; ft m )it MEDFORD Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hhowcr Ma. i MN. l. oriy..rmil Tr. Dally ilnvimth Tr MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DKCICMI3KU8, 1912. NO. 217. , i; i t.m1.' . i... 1. 11 --". hj DANGER GENERAL WAR STILL INCREASES Mail I H PRAISE ROGUE OKHMDS VOICED By RUSSIAN OFFICIAL IS FIST IN ENTIRE WORLD Tl GROWING OF FR I Spends Some Time Here on Inspec ilon Trip Is Specialist in Horti culture Russian Department of Agriculture. EARNS $2,000 EVERY TIME HE SINGS Declaring that Iho Hobuo rlvor alley U llio finest fruit miction ho linw over seen, and that ho Intend to Inform hi tropin that to bo success (nt In (mil growing they must prac tiro srlotitlllc horticulture 01 It I tarried on here, Vaclav I1, Nloincti, NlincUllat In horticulture, of tho Hum Hliin dnpilrtment of Aarlrulturc, has left tor hln homo itflor a vlft of sov oral itayn hero with I'rofrtnor I'. J. O'dara, Professor Nlemots, at tho request of tho Mall Tribune prepared (ho following itatnment: (11 Vurlav I'. NlminU, specialist In Mortlcnlturr, Department of Agrlcul turn. Charkow, Hilda,) Hy request of it representative of thii Mod ford Mall Trlbiini-, I am Klv lug my liupri-ulona of the Homuo rlvor valley, together with other (acta, which I trust will hoof some valiiii to tho fruit grower of thn valley. It wa only by accident that, 1 .Mopped at Medford for I had been I n for iimd that thta was not tho place io atop. My own Intuition, however, led mn to bellovu that I would tuako n mlitako If I did not atop at your iic-tutlful city, Medford and tho llogun rler valley ua a wholo wan very highly apoken of by people In the Kant, bill I wai not nblu to get imiuh Information about It lifter I riurlinl tho I'aclflc coiul. Orchard Spliiitlltl I war very kindly entertained by I'rofftMor O'Oarn, who took palu to show me nbout the valley, One thing I remarked waa that the orchard of till eccllon are kept In very flnu con dlllim. I later found out the reason why, namely, that this cleanliness la enforced by propor Inapectlon. 1 huso never acen n more careful H) li tem than I employed In your district. It would be well for other dlatrlcta to tako pattern after whnt you uro doing. I wn much Interested In tho eauiicry at Talent, Tho llagtey Can nlng company In certainly dolus n Kood work. Hern wo find producttt which would otherwise go to watn riropnrod Into pnlatablo foods, liven thu pcollugrt ami cores of apple, which uro canned, nrn lined for tho miiklUK of vinegar. I iiimpled tho varloua products, such an cuuiied pcara, peachea, tomutnes, etc., and found them excellent, Tint dried and evaporated fruits wero ulao of fluu quality. I wlih I could tall your pooplo tho vuluu of co-operation In fruit grow ing. In my country (HiihsIu), wo mr i 1 Mm m h 'iHbV-'4sssssssssU 'ssssssk I WITH YOUNG SON IN ARMS MAN TRIES SUICIDE TlTTft RurFp wIlArTLCT Tllln Ituffo l t. it ,in-n jinrn.il Ittillaii barytone wim nrnti iiinrir hi ttra! iiKariinci in il,r Mcim.im litmi i)hmt IIuIIm. ,i rL It U miitl Hill l. I Ibn litirim.t iirl'Cil IhitjU mi I In Krand epii.i M iji' i ia nt. .i w nalii U'.tKsJ eury lime be iiih. RUSSIA DEMAND RIGHT TO STATION SOLDIERS N NA (Contlnuod on page 3.) TEDDY ELECTOR 8E LONDON. Dec, 3 -DcmnuiU by Russia for a settlement of thn Mon golian situation on a bail suitable to Chtpcso honor are. detailed hero today hy the I'ekln