Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 30, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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9njm HHtwtMi
wyr tit " -
Occasional Shower- Mjur.
JWj ,Mln. ill; Vtw. .99,'.
I urlr-Bfoonil Tr.
Onlly llnvnnlli Trf.
r... ..,iu.i. t i-ii
Empire, Willi Temerity of Despera
tion, Plnylnii Last Cartl to Prevent
Growth of Slav Nation Adjacent
Fearlnn Disaffection of Own 8lavs.
Dominant Races In Austria Refuse
Equality to Slavs Who Menace
HOMi:, Nov. 30.---Why Austria's
warlike prcparalloriii now keep En
rnpo trembling on ttiu vergo of gen war U not hIuiio Hint It (car
H lun nggrvislou, Imt also Unit It
faces n disintegration of Its own
power mill tlio establishment of n
great Hlnv empire, according to
Uoiiltln DltNoliill, socialist unit Inlior
leader of tho llnllan parliament.
Dlssnlatl ami hln colleagues aro
bitterly ngulnst Italy' backing Aus
I rlu If tliu test u( war nhoulit come,
uiiil itni planning to opposo la every
pwulblo way tlm luo of ltullun bayo
nets to bolster iii tho menaced Aus
trtiin power. Ilo said;
ItMMililtl'n HUtt'llicllt
".'t Ic only too natural that Aus
trli with all of thn temerity of des
in ration, itlinutil piny Its I nut card.
In Urn now adjustment of thn Hal
I. unit lilcli will result from thn vie
tnry of thn Qiinnlruplo Alllauct.',
Austria fuel Itself defeated In Km
most Important policy. And why?
"Ho who wishes to grasp tho real
reason why Austria leola Itself de
feated along with Turkey hy the
arms of tho llalkan allies linn only
to raise Ilia glancu no thai It will
cimtiniro tho ontlro effect of tho
nltiilli)Hllmt(,Vi lieuu created (or
uslrla hy tlm unexpected Ilalkaii
catastrophe. A new oliil political or
ganization In about to ho formed on
lis confine n organltatlon In
which thu predominating element
will ho that of tho Hlnv. With mieh
a now organization perfected, It
would hecoini) at otico a router of at
traction for thn Hhtvii now living In
thn Austrian empire, und of whom
at present there uro 0,000,000 living
Immediately on tho boundary bo
tweeu Austria nud thn new llalkan
Slav organization that Is about to
Danger to Ati'trlu
"This nuw oiKiiilwtl"it In thn
Halkuus would not bo a danger In
Auittrln If It hnd within Itself thn
capacity to give satisfaction In ItH
Inner civil, political nud Industrial
life to thn Blav element, admitting
thn latter as tho third party In thu
constitutional nsioclBtlou. Hut tho
two dominant race In Austria tho
(lermmilc mid tho Magyar do not
Intend to ccdo miy of their pownr
and treat thn Hlnva hh If thoy woru
In a slate of sieRu while thoy. thu
Curmiiiilu mid Magyar peoples, play
thu rolo of police commlsslonerA di
recting thu tdogu. Nothing rumaluH,
therefore, except to avert tho peril,
(Continued on page s.)
f T
CHICAGO,, Nov. :I0,-HiiU similar
til tllllt III Illicit llgllilisl till) "lllllll-
lull t rust" Is homi lo ha tueil ngumst
tlm "moving pioluro Irusl" in l'hilii
i1eliliiu. Joseph It. Darling, Bpoulul
agent of the clepnrlmpnt of justioe,
unit Edwin 1'. (Irnsvonor, iihsiliint
iittoiney Kvnorul, Imvo bonii in Chi
nuKo inturviowlujr iuilepenilent pio
turu tlii'iitro ownvrji fur tlm IiihI week.
Dnvllnj,' hiiIiI today Hint thin now
not huslpuMH itomhiiuiliou has grown
lo iniiininoth proportions, und Hint it
repieHcnlB nil Investment of between
UUO.UUO.OOO und 1'JI),0U(),00I). Dur.
Uiil' wniil:
"It iniiliilniiiH ijoiitml of the moving
pinliiio lnmlncHs IliroiiKh u pool of
iU piitenlH on iiiui'hineH uml film pvo.
eeHhiirt, W hollovo wo will ho uhlo
lo foi'cu it refund of $10,000,000 lo
picture Iiuubu ownoru, whieh vu eon
toud linn boon illciilly volleutetl In
lleuiibo feoa,
' i -'-
t i u
Secretary Fisher Tells Bay City Rep
resentatives That Municipality
Must Buy Spring Valley Water
Company Out to Get New Supply.
