I I tit I ft ' 'W MIWKOIII) MAII- TIMIMIKIO, MUDKOItl). OIILflOX I'KIDAV, .VOVKAIIIKII HI, IU.I2. "'""'"""r 'VJl7SJ.lii 13 Ufc 1 I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? y ? T ? ? ? ? Y V t X ? ? ? ? Y ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ? f t Y y y y f x Y Y y & MANNS RpH Figure Sale MANNS CENTRAL AVE,, NEAR P.O. JIB JL M Jtim W AJ CENTRAL AVE., HEAE P. O. Opens Saturday, November 30th and Continues All December No half way measures here This sale has been forced upon us We do not have to close up to mark our goods down -We are not compelled to raise a certain amount of money within a giyen time, but we will not be undersold by anyone, hence the reason for this sale Everything in the store marked down LOOK FOR THE RED FIGURES u-t Not a few baits to catch the unwary buyer, but a bonifide mark-down sale Be Wise Shop Early Before the Rush Begins Extra Sales People Ready-to-Wear Garments at Less Than Cost; Women' $i:i.(M) Suit $9.9S Women's $20.00 Suits $1 2.18 Women's 25.00 Suits $1.48 Women's 10.00 Suits $10.98 Women's .:j:.()0 Suits $24.48 Women's $10.00 Dresses $5.08 Women's .? 12.00 Dresses $7.4S Women's 15.00 Dresses . . $0.98 Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's $8.00 Con ts $10.00 Coats $12.50 Coats $15.00 Coats $20.00 Coats $25.00 Coats . 10.00 Coats $:."5.00 Coats ( i .. $:;.98 .... . $6.48 $S.48 .. . . $9.98 .. $12.48 .. $16.98 .. $19.98 . $24.4S Silks and Dress Goods at Mill Prices 5!)c All Wool Batiste, now 48c MJr All Wool Seizes, now 69 $l.2o All Wool Dress floods, now 9S 1.50 All Wool Dress Goods, now $1.19 $2.00 All Wool Dress Goods, now $1.69 $2..")0 All Wool Dress Goods, now $1.98 50c Fancy IMaids, now 39 75e Mescalines, now 44 $1.25 Mcssal ines, now , 9S $1.25 Faney Silks, now 98tf $1.50 Fancy Silks, now $1.19 $2.00 Faney Silks, now $1.48 75e Corduroys, now 4S $1.25 Dress Arolvcts,, now 98 50 Silk and Net Waists, up to Clark's O. X. T. 50 Silk and Net Waists, nines Uest darinn; cot- $5.00 values, now, ?9 QQ ! Thread, ' up to$S.()0, now, GO (JO ; ton, now each fl.Otf ,7 spools 25 each tfd.tJO w,u .ji. 1 50 all AVool Sweatee, up to $5.00 values, now. (?9 JO each $.10 Good Pins, large nailer. jiow ll 100 Flannel AVaists, up to $2.v0 values, on sale ' f 9 Q ViiVv now GLOVES AT MANUFACTURER'S , PRICES Women's $1.00 Cape Gloves, now .. ..4Stf Women's $1.50 Cape Glows, now .. ..9Sd Women's $2.00 Cape Gloves, now ..$1.29 Woiik n's $1.25 Dress Gloves, now 98c Women's $1.75 Dress Gloves, now '..$1.59 AVomen's $2.75 l,oiitf Gloves, now ...$2.:J9 AVomen's $:J.50 Long Gloves, now $2.98 Women's Cashmere Gloves .'.... Women's 50e Casimere Gloves Wiuuen's 50c Golf Gloves W01 's $1.25 Auto Gloves . . Women's $2.50 Chamois Gloves Women's $1.75 Chamois Gloves Women's $1.75 Suede Gloves 2:: 44 44 US? 91.159 $1.59 BIG- CUTS IN OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS AVomen's 75e Gowns, now ... . AVomen's $1.25 Gowns, now . . AVomen's $1.50 Gowns, now..... Women's 75e Skirts, now ..4S ..S9 ..9Stf ..4S BIG CUTS IN CORSETS AND AVAISTS Children's 13c Knit Waists, now ...v...10 Women's 75c Rust IM-onl" Corsets 4S Women's !5!)c IMain Aprons 29 Women's IIDc Kancy Aprons 29 Women's 75c Imiiicv Aprons 48 Women's 50c Percale Aprons 29 Women's 75c. Kimonos 4S Women's $1.50 Head Searl's 69 BIG CUTS IN WINTER UNDERWEAR AVomen's 75e Union Suits, now 59 Women's $1.25 Union Suits, now..:. 