correpondent of tho Dally Telegraph. The despatch say: "Itumla I determined to obtain railroad connection with her Persian lino not only nt Urga, hut In tho western .Mongolia administrative i-eu-tern. Mho further want tho right to station permanent garrison In those, place; mining right and a general rectification on thu frontier of thn Province of Holliing Chiang In Manchuria, In order to Includn cer tain dltiputed district within trana llalkalla." Theiio demandH, It Ih liluter, are not complete. Chlnu, In the meanwhile, purpose to distribute nt battullnna of Infantry among the 34 post sta lion between I'm a and Kalgan a a first step toward tho resumption of Chinese control. Refusal of Wife to Return to Him Leads to Rash Act Willi Six Year Old Clasped Tlflhl Ho Steps in Front of Fast Train. Doy Is Killed Instantly Out Man Is Only Broken Moans That He Meant to Go Also. THREE DAYS EACH WEEK A number of residents m the city liuvo confused lliu closing nT Hob (ViiMilcr'ri meat nIiiII nt the public market with the entire iimtilutioii mill now lielievo llio market eloHcil with Ilia exception of Saturday, Thin iu not tint enxe. Tlie inurket in open eueli TiiChiluy, Tliitrriilny titul Suttir ilny. , HCArri.C. Wash , Dec. 3, lie. cnuso hi wlfo would not return to him, C. A. Johnson, 35 years old, a laborer, stood In front of un Incoming passouger train at H o'clock thl morning with hi six year old sou Douglas In hi arm. The train threw the man from the track, broken but not dead. The whccla of tho engine and train pasted over the hoy cutting off hi head. Johnson und hi wlfo had been married eight year. They quar reled frouiicntly and separated. Johnson took tho boy anil went to M6utAna, returning last Friday, lie found hi wlfo and tried to patch up thulr 'quarrel. When sho refused to return to him he threatened suicide. He and Douglas vlilted Mr. John son at it 30 thl morning. "It )ou won't coma back to ut wo Will both go," atd Johiuon. Tli ii woman did not hclleve hn meant It and sho refused. The man and boy wero later seen leaving the O. & V. depot going south. About half a mile from the depot thoy mot tho train. Tho man gathered tho boy up In hi anna and stood on tho track disregarding tho frantic whistling of tho engineer. Tho engineer was unable to slow up In time. Johiuon hn cuts about tho head and it number of broken ribs. "1 didn't want It to turn out thut way," ho moaned on his hospital cot. "I wanted to go with tho boy." LADY PAGET NURSE i:OR BALKAN HEKOnS IPWsAJ; SENATE SITS AS iTURKEY AND COURT A A BALKAN ALLIES ON BRINK OE ARMISTC E ARCUBOLD CASE .Impeachment Proceedinns Start at VYashlnoton-Sesslons Will Start Dally at 2 O'clcck Until Trial Is Completed One Speech Only. NEW TRIAL FOR COREANS. PURIFIER LAFFERTY WIRES HE IS BUSY 1'OUTl.ANI), Doc :i.--"t uui eon t'erriug loiluy with officinlH of tho puliliu henllli, murine hospitals ser vice mill the department of justice in the mutter of ileviiiiiK' ways ami lueaiiii In htump out iiifnuinus urimes in the Uniteil Stilton." TIiih was the telegnim reeeiu'il tu- dnv fnun Hepirnenlntive A. I.nf- ferty in relation to tho pnnuihed )icliitv of tho covenimenl in the vice Hciimlul uneartlieil here. The telegram iudieaten Hint I.af- ferty will have n bill recommending rinlieiil It'Kihlution iu rvgnnl to Iho nationwide phase of the scandal com- mitteo from llio department of justice