiK !jnl suffrage by taking an active intoiost in nronosed lotrislntion for Jiuiimnity, instead of for the dollar. It was mini's inhu manity to man that created tho progressive wave that lias swept the eonntrv during reeent years and culminated in Oregon by throwing down the bars against sex inequality, i)i order to better political, social and economic conditions. Under the lead of tho Oregon Congress of Mothers, ami parent-teachers associations, a bill is to be presented the legislature providing pensions for the assistance and sup port of women whose husbands are dead or totally in capacitated and wno have small children dependent, upon them. Similar laws are in effect in Illinois aud Missouri, and work admirably. A dozen other states are considering the same legislation. The bill provides that if the family 'includes but one child, the mother shall receive $10 a niouth. If there are more children, she shall receive at the rate of $7.50 per ..-.... It. .. .1.21.1 V xt it uiviiui jn-r i-iiuu. vu muiiicr can receive uns pension rov a child over -sixteen years of age. No mother who receives an income from other sources is entitled to the relief af forded, unless that income is less than the one provided for by the measure. The mo.iey shall be distributed through the courts, and its distribution is regulated so as to pre sent abuses. The money is raised by a levy of not more than one tenth of a mill uplm each dollar in each county and it will decrease the expense to the taxpayer, for 'it now costs more for the support of the poor and orphaned. A mother in holding her family together, makes a dollar go further than the state, and, more than all, preserves the home, utal to the child's welfare. It-is high time that legislation was enacted conserving humanity as well as property and the mothers' pension bill should receive unaimous support. BUY RED CROSS STAMPS. R KD CROSS Christmas seals are now on sale in Med ford. The Dl'OPi'cds srn to n mest: wifi-rlir nmmn ml there should be a generous purchase by the public. The use of Christmas stamps to aid in raising funds for tuberculous cases originated in Norway, in 1J)0I. Jacob Kiis, the social worker, described the Norway stamp and suggested uses for it in America in an article in the Oiit loofc. .Miss Emily Bissell, secretary of the Delaware Red Cross, designed a stamp Avltirh netted the societ v 000 for tuberculosis work. She induced the American' Red Cross to take up the sale in 190S on a national basis, and over bi:b,000 was realized. In 1009, tho sale was increased to 0,000, in 1010 to $310,000 and last vear s-U'JO.OOO, all of which went for anti-tuberculosis work in various parts of 1Jic nation. While Red Cross sfninm 1fi luwi- mil,- iii. ,.,... , -charity stamps," from which this idea, originally spnmir! go back to 18(2, when "sanitary fair stamps" were first wounded during tho Civil War. Nearly $1,000,000 was raised in this way during the years 1SG2 to 1807). After tiie war this method of rnisinir nmnm' -,,i! i;o-...:....,..i :.. tins country lor a generation, although it found vogue in J ortugal, Switzerland, Austria. France, Spain, Denmark, -Norway, Russia, Sweden and other European countries. Lliere are now hundreds of different tvpes of charity etamps used in all parts of the world, as manv as forty IWtllllV IILWwl 11 a9r. ..!.. i 11 1 . . . "v..,6 Lotu iu lusu-m ior