9S rWomeifs $1.50 Union Suits, now $1.19 AVomen's $2.25 Union Suits, now $1.98 AVomen's $2.1)8 Union Suits, now $2.39 AVomen's :)e Kleeced Vests, now 23 AVomen's :i!)e IHeeced Pants, now 23 Children's :Ke Fleeced Vests, now 23 Children's 155c Fleeced Pants, now 23 AVomen's l5e Pleeeed Pants, now 44 AVomen's Fleeced Vests, now 44 AVomen's $1.00 AVool Vests, now 89 Women's $1.00 Wool Pants, now S9 BIG CUTS IN HOSII. 1Y 4 AVomen's 15c Hosiery, now 9 AVomen's 25c Hosiery, now ....., 15 AVomen's i0e Lisle Hose 2i AVomen's tioc Lisle Hose 44 AVomen's $1.00 Silk Hose .'. S9 AVomen's $1.50 Silk Hose $1.39 Children's 15c Black Hose 9 Children's 20c Black Hose 12V8 Children's 0c Black Hose...... 23 BIG CUTS IN YARNS Fleischer's Shetland Floss, a skein, 9 Fleischer's Germantown, a skein 11" Fleischer's Knitting Yarn, a skein,.. .V..P Women's Tailored Waists, -cil values $1.75. Ued $1 1Q Figure price P11J Women's Das, 75'e value Hand ...4Stf AVomen's Lingerie Waists, uj to Women's $1 ines- Women's Sateen Petticoats, $1.00 1 AVomen's Hand All our jiew slock of X mas Hand $3.00 values, QQi saline vj values, on sale now, M0o Bags, $J. 25 Juychiefs at reduced prices A each .. "Oli Pcttinmls $1.9Sieach V values 98 Specials at, each BIG OUTS IN DOMESTICS 72.!)0 Sheets, (J0c values 39ri 12 and 15 inch Pillow Slips 121U: 10c Cotton Halts, now 8t 25e Cotton LJatts, now , 12(S 25c Cotton Hatts, now..,....-. 14c :iiic Cotton Halts, now I ld $1,001) lh Halts, now v 69tf $1.25 lh Halts, now 98: It!) inch Cotton Challib, a yard 11? BIG CUTS IN BLANKETS li.'Jc (frcy Hlankets, now, a pair 39 85c Grey Hlankets, now, a pair 69o $1.00 Grey Hlankets, now, a pair...!- 89tf $l.'i5 Cotton Hlankets, now, a pair 9S $1.25 Cotton Hlankets, now, 11 pair. $1,19 $2.00 Cotton Hlankets, now, a pair $1.69 $1.25 Comforters, now 9S $2.00 Comforters, liow .'. $1.69 $l.(f) full size Ueil Spreads $1.48 BIG CUTS IN WASH GOODS Best quality Cotton Challie 5 Best quality Oil Cloth, a yard 19f Good 10c Outing Flannel, a yard 7? Good 12' mc Oulinj? Flannel, a yard.'. 9 Good 20c Ginghams, a yard s 12' BIG CUTS IN TOWELS 80 Turkish Towels, now 121i $1.25 full size lied Spreads !...9S $l.a) full size Bed Spreads $1.19 69c full size Hed Spreads S....$1.4S BIG CUTS IN NOTIONS Good J lair Nets, now, each 4 Good Aral Laces, now, a yard 4 Good Cotton Tape, now, a roll 2 Good Dress Shields, now, u fTaiK 15 BIG CUTS IN LINENS (i0 inch Tahlo Damask, a yard..., 39 Good size Napkins, now, a dozen -$8,jp 1 25c Guest Toweling, a ym'd v ."ltyV -I0o Guest Towuliuij, a yard 29c: 50c Guest Toweling, u yard 39fv Opens Saturday, November 30th and Continues All December MANN'S CENTRAL AVE,, NEAR P, O. Red Figure Sale MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. O. 4 ' j K iiiiiHfrw; M" ill m r- U "A I s i li u 'f. '