iusleml of hiniholf peiMimilly, ul- tliouch thia is not eoutinned. It nlco iudieaten that the prnho in- MMt. SLAVKO GROUITCM it up Th schvia cnAt t'f'tM rntts A story of iincr!ng and sacrifice linked with victory ned of the great tshidnes with which Lady I'agrt. wife of tho IlrltUh Sf InUter at lletcrailf, and other care for the troaodf.il noldlern brought from tho front In tho IlslWan war 1 teld In n letter rrcolrcd by Mmc. Hlavko Groultch. wife of the Servian Clurgd d'Affnlreii In London, who It directing tho Kervli'n Ilfd Crm work la America. , Iady Paget, win) It nursing the wounded In thu uohltal of the Clrvle of Sen h n Hlilcm. is the granddaugh ter of the Isle Mr, fa ran Stcrcu. ol New York city. MISSCAMERONAND NEGRO HUE WED & THIS AFTERNOON CHICAGO. Dee. :iClad in u fur coat, Jack JoIiiimiii, negro hoavy weJglil riiefighter, nceompuuietl hy iiia white vnlel, .lovph Ivy, scoured today n iiceiiM' to marry Lucille Cam erou, the white girl with whose ab duction ho is ehnrgeil. JoIi'imjii gnve Iiih a'e us :il, ami Mir-n CnuieronV as 18. The pugilixt wai followed through the htreclH by n his crowd. The weddini; is hchcilulcd Io tako place ut thu JohnMitv home hero nt 'J;'10 o'clock this afternoon. Hmergiiu; from the court liou-c, Ihe negro gunned and nmtcd the news paper men to ulleiiil the ceremony, jirontiMiiK them "iiimIIch of cjinm pnpie, a swell feiil ami a fine orches tra." lie said the minister of un Africnii-Molhodist church would of ficiate at Ihe wedding. II wns learned lily thai Jehuvin offered .midday lo pleud Riiilty lo the white slave charge against him if tho cno could he compromised. Assistant L'nited Klntos District 'At torney Parkin refused to listen In this plan, .loliuxui fiuukly ndtnilted he wiik worried ocr Iho prospect of tiiiir to the peuitentinry. Ooverumout officials declare they will not interfere with Ihe weddinjj this nfteruoon. It is believed the next legislaluro will pans a law pro venlinir iuler-marriago between white persons und negroes. Conpressman Clayton Makes Open ing Statement for Prosecutors Summing Up Evidence. WASIIINUTO.S'. Dee. .'I. The L'nited Stales senate today ut 12:30 rcxolved itself into a high court of imKiiehmeut to trylfobert ". Arch bald, associate justice of the federal court f commerce, on chnrgen of "inishchuvlor and misdemeanors" iu office. Kcnntiir Huron of (leorgin, presi dent pro fern, formally declared the senate a court. The c-nirt adjourned six minutes Inter, after having' agreed to a plan of formal procedure. The iuiciichmcnt court n green lo meet again at 2 "clock tin- after noon. When the court convened til l'J i'll), M'ven house mnnngerri, or "prosecutor" entered, ami occupied scats on the right of Senator Hneou, which will preside at the trial. Jud?.i Archbald and his counsel ?at on tlic opMisite side of the aixle. Senator Hucon announced that herenftcr tho se.siiou of tho coiut Xll tart nt 2 o'clock. Senator. K-) sou of Jlit'mesotn offered un order confining the statements of the mali ngers and the defendant's attorneys to one speech each, it was adopted without disncnt. Mrs. Archbald was an interested Sectntor, occupying n sent iu n pri vate gallery. The afternoon session wns delayed in au effort to secure u ((iionim. Congressman Clayton made the opening statement for the prosecutors coinpreheuifivelv suinmiu up the evi dence uguinst the accused juriSt. V t R hiV -fi 1 r,I,NrJEAl- TXZZAUCVil The pew trlsl on appeal of the 100 t'orenns who were convicted on !!cp icmbor 2S of partleltiatlon In n con idraey against the life of Count Tcr auclil. the Japanoe Coremor . Corc.i. U under way at jfeoul. The pieceilure In the uiNdl rase will cloel follow that during the flrt trial, but uev evl dence may be Introduced by Isith'vlde In Iho va scandal will begin sooner than espceted, due to the interest SQvernl btutes nre taking in the pro-position. 