cnimrens Hospitals alone. KEEP THE GALLOWS. REPRESENTATn'B-ELErr C. N. McARTIlUR of PniTiiiiirl. i-ill mfcwl.w... .. l.:n ..t. ii . , 7 ".: . ' "", ""uu" " ai me ceiuinG: session to substitute the electric chair at the state prison for the scaffold, on the im-omiwI rlmf ilai..,;., i ,. L ...i repulsive. b h tuu w,,, ,,,uo,,s ,,u" , 1J1,el,:,lls M0 SO'Hl '"Cttson why the substitution should be wine VC 1,C'P Vt(id t0 "" the death penalty eenuse they wished to scare crime out of the heart o'f he criminal by fear of his ini,,e.ding fate-and the more baiba rous and repulsive the punishment, the more terror it strikes. Hanging is more repulsive than the death made scien tifically easy by urcssiiur an clwtrif hurt..,, if :, ff'r au$ Iln'ib,e' To leallzi! one may slow y strangles or that one may be virtually beheaded bV huvini Jus head mi ed off. tlmf in H.i.. u. :n i. h ...:.. ..j. t . 7 "v "oi uut m i m several e i? til-in fflrl "nm "'! mli: dy'w ls 'M"y " J " chair. fxtiuction of life in he electric Tho vUu-h-ic execution is a costly affair, it entails SSnlfSSl8 X1,0,n C ? thf UiW ,n IHipmeni and ex S no ,!oS r eU 'J? ,u ohtMe J,,lce- wfivor at the ntxt general election, the women will, abolish capital mm- SSS wasted. t,,C ,n0mT lnt lu ilH tnIItIo,wiil Co jffii.i'ST?" s:!i im.tt; ::"" .,,..",,,, lUMiuuiu. iuoHaic law ot a e or a life mid loud advoca cs of capital punishment, be apioint .mS2r rt'feS" "!r 'v,?0 " " w (argot guu cost iik sso.onn n i.. used by O. X. G. compan!en (or practice. Ink could bo imed for all public pur ppftM niiit wohW Hiat nnpQ projilp. k..l.l.... ...-.. .1 til. !.,. ..,.,,..11.... MIUMU, wua uujiu nun mv imvoiivii. koKoral coniicililuiii.' Johii A. Perl uiciriRKer M H. UAHTLliTT I'Ikmkw M. 471 mill 7i5 AinlMilmico Hi-rvlco X'i'iily Coroner OLD DOC COOK ON VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT OAKLAND. Cat. h-v. 0. Ami now ltn vnuduxlllo for Dr. Cook. Mow ho HllcRt' lu dlncovonul tho North rolu will hi told thcntor-KOora hero by Ur. Krcdcrlck A. Cook, ox corlAlcd ArllC'oxplorcr who Im MlKiicd u contract. Ho will nmlui his first nlipcnrntico In nil Oakland nlny hoiino Sunday, gtvliiK a twenty min ute In'ki lUuRtrntlni; his lecture with ntcrcojitlcnn alldos. PS LAKE STEAMER ST WITH 50 PASSE DtM.UTII, Minn., Dec. 0. Willi fifty VuumiiitvrN nbonrd tho llouth I.Iiip Stcumvr Kodtoti In rc)prtd horn today to bo on tho rock nl Iroquoln root hi l.nko Stiporlor, 30 iiiIIca wont tlf 1'oVt Arthur, whoro n bllmiird 1 rngliiK- It In trnld that tho Iohh of llfo Jinn bvon hvnvy, but tho nmunKOrn ot tho lino IuhUI that ull tho p.isDoiiBorH nud crow arc fa to. Same Old Pla.ce -X ll- Jo.1 rtA lJkr il 1 udtLr) V ii Wt wmxSm BrJi'jL ln II Vk. - - Send tfie Children in and Como in Yoursolf HEADQUARTERS AS USUAL SPECIAL ' , Just to start the Christmas trot orr right, we will put on sale here tomorrow, Saturday, and for this ojie day only, regular ,', $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 COPYRIGHT BOOKS all bv .standard authors 25c CHOICE, EACH Not over four books sold to any one person. Watch our bargain tables when wo givo you a bargain you get quality as well as prico. HUSSEY'S What do You Know About This? FOR SATURDAY ONLY 2 pair cotton flannel (Moves go at 5 Limited 2 pair to a customer. 50 pair .Men's $2.00 Trousers 50 One pair to a customer. Men's ."50c and 75c Shirts 25 Men's heavy Winter Underwear 35 All wool Sox, pair ;....'