Hcltl to Be Poor Policy to Grant Peo
ple Access to Government Reser
vation. WAHIIINfJTO.V, Nov. 30. Bun
I'tmicUco repn'ttcntAtlvcH at the
Ketch lletihy wuter project hearliiK
here today were told by Kecrctary
of the Interior Tinder that he would
reitilie thn city In tnku over tho
plant of thn tiprliu; Valley Water
company before hn would allow thn
uko of the I letch lletrhy water sup
ply. I'lsher held It would I hi poor
policy to Kraut Kan 1'nuulnco hccois
to a Kovoriitueul reservation for Its
water supply as n substitute for one
that iilrcudy exists.
The proposition that Kau I'rauclsrn
he compelled to ucuulre thn KprliiK
Valley loiupiiny before securliiK the
lletch lletchy grant was advanced hy
Attorney .McCutrheon, representing
(ho water company. It met with
Kecretnry Fisher's npproviil. Major
Itotpli prolested vlKoroiisly against
thn proposition, asserting Han Fran
cisco had been unable to buy the
Hprlng Valley except at an advance
of,000 over thu offer of thu
company nix yVar aKo. Tho hear
ing probably will clone tonight and a
decision Is expected before January
Y. M. C. A.
POHTI.A.S'I), Kov. ;i0.Hcf"i Us
iiiljoummeiit today the November
county Rrniiil jury relurneo! Mx nildi
tiounl iuilietmeulH for depraved prue
tieert in tlm oily. Four new men woru
Indicted hut the name of thu men
were withheld, und the (wo additional
cnunttt worn ncninst K. II. Ilculy,
florist und Dr. Hurry Start, rexpeo
lively. "We find, after mi c.xhiiutivn in
vestiKiitlou into tho iillcgcd Y. M. C.
A. bcmidiil eoinplete viiidientiou of
the officer und luiiiingemenl of the
institution und no reuxon for n ehiul
ow of KtHpieiou to bo eiixt upon its
Chief Probation Officer White in
formed tho Unite.) I'ichH today that
another very tinuuiurut l'ortliiiuler
hud been indicted, but it wiix ueees
kiiv to withhold his name for the time
An exploxiou of giixoliuu from u
leaky nuloiuohilu caused a fire whieh
destroyed W. II. lluiuphrey'K burn nt
KIH Kuxt Main und everything in it,
including Ihu iiuloinohile, lain Satur
day afternoon. Tho only thing unveil
was ii full 50-gullou tank of nuhuliiie
whieh Mr. Humphrey hauled out of
the hiiiii ut Home rink to himself.
Thu Haines htmicd underneath thu
unto und tho uolxu of tho exploding
gasoline tank could he heard u block
uwny. In few heeouilH thu wholo
burn wiik ablaze. The utitn wiik ii
1010 model Huyes IK) II. P.
MIOXICO OITV, Nov. ao. Carry
ing out bin throat that bo would put
to death any envoy ot poaco uont to
him by thu Madoro govorninont,
Kmlllo .apata, tho rohol lender
pasbad tho death penalty upon two
nion, according to iuIvIoob received
today from Kxcautla.
Ouo ot tho condemned mou wau
Bhot, but tho other oscapod.
- ..i.j ii
Youiid Burns, Son of Famous Detec
tive, States That San Franciscan
Furnished Funds With Which Cap
Ian and Schmidt Escaped,
Three Los Angles Explosions Ar
ranged at St. Louis Conference
Sourjht Hlher-Ups.
INWANAPOMK, In.!., Nov. .'10.
Olnf A. Tveilinoe of San Frnneineo,
neerelniy of the Asiatic Kxelusimi
luacue, furnished David t'nphiu mid
M. A. Kehinidt with fuiiiU to leave
Ihu country utter the dynamiting 't'
thu liri AligeleK Tiincrt building, in
eoi'iliiiK lo teulimony in the Hu-eiilled
dynamite enukpiruuy tiiul hern today
hv Hayinoiid Itiirnn, win ot Detective
"In Fchriiary, 1IH1," Hwore Hiirnn.