1 MEN E LOCAL MIGHT MOVE THERE KETTLE PALLS, Wn., Dee. 3 -Who wants to he mayor of Ketllu I alls7 Answer of Kettle Fulls eiti reus unanimously "nobody." Elec tion is on today but there nre no can didates. Tho voters uro writing names uf citizens on the blank bullnts on whom they want lo force the mayoralty und councihuauie jobs WOMAN CHASES WOULD-BE THIEF FOR TEN BLOCKS SEATTLE, Dee. 3. Fccllnc; a slrnuge hand iu her overcoat pocket Mrs. O. V. I.indley swune; around suddenly and lot looo with a smash ing slap on ii pickpocket's face last night. She then chased him for ten blocks to her homo, where her brother took up ihe pursuit, but tho thief escaped by crnw'linjr under a building. Ill SMITH RE-ELECTED MAYOR OF GRANTS PASS GRANTS 1'ASS. Ore., Dec. 3. Tho women took full advantage of the first opportunity given them to voto hero yesterday at the regular city election, fully one-half of the 1011 ballots east bein? by them. ItoVrt O. Smith wan re-elected mayor, re ceiving 81 0 votes to 033 for Ilobart n ml liU for Ilnulcy, socialist. All the old couneihucii who were up for re-election were defeated, and fivo of the eight member of the council will lie ultra drys. Two of .tho newly elected councilmcii are socialists and with two hold-over members belong ing to that political faith the social ists have ouo-half the membership of the body. AUSTRIA HAS E TROOPS READY TO IE SE inva: m First Move Would Mean Attack M Austria by Russia Friction ie tween Balkan- Allies Has Dlsap. peared Conference at ierlln. OF E FOHX WORTH. Texas, Dec 3. John II. Snoad, mtlllonalro banker of Amarillo, waa acquitted by a Jury hero today of tho murder of Captain A- (J. Uoyce, senior, In a Fort Worth hotel. Tho Jury retired lato yester day and roturncd Us verdict at 9:30 o'clock this rooming. Snail now stand trial for tho murder of Cap tain Uoyco's son. A. (. Uoyce, Junior. Tho Suead-Uoycu foud begau with tho elopmont of Mrs. Suead with tbo o'clock this morning. Snead now Uoyce, tenlor. during a. quarrel ut tho Metropolitan Hotel hero over tho elopment. Several weeks later Suead shot und killed IJoyco junior. MAY HIGH MN BACHAMKNTO, Cal., Dee. 3. KxcIuhIvo of tho Loa AnRoloa'canvasa not yet received horo, tho compiled election return now In tho hand of Secretary of fltuto Jordun, with tho Alameda flgurim uubjoct to posalblo alight chapgo boforo thoy aro pro uouueed official, glvo Wallace, tho leading prourestilvo elector, 308,017, and flrlffln, doniourut, 328,331, a. lend for thu latter of 30,314. Including thn Loa Angeles can van, glvlnrt Wallace 7B.B08 and Orlffln 05,110, tho totalu, unofficial, utand: k Wulluco, 388,015) Orlflln, 383,411. This I a plurality for tho Kooaovolt top doctor of 174, Theao flfiiiro do not tako Into ac count poHulhlo ohiiugua In Oraugo county, whore a recount ot two Ireclnctu la nukod, THE TURKISH SOLDIERS, BEATEN ON-ALL SIDES, ARE PICTURED FLEEING