Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 05, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    uW -jfrei'MPi
OTjnronn ArArr, TmnTT?TK. fEDFonT), ohkhdv. TrrrnsD r. PKCTArr.KT? r,. uuz
II I . ..I .. I III l r " MWanMwMnMwMtiMMMri
" " -.- -
wnr.1 ftth
Mr iiml Mm Harold KIIIaoii of
.loaophlne Kiiiiily vhdtoit lit .Medford
Iho foropitit of tin week Mr Kill
huh I urn ri'ri'ivml mill Mill plant If.,'
noil pear (roi'H on two lili: trarlH of
Imiil IwiiO'd iii'itr .Morllu.
A. V. Wright. pioiiilnmil luili'l
mini of I'orltiiiul, I iiiiiMiik thin moo
tlmi vlnll
Fruit liilinlii' In any color printed
l.y llio Mull Trillium. ((
Mr. P. Amnriti Infl Wmlm-mlay for
lir homo In Oakland, Oal,, after n
fow wpoIin' visit with relative mill
friend. Hli wan iKcouniiinli'il swilli
My hoc imlco. MIk Morllm llrnuilnn
hunt, vvlio will spend tho wlnli-r In
' l W. Jncntm of Health' has 1k'
vlilllng In Medford unit Jiiiksoiivllln
Vapor Inithri iiml hcIi'MUIo iiiiih
miKi for men nml wotuvii. Dr. It.
J. Uthwood, chrloprsctor, 20.1 nr-nett-Cnroy
IHiIk. Phono lift.
Mr. I) M. .MolCeiiuey nml iImikU
ler, MIm Maurlnn, li'fl Wednesday
for Han Friiuiluo, whoru thoy will
Hpuiul tho winter. Thoy woro ac
companied hy Ml l.llu IIoiIkiiii, sis
ter of Mr. McKrimey, who linn boon
visiting h"re.
Phono itri jour orders for milk,
cream, liuttur ami buttermilk. Two
dollvurlos, dally It. It. Creamery.
MIm Orn Arklns, who ha been nl
the homo ranch, vlnlllui; her par
ciitH. left for Portland Wi'dnesilii)
Mr. llallldny-llalKtit, contrullo
pupil of .Mnrclicsl, (Paris), Itatuleie
Kir (I.'iikImuI). tloorgo flwoot, Os
car Haehgur, Now York, will rerolre
jiuplln for vocal ciilloro nt resldoiire
studio, 103 Oakdale avcutio, Huutli.
I'hiimi Mul ii 72C2. 223
llomn. j'..loii of Sum Valley was
on ho Month lioiiml train Wednes
tiny, mi route to ,hlaml.
Cnrkln & Taylor (John II. Car
kin nml Oletin (. Taylor), attorneys
uMttw, over Jackson County llauk
llulldlug Medford. '
I) II llurnll I iIohii iroin Cltlott
prick iiiluliiK district.
Tin) Koto Maiden l coming.
Albert Yoroiti, Mho him hion In
w charue of lr. Dollar' farm, near
Umtlrnl Point for n nitmhr of )nam.
'ha removed to Medford
Oak nml hantwooil H.60 nail J5.00
per ronl. Oold Itay Hoalty Co..
SlUh nml Kir
Judge W. C Mai,, of Omul Pn
wait In Jooltsotivlllo Wednesday on
proteMloual IhihIii'm,
. F, (!. i)ur(iiuiiii U making Modlord
u hrh-f vUlt.
Iti'al lintiicinatlu hrrnil at DnVoo'.
It. IliiHwitll loft for K'Tby. Jo"
pliliin rouiity. Viiliitly, ii m r which
plnro'lii' I propiTtliiK.
Artlttlcnlly prlntpit Ipttnr hoaiU on
fancy IioiiiI papnr mnkn fluo ChrUt
ma prciriil. I.pI u (how you
pauiplc. Tlip Mali Trltmne. tf
Dr. II. I'' Ailklut, who hit hi'n
rlouty lit Rt hi farm nnir Moil
font, I routnliiialiiff.