"I met II. S. Hoekiu, piecut m-itc
tiiry-ttriiHiirer of the liiteriiutioii il
Aoxoeiutiou of IIiIiIkc und Slrtietiiinl
frouworkerx, one of Hie defendant -I
iiHked Hint what hnd beeotue of
Cuphiii mid Schmidt, two of Hie men
who iiHKJMled .f if ii MeNmnnm to pre
pare for the Time job. 'Oh, they're
nil right,' lloekiu niiHwered. 'Tvcil
nine, nut in Smi Frniieiseo, in (nkiin:
care of them. Tlmv won't Miffer for
miythiug as louc um they are hi light
with him. He ix fiirnihiin; Hiem
with money through a Chiciigo labor
lender iiameil Nii'keN.'
riniincil i:plo-.lonM
"Hoekiu, who never hcMtutci! to
nuiwer imy nuehtlon regarding bin
nKsociateH, lobl mo that Tveitin ic
and John MeNmnnm urrmigcd for
thn tlin-e Iih AiiKele.i explolon?t,nt
it eonferciieif in St. Iiuis in JOIO.''
Under crown exmuiuntion Ilurus
admilted that he tniiled tho MeNii
mnriiH nud &ri,.rmrigal after thu
Timr explosion, hut allowing them
to commit other deprvdatioiiH, in or
der to "get the higher-up." He sold
that IluniK oKrntivcri also constantly
Hhndowrd Tveilinoe after the cxplo
mioii, otherH watching thu McN'ii-iiarn
homo in ('inciuunti.
Mri. Alto Hewkius was brought
Into tho court room from n hospital
on u Mretchcr. Hor legs .ire usels
UK a result f bullet wounds. Sl.u
testified that while Kriient Hm.ey of
Ciucinnuti, one of Ihn defe'danl",
moined nt her home in Indiana)!-,
had forecasted certain explosion
'lliM'MteiKMl Woman
ltasey, she said, wuh .illentiv.i to
her nt Ihu time of the IudinnuimlU
explosioni, und who asked hiu, re
garding them. ltasey said ho fteired
Mrs. Hawkins would tell thn notice,
but ho finnlly Haid: 'If vu ever re
peat to the K)lien miythiii); that I
tell vou I will kill you' "
I'nder cross ex;uni'inli'Mi Mrs
Hawkins said nho ui'cidentnl'y wonn
ded herself In tho !cS.
There was n brief respite from tho
fog whieh has enveloped thu valley
during the past week. Friday after
noon when tho fog lifted to form
high clouds, resulting inrnin. Tho
change endured about It) hours when
thu fug hanks again dropped down to
become denser than before, hut thu
sun enino out Saturday noun for the
Tho weather bureau recorded u
precipitation of .01) of nu inch of
rain rridny night. Additional rain
is predicted for tonight und Sunday.
MILWAUKHK, Wis., Nov. 30. "It
was the lauk of proper training Hint
eaused Ad to loso his title,"
Tills wuh tho explanation given
hero today hy Otto Wolgnst, brother
of tho former lightweight ulminplon.
"If Atl had been in proper condi
tion ho would still bu champion. I
don't think hu intentionally fouled
lUtehiov Ad would prefer (o lobu
standing on both feot ami fighting to
(ho cud,"
Mail Tribune
i rjjnTifef '
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ltttv Rfi BmWM i.r.H.-?. jki tf
RBpwI?iMW' in. ;-'V . K H-i' .' ," fflH
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Vm irui Bute AUwt'KiehaiaitvKetb
Tho ItuMlsa ImperUl Crown Prince Is suffering from tuberculosis of the
hip Joint nd hemophilia, eirludliiK any hope for complete reoturallou to
health. accordiuR to the SL Petersburg correspondent of Hie VussUchc ZvIiuiik
wbo says bo lias all Information from an nlnnlutcly authentic source.
Th Illness or the TsareTltcU, Orand Duke Alexis Mebolalerlteh. has lecn
shroudetl In mystery. Msny rumors have Im-cii current, but none heretofore
tiave lieen riven ranch credence.
The Tsarerltch it the only son of the Tsar and was born en July 30, IJXM
tie !s now elcht years old.
AHI-:itI)Ki:.. Scotland, Jov. 110.