. T 10 Cotton Sox, pair 5 Men's 10c Handkerchiefs 2 $2.50 all wool Sweaters $1.50 AVe have a few more of those new shoes at about HALF PRICE We have just received a big shipment of Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Hags, all sizes and prices. We can save you iftoiicy, IT PAYS . To trade at the cheapest store iu the west. WILL H. WILSON 6& CO. 106 NORTH FRONT STREET Established 1878 Incorporated 1004 ,. i FRUIT D. GROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants SOi Franklin St., New York Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS - ' wo have-our cwn Iioubqs In ' ' NKW voiik, i.ivmu'oor, lonoon and uiiAsaow Direct connlgpwoiiU Hollcllod or neo our Itoauo Illvor roproBontnllv. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon A GOOD PRESCRIPTION I 'or rt Imim Mfc Thl U tho ptctorlpthiii .'ol n ImiK llfo mIvuii hy un old ti'iitlmnii In. Conn., who In U ypurit old mid tillll wall Hint cliourful- "Mvif U'liipornUf ly,' h 'slow lo'ttiiuor, don't worry, tnho Idi'itty of oxonlno In tho froHh nlr, ii nd alio v nil hnup chimrfnl." Should tho nytom net run down dlKcuttvo ontnim wonk tho blood thliiK uiul kIiikrIIi Ink" Vlnol, which U n dolli'loim roniblnntlon of tho ini'dlolnnl bodybuilding proportion of codn' llyorn, with tho iihoIom itrvnoo ollinlnntcd mid tunlo Iron tiddod. W rKtird Vlnol un ono of tho ionU't liody.luillilorh mid ntiviiKth croitloni In Iho world for iiKi'd pooplo. Mm. .Mary tvoy of Columbia, On., unym "If pi'oplo only know tho ood Vlnol dotn old puople on would bo nimble (o mipply tlio dciunnd; It I Iho (Incut tonic nnd KtroitKlli vifAtor I ovir tucd." .Wo wlah ovory f'blu old piroii In thU vicinity would try Vlnol on our nimcimnt to return thi'lr uioiioy II It foils to nlvo nllrnctloii. Mud ford I'linrinary MI-O-NA STOMACH TABLETS V Oi hi Out tins noil Sourmi ot Onto oud Iviid l))pi'plit Don't roiuplnliii If your iiiciiIr du not dlKVit KOt n SO tout box ot MI-O-NA Stuuinrh TutiluU todny nud flop dUtri'im. kkh. MuiiriioH. fermentation mid that lump ot li-nd fcolluR Iu flvo UlllllltUM. Anil why nhould nuy oiiHlbl per son inrr auftor (lorn nuy rKiiuiicIi Iroithlc, wlit'ii Chan. Strain; l mi thorUi'd to rotund tho purrhniiu prlro to nuy dlMotllxfk-d pnmou If MI-O-NA SloiiLivh TublvtM do not do uwny with IndlRootlou, Aciito or Chronic ))Pi'phIii, l)liluv, .Norvnutnvi nud SIcophiMiiPM. For VouillliiK of I'roKunncy nud tho otfcrtM of ovcr-inttue. drluhliiK or HuiokliiK thpy nro ntniply (luv. Effective Itne Rcnedy for Tibercultsls It l I trUiui mtltrr whrii llir tuiiKt tr iirrrtnl. , Iflp aiay ur In a mm. tarlum la nat ulilr vipru.lir. Iul II In. Taltra M'tarallini limn hotm. ami frlrml. Mum ati 1'rnrillr.l. but trvt ao ailfrl Ir luru. CrkDiau'a Allrrallra I. rffrvllta (ur tioma Itrltllirlil. I'ur riamir: 11 H. Allantk- A, lUU.IoulIrM, N. J. "Ilitillriiifn In lhi tall jf I(i1 I out liariril m trry -vrif nilil wlikk aritlnl n my nnnn. . U.I I hmmi In ralia niilimi. a it-t tar ihrhln Hm-ii lol.l nx I mint so lu 1'allrurnla linlunllalrly ,l Illla llnir I nilil.nl In laVf lk luan'a .Mlrtalhr 1 l.irl at bnnii- ami i-niiurifiirftl lakhiR ll tin- M.I nrrk la OclnlH-r. I tf.H In Imiittitr. and lha nr.l Mrrk In January It.xl I rrtimnl my regular ihcu4Ioii. kaflnar Kalnnl 3fi ou nil . fully Ir.lnrnl lu lirallli. II I. now nr yrara Iiit my rn-n.rrjr