Knft wooil $3 a llnr. (toll) liny
Itpftlty Co.
fiporitK Alfont mut Clilt llnrimm
wrru il6wu (ruin I'hoonU WVilncmlny.
ltoc MiiIiIpii, Doc. 17th nl Nnt.
OporKo !' NoiihiT nml A. J.
tinker wont to Anhhuul Wt'iluvHilny
At ii hnrKnlii, n K.onil tuinp-iiilllni:
tnnchltiu with cahlo, In (lm condition.
Apply nt 433 South Kir, Med
Mr. anil Mm. (1. I'. Hchoriunrhoni
Infl for the Kotith on WcdncMilny, to
he KOtio it Mhort tluii'.
Ouk I lor woil for inlo. Hold Itay
Ilimlty Co.
Frail Kllppol nrrlvpd from I'ort
hind oiin dny thU wpek, for n nhort
vlnll with mlntlvi'H IIvIiik tu Mid
U'Knl hlnnk for talo nt Iho Mall
Trlhiinn office, tf
Itohort llond, wn lurntpd In Tor
pt creek illnlrlrt for it niinthor of
yimrH, In In Mi'ilfonl. Ho In now on
KitKod In fnruiliiK inuir 1'pmllntnu.
Onk tlar wod for milo. OoUl Itay
Himlty Co.
J, N. I'urii, Hupiirlutundimt of tho
county poor farm, wuh Id Mi'ilfonl
W'pduuBilay on tho wuy to JnckHon
v 1 1 1 o to mnko liU monthly report.
Tri'HHpnBi notlroH for nlo nt tho
Mnll Trlhuno officii. tf
0. KllvHHtmt, JnckHOiivllln'H rlvll
cuiKlupor, wn In Mlfoiil WpiIiich
dny for n hIioii tlmn.
For Komlm'ift iiiKo, have It. A.
IIqIiuoh, tlo liiHiirunco man write
your liuurnnfo. llu known how,
Mm. Mul Coiinul wont to JnckHon
villi) Moiutny inornliiK, to roport ft
on mi trluil lu Iho circuit court.
Koho Mulitoii, Doc. 17th ut Nat.
.1, II. llDomiin mid Oiiormi l.uuo of
(lolil Hill minlo u hiiHlui'HH trip t
thin city Vi'iliicilny.
Weeks &McGowan Co.
Say mom 1171
MlVbt Vbooial I. W. Wtiki ton
A. a, Orr,, ai
W J. Hinllli wh In .Mcilronl yc
Innlnv. Ho hn !iciiiln'i (lid Itltn-
j hrrlriu plant opcrut'id In Hint hit-
tlmi hy Mohro A Appli'Knto mul will
put It In Mlmpo to iiiiiuiif4irtiir n
larxo (Hiintlly of kooiI lumlmr
I T. (Iiilllhor, Mip(M-liilnil!it of
Doiii'l h WVfkn IiIk ori'lmril, lo
cnlcil near llork I'ojnt. npfiit ye
tcrilny In .Mi'ilfonl.
Dr. It, J Conroy hn movml IiIk
officii lo tin' llulchltioii H. l.iiiiiHilnii
hulldliiK. Tlicno offlrc wro for-
inorly occuplod hy thn roiniiinrdnl
cliih. Dm. Conroy and CiHiiry hnvo
illnolvpil pnrttiornhlp,
T. WlKtiiuit of HciipjioiH, Coliiui-
hln loiuily, hn Intuit niiiklUK Med
. .. i. ....i. ...... .,iui. I
lljril H llliniin'wn ini.