FROM THEIR ENEMIES aiaKUxaiU3Buau)Kgaa lwrMWaBjMaMsaMMmjnMm aBBBBBBBBBBalBBflBBBBBBBVVlVDaMll S3Q!wSHRBBvBBBBBlBBBBHiaBHBBBBBK HEIIIHUHILWbwmABDxCBGSm"''' r3TWvHRQttttMflVal1 ' cnHK BBCCmAiI,- jJLKBBHKBHHBBjHSaBaBalaaaaSaMaOB a.:'iwa)i;.iiriiftiay.Boatiisa'KayMnKa if(Mn)i.tHfMioiim'miiwai4nlifiPimrtwai LONDON', Dec. 3. While Turkey and the Hnlkaii allien ft til hesitate on the brink of an nrmUliec toOnV wfth a jrrowinir probability that no agree ment will bo reached, Hrltiah diplo mat nre far more cruvcly concerned over the tncrcnsinir ilnner Hint Eur ope i lo be involved lit war over a division of the spoil to bo reft from the sultan. Shun tin llo heels of Chancel lor Von Hethmnnn-IIollwec jingo speech in the Gennau reichstn;:. Aus tria, tho kaiser nlly, U rjnoted today as thrcntcninc; that a. division of her forces, mobilized nt Scmlin, Hungary, will move at onco into Sen in if, ui w expected Consul Kdl reports thut Servian, trooiwBiallreHlcior tnsultcil Austrians after the fH o"f Vrinrend. Thus would meaii war, an(l it i be lieved certain that Russia, which b reported to kay 500,000 men.reody in i'oiauu. wouin aiiMCK ,vjinn iiiq moment ep Aiwtrian hoMIer crossed tho Servian border. . UounmiiU I'riHrc at Iterllti The injection of itself into, tho al ready muddled situation of Itoumnnin is nbso causins 'the gravest anxiety. Ths vbji toilny of the crown prince of Itoumania to Herlin and hU ex pected interview tomorrow with this German foreign minister aro consid ered here as a certain indication thnt the kaiser and hi allies Italy and Austria have made plans to tover all eventualities. It i strongly sus pected in military quarter that it i planned that Kouraania, if nn Euro pean war seems unavoidable, will be cast in tho role of an nirgrcssor against Hulgaria. Then, if Ilussia comes to tho aid of her ally, Austria and Germany might tako a hand in the struggle without openly incurring the onus of starting hostilities. What position England and Eranco would take iu the struggle is in doubt. France, it is clearly shown, dcires to avoid being embroiled. Hritish coun sels, so far, have also been pacific, but its by no mean dear that thu understanding between the Triple Al liance would not prove slmiie; enough to put both French ami English ar mies in the field if thu test of battle really comes. Greece Itefuscs to Sign Greece' refusal to sign tho peneo protocol, which cuuiu toduy.ou defin ito instructions from Athens to tho Greek envoy i3 admitted to havo mndu more serious (ho bituulion which already existed. Tho refusal of thu other Ualkuii states to uet without Greceo ami tho evident determination that they (Continued on pago 3.) TH-r RTRAT OF TUHK.S FROM LULL EUHA5 OVER. $R.ID6E OF KAHA5TRAN 1Q CHATAUrV ShS MRS. HARRY THAW IS NOT A MOTHER NEW YORK, Dec. 3.Kmphalio denial of u report thut sho ii the mother of u boy baby was made from tho witness stand hero lodny by Mrs. Evelyn Thuw, wife of Hurry K. Thaw, blayer of Stanford White, Tho denial was entered during 'ho hearing of a $2011 suit brp'.tKM by tho Qorhum manufacturing c&uipauy for goods alloged to buyo been boii)!it by Mrs. Thaw und not pnid for. Under cross examination Mi. Thaw was asked if she had uny ahi iron. She reddened, "I most certainly buys nut' sh snapped buck. Mr. Thuw also (ufctifwd tkHt llsrrv Thaw is still rwpoEutlblu for Wf.bll HI tl m 1 i ,! .: W.rV. 'T'V c&f"