tiat Itrtu rlTnlrtl. uiul I raniiui irali IU-Km.ii'. Allrmllr liai lilitlilr I ham tnoui turndrO ll nllli rtirllrnt inull.." (Hlcnwli XV il. V.lTltM IVVnian'. Allrt.llrr I. rnTrrtlrr In llcon rblil.. Aailuua, Hay I'nrir. Thmat ami l.milt Tniiil'lr. anil In HiliullitnK lh ayalrm ! tint ronlaln i.Min. nplalr. or halitl fotnilmf ilrnc. .Wk for ImmKIcI Irlllutr f tt'(irtli. Ailil rjlf lu lyinuti Irfilmralnry. I'MlaOfli'hU I'a for nmrr rrl drncr, I'or aal liy all Iraillua; ilruKXlal t lis different! I Each piece of Orange Blossom vaiiuyv to.saflavor all its own .Mrilfiinl I'linriiiury, '.. u(. ? n MU1 . 1 .' H'-'lll I 'I W 1 l 1 " " STAR TriEATRE Wo I on (I. olhom folloff, MlU" llUoii I'Viiluro 'Till) COI.O.Ni:iH WAItl' aoop rout lii no ruU-uooo foul. HurdvH ot liidlunn, troopit ot muI dlvrx, u HlupoiiduuH ptoiiL'cr mid mill I my pioduc-tloui - Supi'ili llrmimllo lli'iidllloua TlitlltliiK Nltimllonii You know tho I'ppotnllou of tho "I ol" IIInoii fouliiiOM, uiul you know you cuii't of fold lo nil. Ililn ono. niic ixu'iii.i: nictiT Corkluit ituud tfllo AX AOVr.STl'llOUS AOOI'TIO.V All Ititcri'idliiK lory porlrnyod by tho rmuoun "tlmiiuotit" Ulddloa, Al, HATIIKIt. llio Shwr i'iiiii-r a.no wooiAVoimi Tho llnittliuo WUnrdH Vlatluoc pally s lo 5 p. iu, ADMISSION. Gc AND lOo lloit of Monli- mid Ivffi'tli I.OOIC LOOK I.OOIC L'oiiiluit ".MOTH IX TIMS 1'liA.MH" An tiitoiuidy drmuutlo tliruo-rool plctorlnt vomlon doplctliiR thin fain on n.URSf l)vo, hntrcd. Jonlqtiay. ISIS theatre: VmiiiIi'tIIIo mid 1'liotopUya TIIISVITT'S .MM.ITAUV IM)OS I'oHltholy a I'oaturo Act SI'KOIAI. TODAY MUX JUAX AXO (TIAUI.IIS V A ph-nxtiiK nlory of tho Old World, proat'iitud lu two reel, bountifully, Imnd-rolorod, IIlK Vltnitrnph Inufthncrnph, XOTIMXOTO WISAU QoimI MuhIc Special Matinee. Snturday nud Hun duy. Matliuo price, 5 and 10 cunu. AT THUS UGO AliU'AVS A OOOO SHOW i TON I (11 IT 't tim: wAitxi.vc iiaxo Kiaauny Ono of (IiIh coiiipmiy'ii mont ox trnordlunry fouturoH. A woiidorful nud hlnrllliiK ilruiimtlc Hubjcct, un thrullliiK In plot atrmiKth mid por lrnyod with KrlppliiK liiloiiblty. Tho Kitlvnllon or a illmoliitu kuii throiiKli tho luodluiii of mi old family pnliit liiK. KriincU X. lIUHliiuiiu U ul htd licit In thlM Kruiit pliotoplny. Mr4 i : Navajo and Chimayo ; Blankets, Rugs, Scarfs, ;: Pillow Tops. B :: AJso Ihiwk and arrows, Z Jmliiin rattles, war ; clubs, quirts, toiii-loiiis. ; ; Now is tho tinio to fix ; ; ! dp tile den. , THE i MERRIVOLD 1 SHOP t 134 W. Main Street, I fHif A M.MITISO IMVOItCIl And I.IKISTIIi; t'AT, TIII-SV ('AMIS IIAOIC Two npltiudld coniodloit ot thu woll known lof;rnpli brand. mihi,i:,iiin(i i;viih;ntij A capital woHtorn drmuit THIS HUlllliat INIHWTltV I.V .MALAYSIA . Arm lu iitni with idoctrtclly, rub" bor lian luliou IIh pluro In Uio fonw nioHt rank of tho world'H Krcat Intlmi- trlul pniiliiclB. TIiIh him l or wldu IlltOI'VHt, bliCllllhU It hIiowb tho until, nor lu which (ho Kionlor pnrt of thu world'H Niippl) of lhl urtlclo In no-ciiri-il. Nil pmrimdliiK, from tho Uiuo tho Irni'H a 10 pluulyd until thu in IhIiikI product Ih mipl to Kurupu mill, Anlurlca, In omitted, THIS CONVKIITtlUii; AUTO I'nlho Vory amtiHliiK lls Wooltvoidi ut pliuio OO.MINO 1'utho'n Two-itool Fofta luru photoplay, "TUB AOOl'TMU OMIM)." Clnuiyo of proKrum ovory Sun duy, Tuoadiiy, Tli'iirmlny nud Sitlurdny. . I'llrpn AhrnyH UitTHiiiuo, flc nu 10e i tvr -M