,1 oh ii I T. lloni'Knii of I'ootu crunk
wn ilniHii to fill tln vncmicy In thl
lirmid Jury rniiod hy tho IIIiii'M of
I). il. Miller. It I likely Hint hody
will udjoiirii either todity or tomor
row. Onk nml hardwood f l.r.0 uml $r- 00
per ronl. Hold liny Itcalty Co.,
Hlxth mid I'lr.
riorotiro Walker' wan over from
Allttoch Wodneaday to meet Itlley
MyeM nml til family, who are ,n
tiiriilnx to Hint hi'illon niter nn nli
nnico of kcveml year In Klnmiilh
I'htl llamlll. the orchnrdlHt, wna In
front the rniirh Tnewday. (
Collect tliimn pcaIktoiI iliofti of
muilo j on value mid havn thorn
hound In hook form nt tlm Mnll
Trlhuno, tf
)V V. l.eover of .'oil trul Point
Npeul n few hour lu our city
IS II Hnlitoii nml (' I fry ot
Yrekn. Ciil . lire Nteppint: III Mi'ilfonl.
$3000,00 or fraction Ihorenf nlrniinn .,.
loan on Improved country ronl wiLD KTDATr- ATTl-MPT
talo nt current rate. Car kin ft j U0 I ln I L HI I LI III I
Tnylor, Jnokion County llnnk IlldK..
UeorK" Trefrrn nnl Chnrl
Oliver of Ashland wer(. In our city
Wed Head ay.
llrliiK that old hook with torn
hliidlni; down nml hate It rohound
at tho Mali Trlhuno offlco. Cot
hut little. tf
I. II. DMuiond and K. II. HarnUh
of IJnule Point ero recent vUltor
In Medford.
Chnrle Phillip of Ornutx Pn
traiuacted liimlni'm In Medford
Wedueidny nfternoon.
Mm, A A. Davl mnde Aihlnnd
friend u vlnll Wcdiicitny.
Mr. II. (1. Itebiirt of Wenntchee,
WiiKh., I vImIIIiik lu Motlford
P. W Appleuntn I down from
Portland on hiulnei.
C. I.. Heaini'i, DeArmoml llro.,
W. P. Mealey. (1. Cherry mid O.
II. I.nwler were nuioiiK the Medford
uttoruoy ut Jacksonville diirliiu llu
The oclnl of the Kpworlh I.eaKUo
ot tho M. II. rhurrh ha heeii ot
poued from Prldiiy evenluR, Deceiiu
her iilh. until date to ho nunnunced
Dr. K. KlrcliRener hn moved
from hi ItoRiio Itlvor much nml will
horonfter reldo at the Holland Hotel
!:. I.. Hchormurhorn left Wednes
day nfternoon for Kchonortiidy, N Y ,
where ho will visit hi mother
SAN ntANVI.SrO, Dei, 1. Ho
cull-.- fonnor l.ililwciKliI ('liiiuiuun
Ail Wi'IbhM lili" ilUeoveivil thut lu
left nmi uuil liiflul 11 ni hliffeui'il. mid
liei'mtsp lie heliove lluit 11 re"t will
do him a lot of k'in'l, Proiuour
.Imnes W. ColTrolh M'en hi- iiI.ihh
for 11 linltlo on Now Yenrs. 1 lit v l'
I ween WiiIkiikI mul homo proiniMiin
lililwclnlit vnuinliiiiK todnv.
Coffmlh wuh nepitlu(lii); n till
Prnukio llurim of Oiikluml to meet
WoIko!, hut owinjj In Hiiriin' execs
ivo fiiiiineiul ilemmuls the nlcii ot it
lion! wiih iihmiiloiieil.
A telcffriiiu I'niiu Tom .lone", ol
'iihI'k iiiiiniitti'r. Htuliuc thut Ad iih
ilelenuiued to rout a while, Htdcaercil
Iho lui'iil iromoter, who expected tin1
MicliiKun hoxer would hold to hi
ui;i cement eoiii'criiiui; 11 New Yi'.trn
iluy lioul.
CIMCO. CAU. Dec. 5. Poshoh nro
aourohluK todny for John St, Clnlro,
u much liiiiul, who for two houra tor
rorltod tho town of Yluu, twenty
111II0H from hero, shot nnd killed
JumcH Miller, a iMnohor, mul then
flod to tho hlllfl.