Mislakiiif tho ltev, Forbet Jiiekoii
for Chuncellor of the Kxchoipicr Da
vid Lloyit-Ocurgr, n fiiiffnigelte ml
iniiiistered a sevcru horsowhippiin;
across the clcivviauu's face here to
day. She was arrested, l'our other
suffragettes were urrnsted in eon
ueetiou with l.loyd-deorge land la
meeting hero last night, including a
girl who thi-ow a stono through tho
window of mi automobile in which
thu chancellor was supposed t- be.
Another woman was arrested with u
dummy bond) in her possession. One
of thn suffragettes nrrested, (liaee
Look, when denied nu immediate trial
today, removed her kIioo und tluow
it nt tho examining magistrate. She
was hvul to jiiiI for contempt of
lMiTammo, i'a., Nov. so.- or-
flelula of tho Carneglo Steel company
today plan lo Import moro atrlku
breakora to tlicUraddock and Homu
stoad mills to break tho trnluamou's
Btrlko. OporatlonB will bo rosumod
tomorrow, thoy say, In all depurt
inontH. Strlko loadors predict nt tho Im
portation ot moro strikebreakers will
mean a walkout ot 10,000 other em
ployes. Tho jtrlkera' commlttuo Is
trying to Induce, trainmen at other
plauta ot tho stuol corporation to
Join thorn in a sympathetic, strlko.
m v r
CHICAGO, Nov. :10. Lucille Cum
eion, the nineteen year old white girl
of Minneapolis, for whoso alleged nb
duelioii Jack Johnson, the negro pu
ttilist, was first arrested here, bus
disappeared. Johnson admits ho
knew she hud left her mother. Imt
suys ho does not know where sho Is.
Thn big bluek fighter is beiur elos.'ly
Wiitobed by government detcettve'-.
Mrs. F. Cmneron Falconer, mother
of the girl, told District Attorney Wil
kcrson today that shu knows uothiue;
of tho whereabouts of her daughter.
Johnson, when ipiestioncd as to the
disappearance, said ho hud received
letters from the girl oxprcssing her
love und stating that situ was willing
to accept a proposal of utuniugi
from him. Ilo suid ho wns ivmlv to
mnr'r.v her if it could ho urruugvti.
Johnson averted that thu gir!
wrote him sho hud disowned her
mother nud arranged to return to
him. Johnson declared ho wouid
nsk u socialist newspaper hero to
publish her letters, ''heemiso it is the
only Chicago paper to givo urn u
sipiiire deal."
NHW YOltK, Nov, ail. -Uttlo
chaugo In prices was evident at tho
opening of tho stock market, but tho
touo was (Inn. Trading was small.
Canadian Pacific, St. Paul, and
lletholohom Stool roso 1 to lMi. Ko
lief from tho Ilulgo In call mouoy
ratos la pretllctod next week. Tho
markot closed strong.
Hardfought Struyglc In Mud Be
comes Puntinrj Contest With Neith
er Side Belnp. Able to Score Until
the Last Period.
Sailors Score Two Field Goals in
Final Minutes ot the Game Line
Buckinn Fails.
In a hard fought itrugglo on Frank
lin Field hero this afternoon tho
.Vara! Academy football team de
feated the West Point military nca
deny cloven by a scoro of stx to
nothing. Tho Navy scored two field
go.'ls In the last period.
There wcro no scores made In the
thrpe first periods. Tho gamo was
a long punting duel with neither
team being able to gain consistently.
A soggy field continually Interfered
with the running of tho players, who
appeared to bo unable to get
When the fourth ami last period
opened Ilrown of tho Navy tried des
perately for a field goal but failed.
Mclteavy, Ilrown and Ilhodcs ham
mered tho Army line, forcing tho
soldiers to givo ground and finally
planting the ball on tho Army 10
yard line. Ilrown fell back for a
place kick, and sent the ball square
ly between tho posU from tho twenty-five
yard lino.
On tho kick-off tho Navy re
ceived tho ball and Immediately
punted. They recovered tho sphere
on tho Array's twenty yard lino.
Again line plunging wa attempted,
but tho aggressors lost eight yards.
Ilrown onco mora fell back for a
placo kick and onco more was suc
cessful, sending tho ball squarely be
tween the goal posts from tho thirty
seven yard line.
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 30. Dr.
Frederick Cook, Arctic explorer and
discredited after claiming to have
located tho north pole, who U hero
today, stated that ho is to Institute
proceedings against Admiral Itobcrt
K. Peary In tho federal courts at
tho earliest possible dato to prove
that Poary defamed his character
and also that ho was as near to the
Polo as Peary.