WnlkliiK up nnd down tho Hlroota
of tho town, St, Clnlro flourlNhed 11
rovolvor und commnndod ovoryono
ho mot to throw up IiIh hnuilH.
Claire Ih helloved lo ho Immuo,
Notice la horohy kIvoii thut tho mi
domlmied will upply to tho city conn
ell of tho city or Medford at ItH next incollUK on Iocomhor 17,
1013, for 11 llronxu to hoII HplrltoiiH,
vlnoiiH mid mull IIiiuoi-h Id iiiuutl
Ilex Ii'hh thmi n itallon ut hlti phiro
of hiiHlncHH nt No. 17, South Front
Htreot. lu mild city, for n porlod of
bIx montliH.
O. M, 8HLSI1Y.
Dated Docombor Cth, lim.
1 i
111,1 " '-"-' IIUM ' ' -! - 1 j
ya '!, :r - rfat'St c .ti.iASrnin
i , - r. ' Has cnw. v -ITU
u, 'my jawj &&4M
mmmmBkk & M
I TrZm.
MIm Orlavln Prnlcrlch, of lirooklyn, N. Y, well txyond icvcnty year
old and rcpuinl to bo worth tnoro than a million dollar, wa fuuml dead In
her dlmry rM)m over n tmrhcr ihop nt No. SI Hoyt trrt on TtinukKlrlnK
Day. It wn nt tint hollered that alio died from nuffix-atlon following a tire
cauinl hy nn overturned atovo which ho wn lulnc to cwk her TharikslrliiK
dinner. Now, however, n niyMery mirroundi the cnie, a Antony Orvlckeuto.
no Italian, who occupliil tho mom Mow her, ha dUl)ed a will lu which
iie dead woman Irene all her property to liliu.
TACOMA. Waah . Ue .1 An ,
Inmpt to w hi way out or tho
county Jh( oh tho purl of IJ Hl)iiril
n primmer clmrxeil with euitwulv
lueiil, hnH hmii illtcoverinl by Jailor
JnincK l.oiiKmlrM. That n
Jail deliver) wa to have follou hi;
completion of th. Joh U the hollof of
the nherllf'H offlco.
I.ail Prldny nlKht Jailer l.onc
mire ay ho ovorhonnl n couionxi
Hon hotweeii Snlynrd nml miother
primmer which led him to lliwstl- 4
Kale. llldliiK In the woodpile lel. .
of tho Jit 1 1 he imytt he now SiilrnriU -.
out an otKhleuii Inch hole lu thc..
cremi over one of lh Jail window,
rnlno tho nh. uml work nn hour 4
yawing with u knife mitde Into a miw
nml hlchly tompored, 011 one of the
outside hur.
BnlynrdH hn heon placid In soli
tary confinement today. Mo had
two other prlxoncr mnnil Kiiard
while he worked.
j mwnu yi irV1 '
Although only nineteen yours of age,
ton yean of c.MH'i'Ionco huvo ifimlo
"Young Joey" .Sinllh 0110 of tho clevis
cut light weight boxers devolopcil In
i:u,iiiuil, ami he 1 vomltig lo A morion
puI.V lu Deieinber to test the ability of
eur bent, or poHNlhly lo huvo his own
iiblllly tested,
Sinllh Is coining to Amerlen to prove
thut ho Is not only lu Hue to buttlo for
tho lightweight clnuiiplmiklilp of Kug
hind, but lo kci.'U hu worhl'a lltlo. llu
I'luliiis to bo tho Irixb mul Scotch title
holder. v
"Young Joey" Is tho kiui of Professor
Smith, one time (uiglllxt, who now con
ducts n gynimiMum In l.ondou, At tho
ago of nine he commenced boxing nmn
tuura. At fourteen he becmuu u pro-fiuulouivl.
1 mCHi: -' ii
mm i?j JH
mIH 'isHI -BU
iH 3Vjiflfl tfVI
SP. 1m
HAMILTON, lierni'ida. Ilw 5.
Preililent-Ik'ct Woodrow Wilson an
nounced today that ho plan to atart
tor Now York. Drcomhor 1 4. arriv
ing there 'Docomher IC.
Wilson said, he never exported to
moot W. J. Hrywn or other leader In
Ilcrmuda hut admitted that ho had
written Ilryau askliiK that a confer
ence he arranged when h returns.
LONDON, Dee. .-Aeeord-iiit
to 11 Hutcmcul hy 11
new ntjeney here toilux, the
militmit uft nineties huxe le
culed to tifi humhs within
uml without (he InuihO of
romtnoiiK, A onll for voluu
tenrsi is In he iMieil ut owe;.
I CliKVANl.AND, Ohio. Dec. .V
j Prnctlittlly certain Identification ot
tho dend woman who committed
Hiilcldo lu WnJo Park hero yetorday
hy taking poison was mado today. It
I believed nhe was O. N. Kloppel of
Wntortown. N Y., who formerly lived
In l.o AiiReleti nnd San Prancliico,
. nil returned east after tho death of
her husband.
WASHINOTON, Dee. ft. Pni
ili'iit Tuft will ho 0110 of (lie ourliet
Mitors ut (lie San Francisco o.poi
tiu.i 111 HMft moonlinu (o usuriiiicc
uneii to Mu or Itolph of thut city
b the iiiition's eliief executive. The
Miiiio proliiice wan received from m'o
retarv of State Kio. and other cab
met officers.
Dl'I.UTH. Minn., Dec, 5 Tub
woro rushed from horo today to tho
nHslhtuuco of tho ptmongcr steamer
Knston of tho llooth Lino, which is
roportod on tho rocks near Port
Arthur, Out Tho vessel carrloa
both ptiHSOiiKeM and freight. Tho
Kuston Ih equipped with wireless,
but efforts to communicate with her
huvo fullod.
Loot Iteco'vered
CUlCAvlO. lleo. . Mbro than
$'.20,000 worth of loot, stolen from
freight curs by 1111 oijjnnir.etl ami;,
is in tho MsoMon of the polieo
hero lodny. Trcil Spilth nml Kdwurd
fliimuie, ullegeil leudern of Iho izmi;,
wore arretted
POK HKNT A six room moilorn
bungalow with flroplaro nud
Hlcoplug porch nt :i- Hoss Court,
K. S. Tuiiiy, 201 Clurnott-Coroy
Uldg. 220
POU HKNT 5 room modern bun
galow, practically now, Medford
Realty & improvement Co,
HAN niANCIf:o. Cat
Dexpltu thn f.ict tlm I he
Dc '
In inhHItiK,
130 poumU for IiIh nor onnonent
l.e JoIiiinoii. WHIIh Honiio In kX'
pbctcd to defunt the O.iklntider whti ,
I tho two meet In ti four roHtid main
Invent hero tomorrow olht. Hoppo
! ha defeated nonrly ovory boy of hl
' wclRht on Uio coat, nnd hi Imakura
' are lookltiK to n mntch over a lonser
route uKnlnat hoiiio of til upper
clan flKhter. In JohnNon, Moppe
will have nn oiponent who I fruit,
clover ami ft hard hitter,
hotitn on the ame onnl lire:
Ooorge !
Tnher v. Willi; Meohuri, nilildlit
welKhta; Joo OroKKaliiH v. Johnny
I McCarty. welter; IiiiIh He oh vs.
I'ii ii I Pollock, Dummy Thoma v.
Willie Ilerm: Kid Hurrlon vs. Ited
Maun, Hum Slavlch vn Jack Carroll
and Jack Vucclnlchl v. Soldier
Qui no.
KKDDINO, Cal., Dec. 5. Tho fate
of William K. Clements on trlnl hero
for tho alleged murder of William C.
Lamlls probably will be In tho hand
of Jury Saturday. Tho stuto rested
Its raw at the niorulng soeslon to
day, and tho defonse began presenta
tion of evidence without delay.