Dr. Cook declared In an interview
that ho Is In tho northwest primar
ily to gather evidence against Ed
ward Uarrlll of Tacoma, who was
his guldo in tho Mount McKlnloy
trip. Ho makes tho positive state
ment that Uarrlll was bribed to the
extent of Sl'.'OO to discredit him and
claims to know tho Tacoma bank and
tho name of tho banker negotiating
tho alleged bribe.
UEULIN, Nov. 30. Tension be
twoon Austria und steadily
increasing all official and semi-official
statements to tho contrary, not
withstanding. Tho feeling is grow
ing In Uoriln that thoro is great dan
gor of anothor war following tho
settlement ot tho Ualkan war. This
is further lutonsiflcd by tho growing
unrest and agitation among tho
Czocs, Servians and other branches
of tho Slav raco in Austria.
Tho Sorvlana in Austria aro so
greatly elated ovor Servian suc
cesses that thoy aro opeuly express
ing tho hopo that tho time is not far
distant when thoy, too, may bo in
cluded In ho Servian kingdom, or
empire, as thoy torm It, In vlow ot
this threatening dangor, Austria, it
Is felt hero, must and will tako a
strong stand agatust Sorvia occupy
ing tho Turkish torrltory bordoring
on tho Adriatic Soa,
NO. 215.
Descendant of Greek Emperors
Would Settle Controversy by Cre
atirtfl Buffer Kingdom at Constan
tinople With Herself as Queen.
Neutrality of Dardanelles Would le
Thus Preserved to All Katl&n's
LONDON, Nov. HO. With tho
great powers nnd the victorious Hal
knn Mates snarling over who is go
iiiK to have Constantinople, n Loudon
woman offered today a solution of
the difficulty. Princess Eugeuio
Christoforous Pulcologus suggests
that she ho allowed to tako over the
city, where her ancestors, tho Byznu
tino emperors, ruled before the Turks
entered Europe-
Living quietly in tho fathionnhla
Kensington district of London, thu
princess, who is of English birth, is
undoubtedly the direct descendant of
tho ancient Greek emperors. Her
IKtdigrco has been authenticated by
the Maltese chunery.
Just after' the war broke out a
number of well known English and
Aidcrienn women liviittr in London in
terested themselves in her case una
formed a committee to press her
cluiius. They now nro raising funds
to send the "empress" to Constanti
nople, where bhe will be ready, should
the situation warrant it, "to appear
before the people nud demand her
restoration to the throne of her an
cestors." It is pointed out that the r.reiltion
of a small bnfferHtatvcettteriug"oii
tho ancient Hyznntine capital, is ab
solutely necessary to preserve tiro
neutrality of the Dardanelles nnd
keep tho channel perpetually open
nnd free for tho commerce of all na
tions. It is the only logical solution,
her friends declare, nud tho Military
League of Athens calls her tho bono
of tho Greeks nud promises to sup
port her in tho event of her deciding
to raise the cross to tho dome of St.
Sofia cathedral again.
The MVdrord polico force, at least
as fur as tho women are concerned, is
to be placed upon a civil service basis
mid examination is tho basis of ap
pointment. This is indicated today
when the committee upiwintcd by tho
Greuter Medford club to chooso some
woman to recommend for appoint
ment us xilice matron to tho city
council Tuesday evening, announced
that it would sit Monday ufteruooj,
b'egiuuing nt 1 :1IQ o'clock for tho pur
pose of examining all applicants for
tho position. Tho meeting will ho held
ou tho mezzanine floor of tho Med
ford hotel. Tho committee consists
of Mrs. J. F. Itcddy, Mrs. O. W.
Davidson, Mrs. M. L. Alford, Mrs. E.
B. Picket and Mrs. J. D Heard
Tho committee will also recom
mend that tho matron ha paid $7.1 u
month, whieh is paid present officers,
and that tho matron bo on duty 1
hours u day commencing ut iiouu
daily working until midnight.
Tho examining board will have n
seoro of applications to consider,
muny being in ulrondy,
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 30,
Johnny Kilbauo, featherweight cham
pion, udnutted here today th'it bis
fight with Tommy MeGinuity nt
Johnstown, Pa., October 28 was a
fake, Kilbauo bunt thut'hoforo tho
fight he urged his miumger, Jimmy
Dunn, to enncul it, but that Dunn de
clined und bo thou went ahead with
tho bout.