I Continued from pace 1.)
you Is not worth anything and posi
tively will not live without you.
Would rather end It all now than
"Ither lone you or have you oomo
back except with the Idea yofi wrc
eomlriK far ll time absolutely nd
without any roserritlon, nthfld to
take everything as It cjuna. In
other words. It is either you abso
lutely, or oblivion, nnd If there Is no
U .Ut ... -,., I..l.. fl ...LI ..
hcu uiiuk uuiniun i wih.w uv
suffer any greater
have been, nnd am
tortur than
suffering ovry
day you are absent. You may think
you know, but you don't know how
Says Woman Shot Him
Wldnoy was visited today by his
wife and mother who comn from Los
Angelas when they heard ho was
shot. Tlmy remained only a fow
momenta mid then went to the homo
of Mrs. Otto C. Jottni. a slstor o
Wldney's. wife.
"She shot mo. Tlm first thing I
know tho pistol was against inc."
This Mrs. Wldnoy Hjys. hor hus
band told hor todny as ho lay half
delirious on his hospital cot. The
wife declares Dr. Joslcn was Informed
by Wldnoy that Mrs. Lyons, after
tho first bullet wont homo, at
tempted to flro n second shot but
that he had wrested he weapon from
hor before sho could do so.
Prolixin liiiiomiro
Mrs. Lyons was formerly a chorus
girl known on the stago ns "Vivian
Vale." Sho Is 22 years ot ago and
Wldnoy AQ.
"As Rod Is my Judge, I nm not
guilty of thts awful affair. I dldu't
shoot Mr. Wldnoy," said Mrs. Lyons.
"Bob was examining my revolver, a
present from my first husband, when
It exploded. This Is the second tlmo
that such a thing has occurred, and
following tho shooting I turned to
Hob and said laughingly to bo care
ful or tho next tlmo would bo fatal.
I saw him stagger to tho door with
tho rovolvor In his hand. Kven then
I thought ho was playing a Joko. In
another second, however, I saw tho
blood spurting through his clothing
and I screamed In terror. Every
thing else Is contused. I do know,
however, that Mr. Wldney mnde a
statoment In tho presence ot Dr.
Otto C. Joslen and othora complete
ly exonerating mo. Ho said: 'This
girl did not shoot mo 1 was exam-
Inlng her revolver and l accidentally
MMMWrM-; ' ': lmi!MMMMM
skkkkkkkkallv K aLkkkkkkkkkkkkH
mmwmMk- "';:' ' "'' mmMMm
-:" : Mmmm
wmmBmSmm' -'JBmwmm
POitTI.AND, Oro , Doc. fi.In a
rarnil collMon todny lietwnfii two
crowded Union Arenuo cam nt Union
itwriuo nnd Tillamook streets flvn
wjr Injiirod, none sorlounly.
Tho Injured nre: 11. II. Hurhack,
f)3vu llleld. M. Alder, Mis K. Olson
and Mm. A. O. Olson.
One of tho oars hnd stopped at
Tillamook street at tho bottom of a
stoop grnds, and tho motormnn of
ii10 tiir oar. unable to see It until
within a fow feet of It on account or
fog. crashed Into IL All of those In
jured wero tnrown noavny to tno
noor of tho rear piairorm on tno nor
war car, or worn tnrown irom tno
car. 110th car woro oauiy
ATCHISON, Knn., Dec. fi. Dc
litration that xho intended to eliiim
the millions left hy William .Marsh
Ifiec of Texiin, for who-ie ullcuil
'murder Albert T. I'ntriek wai rcecnt-
ly pardoned from Sinjf Sing by Gov
ernor Di.x of New York wan made
here lodny by .Mr. Ann Hiee 1'art
low. She averted that Ifiee wan her
brother, that ho left lioino after 0
iiaiTe with her father and Hint ah"
never heard of him ngnin.
teinptiusr to prevent (he looting' of
his. lmek Anselo Tit-eorniii. an Ital
ian truck xttrdner, wn hot under
the heart, hut Muggcred under IiIm
ImmI. grubbed a revolver and wound-
in) o of the rohhep. Today ho lie
. , ..,.. ,, ... ,.... ,.. ,
I . ... ...otij i.v.1, ,ii.n.,., ,,v,v., .,..,-
nie iieiwoeii 1110 nun iieiiiu. 111c
iwouiiiliil rubber is Itohcrt Shnfer.
atil nineteen. llin eomimiiion
SKATTLi:. Dee. .-.Mark Quon.
eeretl lini'nic.1 Tuesday, charged
with Miiiigxhui; opium, wan urn-Mod
li-t nislit by Deputy I'uited State
Mar-'luil Ludwi Frank. Quon, who
is a prominent Chinc-e merchant
here, is charged with having n'i
The Quickest, Simplest
Cough Cure
Ijllr and Ckraplr Walt at
Hour, tiavra Yon IS.
Tills rcdoo nukes a pint of oough
syrup enough to last a family a long
time. You cvulJn't bur u much or as
good cough syrup for t'JJSO.
Simple as it i, it gives almost Imtnnt
relief and usually stops the taunt obsti
nate cough la 24 hours. This U partly
due to the fact that it I slightly laxa
tive, ttlmulates tho apptito und lias an
excellent tonla rlfect. It is pleasant to
take children liko It, An excellent rem
edy, too, for whoopinj; cough, croup, soro
lungs, asthma, throat troubles, etc.
Mix ouo pint of granulated sugar with
pint of warm water, and stir for 2
minutes. Put "Yj ounces of l'lrtex (tifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add
tho Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly.
Take a teaspoonful every one, two or
threo hours.
Pine is ono of the oldest and bet
known remedial agents for the throat
membrane. I'lnex Is tho most valuablo
concentrate! compound of Norway white
plno extract, and ! rich in gualacol and
nil tho other natural healing elements.
Other preparations will uot work in this
The prompt results from ibis recipe
haro endeared it to thouiauds of house
wives in tho United States and Canada,
which explatns why the plan has been
imitated often, but never successfully.
A guaranty o antoluto samiacuon, or
. :. in.. t 1 ..1 .!i. i.i
"". ra? SSft'SSV " ?mer7or w
pet it for vnu. If not, send to Tha
, rincx Co, Ft, Wayne, In,
Rev. Wm. Parsons, D. D.
of Eugene, Oregon
First Presbyterian Church
Every Evening at 7:30
Good Choral and Orchestra Music
IngrfoTiient with Murk (tody hhi1,J -
Dillon for the miitllnr ml dwiHnl
of opium, flocy ntul Dillon wer
iiiillclfil ut Ihu wnme timn,
Certain fast trains apnrntlntr h
twron Chicago and tho northwest aro
equipped with olctrlu rnnftes for
cooklni? inirpoes.
, V 1
MS N A ImmI m I
Plcc-MMo Shoos
nrc sturdy enough
for play and drossy
enough for beat.
The best shoos built
for Little Folks.
Choice of tnn, pat
ent or gun metal in
"Shape of the Foot"
"Cooo Shoes"
Opposite Post Office
The Grouchy Face
Is repcllant rather than attractive
Hut sometimes it Is tho bad condi
tion ot tho teeth that contorts tho
face and disfigures It. Or It may
be that an aching tooth or neuralgia
spoils tho appearance. Don't suffer
with aching or ugly teeth when wo
can make them look bright, clean and
regular, at a vory reasonablo cost.
Lady Attendant
Over Daniels tor Duds. Paclflo
Phono 2528, Home Phono 302-K
We carry a very complete Una of
draprla, fsc curtains, (Ivtures, etc
and Oo ail classes of upholstering. A
special man to look alttr this work
exclusively and wilt viva as good
adrvlca aa ta possible to get In even
the largest cltlca.
Weeks & McGowan Oo.
skkkkkkkky. 'cSCsZTTTi